I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 307 Azure Dragon Transformation vs. True Dragon Transformation: A Crush

When Mu Rufeng heard this, a faint smile appeared on her face: "I think it's better for you to take action first, otherwise, you will have no chance."

"Don't worry, I will also have a good time playing with you."

"Haha~~!" Hearing this, Jiao Ze suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"You are making fun of me? Haha, you are really laughing to death. Since you have made this request, I will grant it to you."

After Jiaoze finished speaking, his figure moved and appeared in front of Mu Rufeng in an instant.

This is not instant movement, but the terrifying speed displayed by all relying on the powerful body.

A gleam of cold light came from Mu Rufeng's right wrist, and it seemed that he was preparing to cut off Mu Rufeng's right arm holding the knife first.

This speed was extremely fast in the eyes of those watching the battle, so fast that they could not see it with their naked eyes.

However, this speed made Mu Rufeng shake his head slightly because it was too slow. It was so slow that Mu Rufeng felt like watching a slow-motion fairy tale movie.

Mu Rufeng just raised her hand slightly, and then stopped the Hanjiao knife with a serrated knife.

"Cang~~!" The harsh sound of the sword sounded, and a terrifying impact suddenly broke out and swept around.

"Slow, too slow, and your strength is weak. Are your kidneys weak? Are your hands and feet weak?" Mu Rufeng mocked.

"How is that possible?" Jiaoze was slightly shocked. Although he didn't use all his strength, he could kill a seventh-level orifice refining state with one sword.

But Mu Rufeng, a guy in the sixth level of mind refining, not only avoided the attack but also blocked it easily?

"Some ability, but not enough, dragon claw!" Jiaoze's left hand suddenly transformed into a dragon claw and slashed towards Mu Rufeng.

However, the next moment, a thicker dragon claw struck back and pinched Jiao Ze's claw.

"Dragon Claw? Don't laugh to death, Your Highness, look, I am the Dragon Claw." Mu Rufeng said mockingly.

"How can you be so powerful?" Jiaoze looked horrified when he saw his hand being pinched.

No matter how hard he exerted himself, no matter how much energy he exerted, he could not shake Mu Rufeng's real dragon claw.

Jiaoze's body suddenly swelled up and transformed directly into a half-dragon form. His body instantly overwhelmed Mu Rufeng, and his strength also increased dramatically.

However, what made him dumbfounded was that he still couldn't break away from Mu Rufeng's dragon claw.

Jiaoze immediately withdrew the cold dragon knife, and then slashed towards Mu Rufeng again.

"Cang~~!" Mu Rufeng's serrated knife easily stopped the Han Jiao Knife again.

In the sound of the sword, there were also some very small sounds. If you look carefully, you can see that there are already two gaps on the blade of this ninth-level magic weapon.

As expected, it was a ninth-level magic weapon. It was really extremely powerful. It was not directly cut off by Xiuchun's serrated knife. Instead, there were only two gaps.

Of course, the most important thing should be that Mu Rufeng was passively resisting, and she didn't use any force at all.

"Impossible, why is your power so strong?" Jiaoze looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

There was a faint smile on Mu Rufeng's face, but he didn't make any move. If he said it was a joke, he must be teasing.

"You are too weak." Mu Rufeng let go of Jiaoze's arm.

Mu Rufeng then swung the Xiuchundao and performed the third of the eighteen pig-killing moves, heading straight for Jiaoze's neck.

Seeing this, Jiaoze reacted very quickly and immediately waved the cold dragon knife in his hand to greet him.

The first two times, Mu Rufeng just passively resisted and already caused two holes in the Hanjiao knife. But this time, Mu Rufeng took the initiative.

"Bang!" There was a crisp sound.

Mu Rufeng cut Jiaoze's Hanjiao knife in half with one strike.

Jiaoze was stunned for a moment.

This is a ninth-level magic weapon given by his father. Why did it break?

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Your father's ninth-level sword was cut off by me." Mu Rufeng put away the sword and looked at Jiaoze with a surprised look on her face.

Pursue victory? That doesn't exist. This shouldn't be played for fun.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?" Jiaoze looked in disbelief, and at the same time, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

The Dragon King also saw this scene, and his expression became serious.

That Hanjiao sword had been with him in battles for hundreds of years, so how could he not know how powerful this sword was.

But now it actually broke, which really shocked him.

The powerful gods around were also a little surprised. They all knew the gold content of a ninth-level magic weapon.

In this case, it proves that the weird-looking serrated knife in Mu Rufeng's hand is more powerful than this ninth-level magic weapon.

"Roar~~!" A roar burst out from Jiaoze's mouth.

Then, a black dragon that was more than twenty feet long appeared on the ring.

For the demon clan, weapons are only suitable for humanoid and half-dragon forms, and are more of just an auxiliary.

Their most powerful fighting method is naturally to reveal their true form.

In its true form, both strength and defense are exponentially improved compared to the half-dragon form.

"True dragon transformation!"

Jiaoze shouted again, his body expanded again, and his body also changed.

Dragon, Jiaoze seemed to have turned into a real black dragon. Except for the claws, which were still dragon claws, the head suddenly became a real dragon head.

Not looking at the dragon's claws, just looking at the body, it's already a real black dragon.

This is also his most powerful state at the moment.

"True dragon transformation? A reptile dares to speak of a true dragon. Today I will let you see a real dragon!"

Mu Rufeng put the serrated knife into the inventory, then stepped on the ground and flew into the air.

"The third transformation of the Azure Dragon!"


A dragon roared.

The wind raged, and golden light shone.

A huge Azure Dragon about a hundred feet long hovered in the sky, looking down at the black dragon with a look of overlooking the world.

A terrifying dragon might emanated from the dragon's body.

Azure Dragon Transformation, Azure Dragon Transformation, Mu Rufeng's extraordinary understanding had already been integrated in the past few days, and he successfully practiced to the third transformation, and could completely transform into a Azure Dragon.

Although he did not rely on any power, clouds and mists appeared under his dragon claws.

Driving on the clouds and mists, this is driving on the clouds and mists, not a spell, but a passive ability.

As long as Mu Rufeng, who had transformed into a Azure Dragon, flew into the air, the elements between heaven and earth would gather under his feet, allowing him to ride on the clouds and mists.

"Hua La La~~!"

The scene was suddenly in an uproar, and exclamations were endless.

"Dragon, that's a dragon!"

"Oh my God, today is really an eye-opener. First it was a black dragon, and now there is a green dragon."

"No, Jiaoze is a Jiaolong. It is normal to have a secret method to turn into a black dragon, but how can His Highness Nine turn into a dragon?"

"Didn't you hear His Highness Nine say that he could turn into a green dragon? It must be a powerful secret method."

"Jiaoze, this black dragon, why do I feel like a reptile in front of His Highness Nine?"

"Yes, this brother is right, I have the same feeling."

A crowd of people were talking about it.

Even those people in the VIP seats were very surprised to see this scene.

There is such a secret method in the world? It can turn people into green dragons?

"Fuck!" When Ye Lin saw this scene, he secretly complained in his heart.

He was already extremely talented, but Ye Lin had only recently cultivated the second transformation.

As for Mu Rufeng, who said that he had a very poor talent, he has now transformed into a blue dragon in the third transformation.

"Is it because of the Bodhi fruit?" Ye Lin murmured.

"This secret method is too suitable for our Jiaolong clan." The Jiaolong King looked at Mu Rufeng eagerly.

Blue Dragon Transformation, Blue Dragon Transformation, it is much more powerful than their clan-protecting secret technique, the True Dragon Transformation.

Once their Jiaolong clan learns this Jiaolong Transformation, their strength will increase dramatically, and they may even unify the entire demon clan. By then, they will become the supreme existence among the many races of the demon clan.

Mu Chengqian was also surprised by Mu Rufeng's secret technique.

I didn't expect that there is such a secret technique in the world that can transform people into dragons.

Jiaoze couldn't stop trembling all over.

The dragon power emanating from Mu Rufeng was so powerful that he felt palpitations in his heart.

But Jiaoze was at least at the peak of the demon king realm. He suppressed his palpitations, opened his ferocious mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of black dragon breath.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not make any other moves, and let the dragon breath hit Mu Rufeng's body.

The terrifying dragon breath could not even break Mu Rufeng's defense.

The dragon breath hit Mu Rufeng's dragon scales and was directly refracted, flying towards the sky, and then hit the high-altitude defense formation, and then disappeared without a trace.

"It's my turn." Mu Rufeng slowly lowered his dragon head and locked his eyes on Jiaoze.

A more fearful emotion rose from Jiaoze's heart.

He will die, he will die, admit defeat, only admitting defeat can let him survive.

Jiaoze quickly turned his head to look at the VIP seat: "I admit it~~!"


Jiaoze only said one word, and Mu Rufeng's attack arrived.

Mu Rufeng also spewed out a mouthful of dragon breath.

The dragon breath instantly penetrated Jiaoze's cheek, sank into it from the left cheek, and then burned the tongue in Jiaoze's mouth and then flew out from the right cheek.

The dragon breath continued to fall to the ground, and the array pattern quickly emerged, trying to eliminate the attack of the dragon breath.

However, the attack of the dragon breath was too powerful. The array pattern emerged for a long time before it finally completely eliminated the energy of the dragon breath.

This scene was naturally seen by everyone, so that they could also feel how powerful the dragon breath was.

Jiaoze fell to the ground in pain at this moment. His cheeks and mouth were too painful. That feeling was crazy.

And the dragon breath still had some power left, constantly eroding his wounds, making it impossible for him to heal himself.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng also fell from a high altitude, holding down his head and body with dragon claws, looking down at Jiaoze.

Jiaoze was terrified and wanted to admit defeat, but he couldn't speak.

Even if he tried to transmit his voice, he found that the space around him was blocked by Mu Rufeng, so he couldn't admit defeat.

"You want to admit defeat? Haha, I said today that I would play with you, so I will play with you." The smile on Mu Rufeng's face gradually became abnormal.

Jiaoze was shocked when he heard this. He was scared and turned into a human form at the first time.

In an instant, he escaped from Mu Rufeng's claws and then flew towards the ring.

It doesn't matter if you can't say it out. As long as you leave the ring, you will be safe.

The ring only blocks attacks, not the fighters. Once you leave the ring, you will be considered to have admitted defeat.

At this moment, Jiaoze's entire mouth and cheeks were burned beyond recognition, and the flesh and blood inside could be seen. At first glance, he looked like a ferocious monster, which was terrifying.

Jiaoze was extremely anxious, and his feet had already stepped on the edge of the ring.

"It's almost there, it's almost there, we'll be safe soon." He was full of hope.

There was nothing to be afraid of being defeated, but what was terrible was that he would die here. He was really afraid that Mu Rufeng would kill him directly.

He could feel the overwhelming killing intent from Mu Rufeng.

"Brother Jiaoze, where are you going?"

A voice like a demon appeared in his ears.

At the same time, a large hand pressed on Jiaoze's shoulder.

The terrifying power instantly suppressed him on the ring. One step, just one step and he would be safe.

But this step seemed to become a natural chasm that could not be crossed.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat, what else do you want?" Jiaoze roared.

It's a pity that this was a voice transmission, which was blocked by Mu Rufeng and could not be transmitted at all.

"Oh? You are indeed a proud member of the Jiaolong clan. You know you can't beat me, but you still want to fight me?"

"Okay, I'll help you."

Mu Rufeng exerted force with his fingers and instantly crushed Jiaoze's shoulder blade. Then he swung Jiaoze to the center of the ring.

Without waiting for Jiaoze to stand up, Mu Rufeng had already taken out the serrated knife and swung out a terrifying knife aura.

This time, he not only slashed out the knife aura, but also used the rule skill [One Cut in Two].

Now, with his strength, he can slash any target of the same realm strength.

Fear surged in Jiaoze's heart again. He did not stand up, but spun suddenly on the ground, trying to avoid Mu Rufeng's attack.

The next moment, the knife light passed through Jiaoze's lower body, and an object fell down. Before it hit the ground, it was directly destroyed by the remaining knife aura.

A stream of blood spurted out from his lower body.


Jiaoze covered his lower body and wailed in pain.

"Oh, brother Jiaoze, what are you doing? I just wanted to scare you, so I cut the empty space next to you."

"Why did you bump into it by yourself, and why did you cut off your treasure?"

"However, it's a good thing that I only cut off your treasure. If it went a little higher, I might have cut you in two."

Mu Rufeng's tone was very surprised and exaggerated.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see Mu Rufeng's sarcasm.

"You, you, I admit defeat, I admit defeat." Jiaoze forced himself to suppress the pain of his body and mind and shouted loudly.

At this time, Mu Rufeng also removed the blockade, and Jiaoze's voice of surrender spread throughout the palace.

"Mu Rufeng won this battle, but I didn't expect the battle to be so fierce." Mu Chengqian immediately announced the victory.

He also showed a very relieved smile on his face, looking at Mu Rufeng with satisfaction.


"Haha, eunuch, that Jiaoze has become a eunuch."

"It's rare to see, it's rare to see, a dragon has become a eunuch."

"The Ninth Prince is mighty!"

"The Ninth Prince is mighty and domineering! The best in the world!"

"Is this the first eunuch dragon in the world?"

The scene was in uproar, and unprecedented cheers rang out, accompanied by mockery and sneers.

The dragon king on the side had a gloomy face and stared at Mu Rufeng.

Jiaoze was extremely humiliated at this moment, extremely humiliated, and this feeling of humiliation made him crazy, making him want to eat Mu Rufeng's flesh and blood alive.

He glanced at Mu Rufeng with resentment, and then flew back to the VIP seat.

"Waste!" The dragon king scolded coldly, without even looking at Jiaoze, but set his sights on Mu Rufeng who also flew back to his seat.

The Dragon King showed a kind look on his face and said, "The Ninth Prince is extremely talented. He is worse than my useless son in refining his mind. He should be the best in the world. I think Jian Feng is far inferior to him."

Jiao Ze, who was standing by, heard this and his face became even more gloomy and resentful, but he just lowered his head and said nothing.

At the same time, he took out a variety of elixirs and took them, trying to recover his injuries.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, my treasure was also destroyed. Can it be restored like this?"

What he wanted most was to restore his treasure. If the treasure could not be restored, his life would be meaningless.

"Dragon King, you are too kind. Brother Jiao Ze is also very strong. I also spent a lot of effort to win." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect Feng'er to be so powerful. He is worthy of being the pride of my royal family." The Queen Mother also looked at Mu Rufeng with a doting face.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince looked extremely gloomy. They couldn't understand why Mu Rufeng was so powerful.

The faces of the Sixth and Eighth Princes were also extremely shocked, shocked at how Mu Rufeng could defeat Jiaoze, who was so powerful in the Demon King Realm, with the strength of the Sixth Level Refining Heart Realm.

"Xiao Jiu is so powerful, how did you become so powerful all of a sudden? It's over, it's over, I will never have a chance to beat Xiao Jiu again."

The Seventh Princess Mu Wuxia was first very happy for Mu Rufeng's strength, and then she felt like crying without tears.

Because she felt that she could never beat Mu Rufeng again.

At the same time, she also believed what Jian Yifeng said, that Mu Rufeng could bring Jian Yifeng a palpitation.

Even, did she think Jian Yifeng would be his brother's opponent?

But thinking of Jian Yifeng's extraordinary kung fu talent and comprehension, could his brother Mu Rufeng beat Jian Yifeng?

At this moment, Mu Wuxia was in a dilemma.

"Ninth Prince, I wonder if you can give up your secret method of transforming into a blue dragon. I am willing to exchange it with you for rare treasures, ninth-level magic weapons, and powerful martial arts and skills."

The Dragon King said.

He could see that this blue dragon transformation was really suitable for their dragon clan. Compared with the real dragon transformation, it was more suitable to be the clan's secret method for the dragon clan.

"I'm sorry, senior dragon king, this secret method is not to be passed on to others." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then, I will add another condition. I will hand Jiaoze over to you. It's up to you whether he lives or dies. I just want the secret method."

The Dragon King said.

As soon as these words came out, Jiaoze was shocked.

He didn't expect that his father would use his life as a condition just to ask for that secret method?

"Father, father." Jiaoze looked at the Dragon King with an incredible look on his face.

He is the pride of the dragon clan, the strongest existence. His father has always valued him very much. Now, he is going to give up on him for this?

The Dragon King ignored Jiaoze and continued, "If you want anything else, you can ask for it. How about that?"

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but looked at Mu Chengqian.

Mu Chengqian shook his head slightly, and Mu Rufeng understood, and then said, "I'm sorry, Senior Dragon King."

Seeing this, the Dragon King frowned and was about to continue speaking.

But Mu Chengqian interrupted and said, "Okay, Dragon King, sit down, let your son heal his wounds, and don't let him get hurt."

After that, Mu Chengqian said, "Are there any other geniuses who want to fight on the field?"

Hearing this, the Dragon King could only sit down again, and then glanced at the dazed Jiaoze, and took out some healing medicine to give Jiaoze to heal his wounds.

The next moment, a white figure appeared on the stage.

"I am Jian Feng of Tianjianmen, and I want to challenge His Majesty the Ninth Prince. I wonder if we can fight?"

The sharp sword energy soared into the sky, and Jian Feng's eyes fell on Mu Rufeng, full of fighting spirit.

As the number one person in the contemporary era, he rarely takes action.

But in fact, he really wants to fight with the strong. The reason why he doesn't take action often is that he can defeat the opponent with one move, and then he can see the difference in strength between the target and himself at a glance.

Over time, he rarely takes action.

When Jian Fengyi came on the stage to challenge Mu Rufeng, the whole audience was silent.

At this moment, they knew that this battle was definitely related to the position of the number one contemporary Tianjiao in Tiandao Continent.

They could also see that Mu Rufeng could easily kill Jiaoze in seconds, and Jian Fengyi could also kill the existence of the same realm in one sword.

They couldn't see the difference in strength between the two sides, but they knew that if the two sides fought, it would definitely be a fight between dragons and tigers.

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng is only in the sixth level of the Refining Heart Realm, but he can fight with Jian Fengyi. Even if he loses, no one dares to say bad things about Mu Rufeng.

[The first stage mission is completed, and the clearance is 1000% completed]

[The second stage mission is open, please check it yourself]

[The second stage mission: Defeat Jian Yifeng and become the contemporary number one in Tiandao Continent]

Mu Rufeng heard the prompt sound in his mind, and he smiled.

"Since Brother Jian invited me, I will accept it." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then his figure flashed and appeared on the ring.

Mu Rufeng calculated the time, and the duration of the skill [Life and Death] was about the last three minutes.

Three minutes should be enough to end the battle, right?

It is impossible that Jian Yifeng's time has reached the critical value of the eighth-level ghost king, right?

However, even if it really comes, Mu Rufeng is sure to solve Jian Yifeng in one-third of the time.

"This is the Autumn Water Sword, my life magic weapon, Your Highness, show your sword." Jian Yifeng held the sword in his right hand, looked at Mu Rufeng with a cold look, and was full of fighting spirit.

The Autumn Water Sword flashed with streams of light, and it was extremely extraordinary at first glance.

But in fact, the Autumn Water Sword is only an eighth-level magic weapon, not even as good as the Cold Dragon Knife.

But Jian Yifeng still asked Mu Rufeng to show his sword. Wasn't he afraid that Mu Rufeng would break his Autumn Water Sword?

Mu Rufeng looked at Jian Yifeng, nodded immediately, and then took out an eighth-level Embroidered Spring Knife.

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