I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 292 Return, Settlement Rewards [10,000 words]

Soon, a strange look appeared on Mumuya's face.

"Butler Mori, there is another extra task." Mumuya said in his heart.

"Speak." Mu Rufeng was very frugal with words.

"He asked me to pour the formalin solution into the fireplace on the first floor, and at least into a large vat." Mumuya thought.

"Formalin?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Formalin is a water solution of formaldehyde. It is colorless and transparent in appearance and corrosive. Because the formaldehyde contained in it is highly volatile, it will emit a strong pungent smell as soon as it is opened.

Formaldehyde is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Under normal circumstances, it is in a gaseous state and has the characteristics of strongly irritating the eye membrane and respiratory organs.

The formaldehyde content of formalin is 35% to 40% (usually 37%), and 10% to 15% methanol is also added to prevent polymerization. It has the functions of preservation, disinfection and bleaching.

Medical students usually put corpses in formalin for preservation.

Formalin is a formaldehyde solution. Pure formaldehyde will burn or explode when it encounters an open flame. The maximum formaldehyde content in the formaldehyde solution is only 40%, so the formaldehyde solution will not burn when it encounters an open flame, but will extinguish the open flame.

However, Mu Rufeng had already discovered that the formaldehyde content of those formalins seemed to be very high, and it would definitely have a great combustion-supporting effect.

"Is there a time limit?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, within 1 hour."

Mu Rufeng used his ability to ask repeatedly and confirmed that Mu Muya was not lying.

"Don't worry about it, go to the third floor and wait for me." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Muya responded and then left.

Mu Rufeng is a little confused now, why did he give Mu Muya this task.

He already knows that it is not the copy rules that give them, the contractors, extra tasks, but Borel.

I don't know what bad ideas this guy is up to.

With the departure of Mu Muya, the sundries became quiet.

Mu Rufeng's ghosts had long been restrained, and he carefully checked in the utility room.

If nothing unexpected happened, the fourth fireplace should be in this utility room.

Sure enough, Mu Rufeng found a corner of the fireplace under a pile of miscellaneous things in the corner.

However, Mu Rufeng did not foolishly open the fireplace, but floated on the ceiling and silently looked at the safe in the trash can.

One minute later, three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes later, there was a change in the utility room.

I saw a black mist slowly emerging from the corner of the fireplace, and finally formed a black ghost hand.

The ghost hand extended two meters, directly took out the safe in the trash can, and then went to the fireplace.

Mu Rufeng watched this scene quietly and did not stop it.

After all, the heart in the safe was just the heart of a corpse in the real world.

The real heart is still in Mu Rufeng's inventory.

"It seems that my guess is right. There is indeed a manipulator behind the scenes in the castle. It is most likely to be Boler." Mu Rufeng murmured.

Then Mu Rufeng left the utility room and went down to the third floor.

He removed his own virtualization and abilities and appeared beside Mu Muya.

"Now, the fourth round of the game." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Butler Mori." Mu Muya responded quickly.

The fourth round of the game is even more difficult.

In Mu Rufeng's words, if you are not smart enough, you can basically say that you will die.

Because the death game of this level is to capture a fleeing monster and then put it back in the cage.

You know, those fleeing monsters are at least level 7 monsters. How can Mu Muya, a level 4 contractor, capture them?

Moreover, even if the six contractors who did not return, they work together to capture them, there is no hope at all.

After hearing the rules of the game, Mu Muya felt like her mother had died.

"Well, Butler Sen, those monsters are so strong that I can't complete it alone."

"Butler Sen, you said you would help me complete it." Mumuya said to Mu Rufeng quickly.

"Do you know what is the most important thing for players in the dungeon of the weird world?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Strength." Mumuya said without thinking.

"Strength? No matter how strong you are, can you be stronger than the weirdness and rules in the dungeon?" Mu Rufeng said with a sneer.

"Then that's wisdom." Mumuya thought for a while and said.

"Yes, the most important thing is wisdom. Just like you just entered the dungeon, do you have strength? Do you rely on luck or wisdom?"

"So, you might as well use your brain to think about how you need to complete this death game?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Release the monsters imprisoned on the third floor, and then catch them again?" Mumuya thought for a while, and then said in a low voice.

".The creature released is also a level 7 strange creature. What, do you want me to help you? I want to be fair and just. I can't break the rules to help you every time. I can only remind you." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Muya didn't dare to speak after hearing this, and his mind began to work frantically.

To be honest, if this idiot really can't think of a solution, then Mu Rufeng can only break the rules and force him to help.

It's obviously such a simple death game, why can't he figure it out?

Before, he thought it was okay to break the rules, and his own rules could suppress it.

But now that he knew that this guy, Borel, was the mastermind behind the castle, he could not break the rules at will.

"I thought of it. Formaldehyde. Some organs in formaldehyde are alive. If I take them all out and let them run away, and then catch them again, can it be done?" Mumuya shouted excitedly.

"Then why are you still standing there? Go quickly." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

Mumuya, who was not sure at first, was sure of it instantly after hearing what Mu Rufeng said, and then quickly walked towards the third floor.

Ten minutes later, Mumuya successfully completed the fourth round of the death game.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also let him take a bucket of formalin into his inventory.

At the same time, the fifth floor was also open to him.

"Mumuya, go back to your room and rest now. Remember the time. In twenty minutes, you will complete your extra task." Mu Rufeng said to Mumuya.

"Yes, Butler Sen." Mumuya nodded repeatedly.

Then Mu Rufeng went to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is the top floor. There are no stairs to go up.

The floor of this floor is completely different from the floor below. It is very large and spacious, and there is also a small tower-like space.

It also confirms the layout of the castle from the outside.

There is a room on this floor. After taking a look inside, it is the room of the owner of the castle.

In addition, there are glass cabinets everywhere, which contain a large number of strange creatures.

Mu Rufeng even saw a mermaid.

Mu Rufeng guessed that the glass cabinets should be exhibits and specimens, which were collected here by the original owner of the castle, Borel.

It can be seen that these are not weird, but all kinds of transformed orcs and a few rare and exotic animals.

Mu Rufeng doesn't know whether this mermaid was transformed or originally captured from the real world.

This can be learned later.

After walking around the area and looking at the glass display cases one by one, he was ready to enter the room of the owner of the castle.

However, it was a pity that the door was locked and could not be opened, even with the key.

Mu Rufeng was relieved soon. The key was found in the housekeeper's room. Although it could open all the doors in the castle, it definitely would not include the door of the owner's room.

Mu Rufeng was not panicked at all. After he became virtual, he did not need the master key and entered here easily.

Mu Rufeng glanced here and found that the layout was similar to that of the housekeeper's room.

It was just that it was more luxurious and had more luxury goods.

In addition, Mu Rufeng also saw the fifth fireplace in the study.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's eyes were attracted by a very familiar thing on the desk, which was the safe.

At this moment, the safe had been opened, and the heart inside had disappeared.

Mu Rufeng's eyes condensed slightly. Sure enough, this guy, Borel, had been staying here all the time.

Just saying, I don't see his figure now, where did he go?

Mu Rufeng suddenly looked at the fireplace.

Without saying a word, Mu Rufeng took out one million soul notes and threw them in, and directly ignited the fireplace.

Then, Mu Rufeng immediately returned to the utility room on the fourth floor, moved the sundries away, and quickly threw in one million, and also ignited the fireplace.

[Congratulations to Dogula Sen, you have successfully ignited five fireplaces, all the current fireplaces have been ignited, and your clearance score has been greatly improved]

[All the fireplaces in the castle are currently ignited, you are now the second owner of the castle, and you can control the power of the castle]

Almost instantly, Mu Rufeng felt that he had completely controlled the castle, and some information appeared in his mind.

This castle is actually an eighth-level group force. After controlling it, it will have the power of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

And after all the five fireplaces are ignited, as the owner, you can regain control of the power of the castle.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng knew why Borel gave Michelle the order to find the spy and kill him.

Because the spy was here to cause trouble, in order to make the soul notes in the fireplace extinguish faster, it is likely that the order was issued by the troll?

The instructions given by Borel to Mumuya were also tasks that were beneficial to the owner of the castle.

Whether it was stealing the key or the heart, formalin had to be poured into the fireplace.

Because the formalin here is special, with a high formaldehyde content, it can definitely cause the flame in the fireplace to explode.

Mu Rufeng guessed that the five fireplaces should be connected to each other.

After the flame in the fireplace on the first floor exploded, it might cause the five fireplaces to burn together?

In this case, can Borel control all the power of the castle during the burning period?

According to current speculation, Mu Rufeng tends to believe that Borel was dismembered and is now gathering his various organs.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng was more certain.

At this time, a powerful force acted on Mu Rufeng, which was the power of the castle.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately controlled the power and let it disappear.

Soon, a dark shadow appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"You are obviously just the acting housekeeper, why? Why can you also control the power of the castle." The black shadow looked at Mu Rufeng, his face full of disbelief.

As the owner of the castle, Borel, who controls the power of the castle, can also find Mu Rufeng in the virtual state.

"Acting housekeeper? Sorry, I am the owner of the castle now." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

He now knows that his identity is the owner of the castle, and Borel is also the owner.

He is not depriving others of their identities, so both of them can control the power of the castle.

It seems that they are absolutely unable to do anything to each other.

"Impossible, the owner of the castle is me, Viscount Borel!" Borel shouted loudly.

"Did you take my limbs and organs away?" Borel stared at Mu Rufeng.

"No." Mu Rufeng said.

"Damn it, do you believe I will kill you?" Borel took a step forward, and the terrifying aura spread.

The original eighth-level aura actually faintly exuded the aura of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

He added the power of the castle to himself.

"Want to kill me? You are still a little naive." Mu Rufeng also released the breath of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

Mu Rufeng also added the power of the castle to himself.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng possessed the power of the ghost emperor, and he really possessed the power of the ghost emperor.

This feeling was very mysterious, and it made Mu Rufeng immersed in it, as if he could move mountains and fill the sea with a wave of his hand, and pick the stars and the moon.

"What method did you use to control the power of the castle?" The black shadow did not dare to do it.

In terms of breath alone, he was not as strong as Mu Rufeng.

Even after blessing, as a ninth-level ghost emperor, his breath was still not as strong as Mu Rufeng.

After all, Mu Rufeng's three-dimensional attributes broke through more than 10,000, and the ghost power level reached the ninth-level ghost emperor. One plus one is greater than three.

"I don't know, I was the owner of the castle when I came in." Mu Rufeng shrugged.

"What are you going to do?" Boler asked.

"You should also know that I'm just a contractor, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course I know." Bolair has calmed down now.

He was too shocked that Mu Rufeng could control the power of the castle before, but he thought that Mu Rufeng was just a contractor and would return sooner or later.

After Mu Rufeng returned, the castle would still belong to Viscount Bolair, so they must not fight, otherwise, he would be the only one who would suffer.

"I'm very interested in your technology. I wonder if you can copy it for me." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Technology? Impossible, no negotiation. This technology is the result of my years of research and I will never give it to you." Bolair was extremely excited when he heard this.

"You won't give it to me? That's fine. I'll just look for it in the real world."

"Viscount Borel, if I'm not mistaken, you are all the existences reflected in the weird world from the real world, right?"

"The eagle girl is called Janice, and the giant monster is called Gulas. You took them and the people in the village back to the castle for experiments."

"In the end, you blew up the cliff under the castle, and fell into the seabed and died together. Although a hundred years have passed, I should be able to find some traces when I return to the real world, right? Maybe there are technical data?" Mu Rufeng looked at Borel and said lightly.

"How do you know this?" Borel was shocked again. He really didn't expect Mu Rufeng to know everything about them.

"Don't worry about how I know this. You can play here slowly. I'll go to complete the death game for Mu Muya and then return." Mu Rufeng said, and appeared in Mu Muya's room on the second floor with a flash.

At this moment, Mu Muya was sitting on the bed, massaging the waist of a fat female contracted ghost.

When Mu Rufeng appeared, Mu Muya hadn't noticed it yet, but the fat contracted ghost shivered all over.

"Meet the master!" The contracted ghost quickly got up and saluted Mu Rufeng.

If Mu Rufeng hadn't come, she could have returned to Mu Muya's contract slot directly.

But now that Mu Rufeng was here, if she went back without saying hello, she would not give Mu Rufeng face, and Mu Rufeng might kill her in a minute.

"Butler Sen, you are here." Mu Muya also reacted and stood up quickly.

"You are playing very colorfully." Mu Rufeng looked at the fat contracted ghost and chuckled.

Although this contracted ghost is a little fat, it looks no different from a normal person, which is better than giving massages to those weird, disgusting and pus-filled ghosts.

"No, that, Butler Sen, Sister Sisi doesn't want her waist, and I massage it every day." Mu Muya said quickly.

"Forget it, it's none of my business. Now go and complete the extra task. After you finish, follow me to the fifth floor to complete the last round of the death game." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Butler Mori." Mu Muya nodded repeatedly upon hearing this.

"Sir, then I will enter the contract slot first?" Sister Sisi said hurriedly.

However, before Mu Rufeng could reply, Borel also appeared in the room.

When Mu Rufeng came, the breath of the Ghost King was restrained, but Sister Sisi also knew that Mu Rufeng was an eighth-level Ghost King, so she was very respectful.

When Borel appeared, the breath of the ninth-level Ghost King was not restrained, so Sister Sisi was so scared that her heart almost exploded.

"Meet the Ghost Emperor!" She didn't dare to leave, she didn't dare to leave at all. She decided that no matter what copy it was, she would never come out of the contract slot again.

It was really terrible.

Borel didn't pay any attention to Sister Sisi, the fourth-level contract ghost, but said to Mu Rufeng: "I agreed. I will give you the technology, but you have to give me all my limbs, including the heart, and you can't take the soul notes in the fireplace."

Borel still compromised.

"Very good, this is right. We don't have any conflict of interest. Cooperation is the basis for win-win." Mu Rufeng had a smile on his face.

It's just a few hundred million soul notes. He has plenty of money.

"Let me see my heart, limbs, brain, and eyeballs first." Borel said.

Mu Rufeng heard this and immediately his mind moved, and all of them emerged.

Borel was a little excited when he saw his body.

When he woke up, the only place he could stay was his room on the fifth floor.

In addition, he could only wander around in the five fireplaces.

Therefore, even if he knew where his limbs were, he couldn't get them, and he couldn't even light the fireplace himself.

As long as he lit a fireplace, he could be one meter away from the fireplace, and once five fireplaces were lit, he could control the power of the castle.

As for why those monsters didn't bother to destroy the castle, it was naturally because they couldn't destroy it.

And they couldn't enter it.

Borel, who wanted to regain his power, gave instructions to those contractors.

As for the so-called invitation letter, he also sent it out, but he waited for five years, and finally another contractor got the invitation letter.

However, he really didn't expect that this contractor's path was so wild that he could have the same function as him and control the power of the castle.

"Where is the thing I want?" Mu Rufeng said.

Soon, Borel waved his hand, and saw an iron filing cabinet on the ground, with a large number of paper documents placed in the filing cabinet.

A hundred years ago, there was no USB flash drive, and all the information was recorded in paper documents.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng looked at the filing cabinet and frowned.

"The information you need is in this filing cabinet." said Borel.

"Do you mind if I check it?" said Mu Rufeng.

"Yes." Borel nodded softly.

Mu Rufeng immediately stepped forward and reached out to touch the filing cabinet.

[Borel's precious filing cabinet]: It contains Borel's life's work, which he treasures very much, and records all his research technology information.

Attributes don't lie, this is true.

"This is yours." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and gave all his limbs to Borel.

Then Mu Rufeng directly put the filing cabinet into the inventory.

"Why are you still here? Go and complete your task, and then go to the fifth floor to wait for the last round of the death game." Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Muya, who was completely afraid to move.

"Yes, butler Mori." Mu Muya responded, then looked at Borel, and immediately lowered his head and walked towards the door.

And the sister Sisi, who had been afraid to move, also breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the contract slot as soon as possible.

She won't come out. She won't come out in this dungeon even if she is killed.

"My Lord Viscount, I won't bother you anymore." Mu Rufeng got what he wanted and prepared to go to the fifth floor.

"Wait a minute, can you release all the experimental subjects you captured?" Boler suddenly said.

"Release? Why?" Mu Rufeng looked at Boler in surprise.

You know, if he caught those things, he would be able to get a clearance rating.

"The fuel in the fireplace is limited, and your arrival also lets them know that I am still alive. I don't want to fight those experimental subjects anymore." Boler said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded and didn't refuse.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng flashed and appeared in front of the cell on the third floor.

Mu Rufeng opened the cell doors one by one.

When these monsters saw the cell doors being opened, they suddenly jumped up from their previous trembling and rushed towards Mu Rufeng.


Thunders sounded one after another, and they immediately collapsed to the ground with foam at the mouth.

Then Mu Rufeng used his ghostly power, and then directly moved them to the courtyard of the castle.

Two vines emerged from the soil and slowly opened the door.

Then Mu Rufeng dragged the monsters to the snow outside.

"Let's go." Mu Rufeng said to the monsters.

Mu Rufeng's thunder was not too fierce this time, and they recovered quickly with their physical condition.

They were very surprised to see that they were now outside the castle.

The eagle girl spread her wings and soared into the sky.

"Li~~!" The piercing cry sounded, as if saying that she had regained her freedom.

And those monsters also ran forward one after another.

It was just that the ground in front was cracked, bumpy, and many big pits were now covered with heavy snow. I thought it was flat ground.

Those monsters fell into the big pits one by one and were covered by snow.

They quickly jumped out of it and disappeared in the blizzard in a short while.

However, the female eagle did not leave immediately. Instead, she circled over the castle for a few times, looked at Mu Rufeng twice, and then left.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng didn't care too much about the dungeon clearance rating.

Moreover, he actually sympathized with people like Gulas and the Eagle Girl, and it was good to be able to let them go.

And Borel also knew that if he didn't let the Eagle Girl go back, the giant monster Gulas would definitely come to smash them all night.

Although Borel could also have the power of a ninth-level ghost emperor with the blessing of the castle, he was still a little worse than Gulas, a genuine ninth-level ghost emperor.

Not to mention that Gulas's strength was not weak among the ninth-level ghost emperors.

When Mu Rufeng came to the fifth floor, Mu Muya had already been waiting there.

"The fifth round of the game starts now."

In just ten minutes, Mu Muya successfully completed this round of the game with the help of Mu Rufeng.

Then, this guy returned with joy, and before returning, he thanked Mu Rufeng profusely, just like his reborn parents.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully guiding the completion of the death game and completing the clearance task]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately]

Seeing that there were still three minutes left, Mu Rufeng went outside the courtyard and directly put away all the demon vines and the green grass.

"Return immediately!" Mu Rufeng muttered silently.

When his voice fell, the whole person disappeared directly on the spot.


"It's still warm at home." Mu Rufeng felt the air around him and exhaled a breath of hot air.

Although the temperature here is around 0°, it is really quite warm compared to the weather in the Death Castle.

"Settlement rewards." Mu Rufeng said softly.

[Contractor Mu Rufeng successfully guided the player to complete five rounds of the Death Game, and obtained a 1000% clearance. The player successfully lit five fireplaces and obtained a 1000% clearance]

[Player Mu Rufeng finally completed 2000% clearance, obtained the rule props: Death Game, obtained the props: Burning Fireplace, and obtained 2000 soul coins]

[It was detected that the host had cleared the copy, the plug-in was uninstalled, and congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Identity]

[Death Game]: This is a game of death. Every time it is opened, it will be accompanied by death.

Effect: Rule props, which can force the target to enter the Death Game.

Note 1: The user can enter it and become the guide of the Death Game.

Note 2: When a target completes the third round of the Death Game, it can leave the Death Game. If the target completes the fifth round of the Death Game, it will unconditionally obtain the prop.

Note 3: The user can kick the target in the game out of the game at any time.

[Burning Fireplace]: This is a fireplace that can bring warmth to others.

Effect: Level 8 item, corpses, weirdness, and soul notes can be used as fuel. Once burned, an eight-level protective shield can be released.

Note 1: The duration of the protective shield is determined by the amount of fuel invested.

Note 2: When the protective shield is attacked, it cannot be broken until the burning is exhausted.

[Identity]: You can freely change the appearance, body shape and voice of the person you see, and you cannot be seen through. You can also upgrade your identity once in some special copies.

This harvest is also okay. The death game is similar to the other rule prop [game console] he got before.

But it is obvious that the death game prop is much stronger than the game console. However, surprisingly, as long as you clear all the levels of the game, you can still get this prop unconditionally, which is also a bit itchy.

Of course, Mu Rufeng can also kick the target out directly when he is about to complete the fifth round, so that the prop still belongs to him.

And the burning fireplace is also very good, it should be similar to the fireplace in the castle.

However, the fireplace in the castle can resist the attack of the ninth-level ghost emperor, but here, it is estimated that it can only resist the eighth-level ghost emperor. When the ninth-level comes, no matter how many soul coins are used, it is estimated that it will not be enough to consume.

Yes, that is three fireplaces combined. If he has three fireplaces, it is estimated that he can also withstand the attack of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

As for the plug-in, does it count as giving Mu Rufeng a seventy-two transformations?

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the bathroom and looked at the glass on the sink.

Then he thought and activated his ability, and then he saw that Mu Rufeng's face directly turned into Ye Lin's.

Even the height and figure have changed, only the clothes have not changed.

But he was not panicked. Mu Rufeng immediately controlled the clothes on his body to change into the black suit that Ye Lin often wore.

Mu Rufeng pinched his face and waved his arms. Don't say it, he is exactly the same as Ye Lin.

"Hey, hey, I'm Ye Lin." Mu Rufeng said a few words and found that his voice was exactly the same as Ye Lin's.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng immediately changed into Liu Mei's appearance again, and then, the suit stretched out directly.

Wow, girls can also change? Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised when he felt the heavy weight on his chest.

He touched it, it was soft and comfortable, and Mu Rufeng was a little excited.

But soon Mu Rufeng realized something, his key parts were still there.

It seems that the meat on the top can be changed, but the most critical parts cannot be changed.

"I think I know how tired those girls are when they walk." Mu Rufeng played for a while, and then restored his appearance.

"It seems that I really need to find a girlfriend." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

Then Mu Rufeng checked his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu-Ru-Feng

[Age]: 24 years old

[Level]: lv4 (4/5)

[Strength]: 1412.8

[Spirit]: 1360.3

[Constitution]: 1306.6

[Contract Slot]: lv5 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying) / LV4 (Bai Jingwei) / LV4 (Mu Xiaolong) / LV5 (Huanxin)

[Ghost Power]: Level 6

[Realm]: Refining Flesh

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One 】【Good luck in gambling】【Demon Suppression】【Crazy worker】【Parasite disaster】

[Skills]: 【Life and death】...

[Talent]: 【Potential explosion】...【God rewards hard work】

[Luck value]: 102

Props: 【Scarlet Preferred Share Contract】...

Soul power: 100 million

Soul notes: 1520 billion

Bound soul notes: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

Soul units: 461010550

Xiaolong has risen from level 3 to level 4, and his strength has become a little stronger.

The number of copies has also reached four times. After entering a copy, he can reach level 5.

Mu Rufeng came to the living room and took out Ma Qiu.

"Go and play by yourself. Don't broadcast live on the main road this time. It's too ostentatious." Mu Rufeng said to Ma Qiu.

"Okay, master, I remember it." Ma Qiu said happily.

Soon, Ma Qiu jumped down from the window and disappeared.

Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head when he saw this scene, and then sat on the sofa.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a prop: the furnace.

The furnace is the size of an ordinary stove and looks inconspicuous.

But this thing is a good thing, and Mu Rufeng has not tried it before.

It just happened that I remembered it today, so I gave it a try.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng opened the lid of the furnace, and it was dark inside, and I couldn’t see what was inside.

[Please put the corresponding props or spiritual objects into it, cover the lid, and the fusion will be completed in one minute]

Mu Rufeng heard the prompt sound, and immediately took out the gambler's dice and threw it out.

It was six points, and his luck value increased by twelve points again.

At this moment, his luck value was 114.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the iron-cutting knife and a black rock the size of a basketball.

The effect of the title [Gambling Luck Prosperity] took effect instantly, and his luck value doubled to 228 points.

Good guy, he was merging, which was also a gamble, so he triggered the effect of the title.

The Iron-Cutting Knife was a level 3 item, and the Black Rock was the Black Rock that Mu Rufeng dug out from the well in the ancient battlefield.

Although most of it was handed over to the Bureau of Strange Affairs, he also kept a little for emergency use, and now it was just right to use it.

Mu Rufeng immediately put the Iron-Cutting Knife and the Black Rock into it. Obviously, the Iron-Cutting Knife was longer than the furnace, and the Black Rock was bigger than the furnace's opening.

But both of them were put in, and they automatically shrank and sank into it when they approached.

Then Mu Rufeng closed the lid.

"Woo woo woo~~!"

The next moment, the furnace made some strange sounds, and red light emanated from the furnace, accompanied by high temperature.

Mu Rufeng immediately used the Ghost Cave to wrap the furnace in it, so that some of his furniture would not be damaged.

Soon a minute passed, the red light slowly dissipated, and the high temperature disappeared.

Mu Rufeng immediately opened the lid.

Suddenly, a knife flew out from inside.


If it fails, both the spiritual object and the prop will be damaged, and now the knife has flown out, it is naturally successful.

Mu Rufeng immediately reached out to catch it.

[Fine Iron-cutting Knife]: A sharp long knife with black rock added.

Effect: Level 3 prop, extremely sharp, extremely hard, increases the power of iron objects by 100%, with bleeding effect, and enhances its own ghost power by 10%.

Mu Rufeng recalled the properties of the previous Iron-cutting Knife.

After comparing, this knife is still a level 3 prop, but the hardness of the blade is increased, and it also increases the power of iron objects by 50% and enhances the ghost power by 10%.

The improvement is also very large.

Then Mu Rufeng tried a few more times with low-level props and found that they were all successful and the power was increased, but the level of the props was not increased.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, and he decided to try the rule-based props again.

However, surprisingly, the rule-based props could not be integrated with ordinary props.

There was a hint in his mind that only level 9 props could be integrated with rule-based props.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the worn-out sandbag and another prop called a stun laser pen, both of which were rule-based props.

The worn-out sandbag was obtained from the copy settlement of the IF Center, and the stun laser pen was obtained by killing some players in the 100,000-person copy.

It was very useful to him before, but it is much worse now.

Mu Rufeng directly threw the two rule-based props into it.

A minute later, a colorful sandbag appeared in Mu Rufeng's hand.

[Stun Bag]: This is a peculiar sandbag, which contains special power.

Effect: A rule-based item. Once the target is determined, it can hit the target directly. After hitting the target, the enemy will be stunned. The duration depends on the strength of both parties. The minimum mandatory stun is 1 second.

Note: After the stun ends, the sandbag will automatically return to the user's hand.

It has changed from the original restraint state to the stun state, and it is still 100% hit.

The power has also become stronger, depending on the difference in strength between the two sides.

"Try it again." Mu Rufeng smiled.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the ninth-level item, the Embroidered Spring Knife.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out another rule-based item: the Joker's Crazy Chainsaw.

After many attempts, Mu Rufeng also knew some rules of the furnace.

First, the ninth-level item can be fused with the rule-based item, and secondly, the rule-based item can also be fused with the rule-based item.

The most important thing is that the props that can be fused must be of the same type. Of course, spiritual objects + props are not included.

For example, a weapon prop cannot be fused with a clothing prop.

As for regular props, there are also categories, and weapons cannot be fused with regular clothing props.

Now, he is going to fuse the Embroidered Spring Knife with the Joker's chainsaw.

He thinks that after this fusion, it will definitely give him a big surprise.

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