I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 306 Mu Rufeng accepts the challenge of Jiao Ze

The silver spear instantly burst out with terrifying power, and Mal couldn't hold it for a moment. The long spear instantly passed through his fists and then pierced Mal's chest fiercely.

Liu Yize showed a trace of sneer on his face.

He won.

However, when Mal's chest was pierced, there was no pain on his face but a grim smile.

"Not good!" Liu Yize immediately had a bad premonition.

The next moment, Mal instantly turned into a ball of blood mist, and then turned into countless strange snake shadows.

These snake shadows quickly covered Liu Yize's body along Liu Yize's silver spear arms and legs.


The silver spear fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The multiple snake shadows on Liu Yize's head dissipated, and then formed Mal's face above.

"Young City Lord, do you admit defeat?" Mal asked Liu Yize.

"What kind of moves are these? So weird?" Liu Yize was quite dissatisfied, but he was now at the mercy of others.

The winner was decided!

"How could you beat the young city lord if it wasn't weird?" Maer said with a smile.

"I admit defeat!" Liu Yize finally admitted defeat.

As the words of surrender fell, the snake shadow quickly faded, and then Maer's figure gathered not far away.

"Thank you." Maer bowed politely.

"Good! Beautiful!"

There was a lot of applause and cheers.

Of course, there were also some boos.

After all, Liu Yize lost to the barbarians, so naturally some people would be dissatisfied.

"Not bad, you know how to hide your strength, and finally seize the opportunity to make a fatal blow. This pill is yours."

As Mu Chengqian's words fell, a Linghong Pill floating in the air flew down and finally fell into Maer's palm.

"Maer, thank you, His Majesty!" Maer immediately knelt on one knee and offered his highest respect.

Then Maer immediately left the ring and returned to his seat.

He held the Linghong Pill in his hand and smiled. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the properties of the Linghong Pill.

Then, there were more and more Tianjiaos coming to fight.

It was exciting to watch. If it weren't for the lack of strength, I would have wanted to go on the stage.

And many contractors have gone on the stage. Of course, they are all contractors under the age of 40.

Like Tian Youdao and Han Chen, they are all very old, so they are naturally not considered Tianjiaos.

For these contractors, there is really no pressure to go on the stage.

Because Linghong Pill is a good thing, you will get it if you win, and it won't be a big problem if you lose. After all, this is a birthday banquet, and it is impossible for people to die.

However, those who fought were only Tianjiaos of the seventh level of the Refining Qi Realm.

None of the Tianjiaos of the eighth level of the Refining Soul Realm have gone on the stage yet.

Even the eldest prince, the fourth prince and the seventh princess all played and won.

Speaking of which, there is no eighth-level soul refining realm among the princes of their Dali Dynasty.

This is more or less a bit regrettable.

However, to be honest, there are not many eighth-level soul refining realms.

Not counting those contractors, Jian Feng is one, and Jiao Ze is one, and this is just what Mu Rufeng knows.

Whether there are hidden ones, that is unknown.

As for the contractors, Mu Rufeng doesn't know much, Ye Lin is one, and Jiang Caiwei is one.

As for Xu Lian, he is over 40 years old, so he is not included.

And Jason Morgan is also over 40 years old.

There are not many eighth-level ghost kings in the real world, and the total number does not exceed 30.

Among them, there should be no more than ten who are not over 40 years old.

"I am Meichuan Neiku from Huoye Village. I am in the early stage of soul refining. I want to challenge Jian Yifeng of Tianjianmen."

A contractor from an island country suddenly appeared on the stage, and then shouted loudly to Jian Yifeng in the VIP seat.

Meichuan Neiku, Meichuan Neiku, isn't this the deputy of Inoue Zuoai, the head of the island country killed by Mu Rufeng?

He remembered that this guy was a seventh-level ghost general before, but he didn't expect that he was already in the eighth-level soul refining realm.

"Hua La La~~!"

The scene was in an uproar.

Soul refining realm, it turned out to be soul refining realm.

Huoye Village, they knew, was a small island country destroyed by the previous dynasty.

Then the survivors established Huoye Village in a dangerous place. Among them, the controller of Huoye Village was not called the village chief, but the Hokage.

The cultivation of the Hokage was in the realm of God, and there was also an existence in the realm of supreme God in Huoye Village.

Who is Meichuan Neiku? A soul refining expert under the age of 40? This is too shocking.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me?" Jian Yifeng looked at Meichuan Neiku and said slowly.

"Yes." Meichuan Neiku replied in a deep voice.

"Choose someone else, you are not my opponent." Jian Yifeng shook his head and said.

"Haha, is the disciple of Tianjianmen afraid? Afraid of losing to me? So he dare not accept the challenge?" Meichuan Neiku sneered.

"Arrogant, a frog in the well of a small Huoye Village, how dare you be so presumptuous!" A female disciple next to Jian Yifeng immediately stood up and scolded.

Meichuan Neiku said: "What? Jian Yifeng, let a woman protect you? If you don't dare, then admit defeat."

"Since you want to fight me so much, I will accept it."

Jian Yifeng stood up slowly, then tapped his feet lightly and flew lightly to the ring.

"You go first." Jian Yifeng said in a deep voice.

"Fire escape: Fire dragon destroys the world!"

Meichuan Neiku did not hesitate at all, and directly formed seals with both hands and shouted loudly.

Then, fire dragons emerged, roaring, and flew towards Jian Yifeng.

The terrifying aura spread instantly, making the audience's faces change drastically.

This Meichuan Neiku is extremely powerful and is definitely not an ordinary person.

However, what happened next shocked everyone even more.

"Wind escape: Azure dragon splits the earth!"

"Earth escape: Earth dragon shakes the sky!"

Divine dragons in various elemental forms roared out.

"Water escape--"

Before Meichuan Neiku could perform the water escape, a sword light cut through the void.

Fire dragon, Azure dragon, Earth dragon, instantly cut through, and then circled Meichuan Neiku and flew back.

The sound of the long sword being sheathed rang out, and Jian Yifeng bowed and said, "Brother, I'm grateful for your help."

After that, Jian Yifeng disappeared and returned to his seat.

Looking at Meichuan Neiku again, blood suddenly flashed at the corners of his mouth, and he was cut directly, like a woman with a slit mouth.

At the same time, a blood line also appeared on his neck.

One sword, just one sword, has defeated Meichuan Neiku.

If it weren't for the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, Jian Yifeng would definitely have cut off Meichuan Neiku's neck.

"I lost." Meichuan Neiku murmured, feeling terrified.

He was still too arrogant, thinking that the ninjutsu he knew was powerful and had a huge range, and he would perform ninjutsu all at once to cover the ring.

Then he was almost certain to win, but he didn't expect that Jian Yifeng would smash all his attacks with one sword.

Powerful, this person is really too powerful, how could such a powerful person appear in the world?

Just now, he really felt a threat of death. He still underestimated the natives of this world.

Meichuan Neiku had a gloomy face and returned to his seat without saying a word.

"As expected, he is the number one person in the contemporary era. He can defeat the genius of the same realm with one sword. He is really a genius of the ages."

Mu Chengqian couldn't help but sigh, and then gave a Linghong Pill to Jian Yifeng.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Jian Yifeng took the Linghong Pill and thanked him.

At this moment, everyone looked at Jian Yifeng with awe.

Strong, too strong, as expected, he is the number one person in the contemporary era. In their eyes, Meichuan Neiku, who is so powerful, was defeated by one sword.

Even Jiaoze looked at Jian Yifeng with a solemn look.

"I am Jiang Caiwei from Tianshan Sect. I wonder which genius is willing to fight with me."

Jiang Caiwei's figure suddenly appeared on the ring, and her own aura burst out without concealment.

"Tianshan Sect? Jiang Caiwei? Who is that?"

"Who is this person? Such a strong aura, and also a strong person in the Soul Refining Realm."

"Strange, I remember that the strongest person in Tianshan Sect should be Lu Qianqiu, right? How come there is another Jiang Caiwei in the Soul Refining Realm?"

At this moment, there was another uproar.

"What a charming beauty." Jiaoze licked his lips, and a lustful look flashed in his eyes.

Although Jiang Caiwei's appearance was not stunning, her figure fascinated him, and at the same time, the temperament of a strong and proud person on her body made him even more intoxicated.

"Beauty, I am here to fight with you."

Jiaoze jumped up immediately and landed on the ring.

There was a contractor below who wanted to take action, but when he saw this scene, he stopped and looked regretful.

"Beauty, are you married?" Jiaoze looked at Jiang Caiwei greedily.

Jiang Caiwei frowned and said, "Have you never seen a woman in your life? You're full of shit."

"Interesting, I like it, I'll let you call me dad later." Jiaoze smiled and took a step forward, his body swelled up instantly.

His clothes burst open instantly, and Jiaoze turned into a three-meter-tall half-dragon man.

His whole body was covered with inky scales, flashing black light.

"Beauty, I'm here to play with you." Jiaoze stepped hard and his figure shot out instantly.

Boom boom!

The sound barrier sounded when the person arrived.

Jiaoze appeared in front of Jiang Caiwei and grabbed her neck with one hand.

However, the next second, to his surprise, his dragon claws actually penetrated Jiang Caiwei's neck directly.

Phantom, this is Jiang Caiwei's phantom.

In an instant, a large number of black shadows appeared around, and each of them had a strong breath, at least the fifth level of the refining organ realm.

There was even an eighth level of the refining soul realm.

A strange breath spread out, and at the same time, it began to spread on the ring with cold air.

These black shadows seemed to be souls, without any reason, and were controlled by others.

"They are quite good at hiding, but they are just some fighting spirits. They are still a little naive to defeat me."


I saw Jiaoze suddenly shouting, and the terrifying sound waves spread out instantly.

Those level 5 and 6 fighting spirits instantly collapsed and turned into black air and disappeared.

However, some people saw that they were actually absorbed by those level 7 and 8 fighting spirits.

Then, those level 7 and 8 fighting spirits immediately surrounded Jiaoze.

In response, Jiaoze directly swung a fist, and the powerful blood and qi power actually directly formed a blood and qi storm, which instantly crushed the level 7 and 8 fighting spirits.

"Unable to withstand a single blow." Jiaoze sneered.

"I found you." Jiaoze suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, and then his figure shot out instantly.

"Boom!" A muffled sound.

Jiaoze punched the edge of the ring, where there was a wall composed of array patterns, blocking Jiaoze's fist. .

Soon, a black figure slowly emerged.

Jiaoze's fist actually pierced through the black figure directly.

In an instant, this level 8 fighting spirit quickly covered Jiaoze's body along with his fist, and then merged into it and disappeared.

"Ka Ka Ka ~ ~!"

Jiaoze's body began to freeze, and in the blink of an eye Jiaoze was directly frozen.

At this time, Jiang Caiwei's figure finally appeared.

She was only about one meter away from Jiaoze at this moment, and she took out an ice knife in her right hand and slashed towards Jiaoze's neck.

"Bang!" A loud sound.

The ice layer on Jiaoze's body shattered directly.

The ice blade chopped straight on his neck.

There was a gap in the ice blade, but Jiaoze's neck was not damaged at all, only a white mark appeared.

"I caught you." The sharp claws grabbed Jiang Caiwei's right hand directly, and Jiaoze looked at Jiang Caiwei with a grim smile.

"I give up!" Jiang Caiwei was slightly startled and shouted immediately.

The originally ferocious Jiaoze's face froze instantly.

He was originally ready to use the water mist technique and then have a refreshing battle.

But he never expected that Jiang Caiwei would give up directly.

How can he play with this?

"Can you let me go?" Jiang Caiwei said.

"Humph." Jiaoze snorted coldly and let go of her arm.

Mu Chengqian didn't say anything this time, just flicked his finger, and a Linghong Pill flew away.

Jiaoze reached out and grabbed it, and then put it away directly.

Everyone thought Jiaoze was going to leave, but they didn't expect that Jiaoze didn't leave.

He looked around and shouted, "I am Jiaoze from the Jiaolong clan. Which human genius is willing to come up and fight?"

"Of course, forget about Brother Jian. I am not his opponent."

As he said that, Jiaoze also glanced at Jian Yifeng, without any pressure at all.

Jian Yifeng glanced at Jiaoze and remained silent. Jiaoze was right. He was indeed not his opponent.

There were some level 8 contractors who wanted to take action, but seeing that Jiaoze was so powerful, they didn't want to go up and abuse him.

It's a pity that Linghong Dan is gone.

There is no way. Who can help them? There are only a few level 8 contractors. The battle is definitely much stronger than the Lianqiao realm.

Seeing this, Ye Lin prepared to test Jiaoze's strength. He felt that he should have a chance to win.

But he stopped again soon because someone else went to fight.

"I, Mu Rufeng of the Dali Dynasty, come to fight you!"

Mu Rufeng shouted, and appeared on the stage in a flash.

Mu Chengqian was slightly startled, looking at Mu Rufeng, a little puzzled, a little puzzled, and a little admiring.

"The secret method of space is interesting."


"You? You want to fight me?" Jiaoze looked at Mu Rufeng standing not far away, and his face showed surprise.

Before, in the border, he led his army to ambush Mu Rufeng's army.

They were the main generals, so they naturally fought. Both of them were injured, but in the end he relied on his powerful physical strength to win a tragic victory.

Mu Rufeng was also rescued.

That time, he not only recovered from his serious injuries, but also made his own cultivation further, breaking through to the eighth level of the demon king realm.

On the other hand, although Mu Rufeng's injuries were also recovered, his strength was only restored to the sixth level of the heart-refining realm.

The difference between the two is two major realms. Is Mu Rufeng looking for death?

"Nonsense!" At this time, the queen mother's voice of rebuke sounded.

"Feng'er, you have just recovered from your injuries and your cultivation has just returned to the state of refining your mind. Why are you so nonsense?" The queen mother rebuked.

Obviously, the queen mother thinks Mu Rufeng is looking for death.

Not only the queen mother, almost everyone thinks Mu Rufeng is looking for death.

Of course, there will definitely be no death at the birthday banquet, even Jiao Ze dare not kill people.

Looking for a beating and humiliation, that is definitely not wrong.

However, there are still people who have confidence in Mu Rufeng.

The first one is naturally Ye Lin. It can be said that he has great confidence in Mu Rufeng.

The second one is Jian Feng. This contemporary number one can feel the threat from Mu Rufeng, so he believes in Mu Rufeng's strength.

The third one should be Zhao Yanran. He knows that Mu Rufeng is not a fool. Mu Rufeng will never do something that he is not sure of.

"Nineth Prince, have you been hit in the head and made stupid? You are a person who cultivates the mind, how dare you challenge me, the demon king?"

"Hurry up and sit down obediently, otherwise, if I beat you, the queen mother will be unhappy." Jiaoze showed a sneer on his face.

Mu Rufeng ignored Jiaoze and looked at the queen mother: "Grandma, don't worry, grandson is sure."

"Xiaojiu, are you really sure?" Mu Chengqian said at this time.

"Father, I am sure." Mu Rufeng nodded solemnly.

"Mother, Xiaojiu said he is sure, so let him try." Mu Chengqian said to the queen mother.

"Okay, since Feng'er said he is sure, but Feng'er, you must be careful." The queen mother said.

"Don't worry, Madam Queen." Mu Rufeng responded, and then looked at Jiaoze.

"You are really not afraid, don't worry, I won't kill you, I will have fun with you." The smile on Jiaoze's face gradually became ferocious.

Then, Jiaoze actually shed his half-dragon form and returned to human form.

Jiaoze was naked from the waist up, and then a big knife appeared in his hand with a thought.

"Your Highness, do you recognize this knife?" Jiaoze raised the long knife in his hand and said with a smile.

When Mu Rufeng saw the knife, his eyes condensed slightly, and his body couldn't help shaking again under the stimulation of memory.

It was this knife that chopped off the head of the Divine Realm Protector of the Ninth Prince.

It was seen by Mu Rufeng himself.

"This knife is called Han Jiao, weighing 10,000 jin, and is a ninth-level magic weapon."

"My father killed his rival Han Jiao when he was competing for the position of the leader of the Jiao clan, and then used its bones to make it with the help of ten thousand-year-old ice crystals."

"Some time ago, I broke through to the demon king realm, and my father gave me this knife."

"This knife is so sharp that it can easily chop off the heads of powerful people in the divine realm, don't you think, Your Highness?"

Jiao Ze gently rubbed the blade and looked at Mu Rufeng with a smile that deserved a beating on his face.

Mu Rufeng looked at Jiao Ze expressionlessly, and then his palm flashed, and the Xiuchun serrated knife was held in his palm.

"This knife is called Xiuchun serrated knife, weighing 185 jin, a ninth-level magic weapon, which can cut everything in the world." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Qi and blood poured into the serrated knife, a rapid electric saw sound rang out, and the saw teeth began to rotate frantically.

Jiao Ze also poured his demonic power into the Cold Dragon Blade, and suddenly the blade flashed with cold light, and at the same time, cold air spread out.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and he directly used [Potential Explosion].

He looked at his three-dimensional attributes and shook his head in his heart. His strength and physique had not changed, only his spirit had reached the critical value of 19999.

[Strength]: 19999

[Spirit]: 19999

[Physique]: 19999

When Mu Rufeng's cultivation broke through to the sixth level of the Refining Heart Realm, from the fifth level to the sixth level, he increased his strength and physique by a total of 2,000 points.

The spiritual attribute increased by 200 points.

The original normal attributes should be:

[Strength]: 3892.8

[Spirit]: 1560.3

[Physique]: 3886.6

Before coming, Mu Rufeng quietly took out the corpse and used the rule skill [Life and Death].

However, for some reason, his strength and physique directly reached the peak value of 19999 points in the eighth level of soul refining.

Even if Mu Rufeng once again exerted his potential, his strength, physique and spirit still could not break through the divine realm.

Mu Rufeng had already guessed that this [Life and Death] was a rule skill, and rule skills also had an upper limit.

This upper limit was the ninth level ghost emperor.

Mu Rufeng could also clearly feel that no matter whether it was a rule prop or a rule skill, it would always be restricted in front of the ninth level ghost emperor.

If Mu Rufeng wanted to reach the combat power of the divine realm, he still had to rely on himself.

He guessed that if he reached the soul refining realm, he should be able to break through that critical value by using [Life and Death].

"You go first, otherwise I'm afraid you won't have a chance to make a move." Jiao Ze did not take the lead because he wanted to play a trick on Mu Rufeng.

Although this was in the palace of the Dali Dynasty, the opponent was still Mu Rufeng, the ninth prince.

But Jiaoze was not afraid at all. Generally speaking, the strength of their demon clan was not inferior to that of the Dali Dynasty.

Whether it was the realm of the emperor or the realm of the gods, the difference was not much.

The main reason was that the life span of the demon clan was almost twice that of humans, and they had more life to impact a higher realm.

The only bad thing was that their demon clan was calculated according to race, and their Jiaolong clan was equivalent to the royal family in the demon clan.

Otherwise, how could he dare to destroy Mu Rufeng's 50,000 troops, come to the birthday banquet, and even mock and slap Mu Rufeng on the spot.

Now it was the same, he wanted to play with this overconfident Mu Rufeng.

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