I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 304 The birthday banquet begins, and the contractors gather together [ask for a guaranteed m

"Ahem, you are not kidding, are you? Although I just arrived in the imperial city, I also know some of the structure of the court, and I have received a lot of news on the way."

"The one who has the best hope of becoming the crown prince should be the eldest prince. The emperor of the Dali Dynasty has been in seclusion for three months, and the eldest prince has been the regent for three months."

"And as for you, the 50,000 troops you led were completely wiped out, your family assets were all destroyed, and the 8 million pension you had finally collected was stolen."

"Although you still paid the pension, most of it was borrowed, and your cultivation has not recovered."

"I know you are strong, but can you be stronger than the God Realm? Where do you get the confidence to become the crown prince?"

"Don't talk about the eldest prince, there is also a sinister and cunning fourth prince above, and the power he controls is not lower than your 50,000 destroyed troops."

Ye Lin said a lot of things, and his words showed that he did not believe that Mu Rufeng could become the crown prince.

"Hehe, these are all minor issues. Do you know what is the most important thing to be the prince?"

Without waiting for Ye Lin to reply, Mu Rufeng continued: "The most important thing is not how much power you control in your hands, nor how strong your talent is, but whether the 'father' likes me."

"The position of the prince is just a matter of a word from the emperor, what do you think?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"This. What you said is right, what? Do you have a way to make the emperor like you?" Ye Lin became interested at once.

"Of course, you will know tomorrow. By the way, I will give you another little thing." Mu Rufeng said, flicked his finger, and a stream of light sank into his body.

"Is this. The flower on the other side? The other side of the sword? The other side of the fist? The other side of the knife?"

Ye Lin's voice fell, and then he widened his eyes with disbelief on his face, and then he closed his eyes and digested and comprehended.

After a full ten minutes, Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes.

"Where did you get this, such a powerful secret method." Ye Lin looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"I learned it myself. I don't know which one is suitable for you, so I passed them all to you." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng had never seen Ye Lin in action, so he didn't know what Ye Lin was good at, so he simply passed all three to him.

"I am suitable for the other side of the fist, but unfortunately, this secret method can't be engraved and copied." Ye Lin said with some regret.

"This is just right, and I will pass you another secret method of spiritual transmission." Mu Rufeng flicked his fingers again.

Not long after, Ye Lin digested it and smiled.

"By the way, don't spread this randomly. I learned the flower of the other side. After I taught it to Jian Feng, he learned the other side of the sword and then accompanied the seventh princess to learn the other side of the fist."

"As for the other side of the knife, I learned it based on the other side of the sword." Mu Rufeng said.

"I will do it, don't worry!" Ye Lin nodded and smiled.

"Also, when I become the crown prince, you have to help me with things." Mu Rufeng said.

"Report to the commander! Ye Lin, the head of the headquarters of the relevant departments of China, will follow the instructions of the leader!" Ye Lin stood up and saluted with a standard military salute.

"You guy, you are still doing this." Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

"Haha." Ye Lin laughed.

"Okay, I won't stay any longer. I'm going to the inn to find my master. I will go to the Queen Mother's birthday banquet tomorrow." Ye Lin said.

"Well, then I'll go back too. Let's see if I can break through to the sixth level tonight." Mu Rufeng said.

Compared with the realms of bone refining and flesh refining, their contractors are still accustomed to talking about levels.

"Tsk tsk tsk, sixth level, although you are only level five now, I doubt you can beat me." Ye Lin said.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and did not answer.

Then the two left separately.

Mu Rufeng also returned to his mansion.

His Liu Daban was also waiting for him in the mansion early.

"Your Highness, His Majesty has not come out of retreat yet, and you asked me to find some people with special abilities or props, and those with faces different from our Dali people."

"I have found quite a few, and I have figured out their locations. Some are strong, some are weak."

"The identity is still being investigated, and it should be found out tonight." Liu Ming said.

"Okay, find out as soon as possible, it would be best if there is a portrait, and don't be discovered if they can avoid it." Mu Rufeng said.

It seems that because today is the last day, many contractors have gathered in the imperial city from all over the world.

For the first stage of the task, Mu Rufeng thinks that everyone should be similar.

Mu Rufeng is alive to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, and they are likely to rush to the imperial city within the limited time.

As for whether they will attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, it is unknown.

When Mu Rufeng met Ye Lin, he also forgot the other party's first stage task.

Liu Ming took his leave and left. Mu Rufeng was not idle either. He entered the training room and began to practice. At the same time, he asked Xiao Cui to prepare food for him, a lot of spiritual food.


No words were spoken all night.

At six o'clock in the morning, Mu Rufeng finished his practice.

After taking a bath, he had a casual breakfast and went to the palace with the guards.

Walking on the road, you can see that there are lights and decorations everywhere, which is extremely festive.

In the past few days, he has been injured one after another.

There were a lot of people on the street. The Queen Mother's birthday banquet affected all aspects. It was planned after the 79th birthday banquet.

When Mu Rufeng arrived in front of the palace, a group of people had gathered in front of the palace gate. They were all ministers or palace maids and eunuchs.

There were too many people attending the birthday banquet.

As soon as you enter the palace gate, you will see a huge square, and the birthday banquet will be held on this square.

As for other places, they are still under martial law, protected by powerful guards and formations.

To be honest, they are not worried that anyone will dare to make trouble here.

The formation is always open. If a strong man in the God Realm comes, he can only die in the formation.

Even if he is above the God Realm, he can be trapped for a while.

If the formation is controlled by an ancestor above the God Realm, then the existence above the God Realm will die here.

After Mu Rufeng got off the carriage, he walked straight to the gate.

Even if the palace gate is wide open, there are still guards checking the warrants of the newcomers.

Although Mu Rufeng knew the ninth prince, he still checked the warrant.

After the inspection, Mu Rufeng entered the palace with Xiao Cui and others.

The huge empty space was already filled with wine tables, and a high platform was built in front of the palace.

The high platform was extremely gorgeous and luxurious, and it was obviously where the royal family members sat.

A large number of palace maids and guards were busy here. It was not yet time for the birthday banquet. When the birthday banquet started, these seats had to be filled.

"Greetings to His Highness the Ninth Prince!"

"Greetings to His Highness the Ninth Prince!"

As Mu Rufeng walked along, the palace maids, guards and conditions all saluted Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng seemed to have nowhere to go, so the only thing he thought of was the Seventh Princess.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng arrived in front of the Seventh Princess's palace.

"Your Highness, please wait a moment. The princess hasn't gotten up yet. I'll go wake her up." Chun Ling led Mu Rufeng to the reception room, said goodbye, and quickly went to the bedroom.

A quarter of an hour later, the seventh princess Mu Wuxia came to the reception room.

"Xiao Jiu, you came quite early?" Mu Wuxia said with a smile.

"It's not early. Don't we need to go to see the empress early in the morning?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course not. You don't know that the empress has not been in good spirits recently. She suffers from insomnia at night and sleeps late. She has to sleep until the sun rises every day." Mu Wuxia said.

"Is that so?"

"By the way, what is the process of this banquet?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"The process, I don't know either. According to my guess, it should be a speech, a gift, and then a meal, and then a fight." Mu Wuxia said.

"Greetings, gifts, meals, fights? Seventh sister, are you sure? Didn't big brother tell you?"

The Queen Mother's birthday banquet was organized by the eldest prince, and he must know all the procedures.

"No, big brother didn't tell me." Mu Wuxia shook his head and said.

"Forget it, never mind, I will follow the seventh sister today, and I believe the Queen will send someone to inform you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

As the biological daughter of the Queen, the Seventh Princess will tell her anything.

"No problem, just follow me, I'll protect you." Mu Wuxia patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and said.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The palace gate also changed from closed to open normally.

A large number of people entered the palace. Of course, when entering, they also had to go through the guards to check the invitation letter, and then enter the designated seats under the guidance of the conditions of the palace maids.

Of course, there is also a special gift receiving table before entering the palace gate.

The guests who entered will hand over the gifts to these people, and finally there will be a eunuch with a loud voice to call out the names.

The roll call almost lasted until the banquet officially started.

However, those who came first were all small shrimps, and the real big guys would arrive last.

When the time came to eleven o'clock, a maid beside the Queen came to inform Mu Rufeng and Mu Wuxia to prepare to go to the palace square for the banquet.

Mu Rufeng immediately went to the palace square with Mu Wuxia.

When Mu Rufeng arrived here, he was also slightly shocked.

At this moment, the square was already full of people, unusually noisy and noisy, and the scene was quite grand.

The most eye-catching thing was that in a corner of the square, a large number of foreign faces were sitting there.

Contractors, many foreign contractors, because Mu Rufeng saw some familiar faces inside.

And they also saw Mu Rufeng, and those familiar faces were slightly surprised. They didn't expect Mu Rufeng to become the ninth prince.

These contractors also followed their elders, or even they came alone.

There was not a single ninth-level God Realm strongman in sight.

Mu Rufeng didn't look at it for long, and went straight to the VIP area on the platform, and then sat down.

The seats were arranged, and the positions of the princes and princesses were in order of age, and Mu Rufeng was in the seventh place.

The second and fifth positions were replaced, after all, the people were dead.

The eighth prince was above Mu Rufeng, and the tenth princess was below him.

The eighth prince had not arrived yet, but the tenth princess had already sat there, and came earlier than Mu Rufeng.

This is the VIP area, and all the strong men in the ninth level of the divine realm sit in this area, and they also bring their own genius disciples or juniors.

"Nineth brother, nineth brother, you haven't come to see me for a long time." The tenth princess came over from her seat, and then sat down next to Mu Rufeng, hugging Mu Rufeng's left arm.

Although the tenth princess Mu Wuyou was only thirteen years old, she had grown up to be a graceful lady.

Because Mu Rufeng often brought some delicious food and fun things to Mu Wuyou, she had a close relationship with him.

"It's not that there has been no chance." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Nineth brother, I heard that you have been very successful recently, killing many people, and are you going to get married?" Mu Wuyou said.

"Huh? Who told you? Seventh sister?"

"Yes, I went to play with Seventh sister yesterday, and Seventh sister told me." The little girl said.

"By the way, Xiaoyou, have you started practicing? Are you practicing spiritual cultivation?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Yes, big brother, my mother is going to let me join the Tianjian Sect. I will follow Master after the birthday banquet of the Queen Mother." Mu Wuyou said.

"Tianjian Sect, so, I will teach you a secret method." Mu Rufeng said, stretching out his hand and tapping Mu Wuyou's forehead.

In an instant, Mu Wuyou closed her eyes and fell into a strange state.

But she recovered quickly.

Without waiting for her to speak, Mu Rufeng said: "You are too weak now, I have sealed this secret method, and you will slowly comprehend it as you practice."

"What a powerful secret method, thank you, Brother Nine." Mu Wuyou's face was full of excitement.

Although it cannot be used now, it can also know the power of this secret method.

As she slowly comprehends, when her strength reaches a certain level, she will definitely be able to burst out the terrifying power of the other side of the sword.

"Little girl, why are you talking to your brother Nine, not to me, the seventh sister?" At this time, Mu Wuxia came over and said with a stern face.

"Oh, Seventh Sister, we can meet every day, and I haven't seen Brother Nine for a long time." Mu Wuyou looked at his seventh sister helplessly.

"Seventh sister, ninth brother, tenth sister!"

Soon, many children came over and surrounded Mu Rufeng.

The eleventh prince, the twelfth princess, the thirteenth princess, and the fourteenth prince were all here.

However, the fourteenth prince called respectfully and sat directly in his seat, like a little adult, looking not very sociable.

"You are all here. I haven't seen you for so long. You have grown taller and stronger." Mu Rufeng touched their heads one by one.

Mu Rufeng was relatively kind to his brothers and sisters, and they all liked to play with Mu Rufeng and the seventh princess.

"What are you talking about? Go sit down and let others laugh at you."

Just at this time, a scolding sound came.

But the stern-faced fourth prince stood in front of his seat, looking at them expressionlessly.

Beside the fourth prince, there was a beautiful woman and two children, a boy and a girl, who should be the legitimate son and daughter.

That was the fourth prince's princess and two legitimate sons. Naturally, they also had children since they got married early.

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, they were startled, and then hurriedly sat back in their seats.

The Tenth Princess puffed her lips and muttered, "Why are you so fierce? Really."

In the end, the Tenth Princess still sat back in her seat.

The Fourth Prince was so majestic in front of these brothers and sisters, and they were all afraid of the Fourth Prince.

"Fourth brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's just a chat. Why are you so fierce?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the Fourth Prince and said.

"Don't you see what kind of occasion this is." The Fourth Prince snorted coldly, and then sat down.

"What a freak, I'll sit over there too. The banquet seems to be about to start." Mu Wuxia said, and then turned back to his seat.

After a while, the weak and pale Eighth Prince came in, and there was a palace-dressed beauty beside him, supporting the Eighth Prince.

"Eighth brother, sister-in-law, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?" Mu Rufeng greeted.

"It's still the same, ahem." The Eighth Prince responded, and sat in his seat, and then said nothing more.

The Eighth Sister-in-law also greeted Mu Rufeng.

The Eighth Prince seemed to be in poor health. He had been married for several years, but no children were born.

The eldest prince didn't know why he hadn't arrived yet, but his wife and his three children were already sitting there.

Time passed by, and the princes arrived one after another.

The seats of the princes and princesses were all on the left side of the VIP seats and then went down in order.

The VIP seats were almost full at this moment, and there were still a few empty seats.

These God Realm masters also brought some disciples to sit beside them.

Mu Rufeng also saw many familiar people, such as Tuoba Zhan, who sat there with his master.

There were also Jian Yifeng, Ye Lin, Zhao Yanran, etc.

Of course, what Mu Rufeng cared about most was that he saw many contractors.

Contractors all had their own identities and became hidden disciples of a certain force.

At the same time, all contractors with Western faces would sit on the square, and no one would sit in the VIP seats.

As for Eastern faces, there were all of them on the square and in the VIP seats.

"The Queen Mother is here!"

A loud shout came from the hall.

In an instant, the noisy square became quiet.

The Queen Mother walked out of the hall slowly with the Queen and other concubines.

"Greetings to the Queen Mother!"

Everyone below bowed to the Queen Mother.

Mu Rufeng and the others also stood up to greet her immediately.

The powerful gods also gave face and stood up to bow.

"No need to bow!"

The Queen Mother took a seat with a group of concubines.

At this time, the eldest prince followed behind and took his seat.

Only the emperor had not appeared yet.

At this time, a loud voice sounded: "Your Majesty has arrived!"

Everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, a golden light flashed, and then came to the dragon throne in the center.

The golden light dissipated, and a middle-aged man with a magnificent momentum and wearing a golden dragon robe appeared there.

"Greetings to His Majesty, long live His Majesty, long live His Majesty!"

The ministers below immediately bowed and saluted, and the voice of long live broke through the sky.

"My dear ministers, please stand up!"

Mu Chengqian flicked his sleeves and sat directly on the dragon throne.

Immediately, those people took their seats again.

"Everyone, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still as elegant as ever." Mu Chengqian looked at the sect masters of Tianjian Sect and other sects and a group of powerful gods.

"Your Majesty has a mellow aura, it seems that you are not far from the realm of the emperor." Tianjian Sect master Jian Chun said with a smile.

The ninth level is the realm of the gods, and above the realm of the gods, the realm of the emperor is the realm of the emperor.

The group of people also complimented him.

The Tiandao Continent worships the five domains of the southeast, northwest, and central.

The central domain is surrounded by the other four domains and is the place with the richest resources and spiritual energy.

Like the other four domains, they are occupied by multiple sects, and there are also some small countries, but most of them are mortal countries controlled by sects.

The central domain with the richest resources is occupied by the Dali Dynasty alone.

The Dali Dynasty can be said to be the most powerful force in the entire Tiandao Continent, otherwise how could it occupy the entire Zhongzhou with the power of one family.

Therefore, as they were all in the realm of gods, no matter what sect the sect masters and clan masters were from, they all had to be respectful to the emperor of the Dali Dynasty, Mu Chengqian.

"Haha, I'm not too late." A loud laugh sounded in the sky.

Then, a huge phoenix flapped its wings and came, and then it turned into a man with long red hair.

Next to the man with long red hair was a woman with the same long red hair.


At this time, a dragon roar sounded from the back.

A huge black dragon came from a distance.

Then the black dragon also turned into a middle-aged man in a black robe, and next to the man was a young man in a black robe.

"Dragon King and Fengjiu? You are a little late, please take a seat."

Mu Chengqian looked up, and then waved his hand, and saw that the formation above the palace opened a hole.

If not, with the protection of the formation, Dragon King and Fengjiu would not be able to enter at all.

"I'm not too late, am I? You haven't started yet." The Dragon King landed carelessly and sat on the empty seat in the VIP seat.

Feng Jiu did the same.

The demon clan really came to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

Mu Rufeng stared at the young man next to the Dragon King.

That man was the Dragon King's legitimate son, Jiao Ze.

It was him who led the demon army to ambush him, and finally wiped out his 50,000 troops. He himself was also seriously injured by him.

Of course, he didn't let Jiao Ze have an easy time. He directly cut off one of his arms, and Mu Rufeng also pulled out one of the horns on his forehead.

Jiao Ze seemed to have noticed that Mu Rufeng was looking at him, and showed a ferocious smile to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng really didn't expect that the person who came was Jiao Ze.

At this moment, endless anger surged in his heart. This was the memory divergence of His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, which made Mu Rufeng unable to suppress it.

However, reason still defeated anger, and Mu Rufeng suppressed this anger by force.

Remembering some of the procedures that the maid beside the Queen said, Mu Rufeng sneered, there is a chance, there is a chance.

At this time, Feng Jiu looked at Feng Qianyu beside him, Feng Qianyu nodded slightly, then stepped forward and said:

"Queen Mother, today is your eightieth birthday. This is a feathered robe made of phoenix feathers. Wearing it can prolong your life and protect you from cold and heat."

The next moment, a red brocade robe was taken out, with flames rising on it, looking extremely terrifying.

"It is a brocade robe made of phoenix feathers, which can enhance fire-related martial arts and resist attacks from the Soul Refining Realm."

"I didn't expect the Phoenix Clan to be willing to spend this money."

A group of powerful gods talked about it, and the guests below exclaimed constantly.

"It's thoughtful." The Queen Mother, who was sitting on the left side of the dragon chair, nodded slightly.

She didn't care much about this kind of treasure. To other people, it was very powerful and precious, but the Queen Mother was really indifferent to it.

The Dragon King also winked at his son Mu Ze at this time. The latter immediately took out a box, stepped forward and said:

"Queen Mother, I have also prepared a birthday gift. I believe the Queen Mother will like it very much."

"Oh? What is it? Let me see it." The Queen Mother said lightly, without any change in her expression.

Jiao Ze immediately opened the box, revealing a jade pendant: "As the most noble person in the Dali Dynasty, the Queen Mother must not be interested in ordinary gifts."

"This jade pendant was left behind by the late Emperor of the Dali Dynasty when he was fighting in the Ghost Cave. Now, it has returned to its original owner!"

"Huh?" Mu Chengqian's eyes narrowed, and he stretched out his hand to take the jade pendant, and saw the jade pendant fall into his hand instantly.

Mu Chengqian looked at the jade pendant repeatedly, and his arms trembled slightly.

"Mother, this is my father's jade pendant." Mu Chengqian came to the Queen Mother and handed the jade pendant to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother also reacted at this moment, stood up excitedly, and took the jade pendant with trembling hands.

The Queen Mother stroked her repeatedly, her eyes filled with tears, as if they would fall at any moment.

"Yes, it's your father's blue-patterned dragon pendant. This. This is the blue-patterned dragon pendant that the Ai family personally gave to your father."

The Queen Mother's tears could no longer stop falling.

The previous emperor did not abdicate voluntarily, but died in a ghost cave.

The ghost cave is located on the territory of the demon clan in the Western Region.

However, the place where the ghost cave is located is the most dangerous place for the demon clan.

Thirty years ago, there was a riot in the ghost cave, and a large number of undead creatures emerged along with the black fog in the sky.

The demon clan sent a large army to suppress them, but they were retreating steadily. It was difficult to hold on, so they immediately asked for help from the Dali Dynasty.

Many masters from the Great Li Dynasty joined in to kill the undead creatures, and even the black mist in the sky was pressed into the ghost cave.

In the end, I don't know what was discovered in the ghost cave. The emperor actually came in person and led a group of strong men and demon clan strongmen into the ghost cave.

I don’t know what happened, but all the powerful men were almost wiped out.

In the end, only the emperor escaped.

However, only the upper half of the emperor's body was left, and he managed to escape back to the imperial city.

This result shocked the world.

For some reason, the new leader of the demon clan learned through some secret method that the emperor was responsible for the destruction, so he wanted to ask for an explanation.

However, how could the Dali Dynasty give an explanation, because the emperor died of serious injuries only three days after returning to the imperial city.

At this point, the demon clan began to frequently invade the border areas.

War would break out from time to time, but the scale was not large. In the past thirty years, the largest and most brutal battle was the destruction of Mu Rufeng's 50,000-strong army.

Mu Rufeng had to admire that the demon clan actually dared to send people here. Are they really not afraid of death?

The blue-patterned dragon pendant was the emperor's personal jade pendant. It was left in the ghost cave. Unexpectedly, it was found by the demon clan and sent back.

"Your Majesty, I wonder if you are satisfied with this gift?" Jiaoze said.

"Satisfied, the Ai family is very satisfied." The Queen Mother nodded slightly, still a little excited.

But after all, she was still the Queen Mother, and she quickly calmed down and sat back in her seat.

And the blue-patterned dragon pendant was put into the lapel of his clothes next to his body.

"By the way, His Highness Ninth Prince, you left in a hurry last time and forgot to take away some things. Now you should return them to their original owners."

Jiaoze suddenly looked at Mu Rufeng, then took out a seal and threw it directly towards Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng reached out and took it. After seeing the seal clearly, her whole body couldn't help but tremble.

This is the seal of his army. The fifty thousand army was destroyed, the storage ring was destroyed, and most of the things inside were also destroyed.

Only a small part of the things were not destroyed. Mu Rufeng also snatched his token and returned some items.

But this military seal was taken away by Jiaoze. Unexpectedly, Jiaoze returned it directly now. This was like a slap in the face of Mu Rufeng and the face of the Dali Dynasty.

At this moment, the surroundings became eerily silent.

Mu Chengqian's eyes above him also became a little cold, but he didn't say anything, he just watched how Mu Rufeng would respond.

Mu Rufeng took a deep breath, and then showed a faint smile: "Thank you Brother Jiao for returning this thing. Don't worry, I will behead you to commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle."

He said the cruelest words in the calmest tone.

At this moment, everyone's gaze towards Mu Rufeng changed slightly.

Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng with a hint of appreciation.

"Kill me? Haha, Xiao Wang, I will accompany you at any time today. My cultivation has recovered quickly and I have refined my mind. Unfortunately, Xiao Wang, I have already broken through to the realm of the Demon King." Jiao Ze said with a smile.

"How presumptuous! You don't even look at the occasion here and you dare to say anything." The Dragon King scolded him immediately.

Hearing this, Jiaoze looked at Mu Rufeng with a smile on his face, as if he was mocking him.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things for now. Boss, today is your Royal Grandma's birthday banquet. Where are the birthday gifts you prepared?"

Mu Chengqian looked at the eldest prince and spoke slowly.

"Father, Grandma Huang, I have prepared birthday gifts a long time ago. I think Grandma Huang will also like it."

The eldest prince stood up immediately and took out the treasure boxes one by one from the storage ring.

After opening it, there was a ginseng fruit exuding a dense light.

"I wish Grandma Huang a long and prosperous life!"

"Grandma Huang, this is a rare ginseng fruit in the world. Taking it can extend Grandma Huang's life for twenty years." The eldest prince bowed and held up the treasure box with both hands.

"Hiss~~!" Everyone gasped.

Ginseng fruit is actually a ginseng fruit.

What is the most precious thing in the world? Naturally, these are the treasures of heaven and earth that can prolong life.

Looking at those powerful men in the divine realm, some of their eyes lit up.

It can extend life for twenty years. Some examples of strong people who have lived for a long time at the peak of the God Realm, especially those who are about to die, twenty years, that can make them crazy.

"It's actually ginseng fruit, Wuyi is thoughtful. I remember that your father also found one for me back then. I didn't expect that you also found one today." The Queen Mother smiled.

The eldest prince was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "It's good that the Queen Mother likes it."

Ginseng fruit can extend life for twenty years, that is the effect of the first one, and the second one directly broke the bone and could only extend life for five years. If it is the third one, it will be ineffective.

In this case, the Queen Mother's joy for this gift will naturally drop a level.

"The boss is thoughtful." Mu Chengqian also nodded with satisfaction.

The eldest prince heard this, although he felt that it was a little worse, but he was also relatively satisfied with the result. Not to mention more, among all the princes and princesses, his ginseng fruit is definitely the most important.

Then he sat back with satisfaction.

"Where is the third child?" Mu Chengqian looked at the family of the third princess.

"Father, the Empress Dowager has always liked small animals. I have prepared a spiritual pet for the Empress Dowager."

The third princess stood up and took out a pure white kitten as if by magic.

"I wish the Empress Dowager a long life and good health, and all the best."

"Huh? This seems to be a spiritual cat?" The Queen Mother exclaimed.

"Yes, Empress Dowager." The third princess immediately stepped forward and handed the spiritual cat to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother held the spiritual cat in her arms and could not help but stroke it several times.

"Oh, oh, oh!" The spiritual cat was extremely docile and rubbed the Queen Mother's palm with its little head.

This made the Queen Mother smile.

"The little tiger that I raised has passed away before me. I have always wanted to raise another one. Xiao Cheng'er is thoughtful. I like it very much." The Queen Mother looked at the third princess with a loving look.

"As long as the Empress Dowager likes it." Seeing that the Empress Dowager liked it so much, the Third Princess Mu Wucheng was also very happy.

Without the Emperor saying anything, the Fourth Emperor Mu Wuhao stood up: "Imperial Madam, I wish you a long life and endless joy."

As soon as the words fell, the Fourth Prince took out an object from the storage ring.

Suddenly, a bright light emanated from the object and enveloped the surroundings.

Finally, it enveloped an area of ​​20 meters.

"Imperial Madam, this is a blood coral, a naturally formed treasure that can release a warm light that is not affected by cold or heat. Bathing in the warm light all year round will also prolong life and slowly increase the power of qi and blood." The Fourth Prince said with a smile.

"Xiaohao is thoughtful. The Empress Dowager likes it very much. I will put it in my bedroom." The Empress Dowager was also very satisfied with this blood coral.

The Fourth Prince immediately sat down again.

"Sixth Prince." The Emperor looked at the Sixth Prince Mu Wuyu again.

"My grandson wishes that the Empress Dowager will be as luxuriant as the pines and cypresses, evergreen and everlasting; and as long-lived as the Nanshan Mountains, endless."

The next moment, the Sixth Prince took out a scroll and unfolded it.

"I guess the many exotic treasures in the world cannot catch the Empress Dowager's eye, so my grandson did not prepare such cliché treasures."

"This is a portrait of the Empress Dowager when she was young, painted by my grandson, I hope the Empress Dowager will like it."

On the scroll is a woman in a white long dress with a stunning appearance.

Her eyes are like autumn water, her eyes are bright, her face is like jade, gentle and moving.

It seems that a real person is about to walk out, which makes people feel excited.

"This is the picture when I first entered the palace, Xiaoliu, how did you draw it?"

The Queen Mother handed the spirit cat to the Queen on the side, and then stood up.

Seeing this, the Sixth Prince immediately stepped forward and handed the scroll to the Queen Mother.

"Grandma, I have been searching for a portrait of Grandma when she was young in recent years, but I have not found it. Finally, I have found the painter who painted the portrait of the beautiful girl at that time."

"Grandma's peerless beauty made the painter unable to forget it even though he was 90 years old."

"My grandson asked the painter to describe it, and I painted it myself. Grandma's peerless beauty made me intoxicated. She must be the most beautiful woman in the world."

Everyone also saw the appearance of the empress dowager when she was young on the scroll.

I have to say that she is really beautiful. His appearance is comparable to Zhao Yanran.

You know, it's just a scroll. The real person must be more beautiful than the one on the scroll.

"Okay, okay, okay, Xiaoliu is thoughtful. I like it very much." The empress dowager looked at the sixth prince with a loving face and reached out to touch the sixth prince's head.

She didn't even say "I'm here" and directly called herself grandma.

This scene made the eldest prince and the fourth prince both eyelids paper strips. This old six is ​​really a young six.

"It seems that the old six has really put in a lot of thought." Mu Chengqian looked at the sixth prince with a smile on his face.

When he saw the scroll, he also remembered when he was young and saw his mother's peerless face. He recalled every little bit at the beginning and was relatively relieved.

The sixth prince immediately sat back in his seat with a smile.

"Xiaoqi, it's your turn."

The seventh princess Mu Wuxia did not change anything about the good gifts from the previous brothers and sisters.

She stood up and said with a smile: "I wish the royal grandmother good health and longevity, increased blessings and wisdom, and endless joy."

"The birthday gift I prepared for the royal grandmother is not a treasure, but a birthday peach I made myself. It's delicious. I have tried it many times."

The Seventh Princess immediately took out a plate, on which was placed a fist-sized, beautiful peach.

Of course, this is not a peach, but it looks like one. It is actually a pastry.

"Oh, my little seven actually cooked pastries for my mother?" The Queen Mother exclaimed in shock at this moment.

"Huh? My little seven made it? Aren't you only good at swords and guns? It really gave grandma a big surprise."

"Bring it up, bring it up, I want to taste it myself." The Queen Mother waved to Mu Wuxia.

Xiaoqi can be said to be a group favorite. Not only the Queen Mother likes it, Mu Chengqian likes it, and even the Queen Mother likes it very much.

The Seventh Princess Mu Wuxia immediately stepped forward, and then released the power of Qi and blood, and directly separated a small piece of the longevity peach.

The Queen Mother immediately took it and put it in her mouth, chewing it in small bites.

"Well, it tastes good. You gave me a surprise. Put it down." The Queen Mother also touched Xiaoqi's head.

"Yes, Madam Empress." Mu Wuxia immediately placed the birthday peach on the table in front of her.

As Mu Wuxia sat down, it was the turn of the Eighth Prince.

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