I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 298 Raising money, the most beautiful woman wants to marry me? [10,000 words]

"What a joke. When Otomo went to distribute the pensions, he used the storage rings and bags in the warehouse."

"This news couldn't have leaked out. How did you know that I was distributing the pensions? What, could it be that my good uncle still cares about the soldiers who died in the battle?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"I don't know who it is, but a letter suddenly appeared on my desk that day."

"I think what it said is right. I can't give so much money to those soldiers, so I took the money back."

"Your Highness, I was wrong, I was really wrong. I didn't want to take the money myself. I just wanted to give it to Your Highness." Xuanping Hou told the story like pouring beans.

"Wrong? You are really too bold. That is the pension. I gave it out and you took it away right after. You also used the name of this prince. How do you want others to see me?"

"How can I face the families of those who died in the war in the future? How can I recruit soldiers in the future? Recruit dead people?" Mu Rufeng's killing intent became stronger and stronger.

"I was wrong, nephew, and uncle was really wrong. I kowtowed to them and apologized to them."

Hou Xuanpinghou seemed to feel Mu Rufeng's killing intent and began to kowtow to Mu Rufeng for mercy.

"You'd better pray that the seven million taels are still in your manor." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Yes, yes, it must be there." Xuanpinghou said hurriedly.

"Haha." Mu Rufeng sneered, but his heart had already fallen to the bottom.

Yes? Will it be there?

If it was the silver money that Xuanpinghou wanted to take away, then the silver would most likely be there.

But this was instigated by others, and it was obvious that Xuanping Hou was used as a gun.

Storage bags and storage rings are extremely precious, and whether it is a storage ring or a storage bag, there are not only space restrictions, but also weight restrictions.

Seven million taels, that is 700,000 jin of weight, only Mu Rufeng's wealth can have enough storage bags and storage rings to transport.

And Xuanping Hou obviously does not have this family background.

Therefore, it can only be packed in a carriage and sent to the manor outside the city.

As for transporting it back to the city, it is impossible because there is no place to put it.

And those people in the dark gave Xuanping Hou this strategy, so naturally it is impossible to watch the 7 million silver coins safely.

So it is likely that the 7 million should be gone.

An hour later, they came to a larger manor.

This manor actually belonged to his biological mother, but later his mother gave it to his brother Xuanping Hou.

"Your Highness, there is a smell of blood."

"I smell it. It seems that the seven million silver is gone." Mu Rufeng's tone was grim, and his whole body exuded a terrifying murderous intent.

After getting off the carriage, Mu Rufeng entered it.

There were corpses, many corpses, and blood everywhere.

Dozens of slaves and guards kept in the manor were all dead.

"My good uncle, come, tell me, where is the silver? Where is the silver?" Mu Rufeng looked at Xuanping Hou.

At this moment, Xuanping Hou was also dumbfounded. When he heard Mu Rufeng's question, he trembled all over.

He rushed into the warehouse like crazy.

"It's gone, it's gone, the silver is gone, seven million taels, all gone." Xuanping Hou was completely out of spirit.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, I was wrong, I deserve to die, and I didn't expect that someone would be so bold as to kill people and rob silver."

Xuanping Hou burst into tears.

"Do you know how mad you are doing now? Do you know how big this is?"

"The whole family will be executed! This is a serious crime of executing the whole family." Mu Rufeng shouted angrily.


At this time, the family members who had just entered the door were frightened by Mu Rufeng's shout of executing the whole family.

But when they saw the corpses everywhere, they all turned pale and wanted to vomit.

At the same time, they also knew that the silver was gone.

"Save me, save me, nephew, I am your uncle, I am your mother's eldest brother, I can't die, save me, I am willing to donate half, no, 70% of my wealth."

Hou Xuanping crawled to Mu Rufeng's side on his knees, and then hugged Mu Rufeng's thighs.

"70%? I'm your grandma." Mu Rufeng kicked Hou Xuanping more than ten meters away, and fell heavily in front of Liu Ruyu and others.


Marquis Xuanping spat out large mouthfuls of blood in mid-air, and cried out again after landing.

Mu Rufeng still didn't kill him. It's not that Mu Rufeng doesn't kill people, but he can't die like this.

In Mu Rufeng's view, his so-called uncle is already doomed to die.

To be honest, even if the silver is still there, Marquis Xuanping is also doomed to die. Not killing him is not enough to appease the anger.

Of course, even if he kills, Mu Rufeng will not touch his family members. After all, they are also from his mother's family.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng destroyed his own uncle's family, and this topic would definitely detonate the entire imperial city, and even the whole world.

But if only Marquis Xuanping was killed, no one would say anything.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, spare the master, we are willing to give all our family wealth." Liu Ruyu came forward and knelt down in front of Mu Rufeng with a plop.

"Aunt, get up." Mu Rufeng frowned when he saw Liu Ruyu like this.

"Your Highness, please spare my father." Li Zhongliang also came forward and knelt on the ground.

"Your Highness, please spare me (father)!"

The remaining two concubines, two daughters and two sons immediately came forward and knelt in front of Mu Rufeng, begging for mercy.

However, what is surprising is that the most favored concubine Lin Yu and her son Li Zhonglin seemed to be frightened and remained frozen in place.

"Get up!" Mu Rufeng looked at everyone and scolded coldly.

However, no one stood up, but under the leadership of Liu Ruyu, they kept kowtowing to Mu Rufeng and begging for mercy.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand and saw that everyone was immediately lifted up by a force.

"Seven million taels, that's seven million taels of silver. Your master will definitely die, and your family property must also be compensated for those soldiers who sacrificed their lives."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to redress your anger. Ah Liang, after your father dies, you will inherit his position as marquis." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he walked outside.

"Your Highness." Liu Ruyu burst into tears. She also knew that her master would definitely die today.

"Your Highness, mother." Li Zhongliang supported his mother, with a look of sadness on his face.

"Mother, brother." Li Zhongliang's compatriot mother and sister also hurriedly came over, still shivering.

"Someone else harmed me. I was wrong. Don't kill me. I am your uncle, and your mother asked you to take care of me."

Marquis Xuanping, who was lying on the ground and wailing in pain, also knew his fate. He didn't want to die. He was still young, only over fifty years old. He had a huge fortune and a beautiful wife by his side. He didn't want to die.

"Your Highness, my A-Lin is the eldest son in the house, and he should inherit the position of Marquis." Lin Yu finally realized what he was doing and shouted.

"What did you say?" Mu Rufeng looked at Lin Yu and said coldly.

"I" Lin Yu was startled by Mu Rufeng's gaze and shuddered all over.

But considering that it was a hereditary position of marquis, why did she please Marquis Xuanping so much in her life? Isn't it just to let his son inherit the position of marquis?

"Your Highness, my A-Lin is the eldest son, and he should inherit the position of Marquis." Lin Yu gritted his teeth and said.

"It's a joke. You are just a concubine. How can the eldest son of a concubine have the status to inherit the position of marquis?"

"And you loser, if you try to rob a decent woman again, I will castrate you." Mu Rufeng looked at Li Zhonglin, not hiding the malice in her heart.

When he controlled an army of 50,000, he naturally needed many confidants.

Marquis Xuanping recommended his eldest son to the Ninth Prince.

The Ninth Prince felt that I was a loser, but my son was not necessarily a loser, so he accepted him.

Then, relying on his status as a relative of His Highness, he made several mistakes in the military camp and was kicked out of the camp by Mu Rufeng.

Later, I heard that he had robbed women. After Mu Rufeng found out, he sent his personal guards to teach him a lesson, and he became a lot more honest.

He is now 26, but he has not married yet, and he has more concubines than his father.

"Yes, your highness!" Li Zhonglin was so frightened that his legs weakened and he knelt directly in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Xiao Guizi." Mu Rufeng called out.

"My slave is here." A young eunuch of seventeen or eighteen years old came up behind Liu Ming and responded.

"You can bring a few people to serve my aunt, teach her the rules of the mansion, and take stock of the property in the mansion." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"Yes, Your Highness." Xiao Guizi responded expressionlessly.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng and others left Zhuangzi carrying the half-dead Marquis Xuanping.

"Madam, let's go back to the house first." Xiao Guizi came forward and bowed respectfully to Liu Ruyu.

Liu Ruyu nodded with a pale face, then was supported by Li Zhongliang and his daughter and walked towards the outside of the village.

"No, why, my Lin'er is the eldest son, and the position of Marquis belongs to my Lin'er. It belongs to my Lin'er."

After coming back to his senses, Lin Yu stood up and yelled crazily.

In the family, her status is not inferior to that of the eldest lady Liu Ruyu, so no one dares to mess with her.

There was a sound of "Crack!"

But he saw Xiao Guizi slap Lin Yu on the cheek. He tried hard, but not with all his strength, and spit out a few teeth along with a mouthful of blood.

"Ah~~!" Lin Yu screamed and fell to the ground.

"You are just a concubine, and you dare to question His Highness's words? Who gave you the courage? If you dare to talk nonsense, I will cut off your tongue." Xiao Guizi said coldly.

Xiao Guizi is not an ordinary person. She also has a lot of cultivation. Although she is not very high, she is still strong in the eyes of ordinary people in the fourth level of bone refining.

After all, not everyone under the rule of the Dali Dynasty can practice cultivation. The level of skin refining alone has stopped many people.

Resources are only equivalent to those of the powerful. For ordinary people, they are still a natural chasm.

Warriors are still masters of men.

"Mom, stop talking." Li Zhonglin was frightened and quickly helped his mother up.

Lin Yu was also frightened and did not dare to say any more. He glanced at Xiao Guizi fearfully, and then was helped to the carriage.

Soon the group of people rode a carriage towards the city.


Mu Rufeng originally wanted to take Hou Xuanping to the villages where the soldiers died and kill him in front of them.

But thinking about the 50,000 elite soldiers who died in the battle, they covered an area of ​​200 kilometers.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng directly sent his men to each village, and each village sent several representatives to gather outside the imperial city.

He had to explain the matter clearly in front of everyone, and then kill Marquis Xuanping. Only in this way could the people's support be restored.

In the same way, he also needs a day or two to raise silver.

As for getting the seven million taels back? Difficult, absolutely difficult to achieve in a short time.

Because they only saw a deep carriage mark outside Zhuangzi, which was the mark left by Marquis Xuanping and his companions when they dragged Baiyin back with their carriage.

Without the second one, it proves that the guys who took away the silver did not use a carriage, but a storage ring and a storage bag.

This also extended the probability of searching infinitely. He had no time to pursue it now and could only let the government find it.

"Daban, go and eradicate the Qing Gang and bring in the money temporarily. I'll go raise the money now."

"Also, look at Marquis Xuanping and don't let him die. He can't die now." Mu Rufeng said.

"By the way, don't forget to check who is behind the Qing Gang." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Yes, Your Highness." Liu Ming nodded solemnly.

Qinggang, a gang in the Imperial City, although there are indeed gangs in the Imperial City.

Although Marquis Xuanping was relatively wealthy and supported many people, it was absolutely impossible for him to get all his money back in one day.

Marquis Xuanping approached the Qing Gang and successfully pulled them back.

Because of the identity and status of Marquis Xuanping, the people from the Qinggang did not dare to take any share of the share mentioned by Marquis Xuanping, but Marquis Xuanping "generously" gave 20,000 taels of it as hard work fee.

When he learned that it was just a small amount of money, the leader of the Qing Gang suddenly felt unhappy.

It takes a lot of people to do this kind of work, it requires a lot of manpower, and it takes time. It also requires a lot of good hands to suppress those mobs.

Twenty thousand taels? What about sending beggars away?

They dare not take the 7.2 million taels, but they will not let go of the other fifteen and twenty taels.

They are very conscientious, no matter how much or how little, they only take ten taels of silver.

Therefore, the families of those soldiers who died in battle only received five taels, and the families of the cavalry received ten taels.

The Qing Gang deserves to die too!

Even if Mu Rufeng's 50,000-strong army was destroyed, he still had many men in his hands.

These people were all maintained by Mu Rufeng in the major shops and restaurants in the imperial city.

Lin Lin finally came down, and there were still hundreds of people.

It is more than enough to destroy a Green Gang.

Of course, it is impossible for Mu Rufeng to call these people. They all have their own businesses and need to help manage Mu Rufeng's shop.

Don't forget that Mu Rufeng's identity is that he is the ninth prince of the Dali Dynasty, so he can borrow official power.

Mu Rufeng returned to the prince's residence with several personal guards.

He came to the treasure house immediately.

He checked his remaining assets, which were contracts for some properties, shops, etc., as well as some rare treasures and magic weapons.

In the end, Lin Lin was probably worth more than a million taels of silver.

But this is a normal price. If he wants to sell it urgently, even if he uses force to pressure others, it will be difficult to sell it at a normal price.

After all, if others just complain about poverty, what can you do?

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng does not want to sell these shops and properties.

The shops are all in the imperial city. They are old hens that can lay golden eggs, and the same is true for the fields.

However, even if he doesn’t want to sell, the most important thing for him now is to raise money.

Mu Rufeng took away all the contracts, and then also took away some magic weapons, rare treasures, etc.

According to the market price, the total price of contracts, magic weapons, etc. is only about one million taels. I am still short of money.

It's a pity that the soul money here can't be used, otherwise, his fifteen trillion soul money would be a killing spree.

"Alas." Mu Rufeng sighed, remembering the time when he used the ghost to scan the sea for traces of mermaids.

He found a lot of gold, silver, rare treasures and antiques.

However, at the beginning, he felt that these had no effect on Mu Rufeng at all. He was not short of money, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

Now he regrets it. If he had collected it all, it would be only eight million silver, and he would take it out in a minute.

Mu Rufeng left the mansion again. This time, there were more personal guards, ten in total, and Honglian Qingya and Xiaocui also followed.

Riding a carriage, heading towards the busiest street in the imperial city.

Along the way, whenever they encountered carriages, they would all pull over and wait for their carriages to pass by.

The identity is frightening, and the prince's car, even the carriage of a high official, must be like this.

In the Dali Dynasty, there were no officials who could dominate the court with one hand. Martial arts were respected, and it was logical to have big fists.

Unless you, as an official, are above the divine realm.

Soon, the carriage stopped in front of a luxurious building.

This building is nine stories high and is extremely rare in the entire imperial city.

Mu Rufeng got off the carriage.

"Xiao Cui, Hong Lian, Qing Ya, Liu Feng, Wang Chun, you follow. The rest of you are waiting outside."

"Yes! Your Highness!" A group of guards responded quickly, and then pulled the carriage to the backyard to park.

Mu Rufeng stepped into the so-called Lingyan Pavilion.

Lingyan Pavilion is one of the best chambers of commerce in the entire Tiandao Continent. It is absolutely no problem to describe it as being as wealthy as a country.

And this building is the main pavilion of Lingyan Pavilion in the Dali Dynasty.

"His Majesty the Ninth Prince is here. I am sorry that I missed you so much, but I hope you will forgive me." A man who looked like a steward hurriedly came up to greet him.

"Is the Pavilion Master here?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, unfortunately, the Pavilion Master has gone to the East Region headquarters to attend a meeting. He should be back in four days to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet." The steward said hurriedly.

It is now April 22, 8821 in the Tiandao calendar, and the Queen Mother's birthday banquet is on April 27. In any case, the Pavilion Master is not here now.

"Who is in charge of Lingyan Pavilion now?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Your Highness, it is the Deputy Pavilion Master Zhao Yuyan. I have notified the Deputy Pavilion Master and he should be here soon. Your Highness, why don't you go to the top floor private room and wait for a while?" The steward said flatteringly.

"Lead the way." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

Soon, the steward led Mu Rufeng to a gorgeous private room on the top floor of the ninth floor.

Soon, a large number of cakes, spiritual fruits, and spiritual tea came up.

There were even two beautiful beauties who came in with zithers and pipa to play and sing.

He was a little anxious now, and after listening to the music, he felt relieved.

Just then, a woman's voice came from outside the bedroom.

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince, Zhao Yuyan wants to see you."

"Come in."

Soon, the door was pushed open by two guards, and Zhao Yuyan, wearing a purple dress, walked in slowly.

Zhao Yuyan was very tall, with a veil on her face, so her face could not be seen clearly, but from her eyes, it could be seen that she was definitely a great beauty.

She also had a special temperament, which was very attractive.

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince, I am sorry for not welcoming you from afar." Zhao Yuyan bowed, her tone cold.

"You can go down." Mu Rufeng said to Xiao Cui and the others.

The others also said goodbye and left immediately, including the two women playing the music.

"I wonder why your Highness came? Do you need to prepare a birthday banquet for the Queen Mother?" Zhao Yuyan sat on the chair next to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then said: "No, I came here this time to ask Pavilion Master Zhao to do me a favor."

"Oh? Help? I wonder what the Ninth Prince needs me to do for him?" Zhao Yuyan did not agree immediately.

She also knew about Mu Rufeng's current experience. 50,000 troops were destroyed and he was seriously injured.

Seeing that Mu Rufeng is now full of energy and his blood is restrained, he has obviously recovered, but even so, it is difficult for him to compete for the supreme position.

As for the thousand-year-old snow lotus that the seventh princess asked for, she naturally didn't know.

After all, this is a matter in the palace. Although she has her own information channels, the palace is extremely strictly controlled.

Even the eldest prince can't leak such a secret.

However, she still knows about Mu Rufeng's pension, and she also knows that the pension was taken back by Xuanping Hou and then stolen.

Because this matter can't be concealed at all.

Therefore, Zhao Yuyan also had some guesses. It was probably related to the pension, so he must have come to borrow money.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand and took out all the items he brought and piled them on the ground.

"These rare treasures and magic tools, as well as the many shops in the imperial city and the fine land around the imperial city, have a market price of about 1.5 million taels."

"I want to mortgage these with Pavilion Master Zhao for 1.5 million taels of cash. I wonder if it's okay? I'll return it in a month and get 20% interest." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

He didn't raise a premium or reduce the price, but just the same price. At the same time, he only mortgaged it and didn't sell it.

Zhao Yuyan didn't speak, but looked at Mu Rufeng quietly for a long time. She slowly said, "Your Highness, you should be raising money for the 8 million taels of pension, right?"

"Yes." Mu Rufeng was not surprised that Zhao Yuyan knew about it, because it really couldn't be hidden.

"Your Highness, land and property can be exchanged for 1.5 million taels, and the Xuanping Marquis's Mansion can probably worry about more than 2 million taels."

"The Qing Gang should have 1 million taels, and the total is only close to 5 million taels, and there is still a difference of more than 3 million taels."

"Our Lingyan Pavilion can make up the 3 million taels for Your Highness." Zhao Yuyan said slowly.

"What do you want?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yuyan did not speak, but waved her hand, and saw that the box was immediately covered by a formation.

Zhao Yuyan is not a weak person, but a strong person in the seventh level of soul refining. She is not old, the same age as Mu Rufeng.

"After hearing about your deeds on the battlefield, I admired you. It was difficult to see you before, and today I met you and fell in love with you at first sight."

"I am willing to marry you, Your Highness, and this is my condition." Zhao Yuyan said slowly.

"You admire me? Want to marry me?" Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Yuyan suspiciously.

He didn't believe it, he really didn't believe it.

Zhao Yuyan smiled slightly and reached out to take off her veil.

A peerless face appeared in front of Mu Rufeng, even though Mu Rufeng had seen many beauties, he was still stunned for a while.

Beautiful, too beautiful, it can be said that she is the most beautiful person Mu Rufeng has ever seen, no one can compare to her.

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince, your confidants and masters were destroyed along with the 50,000 troops, and the money and capital in the mansion were also used up by the pension. You can no longer compete for the supreme position."

"I am not talented, but my family has a certain say in Lingyan Pavilion. As long as I marry your Highness, my Zhao family will fully support your Highness in competing for the supreme position." Zhao Yuyan said.

It must be said that this is an extremely tempting condition.

First of all, Mu Rufeng is now in a desperate trough. Unless a miracle happens, he can't turn over.

His life can be saved. After all, the emperor just abdicated, not dead, but will strive to reach the realm above the divine realm.

With this emperor, even if the eldest prince sits on the supreme throne, he will not attack his brothers.

However, under this situation, he must be crowned king and leave the imperial city, and it will be difficult for him to return for the rest of his life.

Now Zhao Yanran uses her own bargaining chip, plus the help of the Zhao family of Lingyan Pavilion, it is simply a turnaround.

Zhao Yuyan's own talent is not weak, and her face is even more beautiful.

Therefore, Zhao Yuyan also thinks that Mu Rufeng will definitely agree.

If it was the original Ninth Prince, there is a 90% chance that he would agree.

But Mu Rufeng is not the previous Ninth Prince. Help? Does he need it? Absolutely not.

His heaven-defying comprehension and his ethereal fruit are his biggest bargaining chips.

It doesn't matter if all his men are annihilated. As long as his father says a word, he will have everything.

Mu Rufeng was silent for a long time, and finally slowly said: "Master Zhao, I want to mortgage 1.5 million taels. Is that okay?"

Mu Rufeng did not explicitly refuse, but this sentence was equivalent to a refusal.

Zhao Yuyan was obviously stunned when she heard it, and then looked at Mu Rufeng with disbelief.

"Your Highness, don't you want to marry me? Is it because my appearance doesn't suit your taste?" Zhao Yuyan couldn't figure it out, because her appearance was the best in the world.

"You are very beautiful, and you are the first among the women I have met." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then why don't you agree? Or are you worried that our Lingyan Pavilion has some conspiracy? No, the existence above the divine realm is the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Dali Dynasty."

"My Zhao family only has one ancestor, how dare we plot against your Highness." Zhao Yuyan said puzzledly.

"I'm sorry, Pavilion Master Zhao, I don't want to be sentimental now, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Mu Rufeng said with an apologetic look.

Silence, Zhao Yuyan was silent.

Finally, she slowly said: "I promised, I will give you three million taels of silver later, please wait for a moment, Your Highness."

"I'm not feeling well, so I'll leave first."

Zhao Yuyan waved her hand, put away the land deeds and other things, and then turned and left.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master Zhao, I owe you a favor." Mu Rufeng bowed his hands to thank him.

Zhao Yuyan paused, said nothing, opened the door and left directly.

Three million taels, doubled directly, it was indeed a favor.

Xiao Cui and the other two walked in immediately, without saying a word, and stood behind Mu Rufeng.

Only Xiao Cui was bold enough. After thinking for a while, she said, "Your Highness, are you raising money?"

"I still have 1,000 taels of silver in my hand, which I can give to Your Highness."

"Also, my grandfather still has 30,000 taels. I'll ask him to give it to Your Highness."

After hearing this, Honglian and Qingya also hurriedly said that they could take out all the money in their hands.

Even Wang Chun and Liu Feng, who were standing outside, came in and were willing to offer their family wealth to raise money for Your Highness.

Mu Rufeng looked at the scene in front of him and smiled.

He was very pleased and happy. It was a great blessing to have such subordinates in life.

"No need. Just keep your money. This prince will not be troubled by this little money."

"Xiao Cui, if your grandfather knows that you are planning to take advantage of his small treasury, be careful that he will spank you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"No, no, Grandpa Chun will not spank Xiao Cui." Xiao Cui said with a smile.

Soon, a woman who was also wearing a veil came over with ten storage bags in her hands.

"Your Highness, there are three million taels of silver in here." The woman gently placed the tray on the table in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Pavilion Master Zhao said that Your Highness can return the storage bag after using it." The woman said.

Storage bags are not cheap and are very scarce, so storage bags will not be given away.

"No need to do that, take it out, I will take it away myself." Mu Rufeng winked at Liu Feng who was standing aside.

The latter immediately understood, stepped forward, and took out the silver in the storage bags one by one.

Three million taels is not a small amount, it is estimated that this room must be filled.

But Mu Rufeng is not a wooden man, he immediately took a batch of silver after he put it out.

After a while, three million taels of silver were put into his inventory.

The money was in hand, and Mu Rufeng immediately left Lingyan Pavilion with his men.

Then, Mu Rufeng went straight to Xuanping Marquis Mansion.

He didn't know how much assets his uncle's family had, but Zhao Yuyan had said it, so it was estimated to be no less than two million taels.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to Xuanping Marquis's Mansion again.

When the servants saw Mu Rufeng coming, they didn't dare to breathe.

They all knew clearly what happened today. Their master was going to die.

Everyone in the mansion was trembling now, fearing that their property would be confiscated directly, and in that case, they would also be buried with him.

After arriving at the main hall, Xiao Guizi and several eunuchs were sitting at the table with the housekeeper and Li Zhongliang, and there were many account books in front of them.

They were obviously clearing up the assets.

"Your Highness!" Xiao Guizi stood up quickly when he saw Mu Rufeng coming.

"Hello, Your Highness!" The people around him also saluted quickly.

"Have you finished the liquidation?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, the liquidation has been completed. Among them, there are more than 800,000 taels of silver in cash, 50,000 taels of gold, rare treasures, antiques and calligraphy and paintings totaling more than 900,000 taels of silver."

"Land, shops, multiple houses, etc. total 600,000 taels of silver."

"Total, there should be 2.8 million taels." Xiao Guizi said.

2.8 million taels, it's really a lot, hehe.

"Wang Chun, you and Xiao Guizi go together and sell all the land, shops, houses and rare treasures at a low price. Sell them at 20% off in my name." Mu Rufeng ordered.

In addition to the cash, the real estate is about 1.5 million taels. If it is sold at 20% off, it can be sold for 1.2 million taels. A loss of 300,000 taels is still acceptable.

"By the way, this house will be left to my aunt, and another 10,000 taels of silver will be left for them to eat, wear and use." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Everyone responded.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Li Zhongliang bowed his hands, he felt like crying.

He had millions of family wealth, but now only 10,000 taels were left. He really wanted to cry but had no tears.

But there was no way, because his father had done something so stupid that shook the world.

All he could say was that he deserved it!

Then Mu Rufeng, led by a little eunuch, came to a warehouse.

It was where the silver and gold were stored.

Mu Rufeng immediately waved his hand, and then took away all the silver and gold.

Counting the remaining 1.2 million, Mu Rufeng now had a total of 5.5 million taels in his hands.

Then Mu Rufeng led people to the residence of Tong Ao, the leader of the Qing Gang.

At this moment, the residence was surrounded by soldiers, and there were roars from time to time.

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince!" A deputy commander immediately came forward to salute Mu Rufeng.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then strode forward.

"Your Highness, there is still fighting inside, it's too dangerous." The deputy commander took a few steps back and said with a bow.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng continued to stride forward.

The deputy commander wanted to stop him, but was repelled by Liu Feng's eyes.

When Mu Rufeng entered the mansion, the movement inside had subsided after a while.

After walking for a while, Mu Rufeng came to a ruined courtyard with holes everywhere.

It can be seen how tragic the battle was.

"Your Highness, you are here. The leader of the Qing Gang, Tong Ao, has been beheaded." Liu Ming, who was covered in blood, came over with his head.

"I am Wang Gao, and I meet your Highness." The commander of the city guard, Wang Gao, also came forward immediately.

"General Wang, you have worked hard."

"This is my duty. Your Highness, you are too polite. I still have patrol tasks, so I will not stay here for long. I will leave first."

"Yes, go." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Soon Wang Gao left with his men, but he also left some people to clean up the bodies in the mansion.

"My dear, thank you for your hard work. This head, if you keep it well, will be of great use." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Have you found the silver?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I found it. I sent my men to guard the warehouse."

"Very good, lead the way."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the warehouse under the leadership of Liu Ming.

He checked and found that there were actually one million taels of silver in cash, of which 500,000 taels should have been taken from the families of the soldiers.

There are also some land, shops and houses, rare treasures, etc., which can be sold for about 200,000 taels at a 20% discount.

It must be said that this Qing Gang is really rich. As expected, those who squeeze the people and make money in the side door must have a lot of wealth.

Mu Rufeng also looked through the account book and found that it was the time for the people under the Qing Gang to pay their debts in recent days.

It was good luck that the money was all placed in the gang leader's house.

"Who is behind the Qing Gang?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's Li Feng, the third son of Lord Li Ren." Liu Ming replied.

"Li Ren? Minister of Rites? Third son Li Feng?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

"Your Highness, the Minister of Rites has been getting close to the eldest prince recently." Liu Ming said.

"Hmph, you stay and deal with these industries. By the way, give Wang Gao 10,000 taels as his hard work fee. Be careful not to be discovered." Mu Rufeng snorted coldly and turned away.

Another 1.2 million was deposited into the account, so he had 6.7 million taels in total.

There was still a difference of 1.3 million taels.

Mu Rufeng thought of the thousand-year-old snow lotus, the holy medicine of the Tianshan Sect, which his seventh sister Mu Wuxia gave him.

In the Dali Dynasty, and even in other domains occupied by humans, gold, silver and copper were used as currency transactions.

In this world, most people are just ordinary people.

However, when it comes to some rare treasures, high-quality cultivation techniques and martial arts, or powerful magic tools, they cannot be traded with gold and silver.

Almost all of them are bartered.

It can be said that there is a price but no market.

If Mu Rufeng takes out the thousand-year-old snow lotus to sell, he can exchange it for the same level of rare treasures.

If it is sold for gold and silver, Mu Rufeng doesn't know how much it can be sold for, but there is no problem in making up for the remaining silver.

But he doesn't want to sell it, this thing is really good.

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment and drove the carriage to the palace.

He really didn't have any money, but his seventh sister should have a lot of money. If she could give him such a good thing as the thousand-year-old snow lotus, she would not hesitate to lend him some money, right?

Soon, Mu Rufeng brought people to the gate of the palace.

When Mu Rufeng showed the token, the palace gate slowly opened.

After entering, Mu Rufeng saw the previous palace gate commander again.

Mu Rufeng seemed to see shock in his eyes.

Sure enough, this guy was also a dog of his good brother.

As soon as Mu Rufeng came in, he went straight to the seventh princess's bedroom.

However, he was stopped by the eldest prince halfway.

"Ninth brother, ninth brother, I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, that you look so good?"

"The last time we met. Now, it seems that your cultivation has recovered a lot?" The eldest prince hugged Mu Rufeng with a happy face.

In his heart, he was extremely shocked and extremely angry.

He was obviously seriously injured and poisoned, so why did he act like nothing happened today?

He actually knew it a long time ago, and he also knew what Mu Rufeng did in the imperial city today.

At the same time, he had people watching Mu Rufeng's whereabouts. When he entered the palace, the eldest prince couldn't help but come over to take a look.

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