I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 299 I am willing to pay a million silver coins, just to ask His Highness to marry my daughte

"Brother, this is all thanks to the thousand-year snow lotus given by my seventh sister. After I took it, the hidden injuries in my body have healed." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's great. I really don't know how to say it to my seventh sister. It's true that the love between sister and brother is deep." The eldest prince's face was full of excitement.

But he was very puzzled in his heart: "It was me who told Mu Wuxia about the thousand-year snow lotus. According to my thinking, shouldn't he die directly after eating the thousand-year snow lotus?"

"Why, why is he alive and well now and has recovered his injuries and cultivation??? What about the poison? What about the poison?"

But soon the eldest prince thought that Mu Rufeng had no capital now, and even the more than 7 million yuan of compensation was stolen. It's okay if he didn't die.

He was determined to get the position of the crown prince, and now the most threatening person is the fourth prince.

"By the way, since my ninth brother has recovered, why don't you go and see the queen mother first? After all, the Thousand Mountain Snow Lotus was also obtained from the queen mother."

"I'm sure the queen mother will be very happy to know this." said the eldest prince.

Mu Rufeng sneered in his heart when he heard this. This guy seemed to be afraid that he would go to the Seventh Princess to borrow money?

He probably wanted him to go to the Queen Mother first, and then use some excuse to call the Seventh Princess away.

If Mu Rufeng went to borrow money, the Seventh Princess would definitely lend it to him. If the Seventh Princess couldn't lend it to him, then Mu Rufeng would definitely go outside to find someone.

Who would he go to? Haha, the eldest prince has already arranged it. Someone will come to Mu Rufeng to lend it to him.

"Well, then go and see the queen mother first." Mu Rufeng nodded and didn't refuse, because he couldn't refuse.

The Queen Mother is talking about it, how can you refuse?

However, Mu Rufeng changed the subject and said, "Brother, do you have money? My pension was stolen, and I'm still short of it. Can you lend me some?"

Mu Rufeng said it directly, but the eldest prince was stunned.

"This guy doesn't play by the rules?" The eldest prince was full of surprise.

They are just brothers on the surface. They know very well in their hearts, why ask him to borrow money?

"Brother? Brother?" Mu Rufeng called again.

"Ninth brother, you also know that eldest brother has an army. He just issued the salary a few days ago. Now eldest brother is also short of money, but 300,000 taels can still be gathered." The eldest prince said embarrassedly.

"Thank you, eldest brother!" Mu Rufeng thanked him immediately.

300,000 taels is not a small amount. Every penny he can get from eldest brother is a penny.

"My dear companion, did you hear that? Hurry up and go to the storehouse to get three hundred thousand taels, and then send it to my ninth brother's house." The eldest prince said to Wang Kai who was standing beside him.

"Yes, Your Highness." Wang Kai responded immediately.

"Eunuch Wang, please try to be as fast as possible. Can you send it before dinner today?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wang Kai.

"Did you hear that, my dear companion? It must be sent before dinner today."

"Yes, Your Highness." Wang Kai responded, and then hurried away with a few eunuchs.

"It just so happens that I also have to pay my respects to my mother, so let's go together." The eldest prince said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Then, the two of them went to the Queen's bedroom.

At the same time, the two of them walked and talked and laughed, looking like they really had a deep brotherly love.

Soon they arrived in front of the bedroom.

After the eunuch in the bedroom reported it, Mu Rufeng and the eldest prince Mu Wuyi entered the bedroom.

"Your son pays respect to the Queen Mother!"

Mu Rufeng and the eldest prince bowed in unison.

Kneeling ceremony does not exist here.

"No need to bow, stand up." A cold voice came from the front.

Mu Rufeng stood up and saw the Queen sitting on the main seat.

The Queen is also 48 years old this year, but she doesn't look old at all, but like a young woman in her twenties or thirties.

In addition, she is wearing a phoenix crown and a bridal robe, and her whole body exudes a noble and majestic temperament.

Beside her, there is a very well-behaved child, who looks about seven years old.

This child is none other than the youngest fourteenth prince in the palace, Mu Wulin.

This generation of the royal family is all without a character generation, and Mu Rufeng should actually be called Mu Wufeng.

But for some reason, when the ninth prince was born, his father directly named him Mu Rufeng, and the emperor did not explain, so it was left as it is.

"Hello, elder brother, hello, ninth brother!" Mu Wulin bowed to the two respectfully.

"Big brother, Xiaojiu, how come you have time to come here today?"

"Mother, I'm here for the birthday banquet of the Queen Mother. Several seniors on the banquet list are in seclusion and cannot come, so they only sent juniors to come." The eldest prince said.

"Well, I know." The Queen nodded.

She was about to speak, but saw the eldest prince bowed and said: "Mother, I have something important to do, so I will leave first."

"Go." The Queen did not stop.

Soon the eldest prince left first.

"Xiaojiu, I heard that you were seriously injured, didn't you? Don't you look good?" The Queen said lightly.

"It's all thanks to the thousand-year-old snow lotus of mother. If it weren't for mother, I'm afraid my injury wouldn't be so easy to recover."

"You should thank Xia'er. She begged me for several days before I gave it to you." The Queen had a faint smile on her face.

Speaking of which, she had a good impression of Mu Rufeng. It was a pity that he had already retreated from the competition for the position of the crown prince.

Otherwise, it would be better for Mu Rufeng to ascend to the throne than for the eldest and fourth princes.

Of course, what she wanted most was to let her youngest son Wu Lin ascend the throne.

Mu Wu Lin was a legitimate son of the royal family. This still needed to be discussed with the emperor.

Now, letting Mu Rufeng recover from his hidden injuries and restore his cultivation was also a favor to Mu Rufeng. At least he could help in the future.

"Seventh sister should thank you, and mother should also thank you. If mother has any instructions in the future, just tell me, and I will definitely follow you." Mu Rufeng said.

"What do you mean by saddle and horse? You are my son. Okay, I am a little tired. You can go find Xia'er."

"By the way, you are not young anymore. There will be a tea party in the palace tomorrow afternoon. Many young men and young ladies in the capital will be there. Remember to come and attend tomorrow. Find a wife you like to expand my royal family."

The Queen said slowly.

"Yes, mother, I will take my leave!" Mu Rufeng took his leave and left immediately.

Mu Rufeng sighed in his heart. It is true that he cannot escape blind dates in the weird world. It is true.

"Your Highness, the eldest prince went to the seventh princess." Xiao Cui said in a low voice.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded and walked towards the seventh princess's bedroom.

More than ten minutes later, he arrived at the seventh princess's bedroom.

The eldest prince had disappeared long ago, but the seventh princess was there.

When she saw that Mu Rufeng looked so good, she looked very happy.

"Ninth brother, have you taken the thousand-year snow lotus? You look the same as usual, and your cultivation seems to have recovered?"

Mu Wuxia looked at Mu Rufeng up and down, and seemed to be eager to try.

"My body has recovered, and my cultivation has recovered to the refining state. I have to thank Seventh Sister." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It's good that you have recovered. If you were not weak, I would really like to fight with you." Mu Wuxia pinched Mu Rufeng's shoulder and said.

"Seventh sister, you are still like a battle maniac. No wonder the queen mother wants you to get married. Will you attend the tea party tomorrow?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? How do you know?" The Seventh Princess said with some surprise.

"I just came from the queen mother, and she also asked me to attend the tea party tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said with a wry smile.

"Haha, that's great, so I will have a companion tomorrow. You don't know how boring the tea party is. Those guys are either reciting poems or playing the piano and flute. It's boring." The Seventh Princess was overjoyed.

Finally, someone is accompanying me. The tea party yesterday was really boring.

"By the way, what are you doing in the palace today? You also went to my mother's place." Mu Wuxia asked.

"I went to thank my mother and came to my seventh sister to borrow some money." Mu Rufeng said.

"Borrow money? How much do you want?"

"One million taels." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"What? One million taels? What do you want so much for?" Mu Wuxia was shocked.

Mu Rufeng was short of 1.3 million taels, but he cheated 300,000 taels from the eldest prince, and now he is short of one million.


Mu Rufeng then told the details of the pension and the theft.

"Damn it, you even dared to take back the pension you issued. You are so bold that you deserve to die." Mu Wuxia said angrily.

But soon Mu Wuxia showed an embarrassed look: "My eldest brother just came to see me and asked me to borrow 500,000 taels. I only have more than 200,000 taels left."

"Well, I'll go to my mother. There's still a lot in her small treasury." Mu Wuxia immediately prepared to go outside.

This eldest prince is really something. He thought the seventh princess would be transferred away, but he didn't expect to borrow money directly from her. It's also weird.

"No, no, it's not easy to ask my mother for help with my own affairs."

"Well, seventh sister, just lend me 200,000, and I will pay you back as soon as possible." Mu Rufeng said.

Finally, under Mu Rufeng's persuasion, Mu Wuxia did not go to the queen, and then lent Mu Rufeng 200,000 taels.

"There's still 800,000 short."

Mu Rufeng left the palace and murmured.

"Your Highness, where are we going now?" Liu Feng, who was driving the carriage, asked.

"To my sixth brother." Mu Rufeng said after a moment of silence.

"Yes, Your Highness."

He was going to borrow money from the Sixth Prince. This guy must have a lot of money in his hands. It would be best if he could borrow 800,000 yuan. If not, he would have to go to the Eighth Prince again.

He was shameless. He borrowed all the money he could and settled the pension issue first.

After attending the birthday banquet, he was going to take off.

However, to his surprise, the Sixth Prince was not at the mansion at all.

The housekeeper of the mansion told Mu Rufeng that the Sixth Prince had gone out of the city with some second-generations and some women early in the morning.

"Your Highness, how about I send someone to find the Sixth Prince outside the city?" The housekeeper said hunched over.

"No need. It will be difficult to find him back in a short time. So, tell me where the Sixth Brother's warehouse is? I'll take the money and leave."

"Ah?" The old eunuch was shocked. Did he hear it wrong?

"Don't worry, I will write an IOU to Sixth Brother and pay it back within one month with 20% interest. I only need one million taels." Mu Rufeng said.

"This, Ninth Prince, only the Sixth Prince can open the formation of the warehouse, and this old servant is powerless." The old eunuch said hurriedly.

"No problem, just take me there, I will take it myself." Mu Rufeng said.

No one is there? That's better, there should be no need to go to the Eighth Prince.

"But, but, Ninth Prince, this old servant deserves death!" The old eunuch knelt down hurriedly.

The servants waiting on the side also knelt down one after another.

"Eunuch, what do you mean? I'm not robbing, I'm writing an IOU." Mu Rufeng said and wrote the IOU quickly, then pressed his handprint and even stamped it with his own private seal.

"Here, it's OK now. If there is not one million taels in it, I will take something else to pay it off." Mu Rufeng said.

"This old servant deserves death!" The old eunuch did not dare to take it, nor did he dare to stand up, still knelt down.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself." Mu Rufeng immediately stood up and led Liu Feng and others to the warehouse.

He had been to the Sixth Prince's residence many times, and the Sixth Prince had taken him to the warehouse to see his collection.

So Mu Rufeng knew where the warehouse was, so he didn't go directly, and naturally he couldn't be too domineering.

Now that the old eunuch didn't give him face, Mu Rufeng could only borrow it by force.

Those guards wanted to stop him, but they didn't dare to stop him. The prince's status was really too noble.

Even if he was a prince without any power, it was definitely not someone that these servants dared to stop and insult.

However, those guards didn't dare to stop him, but they dared to open the formation.

Of course, they didn't dare to open the attack formation, but only the defense formation.

The defense formation of the warehouse was difficult to break even for a strong man in the eighth level of soul refining.

However, this was not difficult for Mu Rufeng.

"You wait outside." Mu Rufeng said to the others.

"Yes, Your Highness." Liu Feng and others responded quickly.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the formation of the warehouse.

"Your Highness, stop here and go back." A bald strong man said, and the breath in his body was released without reservation.

This is a strong man of the eighth level of the Soul Refining Realm.

He said that in a prince's mansion, how could there be no soul refinement in the existence.

Although the protector is in the God Realm, he must always be with the prince.

"This is an IOU. I just asked my sixth brother to borrow some money. Do you want to stop me?" Mu Rufeng raised the IOU in his hand and said.

"Your Highness, my duty is to guard the treasury. Why don't you go find the Sixth Prince first? If the Sixth Prince gives the order, I will retreat immediately and even open the formation for you personally." The bald man said.

"Do you really want to stop me?" Mu Rufeng said with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Please leave, Your Highness!" the bald man said with a fist.

"How dare you stop Your Highness?" Liu Feng shouted loudly.

"Hmm?" The bald man glanced at Liu Feng coldly.

Liu Feng's face suddenly turned pale, and then he took several steps back, as if he was injured by the qi.

"Very good." Mu Rufeng took out a dagger and stabbed it into his left shoulder.

"Puff~!" The sound of the knife entering the flesh sounded, and then blood spurted out.

"Will you let me go?" Mu Rufeng looked at the bald man.

"Your Highness!" Seeing this, Liu Feng and others were shocked and hurried forward.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng glanced at them lightly.

Liu Feng and others immediately stopped and dared not move again.

"Your Highness, what do you mean?" The bald man's eyelids also jumped unconsciously.

"Don't let me go? What about this?" Mu Rufeng pulled out the dagger and then stabbed it into his left arm again.

"Ninth Prince!!!" The bald man couldn't hold it anymore. Although Mu Rufeng was hurting himself, where was this place? The Sixth Prince's residence.

What was he doing? He was trying to stop the Ninth Prince.

If it was said that the Ninth Prince hurt himself, who would believe it? If he continued like this, wouldn't he die without a burial place?

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, pulled out the dagger, and then stabbed himself in the shoulder.

"I'm leaving, Ninth Prince, stop it, I'm leaving." The bald man shouted hurriedly.

"Then why are you still standing there? Let's go, by the way, open the formation, it will save some trouble." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah?" The bald man who was about to leave was stunned for a moment, a little dumbfounded.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, pulled out the knife, and then continued to stab.

"I'll open it, I'll open it." The bald man was frightened, and quickly controlled the formation and opened it.

"By the way, you'd better not leave. Come in with me. I'll only take the money, so you won't say I took more treasures." Mu Rufeng stopped the bald man who was about to leave.

The bald man immediately followed Mu Rufeng into the warehouse with tears in his eyes.

Why is this ninth prince so shameless? He wanted to cry, he wanted to go home.

[Your comprehension is against the sky. In the process of feeling the recovery of injuries, you have realized the secret method: Nirvana]

Nirvana can increase the speed of recovery of injuries to your own body by ten times. It is an extremely powerful secret method to save your life.

This surprised Mu Rufeng a little.

You know, he only realized the word "forbearance" when he used the flesh and blood growth device before.

Unexpectedly, he actually realized Nirvana this time.

Or, it was too painful last time, and he felt the pain, so he didn't think too much?

Mu Rufeng and the bald man walked for a while and stopped at a place.

"My sixth brother has a lot of treasures. Is all the silver here?" Mu Rufeng saw some wooden boxes piled on the ground on the left, at least more than 20 in total.

"Yes, yes." The bald man nodded.

Then Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and opened the lids of the wooden boxes, revealing the silver inside.

"Your Highness, one box here is 100,000 taels." The bald man said.

One box is 100,000 taels, and more than 20 boxes are more than 2 million taels. His sixth brother is really rich.

"Then I'll take ten boxes." Mu Rufeng said, and took away ten boxes of silver, a total of 1 million taels.

Some trusted generals still need to be compensated, and borrowing an extra 200,000 is enough, and there is still some left for personal use.

Lingyan Pavilion has 3 million taels, Xuanping Houfu has 2.5 million taels, and the Qing Gang has 1.2 million taels.

He borrowed 300,000 taels from the eldest prince, 200,000 taels from the seventh princess Mu Wuxia, and then 1 million taels here, a total of 8.2 million taels.

In this way, he finally collected 8 million taels of silver.

"Here, this is the IOU written by your highness, and it must be returned within one month." Mu Rufeng handed the IOU to the bald man, and then took people directly away from the Sixth Prince's mansion.

However, when leaving the mansion, Mu Rufeng made the bloodstains on his body disappear, and the torn clothes were restored.

"Your Highness, why do you have to hurt yourself?" In the carriage, Xiao Cui looked at Mu Rufeng with a distressed face.

"Yes, Your Highness, you are a body worth a million gold, how can you be like that?"

Honglian and Qingya on the side also said with a distressed face.

"No problem, it has recovered." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Recovered? How is it possible?" Xiao Cui looked unconvinced and stepped forward to pull Mu Rufeng's clothes.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng held Xiao Cui's head to stop her.

Then Mu Rufeng pulled down the collar of his left shoulder, and the place that should have been bloody was actually a shoulder with skin as white as snow.

"Wow, Your Highness, it's really healed." Xiao Cui exclaimed, and then touched it twice.

But soon she thought of something, and her face turned red.

Mu Rufeng lifted his clothes, and then said with a smile: "So, don't worry about this Your Highness."

Self-mutilation is not Mu Rufeng pretending, but really stabbed in.

It's just that the attribute of [Nirvana] is too strong. With such good kung fu and his powerful physical strength, the wound was healed by penetration.

This degree of healing can be said to be inhuman.

"Your Highness, where are we going now?" Liu Feng, who was driving, asked.

"Let's go back to the mansion first. We still have to wait for Wang Chun and others to bring back the silver from the sale of the property." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

When Mu Rufeng returned to the mansion, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

Mu Rufeng got off the carriage and prepared to enter the mansion.

At this time, he saw a carriage coming from behind, and then a fat man got off the car.

"Your Highness, Your Highness." The fat man shouted loudly.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked.

"How dare you, this is the prince's mansion, who are you, dare to make a loud noise here?" Liu Feng immediately scolded.

"Clang!" There was a sound.

The big swords in the hands of the guards were immediately unsheathed, looking at the fat man with murderous intent.

The fat man was frightened by the sudden scene and knelt on the ground in a hurry.

"Your Highness, spare my life, I am a rich family in the imperial city, with a little extra money. I heard that His Highness the Ninth Prince is short of silver, and I can pay one million taels of silver." The fat man said hurriedly.

"Oh? You want to increase His Highness's silver by one million taels?" Mu Rufeng immediately became interested.

He is indeed a bit short of money now, but it is impossible for someone to give him one million taels of silver for nothing, so he must have something to ask for.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, my daughter Ruoliu is 29 years old, beautiful as a beauty, well-educated, and proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting."

"My daughter has always admired your Highness, and I only ask that the Ninth Prince can take my daughter Ruoliu as a concubine."

"Ruoliu, come out and meet your Highness." The fat man turned his head and shouted towards the carriage.

Mu Rufeng also set his eyes on the carriage, including those murderous guards.

Immediately, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a woman in a white long dress came out.

"My daughter Ruoliu greets your Highness." Ruoliu bowed to Mu Rufeng after getting off the carriage.

This woman is indeed beautiful as a beauty, much more beautiful than Qingya Honglian and Xiaocui beside him.

Even when the woman got off the car, Mu Rufeng's nose was surrounded by a faint fragrance.

This fragrance came from Ruo Liu. It was not the smell of a sachet, but the body fragrance of a woman with a natural body fragrance.

"Your Highness, I wonder if my daughter is pleasing to your Highness." The fat man said.

"Not bad, but unfortunately, I will not take a concubine before marrying a wife. Also, Mr., your Highness is not short of money now, please go back."

Mu Rufeng looked at Ruo Liu and then said.

Then he ignored them and went straight to the mansion.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" The fat man was shocked when he heard this, and he quickly got up and chased after him.

"Stop, if you dare to come forward again, you will be killed without mercy!" The two guards drew their swords and said viciously.

The fat man stopped in his tracks and dared not move forward.

"Dad." Ruoliu's face was pale, obviously she couldn't understand why she was rejected. She was confident in her appearance.

Not to mention that she was born with a body odor, which was simply a male killer.

"Let's go back." The fat man could only leave with his daughter in disgrace.


"Your Highness, that's a million taels of silver, and that young lady is so beautiful. I can smell her fragrance."

Xiaocui, who was following Mu Rufeng, suddenly said.

"You little girl, you worry about nothing. You know that the most difficult thing to accept is the favor of a beauty, not to mention offering a million taels of silver." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Is there any conspiracy?" Xiaocui exclaimed.

Xiaocui was fascinated by Ruoliu, and there were still a million taels of silver, so she was very curious why Mu Rufeng didn't accept it.

After all, His Highness is the Ninth Prince, and he will definitely have many wives and concubines in the future. She doesn't mind taking a young lady, but will be very happy.

Because His Highness the Ninth Prince is 24 this year, but he has never married, let alone concubines or philandering, and he doesn't even have a confidante.

In the eyes of some people, this is either a good relationship between men and women, or he is not good at that.

Mu Rufeng is not anxious, but the servants will be very anxious, especially the old housekeeper Zhang Chun.

"Of course there is a conspiracy, you will definitely not be able to think of it with your little brain. Hurry up and prepare spiritual food for me. I'm hungry."

"Also, you should eat some yourself." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh, okay, Your Highness." Xiao Cui immediately jumped away.

"Don't follow me, go eat something, Liu Ming and Xiao Guizi are back, let them come to see me immediately." Mu Rufeng ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." Everyone responded in succession.

Then Mu Rufeng entered his room.

"The issue of compensation has been resolved. Next, we need to prepare a gift for the Queen Mother." Mu Rufeng sat at the table, stroking his chin and thinking.

This time, it was the Queen Mother's 80th birthday, and it could be said that the whole world was celebrating, and the birthday banquet was very big.

On the Tiandao Continent, all the well-known figures would come, and even the Western Regions demons, who had many frictions and battles, would send their tribesmen to attend the birthday banquet.

The Queen Mother might not care how expensive the gift was, after all, people of such noble status had seen all kinds of rare treasures.

But if the gift was very bad, the Queen Mother would definitely remember you.

Originally, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince had prepared a gift, but unfortunately, it was lost along with his storage ring in the borderland.

Now there were only five days left until the birthday banquet, and he needed to prepare the gift as soon as possible.

Buying it with money would definitely not work, it had to be something special.

Then Mu Rufeng began to search in his inventory.

Many things in his inventory were banned, but there were still some that were not banned.

After searching for a long time, Mu Rufeng finally took out something.

This is not a prop, but a spiritual object.

[Immortal Spirit Fruit]: It is a rare item in the world. Only one can be taken to be effective.

Effect: A level 5 spiritual object. After taking it, it can rejuvenate and keep youth forever. It is only effective for people who are level 4 and below and over 70 years old.

This is just a level 5 spiritual object purchased in the Treasure House. Although it can rejuvenate and keep youth forever, it does not prolong life.

It does not enhance physical fitness. When you die, you die.

The restrictions are relatively large and it is extremely rare. There are only five of this in the Treasure House. Mu Rufeng bought them all.

He thought that he would give it to his parents and grandparents after they were over 70, and then keep one for himself when he was 70 years old.

Now, taking one out for the queen mother is simply perfect.

The Queen Mother is eighty years old this year. Although she has taken good care of herself and has some cultivation, it is not much, and she has already shown her old age.

As long as she is a woman, there is no one who does not want to stay young forever, especially an eighty-year-old grandmother.

As the biological mother of the current emperor, the Queen Mother also has a lot of say in the harem, and even the emperor sometimes has to listen to her.

The emperor is actually not that old this year, he is only fifty years old.

In other words, the Queen Mother gave birth to the emperor when she was thirty years old.

The emperor is not the first child of the Queen Mother, but the third, and there are three princes.

Mu Rufeng does not know why the youngest prince will become the emperor.

But Mu Rufeng knows that the emperor is extremely respectful and filial to his biological mother, the Queen Mother.

If you appease the Queen Mother, it will also be a great help to ascend to the throne.

Look at the eldest prince, who has been living in the East Palace for three months as the regent, and insists on going to the Queen Mother every day to pay respects.

He did not do this for his biological mother.

Mu Rufeng estimated that the Queen Mother would be very satisfied with the gift he gave her.

"It should be put in a more beautiful box." Mu Rufeng murmured.

"Honglian." Mu Rufeng called out to the door.

"Your Highness, I'm here. What do you want?" Honglian's voice came from outside the door.

Sure enough, even if Mu Rufeng asked them to go downstairs to eat, Honglian would let Qingya go first and Honglian would stay outside.

"Come in and talk."

"Your Highness." Honglian immediately opened the door and walked in.

"Help me prepare a beautiful and expensive gift box. I want to put a fruit in it as a birthday gift for the Queen Mother." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Honglian responded immediately.

"By the way, how much silver is left in the mansion for spending?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, there are about 10,000 taels left. It will be next month soon. The court will distribute the regular money by then." Honglian said.

"Well, go." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

The monthly expenses of his mansion are not small, whether it is the maintenance of the mansion, food and clothing, and the silver and money of these servants.

It costs about 20,000 taels a month.

The court gives him, the ninth prince, 10,000 taels of silver and some spiritual rice and cultivation resources every month.

At first glance, it seems that it is not enough to spend, but those spiritual rice and cultivation resources are also good things.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also has his own industry. With so many shops and so many people, he can earn a lot of money every month.

In the Dali Dynasty, the purchasing power of silver is still very strong.

Some not very precious cultivation resources can be purchased with silver.

After another half a quarter of an hour, Xiao Cui, Qing Ya and several maids came with many spiritual meals.

Mu Rufeng started eating.

After the spiritual meals, Mu Rufeng's hungry stomach was relieved, and the blood and qi in his body were also steadily improving.

While eating, he saw Liu Ming striding to the door.

"Your Highness!"

"Have they all been dealt with?" Mu Rufeng picked up his chopsticks and looked at Liu Ming.

"Your Highness, the industries of Xuanping Hou and Qing Gang have all been sold. I happened to meet Eunuch Wang on the way, and the eldest prince's 300,000 taels of silver were also taken. All the silver is here."

Liu Ming walked into the room, and then raised his hands and several storage bags appeared.

"Very good, where are Xiao Guizi and the others?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, I asked Xiao Guizi and the others to set up the execution venue." Liu Ming replied.

"Well, take out all the silver." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Liu Ming responded, and then took out the silver one by one from the storage bag.

And Mu Rufeng also waved his hand and put the silver into his inventory.

No matter what, it is most reassuring to have the silver in your hands.

"Eight million taels, finally gathered, big friend, you are hungry too, you haven't eaten yet, let's eat together." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, I am not hungry." Liu Ming said respectfully.

"Even if you are not hungry, eat something, forget it, you go eat by yourself, and remember to keep an eye on the matter of comforting the family members after you finish eating. Tomorrow at noon, I want to see all the representatives present." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness, I will take my leave!" Liu Ming immediately took his leave and left.

After lunch, Mu Rufeng went directly to the training room and began to practice Kaitian Jue.

The most important thing now is to restore the seventh level of the refining state first.

Although he no longer has any bottlenecks, cultivation will not come out of thin air, and the strange world must also abide by the law of conservation of energy.

If he wants to improve his cultivation quickly, he needs a huge amount of resources. Only with sufficient resources can he continue to break through.

Unfortunately, his old foundation has been emptied. After the pension is dealt with, the first thing is to find out the guy who stole 7.2 million taels of silver.


On the other side, in the palace, the East Palace.

The eldest prince is reviewing some memorials at this moment.

"Your Highness." Wang Kai walked in from the gate, came to the eldest prince and called softly.

"It's Daban, how is it?" The eldest prince asked without raising his head.

"Your Highness, the ninth prince did not accept the one million taels of silver from Mr. Zhu." Wang Kai said.

"Hmm? Confiscated? How is that possible? He still needs one million taels. Didn't Mr. Zhu's daughter attract him?"

"Is it true, as the legend goes, that my ninth brother is good at sex? Or is he not good at that?" The eldest prince frowned.

"It was indeed confiscated. The ninth prince has already collected enough money." Wang Kai said again.

"Where did he get the one million?" The eldest prince frowned even deeper.

"He went to the mansion of the sixth prince."

"Sixth prince? How is that possible? The sixth prince would borrow money, but he would never borrow one million taels. He would be heartbroken if he borrowed 100,000."

"According to our spy report, it was the ninth prince who forced his way into the warehouse and 'borrowed' one million taels of silver. He also wrote a promissory note and asked to pay 20% interest within one month." Wang Kai said.

"What a forced borrowing!" The eldest prince's face suddenly became a little ugly.


No words were spoken all night.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Mu Rufeng finished his training. After breakfast, he led a group of people to the largest execution ground in the imperial city.

This execution ground is half the size of a basketball court. Today, it is already full of people.

They have all heard that a marquis will be executed here today, and there is something important to say.

The residents around and the free people also came here early to watch the excitement.

Among these people, there are a group of people who seem to be somewhat out of tune with these imperial city residents.

They are all dressed relatively simply, and most of them are old people. You can see from their manners that they are obviously respected elders in the village.

Totaling up to hundreds of people, they were separated from the onlookers and stood in the back.

The rear was blocked by some soldiers, preventing the people from moving forward.

Mu Rufeng and his party arrived at the back of the execution ground.

"My dear, have all the people arrived?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, the most respected elders in the village where the soldiers died in the battle have arrived, and we can start at any time." Liu Ming said.

In ancient times, the words of the village elders were more effective than those of the government.

"Where is Li Mohu?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Bring him up." Liu Ming shouted to the back.

Soon, two guards came over with Xuanping Hou.

At this moment, he had a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth. When he saw Mu Rufeng, he was suddenly very excited and kept whimpering and trying to speak.

From the looks of it, he should want to beg Mu Rufeng for mercy.

Behind them, there were many prisoners being escorted by soldiers to kneel on the ground. These were all members of the Qing Gang, criminals who had gone to the families of the dead soldiers to get money.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then walked slowly towards Xingtai.

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