I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 316: Five Domains Ghost Cave Riot, Heading to Qinzhou [10,000 words]

Mu Rufeng stood up and looked inside the treasury.

He had used and taken a lot of resources in the past month, but he found that the things in the treasury did not seem to have decreased. It seemed that there were more.

At this time, the formation was in turmoil, and then a large number of spiritual medicines and elixir jade bottles flew in and fell into the treasury.

Mu Rufeng had an epiphany. Although he was practicing and consuming resources crazily, his consumption could not match the resources put into the treasury from the outside world, so he would use more and more.

The spiritual secret method was in the Royal Martial Arts Building, not in the treasury.

Mu Rufeng was ready to leave.

But he soon thought of something and immediately took out a list.

He was so busy practicing these days that he almost forgot that he had to prepare weapons for those contractors who surrendered to him.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came to the magic treasure treasury next door.

There were all kinds of good treasures inside, and they were shrouded in the misty light and suspended in the air.

Even if ordinary people enter here, they cannot take away the magic weapons. They need special decrees to take them away.

Mu Rufeng took out the decree, and then directly found the weapons on the list one by one.

There were more than 20 pieces. His storage ring and inventory were now full and there was no place to put them.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, took out some spiritual medicine and swallowed it directly, leaving space.

After collecting these weapons, Mu Rufeng left the treasure house.

What Mu Rufeng didn't know was that when he left, a voice rang out: "Tsk tsk tsk, this prince is really amazing, amazing."

"In just less than fifty days, he can refine so many natural treasures and elixirs, and his cultivation is like there is no bottleneck and reaches the peak of soul refining."

"A world of great contention, a world of great contention, the great terror that Cheng Qian said should happen to the prince."

"It is a blessing, but also a disaster. I don't know if I can spend the remaining hundreds of years of my life safely."

After a sigh, the voice disappeared.

After Mu Rufeng left the treasure house, he went to the martial arts building without stopping.

In the martial arts building, almost all the skills, martial arts and secrets of the Dali Dynasty are gathered.

The martial arts building is divided into nine floors, and each floor corresponds to the corresponding level of skills, martial arts and secrets.

From the most common first level to the highest ninth level, everything is available.

Mu Rufeng naturally had no interest in the low-level ones, and went directly to the top floor.

As the crown prince, the future emperor, Mu Rufeng could go anywhere without even needing a warrant.

The ninth floor was also large, with rows of bookshelves, and the bookshelves were divided into multiple compartments, each containing a book of cultivation techniques.

The ninth floor was divided into three major areas: martial arts, secret techniques, and cultivation techniques.

Each large area was divided into multiple small areas.

Mu Rufeng went directly to the secret technique area, and then searched for all the soul secret techniques.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to a bookshelf.

All of them were soul secret techniques, too few, even this bookshelf was not full, and there were still several empty ones.

If you count them, there were only more than ten soul secret techniques.

But soon Mu Rufeng remembered that this was the ninth floor, which meant that these soul secret techniques were the top ones.

There must be many soul secret techniques on the lower floors, but none of them could compare to those here.

Mu Rufeng immediately took a book and started reading.

This secret technique is called [Divine Bell Breaking the Sky]. It uses one's own soul power to build a divine bell, and then uses one's own soul power to ring the divine bell to attack with the sound of the bell, and it can also protect one's own soul.

It can be said that it is both offensive and defensive. Sure enough, the secret technique that can be placed on the ninth floor is not an ordinary thing.

Mu Rufeng immediately flipped through the pages of the book. He wanted to write down all the secret techniques and study them slowly when he returned.

After all, it would be too troublesome to expand it. His memory is superb and he can remember it clearly.

It only took a few minutes for Mu Rufeng to finish flipping through the book. The practice method of this secret technique has been stored in his mind.

Mu Rufeng put it down and picked up the secret technique next door.

This one is called [Yin Yang Diagram]. Visualize the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram, condense your own soul power to summon the Yin Yang Diagram to fight the enemy, which is extremely mysterious.

Mu Rufeng watched the records one by one.

Mu Rufeng's comprehension is against the sky. When he studies these spiritual secret techniques, he may create a more powerful spiritual secret technique.

It must be said that these spiritual secrets are extremely powerful, stronger than the one he comprehended, the other shore flower blossom.

However, they are weaker than the other shore of the knife, the other shore of the sword, the other shore of the fist, etc. that he comprehended later. Of course, the gap will not be particularly large.

I don’t know how long it took.

“Your Highness, someone is looking for you outside the martial arts building.” Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng closed the secret book in his hand, turned his head and saw that it was an old man with a hunched body.

Mu Rufeng could not detect any strong breath from him, but he could appear behind him like this without being discovered by him. This person must be a strong man in the divine realm.

“Thank you, senior.” Mu Rufeng happened to have seen almost everything, and immediately bowed and left the martial arts building.

After leaving the martial arts building, he saw Liu Ming and several young eunuchs and palace maids standing outside.

After seeing Mu Rufeng, Liu Ming immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, you are finally out of seclusion. Something big has happened."

"Something big has happened?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly and asked, "What happened?"

"An urgent report came from Qinzhou, the ghost cave is moving, His Majesty is still in seclusion, and you need to sit in the court." Liu Ming said hurriedly.

Mu Rufeng was slightly shocked when he heard this. Sure enough, the ghost cave really moved.

Mu Rufeng immediately went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is where the emperor meets ministers and holds meetings with them.

Now that the emperor is in seclusion, Mu Rufeng, as the crown prince, naturally has to meet the ministers here.

Through Liu Ming's narration, he also knew that the six ministers and several ministers of the same level and the Duke of Zhenguo are waiting in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

In addition to them, there are also people who came from Qinzhou to report the news.

"Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

When Mu Rufeng stepped into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the people in the hall immediately saluted Mu Rufeng.

"No need to be polite, I have been in seclusion these days. I just got the news and rushed here immediately." Mu Rufeng did not sit in the main seat, but spoke directly below.

At this time, the ministers also found that Mu Rufeng's aura had become stronger.

Especially the Duke of Zhenguo, he actually found that Mu Rufeng's aura had reached the peak of soul refining.

It was less than two months since the last meeting. At that time, he was only in the state of refining the mind. Now he has directly broken through two major realms. Isn't this too terrifying?

"Ma ​​Shu, please tell the news again quickly." The Minister of War hurriedly turned to a man in tight clothes beside him.

Ma Shu saluted and then repeated the news again.

Just yesterday, the ghost cave, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly erupted with violent fluctuations.

Then a large amount of death energy emerged from the ghost cave.

Along with the death energy, there were countless undead creatures.

Wherever the death energy passed, all living creatures were transformed into undead creatures, even animals and plants.

Fortunately, there were no villages living within a hundred miles of the ghost cave.

Only the Ma family's demon-suppressing army stationed nearby suffered some impact.

Because the death energy emerged too quickly, and it was cloudy that day, without the scorching sun, the area within a radius of ten miles was shrouded.

The 100,000 troops stationed here by the Ma family were also enveloped by the death energy.

Fortunately, the Demon Suppression Army was equipped with magic weapons of fire attributes and was not affected by the death energy.

They even began to gather troops to suppress the undead creatures.

However, there were too many undead creatures, and the undead creatures that rioted this time were extremely powerful, and five undead creatures in the God Realm actually rushed out.

You should know that there is only one God Realm strongman in the 100,000 permanent Demon Suppression Army.

The remaining 300,000 troops were stationed near the Demon Suppression City a hundred miles away.

Five undead creatures in the God Realm, dozens of level 8 undead creatures and countless undead creatures of other levels can crush the 100,000 troops in an instant.

But, by chance, the military formation map refined more than a month ago was delivered to the hands of the Demon Suppression Army as soon as possible.

It was precisely because of the existence of the military formation diagram that the 100,000-man army was not penetrated by the five undead creatures in the divine realm.

When General Madu saw the second undead creature in the divine realm appear, he immediately asked his men to mobilize the four divine beasts.

Then he also activated the Four Symbols Formation.

With the power of 100,000 people, the undead creatures were completely nailed to death in a ten-mile radius.

The following battle made Madu realize the power of the Four Symbols Formation.

The five undead creatures in the divine realm could not break the defense of their Four Symbols Formation at all, and could only passively take the beating.

He controlled the four divine beasts to swallow and spit out divine light, sweeping a large area, and the undead creatures below level nine died immediately.

The five undead creatures in the divine realm were also more or less injured by him, but he did not kill them, because they were undead creatures, and it was really difficult to kill them unless they were completely wiped out.

Madu was not a fool. He knew that this place was full of death energy, which was not good for them, so he fought and retreated.

Finally, they left the place covered by the death qi.

However, the death qi was still expanding wildly towards the outside world, at a very fast speed, and it could travel one mile in about a quarter of an hour.

This speed was really fast.

It would probably spread to their Demon-Suppressing City in a few days.

Fortunately, those undead creatures did not leave the range of the death qi, otherwise, they would have been unable to stop them.

Madu looked at the expanding death qi and raised his head to look at the gloomy sky.

Without saying a word, he directly controlled Qinglong to cast a violent hurricane.

The terrifying hurricane instantly blew away the clouds within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

The warm sunlight fell down.

The sunlight shone on the death qi in the sky, and suddenly a "sizzling" sound was made.

The speed of the death qi expansion stopped instantly, and it was still slowly dissipating.

However, there was still a large amount of death qi spewing out of the ghost cave. Even with the sunlight, the stopped death qi began to expand again, but the speed was more than ten times slower than before.

Madu immediately sent someone to report the news, and he continued to lead the army to the outside world to destroy those undead creatures with divine light.

These low-level undead creatures are easy to kill. With a sweep of divine light, even the eighth-level ones will be dead.

However, because they are now in the outside world, they can't see the situation in the dead air at all.

They don't know where the undead creatures in the divine realm are, and they can't find a chance to attack. Hitting them by luck is really like winning the lottery.

"Five undead creatures in the divine realm? In the previous ghost cave riots, how many undead creatures in the divine realm appeared at most?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, and then asked.

"Your Highness, at most there were only two God Realm at one time, and they only appeared after a few days. This time, five God Realm appeared directly. Maybe there will be some unusual movements." Ma Shu said.

To be honest, Ma Shu did not take the Ghost Cave riot seriously, and even Ma Du did not take it seriously.

With the military formation map, 400,000 demon-suppressing troops, and their Ma family ancestor also there, the Ghost Cave's unusual movements can be easily resolved.

They just reported to the court as usual, but I don't know why these ministers are so nervous.

"The Ghost Cave must have undergone a huge change. We must be fully prepared. Lord Han, immediately dispatch a million troops from the states near Qinzhou, and send an ancestor to take charge!" Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, there are only five God Realm now. Why send a million troops and an emperor ancestor?" Han Chun, the Minister of War, did not understand.

Moreover, the country is still in the midst of a large-scale conscription, which is what he does not understand the most.

In just over a month, the original five million troops have almost doubled.

"Lord Han, the ghost cave should be invaded in full this time, otherwise, why do you think my father wants to recruit 20 million soldiers?"

"Think about it, there should be news from the other four regions soon. If my guess is correct, the ghost caves in the other four regions should also have unusual movements." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"How is this possible."

"Full-scale invasion? Wait, is this the great terror that your highness and master said?"

"If the ghost cave really invades in full, then..."

All the ministers were shocked.

Especially Ma Shu, if it is really as the prince said, then this time, something big has really happened.

"Lord Han, go and mobilize troops immediately, and the other adults, you and others will assist from the side and make full preparations. I will let the seventh ancestor go there to take charge." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, your highness!" Lord Han finally agreed.

There was no way, what could he do if he disagreed? Now the crown prince was the regent, and he could not refuse what the crown prince said.


Just when Lord Han was about to mobilize troops, a shout came from outside the door.

Soon, a eunuch ran out of the palace in a hurry.

Without waiting for everyone to ask, the eunuch knelt down and shouted loudly: "Your Highness, the Northern Heavenly Sword Sect, the Southern Vajra Sect, the Eastern Heavenly Burial Palace, and the Western Phoenix Clan have reported that the ghost caves in each region are moving abnormally, the deathly aura covers the sky, and countless undead creatures are coming out in droves."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"Is the news accurate?" Lord Han asked immediately.

"The news is accurate, it is the news sent by the Military Intelligence Pavilion." The eunuch said hurriedly.

"It is really as your Highness said, the ghost caves in the five major regions are all moving abnormally." The face of the Duke of Zhenguo was also extremely solemn.

"This incident is definitely different from the past. We must take it seriously."

"Yes, in the past, when the ghost caves moved, there have never been five ghost caves moving together, and even two ghost caves moving together have never been seen."

The faces of all the ministers became solemn.

"The undead creatures in the ghost caves are afraid of light and the power of masculine flames. Please open the treasury immediately and transport the magic treasures that have been hoarded for decades to Qinzhou." The Minister of Industry immediately spoke.

"Liu Feng, you hold my hand order, go to the treasury, take out all the masculine treasures with fire attributes, and have them escorted to Qinzhou." Mu Rufeng gave the order.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Liu Feng immediately took the transfer order.

"Ministers, I will trouble you again for the affairs of the court. I have decided to go to Qinzhou in person." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, Your Highness the Crown Prince, you can't."

"The riot in the ghost cave in Qinzhou is extremely dangerous. You can't do it."

As soon as Mu Rufeng said this, all the ministers immediately stopped him.

"I have made up my mind. There is no need to discuss it. You and others will do what you did before. If you can't make a decision, please ask the ancestor not to disturb my father's retreat." Mu Rufeng said.

It would not be of much use for him to stay in the palace. His Majesty would go to Qinzhou to see what the ghost cave is like.

Is the death aura really the ghost aura, and are those undead creatures really weird?

Most importantly, Mu Rufeng wanted to know whether those level 8 and level 9 weirds were in the ghost cave.

Their contracted mission was to resist the invasion of the ghost cave, and whether the mission of those weirds was to invade the Tiandao Continent?

After leaving the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Mu Rufeng walked quickly towards the East Palace.

Soon, Mu Rufeng returned to the East Palace.

"Liu Daban, how is the matter that I told you before I went into retreat?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, General Ye Lin has trained 200,000 troops, and the geniuses you mentioned have also been arranged to hold important positions in the army."

"Some of the geniuses have been arranged to suitable positions in the court." Liu Daban said.

"Very good, you stay in the palace and watch for me. I want to lead the new army to Qinzhou." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, Qinzhou is dangerous. It is better to stay in the court. This is the best policy." Liu Ming advised.

"No need to say more, where are Zhang Fuquan, Liu Feng and Wang Chun?" Mu Rufeng shouted.

The next moment, three figures were seen rushing in from a distance, like a gust of wind.

"I am here, and I greet your Highness!" Zhang Fuquan and the other two immediately landed in front of him, kneeling on one knee and clasping their fists in response.

"Liu Feng and Wang Chun, you two take two hundred guards and stay with Liu Daban, waiting for his orders."

"Zhang Fuquan, you lead three hundred guards and go to Qinzhou with me."

"Yes, Your Highness!" The three of them immediately responded loudly after hearing this.

Now that nearly fifty days have passed, the guards have long been far more than thirty people, and have expanded to five hundred people.

And they are all extremely powerful, and the weakest are all in the fifth level of flesh refining realm.

They are all elites among the elites selected from the imperial guards.

Liu Feng and Wang Chun also successfully broke through to the sixth level of heart refining realm by swallowing the elixir given by Mu Rufeng in less than fifty days.

As for Zhang Fuquan, his talent is stronger, and his cultivation has also broken through to the peak of the refining realm.

Those who can enter the guards of the prince Mu Rufeng are very innocent and loyal regardless of their identity or background.

These hundreds of people can be said to be the most elite and loyal guards of Mu Rufeng.

"Your Highness, I want to go too." At this time, Xiao Cui was seen running hurriedly in the distance.

"Nonsense, stay here obediently." Mu Rufeng scolded.

Xiao Cui pouted immediately and said, "Xiao Cui wants to follow Your Highness."

Mu Rufeng wanted to say something, but saw Eunuch Zhang Chun appeared behind Xiao Cui like a ghost.

Then he raised his right hand and hit her head violently.

"Ouch!" Xiao Cui covered her head, tears were about to flow down from the pain.

"Your Highness doesn't let you go, and you dare to talk back?" Zhang Chun said coldly.

Xiao Cui pouted, tears in her eyes, looking at Mu Rufeng pitifully.

Mu Rufeng ignored Xiao Cui's eyes. No matter what, he would never take Xiao Cui with him.

He was leading the army, how could he take female relatives with him? He didn't take any female relatives with him when he led the army to the Western Regions before.

Fortunately, he didn't take them, otherwise you can imagine what their fate would be.

Mu Rufeng first asked Zhang Fuquan to gather his guards outside the palace gate, while Mu Rufeng explained some things to Liu Ming and others.

Then Mu Rufeng went to the palace gate.

But he was stopped by someone before he even got there.

"Your Highness, you are going to Qinzhou, right? Take me with you." The Seventh Princess stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Seventh sister, why are you joining in the fun? In another month, Jian Yifeng will come to marry you." Mu Rufeng frowned and said.

"You also know that there is still one month. I am so bored in this month. I want to follow you to fight. You said that you would take me with you." Mu Wuxia said.

"No, you just stay at home and wait for Jian Yifeng to marry you." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and continued to move forward.

However, the Seventh Princess grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm and said, "If you don't take me, I will go secretly by myself, and you can't stop me."

"Seventh sister, this is not a joke. Now the ghost caves in the five major domains are moving. It is too dangerous there. You can't go there." Mu Rufeng said earnestly.

"You are not afraid of danger, can you still put me in danger?"

"Besides, isn't it still a month before Jianfeng comes to marry? I will come back when the time is almost up." Mu Wuxia said again.

"Your strength is too weak. Go find the queen mother. If the queen mother agrees, you can take the queen mother's token to the new army camp outside the imperial city to find me." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Wuxia wanted to say something, but Mu Rufeng directly shocked Mu Wuxia back, and then led people to the palace gate quickly.

At this time, Mu Wuxia realized that Mu Rufeng's cultivation had actually reached the peak of soul refining.

"Why is the ninth brother's cultivation so fast? He has reached the peak of soul refining in an instant?" Mu Wuxia looked at Mu Rufeng who was leaving in shock.

When she came to her senses, she found that Mu Rufeng had gone far away.

In the end, she could only stamp her feet and then strode towards the Queen's bedroom.

Although the Queen would not agree to her going, she did not need her consent, anyway, Mu Rufeng only looked at the Queen's token.

She acted coquettishly and asked the Queen for a token, which was not an easy thing.


Ten miles south of the imperial city.

This was originally where Mu Rufeng's army was stationed, but it was abandoned because the army was destroyed.

However, Mu Rufeng asked Ye Lin to train the new army and re-activated it.

It can be said that most of these 200,000 troops are new soldiers, recruited from the villages that originally issued pensions.

Among them, half of the contractors were arranged to come in, and the other half were placed in various positions in the court.

At the same time, these contractors also added all their fellow brothers, disciples, etc., who could be obtained, to the new army.

This is also Ye Lin's strategy.

It can be said that almost all the officers in this 200,000-man army are the contractors' own people.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also equipped them with luxurious equipment, and gave everyone the skills and training resources to practice.

In just one month, all the soldiers entered the first level of skin refining, and those with good talents even reached the level of tendon refining and even flesh refining.

Anyway, it didn't cost Mu Rufeng money, so he spent it boldly without any regrets.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Ye Lin stepped forward and saluted Mu Rufeng.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." The other contractors also stepped forward to salute.

They can be indifferent in private, but in public, they must maintain their respective identities.

"No need to be polite, go to the tent, I have something to tell you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, please!"

Soon the group arrived in the tent.

As soon as the tent was closed, the power of blood and qi emerged, and the tent was directly closed.

"The latest news has come. The ghost caves in the five major domains are all moving, death is everywhere, and undead creatures are rioting. Five undead creatures in the divine realm have appeared in each ghost cave."

Mu Rufeng did not beat around the bush and spoke directly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

They thought they could survive for a few more months, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

After being surprised, they were eager to try.

They were not afraid at all, but were extremely excited about the invasion of the ghost cave.

After all, they were just contractors who came to participate in this copy. They were people from the real world and had no feelings for this world.

For the destruction of this world, it is estimated that they would only feel a little regretful.

Mu Rufeng, however, brought into the Ninth Prince's emotions, so he felt the same way about this world.

"I'm going to lead the army to Qinzhou. I want to see if the dead air in the ghost cave is the ghost air, and if the undead creatures are the weird ones."

"The most important thing is that we need to figure out whether those level nine ghost emperors and level eight ghost kings are the invading gods." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, this is indeed necessary to figure out, and it is also very important for us."

"However, if it is really those ghost emperors, then it will be difficult for us to deal with them. Those guys are all conspirators."

"I feel like we will be played to death by them, right?"

Some contractors said unconfidently.

"Haha, as long as it is really those weird ones, it will be the easiest to deal with. I have friendships with some ghost emperors, and I can get some information from them."

"The most important thing is that I can use money to hit them back, or even become traitors." Mu Rufeng said with a sneer.

He has 15 trillion soul notes and more than 400 million soul units. If he doesn't believe it, he can't win over those ghost emperors.

Not to mention, Mu Rufeng has many friends of the Ghost Emperor, and they must have come in as well.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and then looked at Mu Rufeng with surprise.

Ye Lin knew something, so he was not too shocked by this.

"Okay, let's not delay any longer, and quickly organize the army to set off." Mu Rufeng said.

Everyone responded immediately, and then left and started to organize the army.

However, just as everyone was preparing to go, someone broke into the military camp.

That person was none other than the Seventh Princess who came with the Queen's token.

"Impossible, how could the Queen Mother let you go to Qinzhou with me?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Wuxia a little outrageously.

"Humph, the token is here, how could the Queen Mother not agree." Mu Wuxia looked at Mu Rufeng proudly.

At this moment, Mu Wuxia was dressed as a woman, and was wearing a set of armor. If he wore a mask and didn't speak, no one would be able to find it.

"You" Mu Rufeng guessed that it was probably stolen by her, but he had already said it, so he couldn't just run back to the palace to ask the Queen, right?

"Forget it, forget it, Seventh Sister, just follow me, but let me make it clear first, you have to listen to me and can't act on your own." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Mu Wuxia was very happy when he heard Mu Rufeng agreed.

Just at this time, another carriage came slowly.

Mu Rufeng recognized it, it was the special carriage of Zhao Yanran of Lingyan Pavilion.

Soon, Zhao Yanran got off the carriage.

Today she was wearing a black long skirt, with a black veil, which was really different.

Before she arrived, she was already smelling the fragrance.

"Yanran, why are you here?" Mu Rufeng stepped forward and asked.

"Your Highness, are you going to lead the army to Qinzhou?" Zhao Yanran said softly.

"Yes, there is a riot in the Five Realms Ghost Cave, I need to go and investigate." Mu Rufeng replied.

"I am willing to go with His Highness."

"Miss Yanran should stay in the imperial city. The journey to Qinzhou is long and dangerous." Mu Rufeng naturally did not want his fiancée to fall into danger.

Speaking of which, after these days of getting along, Mu Rufeng also had some special feelings for Zhao Yanran.

Mu Rufeng himself did not know what kind of feeling this was.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also felt guilty towards Zhao Yanran.

Because Mu Rufeng knew that he was not from this world, he was just a passer-by in this world.

When the copy was over, everything would no longer exist, the throne would no longer exist, his seventh sister would no longer exist, and his father would no longer exist.

His fiancée, the official crown princess who was to be married next month, would also disappear.

He was a little afraid that if he really had feelings for Zhao Yanran, how would he deal with himself after the copy was over?

Or if Zhao Yanran entrusted herself to Mu Rufeng, but Mu Rufeng returned directly after completing the dungeon, what would she do?

This made Mu Rufeng very entangled and felt guilty about her.

Not marrying? But the marriage contract has been set, on the 18th of next month, this time point is a good date, and if nothing unexpected happens, his father will also come out of retreat at the beginning of next month.

Whether the breakthrough is successful or failed, he will come out of retreat.

"No, I want to go too. The ghost cave is moving. The Lingyan Pavilion in Zhenmo City needs to be moved. I have asked my father for permission to go. If you don't allow me, I will go on my own." Zhao Yanran shook her head and said.

Mu Rufeng sighed in his heart when he heard this, and then said: "Forget it, forget it, you go with the army, I will protect you."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Zhao Yanran smiled when she heard this.

"Come on, Yanran, come on, let's take the carriage together." Mu Wuxia waved to Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran smiled, and then said to her maid: "You wait and go back."

"Yes, Miss!"

A group of people responded immediately, drove the carriage and turned back.

Then, the army set off and headed for Qinzhou.

The imperial city is more than a thousand kilometers away from Qinzhou, separated by Luzhou.

In the ancient times of the real world, the fastest march of soldiers could be 100 miles a day, that is, 50 kilometers.

Of course, this speed is the limit of the marching speed that can be achieved after almost discarding supplies and traveling light.

Their 200,000-man army is much stronger than ordinary ancient people, so the speed of traveling will naturally be faster, and they can last for a day and a night.

There is no problem with marching 200 kilometers a day, which still includes daily rest time.

The most important thing is that they can also be said to be lightly equipped, and all supplies are transported by storage rings and storage bags.

As the personal army of the crown prince, they must be fully equipped.

Calculating the time, it takes about five days to rush from the imperial city to Qinzhou.

This time is not slow, but very fast.

"Five days, I hope there will be no major changes." Mu Rufeng murmured.

It is precisely because the distance is too far that Mu Rufeng asked the Minister of War to transfer troops from the other two states to Qinzhou to guard the ghost cave.


Five days passed in a flash.

"Finally we have arrived in Qinzhou." Mu Rufeng sighed as he looked at the huge boundary marker on the boundary line between the two states.

In the past five days, they had only rested for one or two hours a day in order to hurry on their way. Except for the time for eating, they were on the road the rest of the time.

Everyone was exhausted, and the soldiers in the army could see that everyone had a tired look on their faces.

Although they were all warriors, they still felt tired.

"Ma Shu, how far is it from here to the ghost cave?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, the boundary marker is more than 200 miles away from the ghost cave and more than 100 miles away from the demon-suppressing city." Ma Shu, who was sitting on the horse, replied.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then said to Ye Lin: "Now that we have arrived in Qinzhou, the army is tired, so we will rest here for an hour."

Hearing this, Ye Lin immediately ordered several messengers to convey the order.

After receiving the order, the 200,000 troops were relieved and then rested on the spot.

If they had to travel another 200 miles to fight, they felt that they had no strength to fight.

It would be good to rest for an hour.

"Ye Lin, let the army rest here first, and we will go to the ghost cave to take a look." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Ye Lin nodded.

During these five days, Qinzhou's messengers came every day to report the latest situation.

Basically, the dead air of the ghost cave stopped expanding during the day, and it would expand rapidly at night.

The demon-suppressing army used kerosene and burning materials to block it, which also effectively blocked the expansion speed.

It would expand about 15 miles a night.

Now that five nights have passed, it has expanded nearly 90 miles, and there are only 10 miles left to the demon-suppressing city.

Now, the million-strong army of the left and right states has already arrived and is already fighting against the undead creatures.

The total number of troops invested has reached more than one million.

Mu Rufeng's 200,000 troops are not of much use for the time being, so he let them rest.

Mu Rufeng was going to take Ye Lin and Jiang Caiwei to the front line to have a look.

After Mu Wuxia learned the news, she was going to follow him, and Zhao Yanran was also going to go with him.

"Nonsense, have you forgotten that you have to listen to me in everything? You follow the army and don't go out. I'm going to the Demon City to have a look first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't walk around, wait for me to come back, otherwise, don't blame me for asking Eunuch Ming to send you back." Mu Rufeng said.

Eunuch Ming is a strong man in the early stage of the ninth level of the God Realm, and is also Mu Wuxia's protector.

In theory, although the princess may also have a protector, it is at most soul refining.

But because Mu Wuxia is the daughter of the Queen, she is deeply loved by the Queen, the Emperor and the Queen Mother, so she has a protector in the God Realm.

"And Yanran too, don't walk around, otherwise I will also ask the senior to send you back." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I know." Zhao Yanran smiled and nodded.

Soon, Mu Rufeng rode on Jiaolin horse with Ye Lin, Jiang Caiwei, Zhang Fuquan and his 300 guards.

As for Xu Lian and Tian Youdao, they were in charge of the new army.

Jiaolin horse was very fast, and in just two quarters of an hour, the group arrived at the foot of Zhenmo City.

At this moment, Zhenmo City was full of fully armed soldiers and a large number of people who had fled, making the town look extremely prosperous.

"Who is driving a horse? Stop quickly!"

Before approaching the city gate, the soldiers at the city gate immediately stepped forward and shouted loudly.

There were too many people here. If they rode on horses, there would definitely be a big mess.

"How dare you! This is the Crown Prince!" Ma Shu stepped forward and shouted angrily.

The soldiers saw that it was the third son of General Ma's family, and then they immediately reacted and bowed to the ground: "Greetings to the Crown Prince!"

The soldiers and civilians on the side were also surprised, and then they knelt on the ground and shouted to greet the Crown Prince.

"No need to be polite, stand up." Mu Rufeng turned over and got off the horse.

"Zhang Fuquan, you lead the guards to stay here, and we will go to the city to find General Ma." Mu Rufeng ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." Zhang Fuquan responded, and then he led the guards to stay in the open space in the distance.

Then Mu Rufeng and others went directly into the Demon-Suppressing City.

The Demon-Suppressing City was built because of the ghost cave. It was built by the Ma family, and the people who managed this city were also from the Ma family.

Of course, this was also agreed by the original generation of Emperor Dali.

The city is very busy at the moment, not because of prosperity, but because of migration and retreat.

Of course, this is also why the Ma family asked these people to evacuate.

Because they can hardly stop the spread of death energy. If they wait until the death energy spreads to the Demon Suppression City before retreating, it will be too late.

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