I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 308 A challenge from Jian Yifeng

"Hmm? Your Highness, your weapon should be the Xiuchun Sawtooth Knife, right? Are you looking down on me?" Jian Yifeng said in a deep voice.

"The Xiuchun Sawtooth Knife can cut everything, but your Qiushui Sword can be broken with one cut. It's not fair to you. I'm using this knife, which is the eighth-level Xiuchun Knife." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness' cultivation is in the Refining Heart Realm, while my cultivation is in the Bitter Sea Realm. It's not fair to you either. The two can offset each other. You should use the Xiuchun Sawtooth Knife." Jian Yifeng was not willing to take advantage.

"No, I don't want to cut off your natal sword." Mu Rufeng shook his head and refused. At the same time, he looked at the time in his heart. There were still two and a half minutes left, and there was still plenty of time.

"Don't worry, as long as your knife doesn't touch my sword." Jian Yifeng said slowly.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly. What this guy said seemed to make sense.

Mu Rufeng glanced at a ninth-level long sword in his inventory.

Since Jian Yifeng said so, he would not be so hypocritical. At worst, if his sword was really broken, he would just give Jian Yifeng the ninth-level long sword in the inventory.

If he didn't like it, Mu Rufeng still had a lot of metal ores, and he could ask the Ministry of Industry of the Dali Dynasty to personally forge a peerless sword for Jian Yifeng.

Mu Rufeng silently put away the Xiuchun Knife, and then took out the Xiuchun Sawtooth Knife.

"Your Highness, be careful." Jian Yifeng spoke softly, and the long sword in his hand had already made a sword sound.

In an instant, sword shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, targeting Mu Rufeng.

Because he had to protect his Qiushui Sword, Jian Yifeng did not prepare for close combat, but relied on sword energy to fight the enemy and launch long-range attacks.

Shattering Heaven Strike——

Mu Rufeng did not hold back, and he used the martial arts in Kaitian Jue right away.

He swung the Xiuchun Sawtooth Knife violently, from top to bottom.

A terrifying knife shadow of about dozens of feet appeared.

Wherever the knife shadow passed, all the sword shadows shattered instantly.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The Sky-Breaking Strike fiercely hit the place where Jian Yifeng was originally standing.

"The sword flower blooms, and the sky is full of murderous intent!"

A soft chant sounded.

Wherever he saw, it was filled with sword flowers, and Mu Rufeng was instantly hit by dozens of sword lights.

Most of the sword lights were blocked by Mu Rufeng's body-protecting aura, and a small part hit Mu Rufeng's silk robe and was perfectly blocked.

The range is huge, and it is almost certain to hit, but the damage is not enough to break the defense.

Jian Yifeng's figure floated in the distance, and he also saw this.

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince, I will go all out." Jian Yifeng said.

"Please!" Mu Rufeng's eyes were like torches, and he was also full of fighting spirit.

The next moment, Jian Yifeng moved, waving the sword in his hand forward, and his body and sword merged into a sword light and stabbed Mu Rufeng fiercely.

The Sword of Heaven -

This move is the strongest sword move of the Tianjian Sect.

Cut in two with one sword——

Mu Rufeng was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and locked onto Jian Yifeng and slashed at him fiercely with his sword.

A dazzling light flashed, and the surroundings fell into silence.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the scene on the ring appeared in front of everyone.

The two men were seen facing each other and standing dozens of meters apart, one holding a sword and the other holding a knife.

"Ka Ka Ka~~!"

A small cracking sound was heard.

"Clang Dang Dang~~!"

The Autumn Water Sword broke in the middle, and the broken half of the sword body shattered, and the fragments fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

A line of blood suddenly appeared on Jian Yifeng's shoulder, and a piece of flesh and blood fell to the ground with rags, and the blood immediately stained his white clothes red.

On Mu Rufeng's side, his shoulder suddenly exploded, and a half-finger-long penetrating wound appeared.

The two attacks hit each other, and they also fought with swords. Mu Rufeng's Embroidered Spring Knife was naturally unscathed.

And Jian Yifeng's Autumn Water Sword was broken.

"Your Highness, it seems that I can only use that move to decide the outcome." Jian Yifeng turned around slowly, his expression indifferent.

He was not affected by the loss of a piece of flesh on his shoulder.

However, Jian Yifeng looked at the Qiushui Sword with a trace of sadness.

The natal magic weapon is not the kind of natal magic weapon for cultivating immortals that is used together with the mind and spirit.

It does not exist that if the natal magic weapon is broken, its owner will also suffer a serious blow to the mind.

In the Tiandao Continent, there is no such saying.

The natal magic weapon actually refers to the sword that has grown with Jian Yifeng from the beginning, starting from the lowest level of the first-level magic weapon, and constantly adding precious spiritual materials, and then following the master's promotion all the way.

This can resonate with the sword, but there is no such thing as a mind and spirit sacrifice, and the Qiushui Sword is like this.

"Okay, then use that move to decide the outcome." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

The move they are talking about is naturally the sword and the knife that they comprehended when watching the sea of ​​flowers.

Jian Feng's original strongest move was the one he just used, the Sword of Heaven.

But since he realized the Sword of the Other Shore, it was no longer the case. His strongest move was the Sword of the Other Shore.

"The flowers of the other shore are blooming, the Sword of the Other Shore!"

Jian Feng waved the broken sword in his hand and whispered softly.

Above the sky, flowers of the other shore appeared, accompanied by flowers composed of sword lights.

Soon, the sword flowers began to merge with the flowers of the other shore.

The sword flowers and the flowers of the other shore began to merge, and finally formed a blood-red flower of the other shore.

The originally beautiful flower of the other shore now carries a sharp sword aura, and even the huge flower of the other shore has turned into a sword that can reach the sky.

And Jian Feng, dressed in white, stood above the sword that can reach the sky, pointing his sword at Mu Rufeng.

"The other shore of the sword, the flower of the other shore blooms!"

Mu Rufeng also hummed softly.

Countless sword lights suddenly appeared, merging with the flower of the other shore, and the huge flower of the other shore also turned into a sword that can reach the sky.

Mu Rufeng stood on the sword that can reach the sky, pointing his sword at Jian Feng.

At this moment, they were no longer in the ring, but in a different dimension.

The world was divided into two halves, one half was the flower of the other shore of the sword, and the other half was the flower of the other shore of the sword.

In the outside world, those who watched the battle were also shocked to find that the world had also become two worlds, one half was the flower of the other shore of the sword, and the other half was the flower of the other shore of the sword.

They were just watching the battle, but they were all pulled into this spiritual space.

At this moment, they truly felt the horror of Mu Rufeng and Jian Yifeng.

The peers also felt a sense of despair and suffocation from the two.

This is the true pride of heaven!

Neither of them spoke, but their eyes were fixed on each other.

The next moment, both of them moved.

Mu Rufeng held the Xiuchun serrated knife and slashed at the void in front of him.

Jian Yifeng on the other side did the same, swinging the broken sword in his hand.

The next moment, the Tongtian Divine Knife and the Tongtian Sword moved, the world turned upside down, and the space trembled.

A knife and a sword, fiercely collided with each other.

The terrifying knife and sword energy instantly spread out, sweeping across this boundless world in an instant.

"Ka Ka Ka~~!"

Huge cracks appeared in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, this spiritual space was shattered by the impact of the battle between the two sides.

The terrifying aura spread, and the array pattern instantly emerged, blocking the aftermath.

However, the array pattern was obviously a little difficult to support and was stretched to the limit.

Mu Chengqian, who was on the dragon throne, was quite surprised to see this scene.

He did not expect that the battle between the two sides actually broke through the critical point of the Soul Refining Realm and reached the Divine Realm.

Although in the eyes of the Divine Realm strongmen, this attack can be easily resolved, but this attack is taken by those below the Divine Realm, and there is one kill.

Mu Chengqian immediately pinched a seal, and then saw the array pattern on the ring instantly blooming with brilliance, directly strengthening to a higher level.

Those aftermaths no longer posed any threat and were quickly eliminated.

On the field, the divine knife was still there, but the divine sword had been broken.

The strange phenomenon around disappeared.

Mu Rufeng and Jian Feng both stood on the ring.

At this moment, the ring was already riddled with holes, and even the array pattern had not protected it.

The battle can be said to be over, but neither of them moved.

"Buzz buzz buzz~~!"

The sound of swords rang out.

All the swords in the field made a buzzing sound.

Resonance, sword resonance.

What is going on? What happened?

Everyone was shocked to see this scene, and they had no idea what was going on.

Only the strong men in the God Realm saw a clue, but they were not sure.

"Sword resonance, that is sword resonance." Jian Chun, the leader of Tianjian Sect, stood up excitedly, staring at Jian Yifeng.

Only he knew clearly that this was a sign of comprehending sword power.

You know, if a sword cultivator wants to comprehend sword power, he must break through to the God Realm before he can comprehend it.

Now, Jian Yifeng can comprehend sword power when he first enters the Bitter Sea Realm. What a talent.

In their Tianjian Sect, only the founder can do this.

"Buzz buzz buzz~~!"

A series of sounds different from the buzzing of the sword sounded.

All the swords present made a buzzing sound, sword resonance, this is sword resonance.

The strong man in the Divine Realm of the Divine Sword Sect stood up instantly and looked at Mu Rufeng with an incredible look.

"Sword resonance, that is sword resonance." Zhang Yi is the leader of the Divine Sword Sect and a strong man in the Divine Realm.

He is a sword cultivator who cultivates the sword with the power of blood and qi. When he entered the Divine Realm, he naturally comprehended the sword's momentum.

The strong man in the Divine Realm who comprehended the momentum and the strong man in the Divine Realm who did not comprehend the momentum, the former crushed the latter.

The sword's momentum can greatly improve the strength of the sword cultivator. As long as the sword's momentum is comprehended, facing spiritual cultivators and warriors of the same realm, it will have the upper hand.

"It is amazing to comprehend the sword's momentum with the cultivation of the Refining Heart Realm. It is really an amazing talent. It should be the world's number one prodigy." Zhang Yi was amazed.

"What's wrong with Feng'er? What happened?" The Queen Mother's cultivation was too low to know what happened, so she asked the Emperor.

"Good news, Feng'er is going to comprehend the sword power. This sword power can only be comprehended by a sword cultivator in the divine realm. Feng'er is really gifted." Mu Chengqian also smiled at this moment.

It has been five years since the death of the crown prince (the second prince), and he has not yet decided on the position of the crown prince.

The second prince's talent can be said to be the strongest among all the princes. He is also proficient in court affairs and is the most ideal next emperor.

However, while he was in seclusion, the crown prince who was the regent actually fell ill and died.

This made him very angry and powerless. He asked people to investigate, but nothing could be found. It seemed that he really died of illness.

As for the sixth and eighth princes who were hiding their abilities, he naturally knew about it.

At the same time, he also let several princes develop their own forces to see who is suitable to be the crown prince.

After several years, he has made up his mind.

However, he still wants to test it out one last time, so he let the eldest prince be the regent to see how the sixth prince will react.

Yes, that's right, the best candidate for the emperor is not the eldest prince, nor the fourth prince, nor the ninth prince and the eighth prince, but the sixth prince who only knows how to fight beasts and walk monsters, and flirt with women.

The sixth prince hid his incompetence and hid it from all the princes. If the crown prince had not died, Mu Chengqian would not have discovered that the sixth prince was hiding his incompetence.

For five years, he had people observe the sixth prince's every move, so he was extremely shocked by this and listed the sixth prince among the crown princes.

But now it seems that his ninth prince is the most suitable to be the emperor.

With the strength of the state of mind, he defeated Jian Yifeng, who is known as the first person in the contemporary era.

He also comprehended the sword's power, not to mention the gift of the ethereal fruit.

He was also very familiar with Mu Rufeng. Although Mu Rufeng was superior in all aspects, he was still not as good as the Sixth Prince.

However, Mu Rufeng also said that he had eaten the Bodhi fruit, and his aptitude and comprehension increased tenfold. In this case, even the Sixth Prince was far inferior.

The Sixth Prince also felt his father's eyes on him at this moment.

Mu Wuyu felt that a mountain of ten thousand kilograms was pressing on him, and he was a little breathless.

His talent was really strong. His current cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Soul Refining Realm, which could be said to suppress the contemporary cultivation.

His talent was only slightly weaker than that of the Second Prince. It was precisely because he knew that the Second Prince was powerful that he was hiding his shortcomings.

One was to make himself live comfortably, and the other was to protect himself by not showing off his edge.

Everything was going well. He felt that his life was just eating, drinking, having fun, marrying a few beautiful ladies, and having a bunch of beautiful babies.

The death of the Second Prince gave him the heart to compete for hegemony.

Although he still kept his abilities to himself, he developed his power rapidly in secret, which was stronger than that of other princes.

Before, the Sixth Prince was ready to challenge Jian Yifeng.

He was really strong, and he was confident that he could defeat Jian Yifeng.

But now, let alone Mu Rufeng, he even felt that he could not beat Jian Yifeng.

When the Heavenly Sword came out, he felt that he could resist it.

But when the Sword of the Other Shore appeared, he only had one feeling, that is, it was too powerful, so powerful that he was powerless.

He looked up at Mu Chengqian, and his heart was a little sad.

He knew that the position of the crown prince would no longer be his.

But he was an optimist, and his mentality quickly adjusted.

He also knew his ninth brother Mu Rufeng, who had a gentle personality but was decisive in killing and killing, and attached great importance to family affection. Even if he was in power, he would only treat them in a good way.

"It's good this way, I don't have to be the emperor. I heard that being an emperor is so tiring that women can't get close to him every day. I'll marry a wife and have a baby tomorrow." The Sixth Prince's mentality was completely calm.

The powerful gods on the side looked at the two with jealousy and envy.

Why are the disciples of other families so powerful? Look at your own disciples. Although they are not bad, they are like fluorescent light competing with the bright moon.

The eyes of the Jiaolong King flashed with dangerous light. He was thinking whether he could escape after killing the two human geniuses.

This idea only appeared for a moment, and he was thrown away.

Are you kidding? This is the palace. Even if he is in the realm of supreme god, he may not be able to do it, and he may even die here.

However, he can't do it in the palace, but he has to leave anyway.

Especially Jian Feng, he must go to Tianjianmen, and there is a greater chance of being intercepted on the way.

"Buzz buzz buzz~~!"

The sound of the sword continued to expand, and then all the swords present were pulled out of their masters' hands and flew to the ring.

Those people wanted to stop their swords, but found that they could not stop them at all with their cultivation.

Some people held the hilts tightly with both hands, trying to stop it, but were directly carried to the ring by the force.

In the end, they could only let go and let their swords fly away.

It can be said that no one below level seven could stop it.

In the VIP seats, the swords of those people only hummed and trembled for a moment, and then they were suppressed.

However, Jian Chun, the leader of Tianjianmen, directly drew out his sword and threw it casually.

Then he saw that his sword was quickly activated and flew to the ring.

Countless swords flew to the ring, and under the leadership of Jian Chun's ninth-level sword, they began to surround Jian Yifeng.

At the same time, the sword energy in Jian Yifeng's body became more and more powerful, and the sword energy became more and more sharp.

At a certain moment, Jian Yifeng suddenly opened his dazzling eyes, and a momentum like a huge wave burst out.

At this moment, all the swords were guided, instantly covered with terrifying sword energy, and aimed at Mu Rufeng in front.

Mu Rufeng suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and a meteorite-like aura of destruction also burst out from his body.

The swords that were originally vibrating and resonating instantly flew out of their masters' hands.

At this moment, countless swords were suspended around Mu Rufeng, and they also contained Mu Rufeng's terrifying sword energy.

"Go!" The two pointed at each other.

Suddenly, countless sword lights and sword shadows collided brutally.

"No~~! Feng'er, you can't do that!"

Jian Chun shouted in the VIP seat.

But he shouted too slowly.

The ninth-level sword collided with Mu Rufeng's Xiuchun serrated knife.

The Xiuchun serrated knife directly cut Jian Chun's sword in half, and then circled around Jian Feng before flying back to Mu Rufeng's hand.

"Bang bang bang~~!"

Continuous explosions sounded.

The swords that collided in the air broke apart, and then fell to the ground like scrap metal.

In a blink of an eye, the broken swords fell all over the ring.

On the ring, there was only one intact weapon, which was the Xiuchun serrated knife in Mu Rufeng's hand.

The rest of the swords and knives were all broken, and the most heartbreaking one was Jian Chun's ninth-level sword.

"Ah~~! My White Frost Sword, my White Frost Sword!" Jian Chun cried out with a look of heartache.

"My sword, my precious sword."

"Ahhh, my divine sword, it's broken, how could it be broken."

"It's over, it's over, that's my family's treasured sword."

"Wow, I spent ten years of savings to buy this sword in Lingyan Pavilion yesterday~~!"

There was a wailing at the scene.

"I lost, the Ninth Prince is extremely powerful, I, Jian Feng, am not as good as him, but I will definitely work hard to practice in the future, you must not be surpassed by me." Jian Feng ignored the wailing of those people and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Thank you, I'm waiting for you to challenge me at any time." Mu Rufeng bowed and smiled.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully defeating Jian Feng and winning the title of the contemporary first person]

[The second stage of the task is completed, and the clearance completion rate is 1000%]

Jian Feng nodded slightly, then waved his hand, and saw the broken Qiu Shui Sword put away, including the fragments of Qiu Shui Sword.

Then he stepped down and flew to the VIP seats.

Jian Chun, who was standing by, looked at the broken White Frost Sword in his hand and wanted to curse Jian Yifeng. That was a ninth-level sword that he had been using for many years, and it was destroyed just like that.

But looking at Jian Yifeng's handsome face and the sharp sword power emanating from his body, he couldn't say the curse.

"Alas!" In the end, Jian Chun just sighed.

"Everyone, don't worry. I will definitely compensate you for the damaged swords and knives from the Dali Dynasty." Mu Chengqian said.

Mu Chengqian was also very happy at this moment, and generously compensated all the damaged swords and knives to their owners.

"Long live His Majesty!"

The people below were stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise on their faces, and quickly shouted loudly.

"Master Jian, don't worry, you can enter my dynasty's treasury later and choose a ninth-level sword as compensation." Mu Chengqian looked at Jian Chun, who looked unhappy.

"Really? Thank you so much, Your Majesty." Jian Chun was immediately happy when he heard that he could be compensated with a ninth-level sword.

Although the White Frost Sword he was used to was broken, he was very happy to be able to choose a ninth-level sword.

Especially if he was allowed to choose in the treasury himself, he might find a sword more powerful than the White Frost Sword.

"Jian Yifeng, you should go with your master and choose a sword." Mu Chengqian looked at Jian Yifeng and said.

"Your Majesty, I don't want a sword. I wonder if you can let me choose some materials and then let the Ministry of Industry help me reforge the Qiushui Sword?" Jian Yifeng asked.

"Of course, you can choose the spiritual materials in the treasury by yourself, and my Ministry of Industry will forge it for you as soon as possible." Mu Chengqian said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Jian Yifeng bowed his hands in thanks.

Mu Rufeng, who returned to the VIP seat, wanted to compensate Jian Yifeng and Jian Chun himself.

But seeing that his father had asked him to pay the compensation, he naturally stopped talking.

"Feng'er is really amazing, come here, come here quickly, let the Queen Mother take a good look at you." The Queen Mother smiled and waved to Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng naturally stepped forward with a smile on his face.

I will go home this afternoon, and then I have to send my sister to Hengyang. I don't have enough time. I will still update 6,000 words. I should be able to resume updating tomorrow.

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