I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 312: The Netherworld, the Dragon Corpse Above the Emperor [10,000 words]

After the player enters the copy of the strange world, the attributes will be digitized, which is equivalent to having a basic system.

The system can prevent it from being eroded by ghost energy, but directly absorb the ghost energy into the body, and officially start to practice ghost cultivation.

It is really amazing that practicing ghost energy in this way will not make the body transform into a strange one.

On the Tiandao Continent, you can practice ghost energy, but once you practice, you can only enter the ghost cave, and finally transform into an undead creature.

"In recent years, the ghost cave has become more and more active, and I don't know when it will erupt." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"No problem, it will erupt if it erupts. There is sunlight suppression, and there are many masters in my Dali Dynasty. It's just an undead creature." Ancestor Lu waved his hand and said.

"That's right. After Emperor Ya died, Cheng Qian ascended the throne and began to make magic tools containing extreme yang power. Now thirty years have passed, and we have already accumulated a large number of them."

"Even if the ghost cave erupts, we can deal with it." The Seventh Ancestor said again.

As time passed, the shuttle gradually became quiet.

Several people began to close their eyes and rest.

Mu Rufeng took out a bottle of seventh-level Qi and Blood Pills, which contained ten pills. Mu Rufeng swallowed them all at once.

Then he immediately sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Now Mu Rufeng has a lot of practice resources, most of which are gifts from the fourth and eighth princes.

The emperor should have given practice resources, but Mu Rufeng left in a hurry, so the practice resources could only be sent to the East Palace and could only be used after he returned.

The seventh-level Qi and Blood Pills are the resources for daily practice by warriors in the seventh-level Refining Qi Realm.

For warriors in the sixth-level Refining Mind Realm, the Qi and Blood are too rich and violent. After taking them, they may not only fail to enhance the Qi and Blood, but will suffer backlash.

But it is obvious that Mu Rufeng has no backlash.

With strong digestion and absorption ability and super strong physique, there is no bottleneck in practice.

It is true that as long as there are enough resources, Mu Rufeng's practice can be rapidly improved.

"He is truly gifted. He dared to take a bottle of seventh-level Qi and Blood Pills in one breath in the state of Lian Xin." Ancestor Lu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Mu Rufeng with admiration.

At the same time, a halo of light flowed to separate them from Mu Rufeng, so that they would not disturb Mu Rufeng when they talked.

"It is really good. In terms of talent, he has actually surpassed most of our royal ancestors." The Sixth Ancestor also spoke.

"I think his talent is definitely even better than that of Ancestor Li. You don't know that the first time I met him, I entered his soul space."

"I am under a sailboat of more than ten meters, and under his feet, there is a huge iron ship, which is many times larger than mine."

"What's more terrible is that Feng'er's soul space has a vast ocean, the kind that you can't see the end of at a glance." The Seventh Ancestor said with emotion.

"Huh? A sea? It's many times larger than your soul ship?" The Sixth Ancestor was surprised.

"I say, Lao Feng, are you sure you didn't see it wrong? In our realm of Emperor Zun, the soul space is just a pond. How can he have a sea?" Ancestor Lu looked incredulous.

"Of course it's true. Would I lie to you?" said the Seventh Ancestor.

"If it's true, Lao Feng, how about you ask His Majesty to cancel the engagement with the girl in Lingyan Pavilion and marry my Qiu'er?" said Ancestor Lu.

"If you want to go, go by yourself. It's none of my business." The Seventh Ancestor refused mercilessly.

"Lao Mu, what do you say?" Ancestor Lu looked at the Sixth Ancestor again.

"What's the point of canceling the engagement? Just let your daughter marry here as a concubine. When Feng'er ascends the throne and becomes emperor, it won't be a disgrace for your Qiu'er to be a concubine." said the Sixth Ancestor.

"What you said seems to make some sense. I'll go back and think about it with her parents." Ancestor Lu stroked his long beard and nodded slightly.

Mu Rufeng, who was still refining the Qi and Blood Pill, had no idea that he seemed to have another wife.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

Mu Rufeng slowly opened his eyes, and the surging Qi and Blood power in his body slowly calmed down.

In six hours, he had refined most of the ten seventh-level Qi and Blood Pills.

His cultivation level also improved, of course, he didn't even break through a small realm.

This speed is actually very fast.

According to ordinary seventh-level warriors, it takes two days to refine a seventh-level Qi and Blood Pill, but Mu Rufeng refined most of the ten Qi and Blood Pills in just six hours.

Resources, he needs a huge amount of resources to pile up his own cultivation.

Just like the ancient holy body of the protagonist in the real-world novel "The Heaven Covering", he has a strong talent, but needs a huge amount of resources to soar all the way.

Mu Rufeng is now similar to it, and needs a huge amount of resources to soar all the way.

After he has cured the poison, he will enter the royal treasury and start his crazy training.

"We have reached the border. We are about to enter the territory of the Western Regions demons. Be careful." The Sixth Patriarch said.

"Yes." The Seventh Patriarch nodded slightly.

Then he was seen pinching the magic formula.

Suddenly, the speed of the shuttle slowed down. At the same time, the surface of the shuttle gradually became transparent, and the breath could not be detected at all.

In this form, even if it flies in front of the God Realm, it cannot be discovered.

Even if the existence of the Emperor Realm can only be discovered within a certain range, it cannot be detected if it is a little further away.

But after all, they have to enter the territory of the demon clan, so they have to slow down a bit, so that they can be more secretive.

The imperial city of the Dali Dynasty is very far away from the border of the Western Regions, a full 5,000 kilometers.

They set off at 10:30 in the morning, and now it is 5:30 in the afternoon, and it took a total of seven hours.

If you calculate it, the speed of the shuttle reached 700 kilometers per hour.

This speed is nothing compared to the planes in the real world.

But Mu Rufeng knew that it should not be used at full strength, let alone shuttle space, otherwise the speed would be faster.

Mu Rufeng guessed that it should be afraid of excessive consumption and then encounter danger in the Western Regions.

Another hour passed.

The sky had completely darkened.

The shuttle slowly landed in a dense forest.

When everyone got off the shuttle, they saw the shuttle quickly shrink and then flew back to the palm of the Seventh Ancestor, and was put into the storage ring by him.

When Mu Rufeng got off the shuttle, he felt a very uncomfortable feeling.

In the air around him, there was no spiritual energy, only demonic energy.

His body was rejecting demonic energy. Without spiritual energy, his body could not absorb spiritual energy to replenish it.

Therefore, cultivators or warriors who were not demons would suffer a great loss in fighting against demons in the Western Regions. They could only eat the pills they brought with them to restore their blood or spiritual energy.

The demons could absorb the surrounding demon energy to restore their own consumption. The most important thing was that if the demons went to other states, they could also absorb spiritual energy.

Although it was not as fast as the absorption of demonic energy, it was not too slow.

Therefore, compared with the two sides, the demons had a great advantage.

"This is the territory of the demons, full of demonic energy. Use the power of blood and energy to protect yourself, and do not absorb demonic energy. Only in this way can there be no abnormality." The Seventh Ancestor seemed to see Mu Rufeng's state and said immediately.

Mu Rufeng tried it, and sure enough, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

"Let's go. It's still ten miles from the entrance of the ground fissure in the netherworld. We will walk there." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Yes, Seventh Ancestor." Mu Rufeng responded.

Although they were walking, they were not really walking. With one step, they could cross dozens or hundreds of meters.

Mu Rufeng looked at the trees around him and found that there were outlines of human faces on the trunks of these trees, which was extremely strange.

"Those are demon trees. At the entrance of the crack, there is a demon forest with a radius of dozens of kilometers. It was transplanted here by the Jiao clan to guard the entrance of the crack."

"They are extremely sensitive to the power of qi and blood, especially the smell of humans, but you don't have to worry. We have restrained the breath and they can't detect it." Ancestor Lu said.

Mu Rufeng, who was being carried by Ancestor Lu at this moment, nodded.

As they went deeper and deeper, Mu Rufeng found that the trunks of those demon trees were getting thicker and taller and more luxuriant.

Obviously, the closer to the entrance of the crack, the stronger the demon tree will be.

In order to prevent the disclosure of their whereabouts, they also walked very carefully, and circled from time to time.

It took them half an hour to walk out of the demon forest.

In front of us, there is an open space, and the ground is made of dark rocks, and it is impossible to tell what kind of material it is.

In the center of the open space, there is also a huge crack.

It is hundreds of meters long and dozens of meters wide. A large amount of black air emerges from the crack.

Mu Rufeng felt it and found that these black airs were actually demonic air.

"Ancestor, the demonic air in this Netherworld is so strong. Didn't the Jiao clan occupy this place?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course the Jiao clan wants to occupy it, but I heard that there is a kind of toxin in the demonic air. It is naturally okay for us not to absorb the demonic air."

"But after those demons enter, they will inevitably absorb it, so they give up entering the Netherworld."

"Do you see those demon forests outside? Those demon forests are not only to prevent outsiders from entering, but also to purify the toxins in the demonic air."

"You said that you have the Netherworld flower poison in your body. Maybe this toxin may be the Netherworld flower poison in your body." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"So that's the case. If that's the case, then when we fight against the demons, shouldn't we prevent them from poisoning us?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

"That's right. Your poisoning has given us a warning. However, I guess this kind of poison is extremely difficult to refine, otherwise, someone would have died suddenly. Hmm?"

"Wait, Feng'er, did you have any symptoms after being poisoned?" The Seventh Ancestor suddenly asked.

"Symptoms? I don't feel anything, but sometimes I feel that my blood and qi are a little difficult to control, but it will recover soon." Mu Rufeng said.

"Third Uncle, do you think that Wuxiong was also poisoned by the Nether Flower, and then he couldn't control his blood and qi, and finally fell into the water and drowned?" The Seventh Ancestor suddenly said.

The Sixth Ancestor fell into silence when he heard this.

"It's possible!" The Sixth Ancestor said word by word.

"No matter what, we came this time and brought back more Nether Cold Spring and Nether Flower. We also need to study the Nether Flower poison carefully." Ancestor Lu said.

"But we seem to have never seen the Nether Flower before, how can we pick it?" Sixth Patriarch asked again.

"There is a mark of the Nether Flower on the forehead of Feng'er's soul body. If I see it in the outside world, I will definitely be able to recognize it."

"Without further ado, let's enter immediately, Third Uncle, protect Feng'er." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Well, let's go."

The Seventh Ancestor immediately jumped directly into the crack in the ground.

The Sixth Patriarch also jumped down with Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng only felt that her eyes were shrouded in a black mist, and she couldn't see clearly at all. She only felt that it was pitch black.

The feeling of weightlessness lasted for several breaths, and Mu Rufeng felt like she was stepping on the ground.

Then, the fog in front of him dissipated a little, and the surroundings were not completely dark. There was actually a bloody full moon above.

Looking around again, I found that this place is an endless barren land.

And above them, there was a whirlpool of mist emitting a faint light.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng felt that the demonic aura around her was getting stronger.

It just means that this evil spirit seems to be emanating from their feet.

"This is the land of the netherworld. It is really deserted. It seems to be an alien space." Ancestor Lu looked around and sighed with emotion.

"It is said that the Netherworld suddenly appeared in the Western Region three thousand years ago, and those Yi and Di people formed a large number of experts to enter."

"In the end, less than 50% of the masters returned, suffering heavy casualties. In the end, they were attacked by the monster clan living in the corner of the Western Region, and finally occupied the Western Region."

"We have no chance to enter the Netherworld. Now that we have entered, we must be careful and remain vigilant." The Seventh Ancestor said.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she was also shocked. She didn't expect that this netherworld place had such secrets.

"Yes." Both the Sixth Patriarch and Patriarch Lu nodded.

They had never been here before, and now, because Mu Rufeng entered, they naturally had to be more careful.

"However, something seems to be wrong here. There is a strong demonic aura emanating from under our feet, but when I look at the distance, there is no demonic aura at all." Patriarch Lu suddenly said.

"I also noticed that there seems to be something buried underground." The Sixth Patriarch said slowly.

"If you want to know what's buried, just dig around and you'll find out." The Seventh Patriarch smiled slightly.

The Seventh Ancestor immediately lightly stamped his foot, and immediately, the terrifying power was released and the earth shook.


A bottomless crack opened directly in the ground.

The Seventh Patriarch looked down, his eyes slightly condensed, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Then is that a corpse?"

"Corpse? Dragon?"

Several people looked down in shock.

Mu Rufeng also looked down and saw a huge head at the bottom of the crack.

This is a dragon head. Although the skin and flesh are wrinkled, as if there is only a piece of skin sticking to the bones, you can recognize it as a dragon at a glance.

That huge demonic power is emanating from this dragon.

"What a terrifying aura. Is this a dragon corpse that is above the emperor?" Old Ancestor Lu really didn't expect that when he went to the Netherworld, he would find a dragon corpse that was above the emperor?

"Ancestor, look, this dragon also has a ghost flower on its forehead. Is this a poisoned dragon corpse?" Mu Rufeng pointed at the dragon's forehead and shouted.

"Not good." The Seventh Patriarch's expression suddenly changed, and when he stepped on his foot again, he saw that the cracks quickly merged, covering the dragon corpse again.

"Let's go!" The Seventh Ancestor suddenly grabbed Mu Rufeng and flew away into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

The speed of the other two people was not slow either, and they followed the Seventh Ancestor and rushed into the distance.

At the same time, one can also see extremely mysterious forces quickly emerging around them.

If Mu Rufeng's guess is correct, this is the power of rules they control.


A dragon roar sounded.

Then, a dragon soul emerged from the ground. The dragon soul was not big, only about ten feet, but it exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

This momentum made everyone tremble.


A more harsh dragon roar sounded.

The ancestors who had already run ten miles away felt as if their brains had been hit hard by a hammer, and they had splitting headaches, but the speed under their feet did not weaken at all.

In an instant, blood was seen flowing from their ears and noses.

After this dragon roar, the dragon soul slowly fell silent and then sank into the ground.

The breath of terror gradually dissipated.

Several people in the distance did not dare to stop. They ran for more than ten kilometers before stopping.

"It's too terrifying. We have no power to resist." The Sixth Patriarch said with lingering fear.

"Just a dragon corpse has such power. If it were alive, wouldn't it crush me like an ant?" Ancestor Lu was also extremely horrified at this moment.

"A dragon roar will shatter the power of our rules. It's really terrifying."

"I finally understand why the Jiao Clan doesn't occupy this place. Firstly, they don't dare to do it when the dragon corpse is there. Secondly, wait and see here. There is no evil spirit at all. It seems to be a desert. ”

The Seventh Ancestor calmed down and spoke.

The strong demonic energy at the entrance to the seam was simply emitted by the dragon corpse.

In addition, this place is completely deserted and there is no presence of any evil spirits. Naturally, the Jiao Clan will not waste time occupying this place.

No one needs to watch that dragon corpse, because no one can beat it.

"This place is really full of mysteries. The dragon corpse is so powerful. Who killed it during his lifetime? Did he die from the poison of the Netherworld Flower?"

"There should be a Netherworld Cold Spring here, so why doesn't the dragon corpse soak in it to detoxify?"

"Eh? Prince, why don't you have anything wrong?" Patriarch Lu suddenly looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

Upon hearing this, the Sixth Patriarch and the Seventh Patriarch looked at Mu Rufeng, and then looked at the others.

The three emperor-level ancestors all had a lot of blood on their faces. Looking at Mu Rufeng, she looked like a fine person.

"No, Ancestor Lu, I also have a headache." Mu Rufeng rubbed her head and said.

Of course, this was just an act, and Mu Rufeng didn't feel anything at all. If she really felt anything at all, it would be that the dragon's roar was a bit harsh.

"It should be that his soul power is strong, so he ignored the mental impact." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Okay, let's not discuss this for now."

"We don't know where Netherworld Cold Spring is, how should we act? Search separately or together?" the Sixth Patriarch said.

"Ancestors, please don't separate. This is an alien space. It's safest for us to be together. Even if we encounter danger, we can deal with it."

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she immediately stopped her.

Just kidding, Mu Rufeng knows that in horror movies, once they separate, something will happen to someone.

With three beings in the Emperor Realm together, even if they encounter danger, they can definitely deal with it easily.

After all, there is no existence above the Emperor in this world.

"Feng'er is right. It's better for us not to separate. Let's take the shuttle to search."

After being tortured by the dragon corpse, he felt that it was better not to separate. Then he saw him take out the shuttle, and the group immediately entered it.

The Seventh Ancestor controlled the shuttle and began to swim quickly in the Netherworld.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, half an hour, an hour passed.

The surrounding scenery changed from the previous barrenness to a land filled with strange rocks.

Everywhere you look, there are huge, weird boulders.

Along the way, they found no trace of any living creatures at all.

I didn't even see a cluster of weeds or trees.

Therefore, not even a shadow of Netherworld Hanquan was seen, and there was no trace of Netherworld Flower.

"Feng'er, you said that your master Xiaoyaozi has the spring water of Netherworld Cold Spring. How did he get it?" the seventh ancestor asked.

"I don't know. My master didn't tell me. After telling me that there was a cold spring in the Netherworld, he gave me some things and left." Mu Rufeng said.

"What did I give you? Take it out and take a look. Maybe there will be any clues." The Seventh Ancestor said.

Mu Rufeng nodded and immediately took out the book of Tianjice and the kettle containing the Netherworld Cold Spring.

"This is Tianjice, the supreme secret book of Tianjimen. This kettle is filled with spring water from Netherworld Cold Spring." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? Tian Ji Ce? Ancestor, can I take a look?" the seventh ancestor said suddenly.

"Of course you can, ancestor, please take a look." Mu Rufeng immediately handed over the secret plan.

After the seventh ancestor took it, he opened it and took a look.

The Sixth Patriarch and Patriarch Lu on the side came over and watched together.

They only felt that there were many unknown characters flashing on the page, then getting bigger and smaller, which made them dizzy.

The Seventh Ancestor immediately closed the Tianjice and gave it back to Mu Rufeng: "This secret code is so mysterious that I can't understand it at all."

"Yes, I feel dizzy after seeing it." Patriarch Lu said.

"Headache, headache, I don't even want this thing." The Sixth Patriarch rubbed his temples and looked a little ugly.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng smiled, and then took Tian Ji Ce back. It was the same when he first looked at it.

Now that he has extraordinary understanding, he can already see into it, but Mu Rufeng doesn't have time to study this thing now.

This thing, even if he is studying and practicing it now, he will still feel a little dizzy and have a splitting headache.

This thing requires too much talent.

The best way to practice is to start practicing the basic version from a young age, and then start practicing Tianji Ce step by step.

It really takes too long to become a master. For example, his master Xiaoyaozi only officially became a master when he was thirty years old.

He started practicing at the age of five and has been practicing for twenty-five years.

"Pour some cold spring water out and see if there is any reaction." The Seventh Ancestor said.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then poured some into his hand.

A chill instantly spread out, but Mu Rufeng could still bear it.

"This cold spring water seems to be pulled by something." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

The Seventh Patriarch and others naturally saw it too.

I saw the spring water in Mu Rufeng's palm slowly moving towards the southeast.

"Could it be that he was attracted by the Netherworld Cold Spring?"

"If possible, give me the spring water and let it guide you."

The Seventh Patriarch immediately took the spring water, then flicked his finger, and saw it fly out, and finally suspended in the shuttle.

Immediately afterwards, the Seventh Ancestor immediately controlled the shuttle and flew towards the southeast.

With the guidance of the cold spring water, they finally had a goal and would not run around aimlessly like before.

However, sometimes the shuttle speed is too fast, and the spring guidance sometimes fails to respond, so that it always goes too far, and the direction has to be fine-tuned many times.

But these effects are not significant.

In an instant, more than an hour passed.

Following the guidance of the cold spring water, they came to an extremely cold place.

A blizzard was blowing all around, and the ground was covered with snow. Although it was snow, it was frozen directly because of the extremely low temperature.

"The Netherworld Cold Spring should be here, and the surrounding landforms should also be due to the cold spring." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Walk slowly and secretly, maybe there is danger here." Lu Laozu said.

"Yes." The Seventh Ancestor nodded slightly.

A quarter of an hour later, they came to a canyon.

The temperature here was even lower, and even they felt cold in the shuttle.

Even the blood and qi in the body seemed a little obscure, and some could not be used, as if they were frozen.

I saw that the canyon in front was full of gorgeous flowers.

This flower is exactly the same as the flower on Mu Rufeng's forehead.

In other words, the flower in the canyon is the Netherworld Flower.

Outside the valley, the blizzard was raging, but there was no wind and snow invading the canyon.

Once the blizzard entered the canyon, it would melt in an instant.

"You wait here, I want to go in and investigate." The Seventh Patriarch said, and prepared to go alone.

The rest of the people heard it, and they didn't say anything.

Then, the Seventh Patriarch entered the canyon.

As soon as he entered, he saw that his whole body trembled, and then he began to steam all over.

After a long time, his skin slowly came down, but his body was still steaming.

Then the Seventh Patriarch walked around inside, and then walked out.

"There is no danger inside, but the temperature inside is extremely low, even the ninth-level treasure clothes can hardly resist it, unless it is a treasure clothes with fire attributes. We have to mobilize the blood and qi in our bodies to keep out the cold." The Seventh Patriarch said.

"Have you found the cold spring?" The Sixth Patriarch asked.

"Found it, in the center of the canyon."

"There is no time to lose, let's go, I will protect Feng'er." The Sixth Patriarch said immediately.

"Ancestor, no need, I have the power of fire element in my body."

Mu Rufeng said, first he used [Potential Explosion], and then a strong flame power emerged from his body.

The powerful flame instantly made the cold air around him warmer.

"Such a strong flame, but the cold air inside is extremely strong, if you can't hold on, just tell me." The Sixth Patriarch nodded.

Then, the group entered the canyon.

When Mu Rufeng stepped into it, a terrifying cold air invaded, making him tremble instantly.

The flames outside the body were instantly suppressed back.

Mu Rufeng's reaction was also very fast, and he instantly burst out with extremely terrifying flame power.

The cold air was dispelled, and the flames also attached to his body, and it could only attach to maintain its own temperature, and it could not expand outward even an inch.

"Such a strong cold air, almost froze me into an ice sculpture." The Sixth Patriarch shuddered and said.

"Quick, try to soak in the cold spring to see if it can remove the toxins in your body."

The seventh ancestor finished speaking,

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry in and soak in the cold spring."

The seventh ancestor immediately flew forward.

Mu Rufeng followed closely behind, and along the way, he actually found a lot of corpses.

Looking at these corpses, they all seemed to be people from the demon clan.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Rufeng immediately used the skill [Life and Death].

At this moment, his three-dimensional attributes have reached the critical value of 19999.

Mu Rufeng's aura became stronger, which naturally attracted the attention of the other three people.

But no one said anything. After all, Mu Rufeng defeated Jian Yifeng, who was at the eighth level of the Bitter Sea Realm, with the strength of the sixth level of the Refining Heart Realm.

It didn't take long for them to arrive in front of a cold spring of about 100 meters.

The temperature inside was obviously very low, but the spring water was not frozen.

In the center of the cold spring, there were still waves, and it was obvious that there was an outlet below.

"It's even colder here. Can Feng'er hold on?" The Sixth Patriarch was a little afraid of accidents.

"How about we bring the spring water out and let the prince soak in it outside?" said the Lu Patriarch.

"No, I just did an experiment. There is no way to get the cold spring water out. Some space treasures that store liquids will be frozen and cannot be filled once they touch the cold spring water."

"Feng'er's kettle should be made of special materials, or engraved with special formations."

"You can put it in, but as soon as it is poured out, it will be quickly sucked into the cold spring. If we go further, how many times do we need to go back and forth to get enough spring water?"

"This time consumption, I'm afraid that our blood and qi will be exhausted and frozen to death here, so we can only soak it. Feng'er, do you think you can hold on in it?"

The Seventh Patriarch said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"I will always pay attention to your breath. If there is something wrong, I will pull you out immediately." The Seventh Patriarch said.

If you want to detoxify, you can only soak in the cold spring. If Mu Rufeng wants to detoxify, he can only soak.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and a terrifying flame erupted from his body again, and then he jumped into the cold spring without hesitation.

Cold, very cold, a sense of extreme coldness instantly invaded from his body.

The originally terrifying flame was suppressed in an instant.

Mu Rufeng was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

The Seventh Ancestor above saw this, his face changed slightly, and a soft whip in his hand shot out violently, trying to pull Mu Rufeng out of the cold spring.

But before the whip got close, the ice around Mu Rufeng exploded instantly.

A flame rose up, and a large amount of water vapor came out of Mu Rufeng's body.

"Seventh Ancestor, no problem, I can hold on." Mu Rufeng looked up at the Seventh Ancestor.

"Okay." The Seventh Ancestor shook his right hand, took back the whip, and showed a look of relief on his face.

Mu Rufeng could actually hold on to such a strong cold.

He tried it himself before, and he almost froze into an ice sculpture.

Although Mu Rufeng still felt very cold at this moment, he had already adapted to the cold.

The power of the fire element in his body and the cold ability of Xiaolong, plus his own strong blood and qi power, barely adapted.

It seems that there is still a lot deeper below, the deeper, the stronger the cold must be.

Mu Rufeng dare not enter.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was finally able to detect the netherworld flower poison in his body.

Because of the cold, a liquid that flows slower than blood appeared in his blood, and then it was directly frozen.

At first glance, this is also blood, but it is actually the Nether Flower Poison.

The Nether Flower Poison dissolved in the blood, spread all over the body, and could not be detected. Now it was corroded by the special cold air in the cold spring and caused changes, which was noticed by people.

And to detoxify, it is actually very simple, just remove the frozen Nether Flower Poison from the body.

No wonder Xiaoyaozi said that he could detoxify by soaking in the cold spring.

"No, if only cold air is needed, then I can find a warrior with cold air martial arts, and then let him freeze the toxins in my body."

"Besides, I have the ability of ice myself, why didn't my master say it? Or... What is his plan? Or is the cold air not enough, and the cold spring is necessary?" Mu Rufeng thought a lot in his mind in an instant.

But thinking about it, the most important thing now is to expel the Nether Flower Poison from the body first.

Mu Rufeng wants to share the blood and qi in the body, promote the blood, and expel the frozen toxins in the blood.

Mu Rufeng's fingertips exploded directly, and then a piece of dark red blood ice shot out and fell into the cold spring.

This was the frozen nether flower toxin in his body.

The toxins in his fingers were only discharged very slowly.

At this rate, it would take at least a day for the toxins in the whole body to be discharged.

Mu Rufeng could wait, but his body couldn't wait. He didn't think he could last a day in the cold spring.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng prepared to detoxify on the spot.

What is detoxification on the spot? That is to see where the toxins are, and directly break the flesh and skin, and then discharge them from the body.

In an instant, a large number of toxin ice cubes pierced the flesh and blood all over Mu Rufeng's body, flew out, and fell into the cold spring.

This feeling made Mu Rufeng grin.

The three of the Seventh Ancestor also saw this scene, and were slightly surprised, and then admired Mu Rufeng very much.

They didn't expect Mu Rufeng to detoxify in this way. He could endure it, he really could endure it.

Soon, most of the toxins in Mu Rufeng's body were gone.

The remaining toxins were in some important parts.

For example, the heart, and the little brother below.

In this kind of place, Mu Rufeng still had to be more cautious. He began to spend time slowly pushing these toxins out of important parts, and then forced them out of the body.

In just a quarter of an hour, all the Nether Flower toxins in Mu Rufeng's body were excreted.

Mu Rufeng was still worried, and checked several times again and again to make sure that there was no toxins in the body.

But he thought about whether there would be some in his head.

Because his whole body was immersed in the cold spring, but his head was not immersed.

Mu Rufeng first greeted the Seventh Ancestor and the others, and then sank directly into the cold spring.

The cold air, the stronger cold air rushed straight into the brain.

For a moment, his brain was a little down.

Fortunately, the downtime only lasted for a few breaths, and Mu Rufeng slowly recovered.

As expected, there were toxins in his brain, and the toxins in his brain were frozen smaller, smaller than rice grains.

This should be the body's self-defense to prevent damage to the brain.

Although it was very small, there were a lot of them. As long as there was blood, it was almost full of toxins.

Mu Rufeng had to be more careful this time.

It took a full quarter of an hour for Mu Rufeng to expel all the toxins in his brain.

Because of the cold, his injuries did not bleed at all. Instead, because of his strong body, he had healed.

His body is now extremely strong and his recovery ability is also extremely strong. Even without the flesh and blood growth device, Mu Rufeng's broken arm can grow back with the power of blood and qi.

This is the strength of a warrior, and this is also a state that spiritual cultivation cannot reach.

During these two quarters of an hour, Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand from time to time to indicate that he was fine, otherwise, the Seventh Ancestor would have pulled Mu Rufeng up long ago.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully removing the Nether Flower poison from the body, completing the third stage mission, and obtaining a 1000% clearance rate]

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that there was a lot of light under the cold spring.

Before, because he had to remove the toxins in his brain, in order to prevent the frozen toxins from damaging his brain, Mu Rufeng was focused and had no distractions.

So he didn't look under the spring. Now that the toxins were removed, he naturally looked at the bottom of the spring.

You won’t know until you see it. It’s shocking to see that the glowing things below are actually palm-sized fish.

They are transparent, and you can see their internal organs. The place where the light is emitted is their tail.

Mu Rufeng doesn’t know what these things are, but he thinks they are terrifying because they can survive in such a cold spring.

Not to mention that they are almost 20 meters away from the bottom of the spring.

It’s still very deep below, and you can’t see the bottom. Mu Rufeng only saw these densely packed transparent small fish.

Mu Rufeng jumped out of the cold spring without saying a word. Facing those small fish, he didn’t dare to stay.

“How is it?” The Seventh Ancestor asked when he saw Mu Rufeng coming out.

“The toxins have been completely discharged.” Mu Rufeng was still a little stiff, and it was really cold. He couldn’t stop shivering all over.

Even if the flames in his body surged out, the cold air was difficult to eliminate, and it would take time.

“That’s good. It’s not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let’s leave quickly.” The Seventh Ancestor said immediately.

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