I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 311: Settling in the East Palace and heading to the Netherworld [10,000 words]

Tonight will be the last night for the eldest prince and his family. Once they enter the imperial mausoleum, they will be separated forever.

If they want to meet, they can only do so for major events.

For example, when the new emperor ascends the throne, he will open the imperial mausoleum to worship his ancestors. At this time, they can see each other.

For example, when the old emperor dies, he will open the imperial mausoleum to bury him.

For example, the empress dowager, the queen, etc., will not open the imperial mausoleum, but will be buried in another mausoleum next to the imperial mausoleum.

Mu Rufeng returned to his own mansion.

In the mansion, everyone's face was full of smiles, and it can be said that they were beaming with joy.

Why? Because their master was made the prince.

This matter was not deliberately concealed, so those who should know the news now basically know it.

"Your Highness." Liu Ming came up with a smile on his face.

"Big friend, you are laughing so happily, is there something good?" Since he was seriously injured, Liu Ming rarely smiled.

"Your Highness, you are going to be made the Crown Prince, I am naturally happy." Liu Ming replied.

"Yes, the position of the Crown Prince, it's a pity that my soldiers, my confidants, and the other companions are gone." Mu Rufeng sighed and said.

Mu Rufeng has more than one companion, he has a total of four eunuch companions who have accompanied him since he was a child.

Liu Ming was sent to Liangcheng to supervise the military rations that day, and it can be said that he escaped.

The other three companions died for protecting Mu Rufeng.

"Your Highness, don't be sad, they will only be happy for you if they know." Liu Ming said in a deep voice.

Among the dead, there is also a close friend of his.

"Yes, they will be happy for me." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded.

"By the way, Your Majesty, the Fourth Prince sent someone to come, and now there are many ministers waiting in the reception room." Liu Ming said.

"Let's reject all the visiting cards, but there will be several younger generations from the Queen's family coming to join us. You are responsible for selecting them." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Liu Ming nodded in response.

"Let's go and meet the people sent by my fourth brother." Mu Rufeng walked towards the front hall.

After a while, Mu Rufeng arrived at the reception room.

The person who came was also a eunuch.

He looked about the same age as the fourth prince, and it seemed that he should be his companion.

"This servant greets His Highness the Ninth Prince." The eunuch saw Mu Rufeng coming in, and hurriedly got up from the chair, and then saluted respectfully.

Mu Rufeng ignored him, walked slowly forward, walked to the main seat, and then sat down.

"Why didn't my fourth brother come in person, but asked you to come instead?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"To reply to Your Highness the Ninth Prince, the Fourth Prince has been confined by His Majesty for one month. He must stay in the Cold Wind Valley and cannot go out within one month. Please forgive me, Your Highness the Ninth Prince!" The eunuch said hurriedly.

Cold Wind Valley is a dangerous place built by the royal family in the imperial city, specifically for punishing royal family members who have made mistakes.

"Cold Wind Valley? Haha, it seems that my fourth brother has suffered some punishment. What is the matter with you coming here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

The eunuch did not answer immediately, but knelt on the ground with two storage rings in his hands:

"Your Highness, the 7.2 million taels of pension stolen by the Fourth Prince are all in this storage ring."

"In the other storage ring, there are 8 million taels of silver and some cultivation resources compensated by the Fourth Prince. Please accept them, Your Highness."

Mu Rufeng did not answer, but looked at the eunuch with interest.

Liu Ming on the side was shocked. He appeared. The person who stole the pension appeared.

He never thought that the person who stole it was the Fourth Prince, and he never thought that the Fourth Prince's people would come to the door in person to not only return the silver, but also compensate for 8 million taels and cultivation resources?

Moreover, the most important thing is that he has determined that the eldest prince did it, so why did the fourth prince jump out?

This is too incredible.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng actually thought so too.

He also thought that the theft of the silver was done by the eldest prince. After all, the man behind the Qing Gang is Li Ren's third son.

And Li Ren has already secretly supported the eldest prince.

It seems that there is a high probability that the eldest prince also wanted to steal the silver, but was preempted by the fourth prince. Later, the eldest prince should have guessed that it was the fourth prince who did it.

The eldest prince didn't say anything after knowing it. Anyway, no matter what, get rid of this guy Lao Jiu first.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand lightly, and saw the two storage rings flew into his hands.

After he checked it, the amount inside was correct, and there were also a lot of cultivation resources, which was also a great fortune.

"Get out." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, I'll take my leave." The eunuch quickly stood up and then lowered his head and left the mansion quickly.

"Your Highness, I didn't expect that the one who stole the pension was actually the Fourth Prince's people, and he even came to beg for mercy on his own initiative." Liu Ming was still relatively happy.

Because the 15 million taels of silver were suddenly deposited into the account, the money in the mansion was extremely sufficient, and it was even more possible to continue recruiting soldiers.

"Yes, I didn't expect that our people had been searching for so long without any clues, and the emperor found it as soon as he took action." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"Your Highness, now you are the prince, everything is over." Liu Ming said.

"Yes, everything is over. By the way, did you get Li Feng's head back?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No news has come yet. It should be agreed within seven days, so it should be these few days." Liu Ming said.

"Well, let's make some preparations. We have to get up early to attend the court tomorrow. Also, after the court tomorrow, I will go out with the ancestor. The specific time is uncertain."

"Also, some necessary things in the mansion must be packed up. We will move into the East Palace tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Liu Ming responded.

Liu Ming immediately went down to work.

"Xiao Guizi." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Your Highness, Xiao Guizi is here." Soon, Xiao Guizi, who was waiting on the side, hurried out.

"Go find Ye Lin, the eldest disciple of Zangtian Palace, and tell him to bring his friends with him, and say that I have something to do with them." Mu Rufeng gave the order.

"Yes, Your Highness." Xiao Guizi left immediately.

"Xiao Cui, go prepare some cakes, spiritual fruits and spiritual tea. I want to entertain guests." Mu Rufeng looked at Xiao Cui again.

"Okay, Your Highness, I'll go get ready." Xiao Cui went to work happily.

For the Ninth Prince to become the Crown Prince, who would be the happiest? It must be her.

An hour later.

It was 9:30 in the evening.

There were quite a few people sitting in the lobby. There were 26 people in total.

These people were all the seventh and eighth level contractors in the country.

There were not many eighth level contractors, only six, and the rest were seventh level contractors.

Mu Rufeng could be said to know all these people. Of course, some of them were real acquaintances, and some were known through information.

These people were all domestic contractors in the real world.

Mu Rufeng asked Ye Lin to bring friends here, so he naturally brought these people.

He didn't care about foreign ones, but he must win over domestic contractors.

As long as these people were put under his command, they would almost be loyal, capable, and talented subordinates.

It just so happened that his confidants were also wiped out, so he could make up for it.

"No need to serve, all of you can leave." Mu Rufeng said to the maids and eunuchs standing on both sides.

"Yes, Your Highness!" The maids and eunuchs bowed and left one after another.

"Xiao Cui, Hong Lian, Qing Ya, you three can also go down." Mu Rufeng glanced at the three people and said.

'Yes, Your Highness. ' Although the three people were a little strange, they didn't say anything, but left obediently.

Then Mu Rufeng pinched the magic formula and directly opened the formation in the hall.

And still felt unsafe, he took out another formation plate and threw it out, and then covered the hall again.

"Sorry, it's better for us to be secretive about what we say." Mu Rufeng said to everyone.

"Haha, Deputy Minister, there is no need to be so careful. What we say, as long as it is about the contractor and the real world, will automatically be transformed into ordinary words in the eyes of these natives." Long Ai laughed and said.

"Huh? There is such a saying?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

"Yes, I accidentally let it slip before, but they didn't react, so I did an experiment and found that they were indeed like that." Long Ai said.

"Yes, Deputy Minister, relax, I have also tried it." Another contractor said.

Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin again, and Ye Lin nodded: "Yes, that's right, I have tried it too."

"That's good, His Majesty has given me a protector, who is at the peak of the divine realm. I was afraid that they would hear us." Mu Rufeng was even more relieved.

"I really envy the deputy minister, who started with the ninth prince and a ninth-level peak protector." An older contractor said.

"Yes, look at me, I'm exhausted and trekking through mountains and rivers, but I'm just a deputy headmaster of a small sect, and I almost couldn't attend the banquet." Tian Youdao sighed and said.

"You are at least a headmaster, look at me, I'm alone, and my dead master is an old friend of the queen mother, so I was invited to the birthday banquet." Han Chen said with a bitter face.

"Okay, okay, this is not a competition for misery."

"I called all of you here because I want you to join me."

"Nothing will happen tomorrow. I will become the prince of the Dali Dynasty. I have contributed a Kongling fruit. I guess my father will be in seclusion soon, and then I will officially start to supervise the country."

"Once my father breaks through to the realm of Emperor Zun, I will directly succeed to the throne and become the emperor of the Dali Dynasty." Mu Rufeng said.

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

Some people knew a little, but most people didn't know.

After all, they were of low status and had no access to this information.

"Is it true, Deputy Minister, you are going to become the prince?"

"Is it because of your cultivation and talent and the Kongling fruit you contributed?"

"It's possible. After all, if you want to be the emperor, you should also look at talent."

"Awesome, my deputy minister, and you are going to marry Miss Zhao Yanran. I'm envious, I'm envious." Long Ai looked at Mu Rufeng with envy.

Long Ai is relatively young, so his words are naturally a bit out of tune.

"You also know that my 50,000-man army was framed and annihilated, and my confidants were basically exhausted."

"That's why I want you to join me, so that I can place you in important positions."

"This way I can control the entire Dali Dynasty to a greater extent, and then deal with the upcoming terrorist incidents." Mu Rufeng said.

"Needless to say, I will be the first to join. I also want to be a high-ranking official and a general." Long Ai was the first to respond.

"Yes, I will join too."

"Hehe, if you follow the deputy minister, your clearance score will definitely be very high later."

Everyone responded.

Because there was no reason to refuse.

Not to mention, they were all contractors from the same country, and everyone present was also a well-known big shot.

Even the scattered people among them had already joined the relevant departments when the login bracelet appeared earlier.

"Mu Rufeng, what is the terrorist incident you just mentioned?" Ye Lin suddenly asked.

"I believe everyone knows that this world is a powerful martial arts world, but now it is a copy of the strange world: the third forbidden land."

"So, it can be guessed that the Great Terror World must be an invasion of the strange world."

"And the result of the invasion, you have also seen, it should be a failure, but it may be because the secondary world is extremely powerful, so it has become a forbidden land again." Mu Rufeng said.

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"So, our ultimate mission goal should be to resist the invasion of the strange world."

"Although we may be powerless to save the situation, we must always try our best. Maybe we can persist for a longer time and our scores will be greatly increased."

"Besides, you also know that I have eaten the Bodhi fruit, which has increased my understanding and qualifications tenfold."

"Let me tell you another thing. I got a talent in a certain unspeakable copy."

"This talent can allow me to break the upper limit of my cultivation. In other words, I have no bottleneck in my cultivation now. As long as I am given enough resources, I can break through the realm of God and even the realm of Emperor in a short time."

"Even, as long as the resources are enough, I can break through the unknown realm above the realm of Emperor."

"I want to see if I can save this world as a world's strongest person in the future." Mu Rufeng said.

Everyone took a breath of cold air when they heard it.

Without the limitation of cultivation and the existence of bottlenecks, how far can Mu Rufeng go in this world?

It's outrageous, it's simply outrageous.

"Don't worry, our relevant departments will definitely go all out." Ye Lin responded first.

"Yes, I agree, and I will do my best." Long Ai said hurriedly.

The rest of the people also responded immediately, absolutely supporting Mu Rufeng in anything in this world.

Mu Rufeng looked at the reactions of the crowd, nodded slightly, and then flicked his fingers, and saw dozens of streams of light flying out, and then sank into their bodies.

After a long time, everyone woke up one by one, and everyone was extremely excited.

"What a powerful secret method."

"With this secret method, my strength will definitely be greatly improved."

"The deputy minister is open-minded, such a good secret method is given away as soon as possible."

Mu Rufeng heard what everyone said, smiled, and then said: "I need you to improve your strength as soon as possible, and only when your strength becomes stronger can you help me."

"When I become the prince, I will search for some eighth-level or ninth-level magic weapons for you in the royal treasury."

"Tell me what weapons you need." Mu Rufeng said again.

Everyone spoke up and said what weapons they needed.

"Well, I'll remember it." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Let me say something." At this time, Ye Lin stood up.

Everyone looked over immediately after hearing this.

"Everyone has a little status now. When you go back, you can use the power of your status to help Mu Rufeng to a greater extent."

"It can be said that we are now bound to Mu Rufeng. Mu Rufeng can help us improve our clearance scores to a greater extent."

"His upper limit determines our upper limit."

Everyone felt that it made sense after hearing this, and decided to help Mu Rufeng to a greater extent.

"Well, let me mention that what should we do with those foreign contractors?" A contractor asked.

"Don't worry about them, as long as they don't come to provoke us, otherwise, I don't mind sending them back home." Mu Rufeng said.

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Anyway, they don't feel anything for foreign contractors.

Not to mention that after the previous incidents, it can be said that they have already torn their faces, so why should they help them? Not sending them back home is considered good of them.

"Everyone should also keep an eye on the movements of the ghost cave. If I guess correctly, the ghost cave should be the vanguard of the invasion of the strange world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ghost cave? I remember that there is a ghost cave in each of the five major domains of Tiandao Continent." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Then they confirmed some details and dispersed.

After sending everyone away, Mu Rufeng went straight to the practice room.

He was not going to sleep tonight. He wanted to spend all his time practicing and quickly improve his own cultivation.

On the way, Mu Rufeng looked at Xiao Cui beside him and asked, "Xiao Cui, do you know what a contractor is?"

"Contract? Of course I know. For example, the indentures of maids and servants and the property deeds of houses and shops are all contracts." Xiao Cui said.

"Then do you know about airplanes?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Flying birds? I see them every day." Xiao Cui replied.

Mu Rufeng spoke some information about the real world and the strange world, but found that Xiao Cui would automatically understand it as another meaning.

At this time, Mu Rufeng was relieved.


The next day, Mu Rufeng was interrupted by a knock on the door while practicing.

"Your Highness, it's almost time. You have to take a bath and go to court." Xiao Cui's voice came from outside the door.

Mu Rufeng exhaled a long breath of hot air, and the boiling blood in his body gradually calmed down.

Then he walked out of the practice room.

At this moment, the sky outside was still dark.

The court meetings of the Dali Dynasty were divided into the Grand Court and the Regular Court.

The Grand Court was generally held on the first day of the year, the winter solstice, and when there were major events. It was a ceremonial court meeting.

Regular courts are divided into new moon and full moon courts and daily courts. As the name suggests, new moon and full moon courts are usually held on the first and fifteenth day of each month, which are also ceremonial court meetings. Daily court meetings are where the emperor actually handles government affairs.

Today, a very ordinary daily court meeting is held, which can also be called an early court meeting.

Compared with the early court meeting in the real world, the time of the Ming Dynasty is five o'clock in the morning, while the early court meeting of the Dali Dynasty is six o'clock in the morning.

Now, it is already three o'clock in the morning, and he needs to wait outside the palace gate at four o'clock.

After a bath, he will go to the palace in time.

An hour later, when Mu Rufeng came to the outside of the palace, the outside was full of ministers waiting for the palace gate to open.

Almost all those who can attend the early court are high officials above the fourth rank.

These days, because the emperor is in seclusion, the eldest prince is the regent, and the early court meeting has been changed to one every five days.

This early court meeting is particularly important. As long as the officials are not unable to get out of bed, almost all the officials who have reached the rank in the imperial city have come.

They also received some news and dared not be absent at all.

When Mu Rufeng's carriage appeared, many officials looked over.

And when Mu Rufeng got off the carriage, they were even more attracted.

Yesterday, Mu Rufeng stole the limelight at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

At the morning court today, the Ninth Prince came down, and the eldest prince, the fourth prince, the sixth prince and the eighth prince also arrived a long time ago.

They are not fools. There is a high probability that there will be a major announcement today, and the most likely major event is the establishment of the crown prince.

After Mu Rufeng got off the car, he found a place to stand there. No one came, and no one spoke.

Time passed slowly.

When the drum bell on the tower rang, the palace gate slowly opened.

Then, a group of officials began to enter the palace in an orderly manner.

Then, after they arranged the team in the palace, they followed the team to the front of the Taihe Gate.

There were too many officials in the morning court, and it was obvious that so many people could not stand in the hall.

Therefore, the morning court was usually held in front of the Taihe Gate in the open air.

After everyone lined up, the emperor's guard of honor also arrived.

"Your Majesty has arrived! All officials kneel down!"

"I, your humble servant, pay my respects to Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty!"

All officials, regardless of rank or strength, knelt on their knees, even some officials in the God Realm.

Of course, there were some exceptions, who were given the privilege of not kneeling when seeing the emperor.

Among them were the princes, as well as Duke Lu Sheng and several other high-ranking officials.

"My dear ministers, please stand up!"

A golden light flashed, and Mu Chengqian's figure appeared above.

At this moment, the sky was still slightly bright, and people could already see things clearly.

"Today, I have something to announce. Xiaojiu, come forward." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

Upon hearing this, Mu Rufeng immediately walked out of the queue, then walked up the steps and came to Mu Chengqian's side.

"Announce the decree." Mu Chengqian said lightly.

The eunuch behind Mu Chengqian immediately came up, took out an imperial edict, and announced:

[The Emperor of Heaven and Earth, the Emperor of Succession, proclaims: Since I ascended the throne in accordance with the will of the Emperor, I have worked hard in all military and national affairs, and have never dared to slack off. ... The ninth son, Mu Rufeng... respectfully informs the heaven and earth, the ancestral temple, and the state, and grants me the imperial seal and makes me the crown prince, and I will take the throne of the Eastern Palace to strengthen the rule of ten thousand years and to satisfy the hearts of the people. I want to enter the realm of supreme emperor, and I think that a day of thousands of affairs cannot be left for long. I hereby order the crown prince to hold the seal and ascend to the Wenhua Palace to manage the affairs of the people, comfort the army and supervise the country. All matters reported by the hundreds of departments shall be decided by the crown prince. Announce the world and let everyone know. April 28, the 30th year of Jinhe. ]

The eunuch spoke clearly and clearly, without a single typo, and everyone heard it clearly.

As expected, there was a big event today. The emperor actually established a crown prince, and it was the ninth prince, Mu Rufeng.

Presumably, he had taken the Bodhi fruit. His talent, gift, and strength were the best in the contemporary era, and he even offered the divine object of the ethereal fruit.

At the moment when the imperial edict was announced, Mu Chengqian pointed at Mu Rufeng.

Suddenly, a set of apricot-yellow dragon robes appeared on Mu Rufeng.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"I pay my respects to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

All the ministers immediately saluted Mu Rufeng respectfully.

When he was wearing the dragon robe, Mu Rufeng also felt a little strange.

This dragon robe is not an ordinary thing, but a ninth-level magic weapon.

[Dragon robe for the crown prince]: This is a dragon robe for the crown prince, which can only be worn by the crown prince.

Effect: A ninth-level item with extremely strong defense, which can protect every inch of skin on the body, is invulnerable to water and fire, invulnerable to swords and guns, difficult to be destroyed, and can be automatically repaired.

Note: It contains dragon energy, which can control the dragon energy to come to the body and enhance one's majesty and momentum.

When Mu Rufeng finished reading the properties of this dragon robe, he was still a little surprised.

It has extremely strong defense, can be automatically repaired, and can enhance one's majesty and momentum.

You must know that things that can enhance majesty and momentum are extremely precious. This dragon robe is definitely a very powerful magic weapon.

"Please take a seat!" Mu Chengqian's voice sounded again.

The next moment, a chair was brought by two eunuchs to the lower left of the dragon throne.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not act pretentiously. He threw his robe and sat on the throne of the crown prince.

From now on, he is the crown prince of the Dali Dynasty.

The ministers below were all in a turmoil, with all kinds of emotions.

There were also some ministers whose families originally supported Mu Rufeng, and their children were originally Mu Rufeng's confidants or subordinates.

But in the last incident, they were destroyed along with the destruction of the 50,000 troops.

These people are the happiest now, because they will also get the favor of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Moreover, they can continue to let their children rely on His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. They don't have much else, but they have the most children.

Especially now that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in urgent need of talents, they will also follow His Royal Highness the Crown Prince step by step, and it can even be regarded as the merit of following the dragon.

Just when the ministers below were thinking differently, they saw Mu Chengqian speak again.

"Yesterday, I had a dream. It was the late emperor and ancestors. They said that the imperial mausoleum was too deserted and wanted a younger generation to go and talk to them."

"I wonder which royal family member is willing to go to the imperial mausoleum?" Mu Chengqian said slowly.

As soon as this was said, the ministers smelled a bad smell, and no one dared to speak or stand up.

Especially those members of the royal family, that is, some princes who stayed in the imperial city. Although they had no real power, their status was there.

Originally, they could not attend the morning court once a month, but today they were invited to attend the morning court for the first time.

This time, they were scared to death. Guarding the imperial mausoleum? What a joke? Is the food in the imperial city not delicious, or is it not easy to visit the brothel?

Just when those members of the royal family were trembling, they saw the eldest prince come out, come close, and kneel on the ground.

"I am willing to worry about my father and go to the imperial mausoleum to guard it." The eldest prince said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Especially the ministers who supported the eldest prince, they couldn't believe their eyes and ears.

The eldest prince wanted to go to the imperial mausoleum? Didn't he fail in the fight for the position of the crown prince? There was no need to go to the imperial mausoleum, right?

If you go directly, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing these ministers who have surrendered to you with one blow?

"Boss, guarding the imperial mausoleum is extremely hard. Are you sure you want to go?" Mu Chengqian asked.

"Please help me, father." The eldest prince spoke again.

"Forget it, forget it, in this case, then you go." Mu Chengqian shook his head and said.

"Thank you, father, for your help." The eldest prince saluted respectfully and then returned to the queue.

"Father, I am guilty!"

At this time, the fourth prince stood up and knelt on his knees and said.

"Oh? Fourth, what is your crime?" Mu Chengqian looked at the fourth prince.

"Your Majesty, I found a thief in my mansion yesterday. I was a little angry and killed him by mistake. Please punish me." The fourth prince said.

"It doesn't matter if it's just a thief. What crime should a thief be punished for breaking into a mansion?" Mu Chengqian said, looking at the Minister of Punishment at the same time.

"Your Majesty, the thief broke into the prince's mansion. According to the law, he should be beheaded." The Minister of Punishment bowed and replied.

"Since he should be beheaded according to the law, what crime have you committed?" Mu Chengqian said indifferently.

"Your Majesty, yesterday was the birthday banquet of the Empress Dowager. It was unbecoming for me to kill a person. Please punish me." The fourth prince said again.

"In that case, I will punish you to go to the Cold Wind Valley to face the wall for a month as a punishment." Mu Chengqian gave the order.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Hearing this, the fourth prince bowed again and then stood back in the queue.

When the three words "Hanfeng Valley" appeared, the princes all trembled.

That place is really not a place for people to stay. Even if they are in the eighth level of soul refining, they will suffer the pain of the piercing cold wind.

At this time, the ministers also reacted. This is definitely because of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Afterwards, Mu Chengqian announced the marriage of Mu Rufeng, the marriage of the sixth prince, and the marriage of the seventh princess Mu Wuxia in public.

After that, the court affairs began to be formally handled, and a group of ministers came forward to report.

This morning court lasted until 10:30 in the morning before it was adjourned.

After the court was adjourned, Mu Chengqian brought Mu Rufeng to the cave again.

This time, before Mu Chengqian said to pay homage to the Seventh Ancestor, the figure of the Seventh Ancestor appeared beside him.

And it was not just him, there were two other old men.

One wore a black robe, the other wore a green robe, and the Seventh Ancestor wore a golden robe.

"Meet the Sixth Ancestor, meet the Seventh Ancestor, meet the Old Ancestor Lu!" Mu Chengqian hurriedly saluted the three.

Mu Rufeng also hurriedly followed suit.

The Sixth Ancestor was the Seventh Ancestor's third uncle, and the two were only one generation apart. Fortunately, in their era, uncles and nephews entered the realm of Emperor Venerable together.

"It's really a good seedling, but it's too early to get married. I would have let my Qiu'er marry His Highness earlier." Old Ancestor Lu said with some regret.

Because Mu Rufeng already had Zhao Yanran as his legal wife, then Old Ancestor Lu's descendant Lu Qianqiu would not be able to marry him.

With his status, it's impossible for him to be a concubine.

"Not bad, not bad, I heard that you defeated the eldest disciple of Tianjianmen, Jian Yifeng, which is very good. This time, I wonder if the old guy from Tianjianmen dares to show off in front of me." The Sixth Ancestor said with a snort.

"Let's get going as soon as possible, and first remove the Nether Flower poison from Feng'er." The Seventh Ancestor said.

The three of them immediately took Mu Rufeng out of the palace.

Mu Rufeng only felt a little blurry around him, and couldn't see things clearly, but he could feel that they were running at a very fast speed.

They should be traveling through space.

Sure enough, the existence of the Emperor's Realm was still what he looked up to.

After a few minutes, the surrounding scene began to slowly become clear, and then they stopped completely.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that this was a dense forest.

Just when Mu Rufeng wanted to ask a question, a feeling of vomiting suddenly came, but it was quickly suppressed.

"Feng'er's foundation is very solid, and he didn't even vomit." The Seventh Ancestor looked at Mu Rufeng with a little surprise.

"It's really a good seedling. My Qiu'er followed me for a trip, and she vomited all over the floor in just a dozen breaths, and her head was still dizzy." The eyes of the old ancestor Lu looking at Mu Rufeng were full of admiration.

"Hurry up and take out the things, and remove the poison in Feng'er's body as soon as possible." The six clans spoke.

"Uncle San, why are you in such a hurry?" The seventh ancestor shook his head slightly, and then took out a palm-sized shuttle.

Then he threw it lightly, and saw the light flowing on the shuttle, and it quickly expanded and became larger, until it was three meters long and half a meter wide, and the whole body was silver-white.

"Go up, with this shuttle, the speed will be faster, more labor-saving, and you won't feel uncomfortable." The seventh ancestor said, and then went directly into the shuttle.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng also entered it immediately.

The space inside the shuttle is actually not big, but it is more than enough to carry four people, and it is estimated that the number of people will be doubled without any problem.

And, the magical thing is that although there is a layer of cover outside, when you enter it, you can clearly see the outside world.

"Sit down, the netherworld is far away." The seventh ancestor said, and then sat in the first seat, which seemed to be responsible for driving.

The Sixth Patriarch sat in the second seat, the Lu Patriarch sat in the third seat, and Mu Rufeng naturally sat in the fourth seat.

This shuttle has a total of four seats, but when Mu Rufeng came in, there were still no seats.

Presumably, this shuttle can evolve seats according to the number of people.

"Hold on tight, it's time to set off."

The Seventh Patriarch shouted, and the blood and qi in his body were poured into the shuttle.

The next moment, the shuttle vibrated, and then a strong sense of pushing back came.

It took only three or five seconds for everything to become peaceful.

Mu Rufeng looked outside and found that the shuttle was flying at a very fast speed in the sky, but he could not feel the speed of the flight at all in the shuttle.

Mu Rufeng touched the shuttle and then checked its properties.

[Liuyin Shuttle]: It is made of a special material combined with the most powerful refining sect hundreds of years ago with a secret method.

Effect: A ninth-level item with the ability to travel through space, extremely powerful concealment ability, and extremely powerful defense.

Good guy, this is actually a ninth-level prop. Mu Rufeng thought it was a vehicle.

But after thinking about it, it is impossible. If there is a vehicle here, then the seven ancestors are simply killing people indiscriminately.

"By the way, ancestors, what exactly is the ghost cave?" Mu Rufeng asked.

To be honest, he is quite curious about the ghost cave.

From his memory, he learned that the ghost cave is the entrance to a certain death world.

There are five entrances in the entire Tiandao Continent, one entrance in each state.

The emperor was seriously injured and dying in the ghost cave in the Western Region.

The ghost cave in their Central Region is in Qinzhou.

The ghost cave appeared ten thousand years ago, and undead creatures would erupt from time to time, but they would be easily wiped out.

As time goes by, in recent years, the eruption has become more frequent and terrifying.

The Ma family is a relatively powerful family and a military hero with heavy troops.

They have guarded the Qinzhou ghost cave for generations and are deeply favored by the emperor.

In addition to the above information, Mu Rufeng does not know more information.

"Ghost cave? Why are you asking this?" Elder Lu turned his head and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"I'm curious, are there really undead creatures in there? And there is a special black aura and another kind of power?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, there are indeed undead creatures in there. If we want to kill them, we must use our power to completely wipe them out before we can kill them."

"Or, pull them under the sun and bathe in the sun. They will be quickly burned to death by the sun's yang energy. The stronger they are, the longer they can last."

"If they are immortal creatures in the divine realm, they can last an hour in the sun without dying." said Lu Laozu.

The Sixth Patriarch also said: "That black mist is another kind of power. We call it death energy. Death energy is the source of power for immortal creatures."

"But we can't absorb this power, because death energy will erode our warriors. In serious cases, it can even transform warriors into immortal creatures."

"Of course, if you are infected by death energy, you can get rid of it by basking in the sun."

"Can basking in the sun kill those immortal creatures and eliminate erosion? It seems that these immortal creatures are very afraid of masculine power." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised, and then spoke.

Mu Rufeng has not seen immortal creatures with his own eyes, but he learned from the information that these immortal creatures are probably weird.

Those death energy should be ghost energy.

Ordinary people can also be eroded by ghost energy, and the real world is aware of it.

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