I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 314 Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise Four-Elephant Formation! [10,

"Yes, I'm back." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then walked into the East Palace.

Hearing that Mu Rufeng was back, Xiao Cui, Liu Ming, Zhang Chun and others all came.

They moved all the things in Mu Rufeng's mansion to the East Palace yesterday.

Without the prince Mu Rufeng, they always felt empty in their hearts. Now that Mu Rufeng is back, their hanging hearts are put down.

"I have never been to the East Palace. Take me for a walk." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Several people immediately took Mu Rufeng to visit the entire East Palace.

Although the East Palace is much smaller than his mansion outside the city, the spiritual energy here is extremely abundant, which is of great benefit to the practice of warriors.

After all, the East Palace is just a palace for living, but even so, it is several times larger than other people's houses.

"Is there a practice room?" Mu Rufeng walked around and saw a lot, and immediately spoke.

"Your Highness, yes, the training room is in the courtyard of your residence. This training room is bigger and stronger. I believe Your Highness will like it very much." Zhang Chun said with a smile.

"Where is the martial arts arena?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Your Highness, yes, there is one. The martial arts arena is outside the East Palace. It is specially used for the personal guards of His Highness the Crown Prince to practice martial arts."

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"Let's go, follow me to the martial arts arena, Liu Daban, call all the personal guards to the martial arts arena." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Liu Ming responded immediately.

The storm is coming, and Mu Rufeng has a feeling in his heart that the invasion of the weird world should be coming soon.

He needs to improve his strength as soon as possible, and also strengthen the national strength of the Dali Dynasty as soon as possible.

Mu Rufeng learned that the Dali Dynasty also has military formations, but the military formations are relatively ordinary.

And at most, it can only reach a hundred people in formation. Military formations of thousands or tens of thousands of people do not exist.

Although the strength of the hundred-man army formation is not small, it cannot affect the war situation.

When the two armies fight, it will be more tragic, relying on the physical strength and number of soldiers on both sides.

And Mu Rufeng still has the inscription of the Four Symbols Formation in his body.

Although Mu Rufeng does not know the practice method of the Four Symbols Army Formation, he now has a heaven-defying comprehension and can comprehend it by himself.

As long as he comprehends it and then promotes it to all the armies of the Dali Dynasty, then the national strength of their Dali Dynasty can be at least improved by one level.

In this way, when the strange world invades, they can also have greater power to deal with it.

When Mu Rufeng came to the martial arts field, his thirty guards had already gathered here.

"Go, practice the method of military formation." Mu Rufeng came to the edge of the martial arts field and said to the thirty-one guards.

"Yes, Your Highness!" The guards nodded repeatedly, and then quickly came to the middle of the martial arts field.

As Mu Rufeng's guards, they naturally know the method of military formation.

"Divide into two groups, 15 people in each group, Liu Feng and Wang Chun, each of you leads a team and attacks each other."

"The winner will be rewarded with a sixth-level Qi and Blood Pill. Zhang Fuquan, don't join in the fun, just stand aside and watch." Mu Rufeng said.

Zhang Fuquan responded, and then walked back to Mu Rufeng's side.

"Yes, Your Highness!" The guards under him shouted loudly, and their momentum became stronger.

It's just a competition, they are not afraid, if there is a reward, then they are even less afraid.

Soon, Wang Chun and Liu Feng each selected their own men and formed two teams.

Mu Rufeng could see that when they formed the array, their Qi and blood began to slowly gather.

The momentum of these people began to increase, and the power of Qi and blood also began to increase. Liu Feng and Wang Chun, the two deputy commanders, their strength increased a lot at once.

However, they still did not reach the realm of the sixth-level refining mind.

Then the two teams on both sides began to fight.

This military formation was also relatively ordinary, and did not produce any strange visions of blood and qi, so their battle was actually a face-to-face competition between the leaders of both sides.

This was a hand-to-hand fight.

From here, it can be seen that the military formation here is still relatively rough, and it is completely incomparable to the military formation of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Even the military formation of the barbarians is much stronger than it.

Mu Rufeng guessed that it should be because this world respects personal bravery and martial arts, and there are many powerful sects.

Moreover, the Dali Dynasty can be said to be the first dynasty to unify an entire state.

For example, the country before the Dali Dynasty was just a land that occupied only two states in the Central Region.

The rest of the states were also occupied by major sects, families, or city lords.

At the beginning of the founding of the Dali Dynasty, there was no military formation. This rough military formation was also slowly studied by the military generals over the years.

[Your comprehension is extraordinary. Watch the soldiers' drills and comprehend the basic military formations]

After just a while, Mu Rufeng knew how to perform these military formations.

Although the effect of this basic military formation is much worse, it is also relatively easy to practice.

Of course, not every soldier can practice it. Compared with the four major military formations of Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, and White Tiger, it is still very easy.


At this time, Liu Feng's loud shout came from the martial arts field.

Afterwards, the military formation formed by Wang Chun's team was directly broken, and then Liu Feng stepped forward and strangled Wang Chun.

"Haha, Wang Chun, you lost." Liu Feng laughed.

"Damn it, I was careless. I didn't expect you to attack my army formation." Wang Chun said angrily.

"You also attacked my army formation, but I dodged it. You still have to practice hard." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"Not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, then flicked his finger.

A stream of light flew away and finally fell into Liu Feng's hands.

"You practice more." Mu Rufeng said, and then turned to the practice room.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Liu Feng and others hurriedly saluted to express their gratitude.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng came to the outside of the practice room.

"This palace wants to practice in seclusion. Remember, don't disturb this palace no matter what. If it is my father who is looking for me, if it is not important, remember to help this palace refuse." Mu Rufeng said to Xiao Cui and others.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Everyone responded quickly.

After dismissing everyone, Mu Rufeng walked down the stairs, and after walking about 20 meters, he entered the training room.

He locked the door of the training room.

Then he took a look at the training room and found that it was indeed very large.

This training room was built underground, not on the surface.

At the same time, it was made of more solid materials, and even the strong men in the God Realm could hardly destroy it.

The range can be said to be almost the same as that of the East Palace.

Ten thousand troops may not be enough, but a thousand troops are still no problem.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand and turned the surrounding walls and even the ground and the top of his head into mirrors.

Then, Mu Rufeng used the special ability attached to the title [Demon Suppression Marquis] to summon a team of demon suppression soldiers.

One by one, the soldiers slowly emerged.

Each of them wore equipment, and when Mu Rufeng looked at their faces, he found that they were just blurry and could not be seen clearly.

Yes, these people did not really exist, but were summoned and condensed by his own soul power.

But he can also possess the strength of those soldiers.

After looking at the strength of these soldiers and the attire of their leader, it should be Lv Sanshan, whose cultivation is at the sixth level of the Refining Heart Realm.

The rest of the soldiers, the worst of them are also at the third level of the Refining Flesh Realm.

This army can be said to be extremely powerful.

Just standing there, you can feel their murderous aura.

Mu Rufeng immediately asked them to divide into four teams and then practice the four major military formations.

Suddenly, the thousand-man military formation was quickly divided into four military formations.

Then four powerful blood and qi forces rose up, and finally condensed into four divine beasts above the military formation.

Azure Dragon Military Formation, White Tiger Military Formation, Black Tortoise Military Formation, Vermillion Bird Military Formation.

Mu Rufeng asked them to practice fighting each other, while Mu Rufeng stood aside and kept observing these military formations.

His brain was also brainstorming, practicing sorting and calculating in his mind.

I don't know how long Mu Rufeng watched until a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Your comprehension is against the sky. Watch the soldiers practice the military formation and comprehend the military formation: Azure Dragon Formation]


[Your comprehension is against the sky. Watch the soldiers practice the military formation and comprehend the military formation: Vermillion Bird Formation]

Mu Rufeng comprehended the four major military formations. His comprehension is really powerful.

Then Mu Rufeng ordered them to stop, and he stood in the center of the queue.

Mu Rufeng then activated the inscription of the Four Symbols Formation engraved on his body.

The next moment, the inscription hidden in his body began to emerge, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

Then the power of the inscription began to echo with the four major military formations, and finally all connected together, and all the power was directly gathered in Mu Rufeng's body.

The powerful force instantly acted on Mu Rufeng.

He was originally in the sixth level of the heart refining state, and was irrigated by this powerful blood and qi power, and instantly reached the peak of the eighth level of the soul refining state.

Thousands of people formed a formation, which directly increased his strength. Moreover, he could control the four great beasts to fight remotely at any time, with infinite power.

Although he seemed to be at the peak of the eighth level of soul refining, if you let a warrior at the peak of soul refining come, Mu Rufeng would activate the military formation and kill him with one move.

Mu Rufeng began to control the Four Symbols Formation to attack all around, feeling the route of the blood circulation and studying and recording the inscriptions of the Four Symbols Formation on his body.

I don't know how long it took, but Mu Rufeng finally heard a prompt again in his mind.

[Your comprehension is against the sky. You observed the four military formations and the inscriptions of the Four Symbols Formation and successfully comprehended the military formation: the Four Symbols Formation]

The soldiers around him disappeared without a trace, leaving only Mu Rufeng.

"It is really mysterious. With the Four Symbols Formation, the national strength of the Dali Dynasty will be greatly improved."

Mu Rufeng slowly stood up and left the training room.

When Mu Rufeng came to the outside world, Xiao Cui, who was guarding the door, immediately reacted: "Your Highness, are you out of seclusion?"

"Xiao Cui, how long have I been in seclusion?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, you have been in seclusion for seven days. Xiao Cui will go to prepare food and hot water for your Highness." Xiao Cui said hurriedly.

"Well, go ahead." Mu Rufeng nodded.

He didn't expect that he had been in seclusion for seven days.

No wonder, he felt so hungry now.

An hour later, after taking a bath and filling his stomach, Mu Rufeng went to the Yangxin Palace to pay his respects to Mu Chengqian.

"Your son greets the emperor!"

"Stand up, Feng'er, you have been in seclusion for seven days as soon as you came back. Have you gained any insights?" Mu Chengqian put down the memorial in his hand and said.

Originally, he was going to teach Mu Rufeng how to handle government affairs and review memorials, but he didn't expect Mu Rufeng to go into seclusion as soon as he came back.

He couldn't even go into seclusion to break through the realm of the emperor.

"Father, after I came back, I saw the guards performing military formations. Combined with the corpse of the real dragon I saw in the netherworld, I was inspired and realized five sets of military formations. I present them to you!" Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? You realized five sets of military formations? What kind of military formations are they?" Mu Chengqian was a little surprised when he heard this, but he was not too shocked.

Because the method of military formations is relatively crude, it is difficult to determine the outcome of a war, and it can only influence it at most.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng has realized five sets of military formations in just a few days, so he thinks that they should be the kind that is not much different from the basic military formations, so he is not too shocked.

"Father, the military formations that I have comprehended are the Azure Dragon Military Formation, the Vermillion Bird Military Formation, the White Tiger Military Formation, the Black Tortoise Military Formation, and the most powerful Four Symbols Military Formation."

"The Azure Dragon Military Formation focuses on wind, and can form a formation with five people, and a maximum of 100,000 people. By gathering the blood and energy of all the soldiers, it can summon the divine beast Azure Dragon to release the Nine Heavens Gangfeng to fight the enemy."

"The White Tiger Military Formation focuses on killing, and has the strongest attack power. It can also form a formation with a maximum of 100,000 people, and can summon the divine beast White Tiger to release the killing spirit to fight the enemy."

"The Vermillion Bird Military Formation focuses on fire, and can form a formation with a maximum of 100,000 people. It can summon the divine beast Vermillion Bird to release the Southern Ming Lihuo to fight the enemy."

"The Black Tortoise Military Formation focuses on water and defense, and can form a formation with a maximum of 100,000 people. It can summon the divine beast Black Tortoise to release weak water to fight the enemy, and can also have strong defensive capabilities."

"The Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, and White Tiger, the four major military formations can form the strongest Four Symbols Formation, which is infinitely powerful." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Hmm?" After hearing this, Mu Chengqian stood up in an instant.

"Feng'er, are you telling the truth?" Mu Chengqian wondered if he had heard wrongly, or was Mu Rufeng teasing him?

"Father, everything I said is true. If it is false, I am willing to be punished!" Mu Rufeng said.

"Has the formation diagram been produced?" Mu Chengqian said hurriedly.

The formation diagram is the most important thing for a military formation. If you want many soldiers to practice, you must have a formation diagram.

Through the formation diagram, Mu Chengqian can see whether the military formation is true or false.

At the same time, there are two types of formation diagrams. One is the ordinary formation diagram for soldiers to practice, which is equivalent to a martial arts secret book and is very easy to make.

The second type is called the military formation diagram, which is a consumable that can be used directly. This kind of production requires the formation master to spend a lot of effort and special spiritual materials to make it.

And the success rate of production is extremely low. If it fails, it will be a blood loss, so this kind of formation diagram is basically rare.

Every time it is used, this formation diagram will cause a certain loss. It can be used about three times, and each time can last for an hour.

"Father, it is difficult for me to make the military formation alone, so I beg you to send the formation master in the palace to me. I can make it in less than a day." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I will let the formation master in the palace wait for your orders, and the palace treasury will also be open to you. Tomorrow, I want to see the formation diagram of the four divine beasts and the four elephant formation you mentioned." Mu Chengqian said.

"Yes, father, I will live up to your trust!" Mu Rufeng said loudly.

Soon, more than a dozen formation masters were dispatched.

These formation masters are older, with white hair and beards.

Their cultivation is not low, all of them are strong in the soul refining realm, and there is also a formation master in the god realm.

Formation masters are also divided into levels, just like the nine realms of martial arts, from 1st to 9th level formation masters.

Basically, you have to reach a certain level of cultivation to become a formation master.

And you can not necessarily reach a certain level of formation master according to your cultivation.

However, the fifteen formation masters at this time were all top-notch in the Dali Dynasty, and the level of each formation master was equal to their own cultivation strength.

This was enough to prove how rare and popular formation masters were on the Tiandao Continent.

"Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" All the formation masters saluted Mu Rufeng.

"Seniors, no need to be polite. You don't need to salute me when you see me in the future."

"Let's get started as soon as possible." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, His Majesty asked us to wait for your orders, but I don't know what you want us to do? Is it to teach His Royal Highness the Crown Prince the formation?" Wanquan, the ninth-level formation master, stroked his beard and said.

They naturally heard that Mu Rufeng had swallowed the Bodhi fruit, a divine object, and improved his comprehension, so it was not surprising to ask them to teach the formation.

Moreover, they would not refuse, because this was the crown prince, the future emperor, not to mention that the crown prince also had extremely strong comprehension.

Everyone knows how comfortable it is to teach a talented apprentice.

Look at the schools in the real world. The teachers like the top students who can understand everything at once and have perfect understanding ability.

Because you don't need to spend much energy and time to teach a super top student, and then your title and bonus will come in a rush, and you can't stop it.

"That's one aspect. On the other hand, I want a few seniors to help me create five new military formations." Mu Rufeng said.

"Assist you? New military formation diagram?" Everyone frowned when they heard this.

His Royal Highness doesn't seem to know the formation? The military formation diagram is also extremely mysterious, even they spent a lot of effort to research it.

"Your Highness, don't joke, the new military formation diagram is not so easy to develop." An eighth-level formation master said.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, then took off his shirt, and then directly activated the Four Symbols Formation inscription in his body.

When the Four Symbols Formation inscription appeared, all the formation masters looked at him with a shocked look.

They quickly came forward and stared at the inscription on Mu Rufeng's body.

"What kind of inscription is this? So mysterious."

"Military formation, this seems to be the inscription of the military formation."

"It's amazing, this inscription is completely different from the military formation we researched."

A group of old men and women came forward, and their hands kept stroking Mu Rufeng's body, making Mu Rufeng a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, seniors, do you believe it now?" Mu Rufeng coughed twice, and the inscription slowly dimmed. He also put on his clothes again.

"Your Highness, what is that inscription?"

"This inscription is really too mysterious. If we can study it, we will definitely be able to break through the ninth-level formation master."

"Your Highness, Your Highness, show it to us again."

A group of formation masters excitedly urged Mu Rufeng.

"This inscription is what I call the military formation method. This is the inscription of the Four Symbols Formation."

"Seven days ago, I watched the military formation of the personal guards and felt something in my heart. It took me seven days to comprehend the five major military formations."

"I have reported to my father. We need to engrave the five major military formation methods I have comprehended on the formation diagram before tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

"Engrave on the formation diagram? Your Highness, are you going to refine the military formation diagram?" Wan Quan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a surprised face.

"Yes, it is to refine the military formation diagram. I will practice martial arts directly for my father tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, the military formation diagram is a consumable magic weapon and is extremely difficult to refine. Why not refine the formation diagram? The formation diagram can also show the depth of the military formation, and it can also allow many soldiers to practice." Wan Quan said.

"Make both together, there is no time to lose. Seniors, follow me to the royal treasury and prepare all the materials." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he strode towards the royal treasury without waiting for the response of these formation masters.

These formation masters looked at each other and quickly followed.

For them, the new military formation is definitely very attractive to them.

Half an hour later, they almost took a little of the corresponding materials in the royal treasury.

Although it was only a little, it was relative, because there were really too many resources in the royal treasury.

Then Mu Rufeng began to study with these formation masters.

In a blink of an eye, it was the afternoon of the next day.

"Successful, the military formation diagram of the Four Symbols Formation." Mu Rufeng's hair was disheveled at the moment, but he was holding a military formation diagram that was emitting a hazy light in his hand, and he was extremely excited.

"Successful, really successful, I didn't expect that His Royal Highness's method was so convenient and the success rate was also very high."

A group of formation masters looked at Mu Rufeng with admiration.

When they started to study yesterday, the ordinary formation diagram took almost no time and was made in just over an hour.

After the appearance of the Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, White Tiger and the Four Symbols Five Formation Diagrams, they had to sigh at how powerful the five military formations that Mu Rufeng had comprehended were.

Compared with the basic military formation they studied, it was ten times, a hundred times, and a thousand times stronger.

Compared with the two, it was really a small witch meeting a big witch.

After the research, they began to refine the military formation diagram magic weapon.

But this refining process was extremely unsmooth, failed, failed, and failed all the time.

The military formation diagram is an extremely powerful magic weapon. It does not require soldiers to practice. As long as there are enough people, the commander can directly use the military formation by activating the military formation diagram.

In terms of effect, the difference is not too big. The most important thing is convenience. The method of military formation also needs to be practiced.

And not everyone can practice the method of military formation.

According to the ratio of soldiers, it is about ten to one. Of course, this is based on the number of people who practiced in the army of the Daxia Dynasty.

In the Dali Dynasty, Mu Rufeng does not know what the ratio is.

In the continuous refining, Mu Rufeng finally understood the method of refining the military formation diagram.

Or it can be said that the method of refining the military formation diagram has been improved.

Although the power is reduced by almost 10%, the success rate of refining has been greatly improved, with a success rate of almost 50%.

Don't underestimate this success rate. When the basic foundation begins to be refined, then Mu Rufeng will definitely let the entire Dali Dynasty be equipped with a military formation diagram.

"Quick, make one more batch, you guys come and try it." Mu Rufeng said to the formation masters.

Those formation masters naturally would not refuse, and immediately began to refine.

It took only two quarters of an hour to successfully refine another set of military formation diagrams.

Although it failed several times, the speed was really fast, it was just that there were more good materials.

But it didn't matter, the Dali Dynasty was in the Central Region with the richest resources in the whole area, and there was really no shortage of resources.

Not to mention that their Dali Dynasty had been founded for 1,500 years, and there was no telling how many spiritual materials there were in the palace treasury.

"Your Majesty has arrived!"

Just at this moment, a piercing shout came from outside the palace.

"Your Majesty, we greet you."

A group of formation masters immediately turned around and saluted to Mu Chengqian.

"Your son greets your father!" Mu Rufeng also immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Feng'er, how is your research going? Have you refined it?" Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng with disheveled hair, and felt some inexplicable emotions in his heart.

He learned from his big friend that Mu Rufeng and his friends had not slept or eaten for a day and a night.

"Replying to your father, I am fortunate to have fulfilled my mission. The formation diagram and the military formation diagram have been refined." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? Really? Even the military formation diagram has been refined? Hurry up and present the formation diagram."

Immediately, a formation master took out five formation diagrams from the messy table and handed them to a eunuch.

The eunuch presented them to Mu Chengqian.

After Mu Chengqian checked it, a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

After the shock, there was joy and excitement.

"What a powerful military formation, Feng'er, you have made a great contribution this time, a great contribution that can be recorded in the history of our Dali Dynasty." Mu Chengqian said excitedly.

The formation masters were also excited when they heard this. The history, that is the history, which records the major events of the Dali Dynasty.

They participated in the refining process with Mu Rufeng, and their names will also be engraved in the history, engraved in history, and will be passed down through the ages.

Even if the Dali Dynasty was destroyed ten thousand years later, their records would not disappear.

Mu Rufeng didn't feel anything about it. After all, this world has been destroyed, no matter where the record is, it is useless.

"Father, why don't you go to the martial arts field and gather some guards to test the military formation diagram?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, that's it, big friend, go and gather them quickly." Mu Chengqian immediately ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will go there right away." Daban responded and went to work.

Then, Mu Rufeng took the five military formations in his hand and followed Mu Chengqian to the martial arts arena.

There are many martial arts arenas in the palace, and the largest one is naturally the palace gate square where the empress dowager held her birthday banquet.

This square is extremely huge. First, it is to prevent assassins from appearing, and second, there is enough space for certain celebrations.

Third, it is possible to practice martial arts in the palace. Such a huge square has a floor paved with special materials.

When Mu Rufeng and his companions arrived at the square, 5,000 imperial guards had gathered below.

The palace is very large, several times larger than the Forbidden City in the real world.

Because it is large, there are many garrison troops. Except for the imperial guards on duty and necessary patrols, they all gather here.

Each of them has a strong physique and strength, and their whole body is armed to the teeth.

Their martial arts cultivation is all at the fifth level of the internal organs refining realm. If there are official positions, such as the hundred households, thousand households, commanders, etc., their strength has reached the sixth, seventh, and even eighth and ninth levels.

This imperial army commander He Qiangwu is a strong man in the divine realm.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty!"

Five thousand people shouted loudly, with great momentum and excitement.

Mu Chengqian did not speak, but looked at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng nodded, then stepped forward and said: "Everyone, one thousand people in a team, divided into five teams."

"Follow the order of the prince!"

The next moment, the five thousand people began to disperse in an orderly manner, without any chaos, without any confusion, neat and tidy.

In just three minutes, the five thousand people were directly divided into five thousand-man military formations and lined up in a row, neat and tidy, without any noise or noise.

"Very good, it is indeed worthy of being the Imperial Guards. Now, the commanders, come forward." Mu Rufeng shouted again.

Soon, six people came out.

Four of them were thousand households, each in charge of a thousand troops.

Another one was the deputy commander, and another was the commander.

Mu Rufeng took the general formation diagram in his hand, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He didn't expect that he could actually study all these formation diagrams.

He remembered that when he returned to the ancient battlefield copy, he was rewarded with a formation diagram of the Azure Dragon Army Formation, but he gave it to Ye Lin later.

He wanted the relevant departments to study it and see if the method of the military formation could be studied.

Mu Rufeng looked at the attributes of the formation diagram.

[Formation Diagram: Vermillion Bird Formation]: Mu Rufeng comprehended it with a strong understanding, and combined it with the Vermillion Bird Army Formation refined by many formation masters.

Effect: A level nine item, five people form a formation, up to 100,000 people can form the Suzaku formation, the qi and blood of the people who form the formation gather together, summon the sacred beasts Suzaku and Azure Dragon, and release the Nanming Lihuo to fight the enemy.

Note 1: The more people form the formation, the higher the strength, and the stronger the power that the Suzaku phantom can exert.

Note 2: It can form the Four Symbols Formation with the Azure Dragon Formation, White Tiger Formation, and Black Tortoise Formation, and the power is even greater.

[Formation Diagram: Four Symbols Formation]: Mu Rufeng comprehended it with a strong understanding, and combined it with the Four Symbols Army Formation refined by many formation masters.

Effect: A level nine item, cannot be used alone, it needs to be formed with the Azure Dragon Formation, Suzaku Formation, White Tiger Formation, and Black Tortoise Formation to form the Four Symbols Formation, gathering the power of the four sacred beasts, and the power is even greater.

Mu Rufeng threw down the four military formation diagrams, and then they fell into the hands of the four thousand households.

"This is the military formation diagram. You can familiarize yourself with it and then activate it. Summon the phantom of the divine beast and perform martial arts." Mu Rufeng said.

"Military formation diagram?" The four people were a little confused, but when they took the military formation diagram in their hands, they were shocked.

As the commanders in the army, they naturally knew the military formation and the military formation diagram.

They could feel the powerful power in the military formation diagram.

It was much stronger and more profound than the military formation they practiced.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The four people immediately returned to the queue, and then they directly activated the military formation diagram.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed, and the blood and qi surged.

The terrifying blood and qi power burst out instantly. Above the four military formations, the terrifying blood and qi power gathered in the sky, and four phantoms slowly emerged.

"Roar!" The white tiger roared, breaking the sky.

"Yin~~!" A dragon roar resounded through the sky.

"Cry~!" The Vermilion Bird spread its wings and soared, and the raging flames swept up. Today was already a bit gloomy, and the raging flames directly illuminated the sky.


A low roar sounded.

A heavy breath emanated.

The appearance of the four divine beasts directly shocked everyone.

The powerful breath spread out, and directly shocked everyone.

"Is this a divine beast? The four divine beasts of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise?"

"My God, what kind of military formation is this, it's too powerful?"

The guards looked up blankly. They didn't expect that they could actually summon a divine beast.

"Good, good, good!" Mu Chengqian above saw that the four divine beasts were really summoned, and his face was full of good words. This also shows how happy Mu Chengqian was.

It was because this military formation was too important to the Dali Dynasty.


A loud shout sounded.

But saw the Vermilion Bird military formation.

A cry sounded, and then the Vermilion Bird spread its wings, and the terrifying Nanming Fire flew towards the sky.

In an instant, the array pattern quickly emerged.

However, the terrifying flames quickly burned the array pattern away.

In the blink of an eye, the array pattern was directly broken by several layers.

It was not until the array reached the ninth level of power that the raging fire of the Nanming Fire was suppressed.

"Roar!" The White Tiger also roared angrily, and then swung a claw.

A golden claw mark emerged and instantly hit the array pattern above.

The array pattern was also broken by several layers, and then it disappeared.

Then it was the Azure Dragon, and then the Black Tortoise, who attacked the array pattern in the sky respectively.

Mu Rufeng said at this time: "Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, you attack the Black Tortoise at the same time, and the Black Tortoise will activate the strongest defense."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The four major military formations responded loudly immediately.

The next moment, three terrifying attacks bombarded Xuanwu at the same time.

However, Xuanwu instantly expanded several times, and then fell directly, covering the entire thousand-man army formation.

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying bombardment sounded, and the monstrous heat wave swept up.

When the strange phenomenon dissipated, Xuanwu stood still and endured the attacks of the three major army formations. However, it can be seen that many cracks appeared on the Xuanwu shell.

It can be resisted, but it cannot be resisted multiple times. After all, this is an attack of three times the weight. If there is only one army formation attack, it will definitely be difficult to break the defense.

The four major army formations were extremely excited when they saw the attacks they caused and their own defense.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this army formation is really too powerful.

And the other thousand-man army watching from a distance was watching eagerly, why didn't they have a military formation map? So envious, so wanting, they also wanted to summon the beast.

The commander He Qiangwu in the distance was also staring at this scene in a daze.

Strong, really too strong, this military formation method can allow this army of 1,000 people to easily kill the strong men at the peak of the Soul Refining Realm.

According to his calculations, even multiple strong men at the peak of the Soul Refining Realm cannot defeat this army of 1,000 people.

You know, in the past, even if they used the basic military formation, as long as a strong soul refiner came, they could kill them.

Looking at the comparison now, their strength has increased by many times.

"Lu Tianzhi, let your 1,000-man team be divided into four teams, and the four teams will immediately use the four divine beasts military formation."

Mu Rufeng said, and gave Lu Tianzhi the military formation diagrams of the four divine beasts and the four elephants formation.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Deputy Commander Lu Tianzhi responded immediately.

An excited look also appeared on his face.

Soon, the 1,000-man team was divided into four teams.

The white tigers in the four teams also got the military formation diagrams and couldn't wait to use them.

Four smaller divine beasts appeared above the army formation.

"Lu Tianzhi, quickly activate the army formation diagram and form the Four Elephants Army Formation." Mu Rufeng issued another order.

Lu Tianzhi responded, stood in front of the team, and activated the Four Elephants Army Formation diagram.

In an instant, a mysterious aura rose up, directly combining the power of the four divine beast army formations, and the aura became even stronger.

It can be clearly felt that the aura of the thousand-man army formation that formed the Four Elephants Formation is far more powerful than the other four army formations.

"The Four Divine Beast Army Formation, attack, the Four Elephants Formation defend!" Mu Rufeng said.


Without any hesitation, the four major military formations activated the divine beasts and attacked Lu Tianzhi.

Lu Tianzhi grinned, and the black tortoise in the sky quickly grew larger, and then covered their thousand-man military formation.

In an instant, the attack came.

A terrifying explosion resounded in the square, and the raging flames swept the entire venue.

When all the strange phenomena disappeared, there was no crack on the black tortoise shell.

This defense is much stronger than that of the black tortoise formation.

The former had a lot of cracks after bearing the attacks of three military formations, while the latter had no cracks after bearing the attacks of four military formations.

In this way, it can be said that the difference is immediately determined.

"The four-elephant formation attacks, and the black tortoise formation defends!" Mu Rufeng shouted again.

In an instant, the attack and defense switched.

The leader of the black tortoise formation immediately urged the black tortoise to protect it, and at the same time everyone put all their strength into madly injecting their own blood and qi into it.

Lu Tianzhi grinned, and then controlled the four-elephant formation to attack.

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