I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 310 Emperor, Emperor, Emperor [10,000 words]

"In the past three months, I have worked diligently and never slacked off. I reviewed memorials until late at night every day and managed the court in an orderly manner."

"In terms of capital, seniority, power in my hands and support from ministers, I am better than my ninth brother. Why do you want to give the position of crown prince to my ninth brother?"

"Is it because he is very talented?" The eldest prince said unconvinced.

"Boss, I know you have never slacked off in the past three months, but I gave you a chance. Are you working diligently? Ask yourself, if you eat, drink and have fun every day, do you think the court will be in order?"

"Capital? Qualifications? The power in your hands? Just one word from me, Xiao Jiu can surpass you."

"Xiao Jiutian has good capital. After swallowing the Bodhi fruit, his talent and understanding have become the best in the contemporary world. He is qualified to become the prince."

"The future emperor will definitely suppress the contemporary world. This is true for me, my father, and my grandfather." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

The eldest prince heard this and still said unconvincedly: "I am not bad in talent. If I become the crown prince, I can become the best person in the contemporary world with resources."

"Moreover, many of our royal ancestors are in the realm of emperors, and some of them did not become emperors."

"Not all emperors have broken through to the realm of emperors. I don't accept it. I am the eldest son. According to the ancestral system, I should inherit the throne." The eldest prince roared a little crazy.

He prepared too much for the position of crown prince.

He was unwilling, very unwilling. He had the support of many ministers and was the eldest son. According to the ancestral system, why did he lose to the ninth prince whose 50,000 troops were destroyed and the protector was killed?

"Ancestral system? You are talking to me about ancestral system? You are just a concubine's eldest son. According to the ancestral system, you should let the fourteenth prince inherit."

"Should I be the emperor for another twenty years and let the fourteenth prince inherit the throne?" Mu Chengqian said lightly.

The queen on the side heard this and her heart moved, then recovered. She also knew that her little fourteenth child could not become the prince at all.

Unless Mu Rufeng died, but this should be impossible.

With the incident of her second son, Mu Chengqian must definitely keep a good eye on Mu Rufeng and will never let him become the next prince to die.

The eldest prince heard this and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Yes, if we follow the ancestral system, only the little fourteenth child born by the queen can inherit the throne.

Is the little fourteenth child too young? It doesn't matter. Mu Chengqian is only fifty years old now. As a peak existence in the divine realm, there is no problem living for another two hundred years.

This time is enough for the little fourteenth child to grow up.

"Do you know who will be the prince I wanted to establish before?" Mu Chengqian said again.

"Me?" The eldest prince was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then spoke.

"You? Haha." Mu Chengqian smiled but didn't say anything.

"Is it the fourth prince?" The eldest prince looked a little ugly.

The fourth prince was happy in his heart, but then dimmed. It was gone, it was gone. Whatever he wanted before, it was gone.

"Although the fourth prince is a little better than you, he is not my choice." Mu Chengqian shook his head and said.

"Okay, I am an emotionless soy sauce worker." The fourth prince calmed down.

"Who is that? The eighth prince? The eighth prince is a sickly person and can't have children. Can he be the prince?"

The eldest prince was a little surprised that it was not the fourth prince, and then he directly said the eighth prince's defects without any concealment.

"Brother, I am weak, but I can have children." The eighth prince looked very unhappy.

Being told by the eldest brother that he can't have children in front of so many people is something that no one can tolerate.

"Can have children? How many years have you been married? Why haven't I seen you have children?" The eldest prince said mercilessly.

"Big brother, as the eldest brother, is this how you talk? Is this what Concubine Ling taught you?" Mu Chengqian's face darkened.

"Big brother, I didn't have children because I was practicing a technique. I need to lock my sperm until the technique is fully developed."

"Once it is fully developed, my body will recover and my strength will improve by leaps and bounds." The Eighth Prince didn't want to hide it. He wanted to clear his name.

If the position of the crown prince was the eldest brother or the fourth prince, he would not come out to defend himself even if he was said to be a eunuch.

But now that Mu Rufeng is on the throne, he doesn't have too many concerns.

Although they have not dealt with each other much, he really knows what kind of person his ninth brother is.

When everyone heard this, they looked at the Eighth Prince with surprise. This Eighth Prince is indeed a hidden talent.

"The crown prince that my father wanted to establish before should not be me." The Eighth Prince said again.

"Yeah." Mu Chengqian nodded slightly.

"Could it be that Father was planning to make my ninth brother the crown prince from the beginning?" The eldest prince was a little overwhelmed.

Compared to the previous Mu Rufeng, how is he inferior? How is he inferior?

"Boss, look at yourself, what do you look like now? You can't even guess this, and you still want to be the crown prince?"

"The previous Xiaojiu was very good, more suitable to be the crown prince than you, the fourth and the eighth."

"But, he is still not as good as the sixth, but now that Xiaojiu has eaten the Bodhi fruit, plus his personality and character, he is more suitable than the sixth." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

"Sixth? Impossible, how could this waste of the sixth be more suitable for the position of crown prince than us?"

"Besides playing with women, what else does he know? I don't accept it. I don't accept it, Father." The eldest prince was about to accept his fate, but after hearing Mu Chengqian's words, he suddenly became angry again.

"Father, please don't involve me in this matter. I just want to be a quiet and idle prince." Lao Liu said quickly.

Listening to his father's words, Lao Liu was quite happy, and it also showed that his father knew everything he had done, otherwise he would not have said such things.

But now that he had missed the throne of prince, he was not ready to expose his strength, so he spoke quickly.

"You're such a lazy idle prince." Mu Chengqian scolded, then raised his hand and tapped lightly.

Immediately, I saw the aura of the eighth-level soul refining middle stage in Lao Liu's body exuding involuntarily.

This this.

Everyone was shocked at this moment.

They felt the aura of the Sixth Prince, and their faces were full of disbelief.

He is obviously a loser who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, but how can he reach the middle stage of soul refining?

You must know that the one with the highest cultivation level is only a sword. Now it seems that the sixth prince should be the highest?

"Father." The sixth prince looked at his father with a wry smile.

"You are talented in cultivation, so you have to guard the ghost cave for me. Do you want to be an idle prince? Don't even think about it."

It was precisely because of this that Mu Chengqian made the sixth prince and the Ma family who guarded the ghost cave a candidate for marriage.

"Impossible, impossible, how can this loser Lao Liu be possible?" The eldest prince couldn't believe what he saw and heard at this moment.

"Sit down." Mu Chengqian looked at the eldest prince and said calmly.

When the eldest prince heard this, his body trembled, and the anger in his heart was suppressed by Mu Chengqian's power.

How dare he? How dare he contradict his father? The idea suddenly came to his mind.

Yes, he was too carried away after all and forgot what kind of person his father was.

The eldest prince finally lowered his head and slowly sat back in his seat.

"Then the matter is settled. Boss, please move out of the East Palace today. After the meeting tomorrow, Xiaojiu will move into the East Palace." Mu Chengqian said.

"Yes, Father!" Mu Rufeng stood up and bowed, with a smile in her heart.

The position of prince was finally obtained.

Then, you can start working on the next task.

He has completed the second phase of the mission, but has not released the third phase mission. Presumably, the mission should not be triggered until he officially ascends to the position of prince.

As for other people's tasks, Mu Rufeng hasn't had the chance to ask yet.

When Mu Rufeng goes back tonight, she can ask Ye Lin.

"Li Ren, please figure out a process for setting up a prince at the court meeting tomorrow." Mu Chengqian looked at Li Ren, the Minister of Rites, and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Li Ren quickly saluted respectfully.

"Then that's it for today. We'll discuss the rest at the meeting tomorrow. Let's break up. Xiaojiu stays." Mu Chengqian said.

"Your Majesty, the humble minister (son minister) retires!"

All the ministers immediately resigned and left.

"Queen, please step aside. I have something to tell Xiaojiu." Mu Chengqian looked at the queen who did not move and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." When the Queen heard this, she immediately retreated.

"Xiaojiu, I have found out the reason why your fifty thousand army was destroyed." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

"Father, what is the reason?" Mu Rufeng, who had the memory, trembled physically and mentally, and asked quickly.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng, in order to avoid being aware of her identity problem, had already used the power of the Phantom Ghost King to hypnotize herself and completely assume the identity of the Ninth Prince.

Now he is almost carved out of the same mold as the Ninth Prince. At most, he has a bit of a modern flavor, which is irrelevant.

"The military resources of your army were deliberately detained in Liangcheng for an hour, leaving you waiting at Langdaoguan for an extra hour."

"It was also at this moment that Jiaoze successfully deployed an ambush army and finally destroyed your army."

"The person in charge of Liangcheng has been captured, and everyone involved, including the whole family, has been escorted to the Imperial City."

"As for the person behind it, I think you should know who it is, right?" Mu Chengqian said slowly.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she nodded slightly: "It's the eldest brother."

"Well, what are you going to do?" Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

Mu Rufeng did not answer, but continued: "Father, I am also poisoned by a strange poison called Netherworld Flower Poison."

"Strange poison in the body? Netherworld flower poison?" Mu Chengqian frowned slightly.

"If my guess is correct, it should have been done by my eldest brother. At that time, in the palace, the secret healing medicine my son took every day contained Netherworld Flower Toxin."

"This kind of poison is difficult to detect, even by a strong person in the divine realm. If it weren't for Erchen's master, Xiaoyaozi, I would have died after taking Seventh Sister's Snow Lotus." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Mu Chengqian didn't say anything. He stepped forward and reached out to hold Mu Rufeng's wrist.

Then a powerful force of energy and blood poured into his body.

This force of Qi and blood was extremely powerful, making it difficult for Mu Rufeng to resist, but Qing'er was extremely supple, and Mu Rufeng did not feel the slightest bit of pain.

"I can't find anything strange, and I've never heard of Netherworld Flower Poison." Mu Chengqian checked it out, and found out that the energy and blood in Mu Rufeng's body was extremely powerful.

Other than that, there is nothing unusual.

"I don't know either. My master said that the Nether Flower Poison grows in the Netherland, a dangerous place for the demons in the Western Regions."

"If you want to detoxify, you need to go to the Netherland and soak in the Netherland Cold Spring to remove it."

"The Nether Flower Poison in my body was already very deep at that time. My master gave me the water of the Netherland Cold Spring, which suppressed the flower poison in my body."

"But in recent days, my cultivation has recovered a lot, and the Nether Flower Poison in my body has also deepened a bit." Mu Rufeng said.

"Nether Flower Poison, Netherland in the Western Regions."

Now Mu Rufeng is the prince of the Dali Dynasty, and the number one genius in the world.

No matter what, the poison in Mu Rufeng must be removed.

"How do you want to deal with the boss's matter?" Mu Chengqian asked again.

After a moment of silence, Mu Rufeng said, "I think someone with ulterior motives must have found my elder brother, otherwise, how could my elder brother get the Nether Flower Poison that has never appeared in the dangerous land of the Western Regions."

"Find that person with ulterior motives and ask him what conspiracy he has. As for my elder brother, no matter what, he is my elder brother, and I don't want to kill my brother." Mu Rufeng said.

Kill him, he definitely wants to kill him, but there is no way. If he really kills him, he will be called a brother killer.

This name is a derogatory word no matter where it is, and people with ulterior motives will use this excuse to cause trouble.

Not to mention, his father, Emperor Mu Chengqian, is still the master of the house.

"My royal family's mausoleum is still short of a manager. After some time, I will let the eldest brother guard the mausoleum." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

The imperial mausoleum is an important place in the Dali Dynasty, but it is also a very leisurely place.

Anyone who comes here is basically exiled, unable to leave the imperial mausoleum and contact the outside world, which can be said to be extremely boring.

Sending the eldest prince to guard the tomb in the imperial mausoleum is almost equivalent to letting the eldest prince cut off all worldly things directly.

Once you pass the imperial mausoleum, even if you are in the ninth level of the divine realm, you cannot get out.

Unless the eldest prince can break through the realm of supreme emperor one day, then he can come out openly.

However, this possibility is extremely low, because once you enter the imperial mausoleum, you will not have a huge amount of resources. It is hard to say whether you can reach the divine realm, but the emperor is really overestimating the eldest prince.

"Father is wise." Mu Rufeng immediately bowed his hands and said.

"And the 7.2 million taels of pension that was stolen from you have not been found. It was not the eldest brother who did it, but the fourth brother."

"I have already warned the fourth brother, he knows his mistake, and will send the silver to your house tonight, and will also pay 8 million taels as compensation." Mu Chengqian said.

"Yes, father." Mu Rufeng bowed his hands and responded.

Kill, that's impossible, after all, he is Mu Chengqian's son, his elder brother.

From the beginning of the founding of the Dali Dynasty to the present, there have been cases of killing brothers, after all, the competition for the crown prince is so fierce.

However, once the position of the crown prince is established, there has been no case of killing brothers.

Most importantly, no emperor would kill his own son, even if he did something wrong.

Except for rebellion, this is a matter of principle. Of course, if he meets a soft-hearted father, he should send his son to guard the imperial mausoleum for the rest of his life.

"Alas, fourth brother and eldest brother, why... The competition for the crown prince is really despairing. It would be great if the second brother is fine." Mu Rufeng sighed and said.

To be honest, if it weren't for the requirements of the task, he would be too lazy to sit for the position of the crown prince and the emperor.

At first glance, he is the kind of person who is busy to death, and has to worry about those government affairs every day. Mu Rufeng would rather be an idle prince like the sixth prince.

"Don't think too much, do your position well, and the world of Dali will be yours in the future."

"Don't fall behind in cultivation, you can cultivate more confidants and let them manage the government. With the clan office and the ancestors, those people can't cause any trouble." Mu Chengqian said.

Mu Chengqian was like this. He relied on his confidants to manage the government in the early stage. In the later stage, when his son was trained, he let his son share the responsibility.

And he worked hard to cultivate, otherwise he would not have reached the peak of the divine realm at the age of fifty.

When you are an emperor, it doesn't matter if you can't handle government affairs. You can use people.

But if you don't have talent and cultivation, then you really can't do it.

"Let's go, follow me to see the ancestor. The ancestor should be able to detect the poison in your body."

Seeing Mu Chengqian waved his hand, Mu Rufeng felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he appeared in a cave.

He was clearly in the side hall before, but he suddenly appeared in a cave.

[The third stage of the mission is open, please check it yourself]

[The third stage of the mission: remove the Nether Flower toxin in the body]

Mu Rufeng suddenly heard a prompt in his mind.

The third stage of the mission has started.

Detoxification, with the ability of the Dali Dynasty, detoxification should be easy, right? Mu Rufeng thought in his heart.

"The contemporary emperor of the Dali Dynasty, Mu Chengqian, and the crown prince Mu Rufeng pay homage to the Seventh Ancestor!" Mu Chengqian saluted respectfully and shouted.

On the huge stone door in front, the light of the array pattern flashed.


The stone door slowly opened to both sides, and the dazzling light shone out from inside.

After a while, the light became a little softer, and the outline of a human figure emerged from the light.

"Meet the Seventh Ancestor!" Mu Chengqian bowed.

"Meet the Seventh Ancestor." Mu Rufeng also bowed immediately.

"Hmm? As I remember, the crown prince should be Wuxiong, right? Why did he change?" The Seventh Ancestor said slowly.

"Reply to the Seventh Ancestor, Wuxiong died five years ago." Mu Chengqian replied.

"Dead? He was a good seedling, but he died. What a pity, what a pity." The Seventh Ancestor's tone was a little regretful.

"He is called Mu Rufeng? Ru? Which generation is this?" The Seventh Ancestor was a little confused about the word Ru in Mu Rufeng.

"Reply to the Seventh Ancestor, Feng'er is from the Wu generation, but for some reason, it was changed to the Ru generation." Mu Chengqian explained.

"Come forward." The Seventh Ancestor said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng glanced at Mu Chengqian, who nodded, and Mu Rufeng immediately stepped forward and entered the stone gate.

When Mu Rufeng stepped into the stone gate, he felt that he appeared in a place instantly.

Below, there is a sea that has no end in sight, and Mu Rufeng is stepping on an extremely huge super luxury cruise ship.

Next to the ship, there is also a ship, but it is much smaller than Mu Rufeng's, and it is only more than ten meters long.

Compared with Mu Rufeng's, it is just like a small toy.

There is also a white-haired old man standing on it.

At this moment, the old man looked at Mu Rufeng with shock on his face.

"Why is your soul space a sea, and why is your soul ship so many times larger than mine?"

The Seventh Ancestor looked at this scene in shock.

"Are you the Seventh Ancestor?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the old man and said tentatively.

"Yes, it is me, why is your soul space so, so?" The Seventh Ancestor was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly when he heard it.

Just kidding, his soul power is full because of the soul-sucking gourd.

When he practices every day, his soul power will be refined crazily. Now he doesn't know how much soul power he has refined.

Anyway, it's just one word, a lot, a lot, super much.

Mu Rufeng naturally won't tell anyone, he can only scratch his head and say: "Seventh Ancestor, I don't know either. When I came into the soul space before, it was like this."

"And I found that my soul space and the ship under my feet will grow every day."

"What? You used to be like this, and it grows every day?" The Seventh Ancestor was shocked again.

The Seventh Ancestor immediately flew up and came to the deck, next to Mu Rufeng.

I saw the Seventh Ancestor stretched out his hand and grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm.

Mu Rufeng did not resist.

"Such a strong soul breath, such a strong soul power, such a strong talent, why didn't you become the prince five years ago?" The Seventh Ancestor asked.

"I don't know either, you have to ask my father." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? Let's not talk about this for now, why is there a flower in your soul?" The Seventh Ancestor's eyes condensed, a little puzzled.

"Flower? Where?" Mu Rufeng immediately looked inside himself, but he didn't find any flower.

"It's on your forehead."

"My forehead?" Mu Rufeng checked his forehead again, but still didn't find anything.

Then, Mu Rufeng conjured up a mirror, and after looking at it, he saw a black flower the size of a fingernail on his forehead.

"Why can't I feel it, but can see it?" Mu Rufeng was surprised and confused.

But soon, Mu Rufeng thought of something: "Netherworld Flower Poison, this is Netherworld Flower Poison, Seventh Ancestor, I was poisoned, it's called Netherworld Flower Poison."

"You were poisoned? What's going on?" Seventh Ancestor heard this, and his face changed immediately.

Mu Rufeng immediately told him about his poisoning, and even told him the method that Xiaoyaozi gave him to suppress and detoxify.

It's just that Mu Rufeng didn't say who poisoned him, but said that he hadn't found out yet.

When Seventh Ancestor knew it, he immediately left the soul space, and Mu Rufeng also came out.

At this moment, he has appeared in front of Mu Chengqian. Next to him stood the Seventh Ancestor, pinching his arm.

"Emperor, you came here this time, do you want me to help him detoxify?" The Seventh Ancestor let go of Mu Rufeng's arm and asked.

"Seventh Ancestor, Feng'er is now the prince of my Dali Dynasty. He has swallowed the Bodhi fruit, which has increased his comprehension and qualifications tenfold."

"He even defeated the contemporary number one, Jian Feng, a sword cultivator in the Bitter Sea Realm, with the strength of the Refining Heart Realm."

"Now, Feng'er is the number one among the contemporary Tianjiao. He is poisoned. I can't do anything. I can only ask the ancestor." Mu Chengqian said.

"Bodhi fruit!!!" The Seventh Ancestor was shocked again.

He had also heard of the Bodhi fruit, a rare thing in the world, but he didn't expect that his descendants had actually swallowed it.

"Good, good, haha." The Seventh Ancestor laughed immediately.

"However, the Netherworld Cold Spring is in the Netherworld, which is relatively close to the Jiao Clan's territory. It's not safe for me to go alone."

"Then, I'll call Old Man Lu and Uncle San, and it'll be safer for the three of us to go." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"That's great, Feng'er, why don't you thank the Seventh Ancestor quickly." Mu Chengqian hurriedly shouted to Mu Rufeng.

"Thank you, Seventh Ancestor!" Mu Rufeng immediately bowed.

"You're welcome. We will naturally not give up on a genius like you."

"If you don't have to soak it, we will definitely bring you the cold spring water." The Seventh Ancestor said slowly.

The Netherworld is dangerous, not to mention that it is close to the territory of the Jiaolong Clan.

If the Jiaolong Clan finds out, there will definitely be a big fight.

There are three powerful gods in the Jiaolong Clan, which is why the Seventh Ancestor wants to call Old Man Lu and Uncle San.

Once discovered, one-on-one, the Jiaolong Clan will not dare to take action.

"Emperor, although the prince you brought before is also very good, he is much worse than Feng'er."

"Tell me, old ancestor, why is the prince not Feng'er?" The Seventh Ancestor suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Seventh Ancestor, Feng'er had not taken the Bodhi Fruit at that time, and I didn't have any outstanding points. My second brother is extremely talented and is the best in the contemporary era." Mu Rufeng said hurriedly.

"Forget it, forget it, let's do it this way. The person who poisoned must be found as soon as possible." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Yes, Seventh Ancestor." Mu Chengqian nodded.

"The poison must be removed as soon as possible. I will go find Third Uncle and Old Man Lu."

As soon as the Seventh Ancestor finished speaking, he disappeared, and the stone door slowly closed at the same time.

"Let's go." Mu Chengqian waved his hand, and Mu Rufeng felt dizzy again, and then returned to the side hall.

"Father, which generation is the Seventh Ancestor from?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"The Seventh Ancestor is the grandfather of my great-grandfather, and the emperor of the 30th generation." Mu Chengqian said.

In the Dali Dynasty, the emperor has a time to reign.

This time is fifty years, which means that the emperor must be the emperor for at least fifty years. Once fifty years are up, you need to step down.

Of course, there are also several situations that can allow the emperor to step down earlier or later.

The first one is naturally that the emperor died in some accident, so he would step down.

This was the case with the emperor of the previous generation, and then Mu Chengqian hurriedly succeeded to the throne at the age of twenty.

There is another one, that is, if the emperor breaks through to the realm of supreme god during his reign, then he can step down and become the ancestor.

Later, for example, when the emperor is about to reach the 50th year of his reign, the prince dies for some reason, then he can only continue to serve until the next generation of emperors is trained.

Of course, this time cannot exceed too much, otherwise, the clan office will come out.

The one who has been in office for the longest time is the founding emperor, Li Zu, who has been in office for more than 200 years.

After stepping down, he did not die, because he had broken through to the realm of supreme god.

More than 500 years ago, this founding emperor Li Zu sat down and passed away.

"Tomorrow I will announce in the court that you will be the prince. After the court meeting tomorrow, the seven ancestors will take you to the netherworld." Mu Chengqian said.

"Yes, father."

"Chu Lin, come out."

"Chu Lin greets His Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." A feminine voice sounded.

Then a figure appeared not far away.

"He was originally the guardian of the Royal Wulou. From today on, Chu Lin is your protector, and his cultivation is at the peak of the Divine Realm." Mu Chengqian explained.

The Wulou gathers all the skills, martial arts and secrets of the Dali Dynasty. As a guardian, his strength must be extremely superb.

"Hello, Senior Chu." Mu Rufeng immediately bowed.

"Your Highness, there is no need to do this." Chu Lin also bowed.

"He will protect you closely, which will greatly improve your safety."

"Thank you, father!"

Chu Lin came out to meet him, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Mu Rufeng noticed that Chu Lin actually turned into a shadow and then sank into his own shadow.

This scene surprised Mu Rufeng a little.

Mu Chengqian said, "Chu Lin's main skill is related to shadow. He will stay in your shadow to protect you on weekdays."

"If you are in any danger, he will appear to protect you at the first time."

Mu Rufeng frowned when he heard this. If this is the case, his privacy is not guaranteed.

The most important thing is that he has too many secrets, and it is impossible for people to notice it like this.

Just the next second, Chu Lin suddenly came out of Mu Rufeng's shadow.

Mu Chengqian looked at Chu Lin, a little confused, wondering why this guy came out.

"Chu Lin, do you have something else to explain?" Mu Chengqian asked.

"Your Majesty, I can't stay in the shadow of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. As soon as I entered, I felt a burning sensation, accompanied by a feeling of coldness and numbness. It was very uncomfortable." Chu Lin said.

"Burn? Coldness, numbness? Interesting." Mu Chengqian immediately became interested.

"Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince, have you practiced the three attributes of ice, fire and thunder?" Chu Lin asked Mu Rufeng.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

He possessed the three abilities of fire, ice and thunder, but he did not expect that these three abilities would be reflected in his shadow.

"That's it. His Royal Highness's soul power should be extremely strong, so strong that it has affected his shadow." Chu Lin said.

"In that case, then you should hide beside him." Mu Chengqian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Chu Lin responded immediately, and then turned into a shadow again and merged into the shadow.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, at least Chu Lin would not discover everything.

"Go ahead, remember to attend the morning court tomorrow." Mu Chengqian said.

"Yes, father." Mu Rufeng nodded.

After bidding farewell to his father, Mu Rufeng was called to the Queen Mother by a eunuch who was guarding outside.

When he went to the Queen Mother, she praised him and talked for a long time before letting Mu Rufeng leave.

After Mu Rufeng left, he was invited to leave by the Queen Mother's people.

It was not unexpected for Mu Rufeng, but she asked Mu Rufeng if he had any more Immortal Spirit Fruit.

After all, the Queen Mother was not very old, and her cultivation level did not exceed level five, so she also wanted to swallow the Immortal Spirit Fruit eagerly.

Although Mu Rufeng still had the Immortal Spirit Fruit in his hand, he naturally would not take it out.

"Mother, I have two in total. One was given to the Queen Mother as a birthday gift, and the other was given to Yanran as a token of love." Mu Rufeng said.

"Give it to Yanran? Isn't she already at the level of Refining Qi? The Immaculate Spiritual Fruit should be useless to her, right?" When the Queen heard that there were really two, her face was immediately delighted.

"Mother, although the Immaculate Spiritual Fruit is useless to Miss Yanran, it is the main ingredient of the Rejuvenating Pill."

"Don't worry, Yanran told me that she would present a Rejuvenating Pill when the pill is refined." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

The Queen was delighted when she heard this, and a smile appeared on her face: "Yanran is also thoughtful, and I am waiting for that Rejuvenating Pill."

"Don't worry, mother." Mu Rufeng responded.

"By the way, you have just ascended to the position of the Crown Prince, your foundation is not stable, and you don't have many capable ministers. I have a few good juniors here, and they will serve you in a few days." The Queen said.

"Thank you, mother." Mu Rufeng bowed his hands to express his gratitude.

"If they do anything wrong, they should be arrested, and don't consider my face." The Queen said again.

"Yes, mother."

Mu Rufeng didn't know whether the Queen was showing goodwill or making arrangements for him and placing people.

However, Mu Rufeng felt that it was most likely the former, otherwise, it would not be possible to arrange people so blatantly.

I think the Queen should also know that Mu Rufeng's position as the crown prince will be extremely stable. Now showing goodwill, on the one hand, is because of the matter of the Rejuvenating Pill.

On the other hand, it should also be because she wants Mu Rufeng to be better to her little fourteen after he ascends the throne.

After bidding farewell to the Queen, Mu Rufeng was ready to leave the palace and return home.

But another little eunuch stopped Mu Rufeng.

"Meet His Majesty the Ninth Prince, my princess invites you!" The little eunuch said very respectfully.

"Seventh sister? Okay, lead the way." Mu Rufeng shook his head and followed.

After going there, Mu Wuxia started to scold him, saying that he had become so powerful without saying a word.

Even his future husband was no match for him. When he mentioned the word "husband", his face turned red.

"I still have to congratulate Seventh Sister. I didn't expect Jian Yifeng to actually propose to you. Speaking of which, he stopped in front of my carriage that night and insisted on going to the sea of ​​flowers with me." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? He stopped your carriage that night and insisted on going, instead of you inviting him?" Mu Wuxia looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"Of course it's true. If Seventh Sister doesn't believe it, you can go and ask." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

After saying this, Mu Wuxia's face became even redder.

The two chatted for a while, and then Mu Rufeng said goodbye and left.

When leaving Mu Wuxia's palace, Mu Rufeng quietly looked outside and found that no one was waiting to stop him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, not long after he left, he saw a group of guards escorting a person walking forward.

Mu Rufeng looked closely and found that the person being escorted was the imperial physician who prescribed the secret medicine for Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng sneered and strode towards the palace gate.

However, to Mu Rufeng's surprise, he was stopped again outside the palace gate.

It was the eldest prince.

The eldest prince's things had been packed and moved away, and moved back to his mansion in the imperial city.

He did not leave, but took a carriage and waited quietly for Mu Rufeng's arrival outside the palace gate.

"Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." The eldest prince got off the carriage, and then came to Mu Rufeng's carriage and saluted respectfully.

"Brother, why do you have to do this?" Xiao Cui lifted the curtain, and Mu Rufeng saw the respectful eldest prince outside through the window.

"I will go to guard the mausoleum after the court meeting tomorrow. I have already handed over the military power. I will send 90% of the money and cultivation resources in the mansion to your mansion. Please spare my children and wife." The eldest prince said.

At this moment, the eldest prince's face was full of loneliness. It was obvious that the emperor had already had a conversation with the eldest prince.

"Brother, you know what I am like. I will not touch the emperor's wife and your children. Instead, I will treat them well."

"As for resources and money, you can send 50%. Brother, we are brothers, brothers, why do we have to do this, why do we have to do this."

Mu Rufeng sighed and signaled the carriage to continue moving forward.

Seeing this, Liu Feng immediately drove forward.

The eldest prince sighed in his heart as he watched the carriage gradually move away.

Yes, why do we have to do this, why do we have to do this.

He has always been very convinced and admired his second brother since he was a child. Although he also had the idea of ​​being a prince, he was suppressed by his outstanding second brother.

However, five years ago, the prince fell into the water and died for unknown reasons, which also made him a little worried.

But he just wanted to compete normally, but an aide said some insidious strategies, which tempted him and eventually made some mistakes.

Now, he has also seen it through. After guarding the imperial mausoleum for five years, he finally ended his life in the imperial mausoleum.

But he was worried that his children would be suppressed, so he came to ask Mu Rufeng to show mercy.

But at this moment, he still knew that his character was a little narrow after all, and he judged others by his own heart.

"I really deserve to die, I deserve to die, I hope my ninth brother will have a safe journey." The eldest prince shook his head, then got on the carriage and headed towards his own mansion.

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