I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 305 Shock: Immaculate Spiritual Fruit and Void Spiritual Fruit [10,000 words]

"Grandma Huang, I wish you to be as green as the green pines and as long as the rivers to flow, may you be blessed with endless happiness, longevity and happiness."

"This is a gift from my grandson to you, jade glass."

As he said that, he saw the eighth prince Mu Wulong taking out a jade pendant that emitted bright light.

"Jadeite glass, actually jadeite glass?"

A strong man in the divine realm raised his eyes slightly, a little surprised.

Looking at the eldest prince, the fourth prince, and even the sixth prince, their eyes changed slightly.

Jade Glaze, judging from the name, seems to be very simple and ordinary.

But this is not a jade pendant at all, nor is it a magic weapon or other rare treasure, but a cultivation resource.

Jadeite is an extremely rare ambergris from the moon whale, a spiritual beast of heaven and earth. It exudes the halo of emerald and looks like a jade pendant after formation.

That’s why it’s called Jade Glaze.

And this is not to be eaten, but to be lit.

Isn't it surprising that something that looks like a jade pendant actually lights up like incense?

"I heard that Grandma Huang has been suffering from insomnia recently. This product can cure Grandma Huang's insomnia. It can also increase Grandma Huang's energy and blood and prolong her life."

The eighth prince said.

"Okay, Xiaoba, you are thoughtful. Grandma likes it very much." The Queen Mother smiled happily.

In recent days, she was indeed troubled by insomnia and always had nightmares. With jade glass, she would not have any trouble.

Jade glaze not only has this effect, but also has many special effects.

When Mu Rufeng saw this scene, she had to say that Lao Liu was really a Lao Liu.

And this eighth child is also a hidden sixth child.

As expected, none of the princes are economical, they are all movie king-level figures.

"Xiaojiu, it's your turn." Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng.

Everyone also looked at Mu Rufeng.

Giving birthday gifts to princes and princesses is not just a disguised competition.

Mu Rufeng is the last person in the competition. The younger one is really giving gifts.

After all, at such a young age, what ability do they have to get some treasures to give as gifts?

Mu Rufeng slowly stood up and said with a smile: "The picture that Sixth Brother showed just now allowed my grandson to see Grandma Huang's peerless appearance when she was young."

"I believe you all regret not being able to see Grandma Huang's peerless face with your own eyes, right?" Mu Rufeng glanced at everyone.

No one answered, because each of them looked puzzled, wondering why Mu Rufeng spoke like this.

Only Zhao Yanran felt very clear and a little happy in her heart, staring at Mu Rufeng intently.

"Grandma Huang, this is a gift from your grandson." Mu Rufeng took out the treasure box and opened it directly.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance emanated from the treasure box.

"This is the untainted spiritual fruit, which can rejuvenate one's appearance and maintain youth forever. Grandma Huang, please let the world see your peerless appearance!!!"

Mu Rufeng shouted loudly.

"Innocent Spiritual Fruit?" The Queen Mother suddenly stood up and stared at the fruit in the treasure box.

"Kacha~!" The eldest prince accidentally crushed the ear of the tea cup in his hand.

"Is the Innocent Spiritual Fruit the rumored Innocent Spiritual Fruit?"

"Really? I've only seen it in rumors."

"The Pure Spirit Fruit, if it really is, this is too disturbing."

The Queen and other concubines also stood up with shock on their faces.

The Pure Spirit Fruit is fatally attractive to women.

Most of the women present were also shocked at this moment.

Although the Innocent Spiritual Fruit is only effective for monks and warriors of level four and below, the Innocent Spiritual Fruit can be used to refine the Beauty Pill.

"Quick, quick, Xiaofeng, show grandma." This time, Mu Rufeng was not asked to come up, but the Queen Mother walked down a few stairs from above.

Mu Rufeng naturally refused to stand there and walked quickly towards the Queen Mother.

"Grandma Huang, please!" Mu Rufeng came up, then bowed and handed the treasure box to the Queen Mother.

The queen mother's hands trembled with excitement, and she reached out to take the Wu Guo Spirit Fruit in her hand, touching it repeatedly and looking through it.

"It's the Innocent Spiritual Fruit, it's really the Innocent Spiritual Fruit."

A flush appeared on the Queen Mother's face.

As the biological mother of the most noble emperor of the Dali Dynasty, she had seen too many treasures, but she had never seen the Wusui Spirit Fruit.

But she also learned about the existence of the Innocent Spiritual Fruit from the records in the Royal Library.

No matter the fragrance, color, or appearance, it is exactly the same as the recorded Pure Fruit.

Without too much hesitation, the Queen Mother directly put the Wu Guo Spirit Fruit to her mouth and took a bite.

After taking a bite of the pulp, a magical scene occurred. The entire fruit turned into a stream of light and sank directly into the Queen Mother's mouth.

"The taste is sweet, the fragrance lingers in the nose, with a hint of honey, exactly as described in the record." The Queen Mother couldn't help but say.

Then a fluorescent light flashed on the Queen Mother's body.

The people around him stood up unconsciously and stared at the Queen Mother.

Even Mu Chengqian came forward immediately, fearing that the Queen Mother was in any danger, so he would take action immediately.

The fluorescence lasted for a full three minutes before slowly fading away.

The Queen Mother's clothes have not changed, she is still wearing the same gorgeous dress and more exaggerated headdress.

Looking at the skin again, it changed from the originally wrinkled skin to skin as white as snow.

Looking at her face again, she has bright eyes and white teeth, shining with hope, her jade skin is shining, her teeth are white and her lips are red, her smile is as beautiful as a flower, and she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Beautiful, too beautiful.

Her beauty is so stunning that even Zhao Yanran cannot match her.

"Grandma, please look." Mu Rufeng reacted quickly and took out a glass mirror as tall as a person and placed it on the ground.

The Queen Mother immediately looked at the mirror.

In an instant, she was immersed in wonderful memories of her younger self, when the Queen Mother was at her most beautiful.

"You are getting younger, I am getting younger."

A crisp voice sounded, as smooth as silk, like a spring breeze, refreshing.

"Qian'er, I am getting younger, am I really getting younger?" The Queen Mother stared at herself in the glass mirror in a daze.

"Mother, your face has long been engraved in my memory, mother, you are really getting younger." Mu Chengqian also had an indescribable feeling in his heart at this moment.

"I am really getting younger, Xiaofeng, you are really a good grandson of Grandma." The Queen Mother came forward excitedly and gently hugged Mu Rufeng in her arms.

A very strange feeling rose from Mu Rufeng's heart.

"Grandma is really a peerless beauty. I can't forget her after seeing her today." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Grandma is so beautiful." The Seventh Princess couldn't help but exclaimed.

"So beautiful, so beautiful."

"How did Grandma become so beautiful?"

The princes and grandchildren immediately complimented her.

"Good, so good, Xiaofeng must have spent a lot of effort to find this Immaculate Spirit Fruit?"

The Queen Mother let go of Mu Rufeng, grabbed his arm, and her face was full of kindness.

It's hard to imagine that a woman with peerless beauty can have a kind light in her eyes.

After all, the Queen Mother is also an eighty-year-old old man. Although her appearance has become younger, it is not so easy to change her mentality back.

As the Queen Mother of the Dali Dynasty, she has supreme power and countless resources.

But her cultivation is only at the fourth level of bone refining. It's not that there are not enough resources, but that the Queen Mother doesn't want to practice at all.

In other words, most of the concubines don't want to practice.

Therefore, we can see that the cultivation of these concubines is generally not high.

Of course, there is no shortage of concubines who want to practice, but there are very few, at least not in this generation.

Their identities and thoughts are different. They don't pursue strong strength. They just want to please the emperor and give birth to a prince.

Not to mention, practice is a hard work, not everyone can endure hardship. .

The queen mother can break through to the fourth level of bone refining, I'm afraid it's also hard to pile up resources. With a little more effort, there will be absolutely no problem at the sixth or seventh level.

The queen mother has a lot of resources, which naturally includes treasures for prolonging life.

It can be said that there is no problem for the queen mother to live another eighty or ninety years.

At this moment, being able to enjoy the remaining eighty or ninety years in a young posture is simply making the queen mother's heart tremble.

It may even awaken the queen mother's desire to practice and live longer, and achieve true physical fitness rejuvenation.

"I heard that the Queen Mother was the most beautiful woman in the world decades ago. Now that I see her, she is indeed worthy of her reputation and makes me feel relaxed and happy." A powerful person in the God Realm said.

"It's shameful. I thought I was a beauty that could topple a country, but now compared with the Queen Mother, it's really shameful."

The powerful person in the God Realm of Tianshan Sect was a woman, and her tone of voice was full of praise for the Queen Mother.

The Dragon King was also looking at the Queen Mother in shock at this moment.

Stunning, so stunning that a trace of lust flashed in the eyes of the Dragon King, even his son Jiaoze next to him was the same.

Dragons have always been known for their lust.

The Queen Mother glanced at everyone, with a smile on her face: "Thank you all for your compliments."

"Xiao Jiu, good job." Mu Chengqian patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder with a look of approval.

This Immaculate Spirit Fruit was definitely the most satisfying gift for the Queen Mother in the entire birthday banquet.

Similarly, Mu Chengqian was also very satisfied with the Wugui Lingguo, because the Wugui Lingguo made his mother very happy. When his mother was happy, he, Mu Chengqian, was happy.

Mu Rufeng called a maid and asked her to support Liulijing, and then looked at Mu Chengqian.

"Father, I also have a treasure to present to you."

"Oh? You also have something to give, what is it?" Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng with some surprise.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out a wooden box, and after opening it, the Kongling Fruit appeared in front of Mu Chengqian.

"This is..." Mu Chengqian's eyes condensed, staring at the Kongling Fruit.

"Father, this is the Kongling Fruit. Father has now reached the peak of the God Realm. This fruit can help Father ascend to the realm of the Supreme God!" Mu Rufeng's voice was sonorous and powerful, and the whole palace could hear it clearly.

"Kongling Fruit, it's actually Kongling Fruit." Mu Chengqian stretched out his hand to take the Kongling Fruit in his hand, carefully inspected it, and confirmed that it was really a Kongling Fruit.

"Ethereal Fruit!!!"

The Dragon King exclaimed, staring greedily at the fruit in Mu Chengqian's hand.

Ethereal Fruit, it was actually an Ethereal Fruit, which could allow people to enter an ethereal state, comprehend the rules of artistic conception and control, and thus step into the realm of Supreme God.

Once you break through the realm of Supreme God, you can add a thousand years to your life.

What a temptation that was. If this was not the palace, the Dragon King would have been unable to resist.

"Haha, good, Xiaojiu, you are indeed worthy of being my good son." Mu Chengqian laughed loudly, and it can be seen that he was extremely happy at this moment.

"It's the Kongling Fruit. The Ninth Prince is really blessed. I wonder where the Ninth Prince got it from. Does he have a second Kongling Fruit in his hand? I am willing to exchange it with countless rare treasures. You can set any conditions." The Dragon King said.

The Dragon King's words also made all the powerful people in the God Realm look at Mu Rufeng.

The first one has been taken by Mu Chengqian. No matter what, they are definitely out of the game. If there is really a second one, they will take it at all costs.

Although this possibility is very small.

The eldest prince and others looked at the scene in front of them with some disbelief.

First, they took out the Immaculate Spirit Fruit and directly suppressed all the gifts.

However, that was only the Queen Mother. The most important thing was naturally their father.

And now, Mu Rufeng actually took out the Kongling Fruit, a divine object, which was simply a dimensionality reduction attack on them.

"Maybe Senior Dragon King will be disappointed. The Master only gave me one Kongling Fruit." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Oh? Is it your Highness's master? Could it be that your Highness's master is a supreme being in the realm of God? What is the name of your Highness's master?" The Dragon King was a little surprised.

Master? Would the master give a divine object like the Kongling Fruit to his apprentice? How is it possible? He wouldn't give it to his own son, unless he had already stepped into the realm of God.

At this moment, Mu Chengqian also looked at Mu Rufeng with curiosity.

You know, Mu Rufeng has never worshipped a master, so where did this master come from? He can also give a rare thing like the Kongling Fruit.

Mu Rufeng said: "The master is Xiaoyaozi. He came to my house a few days ago to accept me as a disciple, and then gave me the Kongling Fruit and the Bodhi Fruit."

"The master asked me to take the Bodhi Fruit, and then asked me to present the Kongling Fruit to my father."

"It's Xiaoyaozi? And there is also a Bodhi Fruit?" Mu Chengqian frowned slightly, and he was still a little confused.

The people around were shocked again. Bodhi Fruit, there is actually a Bodhi Fruit.

That can enhance tenfold comprehension and tenfold aptitude, and can coexist with the Kongling Fruit.

"Humph." At this time, the leader of the Tianshan Sect snorted coldly and looked at Mu Rufeng with murderous intent.

"Xiaoyaozi? How is it possible? Xiaoyaozi is also a powerful person in the God Realm. Why doesn't he take the Kongling Fruit and Bodhi Fruit himself, but give it to you instead?"

"Although his origin is damaged, it is more than enough to take out the Kongling Fruit or Bodhi Fruit to exchange for the Tianling Liquid to restore his origin power." A powerful person in the God Realm said in disbelief.

Hearing this, Mu Chengqian also looked at Mu Rufeng, waiting for his answer.

Obviously, Mu Chengqian also recognized the words of this powerful person in the God Realm.

Kongling Fruit, that is a first-class treasure in the world.

Not to mention the Bodhi Fruit, even for them, the God Realm, the effect is extremely terrifying.

"Senior, our master exhausted his lifespan because of a horrific event he predicted. He only has three days left. After giving away items and inheritance, he left, saying that he was going to make up for his regrets and settle grudges."

Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Predicting a horrific event? Exhausting his lifespan?"

"How is this possible? Xiaoyaozi still has at least a hundred years to live. What kind of event can exhaust his lifespan?" Hai Yao, a powerful god from the Tianshan Sect, looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

What Mu Rufeng said was definitely super big news.

Xiaoyaozi is very famous on the Tiandao Continent.

"Xiaojiu, what horrific event did your master tell you?" Mu Chengqian asked.

Exhausting a hundred years of lifespan for divination, this is definitely a horrific event that is about to happen.

"The master didn't tell me the specific time. He only said that a great terror will come to the world soon." Mu Rufeng said.

"A great terror will come to the world?" Mu Chengqian's expression became serious.

If someone else said it, he might not believe it, but he had to believe what Xiaoyaozi, who had spent his life, said.

"My dear friend, I want the news about Xiaoyaozi in recent days." Mu Chengqian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" An old voice sounded, and then disappeared.

"So that's it, so that's it, I didn't expect it to be like this, no wonder my senior sister...she gave me the position of the leader and followed Xiaoyaozi."

The God Realm strongman of Tianshan Sect was a little unstable, staggered, and sat on the seat in a daze.

"Master." Lu Qianqiu hurried forward and said.

"Master is fine." Hai Yao waved his hand, and his heart had calmed down.

"Hai Yao, what's the situation? When did you become the leader of Tianshan Sect? Master Hai Qing ran away with Xiaoyaozi?" A God Realm strongman looked at Hai Yao in disbelief.

Yes, Xiaoyaozi came to their Tianshan Sect, beat up her master, and then ran away with her senior sister.

Every time she thought of this, she wanted to kill Xiaoyaozi directly, but unfortunately, there was no chance.

There would be no chance in the future. Three days of life had passed, and he might have died long ago.

The other powerful gods also looked at Haiyao and asked about the situation.

However, Haiyao ignored them and remained silent.

At this time, Mu Chengqian's companion appeared again, and then took out a letter and handed it to Mu Chengqian.

"Your Majesty, this is the news about Xiaoyaozi in recent days."

After Mu Chengqian took it, he glanced at it and took in all the words.

"Xiaojiu, your master is an infatuated person, and so is your master's wife." Mu Chengqian immediately threw the folded book towards Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately took the folder and read the news quickly.

After reading it, he had a sad look on his face.

"Show me." Hai Yao stretched out his hand to take it, and saw the piece of paper fall out of Mu Rufeng's hand.

Mu Chengqian didn't stop him when he saw this scene.

Soon, Hai Yao finished reading, and her expression instantly became...somewhat...

"Impossible, how is this possible? Your Majesty, this news is false, isn't it?" Hai Yao looked at Mu Chengqian excitedly.

Mu Chengqian glanced at Hai Yao and said, "I think you should also know in your heart whether this news is true or false."

"Senior sister, why bother, why bother!" Hai Yao sat on the chair a little decadently, and a lot of his energy and energy disappeared.

"What's going on? Show me." A strong man in the divine realm stretched out his hand again and took the Zhezi, but Hai Yao did not stop him.

The book was quickly circulated among everyone, and everyone was in awe.

Mu Rufeng sighed in her heart, the news on the note made everyone sigh.

In the last three days, Xiaoyaozi found his old friend, Master Haiqing.

However, he was directly stopped by Hai Qing's master. Xiaoyaozi used the power of heaven and earth to beat up the previous sect leader who was at the peak of the divine realm.

Afterwards, he exchanged some words with Haiqing, and Haiqing gave up his position as the sect leader without hesitation and followed Xiaoyaozi.

They returned to the place where they first met, where they held an ordinary wedding without anyone attending.

Finally, on the third day, Xiaoyaozi passed away, and then Haiqing took Xiaoyaozi's body and broke into a small reincarnation sect of the immortal cultivating sect and stole the most precious treasure: the reincarnation bead.

The Samsara Pearl is a rare treasure and has no offensive power or ability to assist in cultivation.

He has only one function, which is to leave a mark on those who die once, so that they can meet again in the next reincarnation.

After getting the Reincarnation Bead, she immediately built a mausoleum in a beautiful place. After leaving the marks of both parties, she hugged Xiaoyaozi's body and sat in the coffin.

You must know that Hai Qing still had a life span of more than a hundred years, but he died in love like this. It really made everyone regretful and let them know how deep the relationship between Hai Qing and Xiaoyao Zi was.

Just to meet Xiaoyaozi in the next life, to get acquainted, and to renew our relationship.

Back then, Xiaoyaozi and Haiqing Sect Master both went down the mountain to practice. Because of certain things, they met. In the end, they experienced various hardships and developed secret feelings for each other.

In the end, Xiaoyaozi came to propose marriage, but was directly kicked out of the sect by the contemporary sect leader, who also trapped Haiqing in the mountain gate and was not allowed to go down the mountain.

People from the Tianshan sect are not allowed to marry, unless they are children of a large family, members of the royal family, etc., and they are exempted if they join one.

For example, disciples adopted by the Tianshan Sect themselves are absolutely not allowed to marry.

Xiaoyaozi was naturally unwilling to give up. He went there every day, but was beaten out every time.

Later, the sect leader used a conspiracy to create a estrangement between the two, and eventually they fell out.

Although they later learned the reason, neither party could shame it, and it continued like this.

In the last few days of his life, Xiaoyaozi finally figured out that he wanted to resolve all the grievances.

So I went to the door and beat up the previous generation sect leader who was at the peak of the divine realm, and then ran away with Hai Qing.

For some reason, the ancestor of the Tianshan sect who was in the realm of Godless Supreme did not stop them and allowed the two of them to leave.

"Today is the Queen Mother's birthday banquet. Let's not discuss other matters for now." Mu Chengqian waved his hand and sat down slowly.

After everyone heard this, they all sat down one after another.

The Void Spirit Fruit is definitely gone. It seems that a new emperor-level being will appear in the Dali Dynasty.

"Then let's have a banquet." At this time, the Queen Mother also said.

"Have a banquet~~!"

A loud voice echoed throughout the square.

The next moment, delicious spiritual meals and drinks appeared directly on the table in front of the guests.

This scene surprised everyone a little, but the powerful people naturally saw the clues.

This is a formation, some kind of magical formation.

At the beginning of the banquet, Mu Chengqian picked up the wine glass and toasted the Queen Mother first. Then everyone stood up and toasted the Queen Mother a glass of wine.

The scene is extremely grand and shocking.

"With fine wine and spiritual food, how can we not have a show? Today I saw many of the most proud people present, so I decided to have a martial arts show to make friends."

"Let the world see what the proud man of today is like."

After Mu Chengqian finished speaking, he waved his hand and saw multiple pills emerge.

"This is the Linghong Pill. After taking it, a warrior or monk in the Soul Refining Realm can improve to a small level. If taken in the Aperture Refining Realm, it can increase the chance of breaking through the Soul Refining Realm. The same goes for spiritual cultivation and essential cultivation."

"Every prodigy will choose to challenge each other. Of course, the lowest challenge opponent must reach the Aperture Refining Realm. As for the age, let's set it under forty years old." Mu Chengqian said with a smile.

In an instant, all the proud men were excited.

It is extremely difficult to advance to a small realm in the Soul Refining Realm, let alone break through from the Aperture Refining Realm to the Soul Refining Realm.

Linghong Dan can raise a small realm by taking one pill. It is a small realm, and it can definitely save several years of work.

It is an extremely precious elixir. The Dali Dynasty is indeed the most powerful and richest force in the Tiandao Continent.

As Mu Chengqian finished speaking, a piece of open space about several hundred meters in the center of the square slowly sank down.

Then the boundaries in all directions began to rise, and finally formed a stepped seating like that of the Colosseum.

In this way, everyone can clearly see the battle below.

No wonder there are no guests sitting in this open space. It turns out that it is reserved for fighting.

"Which genius will go on stage first?" Mu Chengqian said.

"I'll go!"

There was a loud shout from a place in the square.

Then, a person jumped high from above and landed directly on the ring.

This person's cultivation is in the middle stage of the Refining Acupoint Realm. He is sitting on the square. He also came with his master.

However, because his master did not have a strong man in the God Realm, he did not sit in the VIP seat on Mu Rufeng's side.

"I am Long Ai, the eldest disciple of the Blood Blade Sect. I wonder which genius is here to challenge me."

Mu Rufeng looked at this person, his eyes slightly fixed, and then looked at Ye Lin not far away, who nodded slightly.

This person is a contractor, a member of the Xunteng Group. Mu Rufeng has never seen him, but he has seen his photo in the database.

Sure enough, the ghost power on this person was also transformed into blood power.

"Little Blood Blade Sect, I am Feng Yijue, the eldest disciple of the Fengdao Sect, and I am here to fight you."

Another shout sounded on the square, and then a warrior in the early stage of refining orifices landed on the ring.

Before he came, he had read the information of all the contractors of level seven and above in the world.

Although there may be omissions, almost everyone in China has seen photos.

Mu Rufeng has no impression of this person, and he thinks this person is a native.

"I am in the middle stage of refining orifices, and you are in the early stage. Are you sure you want to fight me?" Long Ai said in a deep voice.

"Haha, of course I have to fight you. Go all out. I'm very strong." Feng Yijue laughed and took out his dragon-patterned sword.

"Then let's fight!" Long Ai also took out his sword.



The two shouted loudly and swung their swords in an instant.

"Boom boom boom~~!"

The terrifying collision sound resounded in an instant.

The terrifying aura spread, making all the weak people tremble with fear.

But fortunately, there was a formation to protect it. Only the aura was dispersed, and the aftermath of the attack would not cross the arena at all.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng had seen a lot of contractors at the banquet.

Some were on the square, and some were on the VIP seats. He also saw a lot of familiar faces.

The most shocking thing was that he also saw some foreign contractors.

These people were the easiest to identify because their faces were completely different and could be seen at a glance.

Moreover, there were the most foreign contractors, all of whom sat on the square, occupying a corner.

Everyone stared at the fight on the ring below.

The fight was also extremely fierce, and the viewing effect was extremely strong.

Logically, Long Ai, who was in the middle stage of the refining orifice, should have the upper hand, but it was beyond everyone's expectations.

The one who had the upper hand was actually Feng Yijue, who was in the early stage of the refining orifice.

Feng Yijue could be said to be suppressing Long Ai.

The terrifying sword energy was raging on the ring.

"Feng Dao Shi Jue Zhan!" Feng Yijue shouted suddenly, and all his blood and qi power burst out.

A terrifying aura directly locked onto Long Ai in front.

Long Ai knew that he could not avoid it, and could only resist and fight hard.

"Blood God Slash!"

The swords of both sides collided with each other.

The terrifying blood energy directly covered the ring, making it difficult to see the scene inside.

But the strong can almost see it clearly.

The battle is over.

As a breeze blew.

The blood energy dissipated, and the two stood on the ring.

It was hard to tell who won or lost, but the battle was over.

"I lost." Long Ai looked down at the shallow knife wound on his chest.

The wound went from his left shoulder to his right lower abdomen.

If Feng Yijue hadn't held back, he would have been cut in half.

At the same time, the big knife in his hand was also cut off, leaving only a knife handle in his hand.

Of course, Feng Yijue was not feeling well either. Blood was already dripping from his right hand, and his knuckles were directly shattered.

At the same time, a deep wound appeared on his left shoulder.

"Thank you!" Feng Yijue said with a fist.

His precious sword also had cracks. The quality of the weapons of both sides should be similar, but his attack power was stronger, so he shattered Long Ai's weapon.


Warm applause and cheers rang out.

"Yes, you defeated the middle stage of the refining process with your strength at the early stage of the refining process. You have a really good talent. This pill is yours."

As Mu Chengqian finished speaking, a Linghong Pill floating in the air flew down and finally landed in Feng Yijue's palm.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty!" Feng Yijue's face lit up, and then he clasped his fists to express his gratitude.

Feng Yijue then immediately returned to his seat.

The Fengdao Sect is a small sect with only two powerful gods. The resources are not rich, and he was very happy to get a Linghong Pill.

Everyone around looked at Feng Yijue with respect. From today on, Feng Yijue was also a famous person on the Tiandao Continent.

The emperor didn't need to say anything. The next moment, a spiritual cultivator at the peak of the Refining Qi Realm landed on the ring.

"I am Liu Yize, the young city lord of Jinlong City. I am at the peak of the Refining Qi Realm. I wonder which genius is willing to fight me!"

Liu Yize said with a fist.

Almost as soon as Liu Yize finished speaking, a voice sounded.

"I am Levi Mar, the deputy leader of the Divine Lotus Sect. I will fight you." On the square, in the area of ​​foreigners.

A ghost contractor flew up and then landed on the ring.

This is a contractor. Mu Rufeng has met him before.

Unexpectedly, this guy is actually a deputy leader, and his cultivation is also at the peak of the Spiritual Yuan Realm.

After these two people came on the stage, there was an uproar.

These two people are both unknown. At first glance, they are less than 30 years old.

But he has the strength of the seventh level of orifice refining and the peak of the spiritual realm, which can be regarded as a top-level genius.

Even the powerful gods in the VIP seats were slightly moved. These unknown sects are actually stronger than the disciples of their big sects.

And this so-called deputy leader of the Divine Lotus Sect, who is so young and has such a high level of cultivation, is also the deputy leader of a sect. Although this is a relatively weak sect, it is also amazing.

"Humph, the barbarians dare to come up, then let grandpa teach you a lesson." Liu Yize said with a grim smile.

The barbarians are those people with western faces.

In ancient times, the Western Regions were the territory of this group of people, but the demons rose and occupied the Western Regions. Most of the barbarians were killed by the demons, and the surviving barbarians left the Western Regions.

They built a huge city in a dangerous place at the intersection of the border between the Central Region and the Western Region as a habitat for the barbarians.

Relying on the natural defense of the dangerous place to defend against the threats of the Dali Dynasty and the demons.

There are not many powerful gods among these barbarians, and they are afraid of the demons, so the guests of this birthday banquet are only at the eighth level of soul refining.

There are also people in the barbarian realm, but there is only one person, who sits in the barbarian city every day and dares not go out.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, and show your strength with your hands." An iron boxing glove suddenly appeared on Mal's hands.

Mal's left fist and right fist collided with each other, making a sound of golden swords.

It seems that Mal is a boxing cultivator.


Liu Yize shouted, and a silver spear appeared in his hand, and then the spear came out like a dragon, rushing towards Mal.

Mal did not retreat but advanced, and an iron fist collided with the tip of the spear.


The sound of golden swords exploded in his ears.

The two did not retreat at all.

Especially Mal, one hand directly grasped the tip of the gun, and the other iron fist swung in the air, and the terrifying fist force instantly penetrated his body and hit Liu Yize.

Seeing this, Liu Yize turned the silver gun suddenly.

The silver gun rotated at a high speed, and an irresistible force burst out instantly, making Mal a little unable to control it.

Then Liu Yize swung the silver gun sideways, directly dispersing the fist force, and turned over and swung the silver gun vigorously.

A terrifying red breath flew out.

Mal tapped his feet lightly, leaned back, and then used his toes as a fulcrum to rotate a circle to avoid the attack and came to the side of Liu Yize.

Liu Yize's reaction was not slow. He turned around, and the sharp tip of the gun moved with him, carrying a terrifying cutting force to attack Mal.

Mal blocked the attack with a punch, and then turned over and jumped into the air, and slammed Liu Yize's head with his fists together.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

Mal's punch missed and hit the hard ground fiercely.

A large number of array patterns instantly emerged on the hard ground, completely dissolving the impact of this attack.

The two seemed to have exchanged many moves, but this time was in a flash, and it did not exceed three breaths.

It was dazzling.

The weak ones were probably only able to see the constantly changing phantoms of the two people and the continuous roar.

"I didn't expect that the barbarians also have such a genius. Xiaojiu, can I not beat that barbarian?" The seventh princess Mu Wuxia looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly after hearing this: "Seventh sister, don't underestimate yourself. You are very strong."

"Although my cultivation is not as good as his, but Seventh sister, haven't you noticed? That barbarian's martial arts are not strong. With your strength, it's no problem to tie."

"If you use that trick, you may defeat him."

Mu Wuxia smiled after hearing this: "Really?"

"Really." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Then Xiaojiu, do you mean that the young city lord of Jinlong City will win this game?" Mu Wuxia asked.

"No, it should be that barbarian who will win." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"Huh? The barbarian will win? Ninth brother, why do I feel that Liu Yize will win." The Eighth Prince on the side suddenly said.

"Oh? What do you think, Brother Eight?" Mu Rufeng looked at the Eighth Prince.

"Yes, yes, why?" Mu Wuxia also asked.

"Intuition." Mu Rufeng said.

"Intuition?" The Eighth Prince and the Seventh Princess looked at Mu Rufeng suspiciously.

Mu Rufeng had seen this Mal at the headquarters of the relevant department. At that time, he came with the United States, that is, behind Jason Morgan.

Later, when Mu Rufeng arrived at the headquarters of the relevant department on the Gluttony Cruise, he met that Mal.

Mal was the first to run away, and he had a strong sense of danger.

At the same time, when Mu Rufeng threw the landing bracelet, this person was the first to take it.

In this way, whether it is reaction speed or timing and speed, it is extremely fast.

Mu Rufeng can see that this Mal is still hiding his weakness and has not used his full strength. He should be looking for an opportunity to give Liu Yize a fatal blow.

Liu Yize, on the other hand, is more fierce in fighting, brave and ruthless, leaving no room for maneuver.

Although it seems to have a slight advantage, it will be weak and defeated later.

It was about a quarter of an hour later, after Liu Yize used another big move, Mal seized the opportunity.

He saw that his pair of iron fists suddenly grabbed Liu Yize's silver spear.

Then suddenly, several strange snake shadows transformed from blood and qi emerged from his body and quickly entangled from the soles of Liu Yize's feet.

Liu Yize sensed something was wrong, and a terrifying force of blood and qi suddenly erupted from his body, trying to disperse the strange snake shadow.

Unexpectedly, the strange snake shadow was directly dispersed, and Liu Yize took advantage of the victory to pursue, and his right palm slammed into the tail of the silver spear.

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