I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 315: Massive resources, breaking through critical value [10,000 words]

In an instant, the four divine beasts swallowed and exhaled divine light and finally gathered together, fiercely attacking the Xuanwu army formation.

There was almost no suspense. The divine light penetrated the Xuanwu's tortoise shell without any hindrance, and then crossed the sky and hit the array pattern in the distant void.

Xuanwu's terrifying defense had no resistance at all, and was directly penetrated by the Four Symbols Army Formation.

This was just an attack above it. If the attack was against the soldiers in their army formation, it would definitely be destroyed in one move.

"Hua La La ~!"

Below, the group of Xuanwu soldiers were unstable and their faces were slightly pale. They retreated a few steps.

The Xuanwu army formation was broken, and their blood and qi power fell into chaos, and their consumption increased greatly because of this attack.

Xuanwu also slowly dissipated under the heavy blow, and the army formation map also fell dimly from above and returned to the hands of the thousand households.

They can still use the military formation, and the power will not be much less, but their blood and energy are still consumed a lot, which is definitely not as good as before.

When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked again.

They just saw the defensive power of the Xuanwu military formation very clearly, and the attacks of the three major military formations did not break it.

And now, the Four Symbols Formation actually broke the Xuanwu military formation with one attack.

This terrifying attack power and terrifying defense power, when brought to the battlefield, it is simply a killing spree.

The Four Symbols Formation, the Four Symbols Formation, is indeed worthy of being the Four Symbols Formation. It gathers the power of the four divine beast military formations and directly crushes the military formations of the same number of people.

And looking at this appearance, the four major military formations are probably not the opponents of the Four Symbols Formation when they attack together.

A thousand people can resist four thousand people? Too powerful.

Those four thousand people also have a divine beast military formation.

If the Four Symbols Formation formed by these one thousand people is allowed to fight against the ordinary army of their Dali Dynasty.

How many troops are needed to kill these one thousand people?

"Good, Feng'er, great." Seeing the strength of the five major military formations, Mu Chengqian was so excited that he could hardly extricate himself.

This was the only time he lost his composure since he ascended the throne for so many years.

"Father, although the Four Elephants Military Formation is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy."

"From what I've seen, they can only perform such attacks four or five times before they run out of energy and blood, and thus cannot maintain it." Mu Rufeng said.

The intensity of the attack can be adjusted. Attacks with all their strength can only be performed four or five times. Of course, taking some pills to recover blood can be performed more times.

"Haha, that's not a problem. I have stockpiled countless blood recovery pills in the Dali Dynasty. If I give them a few bottles of blood recovery pills, they will really kill gods and Buddhas." Mu Chengqian said with a big laugh.

You should know that Luzhou, one of the nine states in the Central Region, is famous for alchemy.

The best alchemists in the entire continent are gathered here.

Take the blood-recovering pills for example. In Luzhou, millions of pills can be produced every day.

This is just the daily output. Once the war is over, all the output will be maxed out and there will be no problem in doubling it tenfold.

The most important thing is that as long as this kind of pill is placed in a jade bottle, it has a very long shelf life and can be stored for decades.

Although the efficacy will weaken over time, even if thirty years have passed, the efficacy will only decrease by about 30%, and it will not be completely useless until the fiftieth year.

Mu Rufeng laughed when he heard Mu Chengqian say this. He was right. Once the pills for restoring blood are used, the military formation method can kill people indiscriminately.

At this time, Mu Rufeng shouted loudly again: "Everyone gather immediately and divide into four teams."

The five teams saw this and immediately withdrew the military formation, and then quickly began to gather.

After a while, four teams were directly formed.

"Four thousand households, immediately perform the divine beast military formation." Mu Rufeng shouted loudly.

The four thousand households responded immediately, and then activated the military formation diagram.

In an instant, the four divine beasts appeared again.

Because of the increase in the number of people, the four divine beasts were about 20% stronger than before.

Mu Rufeng said again: "Lu Tianzhi, activate the Four Symbols Formation immediately."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Lu Tianzhi immediately activated the Four Symbols Formation, and the terrifying aura spread out again.

Gathering the power of the four divine beasts' military formation, Lu Tianzhi's aura began to surge wildly.

This time the Four Symbols Formation is more powerful than before, because the number of people has doubled several times.

Just at this time, a terrifying scene appeared.

The aura on Lu Tianzhi's body actually reached the divine realm.

Just when everyone was surprised, Lu Tianzhi suddenly roared to the sky, and the momentum unique to the divine realm burst out.

Divine realm! It turned out to be the divine realm!

When Mu Rufeng saw this scene, he was also slightly surprised.

You have to know that when he was in the ancient battlefield dungeon of the Great Xia Dynasty, he could barely reach the ninth level of strength with an army of 10,000 people.

And now, with only 5,000 people, Lu Tianzhi has reached it.

But Mu Rufeng soon understood.

The lower limit of the soldiers of the Demon Suppression Army is the third level of flesh refining, and most of the soldiers are at this level.

Look at the Imperial Guards, they are all at the fifth level of organ refining, and several thousand households are also at the seventh level of orifice refining.

Compared with the third level, the blood and qi power of the organ refining realm is more than doubled?

Adding these two together, didn't the deputy commander Lu Tianzhi, a strong man at the peak of soul refining, reach the ninth level of the divine realm.

Mu Chengqian, who was standing by, was also shocked by this scene.

The Four-Elephant Army, composed of 5,000 people, could actually allow a Soul Refining Realm to reach the Divine Realm.

Although the Soul Refining Realm and the Divine Realm are only one realm apart, the gap is absolutely huge.

When one hundred Soul Refining Realm warriors face a Divine Realm warrior, the Divine Realm will definitely win.

This also shows how difficult it is to surpass the Divine Realm.

But now, this army has reached the Divine Realm, and it seems that it is not an ordinary Divine Realm.

The Divine Realm is not a cabbage, but also the top combat power on the Tiandao Continent.

"He Qiangwu, you practice with the Four-Elephant Army to see how strong you are." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness!" He Qiangwu clasped his fists in response. To be honest, he was also eager to try.

"Wait!" At this moment, Mu Chengqian stopped him.

"Come here, bring me 50,000 bottles of fifth-level blood-recovery pills and some high-level blood-recovery pills." Mu Chengqian ordered.

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood that Mu Chengqian was planning to let these military formations fight He Qiangwu regardless of consumption.

Mu Chengqian wanted to let both sides decide the winner.

Soon, the blood-recovery pills were delivered.

Mu Chengqian waved his hand and distributed these blood-recovery pills, appearing in front of each soldier.

These soldiers also took the jade bottles in their hands.

"Everyone, swallow a bottle of blood-recovery pills and get ready for battle." Mu Chengqian issued an order again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The soldiers immediately responded, and then swallowed the ten blood-recovery pills in a jade bottle directly, and the other nine bottles were all put into their lapels.

"He Qiangwu, use your full strength to break the military formation, and I will grant you one trip to the Royal Martial Arts Building to choose a ninth-level martial art." Mu Chengqian looked at He Qiangwu and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." He Qiangwu was delighted when he heard this.

Ninth-level martial arts, that is the top martial arts in the entire continent.

He was confident that he could defeat the Four Symbols Formation.

"Lu Tianzhi, if you beat He Qiangwu, I will grant you all the elixir that can help you break through a small realm." Mu Chengqian said to Lu Tianzhi and others.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The loud shouts of five thousand people were deafening and magnificent.

"Let this commander see how powerful your Four Symbols Formation is."

"Ba Dao!"

He Qiangwu shouted, drew out the sword hanging on his waist, held it with both hands, and then slashed forward fiercely.

A sword energy of more than a hundred feet gushed out.

Lu Tianzhi's reaction was not slow either, and he immediately saw that the Black Tortoise quickly expanded and covered the military formation.

The hundred-foot-long sword chopped fiercely on the Black Tortoise.

"Boom!" There was an explosion.

The terrifying air wave gushed out, and the surrounding arrays were all rippled.

A huge crack was directly blown up on the ground where the hundred-foot sword had passed.

The attack hit the target, but Xuanwu took it. Although there was a gap in the place where it was hit, it really resisted it.

"Commander, it's our turn."

Lu Tianzhi was excited at this moment, and he shouted loudly and activated the Four Symbols Array.

Suddenly, the four great beasts spewed out divine light, and finally gathered together to form a multi-colored divine light that went straight to He Qiangwu.

He Qiangwu frowned slightly when he saw this, and his body shook and directly avoided the attack.

And this terrifying divine light actually directly penetrated the array pattern in the distance.

Mu Chengqian saw this scene and immediately controlled the palace's formation and blocked the divine light in an instant.

After He Qiangwu avoided the divine light, he quickly closed the distance between them and attacked with the domineering sword again.

However, before the attack landed, the divine light suddenly appeared and hit the flying attack directly.


A series of roars sounded, and the Tyrant Sword was directly broken by the divine light, and then went towards He Qiangwu without slowing down.

This time, the change was too fast, and there was a terrifying aura locking him.

He Qiangwu did not dodge this time, but chose to fight hard.

"Double Tyrant Sword!"

He Qiangwu waved the sword in his hand continuously, and two more terrifying sword shadows appeared than before.

The two attacks collided with each other, and the terrifying air waves spread out again, rushing the eunuchs and palace maids in the distance.

If it weren't for the protection of the formation and the building, I'm afraid it would be blown away directly.

"It's amazing. An army of only 5,000 people can actually fight back and forth with He Qiangwu, who is in the middle stage of the Divine Realm."

"Feng'er, you really made a great contribution this time." Mu Chengqian walked to Mu Rufeng's side, patted his shoulder, and his face was extremely happy.

Today, it really opened his eyes.

This Four-Elephant Army Formation is really too powerful.

"Father, it is extremely difficult to practice the military formation. Our Dali Dynasty has 5 million troops, and I estimate that only 500,000 can practice it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Haha, no problem, no problem, and this is just the Soul Refining Realm controlling the Four-Elephant Formation as the formation eye."

"If it is controlled by the Divine Realm, as long as it is in the early stage of the Divine Realm, with 5,000 people, I am afraid it can kill the peak of the Divine Realm."

"If it is as you said, 100,000 troops form the Four Divine Beast Army Formation, and then use the Four-Elephant Army Formation, I am afraid it can kill even the Emperor Realm."

Thinking of this, the smile on Mu Chengqian's face became more obvious.

"Father, my master Xiaoyaozi said that there is a great terror coming. I guess it should be the movement of the ghost cave, and it may be a full-scale invasion."

"So, I think this formation diagram should be promoted very quickly to all the armies of my Dali Dynasty."

"Moreover, I think five million troops are too few. Our Dali Dynasty should be able to support tens of millions of troops, right?" Mu Rufeng said again.

The Central Region has the richest resources and is also the largest of the five regions.

It can be said that the Central Region is as big as the earth in the real world. Of course, it does not include the ocean, only the land.

At the beginning of the founding of the Dali Dynasty, it had 13 million troops at its peak. (Don't think it's exaggerated. At the beginning of the founding of our country, it had 6.27 million troops)

It is precisely because of so many troops, plus the powerful martial arts strength, that it can sweep all the forces in the Central Region and unify the entire Central Region.

This is a feat that no one has ever accomplished since ancient times.

And now, because there has been no war for a long time, the number of troops has dropped a lot, maintaining at a level of five million.

"Great Horror, Guiku Feng'er is right, but 10 million is too little. Our Dali Dynasty has been established for 1,500 years."

"Although there have been several large-scale battles in the past 1,500 years, they are just small fights. After more than a thousand years of accumulation, our Dali Dynasty has a very strong foundation."

"Prepare for a rainy day, then expand the army to 20 million directly. It is time to clean up the domestic parasites and let the military power return to our royal family." Mu Chengqian looked into the distance and said in a deep voice.

20 million!!!

Mu Rufeng was also shocked by this number.

Mu Rufeng thought that doubling it, 10 million would be enough, but Mu Chengqian directly quadrupled it and wanted to expand the army to 20 million.

20 million, this is an extremely terrifying concept.

Moreover, the nationwide conscription will definitely recruit a lot of good seedlings, and even find some strong men.

Some warriors in the Dali Dynasty also have a very strong sense of honor and a great sense of belonging to the dynasty.

According to Mu Rufeng's idea, both ordinary troops and elite troops should be recruited, that is, those who have at least level three cultivation.

"Father, 20 million is fine, but we are recruiting 20 million soldiers nationwide, so you still have to inform the forces in other states."

"At the same time, you should also explain to them the great terrorist incident that Xiaoyaozi mentioned, and pay attention to the movements of the ghost cave." Mu Rufeng said.

"I have already informed them about this matter, that is, the recruitment of soldiers, I will talk about it again." Mu Chengqian said.

"Father, wait a few days, you'd better break through as soon as possible. It is also great for my Dali Dynasty to have one more emperor-level combat power." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, I will teach you to handle state affairs in the next few days, and I will go to retreat in a few days." Mu Chengqian said.

"Father, you can retreat tomorrow. I won't deal with state affairs for the time being. In the next few days, I need to simplify the production of the military formation map."

"This will promote the military formation map faster and make the army directly combat-effective. I also need to improve my cultivation as soon as possible."

"I need a lot of resources to practice." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Chengqian thought for a while after hearing this, and said, "Okay, you can use the resources in the palace treasury at will. Don't worry about state affairs for the time being. I will arrange it."

"Thank you, father!" Mu Rufeng was delighted when he heard this and hurriedly thanked him.

As long as there are enough resources, Mu Rufeng's cultivation will definitely be like riding a rocket.

In the martial arts arena, the battle between the two sides is still going on.

The attacks of both sides are like free, and they are crazy, with all kinds of big moves and all kinds of cool attacks.

They can be said to be all-out, without any reservations.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Tianzhi, who controls the Four Elephants Army Formation, should have been exhausted and defeated.

But with the blood-recovering pill, they have almost no consumption now.

On the other hand, He Qiangwu's consumption is also large, and his blood and qi are still a little unstable, but he has not taken the blood-recovering pill yet.

As a strong man in the God Realm, although he can also take the ninth-level blood-recovering pill, the ninth-level blood-recovering pill is too expensive, and He Qiangwu is reluctant to give it up.

Of course, the main thing is to see if he can drag them down.

If it really doesn't work, he must take the ninth-level blood-recovering pill, otherwise, if he loses because of the exhaustion of blood and qi, where will he put his face?

Moreover, if the face is gone, then it's gone. If he wins, he can still get a ninth-level martial arts.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out a blood-recovering pill and swallowed it directly.

The blood-recovering pill spread in his abdomen, and the blood and qi quickly recovered, and the blood and qi stabilized again.

The battle between the two sides is still continuing.

The current battle can be said to be a competition of each other's consumption.

He Qiangwu's attacks can almost hit the army formation, but the army formation is protected by the Xuanwu, and the defense is extremely strong, and it is difficult to break through.

On the side of the Four Symbols Army Formation, the wind and rain are strong, the attack power is also strong, and even the attack speed of the divine light is extremely fast, which makes it difficult for He Qiangwu to dodge.

But he has a sword in his hand, and he can resist the attack every time.

If this continues, it will be a competition of consumption between the two sides.

Another quarter of an hour of fighting.

The battle is still not over, and the two sides are still fighting fiercely.

The divine light in the field is constantly gushing, as if there is no consumption.

Even if the Gatling gun keeps firing, there is a risk of explosion, and the army formation is not worried at all.

He Qiangwu's expression remained unchanged, standing still without dodging, almost fighting against Lu Tianzhi.

"Stop, you are tied." Mu Chengqian stopped the fight between the two sides.

The emperor ordered, even those who still wanted to fight stopped immediately.

"The method of military formation is extremely powerful. I believe you all know it. These formation diagrams are given to you."

"Also, the rewards I mentioned before will also be issued." Mu Chengqian said in a sullen tone.

Hearing this, He Qiangwu's face lit up, and he knelt on one knee and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The five thousand guards were also overjoyed when they heard this, and hurriedly thanked him.

They didn't win or lose, it was a tie, but His Majesty gave them all the rewards, and even gave them the military formation diagrams and those blood recovery pills.

This is a huge fortune, how can they not be happy?

At this time, Mu Chengqian said again: "He Qiangwu, you go and control the Four Symbols Formation, and use all your strength to attack. I want to see how powerful it is."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" He Qiangwu was refreshed when he heard this.

He had fought with the Four Symbols Army Formation for so long, and he had long been very interested in the Four Symbols Formation.

Originally, I thought that I would definitely try it when I had time in the future, but I didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

Soon, He Qiangwu came to the army formation and took the army formation map of the Four Symbols Formation from Lu Tianzhi.

Lu Tianzhi did not leave, but directly replaced the weakest Qianhu and controlled the Suzaku Army Formation.

He Qiangwu took a deep breath, then felt the mystery of the Four Symbols Formation, and immediately injected his own blood and qi to activate the power in it.

The power of the four divine beasts army formation was gathered in an instant, and then poured into He Qiangwu's body.

He Qiangwu's breath suddenly soared, and he reached the peak of the divine realm in an instant.

At this moment, He Qiangwu felt as if he could pick up the stars and the moon, and a feeling of expanding power filled his whole body.

"Try it and see if you can break the formation." Mu Chengqian said.

He Qiangwu responded and then drew out his precious sword.

There are two ways to attack the military formation. One is to urge the phantom of the divine beast to attack, and the other is to attach the power to the person in the main formation and then release it with the martial arts he performs.

No matter which one it is, it is an extremely powerful attack, and He Qiangwu chose the latter.

"Divine Light Overlord Sword Slash!"

He Qiangwu's body was full of dazzling divine light, and the divine light on the sword was even more intense.

A huge sword shadow that was thousands of feet long emerged and slashed towards the front.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The gloomy sky was filled with dazzling light, and the dark clouds in the sky were also swept away by the terrifying air waves, and the sun actually fell.

The imperial city was shaking, the earth was shaking, this attack was too powerful.

When all the strange phenomena disappeared, everyone was stunned by the scene before their eyes.

A huge gap about a thousand feet long and a hundred feet wide had appeared on the ground.

Looking at the end of the thousand feet, there was originally the palace wall of the imperial palace, and now a huge gap had appeared.

The palace wall was actually cut by a knife.

You should know that there were powerful array patterns engraved on the palace wall, not to mention that it was also made of special hard spiritual materials.

Now it was cut by He Qiangwu.

The array patterns could not stop it. This attack was definitely beyond the ordinary peak of the God Realm, but it failed to break through the realm of the Emperor.

Mu Chengqian deliberately made the array pattern on that palace wall reach the peak level of the God Realm, and the array power outside the palace wall reached the realm of the Emperor.

When the palace wall was broken, the array of the Emperor Realm would immediately emerge and then block the attack, which was also to prevent a devastating blow to the buildings and roads outside the palace.

"I smashed the palace wall, please forgive me, Your Majesty." He Qiangwu put away his sword and stood up, then immediately bowed to apologize to Mu Chengqian.

"Haha, what's the crime? The master of the formation is only in the middle stage of the Divine Realm, but he can reach the peak level of the Divine Realm. If he is a peak Divine Realm strongman, with more soldiers, he will definitely be on par with the Emperor."

Seeing this scene, Mu Chengqian was not angry at all for the broken palace wall. Instead, he laughed and looked very happy.

"Your Majesty, this military formation should be a supreme skill. Our Dali Dynasty is invincible!" He Qiangwu shouted loudly after putting away his sword.




Many soldiers waved their weapons and shouted.

"Agan, what happened?" Suddenly, an old voice sounded.

Then a very old man appeared in front of Mu Chengqian.

"Hello, Great Ancestor. It's the Crown Prince. Feng'er has comprehended several extremely powerful military formations and was just practicing them."

Mu Chengqian immediately told the Great Ancestor about the five major military formations.

"Not bad, not bad. This kind of momentum and power will definitely make many emperors appear in our Dali Dynasty."

"This must be the new Crown Prince, a very good young man." The Great Ancestor nodded continuously and looked at Mu Rufeng with approval.

"Hello, Great Ancestor!" Mu Rufeng hurriedly saluted.

The Great Ancestor is the oldest, most senior, and most powerful ancestor in the Dali Dynasty.

He is now more than 1,200 years old. Even if he has taken some longevity pills and wonders of heaven and earth, his life span is only about 30 years.

After becoming the Crown Prince, Mu Rufeng knew many more secrets of the Dali Dynasty.

Speaking of the number of people in the realm of Emperor Zun, there are nine states in the Central Region, namely Luzhou, Yuzhou, Qinzhou, Yongzhou, Bazhou, Wuzhou, Chuanzhou, Jingzhou, and Lizhou.

Except for Lizhou, every state has an emperor who is in charge, and they are all members of the Dali Dynasty.

There are more or less other realms of emperors in these states. These realms of emperors are either secluded casual cultivators or the ancestors of a certain force.

Lizhou is where the imperial city of the Dali Dynasty is located.

Lizhou is also the place with the most emperors.

In the imperial city, there are many among the royal family alone.

They are the Great Patriarch, the Third Patriarch, the Sixth Patriarch, the Seventh Patriarch, and the Eighth Patriarch.

At the same time, there were two royal eunuchs, one of whom stayed with Mu Chengqian all year round, and the other was sent to Qinzhou where there was a ghost cave.

In addition, the Lu family of Zhenguo Gong also has an ancestor, the ancestor Lu who took Mu Rufeng to the Netherworld.

These can be said to belong to the power of the Dali Dynasty.

If all the Emperor Senior Realms in the Dali Dynasty are counted, there should be about thirty.

It seems like a lot, but this is the entire Central Territory. It can be said that there are very few.

"Feng'er is a swordsman?" The great ancestor looked Mu Rufeng up and down, and then said.

"Back to the great ancestor, my grandson is practicing swordsmanship." Mu Rufeng replied.

Strictly speaking, he should be regarded as a master of both sword and boxing. Strictly speaking, he can also be omnipotent, but there is no need to waste that time to learn.

"You have developed sword skills with the strength of Lianxinjing. Your talent is considered to be the best in the world. I will teach you a sword skill."

The Great Ancestor said, reaching out and touching Mu Rufeng's forehead.

"Behead the Tianba with the Sword Technique!" Mu Rufeng perked up and murmured.

"This sword technique is the great ancestor's famous skill. It is an extremely powerful martial art and is the best killing sword technique in the world." Mu Chengqian explained.

"Thank you, great ancestor!"

"From now on, the Great Li Dynasty will rely on you young people, work hard." The old face of the great ancestor made people feel extremely kind.

But this kindness is only for his own family. You must know that the great ancestor also ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. He had a nickname and was called the Killing Emperor.

"Great Ancestor, now that you are out of seclusion, I have something to tell the Great Ancestor." Mu Chengqian saw the Great Ancestor was about to leave and quickly stopped him.

Originally, he wanted to inform all the ancestors, but the ancestor had been in retreat and it was not easy to disturb them.

Now that I have been awakened by the terrifying power of the Four Elephant Army Formation, I just want to talk about the ghost cave.

"Oh? Big deal? What's the big deal?" The great ancestor looked at Mu Chengqian with confusion.

"How about going back to the ancestor's cave?" Mu Chengqian said.

"Then let's go." After the Great Ancestor said that, his figure disappeared from the place.

"Please disperse, Master Wanquan, you will have a hard time," Mu Chengqian said.

"It's Your Majesty!" All the guards immediately left.

"Your Majesty, it's not hard at all. We are also extremely interested in military formations." Wan Quan and other formation mages really didn't have to work hard at all.

Wandering in the ocean of knowledge refreshes their spirits and makes them impossible to get tired.

Mu Chengqian nodded and then disappeared.

Then Mu Rufeng, Wan Quan and others returned to the East Palace and started the manufacturing business.

The first thing is to make a common formation diagram. This formation diagram needs to be distributed to all parts of the country so that the army can begin to formally practice.

In this way, special arms that can cultivate military formations can be identified as quickly as possible.

The second step is to refine military formation diagrams that can directly display military formations. Mu Rufeng will not participate in this, and will only explain to them how to make it stably and so on.

In the blink of an eye, one day passed.

Mu Rufeng walked out of the side hall.

Wanquan's array masters are still working hard to refine it.

At the same time, high-level formation masters dispatched from all over the country have also arrived in the imperial city and are about to enter the palace.

The arrival of these formation mages will definitely greatly increase the speed of the formation.

Mu Rufeng has also completed his mission, so his most important mission now is to go to the treasure house to improve his cultivation.

Afterwards, he explained some things to Xiao Cui and Liu Ming who were waiting outside, and then went directly to the treasure house.

The treasury is protected by the core formation of the entire palace, and the third ancestor is sitting there. It can be said that without Mu Chengqian's intention and token, it is impossible to enter.

Because the location of cultivation resources is deeper and safer than those of formation spiritual materials.

So Mu Rufeng went through multiple levels and procedures before arriving at the place where the cultivation resources were placed.

This place is very big, very big, and it seems to be endless at a glance, filled with all kinds of auras.

It is also divided into many areas. There are jade bottles for storing elixirs, which are placed on each shelf. The names and uses of the elixirs are also specially posted below.

There are a lot of elixirs, so densely packed that they are countless. They are all at least fifth-level elixirs, which can be said to be a huge amount. If you look at the higher-level elixirs, there are also a lot.

In addition to these, there are also a large number of elixirs and rare treasures from heaven and earth, which are so densely packed that they are countless. At a glance, Mu Rufeng was suffocated by the spiritual energy that hit her face.

And as far as he knows, this treasure house is not the only treasure house, but there are multiple treasure houses.

It can be imagined how rich the Dali Dynasty was.

"With so many resources, I don't know how far my cultivation can go." Mu Rufeng looked at these cultivation resources, and his mouth was almost watering.

He skipped the low-level resources, that is, those of level 7 and below.

He picked the 8th and 9th level treasure pills and spiritual medicines, and directly filled his inventory and storage ring with them.

It's a pity that his contracted ghosts were all banned, otherwise he would have to fill up Xiaoying's 999 inventory.

Then Mu Rufeng took a bunch of level 9 spiritual pills and spiritual medicines, came to the corner, grabbed a bunch of spiritual medicines and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

After chewing twice, Mu Rufeng swallowed them directly into his stomach.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt that his body was filled with a strong energy, and Mu Rufeng immediately began to practice.


Time passed day by day.

One day, Mu Rufeng was still practicing.

It can be seen that his momentum is extremely powerful at this moment, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the soul refining realm.

[The amount of exercise for the third month has reached the standard, all attributes +30]

Mu Rufeng was awakened by the reminder sound in his mind.

"The amount of exercise for the third month has reached the standard." Mu Rufeng slowly opened his eyes.

Originally, the muscles in Mu Rufeng's body were constantly agitated, which was extremely magical. When he opened his eyes, the movement slowly dissipated.

This is another secret method that Mu Rufeng has comprehended, in order to prevent him from forgetting to exercise and interrupting the talent of [exercise will make you stronger] when he is practicing.

He has comprehended a martial art of flesh and blood movement, which can make Mu Rufeng's flesh and blood move and exercise all the time.

When Mu Rufeng falls into deep practice, muscle movement will be visible to the naked eye.

Once he wakes up, he will be weakened. Although it cannot be seen from the outside, his flesh and blood are still exercising.

After his many improvements, no matter what, it will not affect Mu Rufeng's practice.

If he calculates the time, he has been in the royal treasury for forty-eight days.

Mu Rufeng sensed his own cultivation level, the peak of the eighth level of soul refining.

In less than two months, Mu Rufeng broke through from the state of refining the mind to the peak of the eighth level of soul refining.

If this shocking speed were spread out, it would definitely shock the entire continent.

You know, the most talented person in the history of Tiandao Continent took a year to cultivate from the state of refining the mind to the peak of the soul refining.

In other words, Mu Rufeng is already the youngest soul refining powerhouse on the continent.

However, after these thirty attributes were added, Mu Rufeng found that his body seemed to be a little different.

Mu Rufeng looked at his attributes.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV4 (4/5)

[Strength]: 20029

[Spirit]: 10065

[Constitution]: 20029

[Contract Slot]: LV5 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 (Bai Jingwei)/LV4 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV5 (Huanxin)

[Ghost Power]: Level 8

[Realm]: Soul Refining

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Good Luck in Gambling] 】【Demon Suppression Marquis】【Crazy Worker】【Parasite Disaster】

[Skills]: 【Life and Death】...

[Talent]: 【Potential Explosion】...【God Rewards Hard Work】

[Luck Value]: 112

Items: 【Scarlet Optimized Share Contract】...

Soul Power: 100 Million

Soul Notes: 150,200 Million

Bound Soul Notes: 8.645 Billion

Points: 12,145,410

Soul Units: 46,101,0550

Breakthrough, his strength and physique actually broke through the upper limit of 19,999.

When he cultivated to the peak of soul refining, his own strength and physique were about 15,000.

Later, he continued to cultivate, and his realm did not break through, but his blood and qi power continued to improve, and his own attributes continued to improve, until he reached the peak of 19,999 a few days ago.

Soul refining, soul refining, this realm also corresponds to the spiritual attribute, and this realm can be said to have greatly improved his spiritual attribute.

Soared from the original thousands to just over 10,000.

In the past few days, he was still swallowing pills to practice. His strength and physique did not improve, but his blood and qi were still getting stronger, and his spiritual attributes were also constantly improving.

Speaking of which, Mu Rufeng was familiar with the fact that he could reach a certain realm with a certain number of attributes, which was correct.

But Mu Rufeng misjudged one thing.

That is, when his cultivation reached the peak of a certain realm, it did not mean that he had reached the peak of the physical attributes of the current realm.

Just like before, Mu Rufeng's cultivation had reached the peak of soul refining, but his strength and physical attributes were only about 15,000, and he could continue to improve.

This was the case with Mu Rufeng, and even more so with those warriors, who might even have reached the peak of the current realm with a lower physique.

After those people broke through to the next realm, they could directly reach the initial attributes of this realm.

But Mu Rufeng was different. If he broke through with the peak state of attributes, he would get a greater improvement.

This is what everyone said about the same realm, and the gap is also huge.

He has been practicing continuously in the past few days, and there has been no change in his strength and physique, only his spirit is still changing.

Mu Rufeng thought that his spirit value had to reach the peak of 19999 before he could break through to the ninth level of the divine realm.

Or, all the elixirs that Mu Rufeng absorbed were absorbed by the spirit, and had no effect on strength and spirit.

But what Mu Rufeng didn't expect was that the +30 added to all attributes by [Exercise will make you stronger] in the third month directly broke the critical value of strength and physique.

This feeling is as if Mu Rufeng's body has entered a wonderful realm, but it does not belong to the divine realm.

In Mu Rufeng's words, it should be the half-step divine realm?

However, Mu Rufeng seems to have never heard of such a transitional realm as the half-step divine realm?

So, this is Mu Rufeng's original creation?

"It seems that I still need to find a few spiritual secrets to practice more and improve my spiritual realm." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

He should be different from others. Others can break through the divine realm by breaking one attribute, but Mu Rufeng, it is estimated that three attributes must be broken together to enter the divine realm.

Maybe this is the trouble of genius.

If he goes all out now, can he defeat a strong man in the God Realm? Mu Rufeng has never tried it, so he doesn't know, but he thinks it shouldn't be a big problem.

He can't break through the God Realm for the time being, and it's difficult to improve his spiritual attributes in a short period of time, so Mu Rufeng decided to practice the secret technique of spirituality.

Mu Rufeng thinks that the secret technique of spirituality can improve spiritual attributes faster than practicing the technique alone.

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