I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 302: The enlightenment is beyond belief, the flowers on the other shore bloom [10,000 words]

Jian Yifeng saw the instant movement of Mu Rufeng's move, and his eyes moved slightly.

He was surprised that he didn't see through what Mu Rufeng's move was.

"What kind of move is this? It's so smooth, and it seems to have spatial fluctuations." Jian Yifeng said.

"Uh, Brother Jian, you should explain your purpose first?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Jian Yifeng was silent after hearing this, and did not speak.

Mu Rufeng did not make any other movements, and quietly looked at Jian Yifeng waiting for his words.

After a long time, Jian Yifeng said: "At the previous tea party, I heard that you were going to go outing to see the sea of ​​flowers. The sea of ​​flowers is a wonder of the Dali Dynasty. I wonder if you can take me with you."

"Huh??" Mu Rufeng heard this, and his head tilted up all of a sudden, with question marks on his face.

He and Zhao Yuyan went outing, that was a date, why did Jian Yifeng come too?

Wait, is he because of his seventh sister Mu Wuxia?

Mu Rufeng immediately remembered what Zhao Yuyan said.

It is impossible that Jian Yifeng wanted to make friends with him and then wanted to go with him, and it is even more impossible that he did it for Zhao Yanran.

Recalling Zhao Yuyan's words, and seeing Jian Yifeng look at Mu Wuxia many times at the tea party.

Then there is no doubt that this guy went for his seventh sister Mu Wuxia.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng smiled: "Brother Jian, as far as I know, you are only interested in swords, why did you stop me from going to see the sea of ​​flowers today?"

Jian Yifeng looked at Mu Rufeng and said coldly: "Don't you agree? Then I'll take my leave."

As soon as Jian Yifeng finished speaking, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Hey, wait, I didn't say I don't agree." Mu Rufeng hurriedly stopped him.

"I'll wait for you outside the city tomorrow."

Jian Yifeng turned his head and said something, then stepped on the ground, and his figure flew up, and disappeared into the night in a short while.

Looking at Jian Yifeng leaving, Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

This guy is really a guy who can't talk and deal with people.

With this look, he is interested in his seventh sister and can win the favor of the seventh sister?

"Strange, why is he interested in the seventh sister?" Mu Rufeng was still puzzled.

Mu Rufeng shook his head slightly and flashed back to the carriage.

"Liu Feng, let's go back to the mansion." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah, yes, Your Highness." Liu Feng was also startled, and hurriedly looked into the carriage, and then hurriedly drove again.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, what kind of martial arts did you just use? It's so magical. You actually went down and came up again." Xiao Cui said excitedly.

"You little girl doesn't like to practice, why do you know so much?" Mu Rufeng flicked Xiao Cui's forehead.

"Oh, Your Highness, hitting Xiao Cui on the head will make you stupid." Xiao Cui covered her forehead and cried out in pain.

"It's better to be stupid, stupidity makes people like it." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.


Back to the mansion.

Mu Rufeng had killed so many people today, and he didn't have much time to rest in the afternoon. He decided not to practice tonight and take a nap.

The formation in the room was activated, and he lay on the bed, thinking about some things.

To be honest, he had been here for a few days and had seen a lot of people, but he hadn't found any contractors, or those ghost kings and ghost emperors who had entered this world.

Those ghost kings and ghost emperors were all qualified to enter, but it was impossible for all of them to choose to enter. Even if only a part of them strangely entered the third forbidden land, the number of people would definitely be extremely large.

As for their contractors, the copy information said that there were a total of 688 people.

Putting aside the contractors from abroad, there should be dozens of people in China.

But for so many days, he didn't see anyone.

Are those contractors all in other places in the Tiandao Continent? There are no other contractors in the imperial city?

Otherwise, it stands to reason that Mu Rufeng has made such a big splash in the execution ground, and the contractors will definitely know about it.

Most of the contractors at level seven and above probably know him.

Especially those in the headquarters, some people from the group forces will probably investigate him, the new deputy director of the headquarters of the relevant department.

Either they already know his existence, but did not come forward to say hello.

Or they are not in the imperial city.

For example, if a level 7 or 8 contractor enters here, if he is not old, he is definitely a genius.

For example, if Ye Lin is only in his thirties, an eighth-level ghost king, equivalent to the soul refining realm, comparable to Jian Feng.

"Where are they all? There is no trace of contractors among these people at the tea party, they are all local natives." Mu Rufeng thought.

"Is it that the map of the imperial city is too advanced and they can't come over? Or, they used the ghost power in their bodies and were discovered, and then they were directly killed?"

Mu Rufeng's own guesses kept emerging in his mind.

Thinking about it, Mu Rufeng fell into a deep sleep.

At six o'clock the next day, Xiao Cui woke Mu Rufeng up.

After washing up and having breakfast with Xiao Cui, Zhao Yanran left the mansion with Xiao Cui and others and headed for Lingyan Pavilion.

As the deputy owner of Lingyan Pavilion, Zhao Yanran did not live outside, but lived directly in a wing room in the backyard of Lingyan Pavilion.

As the head pavilion of the Dali Dynasty, Lingyan Pavilion also had to have a good appearance and was not short of money.

But there is not only that attic, there is also a large mansion behind the attic.

At 6:50, Mu Rufeng arrived outside Lingyan Pavilion.

At this moment, Lingyan Pavilion has opened its doors. When the steward saw Mu Rufeng's carriage, he immediately ordered a servant to go to the back to report.

And he immediately trotted out to greet Mu Rufeng.

"Your Highness, I have sent someone to inform Deputy Pavilion Master Zhao. Please wait in the hall for a while." The steward said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded and found a seat in the hall to sit down.

It was only about five minutes before Zhao Yanran came out.

She was wearing a green long dress today, and even the veil on her face was changed to green.

Smelling the faint fragrance emanating from her body, Mu Rufeng felt like a spring breeze.

Strangely, when Mu Rufeng met for the first time and the second time, Zhao Yanran also had a fragrance on her body, but he could smell that it was the smell of the sachet.

Now, the familiar scent of the sachet is gone, replaced by another fragrance.

But he can detect that this smell is somewhat similar to the body fragrance of Ruo Liu. Although the smell is different, it can be confirmed that this is the body fragrance of Zhao Yanran.

The body fragrance smells better than that of Ruo Liu.

So, Zhao Yanran actually has body fragrance on her body. She used the sachet to cover it up before, but now, for some reason, she doesn't cover it up.

Zhao Yanran also saw that Mu Rufeng seemed to be sniffing something, and her face turned slightly red.

"Your Highness has been waiting for a long time, let's go." Zhao Yanran said.

"Please." Mu Rufeng made a gesture of invitation.

Soon, the two got on Mu Rufeng's carriage.

Yes, Zhao Yanran did not take her own carriage, but rode with Mu Rufeng.

That's why she asked Mu Rufeng to pick her up, so that she could enhance their relationship.

Mu Rufeng brought quite a few people with him, including Xiao Cui, Hong Lian, Qing Ya, and ten guards including Liu Feng, a total of thirteen people.

Zhao Yanran also brought a lot of people with her, five guards and two maids.

They all protected the carriage.

Xiao Cui was also very tactful and did not enter the carriage, but sat next to Liu Feng, looking at her little feet with anticipation, it seems that she is very much looking forward to the upcoming outing.

"Miss Yanran, have you had breakfast?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I have had breakfast." Zhao Yanran said.

"Oh, by the way, let me tell you an interesting thing." Mu Rufeng said.

"What is it?"

"Yesterday, I left the palace and met someone on the way back to the mansion. Guess who it was?" Mu Rufeng asked with a smile.

"Who is it?" Zhao Yanran obviously did not think about Jian Yifeng.

After all, the stereotype of Jian Yifeng has been deeply imprinted in her mind.

"Jian Yifeng." Mu Rufeng said.

"Jian Yifeng? Why would he look for you?" Zhao Yanran asked in confusion.

"Haha, he also wants to go outing with us, and he stopped me to tell me." Mu Rufeng laughed.

"Really? Your Highness?" Zhao Yanran also became interested.

"Of course it's true. I guess he is waiting outside the city now. We will see him soon." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Zhao Yanran immediately covered her mouth and laughed, and then said: "It seems that Jian Yifeng is really interested in the Seventh Princess."

"It's really strange. Jian Yifeng, a sword fanatic, is actually interested in women." Zhao Yanran still didn't understand.

"Either it's love at first sight, or they have met before." Mu Rufeng said.

"Love at first sight is too outrageous, right? Have they had contact before? Has the Seventh Princess been to Tianjianmen before?"

"Jian Yifeng was brought back from outside by the leader of Tianjianmen. He seemed to be only five years old at the time, and he has been in Tianjianmen since then." Zhao Yanran said.

"Has the Seventh Sister been to Tianjian Sect before?" Mu Rufeng pondered and recalled the memories in his head.

Finally, he shook his head and said, "No, he only went to Tianshan Sect with the Queen."

The Queen's mother was a female disciple of Tianshan Sect. Later, she married an official of the Dali Dynasty and gave birth to the Queen.

As a family member, the Queen took the Seventh Princess to visit once when she was a child, and he still had some impression.

Although both sects have the word "Tian" in their names, Tianshan Sect is in the South Region, while Tianjian Sect is in the North Region, which is completely unrelated.

"Then it was really love at first sight. I really didn't expect that Jianfeng would seal him" Zhao Yanran laughed again.

Her laughter sounded like a wind chime, extremely pleasant to the ear.

Then the two began to talk constantly. After chatting for a long time, their relationship became closer, and there was no previous estrangement.

As for the topic, Mu Rufeng was really not good at talking to girls, but when it came to things about cultivation.

Mu Rufeng was extremely intelligent and could easily help Zhao Yanran solve her doubts, which benefited Zhao Yanran a lot. This also shocked Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran also felt more and more that it was the right choice to bet everything on Mu Rufeng.

Although it was only seven o'clock, there were already many people on the streets of the imperial city.

The morning market usually opened earlier. After all, there were no entertainment activities at night. If you go to bed early, you will naturally get up early.

On the empty streets, the carriages moved faster. When the flow of people was high, the carriages slowed down.

Even if the people in front of him retreated consciously, Liu Feng would not drive very fast.

A quarter of an hour later, Mu Rufeng's carriage arrived at the gathering place outside the imperial city before the agreed time.

Mu Rufeng's carriage left the imperial city under the respectful gaze of the city gate guards, and then drove towards the open space in the distance.

There, a carriage of the same specifications as Mu Rufeng was parked there, and there were also many maids, eunuchs and guards around.

Xiao Cui lifted the curtain, and Mu Rufeng stuck his head out, first looking around, but did not see the figure of Jian Feng.

"Hello, His Highness!" The guards and maids on the Seventh Princess' side hurriedly saluted Mu Rufeng.

"Xiao Jiu, let's set off now." The curtain over there was also lifted, revealing the delicate and energetic face of the Seventh Princess Mu Wuxia.

"Hello, Seventh Princess." The guards and conditions on Mu Rufeng's side also hurriedly saluted the Seventh Princess.

"Don't worry, Seventh Sister, there is still a friend who hasn't arrived yet." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"There is still one person? Did you two make an appointment? Who is it?" Mu Wuxia looked at Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran with a puzzled look.

Zhao Yanran heard this and said with a smile: "You will know who it is soon."

"Brother Jian, have you arrived? If you have, let's set off." Mu Rufeng shouted to the surroundings.

The next moment, a white figure appeared in the distance, and everyone blinked again, and this figure had appeared in the middle of the two carriages.

"Meet the Seventh Princess, Meet the Ninth Prince and Miss Yanran." Jian Yifeng bowed his hands and saluted Mu Wuxia first, then to Mu Rufeng.

"Brother Jian is polite." Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran also saluted in return.

"Ah? Why are you here too?" Mu Wuxia looked at Jian Yifeng in shock.

"I called you. By the way, Seventh Sister, Miss Yanran and I have something to say. It's inconvenient for someone to be in the carriage. Let Brother Jian get in your carriage."

"If you don't want to, then let Brother Jian go on his own. Anyway, he can catch up with the carriage." Mu Rufeng said.

The next moment, Liu Feng, at Mu Rufeng's signal, raised his whip and whipped the buttocks of the two Jiaolin horses.

The Jiaolin horses roared and quickly pulled the carriage forward.

The guards behind followed them as soon as possible.

Their cultivation was not weak either. With their own strength, they could still keep up with the Jiaolin horses in a short distance.

For example, Xiao Cui sat directly next to Liu Feng who was driving the car, while Honglian and Qingya sat directly on the tailboard extending from the back of the carriage.

Looking back, the Seventh Princess and Jian Yi looked at each other.

"Men and women should not touch each other, so I'll sit in front of the carriage." Jian Yifeng said and sat directly on the side of the coachman.

This scene made Mu Wuxia dumbfounded.

"Your Highness, shall we go now?" The guard driving the carriage looked at Jian Yifeng and asked.

"Let's go." Mu Wuxia said immediately.

Soon, the group quickly followed Mu Rufeng's carriage towards the sea of ​​flowers.

At this time, Mu Wuxia suddenly opened the curtain, looked at Jian Yifeng with a puzzled look, and asked: "Jian Yifeng, why do you want to see the sea of ​​flowers?"

"Also, your personality should, you should not like this kind of thing, why did you agree to come when my ninth brother invited you?"

Jian Yifeng heard this and said in a deep voice: "I like to see the sea of ​​flowers."

"Really?" Mu Wuxia was a little unconvinced.

"I like it, it's true." Jian Yifeng said again.

"You really have a personality when you speak." Mu Wuxia said.

"Thank you."

"By the way, Jian Feng, I heard that the gate of your Tianjian Sect is on a sword, is that true?" Mu Wuxia suddenly asked curiously.

"It's true."

"Is it true? Is that sword very powerful? Is it the sword of your sect master?" Mu Wuxia also became interested.

"No, that sword is the sword of the founder of our Tianjian Sect."

"Founder? Your founder should be dead, right? I remember that you have been established for thousands of years."


"Are you at the Bitter Sea Realm now?"


"What is the Bitter Sea Realm like? I am now in the middle stage of the Refining Acupoints, and I have only opened up one-third of the acupoints. It feels so difficult to break through."

"The Bitter Sea Realm cannot be described in words. I believe you can reach it with your talent."

"Really? By the way, you cultivate spiritual power. Do you think spiritual power is stronger or blood power is stronger?"

"The two are equally matched, it depends on the person."

"Is that so? By the way, when we get there later, can I have a sparring match with you?"

"My cultivation is too high, I am afraid of hurting you."

"I'm not afraid, I have healing medicine, I will treat my injuries myself." Mu Wuxia said excitedly.

Mu Wuxia is looking forward to competing with Jian Yifeng, the number one person in the contemporary era.


"You must, just seal your cultivation to the same level as mine."

"No, it will hurt you."

"Impossible, your cultivation is the same as mine, how can you hurt me so easily? Although I am not as good as Tuoba Zhan, I can fight him for a long time."

"When I first entered the Lingyuan realm, I could kill Tuoba Zhan with one sword."

It's very pretentious, but it's very convincing.

"Really? Then I have to try it even more."

"No, it will hurt you."


Then the two began to pull to the limit.

Finally, the maidservant at the side couldn't help but interrupted: "Why don't you lower your cultivation to the Divine Wandering Realm and compete with our princess?"

Jian Feng lowered his cultivation to the sixth level of the Divine Wandering Realm, which means Mu Wuxia's cultivation is one level lower.

"Okay." Jian Feng heard it and thought it was okay, so he agreed.

"No, your cultivation is too low, what if I hurt you?"


The two of them switched and started to pull again.

The close-fitting maid at the side was also helpless when she saw this scene.


Ten miles west of the imperial city.

The terrain here is quite peculiar. It is said to be a valley, but it seems to have been split by a sword.

There is a road tens of meters wide in the middle, and the two sides are slightly upward slopes extending to a height of hundreds of meters.

On the slope, all kinds of spiritual flowers are planted.

Every spring, the spiritual flowers here will bloom, becoming a sea of ​​flowers, filled with birdsong and fragrance, extremely gorgeous.

(This picture is a little bit bad, please bear with it, it's hard to find the picture!)

The entire flower sea valley covers a large area. From the entrance to the exit of the valley, it is ten miles long. You can imagine how grand this flower sea is.

When the flower sea is in full bloom, there are a lot of people coming here, whether it is an ordinary family or a powerful person.

This can be said to be the most famous tourist attraction in the imperial city, or the most famous in the Dali Dynasty.

At this time of year, people from other states come here every day.

Even people from other domains come here because of its reputation.

The entrance to the valley is also very large, and there are some soldiers guarding it. Of course, there is no charge here, the soldiers are just there to maintain order.

At the same time, there are also special departments in the flower sea to manage, and people who watch are not allowed to pick spiritual flowers, let alone fight.

Otherwise, a slightly stronger person will destroy a lot of spiritual flowers in battle.

There are also powerful formations covering the flower sea, which can gather the power of hundreds of millions of spiritual flowers, and even the existence of the God Realm cannot break it.

The sea of ​​flowers is not only a place for viewing, but also an important place for supplying cultivation resources.

These are all spiritual flowers, which can be taken, and even nectar can be picked. Many spiritual bees will also settle here, pick honey, and finally become spiritual honey.

Of course, spiritual bees are all cultivated.

As a royal asset, their royal family naturally has a special area that is most suitable for viewing.

For example, the common people and dignitaries can only enter from the entrance below.

But their royal family members can go directly to the top of the mountain and enjoy the flowers on the top of the mountain.

You should know that there is a road on the top of the mountain on both sides of the canyon, and the ten-mile-long road under the valley extends all the way to the exit.

It is much better to watch on the top of the mountain than in the valley. The most important thing is that you can see more gorgeous scenes that you can't see below.

After passing many levels, Mu Rufeng and his friends came to the top of the mountain.

But they did not stop at the entrance, but continued to go inside.

This place is too close to the entrance. Going further inside, there are more flowers to see, which is more suitable.

After walking for about two or three miles, the carriage slowly stopped.

After finding a relatively flat grassland and parking the carriage, Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran walked down and then climbed to a higher pavilion.

The pavilion here was specially built because it is higher, so you can see more places.

Mu Rufeng looked around and saw a sea of ​​flowers.

Not only inside the canyon, but also outside the canyon, there were also seas of flowers, which was even more shocking.

"I heard that the sea of ​​flowers outside the canyon is more shocking than inside the canyon. Today, I saw that it is indeed worthy of its reputation." Zhao Yanran was obviously shocked by the scenery on the top of the mountain.

If you are not a member of the royal family, you can only see the sea of ​​flowers on both sides below the canyon.

Only a small number of people will be invited to enter the top of the mountain to see the real sea of ​​flowers.

Mu Rufeng smiled and said, "The spiritual flowers in the canyon are just some common spiritual flowers. The spiritual honey they produce is sold to ordinary warriors or distributed to ordinary officials as cultivation resources."

"The place outside the canyon that is not open to the public is the real flower sea. There are higher-level spiritual flowers in it, and the spiritual honey they produce is also high-quality."

"Part of it is for our own use, part is stored in the treasure house, and the other part is sold to the whole continent."

Mu Rufeng looked at the flower sea. Even though he had seen it many times, this time he really saw it and was extremely shocked.

"I knew there was a real flower sea before, but I always wanted to come but never had the chance. Now I finally got what I wanted. It's worth the trip." Zhao Yanran took two steps forward and opened her hands.

Just at this time, a breeze blew, and the fragrance of flowers and Zhao Yanran's body fragrance surrounded Mu Rufeng's nose, making him take a deep breath.

It is really surprising that such a rich flower sea still cannot cover Zhao Yanran's body fragrance.

"I said you guys are running too fast, you didn't even wait for us." At this time, the Seventh Princess's voice came from behind.

Soon, Mu Wuxia and Jian Yifeng came to the pavilion quickly.

"It's so beautiful, this year's sea of ​​flowers seems to be more beautiful than before." Mu Wuxia's eyes sparkled.

There is no girl who doesn't like this shocking scene.

Even though Jian Yifeng was a dull sword fanatic, he was shocked when he saw this scene, but he recovered quickly.

Then his eyes fell on Mu Wuxia unconsciously.

Mu Rufeng naturally saw it and smiled. It seemed that his seventh sister was also going to get married.

"Your Highness, Seventh Princess, the spiritual honey is here, as well as honey cakes, flower cakes and flower tea." Xiao Cui and Mu Wuxia's personal maid Chunling each came up with a lot of things.

They put them on the stone table in the middle of the pavilion.

"Just leave it there, you guys go and play too." Mu Rufeng said to the two.

"Great, thank you Your Highness." Xiao Cui was immediately very happy.

"Princess." Although Chunling was also very happy, after all, her master was Mu Wuxia.

"You go too, have fun, you can also eat some nectar and other things." Mu Wuxia said with a smile.

"Thank you, Princess, thank you, Ninth Prince!" Chun Ling thanked them happily, and then ran down with Xiao Cui hand in hand.

These two are also very good friends, mainly because Mu Rufeng and Mu Wuxia often met and competed before.

Mu Rufeng took a few steps forward, looking at the sea of ​​flowers below, and a strange feeling rose in his heart.

Then, he fell into a strange state, his eyes closed, and his breathing became very regular.

"Xiao Jiu, I~~!" Mu Wuxia was about to call Mu Rufeng, but was suddenly pulled by Jian Yifeng.

"Don't disturb the Ninth Prince, he has entered the state of enlightenment." Jian Yifeng looked at Mu Rufeng with a serious face at this moment.

"Ah? Enlightenment?" Mu Wuxia was slightly stunned, a little unbelievable.

Zhao Yanran's heart moved, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

She also saw a little bit of the door. After Jian Yifeng's reminder and careful observation, Mu Rufeng did enter the state of enlightenment.

"His Highness the Ninth Prince is extremely talented. I didn't expect that he would enter such a state just by looking at the sea of ​​flowers." Jian Yifeng himself had also entered the state of enlightenment, so he could tell Mu Rufeng's current state at a glance.

"Then let's not talk." Mu Wuxia whispered immediately, and then closed her mouth.

Jian Yifeng and Zhao Yanran also nodded to each other, and then the three of them sat at the stone table.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Jiu would actually enter the state of enlightenment. It's really frustrating to compare yourself with others. I don't think I've ever had it." Mu Wuxia couldn't help it, and still spoke in a low voice.

Jian Yifeng released his spiritual power, covering the place to isolate the sound, and then he said: "The first time I touched the sword, I entered the state of enlightenment."

"The first time I killed an enemy, I entered the state of enlightenment."

"When I had my own natal sword, I entered the state of enlightenment."

"The moment before I broke through the bitter sea realm, I entered the state of enlightenment."

"So powerful? Jian Yifeng, you will have to fight with me later. I agree that you will lower your cultivation to the divine realm."

"Okay!" Jian Yifeng nodded.

It seems that the two have finally reached a consensus.

"I heard that cultivators who can enter the state of enlightenment are all great opportunities and can greatly improve themselves."

"Every existence that can enter the state of enlightenment must be able to enter the divine realm and should be a child of destiny." Zhao Yanran said.

"Yes." Jian Yifeng nodded in agreement.

"Wow, Jian Yifeng, you are too shameless. Aren't you saying that you are a child of destiny?" Mu Wuxia said exaggeratedly.

Mu Wuxia's personality is like this. As long as he gets familiar with someone, he will be carefree. Otherwise, he would not be a battle maniac.

"I am." Jian Yifeng said dully.

"Shameless, really shameless."

"I am the number one person in the contemporary era." Jian Yifeng said again.

"Tsk, I am also the number one woman in the contemporary era." Mu Wuxia said again.

"You are not, the number one woman in the contemporary era is Mo Qingfeng." Jian Yifeng said.

"Mo Qingfeng? The number one beauty in Tiandao Continent? Is she stronger than me?" Mu Wuxia said unconvinced.

"Yes, she is now at the peak of the Lingyuan Realm, and she will definitely enter the Bitter Sea Realm within a year."

"Then I am the second in the contemporary era." Mu Wuxia said hurriedly.

"You are not. The second in the contemporary world is Feng Qianyu of the Phoenix Clan of the Western Regions, whose cultivation is at the peak of the demon commander."

The demon clan of the Western Regions is also divided into nine realms, first-level fierce beasts, second-level spirits, third-level demons, fourth-level demon beasts, fifth-level demon soldiers, sixth-level demon generals, seventh-level demon commanders, eighth-level demon kings, and ninth-level demon emperors. The demon gods control the rules.

Corresponding to the various realms of spiritual cultivation and warriors.

"Then I am the third, right?" Mu Wuxia said again.

"You are not. The third in the contemporary world is Lu Qianqiu, the daughter of the Duke of Zhenguo of the Dali Dynasty."

"Impossible, I know Lu Qianqiu, she can't beat me." Mu Wuxia yelled as if he had grabbed Jian Yifeng's pigtail.

"You are talking about three years ago. Lu Qianqiu joined the Tianshan Sect in the Southern Region three years ago, and now his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Lingyuan realm."

"Fourth, then I am fourth!!!"

"You are not. Fourth is my third junior sister Liuguang from the Tianjian Sect, and her cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Lingyuan realm."

"I am also in the middle stage of the Lianqiao realm. Can't I beat her?"

"Junior sister Liuguang's strength is much stronger than what you have shown before." Jian Yifeng said.

"...Then I can always be ranked tenth, right?" Mu Wuxia said angrily.

"You are not. The tenth is Miss Zhao Yanran, and you are behind her, the eleventh." Jian Yifeng said honestly.

"Ahhhhh~~~! I want to duel with you!" Mu Wuxia couldn't stand it, he wanted to beat Jian Yifeng violently.

"Not now, His Highness the Ninth Prince is still enlightened."

"You~~~! Humph!" Mu Wuxia kept taking deep breaths to calm himself, and then picked up the flower tea on the table and drank it in one gulp.

Zhao Yanran covered her mouth and laughed secretly. She felt that such a scene was really interesting, but it was a pity that Mu Rufeng didn't see it.

Jian Yifeng didn't change his expression, also picked up the flower tea, and took a sip: "Well, this flower tea is really good."

"Not bad, you head, you are not allowed to drink it, this is brought by Chunling." Mu Wuxia snatched the teacup from Jian Yifeng's hand.

Jian Yifeng opened his mouth and sucked, and the flower tea in the teacup sank directly into his mouth.

"Drink it up, is the Seventh Princess going to pour tea for me?" Jian Yifeng said.

"Pour your head." Mu Wuxia said unhappily.

Over the sky of the Flower Sea Canyon, red flowers suddenly appeared.

In the center of the flowers, there was a flower hundreds of meters high that was slowly blooming.

And among the flowers, there was a person standing. His face could not be seen, only his back could be seen, wearing a red python robe.

At this moment, everyone in the canyon looked up in shock.

"What is that?"

"What kind of flower is this? So beautiful, so magical."

"Flower of the other shore, this is a flower of the other shore, how can a flower of the other shore appear here?"

"Look, there is a figure on the biggest flower of the other shore."

In the canyon, everyone looked up in shock at the sky, and there was an uproar.

[Your comprehension is against the sky, watch the shocking sea of ​​flowers, and comprehend the spiritual secret: the flower of the other shore blooms]

Mu Rufeng's eyes suddenly opened, and a bunch of spiritual flowers flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

And the strange images of the flowers of the other shore in the sky slowly disappeared.

"I didn't expect that I would comprehend another spiritual secret method." Mu Rufeng smiled.

The blooming of the flowers on the other shore is not an attacking secret method, but a binding one.

Once it is used, the enemy's soul can be trapped in the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore, making it impossible for people to escape. It can be said to be a very powerful secret method.

Mu Rufeng turned and looked at Zhao Yanran and the other two, and the three of them were staring at Mu Rufeng at this moment.

"Xiao Jiu, you are so amazing, you actually realized the truth, hurry up, tell me what you realized?" Mu Wuxia hurriedly asked Mu Rufeng to sit down.

Mu Rufeng smiled, then sat on the stone chair, took the teacup and drank a sip of flower tea.

"It's really delicious, better than most spiritual teas." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"You have drunk it before, tell me quickly." Mu Wuxia was impatient and hurriedly urged.

"My cultivation level has not improved much. I have comprehended a spiritual secret: the flowers on the other shore are blooming." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"The flowers on the other shore are blooming? It's a spiritual secret." Jian Yifeng said with some surprise.

"It seems that the talent of the Ninth Prince is really amazing. He can comprehend the spiritual secret." Zhao Yanran looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"It's really amazing, Jian Yifeng, where do you think my Ninth Brother ranks among the contemporary people?" After being surprised, Mu Wuxia looked at Jian Yifeng proudly.

"Let's not talk about strength. Just based on the current cultivation level of the Ninth Prince, he can't be ranked. If it's calculated by comprehension, he can be ranked third in the world." Jian Yifeng said.

"What? Why is it only third? What about the second and first? Who is that?" Mu Wuxia said a little unconvinced.

"The second in comprehension in the world is Shi Yu, the eldest disciple of the Southern Region Vajra Sect." Jian Yifeng said.

"Shi Yu? It turns out to be him, that makes sense, what about the first?" Mu Wuxia nodded.

Shi Wu is extraordinary. With his own understanding and the Vajra Indestructible Skill of the Vajra Sect, he created a new Vajra Indestructible Body Refining Skill.

This skill should be the best body refining skill in the world.

"Naturally, I am the best." Jian Yifeng laughed rarely.

"." Mu Wuxia was speechless for a moment.

Although he agreed with Jian Yifeng's words, she was really unconvinced, very unconvinced.

"Tsk, if you have the guts to comprehend a spiritual secret technique, I think you should be ranked third, Shi Wu is ranked first, and my ninth brother is ranked second." Mu Wuxia said.

"Okay, there is nothing to argue about. Let's study this spiritual secret technique together."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he raised his right hand, put two fingers together and then pointed at the void.

Suddenly, three red lights flew out and then sank into the foreheads of the three people.

This is a method of spiritual transmission, which he created with the ability of the Ghost King of Illusion Heart. It is very convenient.

The three of them wanted to say something, but when [The Flower of the Other Shore Blooms] came, they were instantly immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves.

It was only about three minutes, and Mu Wuxia was the first to open his eyes.

"What a powerful spiritual secret method, Xiaojiu, did you really pass it on to us?" Mu Wuxia said excitedly.

She can also use this spiritual secret method. Although the power is not as strong as that of Mu Rufeng, it can definitely play a huge role in the battle.

If she is fighting Tuoba Zhan now, she thinks she can beat Tuoba Zhan.

In this way, it can prove the power of this spiritual secret method.

Mu Rufeng smiled without saying anything.

Soon Zhao Yanran also slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Mu Rufeng with bright eyes.

"Your Highness, this secret method is really magical. Thank you for the gift." Zhao Yanran said softly.

"It doesn't have to be like this. If you hadn't accompanied me to see the sea of ​​flowers today, I wouldn't have been able to understand it, so I gave it to everyone to practice and communicate together." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Hmph, this idiot hasn't woken up yet, and he says he has the best understanding in the world."

"I wake up the fastest, digest the fastest, and my understanding is much better than him." Mu Wuxia glanced at Jian Yi and said hummingly.

Zhao Yanran snickered when she heard this, and Mu Rufeng also smiled and shook her head.

"This is a mysterious method. The faster you wake up, the less you understand. Therefore, your understanding is the lowest among the four of us."

Jian Yiyi's eyes suddenly opened, and Mu Rufeng was slightly startled. He seemed to see a sword in Jian Yiyi's eyes.

Before Mu Wuxia could reply, the sword suddenly disappeared from the place.

"Huh? Where is the person? Where did he go?" Mu Wuxia was also stunned for a moment.

Mu Rufeng said nothing, stood up suddenly, walked outside the pavilion, and looked up at the sky.

At some point, Jian Yiyi appeared above the canyon.


The sword was unsheathed, and the clanging sound resounded throughout the canyon, attracting everyone's attention again.

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