I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 301 The First Person of the Contemporary Era [10,000 words]

"How about this battlefield?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Okay, very good, Xiaojiu, it seems that your cultivation has almost recovered." Mu Wuxia looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

"It will take some time. Now we are only at Zang Refining stage. It's all thanks to Seventh Sister's thousand-year snow lotus." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"With the power of the Zang Refining Realm to freeze such a large lake in an instant, His Majesty the Seventh Prince is not weak." Tuoba Zhan looked at Mu Rufeng with a strange look in his eyes.

Not only him, but also the young talents around him looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

They all recognized Mu Rufeng's identity at this moment.

The ninth prince of the Dali Dynasty, he is the most talented among the contemporary royal family.

However, due to the ambush of the demon clan, the fifty thousand army was destroyed, and he himself returned seriously injured and dying.

There were many hidden wounds, the origin was damaged, and all the cultivation levels fell. He didn't expect to recover to the fifth level of Zang Refining Realm so quickly.

Just from the move just now, you can see that his strength is sweeping among those in the same realm.

Mu Wuxia turned over and jumped onto the ice.

She raised her foot and stepped lightly to test the hardness, and unexpectedly found that the hardness of this ice layer was quite good.

"The hardness is pretty good, very suitable for fighting, Tuoba Zhan, come on." Mu Wuxia looked at Tuoba Zhan.

Tuoba Zhan smiled calmly and then leaped onto the ice.

The next moment, the momentum of both sides burst out, and then they collided fiercely.

"Boom boom boom~~!"

Continuous roars sounded, and the terrifying power of blood rose into the sky, and the aftermath also devastated in all directions.

However, as soon as these aftermaths reached the shore, they were eliminated by a force.

Even the pavilion and courtyard were the same and had not been affected by the aftermath.

"Your Majesty Ninth Prince, it seems that your injuries have recovered very quickly, and your strength is still so strong."

A beautiful figure appeared next to Mu Rufeng.

"Deputy Pavilion Master Zhao, I had to thank you very much yesterday, otherwise it would be difficult for me to collect the eight million taels." Mu Rufeng thanked Zhao Yanran.

"Your Highness Ninth Prince, isn't it too outrageous to call me that? Your Highness Ninth Prince can call me Yanran." Zhao Yanran said softly.

"Okay, Miss Yanran." Mu Rufeng responded.

"I'm telling you, Lao Jiu, you are really unkind. What happened yesterday was so unreasonable." A sudden voice came.

But when he saw the Sixth Prince striding over, he opened his mouth and started shouting.

But before Mu Rufeng could reply, he saw Mu Rufeng directly approaching Zhao Yanran.

"Ms. Zhao, I didn't expect you to be here. It smells so good. Did you sprinkle some perfume or sachet today?"

"It smells good and looks good. I wonder if Miss Zhao is married, and my Highness is not married yet. Why don't you marry me?" The Sixth Prince said with a smile on his face, looking like a pig brother.

"Your Highness, please respect yourself." Zhao Yanran frowned slightly, and then moved closer to Mu Rufeng.

"Ahem! Sixth brother, please pay attention to your image, there are many girls watching." Mu Rufeng coughed twice.

"I said, Lao Liu, what kind of occasion is this? Look at what you look like now." A scolding voice came.

But the fourth prince came over and scolded him with a dark face.

"Fourth brother, don't you know that fair ladies and gentlemen can be jealous? It's none of your business what I do." The sixth prince retorted without hesitation.

"Say it again?" the fourth prince said coldly.

"Fourth brother, sixth brother, stop arguing. Isn't this a joke?" Mu Rufeng persuaded.

"Forget it, forget it, Your Highness is too lazy to care. Miss Zhao, I will go to Lingyan Pavilion to look for you tomorrow."

"Lao Jiu, remember, my one million still has 20% interest." The sixth prince said.

He didn't care at all about the fourth prince's dark gaze.

"Brother Six, don't worry, I will definitely pay you back within a month." Mu Rufeng replied.

"Let's go, let's go, there is an annoying guy here, I feel uncomfortable all over." The sixth prince muttered twice and walked towards the place where the other virgins were gathering.

"Hmph!" The fourth prince snorted coldly and left with a puff of sleeves.

The fourth prince was a guy with a very bad personality. Even if he left, Mu Rufeng didn't bother to talk to him.

"Your Highness, have you prepared the gifts for the Queen Mother's birthday party?"

"If you are not ready, I can prepare it for Your Highness." Zhao Yanran said softly.

"Thank you Miss Yanran, we are ready." Mu Rufeng declined politely.

Zhao Yanran fell silent after hearing this.

Mu Rufeng stopped talking, and the silence between the two suddenly became awkward.

Mu Rufeng didn't have much dealings with girls. She might be able to chat a few words at first, but after a while, she didn't know what to talk about.

Seeing the increasingly embarrassing situation, Mu Rufeng had to find a topic to talk about. It happened that there was still fighting over there.

"Miss Yanran, who do you think will win in the end between my seventh sister and Tuoba Zhan?" Mu Rufeng pointed at the two fighting people and asked.

"The Seventh Princess has amazing talents and a strong sense of fighting, but she has never experienced a real fight. She lacks bravery and murderous intent. Moreover, the Seventh Princess is a woman, and women are naturally less energetic than men."

"Tuoba Zhan is not weak in talent. He has a stronger sense of combat than the Seventh Princess. He has also experienced many fights and has richer combat experience."

"If the battle goes to the end, Tuoba Zhan will definitely win, but I guess it should be a draw." Zhao Yanran said.

"Haha, Miss Yanran's analysis is thorough. Whether it is a win or a draw, it still depends on what Tuoba Zhan will do." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Your Highness, I heard that you don't seek flowers and ask willows, you don't have a confidant, and you don't favor beautiful servants."

"I'm a little curious, Your Highness, is there a problem in that aspect, or is there a preference for Longyang?" Zhao Yanran stared at Mu Rufeng's eyes and suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

What's the situation? How can Zhao Yanran even ask this question? How should Mu Rufeng answer this?

As a shy person who doesn't deal with women very much, Mu Rufeng is really a little embarrassed.

"I don't have a preference for Longyang, and there is no problem in that aspect." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then why are you already 24 years old, but you haven't married yet, and you don't have a confidante, and the beautiful maids at home don't favor you."

"I gave you millions of taels of silver before, and was willing to marry you, but Your Highness directly refused." Zhao Yanran said.

Zhao Yanran really cares about this. Before she cared, she took the initiative to deliver it to the door, and gave money, and even used the family's resources to let Mu Rufeng compete for the supreme position.

"This, mainly because it was too sudden, I was not prepared." Mu Rufeng explained.

It was indeed very sudden, he was not prepared, and most importantly, he still felt that this girl had some conspiracy.

But now he thought about it, his external plug-in also came, and he seemed to be not afraid of any conspiracy.

"Too sudden? Not ready? Then Your Highness, it shouldn't be sudden now, right? Are you ready now?" Zhao Yanran said again.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised. It seemed that Zhao Yanran still didn't give up?

"Why, do you have to marry me?" Mu Rufeng calmed down and said with a faint smile.

"Compared to your other brothers, you can say that." Zhao Yanran nodded, very straightforward, without the slightest embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" Mu Rufeng became interested.

"Do you think you can make your own decision on the marriage of a woman from a big family? I think you should feel the same way, right?" Zhao Yanran said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Indeed, there is no freedom in marriage. For example, his third sister who got married was directly married to the son of a minister at the age of 18.

The eldest prince, the deceased second prince (crown prince), the fourth prince and the eighth prince, they all have wives, and they were all arranged by the superiors, and then granted marriage, without any choice.

They are all political marriages, which can stabilize the court and enhance the prince's own power and the capital of his mother's family.

Mu Rufeng also had an engagement, but because of some things, the family of the engagement was directly wiped out.

At that time, the court was shocked and worked hard to investigate, but unfortunately, nothing was found, so it was left unresolved.

As for his marriage, they were originally going to find him another wife, but Mu Rufeng suddenly led his troops to fight outside, which delayed it.

Until Mu Rufeng returned from serious injury.

To be honest, he felt that after he offered the Kongling Fruit, his father would definitely arrange another marriage.

This is 100%, after all, a 24-year-old prince has no wife, and there will indeed be rumors.

"Our Zhao family is preparing to develop in the Dali Dynasty, so I became the deputy head of Lingyan Pavilion. At the same time, I was also ordered to die by the elders of the clan."

"I need to choose one of the princes as a husband. The eldest prince, the fourth prince, and the eighth prince have already married their wives, so naturally it is not possible."

"Then there is only the Sixth Prince and you, Sixth Prince, let's not talk about it, so I chose you."

"If you don't agree, then I can only marry the Sixth Prince." Zhao Yanran said.

"Marry the Sixth Prince" Mu Rufeng's eyelids slightly raised, and unconsciously turned his head to look into the distance.

The Sixth Prince was seen gathering among a group of women, laughing from time to time, and no one knew what they were talking about.

Some women looked at the Sixth Prince with disgust, and even kept some distance, fearing that he would be favored.

Of course, there were also some women who came directly to the Sixth Prince, saying nice things without asking for money. If there were not so many people here, they would have to be more reserved, otherwise they would have to get close to him.

When Mu Rufeng thought that Zhao Yanran, such a beautiful woman, was going to marry the Sixth Prince, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly. Since you, a woman, have said so, it would be unkind of me to refuse again." Mu Rufeng said.

"So, His Highness the Ninth Prince agrees?" Zhao Yanran's heart moved.

Although she could not decide her own marriage, she felt that it was still good to be able to choose an excellent person from a limited number of people.

She could not look down on the Sixth Prince, such a playboy, not to mention that she was also extremely talented and had reached the seventh level of the Refining Acupoint Realm at a young age.

Let's look at the Sixth Prince. Let's not talk about his lifestyle. His cultivation is only at the fifth level of the Refining Organs Realm. With so many resources, he is only at the level of Refining Organs. He is simply a useless person.

That's why no good woman wants to marry the Sixth Prince.

Some powerful people who curry favor with the powerful naturally want the Sixth Prince's identity to enrich their capital, so they will send their daughters to him.

But because of her low status, she was always a concubine. With more concubines, no good woman would be willing to marry her.

So much so that he is 28 years old this year, and he has not married a wife.

Mu Rufeng is different. He has outstanding talent, is good at fighting, and is handsome and upright. He does not flirt with women. He is definitely a good son-in-law.

Not to mention that the Ninth Prince is just short of capital now, and as the legitimate daughter of a large family, she can naturally bring capital into the market, so as to join forces and reach the peak together.

Even if she cannot get the supreme position, she will eventually be named a prince and sent to a prefecture. The weight of a prince is also very heavy.

As for being killed? Just kidding, even if the fourth prince with the most bloodthirsty personality came to power, he would not dare to kill his brothers blatantly.

The supremacy of imperial power is beyond doubt, but there are very strict regulations in the royal family, and the executors are the royal family's gods.

Even above the gods, there are several members of the royal family.

You are an emperor, you can kill ministers whenever you want, the royal family will not care, but you can try to kill the royal family if you don't have a legitimate reason.

It will be over if the ancestors above the God Realm teach you a lesson.

"If you are such a beautiful woman and I don't accept her, it really proves that I am not good enough in that aspect." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

The emperor gave her a marriage, and he found one for him. Mu Rufeng chose the latter.

As for the conspiracy, let's talk about it later.

Anyway, Zhao Yanran's appearance is really good. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

"Okay, I will tell my elders at home after the tea party." Zhao Yanran heard it and nodded slightly, without any strange expression on her face.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng thought of something again and took out a pure spiritual fruit and handed it to Zhao Yanran.

"What is this?" Zhao Yanran could feel the rich spiritual power contained in the spiritual fruit.

This is definitely a very good spiritual fruit.

"This is the Immaculate Spiritual Fruit. After swallowing it, you can stay young forever and your face will be rejuvenated." Mu Rufeng said in a low voice.

"What?" Zhao Yanran exclaimed.

This exclamation attracted the attention of some people around, and they all looked at Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran.

Some male compatriots couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

They knew how beautiful Zhao Yanran was, but such a beautiful girl was chatting so close to a man.

Zhao Yanran's appearance was well-known in the Tiandao Continent. A certain sect with good intentions even made a ranking list, and Zhao Yanran was among the top ten.

This is the top ten in the Tiandao Continent, not the top ten in the Dali Dynasty.

They wanted to listen to what the two were talking about, but unfortunately, they couldn't hear it, because after Zhao Yanran said that, she closed the space around the two people and prevented the words from being transmitted.

Zhao Yanran seemed to know that she had lost her composure, and quickly gathered her mind, and then began to carefully observe the Immaculate Spiritual Fruit.

"It is really the legendary Immaculate Spiritual Fruit. This is a rare treasure of heaven and earth. It is extremely rare. The last time it appeared in the world was a hundred years ago." Zhao Yanran was shocked when she looked at the spiritual fruit.

Mu Rufeng was also shocked when he heard this. This Immaculate Spiritual Fruit was obtained by him in the Baibao Tower in the strange world.

But Zhao Yanran didn't expect that she actually knew it. This means that there are also Immaculate Spiritual Fruits on the Tiandao Continent.

"This Immaculate Spiritual Fruit is only a fifth-level spiritual object. It has no effect on me. I can't take it. It just happens that Your Highness can take it as a gift to the Queen Mother."

"I think this Immaculate Spiritual Fruit will be the most precious gift for the Queen Mother in the entire birthday banquet." Although Zhao Yanran was a little reluctant, he knew that this was not something she could accept.

"Haha, don't worry, look at what this is." Mu Rufeng said, and took out another Immaculate Spiritual Fruit.

"Hmm? Your Highness, you have another one?" Zhao Yanran's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's just luck. Although you can't take it, you can still attract some people's attention if you take it to the Lingyan Pavilion for auction." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It's still not appropriate. I remember that the Queen is only at the Bone Refining Realm. It's also good to send it to the Queen." Zhao Yanran said.

Women can't refuse the weather wonders that keep them young forever.

At the same time, she can also imagine what kind of expression the Queen Mother had when she knew the gift from Mu Rufeng at the birthday banquet.

The Queen Mother is eighty years old this year. Her cultivation is at the third level of the Flesh Refining Realm. She probably has another thirty or forty years of life left.

Although she has been taking care of herself all year round, she can still clearly see her old age.

With this Immaculate Spirit Fruit, the Queen Mother's face can be rejuvenated and her youth can be maintained until death. How can this old lady not be happy and excited?

And the Queen Mother can also take it, so that she can compete with those young and beautiful concubines for the emperor's favor to a greater extent.

The Queen Mother's demand for youth is definitely not low.

In this way, the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother may become the power behind Mu Rufeng.

"I have one." Mu Rufeng smiled and took out another one.

This time, Zhao Yanran was really surprised. Taking out one was already surprising, then the second, and now the third, this is too amazing.

"Your Highness, have you found the tree of the Immaculate Spiritual Fruit?" Zhao Yanran couldn't help asking.

"Haha, this is a secret." Mu Rufeng laughed and said.

"Then I'll take it. Besides, I'm not going to auction it off. Our Zhao family has a recipe for a pill that uses the Immaculate Spiritual Fruit as the main material and is supplemented with a variety of spiritual objects to make a Rejuvenating Pill."

"Although the Rejuvenating Pill cannot restore youth, it can keep youth forever and is effective for any woman with any cultivation level." Zhao Yanran said happily.

Such a fruit, combined with a variety of spiritual objects, can be refined into a furnace, and a furnace can produce at least five pills.

Wouldn't it be great to take one pill yourself and then auction the remaining four pills?

Mu Rufeng smiled and said, "It seems that Miss Yanran's beauty can be maintained forever."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your generosity." Zhao Yanran said softly.

Although the Immaculate Spiritual Fruit was prepared by Mu Rufeng for his grandparents and parents.

But suddenly he thought that everyone would have to enter the dungeon world in September this year.

His grandparents are only 68 this year.

After they are 70 years old, they will probably have to upgrade to level 5, and level 5 will have no effect.

So Mu Rufeng was considering whether to give all the fruits to Zhao Yanran to refine the anti-aging pill.

However, Mu Rufeng finally gave up this choice. The most important thing was that Mu Rufeng thought of the Golden City.

The Golden City has existed for such a long time, and there are many treasures. Mu Rufeng knows it.

When he goes to the Golden City next month, he will use the Immaculate Spiritual Fruit to bet, and he will definitely get the same spiritual objects.

"This is also Miss Yanran's generosity to me first." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

In any case, Zhao Yanran really gave him three million taels of silver. You know, the market price of his collateral is only 1.5 million taels.

If you meet some unscrupulous merchants, you have to bet hundreds of thousands on you.

Don't think that some businessmen dare not do this. There are backers behind the businessmen, and they are even members of the royal family.

If the backers are strong, Mu Rufeng, the prince who has lost power, will definitely make a lot of money.

"Look, their battle is about to end." Zhao Yanran suddenly raised her hand and pointed to the lake.

At this moment, the battle between the two sides is still going on.

The ice surface has cracked in many places, but it does not hinder the battle between the two.

The roar is endless, and the terrifying blood and qi are constantly colliding, which makes people excited.

However, it can be seen that Tuoba Zhan has the upper hand, and the consumption of the seventh princess Mu Wuxia is obviously much greater.

If it continues, the seventh princess will definitely be defeated.

Mu Rufeng can also see that Tuoba Zhan has the intention to stop, which is why Zhao Yanran said that the battle is about to end.

"Open Heaven God Fist!"

With a loud shout, Mu Wuxia's right fist flashed with terrifying power and blasted towards Tuoba Zhan again.

"God Sorrow Fist!"

Tuoba Zhan on the opposite side also shouted, and a sad air filled the air, and then the two fists collided with each other.

Both sides seemed to have used all their strength in this punch, and the constable who was originally broken under his feet was directly turned into powder, or ice powder, and scattered in the river.

Maybe it was because the temperature was still very low, so it didn't melt.

Boom boom boom~~!

The terrifying force instantly swept the entire ice layer.

The two sides separated immediately, Tuoba Zhan retreated more than ten meters, while his seventh sister Mu Wuxia retreated more than thirty meters.

"The seventh princess is powerful, and now there is no battlefield, how about today's draw?"

Tuoba Zhan floated in the air and said with a bow.

Mu Wuxia, who originally wanted to continue to attack, was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then nodded and bowed, saying: "Thank you, today's battle has benefited me a lot."

The two of them came together and returned to the courtyard of the pavilion.

"Pa pa pa pa~~!"

Mu Rufeng was the first to applaud when he saw the two return from the battle.

Zhao Yanran immediately followed suit and applauded, and soon there was a burst of applause and cheers.

No matter where you are, there are always some little fans.

For example, the seventh princess Mu Wuxia is the idol of many ladies in the imperial city.

"The seventh princess is really as good as a man, and she is one of the best young people in the entire Tiandao Continent."

Jian Yifeng of Tianjianmen praised him.

"Brother Jian, you are too kind. Compared with you, I am still far behind." Mu Wuxia didn't expect Jian Yifeng to praise him.

You should know that Jian Yifeng is a person with a very cold personality. He is a sword fanatic and hardly interacts with people.

Even when surrounded by people, he is silent.

"Yes, if we talk about the first person of contemporary Tianjiao, it is naturally Brother Jian." A little fan girl said immediately.

"Yes, he is only a few years older than us, but he has already entered the bitter sea realm."

"A genius of the ages, we are ashamed of ourselves."

"I am a few years older than Brother Jian, and he has only completed his heart training. I am really ashamed of myself."

Many young talents complimented Jian Yifeng all of a sudden.

"Thank you." Jian Yifeng replied, then closed his mouth and remained silent.

Mu Wuxia looked at Jian Yifeng with some doubt, and then came to Mu Rufeng's side.

"How about it, Xiaojiu, am I powerful?" Mu Wuxia showed off to Mu Rufeng.

"Powerful, really powerful, more powerful than me." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Hehe, I always lost more than I won when I fought with you before. When your cultivation is restored, we will fight again. This time I will definitely not lose to you." Mu Wuxia said.

"Okay, okay." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Miss Yanran, are you interested in my ninth brother?" Suddenly, Mu Wuxia spoke.

"Hey, seventh sister, don't ask so blatantly?" Mu Rufeng was shocked by this sentence.

Is his seventh sister always so brave? She is not embarrassed, it is Zhao Yanran and Mu Rufeng who are embarrassed.

"Yes." However, unexpectedly, Zhao Yanran actually nodded and agreed.

"Wow, really, brother, it seems that you are going to marry a wife. Have you seen Miss Yanran's appearance? She is the seventh most beautiful woman in the Tiandao Continent." Mu Wuxia said with some surprise.

"He has seen it." Zhao Yanran replied before Mu Rufeng spoke.

"It seems that you two have met a long time ago, tut tut tut." Mu Wuxia kept looking at the two of them, but she was a little anxious in her heart.

The ninth prince is going to get married. In that case, among all the princes and princesses of the right age, only she and the sixth prince will be left.

The Sixth Prince is a waste, let alone. He goes to propose marriage every day, and the daughters of respectable families despise him.

Even the emperor is embarrassed to grant him a marriage.

Mu Wuxia can feel that her life will become more and more difficult in the future, and she may even be granted a marriage at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet this time.

Although it is just a guess, she thinks this situation is very likely.

"Seventh sister, you have to pay more attention to your marriage. Don't you have anyone you like at the tea party these days?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"How can there be anyone I like? They are all weaklings. Only Tuoba Zhan looks a bit good, but he is too ugly."

"If Tuoba Zhan is more handsome, it would be nice to marry him." Mu Wuxia is also a face control, so she ruthlessly PASSed the ugly Tuoba Zhan.

"Then why don't you consider Jian Feng, the first contemporary genius?" Zhao Yanran suddenly said.

"Miss Yanran, please stop joking. How could a man like Jianfeng be interested in me... so... um." Mu Wuxia couldn't think of any words to describe herself for a moment.

"Rude! A female man." Mu Rufeng interrupted.

"Yes, yes, rude, a female man." Mu Wuxia nodded repeatedly, but she soon reacted and was immediately furious.

"Xiaojiu, do you think I'm rude? Like a man?" Mu Wuxia said, reaching out and grabbing Mu Rufeng's ear.

"Hey, hey, hey, be gentle, be gentle, this is a public place, be careful, your brother also has face."

Although Mu Rufeng could dodge, he still didn't move, and was accurately grabbed by the ear.

"Humph." Mu Wuxia snorted coldly, and then let go of Mu Rufeng's ear.

"Seventh Princess, I think Jianfeng may really be interested in you." Zhao Yanran said again.

"What do you mean?" Mu Rufeng also became interested, rubbed his ears and asked quickly.

Mu Wuxia also looked at Zhao Yanran, but his face was full of suspicion.

"As far as I know, Jian Feng has been with swords since he was a child and never interacted with people. I have seen Jian Feng many times, but I have never let him look at me more."

"Now he is twenty-seven years old, but I have never heard of a woman who can make him look at her more. Today, he not only looked at the Seventh Princess many times, but also took the initiative to praise her."

"So, I have this guess." Zhao Yanran said.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. The way he looked at me and praised me is probably because I fought with Tuoba Zhan as soon as I came out."

"I think I am so rude as a princess, so I am a little curious." The Seventh Princess waved her hand and did not believe Zhao Yanran's analysis at all.

Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yuyan smiled and did not continue to talk about this topic.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that the lake has to be restored." Mu Rufeng looked at the lake.

This lake is frozen, although it has a different flavor, but it is not as beautiful as the lake water.

Mu Rufeng immediately spread out his palm, and a flame rose up.

Mu Rufeng threw it lightly, and saw the flame fly out, and then landed on the ice.

The flame exploded instantly, and the flame swept in all directions.

Chi Chi Chi~~~!

A hissing sound was heard continuously, and soon covered the entire ice layer.

After three or five breaths, the ice layer melted completely and turned into lake water again.

And the flame also dissipated into the invisible at this moment.

"Xiao Jiu, it's only been half a year since we last met, and you are both ice and fire. Have you practiced ice and fire martial arts?" Mu Wuxia looked at this scene in surprise.

"Almost." Mu Rufeng smiled without saying anything.

This scene was also noticed by everyone, and they were all surprised at Mu Rufeng's methods.

"There are so many spirit fish, it's a pity." Suddenly Mu Rufeng found that a large number of fish emerged from the bottom of the water and floated on the surface of the water.

These are all spirit fish frozen in the water. Some were frozen to death, and some were killed by the aftermath.

Of course, more spirit fish were crushed into powder by the force of the ice.

"What's the pity? They are just some spirit fish. You can wait and see. There will be new spirit fish in the pond soon." Mu Wuxia said.

As if to confirm Mu Wuxia's words, several eunuchs came to the shore and then used some means to take away all the fish.

Not long after, another group of eunuchs and palace maids came here and put new spirit fish into the lake.

"Your Highness, there is a sea of ​​flowers in full bloom ten miles west of the imperial city. If you are free tomorrow, how about going for an outing together?" Zhao Yanran invited.

Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled happily: "Of course, what time tomorrow?"

"Then let's go at 7:00 p.m., come to Lingyan Pavilion to pick me up at 7:00 p.m." Zhao Yanran said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded.

"Sea of ​​flowers, I didn't go there last year, I want to see the sea of ​​flowers too." Mu Wuxia said hurriedly.

"Then how about we meet outside the city gate at 2:00 p.m." Zhao Yanran would naturally not refuse.

"Okay, okay, I'll prepare more food tomorrow." Mu Wuxia was looking forward to tomorrow's outing.

She was very bored in the palace, and it was naturally a great pleasure to go out for an outing.

The few of them chatted here, and soon it was dinner time.

The eldest prince came over in person and invited everyone to attend the dinner.

Naturally, no one refused.

Because of what Zhao Yanran said before, Mu Rufeng looked at Jian Yifeng many times while chatting, and found that he was mostly in a pavilion, holding a sword, staring blankly at the lake.

Even if some of the surrounding Tianjiao or his junior brothers and sisters talked to him, the latter would not listen. Even so, there were some little fans gathered around him and chattered.

Jian Yifeng didn't feel bored at all.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also found that Jian Yifeng also looked over here several times, and once he made eye contact with him.

Mu Rufeng could see that this guy was mostly looking at the seventh sister Mu Wuxia.

"Could it be that he is really interested in my seventh sister?" Mu Rufeng was also a little puzzled.

It can be seen that he is a sword idiot, a blockhead, how could he be interested in Mu Wuxia? It seems that this is the first time they met, right?

It can't be love at first sight? Can this kind of sword idiot fall in love at first sight?

Mu Rufeng, who couldn't figure it out, was too lazy to think about it.

I followed Zhao Yanran and Seventh Sister to the dinner to fill my stomach.

I didn't eat lunch, and I chatted for an afternoon, so my stomach was already growling with hunger.

Soon they were led by the eldest prince to a palace.

It was already prepared inside, so they could just sit down and enjoy.

Mu Rufeng and the other two naturally ate together.

What made Mu Rufeng speechless was that the eldest prince spoke for two quarters of an hour before he started serving the dishes.

"Xiaojiu, your strength has weakened, how come your appetite has improved so much?" Mu Wuxia, who was standing aside, looked at Mu Rufeng's eating style and amount, and was a little surprised.

"Seventh sister, it is because my strength has weakened that I have to eat more. The more I eat, the faster my cultivation will recover." Mu Rufeng said with a smile, and then continued to eat.

I have to say that the dishes made by the imperial chef of this palace are really delicious. They are much more delicious than the spiritual food made in his house, and they contain more power.

Zhao Yanran on the side was eating in small bites, very reserved, but Mu Rufeng could also find that Zhao Yanran had a big appetite, eating in small bites, but eating fast.

After all, as long as they are warriors, regardless of gender, they eat a lot. As for the body shape, it varies from person to person.

There are warriors like Mu Rufeng, who have a well-proportioned body, and there are also strong men who are tall and strong.

As for women, there are slim women like Zhao Yanran and Mu Wuxia, and there are also burly female men.

After dinner, the seventh princess returned to her bedroom. After a big battle today, she had gained a lot, and she was going back to retreat to digest it.

And Mu Rufeng did not stay here for long, but left the palace with Zhao Yuyan.

Some Tianjiao and dignitaries were also angry when they saw Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yuyan walking so close.

Especially some of them, their faces were gloomy.

"Miss Yanran, I'll take my leave of you. I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon." Mu Rufeng stood in front of the carriage and said to Zhao Yanran.

"Okay, Your Highness, I'll be waiting for you in Lingyan Pavilion." Zhao Yanran smiled and then stepped onto the luxurious carriage.

Mu Rufeng also boarded his own carriage.

Liu Feng patted the horse's butt immediately, and the carriage started moving quickly.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the sky had already darkened.

There was also a curfew in the imperial city, whether it was the outer city or the inner city.

The time was from seven o'clock in the evening to five o'clock in the morning of the next day. At this time, if you were caught by patrolling officers and soldiers, you would definitely be put in jail.

At this moment, there was a curfew, and there was no one on the street. The lights in the homes of ordinary residents were almost turned off, and only some wealthy families were brightly lit.

Sometimes, some patrolling guards would pass by and wanted to come up to investigate when they saw the carriage, but when they saw that it was the prince's carriage, they immediately made way and saluted respectfully.

After the carriage left, they stood up and continued patrolling.

Curfew? For those with power, it doesn't exist at all.


Suddenly, Liu Feng, who was driving, pulled the reins hard and stopped the carriage.

"Why did it stop?" Mu Rufeng, who was resting in the car, opened his eyes and asked.

"Your Highness, there is someone in front, and it's a master." Liu Feng said in a serious tone.

"Master?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Xiao Cui immediately lifted the curtain and looked out: "Your Highness, there is a person, it's dark and I can't see clearly."

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, stepped forward and lifted all the curtains.

"Jian Yifeng of Tianjian Sect greets His Highness the Ninth Prince." Jian Yifeng walked slowly over and saluted with his fists.

"Jian Yifeng? Brother Jian? Why did you stop my carriage?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the person who stopped his carriage was Jian Yifeng.

Mu Rufeng flashed and disappeared on the carriage. When he appeared again, he stood in front of Jian Yifeng.

This man was powerful and his background was not inferior to his. He was a figure, so he naturally had to get off the car to show respect for him.

Although Mu Rufeng's ghost power was released, Mu Rufeng sealed it himself because he didn't dare to use it for fear that someone would find something wrong.

And the reason why he sealed it was because he found that his abilities or skills could be activated with his own blood and qi.

After activating, the power was almost the same, but there was one thing, that was the ghost den.

He couldn't use the ghost den, but he could use the martial arts field, that is, the blood and qi field.

Similarly, it can be comprehended at level 5. It can be said that almost all warriors can have the martial arts domain.

However, the martial arts domain is quite different from the ghost den. The ghost den can change space, enhance its own abilities, and many other wonderful uses.

The martial arts domain does not have so many functions. It only has one, which is to enhance the strength of the warrior, whether it is the blood power, martial arts, or secret methods.

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