I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 293 Are there supernatural powers in the real world? [10,000 words]

[Explosion·Embroidered Spring Knife]: This was created by a famous craftsman in ancient times with great effort, and has extremely powerful abilities.

Effect: A level nine item that can increase one's own ghost power by 50%, increase the power of knife skills by 30%, is extremely sharp, extremely hard, and has a certain probability of destroying the enemy's weapon.

This is the original attribute of the Embroidered Spring Knife, which has never been released before.

Then, Mu Rufeng threw the Embroidered Spring Knife and the Joker Chainsaw into it and closed the lid.

A minute later, Mu Rufeng opened the lid, and a serrated knife flew out.

"Success!" Mu Rufeng's face lit up, and he grabbed it in his hand.

[Embroidered Spring Knife]: This is a peculiar knife.

Effect: A rule-based item that can cut off all objects, increase one's own ghost power by 50%, and increase the power of knife skills by 30%.

Note 1: It cannot be destroyed or damaged.

"This attribute." After reading this attribute, Mu Rufeng was a little dazed, and then he was ecstatic.

This attribute can be said to be a fusion of the positive attributes of the two, while the attribute that the chainsaw cannot harm weirdness and creatures has been removed.

It can be said that this item has directly become one of the top weapons in the weird world.

Cutting off everything, does it mean that even rule items, or even weapons of the same level nine, can be cut off?

Mu Rufeng couldn't wait to try it, but suddenly thought that there seemed to be nothing for him to try here.

Low-level items must be cut off, no doubt, and weapons of the same level nine items, Mu Rufeng was reluctant to cut, especially rule items.

In the end, Mu Rufeng could only give up the idea of ​​the experiment and try it again when he went to the weird world.

"It's good, but it's a bit ugly." Mu Rufeng looked down at the Xiuchun serrated knife in his hand and shook his head slightly.

The blade is still the same as the Xiuchun knife, slightly curved upwards, but the blade has become serrated.

Both the blade tip and the blade back have dense serrations.

Mu Rufeng tried to inject ghost power, and immediately saw the saw teeth turn rapidly.

Well, except for the handle that looks like a knife, the blade is just like an electric saw.

The strength and speed of cutting depends on his strength and how much ghost power he injects into it.

Of course, props below level eight will definitely be broken with one cut.

Mu Rufeng looked at other rule props and did not continue to use the furnace.

Some rule props have their own uses, so it is better not to merge them.

Then Mu Rufeng put all the things into the storage box.

He looked at the time. It was about eleven o'clock in the evening on January 10.

Mu Rufeng hadn't slept for two days. He planned to sleep tonight, but he soon thought of something.

He went to Changsha headquarters first and handed the flesh and blood growth device to Zhou Wen. One more night would allow many people's arms to recover.

It might even be two arms.

After delivering the flesh and blood growth device, Mu Rufeng returned home. He first went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then returned to his room.

He saw that his bed was still covered with summer quilts and mats.

Although he was not afraid of the cold now, he had to feel winter in winter, so Mu Rufeng changed all the quilts to winter ones, and then fell asleep.

No words were spoken all night.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the second day, Mu Rufeng got up on time. After using the morning, Mu Rufeng began to practice the tiger force.

Two hours passed in a flash, and when he was about to finish practicing, Mu Rufeng suddenly moved in his heart.

Then, he saw that Mu Rufeng's muscles began to tremble, and it took a while for him to gradually calm down.

At this moment, he had reached the peak of flesh refining, and he was only one step away from entering the bone refining realm.

[Player practiced tiger force, flesh refining realm perfection, strength +100, constitution +100, spirit +20]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

A smile appeared on his face. Sure enough, it had to be the tiger force. When it was perfected, it could also increase the three-dimensional attributes.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out the martial arts that had been placed for a long time: Qinglong Transformation.

Mu Rufeng flipped through it. This was really a very powerful martial art, but it was a pity that it required the Bone Refining Realm to practice.

Because without a strong enough physical body and blood power, it was impossible to practice Qinglong Transformation. Otherwise, even if you practice it forcibly, you would suffer irreversible damage.

When Mu Rufeng obtained Qinglong Transformation before, his physical strength was enough to practice it, but he had not yet stimulated the blood power.

If the blood power was not enough, he could not practice it either, so Mu Rufeng could only let it eat dust in the inventory.

Otherwise, if Mu Rufeng learned this martial art, his strength would definitely be stronger.

"I have completed the flesh refining now. Ye Lin, a gifted genius, should be in the bone refining stage, right? It seems that I have to copy a copy."

Mu Rufeng is not the kind of person who holds on to good martial arts. It just so happens that this martial arts book is a booklet, which can be copied completely.

"However, I have completed the flesh refining now, and the three-dimensional attributes are also high. Should I start practicing?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and pondered carefully.

In the end, Mu Rufeng made up his mind to practice.

His flesh is different from that of ordinary people. There is definitely no flesh as strong as his in the bone refining stage. The power of Qi and blood is also stronger than that of higher-level beings because of his strong flesh.

Anyway, if there is a problem, he can stop immediately.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng sat cross-legged and began to practice with concentration according to the secret book of Qinglong Transformation.

Although Qinglong Transformation is a martial art, it focuses more on the cultivation of Qi and blood, allowing the Qi and blood to be cultivated in a special way.

In the blink of an eye, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

Mu Rufeng, who was sitting cross-legged, was now moving in a special way, and the Qi and blood around him were constantly moving and changing, drilling in and out of his body.

Between his breaths, it seemed that a small blood dragon as thick as a thumb was going in and out, which was extremely magical.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's tightly closed eyes opened instantly, and then his whole body was shocked.

A strange breath burst out.

Mu Rufeng stood up, lowered his head, looked at the skin of his arms, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

I saw that there was a layer of flesh-colored fine scales on the outer layer of his skin.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, but when you touch it, it's unusually smooth.

These tiny scales are not real scales, but are transformed by the power of blood and qi.

These tiny scales increase the defense and strength of Mu Rufeng's arms.

At the same time, he also felt that the flexibility of his body has become higher.

The first transformation of Qinglong is dragon claws, and Mu Rufeng has already entered the door at this moment.

It's just that, just getting started, he can only transform some dragon scales. As for the attack power, it only increases the strength of his arms and the sharpness of his fingers.

If you want to completely transform into dragon claws, you need to go further.

"I'm a little hungry." Mu Rufeng touched his stomach, and his stomach protested at this moment.

With a strong body, it's easy to get hungry. In addition, practicing the power of blood and qi will inevitably make him hungry faster.

However, it is precisely because of the strong body that he is more resistant to hunger. Otherwise, if a normal person is so hungry, I'm afraid his hands and feet will become weak.

Then Mu Rufeng came to the dining table and spread the food tablecloth.

This time, Mu Rufeng decided to eat something good.

Now that he has achieved financial freedom in two worlds, he also wants to see what the upper limit of this food tablecloth is.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out one million and placed it on the food tablecloth. He was going to test the water with this one million.

Soon, a bowl of black egg fried rice appeared on the table?

[Egg fried rice]: It is made by frying the seventh-level sub-dragon egg with the seventh-level spirit ghost rice. After the first consumption, all attributes +20, multiple consumption can increase the physical strength and the ghost power of oneself.

"Hey, this is not bad." After reading the attributes, Mu Rufeng couldn't wait to take the spoon and eat it.

The portion is not much, and Mu Rufeng finished it in two or three bites.

[Eat egg fried rice, all attributes +20, ghost power improvement]

"A little full." Mu Rufeng touched his stomach and was a little surprised.

To be honest, it is indeed worthy of a bowl of egg fried rice worth one million. It is really easy to fill the stomach after eating it.

Mu Rufeng has a large appetite and a good digestion ability.

Mu Rufeng threw two million this time.

This time, a bowl of pepper fried pork exuding strong ghost power appeared.

[Pepper fried pork]: It is made by mixing the eighth-level spiritual object Chaotian pepper with the seventh-level tiger meat. The first time it is eaten, all attributes are +30. Multiple consumptions can increase the strength of the body and the strength of the tendons and bones in small amounts, and can increase one's own ghost power.

"Pepper fried pork?"

Mu Rufeng sniffed the fragrance and swallowed unconsciously.

The food tablecloth is strong. Not only can it be beneficial to eat, but it is also delicious.

[Eat pepper fried pork, all attributes +30, ghost power increased]

Mu Rufeng finished the bowl of pepper fried pork with difficulty.

Even if the digestive ability is fully opened, Mu Rufeng took a full hour to finish the bowl of meat.

His stomach is like a ten-month pregnancy, very big, very big.

The properties are good and the taste is good, but it is still a bit difficult for Mu Rufeng to eat two bowls in a short time. It will take some time to digest.

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to put more soul notes, but now it seems that it is impossible, because two million food is a bit difficult, and the higher soul notes may not be eaten in a small bowl.

Mu Rufeng lay for another two hours, and the big belly of ten months of pregnancy finally dissipated, but that was all. It was still slightly bulging and still felt very full.

"I have to go to the headquarters in Beijing." Mu Rufeng slowly stood up from the sofa.

There are a lot of things to do this time.

"Why hasn't Ma Qiu come back yet?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

After returning last night, Ma Qiu was released. Now it is seven o'clock in the evening of the next day, and Ma Qiu has not even seen a shadow.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came to the balcony. He looked downstairs, and with a thought, he moved directly to the downstairs of the community.

After using several teleportations, Mu Rufeng appeared in front of the gate of the relevant department.

"Hello, Minister Mu!" When the guards saw Mu Rufeng, they thought they were dazzled, but they quickly reacted and saluted at the first time.

These guards were recruited from the military and entered the files of the relevant departments, but they would still salute when they saw the leader.

"Well, by the way, have you seen Ma Qiu?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Minister Mu, Ma Qiu is not here, it's on a mission." A guard said hurriedly.

"What? On a mission? What mission?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned and asked.

"I'm not sure. Why don't you ask Cheng Bu? Cheng Bu hasn't finished get off work yet."

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then flashed and appeared directly in Cheng Youlin's office.

Of course, he appeared directly behind Cheng Youlin.

At this moment, Cheng Youlin was chatting with someone on the computer using the client's WeChat.

"Great! I can carry out the mission with Qu Lianhong again tomorrow." Cheng Youlin clenched his right fist and waved it vigorously.

"What's the matter? You are so happy?" Mu Rufeng stood behind Cheng Youlin and said with a smile.

"Who!" Cheng Youlin's heart jumped suddenly, and several silk threads shot out from his back in an instant, and then hit Mu Rufeng.

It's just that the silk thread that can cut iron and steel didn't even cut the corner of Mu Rufeng's clothes.

Just kidding, his clothes are the ninth-level prop [Heavenly Silk Robe], and the defense is not low.

"Mu Rufeng! I've told you so many times, knock on the door next time you come in, don't show up in my office suddenly."

Cheng Youlin pressed the Ait+Tap key immediately, then stood up and looked at Mu Rufeng angrily.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I'll pay attention next time. By the way, who were you chatting with just now?"

"And you were talking to yourself about doing a task with Qu Lianhong. Why are you so happy to do a task with her tomorrow?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"No, when was I happy? Don't talk nonsense. And what are you doing here?" Cheng Youlin quickly rejected it and immediately changed the subject.

Mu Rufeng smiled and didn't continue to tease, but asked about Ma Qiu.

"You mean Maqiu? This guy came last night to play with his friends, but they were all on a mission with their masters, so he was bored, so he came to me and said he wanted to go on a mission too."

"I just asked a few reserve players to take him to deal with some things, but he is still quite capable."

"He mediated a fight between several contractors and caught a few criminal contractors for me." Cheng Youlin said.

"This guy must be really bored. Okay, help me contact Maqiu. I need to go to the Beijing headquarters." Mu Rufeng said.

"I got a phone card for Maqiu. You can call him yourself. 177." Cheng Youlin said a string of numbers.

Mu Rufeng smiled and said nothing. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Naqiu directly.

"Hello, who is this? This is Maqiu from the Wancheng branch of the relevant department."

It took only a few seconds for the call to be connected.

"I'm Mu Rufeng."

"Oh, it's the master. I'm outside now." Ma Qiu said hurriedly.

"When will the mission be completed? I have to go to the Beijing headquarters." Mu Rufeng said.

"Master, the mission has been completed. Are you at home? I'll be back in a minute."

"I'm in the Wancheng branch." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, master, please wait."

The phone was hung up.

"Okay, you're busy. I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said hello to Cheng Youlin and prepared to leave.

"By the way, the land next to us has been demolished. The developer of Yuejiang Mansion plans to build the third phase there. They are all large flats, one elevator per household."

"I've allocated a few units to you. Do you have any requirements for decoration? It will be built in about half a year." Cheng Youlin said.

"Half a year? So fast?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

No matter which developer builds a house, it will take at least two or three years. The land has just been demolished. From nothing to something, half a year?

"It's not like we're going to build dozens of floors. This is a high-end community, with only eight floors at the highest. They're all large flats, so it'll be fast to build," said Cheng Youlin.

"One is enough. There's no need for more. As for the decoration, you can decide. I don't care." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

He was alone in Changsha, and he already had a house in the first phase of Yuejiang Mansion. Now there was no need to give him several more. Just give him another one.

"You have the final say. Really. I don't even want a house for free." Cheng Youlin muttered twice.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head, then left the office.

Before leaving, he took a stack of A4 paper and a bottle of ink from his office.

When Mu Rufeng went downstairs, Ma Qiu also came back, and fell directly from the sky.

"Master, master, I'm back." Ma Qiu said excitedly.

"It seems that today was very fulfilling." Mu Rufeng looked at Ma Qiu, who was full of energy, and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, it's so fun here. I'll go out with everyone to do things." Ma Qiu nodded repeatedly.

It's really much more fun here than in the weird world. The most important thing is that they don't have to worry about daily food, clothing, housing and transportation, and being bullied by other companies' electric donkeys.

Of course, there is another point, that is, once it runs out, those humans will always shout and scream, which greatly satisfies its vanity.

"You can play by yourself, but remember not to cause trouble." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, master, I will definitely not cause trouble." Ma Qiu said hurriedly.

"Okay, let's go to the Beijing headquarters now." Mu Rufeng immediately straddled it.

"Understood!" Ma Qiu shouted, and the flames suddenly burned up, and the chariot of fire mode was turned on.


Half an hour later.

At the Beijing headquarters, Mu Rufeng met Ye Lin in the office.

Originally, Ye Lin was going to enter the dungeon last month, but it was postponed for a month because of some things.

"Why are you here? Also, didn't you say you wanted to enter the dungeon? Have you not gone yet, or have you returned?" Ye Lin was a little surprised when he saw Mu Rufeng.

"I'm back, and this time, I got some good stuff in this copy." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Good thing? What good thing?" Ye Lin also put down his work, stood up and asked Mu Rufeng to sit on the sofa.

Mu Rufeng didn't rush to say anything, and sat on the sofa: "Let's not talk about it for now. I want to ask you a question."

Mu Rufeng opened the lid of the teapot on the side, but it was empty.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out some Shanlong tea and put it into the teapot.

"Question? Just ask." Ye Lin said.

"Before the strange world comes, are there supernatural powers in our real world?"

Mu Rufeng asked, then pointed at the water dispenser in the side corner, and immediately saw the water dispenser turn on automatically.

A stream of water flew forward under the pull of Mu Rufeng, and finally flew over Mu Rufeng's palm.

Mu Rufeng's palm also burned with a ball of flame, and the water flowed past and turned into boiling water under the high temperature, and finally fell into the teapot.

Immediately, a scent of fragrance came out of the teapot.

"Why did you think of asking this?" Ye Lin also said in surprise.

"Of course it has something to do with my copy this time." Mu Rufeng shook the teapot but did not pour the tea directly. After all, it had not been brewed yet.

"What kind of tea is this? It smells so good." Ye Lin did not answer Mu Rufeng's question. Instead, he smelled the tea and praised it.

"Shanlong tea, good stuff, I'll give you a try later." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"There is no such thing as supernatural power." Ye Lin said slowly.

"No? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly after hearing this.

"No, I am very sure and certain that it has not existed since ancient times, but there is indeed the power of technology." Ye Lin said.

"The power of technology? Minister Ye, please clarify." Mu Rufeng asked.

"The supernatural powers you are talking about should be the spiritual power in immortality novels, the internal strength in martial arts novels, as well as supernatural powers such as magic, fighting spirit, and superpowers, right?" Ye Lin looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

"Not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"No, before the strange world came, none of these supernatural powers existed."

"As for the power of technology I mentioned, you should have seen the existence of genetic warriors, modified humans, robots and other superhuman beings in novels, right?" Ye Lin added.

"Of course I have heard of these, so, is this the power of technology you are talking about? Do we also have superhuman beings in our country?" Mu Rufeng also sat up straight.

"Yes, but it's still not a super human. At most, it's the limit of human beings." Ye Lin said.

"The limits of human beings?" Mu Rufeng didn't quite understand.

"We cannot break through the limits of human beings no matter what, but the limits of human beings can be regarded as the existence of little supermen in the eyes of ordinary people."

"After all, there are normal strongmen in this world. This kind of technology is too difficult, has a low success rate, and has certain risks."

"It cannot be mass-produced, it costs a lot, and it requires a lot of human experiments, which is against human ethics. In addition, we are in the era of thermal weapons, and individual bravery is of little use. Therefore, the country has long stopped investing in this area."

"The most important thing is that when the strange world comes, with ghost power, contractors, and various spiritual objects that can increase their attributes, this technology will be sealed indefinitely." Ye Lin will keep the secret. He said slowly.

"So that's the case. It's like this in our country, but what about abroad?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"Overseas? Huh, they are just a bunch of cold-blooded beasts. They are much crueler than us, but they can't break through the limits of human beings."

"Even if they have enough people to conduct human experiments, when the strange world comes, they will focus more on studying the technology of the strange world." Ye Lin said.

"Minister Ye, I wonder if you have heard of the name Bolair." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Borrell?" Ye Lin frowned slightly when he heard this and fell into deep thought.

"A British viscount, a figure from a hundred years ago." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"A hundred years ago? I've never heard of it. Wait a minute and I'll look for it." Ye Lin immediately ran to his desk and started operating on the computer.

As the head of the relevant departments, Ye Lin has intelligence channels all over the world. It is easy to investigate a person who lived a hundred years ago.

Mu Rufeng smelled the fragrance of the tea, and the Shanlong tea was brewed. She immediately took two cups and poured two full cups.

Although Ye Lin had tea sets here, the tea cups were too small and would disappear after one sip, so Mu Rufeng took two water cups to hold the tea.

Mu Rufeng picked up the teacup, took another deep sip, and then drank it all in one gulp regardless of the scalding heat.

A sip of good tea is quite refreshing.

Then Mu Rufeng poured herself a full cup. Seeing that the teapot was almost empty, Mu Rufeng immediately repeated her old trick and brewed another pot of tea.

"I found it. Borair is indeed a British Viscount. This man is also a technological madman. He arrests people for human experiments in his territory."

"At that time, he was a noble, but no one cared about it."

"His technology is all about transforming people, injecting animal genes into the human body. Later, I don't know what happened, his castle was blown up and sank to the bottom of the sea."

Ye Lin stood up and sat back on the sofa.

He picked up the tea, took a sip, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Good tea!"

"If the tea is good, drink more." Mu Rufeng smiled faintly.

"So, your copy this time is related to this Borel?" Ye Lin is not a fool. Mu Rufeng mentioned Borel's name, so there must be a connection.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then briefly talked about the situation of the copy of the Death Castle.

"I negotiated a deal with Viscount Borel and got all his technical information from him."

"But I don't have any research in this area, so it depends on the Bureau of Strange Affairs." Mu Rufeng said, and took out the iron filing cabinet directly.

"Are you serious?" Ye Lin stood up, walked directly to the filing cabinet, reached out and touched it to check the properties.

"However, you also said that this technology will transform people into irrational orcs, so this technology is actually not very useful." Ye Lin said after calming down.

"I naturally know, but I learned from the memory of the eagle girl that on the eve of the destruction of the castle, Borel had a fourth-level strange combat power in a human body."

"It is possible that Borel's experiment has been successful. If people can have such combat power, not to mention the fourth level, even if it is only the third level."

"If it is promoted to the whole country, when the strange copy is fully coming, then, ordinary people will be equipped with the login bracelet. What kind of scene do you think it will be?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Hmm?" Ye Lin seemed to have thought of that scene.

Without waiting for Ye Lin to speak, Mu Rufeng spoke again: "And Minister Ye, don't forget that the Tiger Power is now being cultivated by all the people, and the attribute fruit is now also supplied in large quantities."

"As long as we, the high-end combat power, reach the ninth level of the Ghost Emperor, then we humans will no longer be pigs and sheep that can be slaughtered at will."

Ye Lin nodded solemnly after hearing this: "Don't worry, I will let the Bureau of Strange Affairs study this document immediately to see what the result is."

"If it really can allow ordinary people to achieve the third or even fourth level of combat power, it will be the cornerstone of our human rise and survival."

"By the way, Minister Ye, how are you studying those formations?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"It's still being studied, and the research has begun to show results, but the formations don't have much effect on the current situation." Ye Lin said.

The formations must be arranged in a fixed place to be effective, and it is difficult to carry them around.

There is no place in the real world that needs formations, guarding the house? With Mu Rufeng's vine seeds, it is completely unnecessary.

If you want to take the formation with you, you have to make a formation plate, and making a formation plate requires special materials.

The Bureau of Strange Affairs is now researching the formation plate. As long as they can make a formation plate, the formation will work.

Mu Rufeng was also very interested in the formation, and even studied it himself, but for some reason, he felt drowsy when he saw the detailed explanations of the formation.

After forcing himself to study for a few days, Mu Rufeng gave up. He should not be a material for learning formations.

After all, not all strong people are omnipotent, and Mu Rufeng is naturally not omnipotent.

"I'll take this to the Bureau of Strange Affairs now." Ye Lin drank the Shanlong tea in one breath and stood up.

"Don't worry, what level have you cultivated your tiger power to?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Bone refining is perfect, why are you asking this?" Ye Lin said.

"Sure enough, you are gifted. How long has it taken to refine your bones?" Mu Rufeng sighed.

Mu Rufeng has now reached the perfection of flesh refining. The reason why he can do it so quickly is that, firstly, his flesh is so strong that his blood and qi are extraordinary.

Secondly, the food he eats every day has special powers, which can be compared to resources for cultivation.

In this state, he has only reached the perfection of the third level of flesh refining.

Look at Ye Lin, who certainly does not have as many resources as him, but has already reached the perfection of the fourth level of bone refining. Comparing people is really annoying.

Ye Lin smiled and said, "I haven't slept for a long time. I used my sleeping time to practice."

"You are indeed worthy of being the general director of our relevant department. Your diligence makes me ashamed of myself."

"This is for you." Mu Rufeng said, and took out a copy of the Qinglong Transformation and handed it to Ye Lin.

This is the A4 paper that Mu Rufeng took from Cheng Youlin's office, and then on the way to Beijing, Mu Rufeng controlled the ink to copy it word for word.

"What is this?" Ye Lin looked at the stack of A4 paper handed over and took it with some curiosity.

[Martial Arts·Blue Dragon Transformation]: A4 paper copy, unbound. The Blue Dragon Transformation is divided into three transformations, which are evolved in the Blue Dragon Army Formation. After practicing the third transformation, you can transform into a blue dragon with great power.

"Bind it yourself. Also, you can't practice it before you reach the bone refining stage. Remember not to practice it for others." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"Is this from that ancient copy?" Ye Lin's eyes condensed, and he immediately recognized that this martial art belongs to the same training system as the Tiger Force.

"Well, practicing this martial art can also enhance your own strength. You are gifted, and this can also greatly increase your strength." Mu Rufeng nodded and said.

"Thank you." Ye Lin didn't say too many nice words, just these two words.

But Mu Rufeng could also clearly feel the gratitude expressed in Ye Lin's heart.

"By the way, let me ask you another question." Mu Rufeng said again.

"What's the question?"

"Do mermaids exist in this world? Or intelligent creatures other than humans?"

"Mermaids?" Ye Lin pondered for a moment, then slowly said, "According to rumors, there are mermaids in the deep sea."

"Moreover, we have found bones similar to mermaids, but we have never seen real mermaids."

"There are still many secrets on the earth. We have not yet explored the ocean. We have no evidence to prove whether the mermaids in the deep sea are true or false."

"As for the intelligent creatures other than humans you mentioned, you want to ask if there are aliens, right?"

"I can tell you very clearly that there are no aliens. I mean that there has never been any evidence of aliens."

"The universe is so big that the probability of aliens is actually very high, but at present, no one in our country or in other countries in the world has ever seen aliens."

"All the news, rumors, clues, or alien corpses you have seen are all fake." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Huh! Hearing what you said, I have solved the mystery in my heart."

"Speaking of which, I didn't believe in the existence of mermaids before, and I have always believed in the existence of aliens."

"However, mermaids may really exist, but I didn't expect that all the clues and news about aliens on our earth are false." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"It seems that your copy this time has also benefited you a lot. Did you see the mermaid in that castle?" Ye Lin said.

"The fifth floor of the castle is a collection room, most of which are transformed orcs and some rare and exotic animals."

"I saw a mermaid specimen in it, and I don't know whether it is a transformed or real mermaid."

"I plan to go to the UK and look for the castle on the seabed." Mu Rufeng had nothing to do, and he was very curious, so he planned to go there.

"Haha, I support you. With your current ability and the soul-sucking gourd, it is not impossible to scan the deep sea."

"Maybe you can really find non-human intelligent creatures." Ye Lin said with a big laugh.

"By the way, do you know where the castle is?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The castle is in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. As for where it is, you have to find it yourself."

"The information I saw only said that Viscount Borel's territory was in the area of ​​Edinburgh today." Ye Lin recalled the information on the computer and said.

"Okay, I know." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then drank the Shanlong tea in the cup.

"This pot of tea is left to you. I'm leaving first. Call me if you have anything." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, the ghost cave was launched, and the whole person disappeared directly on the spot.

"I really can't see through it. It's just a level 4 contractor, but he can actually use the ghost cave." Ye Lin shook his head, and then prepared to put the iron cabinet into the inventory.

However, his inventory has not been upgraded, so it can't be stored at all.

Helplessly, he can only carry the iron cabinet to the Weird Affairs Bureau.

But before he left, he took the steaming pot of Shanlong tea with him.

It was just right, so he could share it with the chief researcher to enhance their brain power.


“It should be here.” Mu Rufeng’s voice appeared from mid-air.

He looked around and saw a plain with ups and downs, and a canyon in the distance.

Standing here, you can also see the sea in the distance.

It is January now, and the temperature in the UK is relatively low, below zero, and there is still heavy snow.

So at a glance, you can only see the white snow.

The howling wind reminded Mu Rufeng of the extremely cold weather outside the Death Castle.

However, compared with the extreme cold in the weird world, the temperature here can’t affect Mu Rufeng at all.

It is now the eleventh day of January.

Mu Rufeng has some memories of the eagle girl, so it didn’t take too much effort to find this place.

Then, Mu Rufeng flew towards the high ground in front.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the edge of the highest cliff.

It can be clearly seen that there is a huge gap in front, which should be a large piece of mountain sliding into the sea.

That's right, this is where the Death Castle is located in the real world.

Mu Rufeng came to the edge of the cliff, looked down, and found that there was a turbulent sea below.

It has been a hundred years, and it is estimated that the castle does not exist. Even if it exists, it is probably just some ruins.

Mu Rufeng looked at the cliff that was hundreds of meters high and felt that it was really a bit difficult.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng released the ghost cave and covered it below.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found the remains of the castle, and immediately disappeared from the spot with a flash.

When Mu Rufeng appeared again, he had already appeared on the seabed below.

It is not too deep here, only a few dozen meters deep.

Mu Rufeng only saw a lot of mud, fine sand and gravel on the seabed.

But Mu Rufeng's ghost cave found the remains of the castle under the seabed.

After a hundred years of waves, it was slowly covered by mud and sand, and only some invisible wreckage remained.

If Mu Rufeng hadn't discovered it with the ghost, it would not have been seen as the wreckage of the castle.

The most important thing is that the reason why Mu Rufeng said he had discovered the wreckage of the castle was because he found some broken glass, some rotten iron products and the collections that Mu Rufeng cared about the most in the mud on the seabed.

However, it was not very convenient to get it out in the sea.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and the surging sea water quickly retreated and finally retreated a hundred meters away, revealing a large area of ​​the seabed.

As Mu Rufeng exhaled a stream of cold air, in an instant, the sea in the distance was directly frozen.

And the freezing speed was extremely fast, and it spread rapidly in all directions.

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