I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 300 Kill, kill, kill! Mountains of corpses and seas of blood [10,000 words]

The execution platform here is high, five meters high, and almost everyone can see it clearly.

When Mu Rufeng came to the execution platform, he saw the densely packed people below, which must have added up to thousands of people.

The upper floors of some restaurants, inns and other places around were also crowded with people, and some high-rise private rooms were also booked by some rich and noble people.

They all looked straight at Mu Rufeng.

"I am Mu Rufeng, the ninth prince of the Dali Dynasty." Mu Rufeng looked around and said.

When Mu Rufeng said his identity, there was an uproar below.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Ninth Prince!" Voices kept ringing one after another.

Some people even wanted to kneel down excitedly.

"No need to be polite, I came here today to kill a sinner." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

As Mu Rufeng spoke, the people around him quieted down one after another.

"Everyone should know that I led 50,000 black flag troops to the border to fight the demons, but was ambushed and the 50,000 troops were wiped out."

"I was seriously injured and dying, but was finally rescued by my personal guards and sent back to the imperial city. Fortunately, my mother and my seventh sister gave me the holy medicine, the thousand-year-old snow lotus, and I recovered from my injuries."

"The 50,000 black flag troops were wiped out. This was my fault. I swear that I will avenge this blood feud!" Mu Rufeng said this with a grim tone and boiling murderous intent.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The dozens of guards behind the execution platform also shouted immediately, with murderous intent.


The people around seemed to be affected and shouted loudly.

"The day before yesterday, I asked the people below to take 8 million taels to pay pensions to the soldiers who died in the battle."

"The family of each soldier can get at least 150 taels of pension." Mu Rufeng said.

As soon as this was said, the entire execution ground was in an uproar.

Many of them have served in the army and know about the pensions for soldiers who died in battle. This 150 taels is really super super high.

As long as they don't commit suicide, it is enough for a family of five to get a good living, and it can be good for many years.

"But someone has set his sights on this batch of pensions. As soon as the pensions were issued, someone took the silver under the banner of this prince, leaving only a few taels of silver."

Mu Rufeng suppressed his anger and spoke slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the silent venue was in an uproar.

This is a pension, the pension for soldiers who died for the country, and someone dared to touch this money.

He deserves to die, he really deserves to die.

"Come on, bring the prisoner to this prince."

Soon two guards came up with a man wearing gorgeous clothes but with scars.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and two invisible forces lifted Li Mohu up and flew in front of Mu Rufeng, facing the crowd.

"Woo woo woo~~!" Li Mohu kept struggling, but he was tied up and couldn't move at all. A rag was stuffed in his mouth, so he could only make a whimpering sound.

"This man is the culprit. Tell me, should he be killed?" Mu Rufeng said sternly.


"He should be killed!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The murderous aura pierced the sky, making the dignitaries watching around frown.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and took out the rag from Li Mohu's mouth.

"I was wrong, forgive me, forgive me, Your Highness, I am your uncle, I am your real uncle."

"Before your mother died, she asked you to take care of me, and you promised it yourself."

"Your Highness, don't kill me, I am willing to contribute all my family wealth, and I am not the culprit, I am not, someone told me to do this, someone wrote me a letter and I did this."

After Li Mohu could speak, he immediately cried and begged for mercy, trying his best to pull the relationship between himself and Mu Rufeng's relatives, and then put the blame on others for his mistakes.

Although there was a letter in front of his desk, he stupidly went there, just wanting to embezzle the money.

Greed made him fearless and didn't want to think about the consequences.

However, when Li Mohu said these words, the murderous people below were in an uproar again.

They couldn't believe that the person who embezzled the pension was actually the real uncle of the Ninth Prince.

Royal relatives, this is a royal relative, should he be killed? Can he be killed? How will His Highness Nine deal with it?

"Li Mohu, don't use this as an excuse. If you didn't want to covet the more than 7 million taels of silver, would you have done it?" Mu Rufeng sneered.

"Everyone, this man is my uncle, the Marquis Xuanping of the royal family of the Dali Dynasty."

"In theory, he is my elder, and it is disrespectful for me to do this, but for the sake of those 50,000 soldiers and their families."

"Today, Your Highness will kill my relatives for the sake of justice. If there is any guilt, I will take it all. Even if I go to the eighteenth level of hell after death, Your Highness will bear it!"

As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he drew out the long sword of the personal guard beside him.

"Clang!" A sound of unsheathing sounded.

Then came the sound of the long sword entering the flesh.

A flash of blood appeared.

The next moment, a blood line appeared on Li Mohu's neck.


Li Mohu did not die immediately, his hands regained their mobility at this moment.

He immediately covered his neck with both hands, his eyes widened, and wanted to speak but found that he could not.

Blood gushed out from the neck.

Then Li Mohu's good head slowly slid down from his neck, and finally fell on the hard ground with a muffled sound.

Dead, the head of the executor who embezzled the pension fell off.

Li Mohu, the uncle of His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince of the Dali Dynasty and a relative of the royal family, was beheaded by his nephew, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince.

There was silence in the field.

"Good!" Someone shouted loudly.


There was a cheer at the scene. At this moment, Mu Rufeng's voice reached its peak.

"Bring them up!" Mu Rufeng said loudly again.

Soon, a group of twenty people were brought up by officers and soldiers, kneeling in front of the stage, and lined up to face the people below.

"It's unfair."

"Spare me, Your Highness, spare me."

"We were forced, forced."

"Your Highness, spare me, these are all orders from the gang leader, we have to listen."

These people begged for mercy loudly and cried bitterly.

They were all members of the Qing Gang, and they were also the ones who went to the villages of the families of the fallen soldiers to collect the pensions.

There were a lot of people, but not a few, as many as a thousand.

Yes, thousands of people.

These thousands of people had been brought here a long time ago and locked up in the dungeon behind the execution platform.

The people in the imperial city were either rich or noble, but there were more ordinary people.

These Qing Gangs naturally did not dare to deal with those who were either rich or noble, so most of them were oppressing ordinary people.

They were blessed by the third son of the Shangshu, and they were even more rampant in dealing with the villages around the imperial city.

So, no one should not die.

Not to mention, they did not take action to collect the pensions.

However, Xuanping Hou repeatedly warned them not to kill anyone and not to rape women, so although they went too far, many of them were disabled.

Mu Rufeng was not going to let these 1,000 people go, he was going to kill them all!

"These people are members of the Qing Gang. They usually bully the people and act recklessly. They are also the ones who collect the pensions."

"It's hard to imagine that these people actually exist in the imperial city. Tell me, should they be killed?" Mu Rufeng looked around and shouted loudly.

"Damn beast, it's him. It's him who broke the leg of my nephew's mother." A clan elder representative in front pointed at a person above and shouted.

"Kill, he should be killed!"

The people in that area of ​​the clan elder representative shouted excitedly.

"It was him, Wang Ergou, who broke my son's leg."

"My poor daughter-in-law was spotted by a small leader of the Qing Gang, who kidnapped her and sent her back with a corpse the next day. My son was also beaten to death and sent back the next day when he went to argue."

"They deserve to be killed, all the people in the Qing Gang deserve to be killed!"

The onlookers also burst into a terrifying shout of killing.

It is obvious that the Qing Gang has been accusing the lower class for too long.

It's not that no one has gone to the government to sue, but it's useless. Just pick a few small gangsters to take the blame.

Then the second time, the person who sued the government was either beaten to death or beaten to death.

Now seeing these Qing Gang members being pressed on the execution ground, how can I not be excited and shout for killing?


Mu Rufeng swung his knife and a blood-colored knife energy passed over the necks of the Qing Gang.

Soon, heads fell from the execution platform one by one, blood spurted out, and it seemed as if a bloody rain was falling below.

"Bring them up!" Mu Rufeng shouted again.

Another group of twenty Qing Gang members were brought up.

The guards stepped forward and kicked the headless corpse down, then broke the legs of the Qing Gang members and made them kneel on the ground, facing the people.

After doing all this, the guards turned and walked down.

Mu Rufeng raised his knife again, and the heads rolled down, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Then came the third group, the fourth group...

Mu Rufeng was like a robot, his face did not change, he raised his knife and cut off the heads one by one.

There was no pause, no stop, just kept chopping and chopping.

Two hours passed.

Mu Rufeng chopped off the heads of the last group of people.

The bodies below were already level with the execution platform, and this was because they had been cleaned up many times.

Otherwise, it would not fit at all.

Many of the onlookers left.

It's not that they don't want to watch, but they can't bear it. The disgusting smell of blood and the visual impact made many people unbearable.

Either vomiting or fainting, but even so, there were still crowds around.

The old people left, the new people came, and the number of people watching was even greater than before.

Most of the dignitaries who watched secretly also left, because they couldn't stand this scene.

Two hours of beheading made Mu Rufeng a little tired. At the beginning, there was still a feeling of tiredness and vomiting in his heart, but now it's gone, and there is only numbness.

[Your understanding is against the sky, killing a thousand people in a short time, and comprehending martial arts: Blood Sea Divine Sword]

[Your understanding is against the sky, killing a thousand people in a short time, and comprehending the secret method of spirit: Corpse Mountain and Blood Sea]

These two prompt sounds surprised Mu Rufeng.

The Blood Sea Divine Sword is an extremely powerful sword technique. The stronger the killing intention in the heart, the stronger the power. It is similar to the killing fist, attacking the enemy with killing intention, but it is more brutal and violent than the killing fist.

As for the sea of ​​blood and corpses, it is a spiritual secret technique. Once performed, it can make people fall into the sea of ​​blood and corpses, making them feel the fear in their hearts and the strong murderous intention and evil spirit.

Spiritual secret techniques are extremely mysterious and powerful in the Tiandao Continent. It can be said that each spiritual secret technique is extremely precious and powerful.

Mu Rufeng returned the long sword to the guard and then looked down.

The elders were old after all and could not stand too much stimulation, so they had been moved away from the crowd to rest.

There were special people responsible for taking care of them, giving them food and drink, and there were sheds to block the sun.

Although the scene of the execution ground was not clear, Mu Rufeng's words could still be heard.

"The Qing Gang has been destroyed. From today on, if there is any grievance, you can come to this prince's house to seek justice." Mu Rufeng shouted loudly.

"The Ninth Prince is mighty!"

"The Ninth Prince is mighty!"

The people shouted loudly, extremely excited.

"Silence, Your Highness has something else to say." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

In an instant, the noisy execution ground was silent, with only the breathing of the crowd.

"Li Mohu embezzled a total of 7.2 million taels of silver, and the Qing Gang embezzled a total of 500,000 taels of silver."

"When Your Highness learned about it yesterday, he immediately arrested Li Mohu, but the 7.2 million taels of silver had been robbed and dozens of lives had been killed."

When these words came out, the crowd was in an uproar again, and their faces were full of disbelief.

That was 7.2 million taels of silver, gone, all gone.

Especially those clan elders, when they heard these words, they couldn't believe it at all.

What does this mean? It means that their pensions are gone, really gone.

You know, these pensions are the future source of livelihood for the families of the soldiers who died in the war.

Without the pillar of the family, how can women support the family alone? Pensions can do it.

Now it's gone, that's really bad news.

Some elders who had poor psychological endurance or were in poor health, or whose children died in battle, fainted when they heard this.

Fortunately, there were guards watching them all the time. When they saw someone faint, they immediately stepped forward and passed a stream of blood and energy to wake them up slowly.

Mu Rufeng looked down again. The execution platform was already covered with blood. Then he said loudly again:

"Your Highness cannot recover the stolen silver and money for the time being, but Your Highness will definitely not lack the soldiers who fought on the battlefield with me."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he raised his hand and pressed it down gently. A burst of energy burst out instantly, directly shaking off the blood on the execution platform and revealing its original appearance.

Then he waved his hand, and eight million taels of silver were stacked on the execution platform.

Under the sun, the silver light splashed everywhere, which was blinding everyone's eyes.

"Ah! What is that? So... so dazzling."

"What is it? Why is it so dazzling?"

"This is silver. So much, so much silver."

So much silver appeared in front of everyone, and they all exclaimed.

Even though the light made their eyes uncomfortable, they still forced themselves to look over.

This is the first time I have seen so much silver.

"Here are eight million taels of silver. These silvers will be issued again as pensions."

"Yesterday, I took the land, shops, manors, rare treasures and other things in my mansion to Lingyan Pavilion as collateral. The market value is 1.5 million taels of silver. Zhao Yanran, the deputy head of Lingyan Pavilion, is kind and generous. She doubled the value and exchanged it for 3 million taels of silver for my prince."

"Li Zhongliang, the legitimate son of Xuanping Marquis Mansion, offered all his family property, 2.5 million taels, and only kept an old house for himself."

"The Qing Gang's property was confiscated and 1.2 million taels of silver were obtained."

"Then, I went to the palace and found my seventh sister. My seventh sister scraped together money from everywhere and even gave me her dowry, and I got 200,000 taels of silver."

"I found my eldest brother again. My eldest brother was short of money, but he also lent me 300,000 taels."

"Finally, I found my sixth brother. My sixth brother was kind and generous and lent me 1 million taels."

Mu Rufeng told the people how he got the money one by one.


All of a sudden, the people below were in an uproar again.

"My God, His Highness the Ninth Prince actually sold his own land and shops?"

"His Highness the Ninth Prince is really too good to his soldiers, he would sell everything he has to raise money."

"Oh my goodness, the eldest son of the Xuanping Marquis's Mansion actually offered all his family property, 2.5 million taels."

"You have to offer it even if you don't want to, otherwise the whole family will be executed."

"I didn't expect the Seventh Princess to be so kind, she actually lent her dowry to His Highness the Ninth Prince."

"Yes, I heard that the Seventh Princess is beautiful and kind, she is definitely a first-class good woman."

"And The Sixth Prince, the Sixth Prince is even more righteous. He actually borrowed a full one million taels of silver. "

"I used to hear that the Sixth Prince was a playboy who spent his days fighting beasts and monsters, and seeking pleasure with women. Today, I heard that he is a good man with great benevolence and righteousness."

"However, why did the First Prince only borrow 300,000 taels?"

"Yes, this seems a bit... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

"It's a lot of silver. If I had so much silver, I couldn't spend it all in my lifetime."

Not only here, but even the dignitaries who were secretly spying were also furious.

Especially the First Prince.

The eldest prince was sitting in front of the window, with a look of anger on his face when he heard Mu Rufeng said that he was short of money and only borrowed 300,000 yuan.

"Damn it, this damn beast, bastard, how dare he, how dare he say that." The eldest prince could not suppress his anger.

"Your Highness, I think the Ninth Prince is specifically disgusting with you." Wang Kai said at the side.

The sixth prince borrowed one million taels, and the seventh princess scraped together her dowry and borrowed two hundred thousand.

And you, the eldest prince, only borrowed 300,000 yuan, so your reputation will definitely be damaged, very damaged, very bad.

There was a sound of "Crack!"

The eldest prince slapped Wang Kai on the face.

"Don't I know? Do you still need to remind me?" the eldest prince said fiercely.

"This slave deserves to die!" Wang Kai immediately knelt on his knees and begged for mercy with a look of fear on his face.

The eldest prince was already angry, but later he became even more angry when he heard the people talking about him.

"Hmph, one day sooner or later, I will destroy this bastard Lao Jiu." The eldest prince snorted coldly, did not stop here, turned around and left directly.

In another box.

"Damn it, Lao Jiu actually forcibly 'borrowed' His Highness's one million, which is my one million taels."

After playing outside the imperial city for a day and a night, I just returned from an outing and was ready to go home and sleep.

Then he found out about Mu Rufeng's forcible 'borrowing' of one million, and immediately prepared to go to Mu Rufeng's house to cause trouble.

But he missed it, and after learning that he was at the execution ground, he ran over again. He wanted to go directly to find the troublemaker, but when he saw Mu Rufeng beheading him, he didn't go.

Although he didn't fight for power, he wasn't a fool either, so he forcibly booked a box at a nearby restaurant.

He planned to find trouble with Mu Rufeng as soon as possible after the incident at the execution ground was over.

However, when he later heard the people saying that he was a kind and upright man, he felt a little happy for some reason.

And more and more people are saying good things about it. Not to mention, it is really comfortable and enjoyable.

"Forget it, go back home and sleep." Lao Liu was no longer ready to cause trouble, stood up and was about to leave.

"Your Highness, aren't you going to cause trouble to His Highness Ninth Prince? That's one million taels of silver." said a eunuch.

"It's only one million taels, and didn't my ninth brother say that if you return it within a month, you will get 20% profit." At this moment, the sixth prince's mood changed from angry to good.

In another box.

"Dad, please save me." A noble-looking young man grabbed the sleeve of an old man and said with a panicked expression.

There was a sound of "Crack!"

The old man slapped Li Feng and spun him around twice before sitting down on the ground.

"Why did you go there? Raise a Qinggang? Do you think you didn't die fast enough? I asked you to hand over the Qinggang, and you still keep it in your hands?" Li Ren said with a gloomy look.

"Dad, I can't bear to part with you. I'm not like my eldest brother, who joined the eldest prince's Tiger Army as a general, and I'm not like my second brother, who followed your path."

"I don't understand anything. The Qinggang can give me money, women, and power. I really can't bear to hand it over." Li Feng knelt on his knees, then climbed to Li Ren's side with his knees and hugged him. His thighs burst into tears.

"You good-for-nothing, do I lack food for you, or am I lacking something for you to play with? Women? Isn't the maid at home enough for you to play with?"

"Okay now, I've offended the Ninth Prince. How do you want me to save you? How do you want me to save you?" Li Ren shouted sharply, and at the same time kicked Li Feng to the ground.

"First Prince, ask the First Prince to save me. Haven't you already voted for the First Prince? The Ninth Prince will definitely give the First Prince face." Li Feng shouted.

"Who do you think the eldest prince is? Will he save a loser like you? Get out of here, get out of here quickly, go out of the city with Sun Guan, go to his hometown in Yuzhou, and avoid the limelight first."

After all, he is his own son, and Li Ren cannot ignore him, even if he is a waste.

"Thank you, dad. Thank you, dad." Li Feng was so happy that he crawled to Li Ren's side again.

"Remember, don't cause trouble for me when you return to the old house. Sun Guan, you have to keep an eye on him. He is not allowed to leave the house. If he doesn't obey, he will be beaten by me! You can break his legs. I will ask the imperial doctor to treat him. "Li Ren said coldly.

"Yes, sir!" Sun Guan nodded solemnly.

When Li Feng heard this, he trembled all over and wanted to speak, but he didn't dare to say anything when he saw the fierce look in his father's eyes.

"To all the fallen soldiers, His Highness swears that I will avenge you."

"As well as the families of the soldiers and soldiers who are suffering, I feel the same for you. I have killed all those who harmed you!"

"Next, I will arrange for my subordinates to re-distribute the eight million pension. If anyone is still interested, please come to my house to find me."

"Your Highness makes the decision for you." Mu Rufeng shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty, Ninth Prince!"

The crowd burst into loud cheers again.

The elder representatives of the clan even knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng turned around and walked off the execution platform.

"Dad companion, you should take care of the pension issue personally. I don't want any accidents to happen this time." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Your Highness, I will fight to the death to complete the mission. If something unexpected happens, I will come to see you!" Liu Ming said solemnly.

"Bring more officers and soldiers, and also inform the local government." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"By the way, is there any news from the government about the person who stole the money?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Your Highness, there are no clues yet."

"What a headache." Mu Rufeng shook her head, then turned and left.

He returned to his mansion.

Xiao Cui went to prepare hot water and took a bath to wash away the smell of blood.

Mu Rufeng was a little tired, not physically but mentally.

After two hours of continuous hacking, he had reached his limit.

If you really think about it, this is actually the first time Mu Rufeng has killed someone with his own hands, and he has killed so many people.

"I'm tired. Xiaocui is having a tea party in the palace in the afternoon. Remember to wake me up soon." Mu Rufeng said to Xiaocui.

(The last hour is 13-15 o'clock, one quarter and fifteen minutes, the last four quarters is two o'clock in the afternoon)

"Your Highness, are you not having lunch?" Xiaocui asked curiously.

Mu Rufeng knew that he was going to the execution ground today to kill people, so Mu Rufeng did not take Xiaocui and other maids there.

"No appetite." Mu Rufeng said and went directly to bed.

"Then please rest, Your Highness, I will wake you up on time." Seeing this, Xiao Cui immediately exited the room.

When he exited the room, he also activated the formation. Immediately, the light in the room dimmed and the sounds outside disappeared.

The room has become an environment suitable for sleeping.

Soon Mu Rufeng fell into a deep sleep.

2 p.m.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, the time has come."

Mu Rufeng was still sleeping. Mu Rufeng was woken up by Xiao Cui.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

After Mu Rufeng got up, she went to the palace.

The tea party was held at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the previous visitors were all the children of powerful people in the imperial city.

The tea party this afternoon is different. There will also be various sects from the Dali Dynasty, as well as sects from other states or the younger generation of the family.

On the occasion of the Queen Mother's eightieth birthday, some people with status, status and strength were invited, so naturally it was impossible for them to come alone.

No matter what, I will bring my younger generation here, firstly, to see the beauty of many young people on the mainland.

The second is to let the juniors show their faces in front of the seniors, and then make some friends of the same generation.

The third is to let others know that their juniors are not weak and can gain face.

As the Queen Mother's birthday banquet approaches, there are also many people with status and strength in the imperial city, including many of the younger generation.

Before half past two, Mu Rufeng arrived in front of the palace.

After showing the token, Mu Rufeng led the people into the palace.

He didn't bring many people, only Xiaocui, so the guards asked them to wait outside. As for Honglian and Qingya, they didn't bring them out in the mansion.

The guards will not enter the palace unless necessary. After all, safety in the palace is not a problem.

"Seventh sister." Mu Rufeng came to Mu Wuxia's bedroom and saw Mu Wuxia lifting weights with a stone block two people high.

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

Mu Wuxia threw the stone pillar on the ground.

"Xiaojiu, you're here. Almost everyone over there has arrived. It's really annoying to keep sending people to urge me." Mu Wuxia, dressed in smart clothes, walked over.

"Then let's go together. By the way, Seventh Sister, why don't you change your clothes?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Wuxia and said.

"What should I change? There are many prodigies from other states coming to the tea party. I have to have a good fight with them. This outfit is just right, otherwise it would be too boring." Mu Wuxia immediately pulled Mu Go away like the wind.

Mu Rufeng smiled and followed.

"By the way, Xiaojiu, I've heard about what happened at the execution ground today. You were really good at killing." Mu Wuxia suddenly said on the way.

"Seventh Sister, I don't want to kill anyone, but they must die." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, you must die. You don't even dare to touch the pension. However, you killed too many people today. I'm afraid it will arouse criticism from many people."

"The most important thing is that you killed Xuan Pinghou, your biological uncle." Mu Wuxia said.

"Bash? Haha, do you think I care? If he were not my uncle, he would definitely kill everyone in his family."

"But he is my biological uncle and my mother's biological brother. From my natal family, I can't really go and kill everyone," Mu Rufeng said.

"No matter what, I support you, Seventh Sister. You don't need to pay back the two hundred thousand taels of silver. I'm not short of money anyway."

"And that guy, eldest brother, must have known that he was short of money and asked me to borrow 500,000 yuan. I originally wanted to ask him to get it back, but he is not in the palace today."

"When I come back, I will give you the five hundred thousand taels of silver." Mu Wuxia said.

"Thank you, Seventh Sister, but you don't need it anymore. I will return the money to you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

It would be a lie to say that he is not moved. Even if they are not biological siblings, Mu Rufeng can feel that Mu Wuxia treats him sincerely.

Not long after, the two came to a garden.

In the garden, there are mountains and waters, as well as some rare spiritual grasses, spiritual plants, spiritual flowers, and even some spiritual beasts.

Spirit beasts possess pure spiritual energy in their bodies and are kind-hearted. Unlike the demon clan, the demon clan cultivates their physical bodies and demon powers and are more bloodthirsty and cruel.

Although there are a small number of demon clans who are not bloodthirsty or cannibalistic, but just practice cultivation, most of the demon clans are bloodthirsty and cruel, and believe in the law of the jungle.

In the middle of the garden is a lake, and in the center of the lake is a pavilion courtyard.

That is, a building composed of multiple pavilions, which is specially designed for enjoying flowers, the moon and spiritual beasts.

The pavilion courtyard is very large, and there are naturally many people inside.

Most of the men are handsome, and there are few ugly women, all of whom exude a special temperament.

Mu Rufeng thought it was an ordinary blind date, but he didn't expect so many people to come.

Some of them were dressed luxuriously, and some were dressed in strange shapes.

At the same time, many members of the royal family from other branches also came.

However, Mu Rufeng did not see the eldest prince, but saw the fourth prince, the sixth prince and the eighth prince.

There were many palace maids and eunuchs serving around, and many spiritual fruits and spiritual wines were placed on both sides.

"Meet His Highness the Ninth Prince and the Seventh Princess!"

With the arrival of the two, the palace maids and eunuchs around also saluted.

This scene was naturally seen by the group of people in the courtyard.

"Hmm? If I guess correctly, the man in black should be the current senior disciple of the East Region Refining God Sect, who is also in the Soul Refining Realm."

"Xiao Jiu, I'll go ahead and fight this guy." Mu Wuxia's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

Mu Wuxia leaped and actually crossed the lake surface of 100 meters, waving his fist and smashing directly at Tuoba Zhan who was drinking wine and chatting with a few people.

When Mu Rufeng saw this scene, his mouth twitched slightly.

Good guy, his seventh sister is really a fighting maniac.

It's probably because staying in the palace is too boring. After Mu Rufeng opened his house and went out, no one fought with him.

Even though there are many guards in the palace, they almost let it go in the battle and dared not really fight at all, so now seeing so many masters, how can they hold back.

Some masters in the palace who were secretly watching, saw the movement and immediately prepared to show up.

But seeing that it was the seventh princess, they all disappeared.

"Tuoba Zhan, take my punch!" Mu Wuxia shouted loudly.

"Come on!" Tuoba Zhan also noticed it at the first time, shouted heroically, and then waved his right fist to meet it.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The fists of both sides collided with each other.

The terrifying energy swept in all directions.

Some young talents with weak strength could not help but retreat a few steps before they stabilized their bodies.

Some of the strong ones released their own power to stop the energy.

On the surrounding buildings, even on the ground, there were formation patterns emerging, eliminating all the energy.

If there was no formation, I'm afraid this pavilion courtyard would be destroyed in an instant.

"Come again!" Mu Wuxia punched again.

Tuoba Zhan laughed and met it again.

"Boom!" There was another muffled sound.

Mu Wuxia retracted his fist and turned over and landed not far away.

"As expected of the current disciple of the Refining God Sect, he is indeed very strong."

The first punch was evenly matched, and the second punch was still evenly matched.

"I guess you are the Seventh Princess of the Dali Dynasty, right? I heard that the Seventh Princess is a martial arts fanatic. It's true. A woman is as good as a man. Tuoba Zhan admires her!"

Tuoba Zhan said with a big laugh.

"Come on, fight again!" Mu Wuxia rolled up his sleeves and prepared to continue fighting.

"Okay, I will fight with the Seventh Princess!"

The momentum of the two burst out, and the battle was about to break out.

The young talents around were also secretly shocked when they saw this scene. They knew that Tuoba Zhan was so powerful.

But they didn't expect that the Seventh Princess of the Dali Dynasty was so powerful that she could fight with Tuoba Zhan for two punches without losing.

"See, my Seventh Sister is powerful." The Sixth Prince said in a group of women.

"Idiot." The fourth prince not far away looked at the sixth prince, then at the seventh princess, with a gloomy face.

I don't know if he was talking about the sixth prince or the seventh princess, or the two of them.

The young talents around also looked over here. They were naturally very happy to see the excitement.

Among them, one person was the most eye-catching, surrounded by many geniuses.

This person was wearing a white robe with cloud patterns embroidered on it.

This person had sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his face was like a crown and jade, and his temperament was extraordinary.

There was also a sword on his waist, and the sharp sword energy could be felt from him. This person was a sword cultivator.

And his strength was actually the eighth level of the bitter sea realm.

This person did not follow the martial arts path, but the sword cultivation path. He did not cultivate blood and qi, but spiritual power and sword.

In the Tiandao Continent, there are not only warriors, but also other cultivation systems.

However, if we only count the number, then there must be more warriors.

On the Tiandao Continent, there are a total of three cultivation systems.

The first is the martial way, which cultivates the power of qi and blood, and is divided into nine realms. Above the nine realms, one can control the rules.

The second is the way of the demon race, which cultivates the demon power, which is also divided into nine realms, corresponding to the nine realms of the human race. Above the nine realms, one can control the rules.

The third is the way of the spirit, which cultivates the spiritual power, which is divided into nine realms: the body tempering realm, the opening realm, the qi dynamic realm, the separation and combination realm, the true spirit realm, the divine wandering realm, the spirit realm, the bitter sea realm, and the heavenly realm. Above the nine realms, one can control the rules.

This person is not very old, 27 years old, and his cultivation has just entered the eighth level of the bitter sea realm. He can be said to be the first among the contemporary geniuses.

He is a rare genius in the ages.

"Wait, wait, Seventh Sister, Brother Tuoba, this is a tea party. If you fight, it will be ruined." Mu Rufeng suddenly shouted.

Then he stopped in front of Mu Wuxia.

"That's right, this doesn't seem to be a place for fighting." Tuoba Zhan heard this and felt that Mu Rufeng was right, so he restrained his momentum.

"We can't fight here, so let's go to the martial arts arena. There is a martial arts arena in the palace, which can withstand the battle between gods."

Mu Wuxia will not give up just like that, so he will go to the martial arts arena.

"Okay, let's go to the martial arts arena." Tuoba Zhan nodded.

Although the opponent is a woman, he can know from Mu Wuxia's fist that this woman is as strong as him.

As a warrior, most of them are warlike. When he meets an opponent of equal strength, he naturally wants to fight. It doesn't matter whether it is a man or a woman.

"Don't be so troublesome, just fight in this lake." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Then a shard of ice appeared in Mu Rufeng's palm.

Mu Rufeng flicked his finger, and saw the icicles flying out and landing on the lake.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Starting from where the icicles fell into the water, the cold air instantly swept in all directions.

In an instant, a large area of ​​the lake was frozen. In just three or five breaths, except for the pavilion in the middle, the entire lake turned into ice.

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