I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 294 Entering the Dungeon: The Third Forbidden Land [10,000 words]

Mu Rufeng withdrew the power to control the sea, and the sea was frozen and could not continue to wash over.

Then Mu Rufeng used the ghost cave to cover this area.

After a while, two well-preserved collection cabinets appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

There were so many collection cabinets on the fifth floor of the castle, but Mu Rufeng didn't expect that there would be two well-preserved ones after falling to the bottom of the sea.

Because these collection cabinets are protected by glass, even seawater cannot corrode the glass, and naturally cannot destroy the specimens inside.

It's just that there is a layer of stains on the glass, and it is difficult to see what is inside.

It must be said that this glass is still relatively strong.

Mu Rufeng immediately removed the stains, and the specimens inside appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Hmm? It seems that my luck is really good." Mu Rufeng smiled.

The glass is not broken, but covered with dense cracks.

It's just that this glass has several layers, it is not completely broken, and seawater cannot corrode it.

Mu Rufeng could barely see the samples inside.

One was the mermaid specimen that Mu Rufeng had been thinking about, and the other was a werewolf.

Mu Rufeng did not open it, but directly put the two glass cabinets into the inventory.

Then Mu Rufeng flew high into the sky. He looked far ahead, and the words Ye Lin said also appeared in his mind.

"Should I use the Soul-sucking Gourd with my Ghost Cave to sweep the sea to see if there are any mermaids?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

"It's just that I have nothing to do, so let's get started?" Mu Rufeng finally made up his mind and flew towards the sea immediately.


The next afternoon.

Mu Rufeng returned to the headquarters in Beijing.

No, there is no so-called mermaid at all.

Mu Rufeng searched almost the entire sea, and found a lot of gold mines, such as shipwrecks, treasures, gold and silver, and various antiques. There are countless.

He also found many unknown fish, but there was no trace of mermaids at all.

There is no so-called Atlantis.

Mu Rufeng was sure that the mermaid specimen was simply transformed by Borel.

He even went to Beijing and asked some experts in Beijing to study the mermaid specimen. The final result was the same, it was transformed.

As for the rumors about mermaids in the outside world, Mu Rufeng also had some guesses.

It is possible that Borel not only created and transformed so many mermaids, but also many.

He even put them in the sea, and of course they may have escaped.

They can live in the sea, but they died because they could not adapt.

There is another possibility, that is, they could not reproduce and eventually died of old age in the sea.

Mu Rufeng did not dwell on these, and now he understood the curiosity in his heart.

"By the way, what is the result of the technical information query?" Mu Rufeng asked Ye Lin.

Ye Lin shook his head: "There is so much information, we still need to do some verification before we can know, at least a week."

"A week, it's not too slow." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, Minister Ye, please help me say hello to all countries. I just have time now, I will absorb a wave of soul power." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, those people have been urging me to let you absorb soul power every day. You absorbed a circle in the UK yesterday, which made those people anxious. They came to urge me again this morning." Ye Lin said with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that they are still short of money." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Of course they are short of money. Our landing bracelets, some of our strange bureau technology and some resources, they are all eagerly staring at them."

"Our money is all paid in cash. By the way, which country are you going to go to first?" Ye Lin said.

"Let's go to India first. They have a large population." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said.

"India allows you to smoke more, and there are no restrictions on men, women, old or young. You can smoke less in major cities, so as not to affect the normal order." Ye Lin said.

"Haha, they really don't treat the people below as human beings." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

"Of course it depends on you, and we can't intervene." Ye Lin said.

"It's better to smoke less. They can not care, but we still have to care, so as to avoid trouble later." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, anyway, they have a large population. In the world, India is the most profitable." Ye Lin said.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then left here and began his journey of harvesting all over the world.


In a blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

It is now January 19th. Last year was obviously a warm year, but this year there is a severe cold wave. It is still below zero now, and it is accompanied by heavy snow.

Yes, it is really snowing heavily.

Mu Rufeng just came back from the United States. In the past seven days, in addition to the fixed daily practice time, he has been harvesting the world without stopping.

Looking at the vast expanse of white outside the window, Mu Rufeng also felt very comfortable.

"Mom, I still have to hand over my work. I will be back tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said to Liu Meizhu on the other end of the phone.

There are only twenty-one days before the Chinese New Year, and Mu Rufeng is also ready to go home.

It is also the end of the year, so the relevant departments across the country are busy.

"I have prepared the house for you. And, let me tell you, we have bought all the houses in our family, and your aunt and her family have moved in." Liu Meizhu said.

"Huh? Why did you buy all the houses? The houses are old, it is better to buy a villa outside and live more comfortably."

"Besides, are Uncle Long, Uncle Zheng and Grandma Liu willing to sell?" Mu Rufeng said with some surprise.

They have been rumored to be demolished for many years. The house on the original third floor has an additional floor on the top floor. How could they move?

Someone offered 6,000 yuan per square meter before, but no one sold it. This is an old walk-up house. Now the price has dropped. It can be bought for more than 3,000 yuan per square meter.

"Hey, isn't this convenient? Besides, the money is in place, so how could we not sell it?"

"Your grandma Liu died in the hospital in the first half of the year, and the children at home don't want to live here, so they have wanted to sell it for a long time."

"As for the two families upstairs, we have given enough money, and they have already bought a river view house at Xiangjiang No. 1." Liu Meizhu said.

"Grandma Liu died? Why didn't you tell me? I said, I didn't see Grandma Liu several times when I went back." Mu Rufeng was still a little moved when he heard that Grandma Liu had passed away.

Grandma Liu lived opposite their house, and they had a good relationship. She often brought some specialties or delicious food.

When Mu Rufeng was a child, his family was a little difficult, so he was very frugal. At that time, he was afraid that he could not eat a small pudding ice cream in a summer vacation.

He still remembers that during a summer vacation in the first year of junior high school, he was going to go out with his friends to pick up scraps at the construction site to earn some pocket money.

As soon as he went out, he happened to meet Grandma Liu opening the door and coming out. She was holding a small pudding that had just been unpacked in her hand.

Mu Rufeng stared at the little pudding, and it seemed that Grandma Liu saw that he wanted to eat it, so she gave it to Mu Rufeng without saying anything.

He really remembered this incident for a long time.

"Alas, he died of stomach cancer. He had stomach pain, but he always endured it by himself and didn't go to the hospital. Later, the pain was unbearable. When he went to the hospital for examination, it was already in the late stage."

"He died not long after he survived." Liu Meizhu sighed.

"When did it happen?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"In May."

"It's fate. If it was later, I could have saved him." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said with some regret.

He would naturally save people he knew, and he would not deliberately save people he didn't know.

In May, Mu Rufeng hadn't entered the dungeon yet, and there was nothing he could do even if he knew.

His family didn't tell him, probably because they thought he was just a neighbor with a slightly better relationship, so how could they tell Mu Rufeng?

"Let's not talk about this. You are 25 this year. When are you going to bring your girlfriend home?" Liu Meizhu said, and then turned the topic here.

"Mom, what time is it now? Are you still looking for a girlfriend? Haven't you watched the news?" Mu Rufeng said speechlessly.

"I watch the news every day. Isn't it that the weird world is coming? And that's why I have to find a girlfriend and have a baby quickly." Liu Meizhu said hurriedly.

"It will come on September 1 this year. Even if I find one now, I will not be able to give birth to the baby until November."

"Mom, do you want my wife to go to the dungeon world while pregnant?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, let's not have a baby first, and talk about it first."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this. I will definitely find one when I want to. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first. I have something to do here." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, you go and get busy first. By the way, will you be back at noon or in the evening tomorrow?"


"Well, I'll buy more vegetables tomorrow and make more delicious food for you.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng took a deep breath, spit out the troubles in his heart, and then came to the balcony.

Looking at the scene of heavy snow, Mu Rufeng's mood also improved a little.


The next morning, after Mu Rufeng woke up, he practiced for two hours, had breakfast, and the time came to ten o'clock.

Mu Rufeng cleaned up the house, cut off the water and electricity, and threw the luggage directly into the item column. He was ready to go home.

He sent a message to Zhou Wen, Cheng Youlin, and Ye Lin, and then took out the sesame ball.

"Let's go back to Yongcheng." Mu Rufeng gave an order.

"Okay, master! "Ma Qiu responded quickly, and then flew directly from the balcony window.

Mu Rufeng did not forget to close the balcony window when he left.

However, at this time, the login bracelet on Mu Rufeng's left wrist suddenly flashed, and a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Copy information has been generated]

[About to enter the copy: the third forbidden land]

[Copy type: multiplayer special copy]

[Participants:? ?]

[Please note, LV4 contractor Mu Rufeng, you will enter the copy in ten minutes, please be prepared]

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng frowned, and then took out the identity certificate.

At this moment, the identity certificate obtained from the Golden City was already emitting a faint light.

"Ring ring ring~~~!"

His phone rang, it was Ye Lin calling.

"Mu Rufeng, there is news about the third forbidden land, and we will enter in ten minutes. "

"Yeah, I received it too. Keep in touch at any time." Mu Rufeng responded.

"Well, then I won't chat with you for now. All contractors of level 7 and above must enter. I still have to arrange some things."

Ye Lin finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

"This time, it's another big copy, once every thousand years, but fortunately now we have a login bracelet."

It can be imagined that the mortality rate of this copy is definitely very high, but because of the login bracelet, the mortality rate has become the mission failure rate.

The former is a real death, and the death is the high-end combat power in the real world.

The latter doesn't matter. If it's not completed, it's not completed. Anyway, life is still the most important thing.

"Ma Qiu, go home." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, master!" Ma Qiu turned around and flew back without asking.

Soon, he returned to the balcony again. Because the balcony window was closed, Ma Qiu couldn't fly in at the first time.

This didn't bother Ma Qiu. He just released the ghost and moved into the house easily.

"Master, is there anything you forgot to take?" Ma Qiu asked.

"The dungeon is here, go to the inventory first."

"Yeah." Ma Qiu nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng put Ma Qiu into the inventory.

Then Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and called his mother.

"Hello, Xiaofeng, are you leaving? What time will you arrive?" As soon as the call was connected, Liu Meizhu's voice came.

"Mom, I'm going to the dungeon, and I can't go back today." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Going to the dungeon? I remember you don't do it once a month?" Liu Meizhu was a little surprised.

"It's a temporary dungeon. I don't know how many days this dungeon will take. If I don't get home during the New Year, you don't have to wait for me to eat the New Year's Eve dinner." Mu Rufeng said.

"It will take so long? I see your dad has never been in the dungeon for more than a day." Liu Meizhu said.

"There are many kinds of dungeons. I have also entered a dungeon that returned after a few hours." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Is this instance particularly difficult? Will it be dangerous?" Liu Meizhu said with some worry.

"Mom, I have a login bracelet, how can it be dangerous?"

"Login bracelets don't mean you have to break an arm."

"Mom, I have another item that can grow my arm." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, you should be careful. I wanted your dad to say a few words to you, but this guy disappeared in an instant and ran out to brag again." Liu Meizhu said unhappily.

Mu Rufeng smiled and then hung up the phone.

Then, he called Mu Rufeng Zhou Wen again.

"Minister Zhou, I'll take away the flesh and blood growth device. I'll enter the instance in five minutes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Instance? You really can't stay idle. And, didn't you say you were going home for the New Year? Why did you go in again?"

"Temporary instance, this instance is a bit big. All the contractors of level 7 and above in the world have to enter the instance." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmm? What kind of copy is so big?" Zhou Wen's face suddenly became a little solemn.

"It's an unspeakable copy, which only appears once every thousand years. Fortunately, I got a certificate in another copy last time to enter, otherwise, I couldn't enter." Mu Rufeng said.

"They are all level 7 and 8 contractors, so wouldn't you be at a disadvantage if you go there?" Zhou Wen said with a smile.

"At a disadvantage? Haha, you're thinking too much. OK, I'm going to hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng immediately took back the flesh and blood grower with the marking card.

Then Mu Rufeng got ready and waited quietly.

When ten minutes were up, the identity certificate suddenly burst into a ray of light that enveloped Mu Rufeng, and then disappeared from the spot.


Mu Rufeng found himself in a place full of white light.

In front of him, there was a small glowing card. Mu Rufeng looked closely and found that it was his identity certificate.

"Please select the identity you need." A mechanical voice sounded.

Soon, three options appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

[Holding power] [Sitting on a huge fortune] [A second generation]

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly when he heard this.

He didn't expect that he would be asked to choose this identity.

The three options are simple and clear. Holding power means that he is naturally a big man with real power.

Sitting on a huge fortune means that he must be rich and wealthy.

As for the last second generation, it is even easier to say, rich second generation, official second generation.

However, how can this second generation be on par with [Holding power] [Sitting on a huge fortune]?

Then there is only one result, the father of this second generation must be higher than the two identities of [Holding power] [Sitting on a huge fortune].

Mu Rufeng thought carefully and finally chose the identity of [Holding power].

No matter where you are, if you have power, you have everything.

"Identity selection is completed, and you are about to enter the third forbidden place!" The identity certificate suddenly emitted a halo again, and then enveloped Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng only felt that he had entered a strange state.

However, at this moment, the halo suddenly paused and dispersed again.

"It is detected that the player has a special talent. Do you want to upgrade your status?" The mechanical voice sounded again.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and soon, he thought of the plug-in of the identity he chose in the last copy.

Unexpectedly, Mu Rufeng really won the bet.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly activated the [Identity] plug-in.

"Identity upgrade completed, about to enter the copy!"

The halo spread instantly, and Mu Rufeng lost consciousness in an instant.


"Your Highness the Ninth Prince, take medicine."

In a daze, Mu Rufeng heard a vague shouting in his ear.

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince? Wake up, it's time to take medicine."

The voice of the speaker was clearer.

Mu Rufeng wanted to open his eyes, but he found that it was difficult to even open his eyelids.

All over his body, it seemed that he had no strength at all.

Soon, Mu Rufeng felt that he was helped up by someone.

Then, a bowl of rich herbal smell filled Mu Rufeng's nasal cavity, and then a spoon was forcibly inserted into Mu Rufeng's mouth.

At this time, Mu Rufeng finally opened his eyes a little.

He saw a man with a feminine face, holding a bowl of medicine and feeding Mu Rufeng with a spoon in one hand.

There was also a girl who helped him up.

Mu Rufeng wanted to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth, spoonfuls of bitter medicine went into his throat.

This medicine was very bitter, very bitter, so bitter that it made him panic.

Mu Rufeng wanted to stop him, but he found that he couldn't even lift his hands.

Soon, Mu Rufeng drank the whole bowl of bitter medicine.

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince, take a rest. If you have anything, you can call us."

The feminine man put Mu Rufeng down again, covered him with a quilt, and then left.

[Taking the Nether Flower Poison, the Weakness BUFF is continuously strengthened]

[Taking the Secret Medicine for Healing, the Body is continuously strengthened]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"Fuck, it's actually poison." Mu Rufeng cursed in his heart.

At this moment, he was lying on the bed, and it was really difficult for him to move.

But soon Mu Rufeng felt a heat flow through his body, and in an instant, a force emerged in his body.

Mu Rufeng's body gradually gained some strength.

But that was all. This force could only allow Mu Rufeng to prop himself up and lean against the head of the bed. He might even fall down to get out of bed.

Mu Rufeng could still feel the ghost power in his body, but the ghost power was sealed and could not be mobilized at all.

The sudden power was not Mu Rufeng's own power, but the power brought by the healing secret medicine he had just drunk.

"Where is this? What copy is it?"

Mu Rufeng only looked around at this time.

This is an ancient and fragrant room, very large, and whether it is decoration or furniture such as tables and chairs, it looks extremely gorgeous and noble.

Mu Rufeng looked at his bedding again. The bedding was extremely smooth and was definitely made of top-quality fabrics.

And he was wearing a white lining, which was also very comfortable to wear.

"I remember that man just called me the Ninth Prince. So, the man who fed me the poison was a eunuch?"

[Enter the dungeon: The Third Forbidden Land]

[Dungeon Type: Special Multiplayer Dungeon]

[Number of Participants: 688 People]

[First Stage Task: Attend the Queen Mother's Birthday Banquet Alive]

[Please note that this is a special dungeon, and the time ratio with the real world is 1:100. One hundred days in the special dungeon will pass one day in the real world.]

The dungeon message appeared at the right time.

"One hundred days in the special dungeon? One hundred days in the special dungeon will pass one day in the real world? That's not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"However, attend the Queen Mother's Birthday Banquet alive?" Mu Rufeng thought of the bowl of poison he had drunk before.

Mu Rufeng wanted to vomit, but found that the poison had already been digested and integrated into his body.

Mu Rufeng tried to communicate with his inventory, and soon Mu Rufeng smiled. His inventory was not banned.

However, everything related to the modern era was banned.

For example, he couldn't take out the sesame ball from the inventory.

But what surprised him was that the Xiuchun serrated knife could be taken out.

Mu Rufeng searched in the inventory, but did not find anything that could detoxify.

Even some of the rule props were banned, such as the pregnant glasses and the tablecloth of gourmet food.

This era must be ancient, and all modern items cannot appear here.

The reason why the Xiuchun serrated knife can appear is probably that the serrated knife also exists in this world.

Mu Rufeng checked his own weakness BUFF.

[Weakness BUFF]: Severely injured, and the weak state obtained by taking the nether flower poison for a long time, all attributes decreased by 95%, limbs were sore and weak, mentally exhausted, and the ghost power and blood power in the body were sealed.

Oh my god, all attributes decreased by 95%? Moreover, the limbs were sore and weak, the spirit was not good, and the ghost power and the power of the contractor in the body were also sealed.

Now Mu Rufeng can be said to be at the mercy of others.

He immediately checked his attributes.

[Strength]: 63.1 (1262.8)

[Spirit]: 61.5 (1230.3)

[Constitution]: 62.8 (1256.6)

Because the Qilin Wand was banned and put into the inventory, its attributes were slightly reduced.

Now his three-dimensional attributes are over 60 points. The three-dimensional attributes of an ordinary adult are 10 points. He is six times more than ordinary people, which makes him a little superman.

But he is still sore and weak. It seems that it should be because of the weakness of the limbs and mental fatigue mentioned by the weak BUFF.

Then Mu Rufeng checked some of his abilities and talents, and he found that none of his abilities and talents were banned.

Except for one, that is the [Identity] plug-in, or because he has used it, it cannot be used again in this copy, and it directly turns gray.

[You have used special abilities to upgrade your identity. Your current identity is the Ninth Prince of the Dali Dynasty]

When Mu Rufeng checked the [Identity] plug-in, this information suddenly popped up in his mind.

"The position of the Ninth Prince is honorable, but is this considered a hell start?" Mu Rufeng shook his head slightly.

Then Mu Rufeng exerted his potential burst.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng felt that his body was a little better, but he was still a little weak.

Looking at the attributes again, it was indeed increased by 20% of all attributes, but the attribute that weakened by 95% was still effective.

[Strength]: 75.7 (1515.3)

[Spirit]: 73.8 (1476.3)

[Constitution]: 75.3 (1507.9)

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng prepared to take out a few corpses to perform [Life and Death].

But soon Mu Rufeng thought that it didn't seem very safe here, so he gave up the idea.

The most important thing now is that he has to figure out his own situation and the so-called information about the Dali Dynasty.

Although he is the ninth prince of the Dali Dynasty, if there is any mistake, he may die without a burial place.

Just as Mu Rufeng was thinking, a memory violently poured into his mind.

Mu Rufeng felt that his head was splitting, as if it was about to explode.

This feeling is like the feeling of staying up all night for several nights to do math Olympiad questions after graduating for a few years.

If Mu Rufeng had the original physical fitness, he would definitely be able to digest these memories easily.

But now Mu Rufeng is seriously injured, poisoned, weak, mentally exhausted, and can't bear it at all, so he just fainted.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Rufeng heard someone calling him in a daze.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, wake up, it's time for dinner."

"Your Highness? Don't scare me, Your Highness? Woo woo woo~~!"

A burst of crying woke Mu Rufeng up.

His eyelids opened slightly, and a pretty little face came into view.

"It's Xiao Cui, I'm hungry, help me up." Mu Rufeng sniffed the aroma of the food, and his stomach protested.

"Great, Your Highness, you are awake. Your Highness, you are injured. I will bring you dinner and feed you." Xiao Cui immediately turned around and prepared to bring the dishes placed not far away.

"Help me up." Mu Rufeng said without question.

"Yes, Your Highness." Xiao Cui did not dare to refute, and hurriedly stepped forward and helped Mu Rufeng up.

Soon Mu Rufeng stood up, and at the same time he struggled to lift the quilt on his body.

Then Mu Rufeng moved his feet to the edge of the bed, and then his feet fell directly on the ground.

The ground seemed to be covered with carpet, furry and very comfortable.

Mu Rufeng looked down and found that it was actually a piece of tiger skin.

Then Mu Rufeng tried to stand up, but stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, Xiao Cui immediately came forward and pulled Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng leaned on Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui was only a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, and she looked very weak.

But she was able to catch Mu Rufeng steadily, which surprised Mu Rufeng.

But he still didn't say anything, and let Xiao Cui help Mu Rufeng slowly walk to the wooden table, and then sat on the chair.

This wooden table is made of fine red sandalwood, which is priceless.

Even the teapot and teacup on the table seem to be priceless objects.

"Your Highness, the dishes made by the imperial kitchen today are all the spiritual food you like to eat. I will add rice and vegetables for you." Xiao Cui quickly took the bowl and chopsticks, and then helped Mu Rufeng add some rice.

Then, Xiao Cui picked up a piece of crispy meat with chopsticks and handed it to Mu Rufeng's mouth.

Mu Rufeng subconsciously wanted to refuse, but instinctively opened his mouth and ate it in one bite.

Not to mention, this taste is really good, and it also contains some special power.

This is very nourishing. If you eat it often, it will definitely improve the ghost power and blood power in your body.

At the same time, after eating the meat, Mu Rufeng felt that his strength seemed to have recovered a little.

However, strangely, the toxin that sealed the ghost power in his body seemed to have absorbed this power and grown stronger.

"Your Highness, eat more. Tell Xiao Cui what dishes you want to eat, and Xiao Cui will pick them for you." Xiao Cui said, and picked up another piece of meat for Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but ate silently. Soon, all the food was eaten by Mu Rufeng.

At this moment, his hands and feet also recovered some strength, which allowed him to walk normally.

"Your Highness, do you want to go for a walk in the courtyard?"

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded and was about to get up.

"Your Highness, please wait a moment. I will help you put on your shoes." Xiao Cui hurriedly ran to the bedside, then took a pair of golden boots and put them on for Mu Rufeng personally.

Then Xiao Cui supported Mu Rufeng and helped him walk out.

Before they could get close to the door, they saw the door being opened from the outside.

The two maids opened the door, one on the left and one on the right.

"Your Highness!" The two immediately bowed to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Soon Xiao Cui helped Mu Rufeng out of the room.

Xiao Cui turned to a maid and ordered: "Sister Hong, please clean up."

"Okay." Hong Lian heard this, nodded slightly, and then turned and entered the house.

With the help of Xiao Cui, he came to the courtyard.

This courtyard is very large, with a pond, half of which is full of lotus, and there are many koi and turtles in the water.

There is a ten-meter-high mountain in the corner of the pond, with water trickling out from the top, and then forming a waterfall falling into the pond.

It is a good place with mountains, water and waterfalls.

Mu Rufeng came to the pavilion: "Xiao Cui, you go down, I will sit here alone for a while."

"Yes, Your Highness." Xiao Cui bowed and then left slowly.

But she did not go far, just waiting outside the pavilion.

"Alas!" Mu Rufeng sighed in his heart.

He now knows his identity and some information.

Although he does not understand why the third forbidden land is such an ancient world, it still surprises Mu Rufeng.

The Dali Dynasty is the most powerful dynasty in the world, unifying the nine states of the Central Region.

The Dali Dynasty established the country with martial arts, respected martial arts, and took the path of martial arts.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that their cultivation system was actually the same as that of the Daxia Dynasty in the ancient copy.

However, the Dali Dynasty is more powerful than the Daxia Dynasty, and the martial arts are more prosperous.

Because their Dali Dynasty has existences above the God Realm.

This is clear and obvious in the memory he got in his mind.

Moreover, there is more than one. In Mu Rufeng's impression, there are as many as ten existences above the God Realm.

As for the ninth-level God Realm masters, there are countless. The current emperor, who is the father of Mu Rufeng, the current ninth prince, is a master at the peak of the God Realm.

This continent is called the Tiandao Continent by everyone. There are five domains on the continent, namely the southeast, northwest and central regions.

The central region is occupied by the Dali Dynasty, which can be said to be one of the top forces in the world, with countless resources and masters.

As the ninth prince of the Dali Dynasty, Mu Rufeng's status is extremely noble, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most noble in the world.

It must be said that the first-class identity certificate plus his status upgrade is really awesome, directly making him stand at the top of the secondary world.

Mu Rufeng's ninth prince was also extremely talented. At the age of 24, he had already reached the seventh level of the Refining Qi Realm.

However, when he was fighting against the demon tribe on the border bordering the Western Regions, he was ambushed and seriously injured.

Although he finally escaped, the 50,000 elite soldiers he had trained with resources were also wiped out, and only dozens of personal soldiers escorted him back to the imperial city.

The ninth prince was seriously injured, and under the miraculous hands of the imperial physician, he saved his life, but he also left a hidden disease.

Now it has been more than a month since he returned from the border, and the hidden disease is still difficult to heal.

His strength has fallen to the point where ordinary people can kill him.

As for the netherworld flower poison, it is also the reason why his hidden disease is difficult to heal. Not only can he not use the ghost power in his body, but he can't use his own blood and qi.

As for who poisoned this, Mu Rufeng still guessed a little based on his own memories.

"It really started from hell." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

You have to know that holding military power means having the real say in the court.

It's a pity that his 50,000 elite soldiers were destroyed, and the dozens of guards who escorted him back were also killed by the eldest prince on the grounds of poor protection.

Only ten guards were left, and Xiao Cui and a eunuch took the token of the ninth prince and saved the last ten guards who had not been beheaded.

The ninth prince went from a great man with outstanding talent and 50 million elite soldiers to a useless man with a strange poison, a hidden disease that was difficult to cure and no military power.

This gap is very big.

I don't know how the identity certificate made him the so-called ninth prince, and Mu Rufeng has seen his appearance in the mirror.

He came from the flesh and became the ninth prince.

Whether it is his own weakness, hidden disease, or this strange poison, it is all the same.

Sure enough, the rules are still the rules, and they have always been so amazing.

Every day, eunuchs feed him medicine. The medicine is very powerful and can help him recover from his injuries, but it contains toxins.

It is supplemented with spiritual food to enhance his physical fitness. It seems to be recovering Mu Rufeng's injuries, but in fact, it is also strengthening the toxins.

He learned from his memory that his body is indeed getting better day by day, but under the current situation, he can't make it to the Queen Mother's birthday banquet. The toxins will explode and take his life.

The Queen Mother's birthday banquet is seven days later.

In fact, Mu Rufeng knew that even if he didn't continue to drink the poison, just eating three meals of spiritual food every day would kill him within five days.

If he didn't eat the spiritual food, his injuries might be even more serious.

"How to break the situation?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

This Nether Flower poison was unheard of and unseen in his memory.

Even Xiao Cui, who was loyal to him, didn't know that Mu Rufeng was poisoned. She only knew that Mu Rufeng was in such a state because his injuries had not healed.

The feminine man who fed him the medicine was not the one who poisoned him, but Liu Ming, the great companion who grew up with the Ninth Prince.

He was the most loyal person to him.

As the Ninth Prince, he was also in a high position and had 50,000 elite soldiers. In that battle, his entire army was wiped out.

His family assets were destroyed, and even some of his staff and some of his trusted followers died in that battle.

The most important thing for Mu Rufeng now is to get rid of the toxins in his body first.

If the food tablecloth was not banned, he could create food to detoxify, but now he can only rely on himself.

"Where is the plug-in? Why hasn't the plug-in been loaded yet?" Mu Rufeng muttered in his heart.

If other aspects cannot break through, then he can only rely on the plug-in.

"Xiao Cui." Mu Rufeng called out.

"Your Highness, do you want to go back to your room to rest?" Xiao Cui ran over and asked.

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