I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 313 Dragon King: Please invite the three ancestors to come out! [10,000 words]

While Mu Rufeng was detoxifying, the Seventh Ancestor guarded Mu Rufeng, and the other two went to pick the Netherworld Flowers.

They were also very careful, not touching them, and even not using their own blood and qi, but directly using some objects to pick them, and then wrapped them up with something and put them into the storage ring.

The canyon was almost full of Netherworld Flower poisons, and they picked a lot of them.

But even so, the Netherworld Flowers in the canyon did not decrease much.

"Seventh Ancestor, I just found a living thing under the cold spring." Mu Rufeng said.

"Living thing?" The Seventh Ancestor was slightly startled when he heard this, and immediately pulled Mu Rufeng behind him.

"What kind of living thing is it? Is it dangerous?" The Sixth Ancestor also asked hurriedly.

"It is a palm-sized fish, transparent throughout, you can see the organs inside, and the tail is still emitting a bright light."

"And there are many, all of them are 20 meters underwater and have not come up." Mu Rufeng said.

"Fish the size of a palm? Transparent throughout, and the tail is glowing?" Ancestor Lu thought carefully.

It seems that they don't know this kind of fish either.

"Hua La La~~!"

At this time, a sound of water waves appeared in the spring.

The faces of the seven ancestors changed slightly, and they quickly grabbed Mu Rufeng and retreated quickly.

Mu Rufeng also saw the movement on the water surface, and immediately shouted: "Seventh Ancestor, those are the fish I mentioned. They seem to be eating the netherworld flower toxins that I excreted from my body."

The Seventh Ancestor heard the words and immediately stopped, and then took a closer look and found that it was true.

"These fish don't seem to have a strong breath, catch two and see." Ancestor Lu immediately grabbed in the void.

Then a force of blood and qi turned into a giant hand and scooped it into the cold spring.

It was just that the giant hand was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture, and then fell into the cold spring.

It was too terrible that this kind of intangible blood and qi could be frozen into an ice sculpture, which surprised everyone.

But Ancestor Lu reacted quickly and directly controlled the giant hand ice sculpture, and then used the ice sculpture to scoop the fish.

Soon, dozens of fish were caught and landed in front of them.

After the springs landed, they were quickly attracted by the cold springs.

Some fish also went into the springs and headed for the cold springs.

Most of the fish were still flipping and jumping on the ground.

Patriarch Lu made another move, grabbed the fish in the springs, threw them on the ground, and then let the springs go to the cold springs.

The Seventh Patriarch grabbed a fish and put it in his palm, observed it carefully, and then said in surprise: "I have never seen this fish before, but it contains strong spiritual power and blood power. Swallowing it should be beneficial to warriors and spiritual practitioners."

"Could these fish also be edible spiritual fish?" Patriarch Lu also said.

"You will know if you try it." The Sixth Patriarch grabbed one and stuffed it into his mouth without saying a word.

"Wait, these fish eat the toxins of the Nether Flower, and they may also have poison in their bodies." Seeing this, Mu Rufu hurriedly stopped him.

"Haha, it's a small problem. At most, I can just soak in the cold spring." The Sixth Patriarch didn't care and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hmm? It's delicious. It's so delicious even when it's raw?" The Sixth Patriarch's eyes lit up when he took the cold spirit fish.

"Is it really that delicious? What about your body? Is there anything wrong with it?" said the Lu Patriarch.

"No problem, no toxins. The blood and qi contained in this cold spirit fish is roughly equivalent to the seventh-level blood and qi pill, and the absorption speed is extremely fast."

"It's much faster than the absorption and refining speed of the pill. It's a good thing. If this spirit fish can be raised in the palace," said the Sixth Patriarch.

The Sixth Patriarch didn't know this spirit fish, so he just gave it a name, called the cold spirit fish.

"I don't think it's possible. I can see that these cold spirit fish have to live in the cold spring. It's impossible for us to create a cold spring ourselves." Lu Patriarch said.

"Who said it's impossible."

"I remember that our Tianshan Sect has a treasure, the Ice Bead. It's not impossible to create a cold spring with that treasure." Lu Patriarch suddenly said.

"That's right. The old man from the Tianshan Sect has always wanted the Tiansui Ice Crystal in my hand. I'll see if I can exchange it for the Ice Bead." The Seventh Ancestor nodded slightly.

The Seventh Ancestor and Lu Laozu also picked up a cold spirit fish and put it into their mouths.

After chewing it a few times and swallowing it into their stomachs, they were all delighted. Obviously, this cold spirit fish is really delicious.

Mu Rufeng was naturally unwilling to lag behind, and grabbed a fish and stuffed it into his mouth.

Not to mention, it's really fresh and delicious, without any fishy smell, and the powerful blood and qi power was quickly absorbed by him.

If this is raised in the palace, it really is enough to eat this spirit fish every day for cultivation. Not only is it delicious, but it can also be used for cultivation. It's really great.

"However, how can we catch some back? These cold spirit fish are living creatures and cannot be stored in storage rings."

"Moreover, they don't seem to be able to leave the cold spring for too long. It's only been a short time, and you can see that they are already a little immobile." Lu Laozu asked.

The cold spirit fish that were originally still alive and kicking could only be seen opening and closing their mouths slightly, and their bodies did not move much.

"Can't your kettle be filled with cold spring water? We can just take some fish fry." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Yes, take some fish fry." Hearing this, several people nodded repeatedly.

An adult spirit fish is only the size of a palm, and the fish fry are probably even smaller than the fry of normal fish.

This kettle can probably hold thousands of fish without any problem.

Everyone soon came to the cold spring again.

At this moment, the cold spring had returned to calm.

The spirit fish had sunk again.

"We need to attract all these fish to come up so that we can catch the fry."

"They eat the toxins of the Nether Flower, so can they also eat the Nether Flower?"

Thinking of this, the Seventh Ancestor immediately took out a Nether Flower and then broke it apart, letting it float on the water surface.

Five breaths passed, and the water surface began to boil.

A large number of spirit fish appeared on the water surface, and they opened their mouths to swallow the Nether Flowers.

Seeing this, the three Seventh Ancestors immediately used their magical powers to catch fish.

Mu Rufeng was no exception, but he did not use his own abilities to catch fish like the old ancestor.

He directly took out the bandage, let its two sides extend quickly and then cross to form a huge fishing net.

Then Mu Rufeng picked up the fishing net and scooped it into the cold spring.

Although the bandage was frozen when it entered the cold spring, it was for this reason that Mu Rufeng turned the bandage into a fishing net in advance.

Then, Mu Rufeng pulled hard, and a large number of cold spirit fish were caught in the fishing net.

This time, there were more than what the three ancestors caught.

The four of them caught a lot, but the cold spirit fish seemed to be no less. Obviously, there were countless cold spirit fish in this cold spring.

The crowd caught a lot more, and the spirit fish gradually sank.

Because the netherworld flowers were eaten up.

They threw a lot of netherworld flowers and continued to catch.

After all, this is a good thing. Although it can't be put into the storage ring when it's alive, the dead cold spirit fish can be put in.

They think that since there are so many cold spirit fish here, and it's not easy to come here, naturally they have to catch more.

Mu Rufeng also caught cold spirit fish crazily.

After a while.

The ground behind was full of cold spirit fish, forming four small hills.

On the other hand, in the cold spring, the spirit fish still didn't see a decrease, and they were still eating netherworld flowers crazily.

"How many cold spirit fish are there in this cold spring? We caught so many and they didn't get any less." The Seventh Ancestor said in confusion.

"I saw that the cold spring must be connected to somewhere, and that should be the home of this cold spirit fish." said Patriarch Lu.

"Okay, stop fishing. It's too cold here. I feel my blood and qi are a little stiff." The Seventh Ancestor stopped his hand.

The Sixth Ancestor and Patriarch Lu also stopped after hearing this.

"Yes, I also feel that my blood and qi have been consumed a lot." The Sixth Ancestor said.

"We have caught so many, and it is enough. We can just pick out some more fry." Patriarch Lu nodded.

"Feng'er, that's enough. Stop fishing. Look at the fish you caught. You have the most." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Okay, Seventh Ancestor, catch one more at the end." Mu Rufeng said, and cast the net again to catch the last handful.

Then, several people began to deal with these cold spirit fish.

The dead ones can be collected directly, and the ones that are not dead can be directly killed by blood and qi and then stored in the storage ring.

After a while, everyone finished the work and found a lot of fish fry. These fish fry were taken from the belly of pregnant spirit fish and were alive and kicking.

There were a lot of them, but there was only one kettle, which held almost 5,000 fish, and then filled the cold spring with water.

"Let's go."

After they finished cleaning up, they left. They didn't have any idea to explore what was at the bottom of the cold spring.

They would not explore why there were so many nether flower poisons here.

On the way out of the canyon, Mu Rufeng saw the corpses again.

Mu Rufeng used [Life and Death] again to refresh the time when he was in peak state.

Then the group left the canyon and the blizzard hit again.

The light shuttle was taken out, and after everyone got on it, they turned into a stream of light and went far away.

When they were far away from the ice land, their somewhat stiff bodies gradually warmed up.

But suddenly, the seventh ancestor paused, he stood up and looked behind.

They hadn't walked far, but they found that the icy land had disappeared.

"What happened?" the Sixth Patriarch asked.

"The location of the canyon seems to have changed. Let's go back and take a look." The Seventh Patriarch said, turning around and quickly heading back the way they came.

However, after flying for almost a quarter of an hour, they didn't even return to the blizzard.

"This" The few people were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Mu Rufeng saw this and immediately poured out some cold spring water.

Suddenly, they saw that the direction of the cold spring water pointed to another place.

"Sure enough, the direction has changed." The Seventh Patriarch immediately flew in the direction pointed by the cold spring water.

This time, they flew for a full hour before they saw the icy land again.

"That's right, it should be that every time someone enters, this place will randomly change its position."

"Strange, it's really strange."

In other words, if you want to find the location of the cold spring, apart from trying your luck, you can only rely on the cold spring water.

Then, the cold spring water in Mu Rufeng's kettle is the guide to find this place.

The crowd did not continue to enter, but went back along the route they came from.

After flying for more than an hour, the shuttle stopped in a boulder forest.

There were huge rocks all around, and it also formed a natural shelter.

"Just in case, let's recover here and keep our strength at the peak." The Seventh Ancestor said.

The Sixth Ancestor and Lu Laozu nodded, then silently sat cross-legged, took out some pills and began to recover.

They wanted to go out, and the dragon corpse was also a factor to consider.

Moreover, the riot of the dragon corpse before might have attracted the Jiaolong clan.

So, they need to be careful.

Mu Rufeng grabbed several spirit fish from the inventory and stuffed them directly into his mouth to chew.

Even the dead spirit fish, the taste did not change much, still so delicious.

It would be more delicious if some seasoning was added, but Mu Rufeng didn't have it.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

For an hour, Mu Rufeng kept eating fish to refine, eating fish to refine.

His cultivation had a small breakthrough, reaching the middle stage of the Refining Heart Realm, and his three-dimensional attributes were also improved to varying degrees.

At this time, the Seventh Ancestor also woke up.

All the energy consumed in the canyon was also fully recovered, and they were at the peak of their own strength.

Several people took the shuttle and started their journey again.

Although they walked a long route, with the memory of the Seventh Ancestor, they were able to remember all the routes.

After an hour and a half, they returned to the entrance of the ground fissure.

However, they did not dare to approach, but lurked five miles away from the entrance.

"Old Lu, you are fast, go and take a look." The Seventh Ancestor looked at Old Ancestor Lu and said.

"Okay." Old Ancestor Lu nodded, and then disappeared.

Mu Rufeng kept checking the surroundings, but did not find any trace of Old Ancestor Lu at all.

His strength was still too weak, and he could not find the trace of such a strong man.

When he approached carefully, when he was still 500 meters away, he suddenly accelerated and headed towards the exit of the ground fissure above.

However, the next second, a dragon roar sounded from the ground.

Hearing this, Old Ancestor Lu's face changed slightly, and he did not dare to move forward. He quickly retreated and then flew away.

Then the dragon soul reappeared.

This time, it chased after Lu Laozu.


A terrifying roar came.

Lu Laozu staggered in the distance, and his face turned pale.

A mysterious power quickly rose from Lu Laozu's body, which directly restored Lu Laozu's face to some extent, and then his speed suddenly increased.

At the same time, he turned around and punched out.

The terrifying power exploded in front of the dragon soul in an instant.

However, the dragon soul did not suffer any pause, as if the dragon soul did not exist in this world, and it perfectly penetrated the exploding power.

Seeing this scene, Lu Laozu did not dare to take action again, and fled quickly, throwing away the dragon soul behind him.

The dragon soul chased for almost two miles and then stopped, and then stared at the fleeing Lu Laozu.

After a long time, it slowly turned its head and flew back, sinking into the ground.

"This guy is a dragon soul. Our attacks are ineffective against him. We need to attack him with our souls. The range of his pursuit should be two miles away from the dragon corpse." Ancestor Lu came back, still a little frightened.

I have to say that the dragon soul is really too scary.

The attack power is strong, and then it is a mental attack, and their martial arts secrets seem to be unable to cause damage to the dragon soul.

"In other words, this dragon soul is alive and is still waiting for us?" said the Sixth Ancestor.

"It seems that we need to plan carefully." The Seventh Ancestor murmured.

"If the dragon soul is guarding there, with our strength, it seems that we can't get out." Mu Rufeng also said.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the crack.

Mu Rufeng, who was always paying attention to that side, found it at the first time.

"Ancestors, look, there is someone at the entrance of the crack, it seems to be a demon." Mu Rufeng said immediately.

The three of them looked immediately after hearing the words, and as expected, a figure appeared.

The man's strength was not bad. He was a strong man in the God Realm. His aura was very strong, so he should be a demon.

Looking at his appearance, he was not from the Jiaolong Clan, but from the Snake Clan.

"It's the Snake Clan. The Snake Clan is a subsidiary of the Jiaolong Clan. As expected, we were discovered by the Jiaolong Clan. Or, the movement of the Dragon Soul attracted the Jiaolong Clan." The Seventh Ancestor's expression became a little solemn.

In this case, it means that the Jiaolong Clan should have been guarding the entrance to the crack.

Even if they avoided the Dragon Soul and successfully went out, they would be blocked by the strong men of the Jiaolong Clan.

The strong men of the Snake Clan fell from the sky, and then after searching around, they flew back to the entrance of the vortex and disappeared.

This scene surprised everyone.

"Why didn't the Snake Clan attract the Dragon Soul out?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned and said.

"Could it be that we are human, so we attracted the dragon soul?"

"It is also possible that we disturbed the dragon soul's slumber, so it came to chase us?"

"It is possible."

After a while, several figures came down from above again.

Among them, there was an acquaintance, the Jiaolong King, the Jiaolong King I met when I attended the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

After attending the birthday banquet, the Jiaolong King did not stay in the imperial city, but left directly.

Calculating the time, it is reasonable to return to the territory of the Jiaolong clan.

After the Dragon King came down, he also searched around, and even expanded the area to five miles.

Mu Rufeng and the others did not move, because it was impossible to detect them in hiding only with the strength of the Dragon King.

After searching around, the Dragon King found nothing, so he left the Netherworld through the entrance of the whirlpool.

"It seems that the Jiaolong clan hasn't discovered us yet, so there should be only the divine realm guarding us outside."

"If that's the case, after we take it out and use the shuttle to leave, even if the Emperor of the Dragon Clan finds us, he won't be able to catch up with us." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Yes, it is possible, but what we have to consider now is how to avoid that dragon soul, otherwise we will not be able to escape." Ancestor Lu said.

"I'm going to try it. I have a soul-like secret method to see if I can make it fall asleep again." The Seventh Ancestor suddenly said.

"Isn't this too risky?" asked the Sixth Patriarch.

"In the final analysis, it is just a dragon soul, and the speed of the dragon soul is not fast. If it fails, I can run back." The seventh ancestor said.

"Okay, be careful."

The Seventh Ancestor immediately went forward again, but this time it was earlier than before. Just approaching a kilometer away, he saw the roar of the dragon soul.

The Seventh Patriarch immediately backed away without saying a word.

The moment the dragon soul chased him out, the Seventh Ancestor directly hit him with a spiritual magic.

The dragon soul did not hide or dodge, but directly accepted this spiritual magic. Its body only paused for a moment before continuing to pursue.

Seeing this scene, the Seventh Ancestor shook his head helplessly, then threw away the dragon soul and returned to them.

"No, the dragon soul's soul power is too powerful. If I want to let it continue to fall asleep, I can't do it unless I use mystical magic for a few hours." The seventh ancestor said.

"What should we do now?" asked the Sixth Patriarch.

"Someone is coming down again." Mu Rufeng shouted carelessly.

After hearing this, everyone looked around and found that it was the Dragon King.

After another round of exploration, the Dragon King found nothing unusual, and then came to the bottom of the entrance.

He didn't go out either. Instead, he struck the ground with a backhand palm.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

A huge hole opened in the ground.

The dragon corpse appeared in front of the Dragon King.

The Dragon King checked the dragon corpse and found nothing strange, so he reunited the cracks and then slowly flew out of the Netherworld.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene.

The same thing happened when I opened the ground and saw the dragon corpse. Why didn't the dragon soul appear?

They were a little confused. If it wasn't for this reason, then what was the reason for chasing them?

"Ancestor, is it because you are the emperor that the dragon soul chases you?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's possible that even though we have restrained our aura, we still can't hide it from the Dragon Soul." said the Seventh Ancestor.

"Seventh Ancestor, I have an idea that I want to try," Mu Rufeng said.

"No, your strength is too weak. If the Dragon Soul roars, you will be hit, and it will be faster than you." The Sixth Patriarch was the first to object, not even listening to his ideas.

"Sixth Ancestor, my soul power is very powerful. The dragon soul's spiritual attack is useless to me. As for speed, I think I am faster than it." Mu Rufeng said and disappeared in a flash.

The Seventh Ancestor was slightly startled, and then quickly fixed his gaze on a place a hundred meters away.

Mu Rufeng's figure appeared there.

Then Mu Rufeng disappeared again, but returned to their side.

"How about it? My speed is not slow, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Is this a space secret technique? It's really mysterious, and the speed is not slow. Where can you teleport to the farthest place?" asked the Seventh Ancestor.

"The furthest distance in the outside world should be about five miles. The space here seems to be more stable. It can only be teleported about one mile at most." Mu Rufeng said.

"So, you can take us to teleport together, right?" Ancestor Lu suddenly said.

They guessed that this was what Mu Rufeng had in mind.

Mu Rufeng shook his head and said: "If I teleport with the three ancestors, the distance will be greatly reduced. Two hundred meters is enough, and I won't be able to run very far before I will be overtaken by the dragon soul."

"Go ahead, remember, safety is the top priority in everything." The Seventh Ancestor was silent for a while and then said.

If the Seventh Ancestor hadn't known how powerful Mu Rufeng's soul power was, he would never have let Mu Rufeng go.

"Don't worry, Seventh Ancestor. If the dragon soul can't catch up with me, I'll go." Mu Rufeng finished speaking.

Then Mu Rufeng used teleportation and headed that way.

In just a few blinks, Mu Rufeng reached within a kilometer.

There was no movement, there was no movement in the dragon soul.

Mu Rufeng once again teleported closer to a range of several hundred meters.

There was still no movement in the dragon soul.

Getting closer, getting closer, Mu Rufeng even appeared below the entrance.

Mu Rufeng also tentatively teleported to a distance of less than ten meters from the vortex, but there was still no movement in the dragon soul.

Then Mu Rufeng returned directly.

"The dragon soul is really silent. Is it really because we are in the realm of emperors?" Looking at Mu Rufeng who returned safely, the Seventh Ancestor said.

"What should we do? If we only target us, even if Feng'er goes out, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Jiaolong clan," the Sixth Patriarch said.

"Seventh Ancestor, give me a Nether Flower." Mu Rufeng said to the Seventh Ancestor.

"Netherworld Flower, what do you want Netherworld Flower for?"

"Wait a minute, are you saying that the Netherworld Flower is what attracts dragon souls?" The Seventh Ancestor was a little confused, but then he quickly came to his senses.

"When I came in, there was Nether Flower Poison in my body, but the dragon soul had not awakened at that time. Later we awakened the dragon soul and came after me."

"When the next two ancestors passed by, although you didn't have the Nether Flower Toxin, there were Nether Flowers in your storage rings."

"So, you will know after you try it now." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then you don't need to try this. We'll know after we try it."

"Lao Feng, keep these Nether Flowers, and I'll try them again." Ancestor Lu immediately took out all the Nether Flowers he had picked.

Upon seeing this, the Seventh Ancestor immediately put away these Nether Flowers and then nodded towards him.

Ancestor Lu immediately and cautiously approached there.

Soon, I saw that Ancestor Lu came directly to the entrance. He only needed to move forward a little further to get out.

Not to mention, it is really like this, it is the Nether Flower that attracts the dragon soul.

Ancestor Lu flew back and said, "It seems that the dragon soul was indeed attracted by the Netherworld Flower. What should we do now?"

"It's simple, just throw away the Nether Flower." The Sixth Patriarch said.

"Well, for now, it seems that we can only throw away the Nether Flower." The Seventh Ancestor nodded in agreement.

Although it was a pity, there was nothing they could do. They had to leave very quickly, and it was only safe to return to the Central Territory.

"It doesn't have to be like this. The Nether Flower is related to the poisoning of the demon clan. We must take it back and study it."

"Ancestor, give me all the Nether Flowers, and then go to the entrance and wait. Then I will use my secret method to cross the dragon soul and rush out."

"As long as he goes out, the dragon soul will definitely not chase him out." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, this is too dangerous." The Seventh Ancestor refused directly.

"Yes, this is too dangerous. You are the prince of the Dali Dynasty. The future emperor cannot take such risks." Ancestor Lu did not allow this.

"Ancestor, I'm just giving it a try. If it doesn't work, the worst I can do is throw out all the Nether Flowers." Mu Rufeng said.

Several people pushed and argued for a while, and finally agreed to Mu Rufeng's plan.

If there is really any danger, just throw the Nether Flower directly, and the dragon soul will naturally not chase Mu Rufeng.

Soon all the Nether Flowers were put into the inventory by Mu Rufeng.

Then the group started taking action.

The Seventh Patriarch and the other three people arrived near the entrance and suspended below without any obstruction.

This distance is very close, even if the dragon soul comes out, it can't stop them from getting out.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived a thousand meters away.

This distance was the range of Dragon Soul's induction and pursuit. At the same time, Mu Rufeng also wanted to see if the Nether Flower he put in his inventory would be sensed by Dragon Soul.

Two teleports, Mu Rufeng could escape from the crack in the ground with just two teleports.

Mu Rufeng took a deep breath, and then appeared in front of him in an instant.

"Roar!" Dragon Soul roared again.

The dragon soul could actually sense the Nether Flower in his inventory. It was really abnormal.

A powerful mental impact instantly acted on Mu Rufeng's body.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't feel much about this. She teleported again and appeared next to the three ancestors who were waiting anxiously.

"Okay, let's go!" The Seventh Ancestor pulled Mu Rufeng and walked directly out of the whirlpool.

The other two were not slow at all.

At this time, the dragon soul appeared from the ground. It flew directly under the whirlpool, roaring, but did not come out.

Obviously, it couldn't move too far away from the dragon corpse.

On the other side, Mu Rufeng and four others came out from the crack in the ground.

As far as the eye can see, there are a large number of demon soldiers guarding the surroundings.

The Dragon King and others counted up to five powerful men in the divine realm.

"Mu Rufeng!" King Jiaolong recognized Mu Rufeng among the four at a glance.

"Haha, there is a road to heaven but you don't take it. There is no door to hell and you break in. How dare you come to my territory." The Dragon King laughed.

In the eyes of the Dragon King, Ancestor Lu and others are just ninth-level divine realm experts.

"Roar!" A dragon roar came from below the crack in the ground.

"I just said why the dragon soul awakened, it must be your fault." The Dragon King looked at them with a sneer.

"Noisy!" The Seventh Patriarch snorted coldly and slapped him away. The Dragon King's expression changed drastically.

There was a sound of "Crack!"

The Dragon King was slapped and flew hundreds of meters away.

I don’t know how many demonic trees I killed along the way.


The Seventh Ancestor sacrificed the Flowing Light Shuttle, and several people went up, and then saw the Flowing Light Shuttle disappearing into the void.


The surrounding powerful gods looked at the disappearing shuttle in shock.

The one who can send the Demon Emperor, the Dragon King, away with one slap without any resistance must be in the realm of the Emperor.


"Damn, damn, damn, that's the Flowing Light Shuttle, it's Mu Zhengfeng, the seventh ancestor of the Dali Dynasty!"

A roar sounded, and then a huge dragon rose into the sky.

"Invite the three ancestors to come out!" The Dragon King roared again.

This time it was louder and spread wider.

Ten breaths later, three streams of light flew from a distance.

Three figures shrouded in various colors of light fell in front of the Dragon King.

"Three ancestors, Mu Zhengfeng of the Dali Dynasty brought their prince out of the Netherworld. I don't know what conspiracy they have. Please catch up with them quickly and capture them." The Dragon King pointed over there and said.

"Mu Zhengfeng? Prince? Humph, so what if you have a light shuttle? It's not easy to leave since you're in my territory."

A cold snort sounded.

Then they turned into light and disappeared again.

A hundred miles away, Mu Rufeng and others were constantly shuttling through space on the shuttle.

But soon, the space was imprisoned for some reason, making it difficult for them to shuttle through space.

In other words, flying directly is faster than shuttling through space.

"Quick, that old guy also has a magic weapon in his hand that can imprison space. The three of us will work together to break free from the imprisoned space." The seventh ancestor Mu Zhengfeng shouted.

The sixth ancestor Mu Yingmeng and Lu Tiangang immediately stepped forward and slapped Mu Zhengfeng on the back.

The powerful blood and qi power instantly poured into Mu Zhengfeng's body.

Mu Zhengfeng then poured the blood and qi into the Flowing Light Shuttle.

The Flowing Light Shuttle instantly burst out with a terrifying momentum, and the imprisoned space was directly shattered, and then escaped into the void.

After a while, three streams of light flew down, with a very ugly face.

"The Flowing Light Shuttle of that old guy Mu Zhengfeng is really difficult to deal with."

"Why did they bring the prince of the Dali Dynasty to my demon clan's territory?"

"They went to the netherworld, is it for the dragon corpse?"

"Dragon corpse? Humph, we are all powerless, what can they do? If the dragon soul is awakened, our cultivation will only be a word of death.

"Didn't the Emperor Li of the Dali Dynasty also come here after the founding of the country, and he still couldn't do anything about the dragon corpse."

"Only those humans can resist the dragon's might, and we Jiao people are really difficult to resist the dragon's might."

"Since we can't catch up, let's go back first and see what they did in the netherworld. "

From their words, we can know that these three demon gods actually don't know about the cold spring.

That is to say, it is very likely that the entire Jiao clan actually doesn't know about the Nether Flower or the cold spring.

That is to say, if Mu Rufeng and his friends didn't have the cold spring water to guide them, they wouldn't have been able to find the canyon at all.

Moreover, they don't seem to know that Mu Rufeng was poisoned.

That is to say, Mu Rufeng's poisoning was not caused by the Jiao clan.


The next day.

Mu Rufeng returned to the imperial city.

After the three ancestors encouraged Mu Rufeng, Someone gave him a token.

With the token, Mu Rufeng could go to the residence of the Duke of Zhenguo to meet with Patriarch Lu.

With the token, Mu Rufeng could go to the cave where the Seventh and Sixth Patriarchs were in seclusion at any time in the palace.

As for the Nether Flower, they left a little for Mu Rufeng, and the rest were given to another ancestor in the Emperor Realm for research.

This ancestor was not a member of the royal family, but was located in Luzhou, one of the nine states. This ancestor focused on alchemy.

And alchemists are very good at these spiritual flowers and herbs.

"Meet the emperor." Mu Rufeng met Mu Chengqian in a side hall.

"Well, you're back. Has the poison been eliminated?" Mu Chengqian asked.

"It has been eliminated, and there is a big discovery." Mu Rufeng said.

"Big discovery? What big discovery? "Mu Chengqian sat up a little straighter.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but just glanced at the eunuchs and maids serving around.

"You all should leave." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

The group immediately bowed and left, even Mu Chengqian's close companions did the same.

A formation also rose up, covering the side hall.

"Tell me, what did you find." Mu Chengqian asked.

"Father, we found a dragon corpse in the netherworld, a real dragon corpse."

"Dragon corpse! Are you sure?" Mu Chengqian stood up from the dragon chair.

"Yes, it is a dragon corpse, and this dragon corpse's cultivation level is above the emperor." Mu Rufeng said another piece of news.

"Above the emperor? How is this possible. "Mu Chengqian looked incredulous.

"Father, it's true. Moreover, the dragon corpse was also poisoned by the Netherworld Flower, and there was also a dragon soul..."

Mu Rufeng immediately told Mu Chengqian about going to the Netherworld.

"Netherworld Cold Spring, Netherworld Flower, Cold Spirit Fish, and the dragon corpse."

"This Netherworld is really a wonderful place, but it's a pity, it's occupied by the Jiaolong clan."

Mu Chengqian said with a look of pity.

It would be great if it was in their Dali Dynasty. In this way, they could study it slowly.

However, he thought of the Netherworld that appeared more than 3,000 years ago, and their Dali Dynasty's Li Laozu seemed to have been to the Netherworld.

Is it recorded in the files of the Netherworld in their royal secret scrolls? Mu Chengqian decided to go and see it later.

"Father, this is the cold spirit fish in the cold spring, which has great benefits for cultivation, and even greater benefits for the spiritual cultivation of warriors who practice cold attribute skills. "Mu Rufeng presented a spiritual fish.

After Mu Chengqian took it, he checked it and then stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"Well, it is quite delicious. It is not a seventh-level Qi and Blood Pill, and it seems to be refined faster." Mu Chengqian nodded with satisfaction.

"Wait, the Seventh Ancestor said he would go to exchange the Ice Pearl and come back, so he will definitely go to exchange it. You go back to the East Palace to rest first, and officially start handling government affairs tomorrow." Mu Chengqian said.

"Yes, father." Mu Rufeng nodded and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, leave some of your cold spirit fish for me."

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng immediately took out some cold spirit fish and gave them to Mu Chengqian.

"Send some more to the imperial kitchen and let the queen mother and the others taste it."

"Yes, father!"

Mu Rufeng immediately took his leave and left.

But before he walked out, he suddenly stopped. There was one thing he almost forgot.

"Father, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Mu Rufeng turned around and said.

"What else does Feng'er have to say."

Mu Rufeng immediately told him about his second brother's death, which might have been caused by the poison of the Nether Flower.

"Okay, I know, you go down first." Mu Chengqian's face did not change at all.

But Mu Rufeng could see that Mu Chengqian's palm had turned into a fist.

Mu Rufeng immediately took his leave and left.

First he went to the imperial kitchen, took a batch of cold spirit fish to them, and then went to the East Palace.

Along the way, everyone who saw Mu Rufeng bowed respectfully.

To be honest, this feeling is quite pleasant.

Mu Rufeng did not expect that he would be lucky enough to experience the majesty of the prince, and it would not take long for him to experience the majesty of the emperor.

"Your Highness, you are back?" The guards guarding the front of the East Palace were surprised when they saw Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng knew this man, he was one of his personal guards.

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