I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 297 Eight million taels of pension are gone [10,000 words]

". He can comprehend the secret method. His comprehension is really amazing." Mu Rufeng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

After a pause, Mu Rufeng sat up straight.

Then he took out Kaitian Jue.

After opening it, Mu Rufeng studied it carefully, and finally sat cross-legged with his eyes slightly closed. The whole person fell into a wonderful feeling.

Kaitian Jue is divided into nine levels corresponding to the nine realms of martial arts, which is extremely standard.

Each level of practice can comprehend a powerful martial art.

And the higher the level of practice, the more powerful the martial arts comprehended.

[Practicing Kaitian Jue to the first level, successfully comprehending the martial art Kaitian Fist]

It only took ten breaths for Mu Rufeng's amazing comprehension to practice directly to the first level.

Mu Rufeng ignored the reminder in his ear and continued to practice.

After thirty breaths, Mu Rufeng completed the second level of practice.

[Practicing Kaitian Jue to the second level, successfully comprehending the martial art·Split Heaven Step]

With the Ninth Prince's practice memory and his extraordinary comprehension, Mu Rufeng's practice is as simple as eating and drinking.


No words were spoken overnight, and the next day.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Mu Rufeng kicked a big hole in the wall.

Mu Rufeng looked at the big hole and the formation that was rising, and nodded slightly.

The power of Split Heaven Step is really good. He didn't kick with all his strength, but it was so powerful.

Mu Rufeng finished his work and stopped practicing.

At this moment, his cultivation has reached the fifth level of the internal organs.

One night, just one night.

At this speed, he will definitely reach the sixth level of the heart refining state the day before the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

However, after reaching the seventh level of the orifice refining state, his practice speed will slow down.

The reason why he can be so fast, in addition to his extraordinary comprehension, the most important thing is that he has the Ninth Prince's practice memory.

When the memory is gone, the speed will definitely slow down.

But this speed is definitely super super fast compared to other warriors.

His current three-dimensional attributes are higher than before, and his strength is stronger than before.

[Strength]: 1862.8

[Spirit]: 1330.3

[Physique]: 1856.6

When the cultivation level breaks through to the fourth level of bone refining, the strength and physique increase by 200 points respectively, and the spirit increases by 40 points.

When breaking through to the fifth level of organ refining, the strength and physique increase by 400 points respectively, and the spirit increases by 50 points.

His cultivation level has just reached the fifth level of organ refining. When the cultivation reaches perfection, his strength and physique attributes will definitely be improved.

When Kaitian Jue is cultivated to the fifth level, he also comprehends five martial arts, each of which is extremely powerful.

At the same time, this is before Mu Rufeng uses the rule skill [Life and Death].

If this is used, Mu Rufeng's strength will definitely soar to a terrifying level.

"I'm a little hungry. Let's eat something before continuing to practice." Mu Rufeng stretched his muscles and then closed the formation in the room.

In the martial arts, in addition to eating natural treasures, the only way to become stronger is to eat food.

Whether it's meat or spiritual food, it's all fine.

If you don't eat, it's simply unrealistic to practice by yourself.

Then Mu Rufeng opened the door and saw Xiao Cui squatting in a corner outside the door and sleeping soundly.

Mu Rufeng shook his head when he saw this scene.

"Xiao Cui, wake up." Mu Rufeng shouted.

"Ah, Your Highness, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Xiao Cui woke up suddenly and apologized with a panicked look.

"If you're sleepy, go back to sleep. You don't have to guard the door. There are guards in the mansion." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, I'm worried about you, and Xiao Cui is not sleepy." Xiao Cui shook her head again and again.

"You, then get me some food first, get more, I'm hungry." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, have you recovered from your injury?" Xiao Cui looked at Mu Rufeng with sparkling eyes.

Xiao Cui was most worried that Mu Rufeng's injury could not be healed. Now that she saw that Mu Rufeng looked so good and wanted to eat spiritual food, she asked this question.

"Well, I have recovered, and my cultivation has also recovered a little. I broke the wall in the house a little. You can find someone to repair it." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's great. I knew that Your Highness would be blessed by heaven. I will go to prepare spiritual food for Your Highness." Xiao Cui jumped up happily and ran away without looking back.

Mu Rufeng looked at the impetuous Xiao Cui, smiled and shook his head, then Mu Rufeng walked down the steps and came to the courtyard.

Mu Rufeng's mansion is very large, and this courtyard is just the courtyard of his room.

The courtyard is full of flowers, plants and trees on both sides, leaving only an aisle in the middle.

Mu Rufeng began to walk in his own mansion.

Although he had the memory of the Ninth Prince, it was like watching a movie, and he could not be there in person.

So Mu Rufeng still wanted to walk around the mansion by himself.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

Along the way, he met many maids, eunuchs and patrolling guards. When they saw Mu Rufeng, they immediately saluted respectfully.

Mu Rufeng also smiled and nodded.

"Oh, Your Highness, why did you come out? And why is there no one around you? Where is Xiao Cui? Where is Xiao Cui?"

It seemed that Zhang Chun knew from the servants that Mu Rufeng had come out of the room, and he ran over as soon as possible.

But when he saw Mu Rufeng walking alone, his face was full of worry.

He learned from Liu Ming how serious Mu Rufeng's injury was.

"Eunuch Chun, the Seventh Sister begged the Queen for a thousand-year snow lotus for me. After I absorbed it last night, my injuries have healed and my cultivation has returned to the Zang Refining Realm."

"As for Xiaocui, I asked the girl to prepare a spiritual meal for me, and the girl stayed outside my room all night. I will let her take a rest later," Mu Rufeng said.

If Mu Rufeng asked Xiao Cui to go to bed, Xiao Cui would definitely not listen and would definitely follow Mu Rufeng.

But if Eunuch Chun is asked to speak, then Xiaocui will definitely listen.

Because Xiaocui is Eunuch Chun's grandniece.

Moreover, Eunuch Chun is Xiaocui's only relative.

"Really? The seventh princess is so kind to His Highness." Zhang Chun's face was filled with smiles.

"Eunuch Chun, go and do your work. I'll take a walk around the house and take a walk." Mu Rufeng said to Zhang Chun.

"I don't have much to do, so I'll just serve His Highness." Zhang Chun bowed slightly and said.

Upon hearing this, Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then walked forward.

After a while, Mu Rufeng heard some shouts from the front left.

Mu Rufeng looked over there, where was the martial arts field.

When Mu Rufeng practiced martial arts, he practiced in the martial arts field.

In his spare time, he would also let his personal guards train and practice in the martial arts field.

Mu Rufeng immediately quickened her pace.

When Mu Rufeng stepped through a moon gate, the surrounding environment suddenly became clear.

It's very big. This martial arts arena is half the size of a football field.

The floor tiles in the martial arts arena are also made of high-strength bluestone, which is extremely hard and cannot be broken even by a full-strength blow from the fifth-level Zang refining realm.

There is also a row of weapon racks placed on one side of the martial arts arena, which looks pretty decent.

At this moment, on the martial arts field, two men were fighting, and there were seven or eight men surrounding them watching and cheering.

The two men did not use weapons. They were naked from the waist up, and their blood was surging all over their bodies. They punched and punched to the flesh, making constant muffled sounds, which made people's blood boil.

None of them used any martial arts, just physical combat.

Mu Rufeng stood at the edge of the field without moving, quietly watching the battle between the two sides.

As he watched, another notification sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Your understanding is incredible, watch the battle of the personal guards, and understand the martial arts: killing fist]

This boxing technique can condense one's own killing intention into the fists and then fight against the enemy. The stronger the killing intention, the stronger the power.

It is a very strong martial art.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

One man's middle door was wide open, and he was punched in the chest by another man.

The former flew directly upside down for more than ten meters, and then rolled around on the ground. Immediately, he put his hands on the ground, jumped high, and then landed steadily.

"Haha, I won, Wang Chun, you fell to the ground." The winning man said with a laugh.

The outcome was decided, and whoever fell to the ground first would lose. Although Wang Chun did not suffer much damage, he rolled around on the ground, so he lost.

"Humph, you're just lucky." Wang Chun snorted, obviously still a little unconvinced.

"Vice Commander Wang, if you lose, don't forget to treat us to a drink."

"Yes, yes, I am very greedy for the Zuixian Brewing from Zuixian Tower, and Mr. Wang is reluctant to part with it."

"Vice Commander Liu is awesome. I haven't seen him in the past few days, and his strength has greatly increased."

All the personal guards shouted in unison.

"Bah, bang, bang!" A round of applause sounded.

Mu Rufeng clapped her hands and walked towards them.

"I've met His Highness!"

When everyone heard the sound and saw that it was Mu Rufeng, they immediately stopped playing and immediately clasped their fists and bowed in salute.

"Yes, Liu Feng's strength has improved again than before." Mu Rufeng praised.

"Your Highness has given you too much praise." Liu Feng said with some embarrassment.

"His Royal Highness happens to be free today, so I will teach you some martial arts." Mu Rufeng said.

It has to be said that his personal guards are full of evil spirits and are very suitable for learning killing fists.

These personal guards had followed Mu Rufeng on the battlefield to kill enemies, so their killing intent was extremely terrifying.

"It's all taken care of." Mu Rufeng didn't wait for their reply, and directly used the killing fist.


Mu Rufeng shouted loudly, and murderous intent suddenly burst out from his body.

The terrifying killing intent made all the guards look panicked, as if they saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Mu Rufeng punched out, and a powerful killing intent accompanied by a terrifying punching wind hit the ground.


A violent roar sounded, and the ground shook.

Above the sky, a formation quickly emerged, and then slowly disappeared.

The ground instantly cracked open, and a huge pit appeared on the ground.

His punch directly triggered all the formations in the mansion.

The huge impact also directly knocked away a group of guards.

However, they also reacted in mid-air, quickly stabilized their bodies one by one, and then landed safely.

At this moment, they all looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

They could clearly feel the astonishing killing intent in their fists, and clearly saw the lethality of this fist.

The most important thing is that they also sensed that Mu Rufeng was only using Zang Refining realm to perform martial arts.

This destructive power is comparable to that of the sixth level mind refining state.

After all, even the hard bluestone brick was smashed by Mu Rufeng's punch, leaving a huge hole.

"Your Highness is mighty!" A group of guards shouted excitedly.

At this time, they also knew that His Highness the Ninth Prince must have recovered from his injuries.

The extremely talented and high-spirited Ninth Prince is back again.

"Everyone, get into position and release your murderous intent as I said." Mu Rufeng looked at the guards and shouted sternly.


The guards immediately responded loudly, and then jumped up one after another in front of Mu Rufeng, and then stood in line, so that everyone could clearly see Mu Rufeng's figure.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Mu Rufeng repeatedly explained and then demonstrated. Those with good qualifications were already getting started, while those with poor qualifications were still confused but they also knew how to act.

Martial arts are different from martial arts. As long as you get started and practice slowly, you will eventually get it. It just depends on the power and progress of the practice.

"You will practice slowly to release the murderous intention in your heart. Do you remember it all?"

"Remember!" Everyone responded immediately.

"Liu Feng, you are the fastest to get started. You can take the time to teach the brothers who are on duty. Today I will have someone copy the secret book." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Liu Feng said, clasping his fists.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly and prepared to leave.

But Liu Feng suddenly took a step forward and asked, "Your Highness, has your injury healed?"

"Yes, His Highness's cultivation has also returned to the Zang Refining realm." Mu Rufeng nodded, then turned and left.

When Liu Feng and others heard this, their faces were filled with excitement.

Although they guessed that Mu Rufeng's injury had recovered, hearing Mu Rufeng say it from his own words still made them feel at ease.

You know, His Highness the Ninth Prince is their backbone.

The 50,000-strong army was destroyed, and his confidants and protectors were also destroyed. The masters were also seriously injured and dying, and their cultivation was ruined.

These personal guards are not only worried about His Highness, they are also worried about their own future and future.

They are not alone, they all have families.

"Everyone calm down and keep practicing, Ergouzi, especially you, you are the last one to learn the stance." Liu Feng scolded everyone.

Liu Feng is in the Zang Refining Realm, and he was originally just a small boss, but the people above him died a lot, so he rose to the top, and is now the deputy commander of the personal guard.

The other person who fought with him before was also another deputy commander Wang Chun.

As for the commander, that is Zhang Fuquan, the only one in the sixth level of mental refining. Now he is not here, but following Liu Ming to investigate the pension situation of the sacrificed soldiers.

"Yes, deputy commander!" A group of people shouted quickly.

the other side.

Mu Rufeng walked around almost the whole house, not to mention it was really big.

He also went to take a look in his treasure house. Well, there were only some things left that were difficult to get rid of, and the rest that were easy to get rid of and the cash were gone.

After all, the pension of 50,000 soldiers was completely wiped out by him.

After walking around in a circle, Mu Rufeng returned to the wing.

At this moment, a large table of spiritual meals had been placed inside, and just smelling the aroma made Mu Rufeng's stomach growl.

"Your Highness, the spiritual meal is ready." When Xiao Cui saw Mu Rufeng coming, she trotted over happily.

"Huh? Xiao Cui, just walk. Why are you running?" Zhang Chun, who followed in the door, saw Xiao Cui jumping around like this. His face suddenly darkened and he scolded.

When Xiaocui saw it was Zhang Chun, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to express her anger, and then she called out in a low voice: "Grandpa Chun."

At the same time, she transformed from a carefree little girl into a lady.

"Okay, there's no need to be so strict. Xiaocui is young, so it's good to be noisy." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Your Highness is right." Eunuch Chun would not refute Mu Rufeng, but in private he would still be strict with Xiao Cui.

"Xiao Cui, let Hong Lian and Qing Ya take care of you. You didn't sleep all night last night. Go down and take a rest first."

Mu Rufeng sat on the chair, Xiaocui quickly stepped forward to prepare food and rice for Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng spoke immediately.

"Your Highness, Xiao Cui is not sleepy. I am in very good spirits." Xiao Cui shook her head and said.

"Eunuch Chun." Mu Rufeng ignored Xiao Cui and looked at Zhang Chun.

"Xiao Cui, if His Highness asks you to rest, go and rest." Zhang Chun said in a deep voice.

"Oh, I understand, Your Highness, I'm going to have a rest. I'll get up at noon. The damage to the wall will be repaired by servants after Your Majesty has finished the spiritual meal." Xiao Cui immediately resigned and left.

It's quite early now, only about nine o'clock.

"Eunuch Chun, go and do your work." Mu Rufeng said to Zhang Chun again.

"Yes, old slave, please retire, Honglian and Qingya, you two are waiting on me." Zhang Chun looked at Honglian and Qingya who were standing aside.

"Yes, Eunuch Chun." The two of them responded in succession.

Seeing Zhang Chun's leaving figure, Mu Rufeng also moved her chopsticks.

I have to say that the taste of this spiritual meal is really good. It tastes almost as good as the food costing hundreds of thousands of soul coins for a gourmet tablecloth.

And the effect on improving qi and blood is better.

In just a quarter of an hour, Mu Rufeng finished a large table full of spiritual food.

After finishing the table, Mu Rufeng was so full that she couldn't move.

Mu Rufeng's digestion ability is not to be underestimated, and he also remembered that he seemed to have a talent.

[Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth] This talent can passively increase one's digestion ability, and can also actively open the swallowing of heaven and earth.

When Mu Rufeng activated the ability, he saw that his bulging belly flattened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This ability is really good.

It can be said that if Mu Rufeng wants to break through his cultivation, as long as the resources are sufficient, he can reach the level of God in a short time.

However, Mu Rufeng is not in a hurry, because there is no use in being anxious. Their mansion has no money, and the money for spiritual food is probably not enough to eat.

The pension for 50,000 soldiers is really too much, and the most important thing is that Mu Rufeng gave a lot.

It is almost five times the pension for ordinary soldiers.

This is not that Mu Rufeng is stupid, it has been like this since the beginning of military training, and Mu Rufeng does not want to change.

"Has the big companion returned?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, Eunuch Liu has not returned since he left yesterday." Honglian replied quickly.

"Haven't you come back yet?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

"Let's go to the training room." Mu Rufeng had just eaten and didn't want to be idle, so he went to the training room to practice.

How could he not practice when he had such a heaven-defying understanding here?

Honglian and Qingya immediately followed Mu Rufeng.

Most of the people in the martial arts field were practicing, but the training room was different. It was built specifically for Mu Rufeng.

After all, as long as the strength exceeded level five in the martial arts field, it would be easy to break the floor.

The training room was different. It was made of the most top-notch materials, and even the existence of the eighth-level soul refining realm would find it difficult to break.

Mu Rufeng's practice was also very simple, just to perform martial arts.

The most important thing about martial arts is to practice, use more, and understand more.

As for understanding, Mu Rufeng's heaven-defying understanding is always understanding, and what he lacks now is more practice.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the training room.

The training room is fully enclosed, with an area of ​​about 300 square meters. There are many weapons and even human-shaped targets inside.

The materials of the training room are made of fine iron stone fused with some other metal ores.

Fine iron stone is an extremely hard and rare ore, which is an excellent material for forging armor and weapons.

It can be said that it took a huge amount of money to build such a training room.

"You wait outside." Mu Rufeng said to Qingya and Honglian, and then entered the training room alone.

Open Heaven Fist——

Split Heaven Step——

Broken Heaven Strike——

Shooting Heaven Wolf——

Howling Sky Collapse——

Mu Rufeng only knows these five martial arts now, but each one is extremely powerful.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng left a lot of marks on the hard human-shaped target, which is enough to prove how powerful Mu Rufeng's attack power is.

In a blink of an eye, two hours have passed, and it is now more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

Mu Rufeng fiercely smashed his fists on the human-shaped target. The terrifying force actually knocked the human-shaped target out and then hit the wall heavily, leaving a deep dent.

[You have a supernatural comprehension. After a long period of martial arts training, you have comprehended a special martial arts: Kaitian Zhuan]

[Kaitian Zhuan]: It can be connected to the martial arts comprehended by Kaitian Jue. Continuously performing Kaitian Jue in sequence can enhance the power of the martial arts, with a minimum of one time and a maximum of nine times.

After hearing the attributes, Mu Rufeng was immediately refreshed.

It turned out to be such a martial art, which was simply tailor-made for Kaitian Jue.

And the most important thing is that this is not only for him to use, as long as the royal family members who have practiced Kaitian Jue can practice this [Kaitian Zhuan].

As the royal family's clan-suppressing method, the martial arts in it are the most relied-upon attack methods of the royal family.

If everyone practices [Kaitian Zhuan], it can really enhance their strength.

Without saying too much, if his father, the current emperor of the Dali Dynasty, practices, his strength will definitely increase dramatically.

Even the existence above the God Realm in their royal family is the same.

The martial arts of Kaitian Jue are super martial arts that can be used from level one to above the God Realm.

"Dong Dong Dong!" There was a dull knock on the door outside.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng immediately stopped practicing and slowly calmed down his blood.

"What's the matter." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Your Highness, I have something important to report." Liu Ming's voice came from outside the door.

At this moment, Liu Ming knelt on his knees and knocked his head on the ground. He was a little panicked.

At this time, the door of the practice room slowly opened and Mu Rufeng walked out.

"My dear, what do you mean? Why are you kneeling?" Mu Rufeng saw Liu Ming's appearance at the moment, frowned slightly, and he had an ominous premonition.

"Your Highness, I did not do my job well. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

"Tell me clearly what happened." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Your Highness, there was a problem with the pension."

Liu Ming immediately explained the matter one by one.

The Dali Dynasty occupied the Central Region and had no shortage of resources or money, so the soldiers had a lot of silver money every month.

In terms of pensions, ordinary soldiers who died in battle would receive a pension of 30 taels of silver.

Because they were elite soldiers and the Ninth Prince was kind, he directly multiplied the amount by five, so each soldier had a pension of 150 taels.

Among them, there were 10,000 cavalrymen, and the pension was even higher, 200 taels per person.

Not counting the generals, only the soldiers, 50,000 troops would be 8 million taels.

Such a high pension really emptied Mu Rufeng's pocket.

The money given to him by his mother when she died, the silver supported by his mother's family, and the silver earned by his own business were all lost.

This must be given because it is a pension.

Eight million taels, this is not a small amount, so someone is really eyeing it.

The day before yesterday, Liu Ming was ordered to go, with enough silver and manpower, and went to the homes of those military households in person.

The 50,000 troops recruited by Mu Rufeng were all gathered in the villages and towns within a radius of 200 kilometers of the imperial city. It only takes one village to run, which is very convenient.

In addition, Liu Ming also brought a lot of people, so he ran all the way in one night.

In Liu Ming's view, the pension was distributed by them personally going to the village to gather the families in the village, and there was absolutely no embezzlement.

But when Mu Rufeng asked him to check it again, he knew it.

As soon as they paid the money and left the village, someone came into the village and confiscated all the money.

Moreover, the most annoying thing was that those people actually came to collect the money in the name of His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince.

The silver of 200 taels of 150 taels was directly reduced by ten times to 20 taels of 15 taels.

This amount did not even meet the standard of pension for ordinary soldiers.

When Liu Ming and the commander of the personal guards knew about it, they were furious on the spot, and they immediately appeased the villagers and started to investigate.

As long as they found out who did it, they would definitely kill them at the first time.

However, when they found out the results, they were dumbfounded.

Liu Ming asked the commander of the personal guards and some of his men to continue to appease the families of the dead soldiers, and he came back to report as soon as possible.

"Who is it?" Mu Rufeng said coldly, and the murderous intent on his body gradually dissipated.

Those were the 50,000 soldiers who fought with him to death. He did not expect that someone would dare to touch the money.

"Your Highness, it's the Lord Xuanping Marquis."

"Good, good, very good, my uncle is really very good."

Mu Rufeng slapped a stone lion as tall as a person as a decoration.

"Bang!" The stone lion exploded instantly.

"Let's go, follow me to Xuanping Marquis Mansion." Mu Rufeng's tone was grim and murderous.

Mu Rufeng's biological mother was a lady from a wealthy family. When the emperor was still the prince, he met his mother in disguise, and then fell in love with her at first sight and married her back to the East Palace.

When he ascended the throne, he gave her the title of Shufei, which was second only to the queen and below the imperial concubine. Because of her lovely appearance, she was more favored.

So, his mother's family naturally followed suit. His grandfather had died of old age, so let's not talk about it for now.

But his mother also had an elder brother who was named Xuanping Marquis.

When his grandparents were alive, they could still manage Xuanping Hou, so he didn't cause any trouble.

But ten years ago, his grandparents died in the same year, and Xuanping Hou was left alone, and began to let himself go.

With his sister, the concubine, and the nephew of the ninth prince, he began to bully the market, seize land and property, etc.

He even robbed decent women.

When the ninth prince knew about it, he gave him a severe lesson, and then he settled down.

However, five years ago, his biological mother died of illness, and before she died, she asked the ninth prince to take good care of Xuanping Hou.

The last time Xuanping Hou was taught a lesson, it was not too much, at most he was a little overbearing, so the ninth prince didn't control him too much.

But now Mu Rufeng never expected that his uncle really gave him a huge surprise.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng brought Liu Ming and a group of guards to Xuanping Hou's mansion.

"Greetings, Your Highness!"

The six sturdy servants standing at the door of the Marquis's mansion saluted Mu Rufeng.

As servants of the Marquis Xuanping's mansion, they had naturally seen Mu Rufeng many times, even his car.

Mu Rufeng ignored these servants and went straight into the mansion.

The Marquis's mansion was very large and extremely luxurious. Although it was not as big as his prince's mansion, it was far more luxurious.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the main hall.

In the main hall, the family of the Marquis Xuanping's mansion was all there, eating at a round rosewood table.

"Oh, I said today that there was a magpie calling, and it turned out that the prince was here." When the Marquis Xuanping saw that the person coming was Mu Rufeng, he immediately dropped his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with his clothes, and then greeted him flatteringly.

"Greetings, His Highness the Ninth Prince."

The family of the Marquis Xuanping also stood up and saluted Mu Rufeng.

"Your Highness, aren't you injured and still recuperating in the mansion? Why did you come here in person? I should be the one to visit you. I was thinking of bringing my family to visit you tonight."

"Marquis Xuanping! You really gave me a big surprise." Mu Rufeng shouted sternly.

The voice was very loud, and some blood and qi were used, which frightened the Marquis Xuanping, who had never practiced before, and he sat down on the ground.

The brothers and sisters and the aunts beside were also frightened, but they didn't dare to say anything. They lowered their heads and didn't dare to breathe.

"Your Highness, my... my master has caused trouble again?" A beautiful woman with a charming demeanor hesitated for a moment, but still stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

This beautiful woman is the eldest wife of Marquis Xuanping and Mu Rufeng's authentic aunt Liu Ruyu.

Liu Ruyu was the eldest daughter of an official family. She was well-educated, gentle and pleasant. She was personally chosen by Empress Shu, but it was a pity that she was so blind that she followed this good-for-nothing uncle like him.

"Then you have to ask my uncle carefully and see what good things he has done." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Master, what did you do again?" Liu Ruyu looked at Marquis Xuanping with a pale face.

"No, Your Highness, I've been staying at home these days and haven't done anything."

"Yes, yes, I have done something big, a great thing." After saying this, Marquis Xuanping immediately raised his head and said with a proud look on his face.

"A great good thing? Come, tell me what kind of good thing it is." Mu Rufeng's face became more and more gloomy.

"Liu Ming, that eunuch, really doesn't regard money as money. He actually paid eight million taels of pension to those Qiu Ba who died in the war."

"That's eight million taels. How much wealth has our Li family accumulated over many lifetimes? How could we give it to those Qiu Ba?"

"So I sent someone to ask for seven million taels. Your Highness, you need money now to continue recruiting troops. These seven million can help your Highness make a comeback!"

After Xuanpinghou said this, he stood up and was extremely excited, as if he had made a great contribution.

"Bang~!" Liu Ruyu lost her balance and fell directly onto the chair. Her right hand unconsciously hit the dishes, making a sound.

"Mom!" A young man in his early twenties quickly supported his mother.

The other concubines didn't have much opinion on this, but they were just shocked, thinking that seven million taels was a lot of money.

The sons and daughters who were looking at Xuan Pinghou knew better, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Master, how could you do this? It's a disaster, it's a disaster, it's a huge disaster!" Liu Ruyu's face lost all color, and she was talking about disaster and so on.

"Shut up, you woman, what do you know? This is not a disaster, it is a great good thing. This is the capital for my nephew to make a comeback and compete for supremacy." Xuan Pinghou turned to look at Liu Ruyu and yelled loudly.

"Good for your head!" Mu Rufeng couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out her hand and directly pulled a soft whip hanging at the head of the hall for worship, and held it in her hand.

This whip belonged to his grandfather and had been passed down for more than a hundred years. It was specially used to punish unfilial sons.

There was a sound of "Crack!"

The whip hit Marquis Xuan Ping hard on the cheek.

"Ah~~!" Marquis Xuanping suddenly screamed.

"Those are the soldiers who accompanied me in a bloody battle."

"Crack!" Another whip came down.

"Ah~~!" Marquis Xuanping screamed again.

"Those are the soldiers who have fought with me for many years."

"Those are the soldiers who risked their lives to save me and died on the battlefield in the end."

"An army of fifty thousand, that is an army of fifty thousand who died in battle, my brother Pao Ze."


Every time Mu Rufeng said a word, he would be whipped.

In just a few words, Xuan Pinghou's body was already bruised and bloody, and he was rolling on the ground, begging for mercy in pain.

Mu Rufeng did not use the power of Qi and blood because he could not kill him so easily.

"You dare to take back seven million taels of eight million taels of pension? Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are?"

"You're telling me you'll give me the capital to make a comeback? People's support is gone, why should I treat you like a piece of shit?"

Mu Rufeng whipped him down again, and Xuan Pinghou suddenly screamed and fainted.

When Liu Ruyu saw this scene, she wanted to persuade him, but she knew how serious her husband had been and she didn't dare to speak out.

The rest of the concubines and children didn't dare to breathe.

"Daban, wake him up for me." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Liu Ming responded, stepped forward, squatted down, and then slapped Marquis Xuanping on the cheek with a cold slap.

The latter immediately screamed in pain and then woke up.

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts, your highness, your highness, what did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?"

"I'm your uncle. Your mother asked you to take good care of me before she passed away. Oh, I'm not alive anymore, I'm not alive anymore."

Marquis Xuanping cried out in pain and threw Lai Lai away. He still doesn't know what he did wrong.

"Where is the money you took back?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Ouch, my nephew beat my uncle, he's dead, he's dead~~!"

"Crack!" The whip struck again.


"I ask again, where is the money?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"It hurts, it hurts, don't fight, don't fight, the money is in my village outside the city." Xuanpinghou said quickly.

"Take him and let's go!"

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Then, a personal guard stepped forward immediately, picked up Xuan Pinghou and walked outside.

"Dad, dad!"


All the family members were extremely panicked at this moment.

"It's over, it's over." Liu Ruyu shook her head, her face paler than before.

"What's the matter? That's our master's nephew. The most the Ninth Prince can do is teach him a lesson." A concubine said.

This concubine was the most favored in the mansion, and was accepted by Xuanping Hou before Liu Ruyu even entered the palace.

Although she was a concubine, she had a certain say in the mansion.

Liu Ruyu was a gentle person, not fond of fighting or making trouble.

Although she was beautiful and well-educated, she didn't know the art of sex, so she naturally couldn't compete with the concubine who was equally beautiful, could say sweet words, and was also good at sex.

After a long time, the favored concubine didn't care much about the mistress.

In a family, the master is the boss in the end. All the palace fights and house fights are the men's fault, and there is nothing wrong with that.

"Let's go, Xiaoliang, let's go too." Liu Ruyu stood up, forced herself to calm down, and then pulled her legitimate son out.

"Yes, mother." Li Zhongliang responded quickly, and then asked the housekeeper to prepare the carriage.

"Prepare a few more carriages, we will go too." Lin Yu, the most favored concubine, also said hurriedly.

Then, the whole family took three carriages and followed behind Mu Rufeng's carriage.


Inside the carriage.

"Tell me, who ordered you to collect the pension?" Mu Rufeng looked at Xuanping Hou, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"No one told me, I went by myself." Xuanping Hou trembled and said.

He didn't dare to beg for mercy now. He would be whipped every time he begged, which was too painful.

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