I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 309 Jianfeng proposes marriage, the position of the crown prince [10,000 words]

Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng with eyes filled with approval.

With such talent, such cultivation, and a very good personality, he was even better than the dead prince.

"By the way, I remember that Feng'er doesn't seem to be married yet, right?" the Queen Mother said suddenly.

"Well, something happened to the house where Xiaofeng got engaged, so the engagement was cancelled." Mu Chengqian nodded.

"Okay, okay, let's find a good engagement for Feng'er." The Queen Mother kept looking at Mu Rufeng, and the more she looked at her, the more she found Mu Rufeng pleasing to her eyes.

At this time, Zhao Yanran across from him suddenly felt something in his heart, and then he looked at his father Zhao Chengfeng beside him.

Zhao Chengfeng is a powerful man in the divine realm and the chief master of the Lingyan Pavilion of the Dali Dynasty.

Zhao Chengfeng happened to look at Zhao Yanran at this time, and he naturally understood immediately.

They had already discussed the marriage between their daughter and the Ninth Prince, and now was the perfect time.

Zhao Chengfeng stood up immediately.

Mu Rufeng also saw this scene at this time, and without much hesitation, he immediately said: "Grandma Huang, father, in fact, I already have the woman I like."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he paused slightly and then sat down again.

"Oh? Feng'er has a girl he likes? Which family is she from? Tell Grandma Huang quickly." The Queen Mother asked quickly with a smile on her face after hearing this.

Mu Chengqian also set his sights on Mu Rufeng. He also wanted to know who Mu Rufeng's favorite woman was.

After all, Mu Rufeng will become the prince or even the emperor in the future, and the position of the head wife is extremely important.

"My grandson's favorite woman is Miss Yanran from Lingyan Pavilion." When Mu Rufeng spoke, he looked at Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran was very moved at this moment, her bright eyes met Mu Rufeng's, and her face became a little blushing.

Zhao Yanran originally wanted her father to bring it up, but she didn't expect Mu Rufeng to speak first.

This really made Zhao Yanran feel a strange feeling in her heart.

"Zhao Yanran? Lingyan Pavilion?" The Queen Mother was a little suspicious. She didn't know who Zhao Yanran was.

But she followed Mu Rufeng's gaze and saw Zhao Yanran.

"Is that girl Yanran? What a pretty little girl." The Queen Mother's eyes fell on Zhao Yanran.

Although she was veiled, she could still tell what Zhao Yanran looked like and how she had a special temperament.

When Zhao Yanran heard this, she immediately stood up, bowed, and at the same time took off the veil on her face: "Little girl Zhao Yanran has met the Queen Mother."

"Pavilion Master Zhao, you hide it so well that my Xiaojiu actually has feelings for your child." Mu Chengqian was also a little surprised.

"Your Majesty, I didn't know this before, but this little girl Yanran just told me yesterday." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Since you are waiting for the two of you to be happy, then let's get married. Choose a good and auspicious day to get married." Mu Chengqian said.

"Thank you, Father."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran expressed their thanks at the same time.


There was an uproar below.

These people never imagined that the Ninth Prince would suddenly fall in love with Zhao Yanran.

In particular, the teeth of the prodigies who admired Zhao Yanran were almost broken.

The Bai Yueguang in their hearts, the goddess just belonged to another man, their hearts ached, and they were so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe.

However, I also felt a little better when I thought that the person who married Zhao Yanran was Mu Rufeng, the most arrogant person in the world.

"Bah, bang, bang!" The seventh princess suddenly clapped her hands happily.

At the same time, her eyes glanced at Jian Yiyi from time to time.

"Your Majesty, I have admired the Seventh Princess for a long time. I would like to marry the Seventh Princess, and I hope that Your Majesty will fulfill my wish."

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

When everyone heard this, they turned to look.

But Tuoba Zhan from the Shen Lian Sect stood up, clasped his fists and said to Mu Chengqian.

To propose marriage, Tuoba Zhan actually proposed marriage to the seventh princess Mu Wuxia.

At this moment, everyone looked at Tuoba Zhan in surprise.

The sword on the side was sealed, and the originally peaceful eyes instantly turned cold, and he looked at Tuoba Zhan with murderous intent on his face.

The keen Mu Rufeng noticed this and gave Tuoba Zhan a brave look.

The seventh princess sitting in her seat was also frightened by Tuoba Zhan's proposal of marriage.

What a joke, she didn't want to marry Tuoba Zhan, Tuoba Zhan was too ugly.

Mu Chengqian, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was slightly startled when he heard this, and then he also looked at Tuoba Zhan.

Let’s not mention Tuoba Zhan’s appearance for the moment, but his talent is quite good and he can reach the middle stage of refining the orifice at this age.

At the same time, Tuoba Zhan's battle just now made Mu Chengqian quite satisfied. He is a real man who has seen blood.

At the same time, Tuoba Zhan's identity is not bad, he is the son of the leader of the Lian Shen Sect, and he will inherit the position of the leader of the Lian Shen Sect in the future.

From this point of view, he is really a good husband-in-law candidate.

After all, his Xiaoqi is indeed very old and it’s time to get married.

The Queen also looked at Tuoba Zhan.

The first impression is that she is ugly, too ugly, and definitely not worthy of her own Xiaoqi.

But she didn't say anything, because the final decision was made by Mu Dangchao Emperor Chengqian.

"No, I don't want it." Before Mu Chengqian could say anything about the party lesson, he saw Mu Wuxia shouting.

Are you kidding? This guy is so ugly, how can you marry him?

Mu Wuxia's shouting voice directly attracted everyone's attention.

"Hmm? Xiaoqi, what's wrong? Don't you like Tuoba Zhan?" Mu Chengqian asked.

"Seventh Princess, I really like you. The battle between you and me deeply fascinated me. I will definitely treat you well, and I will not marry another woman." Tuoba Zhan said hurriedly.

"Yes, Seventh Princess, my Zhan'er has been thinking about you since the last battle with you. He fell in love with you at first sight and can't live without you in this life."

"My Zhan'er will definitely inherit the position of the leader of my Lianshen Sect in the future, and will definitely treat your highness the princess well." The leader of Lianshen Sect also stood up and said.

If his son really married the Seventh Princess, he would not only get the alliance of the Dali Dynasty, but also marry a future God Realm daughter-in-law.

"No, I don't want it." Mu Wuxia refused again without hesitation.

"Xia'er, Tuoba Zhan is also a young genius, why don't you want to?" The Queen said immediately.

"He's too ugly, I don't want to marry him. Besides, if you want to marry me, you have to beat me at least. Tuoba Zhan is not my opponent." Mu Wuxia said.

The Queen nodded slightly in her heart when she heard this. Sure enough, she guessed correctly. Mu Wuxia was also obsessed with appearance. The main reason she didn't want to marry was that Tuoba Zhan was too ugly.

As for what he said about beating her, it was estimated that it only occupied a little relationship.

Tuoba Zhan heard this and suffered a 100,000-point critical strike.

Even Tuoba Zhan's father stood aside and felt a little embarrassed.

His wife was very beautiful, but it was a pity that his son Tuoba Zhan was like him, and his appearance was indeed a little bit unsatisfactory.

"What's wrong with being ugly? Do we, the geniuses, still care about beauty and ugliness? We speak with strength. I held back in the last battle, otherwise I would definitely defeat you." Tuoba Zhan said hurriedly.

"I may not have been able to beat you before, but the Japanese empress learned a secret method a few days ago. You are not my opponent now." Mu Wuxia said proudly.

"Impossible, it's just a secret method, how can it widen the gap between us?" Tuoba Zhan didn't believe it.

In the previous duel, the Seventh Princess also competed on the field. He saw that the Seventh Princess's strength had not improved much, and he was confident that he could still beat her.

"I comprehended the other side of the fist, and there is absolutely no problem in beating you." Mu Wuxia snorted coldly.

"The other side of the fist? How is it possible, Seventh Princess, you didn't change your moves by watching the moves of Jian Yifeng and the Ninth Prince?" Tuoba Zhan said with a suspicious look.

Not only Tuoba Zhan was suspicious, but even the people around him looked at Mu Wuxia suspiciously.

It seemed that they also felt that Tuoba Zhan was right. The other side of the fist did feel strange.

Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Wuxia, and then at Jian Yifeng. He wanted to remind him through voice transmission, but he saw Jian Yifeng suddenly stood up.

Slowly walking to the red carpet in the middle, he bowed to Mu Chengqian and said, "Your Majesty, I also like the Seventh Princess and want to marry her. Please help me!"


The people around him took a breath of cold air, and made an indelible contribution to global warming.

Who is Jian Yifeng? The first person in the contemporary era, no, now the second person.

But even if he is the second person, he is an existence that others can only look up to.

Jian Yifeng has always been cold, but I didn't expect him to stand up and propose marriage in front of so many people?

Jian Yifeng's master Jian Chun looked at this scene in shock. He thought his apprentice would end his life alone, but there was actually such a move to propose marriage?

Was he dazzled? Or is this world fake?

The third apprentice sister Liuguang on the side also looked at Jian Yifeng with an incredible look.

How could it be, how could it be possible, how could her senior brother say such words in person, how could he propose marriage.

Moreover, the eldest senior brother proposed marriage, what should she do? She has liked the eldest brother for a long time.

"Jian Yifeng? You want to propose to Xiaoqi?" Mu Chengqian was also shocked.

When did his tomboyish seventh daughter become so popular?

You know, when they were promising marriages to those powerful and noble geniuses, they all pretended to be sick or hurriedly made marriage contracts to refuse indirectly, for fear of being favored by the seventh princess.

"Jian Jian Yifeng?" Tuoba Zhan was also stunned and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe that this was Jian Yifeng.

Mu Wuxia, who was standing aside, blushed when she heard this. She had imagined marrying Jian Yifeng, but she never thought that Jian Yifeng would come directly to propose marriage.

"Yes." Jian Yifeng nodded.

When the queen saw Jian Yifeng, her eyes lit up immediately.

This Jian Yifeng is not only handsome, but also strong, and his talent and understanding are top-notch in the world. He is definitely a good son-in-law.

The Queen Mother looked at Jian Yifeng and Tuoba Zhan, and finally she felt that Jian Yifeng was really pleasing to the eye, much more pleasing to the eye than Tuoba Zhan.

"Tuoba Zhan, let's have a fight. I will suppress my cultivation to the Lingyuan realm and fight you without using the sword. If you lose, don't mention the marriage proposal again." Jian Yifeng looked at Tuoba Zhan and said slowly.

Tuoba Zhan was shocked when he heard that Jian Yifeng wanted to duel with him. It was impossible. It was absolutely impossible to win.

The terrifying scene of Jian Yifeng just now still made him a little suffocated.

But he heard that he would suppress his cultivation to the Lingyuan realm and not use the sword, so he was not afraid.

"What if you lose?" Tuoba Zhan said.

"If I lose, then I won't propose marriage today." Jian Yiyi said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I agree." Tuoba Zhan immediately responded, fearing that Jian Yiyi would regret it.

"No, I won't allow it. I don't want it. You don't want a duel." Mu Wuxia said anxiously after hearing this.

She was afraid, really afraid that Jian Yiyi would lose to Tuoba Zhan after lowering his level. In this case, wouldn't Jian Yiyi not propose marriage.

"It's okay, trust me." Jian Yiyi looked at Mu Wuxia and said.

"No, you won't propose marriage if you lose." Mu Wuxia was quick to speak and actually said it.

After he said it, he reacted and immediately covered his mouth.

When Mu Chengqian heard this, an intriguing look appeared on his face.

"Haha, Seventh Sister, it seems that you are also interested in Brother Jian." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Shut up, if you keep talking I'll tear your mouth off." The seventh princess suddenly became angry and looked at Mu Rufeng fiercely.

"It doesn't matter, I will definitely win. Moreover, I just said that if you don't propose marriage today, you can propose marriage tomorrow." Jian Yiyi said with a smile.

When Mu Wuxia heard this, her pretty face turned red immediately, she muttered, and did not dare to speak louder.

Tuoba Zhan also knew at this moment that he had been tricked, and his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"With a sword, you are cheating." Tuoba Zhan scolded angrily.

Jian Yiyi didn't say anything. He jumped slightly onto the stage and said, "Come on, if you're scared, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Jian Yiyi's sword was broken, so he did not draw the sword, and directly suppressed his cultivation to the Spiritual Realm.

Without saying a word, Tuoba Zhan suddenly kicked his feet and landed directly on the ring.

With his cultivation in the Lingyuan realm, Jian Yiyi gave up his greatest advantage, which was sword cultivation.

If a sword cultivator doesn't use a sword, most of his strength will be lost.

"Roar~~!" Tuoba Zhan roared suddenly, and his body suddenly expanded.

A terrifying aura erupted from his body, accompanied by the powerful energy and blood.

As soon as Tuoba Zhan took action, he stretched his strength to the extreme, and then took action with all his strength.

"Tuoba Zhan, you just said that the Seventh Princess's Beyond the Fist was a joke. Let me tell you here that the Seventh Princess's Beyond the Fist was taught by me."

"Flowers bloom on the other side, the other side of the fist."

The surrounding space was filled with blooming flowers.

You can see that under each Bana flower, there is actually a hand holding it.

And in the sky above the huge Bana Flower, a huge palm slowly appeared, and then held the Bana Flower in the palm of its hand.

A huge fist fell from the sky and slowly hit Tuoba Zhan below.

At this moment, Tuoba Zhan's whole body was frozen in place, unable to move. He was locked by a terrifying energy.

He could only watch helplessly as the huge fist fell.

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

His fist hit the ground next to Tuoba Zhan.

The terrifying force made the entire square shake slightly.

Fortunately, there were formations on the ground to protect him, otherwise the arena would have exploded immediately.

"I accept it, Brother Tuoba!" Jian Yiyi said with his hands slightly raised.

"On the other side of the fist, on the other side of the fist, I lost. Even if you didn't use a sword, you defeated me with my best fist." Tuoba Zhan felt a little lonely.

He followed the path of boxing cultivation and wanted to be like the founder of their Shen Lian Sect, a pair of iron fists that could defeat invincible opponents in the world.

Unfortunately, he was defeated by a swordsman with a fist move, which was a huge blow to him.

Seeing Tuoba Zhan like this, Jian Yiyi swayed and appeared in front of Tuoba Zhan, then reached out and touched his forehead.

"This is my understanding of the other side of the fist. If one day you realize that the flowers on the other side bloom, I can teach you the secret method of the other side of the fist."

After Jian Yiyi finished speaking, he disappeared again in a flash and returned to the VIP table.

Tuoba Zhan was stunned, and then immediately began to digest this realization.

Jian Yiyi did not teach the flower blooming on the other side or the other side of the fist, it was just a little insight.

After all, Mu Rufeng understood the flower blooming on the other side, and he could not pass it on to others.

"Your Majesty, I would like to marry the Seventh Princess, and please do so!"

Jian Yiyi bowed and saluted again.

Mu Chengqian smiled slightly, looked at Mu Wuxia, and said, "Xiao Qi, are you willing?"

The seventh princess Mu Wuxia lowered her head, her face flushed, and she did not dare to reply at all.

"If you don't agree, I will refuse." Mu Chengqian said jokingly when he saw this scene.

"Agree, I agree." When Mu Wuxia heard his father saying that he wanted to refuse, he didn't care about being reserved and quickly raised his head and shouted.

"Haha~~!" Mu Chengqian burst into laughter.

The queen mother and empress on the side also covered their mouths and snickered.

"Master of the Sword Sect, after the banquet, let's discuss the date. Later I will prepare a decree and announce it to the world." Mu Chengqian looked at Jian Chun who was still in a daze and shock and said.

"Ah? Oh, okay, okay, no problem, haha!" Jian Chun finally reacted, responded quickly, and then laughed uncontrollably.

His eldest disciple has finally enlightened, finally enlightened.

"Brother Jian, I'm curious, have you dealt with my seventh sister before? Or is it love at first sight this time?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

Mu Rufeng was really curious about this and couldn't help but ask.

After this, everyone looked at Jian Yifeng. They were also very interested in Jian Yifeng's answer.

Especially Mu Wuxia, whose bright eyes were also staring at Jian Yifeng.

Jian Yifeng heard the words and looked at Mu Wuxia. The two looked at each other. The former smiled and said, "It was love at first sight. We have dealt with each other before."

"Huh?" Before everyone could exclaim, Mu Wuxia was stunned.

"Jian Jian Yifeng, I don't think I have dealt with you before, right?"

"The last time we met in the pavilion should be the first time, right?" Mu Wuxia said puzzledly.

"No, that was not the first time. The first time was in Tianshan Sect." Jian Yifeng said slowly.

"Tianshan Sect?" Mu Wuxia had no impression of it.

"No, I only went to Tianshan Sect once with my mother when I was ten years old. At that time, people from Tianjianmen also came, but I didn't see you."

"I stayed for ten days, and you, the eldest brother, never showed up. You were always beheading monsters in the snow mountain." Mu Wuxia said.

The Queen Mother fell into deep thought upon hearing this, and she also remembered it.

More than ten years ago, she took the ten-year-old Xiao Qi to her master's birthday banquet, mainly because she wanted her child to join the Tianshan Sect.

Unfortunately, Mu Wuxia had no interest in the spiritual cultivation method of the Snow Mountain Sect, and still preferred the Qi and Blood Path, and the boxing method.

At the same time, she also remembered that it seemed that Jian Yifeng had never appeared.

Upon hearing this, Jian Yifeng smiled faintly on his face and said, "Seventh Princess, I wonder if you still remember the Snow Mountain Ice Cave."

"Snow Mountain Ice Cave?" Mu Wuxia was slightly stunned, and then her eyes gradually became surprised.

"Wait, Jian Yifeng, are you the little beggar who was dirty and injured and fell into the ice cave?"

"It's me." Jian Yifeng said with a faint smile.

"So it's you, so that's you, you... you didn't fall in love with this princess at that time?" Mu Wuxia's eyes were sparkling, and she looked extremely surprised.

Jian Feng nodded slightly. He did fall in love with Mu Wuxia at first sight at that time.

"Wow, you actually had this experience when you were young. You can write a love story about it." Mu Rufeng exclaimed.

"Mu Rufeng, shut up." After being teased by Mu Rufeng, Mu Wuxia immediately glared at him again.

Mu Wuxia's memory slowly returned to that time.

Mu Wuxia went to Tianshan Sect with the Queen Mother. At first, she thought it was fun and there was snow everywhere.

But after a few days, she got bored and it was still very cold.

She wanted to go back to the Dali Dynasty, but the Queen Mother's master's birthday banquet would not start for several days, so she ignored her.

Mu Wuxia, who was sulking, sneaked out and went to play in the steep back mountain where no one was.

Who knew that she stepped on the air and fell into an ice cave.

The ice cave was very high, more than ten meters high.

But at least she started practicing, and she only felt pain when she fell, but was not injured.

She wanted to climb up, but the ice wall was too slippery to use as leverage, and she was not strong enough to jump up.

It was even more impossible to dig a hole and climb up, because she had no weapons.

Because she went out secretly, she only brought a storage bag for snacks.

As for the storage ring, it would be given to her after her cultivation reached a certain level.

The other storage bag was used to store some cultivation resources, weapons, clothes, etc., so she didn't bring it out.

Without weapons, it was impossible to leave traces on this frozen ice that had been frozen for who knows how long with just a pair of hands.

Just when she was looking for a way to escape, she suddenly found a boy who was frozen into an ice sculpture in a corner.

The boy's age was unknown, but he was short, a little shorter than Mu Wuxia.

At the same time, his body was also torn and there were some bloodstains, and he was holding a broken sword in his hand.

Mu Wuxia was shocked, and later he mustered up the courage to check and found that the boy was not dead yet, and there was still a very weak heartbeat.

Mu Wuxia immediately broke the ice on the boy's body, then took off his coat and cloak, and the two leaned together, wearing the red cloak together.

The cloak is not an ordinary item. Once worn, it can bring warmth to oneself even in this icy and snowy place, and one cannot feel the cold.

The boy had some reaction from behind, but he still did not wake up, just kept mumbling that he was hungry and thirsty.

Mu Wuxia was eating cakes at the time, and without saying a word, he took a piece of cake and stuffed it into the boy's mouth.

The boy also had food to eat, and recovered some strength, and opened his eyes slightly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Mu Wuxia's face came into view.

Big eyes, small cherry lips, even at a young age, she was already a beauty.

This beautiful face also deeply reflected in Jian Yifeng's heart.

After eating and drinking honey water, Jian Yifeng finally came back to life.

Because of his shy personality, and because he was shy in front of Mu Wuxia, he said nothing after thanking her.

Mu Wuxia had been chattering away, talking about some interesting things and even his identity.

It was because of this that Jian Feng knew Mu Wuxia's true identity.

"Oh, why haven't my mother and the others come yet? It's been more than an hour." Mu Wuxia felt a little bored staying in the ice cave.

Jian Yifeng, who had been silent all this time, heard this and immediately said, "My strength has recovered a little. I can send you up."

"Ah, really? Can you really send me up?"

"Do you have that much strength? I see you are not tall, shorter than me, you are younger than me." Mu Wuxia was a little unconvinced.

"I am two years older than you." Jian Yifeng said, stood up, waved the broken sword in his hand and directly inserted it under Mu Wuxia's feet.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Mu Wuxia was startled.

But before he could react, Jian Yifeng exerted force on his wrist, and a huge force instantly sent Mu Wuxia up.

"Little beggar, you are so powerful, you really sent me up." Mu Wuxia exclaimed.

"Can you come up by yourself?" Mu Wuxia said again.

"I have used up my strength. I can go up when my strength recovers." Jian Yifeng said.

"How long will it take to recover your strength?" Mu Wuxia asked.

"It will take an hour."

"Oh, it will take so long. Here is the cloak for you, and some food. I will go to Tianshan Sect to find my mother to save you. Wait."

Mu Wuxia immediately threw down his cloak and some food.

"No, you will be frozen." Jian Yifeng grabbed the cloak, wrapped a piece of ice, and threw it up heavily.

"But, but you will freeze to death." Mu Wuxia regretted taking off the cloak as soon as he took it off.

Because it was too cold.

"It doesn't matter. I am very cold-resistant. Just throw me more food. I won't be cold if I have food." Jian Yifeng said.

Mu Wuxia heard it and threw down his storage bag for snacks without saying a word.

"Wait, I will find my mother to save you." After that, Mu Wuxia left with the cloak on.

Jian Yifeng silently picked up the storage bag that smelled like a sachet and looked good, and then took out the food and ate it in big mouthfuls.

About half an hour later, Jian Yifeng's strength recovered a little, and then he began to dig a hole in the ice wall with the broken sword in his hand, and finally climbed up slowly.

When Mu Wuxia led people to the ice cave, Jian Yifeng had already left.

Mu Wuxia thought Jian Yifeng was dead, but when the guards beside him pointed out the small holes and climbed out, he was relieved.

"This is the storage bag you gave me. I still have it now." Jian Yifeng said, and took out a shiny storage bag from his clothes.

"Really, this. This is the storage bag I specially store snacks in. You are really that little beggar."

"You don't know, I took people to rescue you at that time, and you came out by yourself. Later, I asked people to look for you, but they didn't find you. I thought you were dead." Mu Wuxia said.

At that time, she asked the guards to find the little beggar, and they searched all over Tianshan, but they didn't find him. They were very sad for a while.

"When I came out of the ice cave, I met my master. My master took me back to heal my wounds. I stayed in the room for seven days before going out."

"When I went out, you and the Queen had already returned to the Dali Dynasty." Jian Yifeng said with a smile.

"This thing will be returned to its original owner." Then Jian Yifeng slowly stepped forward and handed the storage bag to Mu Wuxia.

When Mu Wuxia saw Jian Yifeng approaching, her heart began to beat violently.

She could even smell the special smell on Jian Yifeng, which made her a little distracted.

Mu Wuxia blushed and took the storage bag back.

Seeing this, Jian Yifeng also smiled.

This thing can be regarded as a token of love between the two. Mu Wuxia accepted it, which naturally meant that she also liked Jian Yifeng.

"Pa pa pa~~! Congratulations, Seventh Sister." Mu Rufeng clapped and shouted loudly.

"Pa pa pa~~!"

"Congratulations, Seventh Sister, Congratulations, Seventh Sister."

Little Ten, Little Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen all stood up and clapped their hands.

Even Little Fourteen seemed to be attracted and stood up and clapped.

"Today is really a good day. Feng'er and Xia'er have found their perfect matches." The Queen Mother stood up with a smile on her face.

"Yes." The Queen Mother looked at Jian Yifeng and felt that he was pleasing to the eye.

"Today is so festive. You are all going to get married. Then I will be alone. No, no, I want to get married too."

"That, Miss Liuguang, I have liked you for a long time. Just marry me." The Sixth Prince suddenly stood up and said to Liuguang, the female disciple of Tianjianmen.

Liuguang was also beautiful and charming. In addition, she was a sword cultivator and had an extraordinary temperament. She was definitely a great beauty.

"Get lost!" Liuguang scolded immediately.

She didn't care what kind of occasion this was.

It was the Sixth Prince who ignited her anger.

"Nonsense." A concubine scolded immediately.

This person was none other than the Sixth Prince's mother.

"Mother, how can you be so naughty? Don't you also want your son to marry and have children? I finally found one I like." The Sixth Prince muttered.

"I like? Look, there are several women here that you don't like? If you say more, I'll beat you to death." Defei was anxious, and she stood up quickly, took out a whip and was about to beat someone.

Defei was also the one with the highest cultivation in the harem, and her cultivation was at the fifth level of the True Spirit Realm, a spiritual cultivator.

The Sixth Prince immediately shut up obediently, because his mother really beat him.

He was beaten by his mother when he was young, and even in the five years when he was hiding his incompetence, he was whipped a lot.

He thought that he would be whipped less when he left the palace to start his own household after he became an adult, but who would have thought that his mother would come out of the palace from time to time to whip him a few times.

"Xiao Liu is right, it's time for you to get married. Some time ago, Ma, who is in charge of the Qinzhou Ghost Cave, reported that his daughter wanted to marry the Sixth Prince."

"There was something unusual in the Ghost Cave, so they didn't send anyone to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet."

"Well, Xiao Liu, in a few days, you can lead the Wolf Cavalry to support Ma, and then cultivate your feelings, and then bring her back to marry her." Mu Chengqian said.

"Ma?" The Sixth Prince fell into deep thought.

Who is the daughter of the Ma family? He seems to have some impression, but he can't remember it.


The competitions of all parties are over, and then it's time to eat.

Mu Rufeng was a little hungry.

After sitting down, he started to eat heartily.

However, he could see that many people in the VIP seats would secretly glance at him from time to time.

Most of them were disciples or juniors of some powerful gods.

There were both men and women among these people, but the majority were women. After all, Mu Rufeng's appearance was not bad.

Not to mention that he had now defeated Jian Feng and won the title of the world's number one genius.

If Zhao Yanran had not been the first to get him, they would never let go of Mu Rufeng, this excellent husband.

It was a pity that he was picked by Zhao Yanran.

Those women looked at Zhao Yanran with envy and jealousy.

And most of the men looked at him because of Zhao Yanran.

The banquet lasted for more than an hour, and the queen mother was a little tired, so she left first.

The queen and other concubines naturally followed the queen mother.

After another hour, the banquet officially ended.

Some eunuchs appeared in front of the palace gate with many swords and knives.

They were compensating the guests whose swords were destroyed.

Those powerful gods did not leave, and went to a side hall with Mu Chengqian, as if they were going to hold a meeting.

Mu Wuxia led Jian Feng to visit the viewing area of ​​the palace.

Mu Rufeng also took Zhao Yanran to visit the palace, chatting and enhancing their relationship.

It was not until seven o'clock in the evening that Mu Rufeng was hurriedly called by a eunuch and summoned by the emperor.

Mu Rufeng immediately took Zhao Yanran and followed the eunuch to a side hall.

"Yanran, let's go, we're going back." In front of the side hall, Zhao Chengfeng just came out.

"Yes, Dad." Zhao Yanran responded, and then looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Go back, contact tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Well, then I'm leaving." Zhao Yanran immediately followed her father out of the palace.

Mu Rufeng watched Zhao Yanran leave, and when he could no longer see her figure, Mu Rufeng entered the side hall.

At this moment, there were quite a few people in the side hall, but they were all members of the royal family.

Emperor Mu Chengqian and the Empress.

The eldest prince, the fourth prince, the sixth prince, and the eighth prince.

"Xiaojiu is here, please sit down." Mu Chengqian called and asked Mu Rufeng to sit down.

Mu Rufeng nodded and immediately sat on a seat beside him.

In addition to them, there were several ministers.

They were the six ministers, the Duke of Zhenguo, and several other ministers whose names Mu Rufeng could not remember.

The six ministers were the bosses of the six most important departments under the emperor.

There was no cabinet here, and above the six ministers was the emperor.

As for the Duke of Zhenguo, he was the first duke of the Dali Dynasty, and no one could match him. His cultivation was also at the peak of the divine realm, representing the military merit system.

There was also an ancestor above him, who was in the realm of supreme emperor.

"Everyone is here, let's start." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

No one spoke below, they didn't know what the emperor was recruiting people for.

"I summoned you here to confirm the position of the crown prince." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

The queen beside him was shocked when she heard this. She had some guesses, but she was still a little shocked when she really confirmed it.

It's a pity that her fourteenth son really has no hope and can only be an idle prince.

The rest of the people were also shocked.

Especially the six ministers and the Duke of Zhenguo, they had to make a report from time to time to let the emperor quickly appoint the crown prince.

After all, the country cannot be without a monarch for a day.

Today, I heard that His Majesty was finally going to appoint the crown prince, and I was relieved.

However, they had guessed who would take the crown prince position before, but at today's banquet, they knew it.

It is likely that the crown prince position should belong to Mu Rufeng.

Looking at the eldest prince and the fourth prince, you can know it by looking at their gloomy expressions.

Logically speaking, if it were in the past, they would definitely stand up, but there was nothing they could do. Mu Rufeng's actions today really made them helpless.

"Your Majesty is wise. I wonder which prince do you want to appoint as the crown prince?" Li Ren, the Minister of Rites, asked.

Mu Chengqian glanced at Li Ren, then set his eyes on Mu Rufeng and said, "I plan to make Xiaojiu the crown prince."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's reactions were different.

Some people had expected it, and their faces did not change much.

Some people were ecstatic, these were ministers who supported Mu Rufeng.

Some people were frightened, these were ministers who supported other princes.

Some people were angry. These were the eldest and fourth princes.

"Father, why did you make Xiaojiu the crown prince? He destroyed 50,000 troops some time ago, and his protector died. He is not qualified to be the crown prince."

The eldest prince could not help it, and finally stood up and questioned.

"Hmm?" Mu Chengqian heard this, slowly turned his head and looked at the eldest prince.

The others did not dare to breathe.

Li Ren, the Minister of Rites, also looked a little bitter. He also knew that the eldest prince he supported had no chance.

But I really didn't expect the eldest prince to be so brave and directly contradicted His Majesty.

His Majesty is such a person, and this eldest prince's emotions are really out of control.

"Boss, then tell me, who is the most suitable for me to make the crown prince?" Mu Chengqian was not angry, and his face did not change much. Instead, he asked the eldest prince.

"Father, I am the eldest son, and you also let me supervise the country some time ago. Shouldn't I be the crown prince?"

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