I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 317: Boss Niu, an acquaintance, is above the emperor? How to fight him? [10,000 words]

Mu Rufeng followed Ma Shu to the city lord's mansion and met Ma Yong, the current head of the Ma family.

Ma Yong is not only the current head of the Ma family, but also the general of the demon-suppressing army, a powerful man at the peak of the divine realm.

"The humble minister Ma Yong has met His Highness the Crown Prince." When Ma Yong saw Mu Rufeng arriving, he quickly stepped forward to salute.

"General Ma, no courtesy, how is the situation in the ghost cave now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, the situation is not optimistic now. The death aura spreading in the ghost cave is only ten miles away from the Demon Suppression City. The people in the city can evacuate before the sun sets today."

"The Demon Suppressing Army has 400,000 sergeants, Qinzhou 300,000 sergeants, Luzhou 500,000 sergeants, Yuzhou 500,000 sergeants, and His Highness the Sixth Prince's 200,000 tiger soldiers. A total of 1.9 million troops are fighting the undead. fighting."

"Because of His Highness the Crown Prince's military formation map, our side did not suffer much damage. Although countless undead creatures were killed by us, there are still endless undead creatures pouring out of the ghost cave."

"The original five god-level undead creatures have now been increased to fifteen. At present, no emperor-level undead creatures have been found yet." Ma Yong explained the current situation one by one.

"How many Emperor Senior realms are there in Qinzhou now?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Back to Your Highness, there are now three Imperial Ancestors. One is my ancestor of the Ma family, one is Ancestor Chun who was sent by His Majesty, and one is the Seventh Ancestor of Dali." Ma Yong said.

It is not that no one has organized warriors to enter the ghost cave before, trying to figure out what kind of existence the ghost cave is.

However, the existence of the Emperor Senior Realm cannot enter the Ghost Cave. Every powerful Emperor Master will feel a strong feeling of palpitations and fear when standing in front of the Ghost Cave.

It seems that as soon as they enter, they will encounter great terror.

It is precisely because of this that no powerful emperor dares to enter it.

There are also powerful Emperors who are about to die of old age. They feel that there are opportunities above the Emperor in the ghost cave.

They overcame the fear in their hearts and entered the ghost cave. From then on, they never appeared again.

If you send God Realm to enter, there will only be endless death energy and countless undead creatures inside. It is impossible to penetrate deeply, and because of the erosion of death energy, you cannot stay inside for a long time.

"The Seventh Ancestor should have arrived a long time ago. Has the Yaoyang Pearl been released?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, the ancestor said that we should wait until there are enough undead creatures and the expansion is large enough before using the Sunlight Bead." Ma Yong said.

The Yaoyang Pearl is an extremely powerful ninth-level magic weapon with Yang attributes.

It can absorb any fire element power and sunlight in the world to replenish and accumulate Yang energy.

Yang force has great restraint on death energy and undead creatures.

The Yaoyang Pearl has absorbed decades of sunlight and is filled with extremely powerful Yang energy.

Once the Yaoyang Pearl is sacrificed, it will emit an aura that is more dazzling and hotter than the sun's rays.

It is precisely because of this that they let the death energy spread to a certain range, accumulate a certain amount of undead creatures, and then sacrifice the Yaoyang Pearl.

In this way, undead creatures can be killed to a greater extent and the death energy can be removed.

Mu Rufeng also nodded after hearing this.

"The Demon Suppressing City cannot be eroded by the death energy. In two hours, we will sacrifice the Yaoyang Pearl." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness, we are also planning to sacrifice the Yaoyang Pearl today. In order to prevent any accidents, we will evacuate the people first," Ma Yong said.

Two hours later, it will be two o'clock in the afternoon. Two o'clock in the afternoon is also the time when Yang Qi is strongest.

"Then let the sergeants withdraw first and retreat to the vicinity of Demon Suppression City to rest for a while." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, it's only been two hours. Those undead creatures in the divine realm can escape the death aura for a short time. We still have to continue to attack them." Ma Yong replied.

"That's right. Let them continue the attack. General Ma, you are busy first. I am going to find the Seventh Ancestor. I wonder where they are now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Back to Your Highness, the three ancestors are now near the battlefield. You should be able to find them if you go there."

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then left the city lord's mansion with Ye Lin and others.

Riding the Jiaolin horse, Mu Rufeng quickly arrived at a high ground in front of the battlefield.

Standing here, you can overlook the distant scenery.

Before they even got close, they saw the black deathly aura that covered the sky and the sun.

Horrible wails and screams continued to come from inside.

Apart from that, there is the divine light that flickers from time to time.

I saw that in front of the ghostly aura on both sides, there were almost everyone surrounded by sergeants, all standing in square formations.

Because there are many formations, they are directly a four-image formation composed of 10,000 people and one square formation. They use divine light to continuously shoot at the death aura.

Mu Rufeng and others were still extremely shocked when they saw this scene.

"It's ghost energy. These are all ghost energy, but we can't see clearly what the undead creatures are inside." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Those divine lights swept through, and we couldn't see clearly what kind of undead creatures were inside." Jiang Caiwei shook her head and said.

"I think those undead creatures are weird things. They are almost the same." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"You said that your ghost power has been transformed into the power of qi and blood. What will happen if ghost qi enters your body again?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said again.

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in confusion, not knowing how to answer at all.

"You'll know after you try it," Ye Lin said.

"Speaking of which, my ghost energy was actually not banned. It was just because I was worried about being discovered that I banned it myself." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your ghost power has not transformed Qi and blood?" Hearing this, everyone looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"It seems that it must be the credit for the identity certificate you obtained in that unspeakable copy." Ye Lin said.

"Probably. So, what should we do now? Enter directly? Those divine lights can't tell whether we are human beings or not." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng had previously said that the soldiers should be withdrawn to rest for this reason. Unfortunately, what Ma Yong said was quite reasonable. He could not force them to withdraw.

"Simple, now notify the new army to come over, and then wait for the Yaoyang Pearl to kill those ghosts and weirdness, and the new army will also arrive."

"When the time comes, we let the new army occupy an offensive position, and we can use that position to enter the range shrouded by the ghost energy." Ye Lin said.

"Well, yes, even if we don't go in-depth, I can directly grab Weiyi and get words out of his mouth." Mu Rufeng nodded in response after hearing this.

"Jiang Caiwei, please go to Demon Suppressing City and ask Zhang Fuquan to send someone to send a message to the new army." Mu Rufeng looked at Jiang Caiwei aside.

"Okay." Jiang Caiwei nodded and left here immediately.

"By the way, how long does it take for you to break through to the divine realm?" Ye Lin asked.

He was extremely shocked that Mu Rufeng's cultivation had reached the peak of soul refining.

His current cultivation level is only at the peak of the middle stage of soul refining. This is the result of Mu Rufeng sending a large amount of resources.

"My spiritual attributes are still a bit weak. I am currently studying spiritual mystical techniques. After strengthening my spiritual attributes, I should be able to make a breakthrough."

"In terms of time, one or two months should be no problem, maybe even faster." Mu Rufeng said.

"I don't know how long Tiandao Continent can hold on. Although we can resist it here, I'm afraid that the ghost caves in the other four regions can't stop it." Ye Lin said.

"No matter what, let's get rid of the ghost cave in Qinzhou first, so that we can have enough energy to go to other regions. Moreover, the forces in other regions are not fools. There will definitely be a way. There is no way we can't hold on for even a few months." Mu Rufeng said.

There are still so many powerful emperors in Tiandao Continent. No matter what, they should be able to hold on in a few years, right?

In a few years, Mu Rufeng felt that she could break through to the realm of emperor.

As for those above the Emperor, it should be a few years off.

At this moment, a figure appeared next to Mu Rufeng.

"Feng'er, why are you here? Why aren't you sitting in the court?" the Seventh Ancestor said.

"Seventh Ancestor, are you here? There is something strange happening in the ghost cave. My grandson wants to come and have a look. As for the court, even the ministers can't cause chaos," Mu Rufeng said.

"What do you think when you look at those dead auras?" The Seventh Ancestor raised his head and looked into the distance, and then said.

"My grandson feels that this ghost cave is the biggest threat to our Tiandao Continent." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, that's right, but unfortunately, we can't do anything against the ghost cave. Even if we gather many emperors to attack the ghost cave forcefully, we can't shake it at all."

"Now that there is a riot in the Ghost Cave in the Five Realms, it seems that the great terror predicted by Xiaoyaozi has already begun. He said that you have the chance to save Tiandao Continent. What do you think?" The Seventh Ancestor said again.

"My grandson will try his best, even if his body is broken into pieces." Mu Rufeng said solemnly.

Two hours passed by in a flash.

Nearly two million troops have retreated.

In a short period of time, a large number of undead creatures once again emerged from the originally empty ghost aura.

Mu Rufeng's eyes could see through ghost auras. The strange things inside seemed to be irrational, and they were all evil ghosts.

That is, in a strange world, in a wilderness area, there are evil ghosts who live in ghost fog and have no sense at all.

If this was the case, Mu Rufeng would not be able to get any useful information from these irrational evil spirits.

It seemed that Mu Rufeng could only go to those ninth-level ghost emperors.

It’s just that, with Mu Rufeng’s current strength, it seems a bit dangerous?

Then Mu Rufeng thought of something. If he used [Life or Death], his strength should be able to reach the divine level.

Then there is the ability of the Phantom Ghost King, he can directly enter the virtual state.

In the virtual state, coupled with the fact that he has no sense of existence, the fifteen ghost emperors should be unable to do anything to him.


At this moment, there was a loud shout from above.

Mu Rufeng looked up and found the figure of the Seventh Ancestor, floating high in the sky at some point.

Following his loud shout, beads with dazzling light slowly rose up.

An extremely powerful Yang Qi emerged from the sky, instantly clearing the surrounding cold air.

Those were Yaoyang Pearls. They, the Li Dynasty, had spent hundreds of years refining only three of them.

One was brought out by the Seventh Ancestor from the royal treasury, one was given to the Heavenly Sword Sect in the North Region, and the other was given to the Sky Burial Palace in the East Region.

There is the Vajra Sect in the southern region, and Buddhism has the greatest advantage in suppressing ghost caves.

The ghost cave in the Western Region is in the territory of the Phoenix Clan. The Phoenix Clan is a fire tribe and also has a great advantage over the ghost cave.

The fourth one is about to be refined, probably within the next month or two.

"The setting sun shines, and the evil spirits retreat!"

A loud shout rang out.

A fierce ray of sunlight burst out from the Yaoyang Pearl, covering the dead air below.

The powerful light continued to expand, just like a big sun, shining on everything.

The area of ​​hundreds of miles was covered by the light of the Yaoyang Pearl.

When everyone was covered by the light, they did not feel any discomfort, but felt warm and extremely comfortable.

However, the ghost energy, on the contrary, began to roll violently like boiling water, and also made bursts of "sizzling" sounds.

In the front of the dead air, a large part of it was instantly eliminated by the light.

And the place where the dead air disappeared exposed many evil ghosts to the double scorching heat of light and sunlight.

These evil ghosts only had time to wail before they turned into ashes.

The dead air began to fade at a speed visible to the naked eye. No, it cannot be said to fade, but it was eliminated by the power of the Yaoyang Pearl.

Those evil ghosts also wailed and died, even the high-level evil ghosts still died directly.

Only the evil ghosts of level seven and above could react and quickly escape back into the ghost energy.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng frowned suddenly.

Faintly, he saw fifteen ghost emperors gathered together.

At the same time, he could also feel their breath.

It's just that some of these ghost emperors were covered with black fog, and their faces couldn't be seen clearly, and those who were not covered, he didn't recognize them at all.

This made Mu Rufeng a little upset.

The next moment, the fifteen ghost emperors jointly launched an attack, targeting the Yaoyang Pearl and the Seventh Ancestor in the sky.

However, these terrifying attacks disappeared before they approached the Seventh Ancestor, and he didn't even see the Seventh Ancestor take action.

Did he use his own rule power to stop these attacks?

Suddenly Mu Rufeng thought of something, and immediately used his ability of telepathy to say to the ten ghost emperors whose faces he could not see clearly: "I am the contractor, Mu Rufeng, a shareholder of Scarlet Preferred. Do you know me? You can talk to me from your heart."

His ability of telepathy is extremely hidden, and even the emperor cannot detect it.

When the voice fell, the ten ghost emperors changed a little.

"What a mess, who is talking to me?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you, and why can you communicate with me through the heart?"


In an instant, the nine ghost emperors replied to Mu Rufeng, all of which were irrelevant. I think these nine people are definitely not ghost emperors from the weird world.

"Are you Mu Rufeng? Brother Mu? Damn, is this true? Where are you? How can you talk to me?"

The last ghost emperor replied.

This word instantly made Mu Rufeng's face happy.

"Who are you? Do you know me?" Mu Rufeng asked hurriedly.

Telepathic communication is not an ordinary way of speaking. Although it is recognizable, it is completely different from the voice of speaking, so Mu Rufeng has no idea who this person is.

"It's me, I'm Niu Ben."

"Fuck, Boss Niu? Is it really you?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised, and then overjoyed.

"Of course it's me, can you see me now? Let me show you my face."

As soon as Niu Ben finished speaking, the mist on the body of one of the tallest ghost emperors dissipated directly.

Mu Rufeng looked closely and saw that it was indeed the appearance of Boss Niu Ben.

"I say, Brother Mu, where are you now? Wait, you are not from the Tiandao Continent, right?" Niu Ben suddenly thought of something and asked hurriedly.

"Yes, so, you are from the ghost cave? Among these fifteen ghost emperors, are you the only one from the weird world?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, I'm the only one, but there are more than one ghost cave. We are all in it. Damn, I have to run away. Let's talk next time. That emperor is going to use that terrifying bead to block the entrance of the ghost cave."

"If it is blocked, I will die."

As soon as Niu Ben finished speaking, he saw the dozen ghost emperors rushing towards the ghost cave frantically.

"Hey, hey, hey, come out later to talk alone~~!" Mu Rufeng shouted hurriedly.

"If there is a chance, we will talk again. Running away is more important." Niu Ben replied, and his speed suddenly increased.

In just a few breaths, Niu Ben's figure was seen returning to the ghost cave.

Mu Rufeng tapped his feet lightly, and his body instantly rose into the air and looked into the distance.

I saw that the terrifying yang energy turned into substance and fell at the entrance of the ghost cave, frantically eliminating the ghost energy.

It seems that Niu Ben is right, he really wants to seal the entrance.

Once it is sealed, the dead air outside and the evil ghosts inside the dead air will be like rootless duckweed, and will only end up extinct.

The ghost cave is spewing out a lot of ghost air at this moment, but it is still suppressed by the terrifying yang energy of the Yaoyang Pearl.

In an instant, the ghost cave and the spreading dead air are separated by terrifying yang energy.

At the same time, the seventh ancestor appeared at the entrance of the ghost cave with the Yaoyang Pearl. With one punch, he directly blasted the three ghost emperors who were running the slowest and wanted to break through the blockade and enter the ghost cave back into the ghost air.

"Do it!" The seventh ancestor shouted suddenly.

At this moment, it was difficult for him to do it, because he had to control the Yaoyang Pearl with all his strength, otherwise he would not be able to seal the ghost cave at all.

"Take my shot!"

In the distance, a loud shout came, and then a red spear fell from the sky.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

I saw that the spear penetrated directly through the head of a ghost emperor, and then penetrated out from the lower body.

"Ah~~!" The Ghost Emperor was not dead yet, he wailed in pain.

At this moment, the Ghost Emperor was pinned to the spot by the red spear. At this time, the spear also burst out with terrifying hot power and began to crazily burn the Ghost Emperor's body.

The two ghost emperors were frightened by the scene in front of them and quickly flew towards both sides.

In the blink of an eye, the two ghost emperors quickly escaped underground.

As long as there is no sunlight, the Ghost Emperor can last longer in the real world, but it will hardly last more than a day.

These two ghost emperors did not believe that the ghost cave could be sealed off for a day. As long as the ghost energy spreads out again, they would be able to come back.

"Domination of the world with fists!"

With another loud shout, an old man wearing red armor fell from the sky, fell into the ghost energy, and then punched the ground.


Terrifying air waves swept all around in an instant, and the earth quickly cracked, with the land boundary dozens of miles in radius directly cracking open.

The earth shook like an earth dragon turning over.

Between the lightning and flint, two figures were seen pinching the two ghost emperors together.

Mu Rufeng looked carefully and found that it was the Ma family ancestor and another Emperor Zun Chun ancestor who each held a Ghost Emperor with one hand.

Mu Rufeng didn't even see their movements clearly before the two ghost emperors were pinched.

Good guy, compared to the Divine Realm, there is obviously not much difference in physical attributes between the Emperor and the Divine Realm. It is just that there is one more control rule, and it is completely crushing.

"Caught, let's go."

Ma Laozu stretched out his hand to take a shot, and saw the red spear flying towards another Ghost Emperor, who was then caught by him.

Then, the ancestor of the Ma family and another emperor grabbed the three ghost emperors and disappeared.

The seventh ancestor Mu Zhengfeng also quickly took the Yaoyang Pearl into the sky.

Directly throw the Sun Pearl high into the sky to turn into the second sun, shining on the earth, and disappear.

The ground was still cracking, and the huge ghost energy that had been cut off had been blown away by Ma Laozu's punch.

As for those evil spirits, they were naturally cleared away with one punch.

The Yaoyang Pearl was still high in the sky, shining down with blazing light.

The ghost energy in the ghost cave was breathed out again, but it was burned by the light as soon as it came out. Although the throughput was extremely amazing, it could also expand outward.

But the speed is extremely slow, and it may not be able to advance a hundred meters in a day. It has to be said that Yaoyang Pearl is really powerful.

"Did the three ancestors capture the three ghost emperors alive? Do you want to question them?" Ye Lin was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

"That should be the case. They also want to know the situation in the ghost cave. The most important thing is that you must know that those are evil ghosts without reason. Only the ghost emperor has wisdom." Mu Rufeng said.

"Let's go over quickly and see if the ancestors can ask anything." Ye Lin nodded and then said.

"I want to go, and I want to tell you something. I just found an acquaintance, Niu Ben, the ghost emperor of the strange world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Niu Ben? Such a familiar name. I think it's the Ghost Emperor from Qingye Farm?" Ye Lin thought for a moment and then remembered it.

"Yes, that's him. Let's see if we have a chance to contact him later." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Have a good relationship with you?" Ye Lin asked.

"Well, it's pretty good. Last time in that unspeakable dungeon, I led him to win thousands of years of life, and also led him to earn tens of billions with Scarlet Optimum." Mu Rufeng said.

When Ye Lin heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

With so many interests involved here, this boss Niu will definitely help Mu Rufeng.

Of course, the most important thing is to see whether the interests of both parties can outweigh the interests of the current copy.

Mu Rufeng thinks there should be no problem, right?

Now that the ghost energy in the ghost cave has been temporarily suppressed, the power of the Yaoyang Pearl is extremely powerful, and it can continue as long as the power of energy, blood or spiritual energy is maintained.

Unless the ghost energy in the ghost cave increases sharply again, it will definitely not be able to continue to expand.

Mu Rufeng then left here and headed towards Demon Suppression City.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng arrived at the city lord's mansion.

Mu Rufeng took Ye Lin into it and met the three ancestors.

It's just that the three ancestors at this moment don't look good.

"Three ancestors, can you get any useful information?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No matter how much we torture them, they still won't speak. I tested it with the soul secret method. The souls of these three undead creatures are restricted and cannot speak." The seventh ancestor replied.

Mu Rufeng looked at the three ghost emperors.

The Ghost Emperor, who could stand high in the strange world, was now sitting on the ground like a prisoner, his body in tatters and with many blackened wounds.

There was also a large amount of ghost energy coming out of their bodies to heal their wounds.

Mu Rufeng could tell from their faces that these wounds had definitely caused them great pain.

It was at this time that a terrifying scene occurred.

I saw one of the Ghost Emperors suddenly rushing towards Mu Rufeng, which shocked Mu Rufeng. He flashed and appeared behind the Seventh Ancestor in an instant.

And Ma Laozu was also very fast, and he grabbed the ghost emperor's neck in one stroke.

The terrifying power of blood burst out instantly, directly burning the ghost emperor's body again.

"Ah~~!" The Ghost Emperor let out a pitiful cry.

The powerful power of Qi and blood can also burn or even burn these undead creatures to death.

"What should we do now? Kill them?" Mu Rufeng said.

"If you can't get anything out of me, just kill him." The Seventh Ancestor nodded.

The other two ancestors also nodded.

At this time, the three ghost emperors showed a trace of panic.

"Don't kill me. Although we can't talk about the ghost cave, I can tell you how to kill those weirdos." A very short ghost emperor suddenly said.

"Yes, don't kill us. I can also tell you how to kill those weirdos." Another ghost emperor said.

"Wang Ben, Liu Nan, you two dare to betray my strange world?"

The ghost emperor who was pinched by the ancestor of the Ma family suppressed the pain in his body, turned his head 180 degrees, and looked at the two people with a look of resentment.

"Hmph!" The ancestor of the Ma family snorted coldly, and terrifying flames erupted from his hands, covering the Ghost Emperor in an instant.

"Ah~~!" The wails and screams rose again.

In just a few breaths, the Ghost Emperor was burned into coke and fell to the ground.

At this time, a breeze blew from outside the lobby, directly blowing away the coke.

After death, a ghost emperor was wiped out by the ancestor of the Ma family.

The Peak Ghost Emperor, who was difficult to be wiped out by beings of the same level, was wiped out so easily by the ancestor of the Ma family.

Sure enough, controlling the power of rules will lead to another level. For the ghost emperor and the divine realm, it is a dimensionality reduction strike.

Those fifteen ghost emperors were all at the pinnacle of the divine realm. Otherwise, why wouldn't those nearly two million troops who formed multiple four-image formations not even kill a single ghost emperor?

The first reason is because it is too difficult to kill at the peak of the divine realm, and the second reason is that those ghost emperors are hiding in the ghost aura.

Even the people in the main formation of the Four Elephants Formation, who are powerful in the divine realm, cannot see the positions of the ghost emperors at all.

You can only use divine light to penetrate the ghost's aura and shoot continuously. You may be able to hit occasionally, but that's all.

"Now, let's talk about how to kill those undead creatures." The Seventh Ancestor slowly looked at the two ghost emperors.

Liu Nan and Wang Ben both trembled. The death of the Ghost Emperor made them even more frightened.

They have practiced for so many years and finally gained such strength and status, so they must be unwilling to die here.

Liu Nan quickly said: "Those weird ones are what you call undead creatures. They have no sense. We call them evil ghosts. Evil ghosts are also transformed from weird things like ours."

Liu Nan wanted to continue, but was directly interrupted by Wang Ben who was standing aside: "Evil ghosts are not under our control. They will also attack and even devour us who are rational and intelligent."

"It just means that the living creatures in the world are more attractive to these evil spirits than the weird ones like us."

Wang Ben seemed to be afraid that he would be dismissed like trash because he had nothing to say.

"Yes, these evil spirits will also attack us. The reason why they come out from the entrance is because we induced and drove them away, allowing the evil spirits to take the lead." Liu Nan added.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she was a little surprised.

It seems that the ghost cave is definitely connected to a weird world, but it is not the weird world in the real world.

It's the weird world on the timeline in this copy.

The ghost cave riots were also controlled by these upper-level weirdos. They also had an army of weirdos, but they did not send them immediately, but wanted to drive away those irrational evil spirits.

After all, there are only a lot of evil ghosts in the weird world, and most importantly, evil ghosts are also a threat to those weird things.

Such an approach is simply a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

"What a great way to drive away tigers and devour wolves." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"How many Emperor Realm existences do you have?" Ancestor Chun asked.

When Liu Nan and Wang Ben heard this, they both shook their heads.

Obviously, this cannot be said.

"There is a powerful Emperor above you, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

After hearing this, the two nodded.

"More or less than our Tiandao Continent?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"We don't know how many powerful emperors there are in Tiandao Continent, but I think there should be more." Wang Ben said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

If they do the math in Tiandao Continent, there should be more than a hundred people in the realm of emperors.

And there are actually more emperors in the ghost cave than in their Tiandao Continent. How much more? double? three times?

"Our Tiandao Continent has a thousand emperors. Could it be that there are only a few more?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

When the Seventh Patriarch and others heard this, they were slightly shocked, but their expressions were expressionless.

Liu Nan and Wang Ben nodded at the same time.

This time, the Seventh Ancestor and others were really frightened. Mu Rufeng's size increased tenfold, and then there were even more ghost caves? ? ?

"Are there more ghost caves than our Tiandao Continent?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

Liu Nan and Wang Ben did not answer immediately, but fell into thinking, and finally nodded.

At this time, the three ancestors lost their composure.

There are five ghost caves, each with more than a thousand emperors and strange beings. How to fight this?

As long as they come out in full force, Tiandao Continent will have absolutely no resistance.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, Mu Rufeng asked again: "Are some of them evil ghosts?"

The two nodded after hearing this, and Wang Ben said: "Probably half and half."

"Why are there so many, why are there so many."

The three ancestors were still a little out of control.

"There are still ten emperors in my Tiandao Continent. Are there more or fewer in the ghost cave than us?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

The three ancestors were shocked after hearing this, and then stared at the two weird ones.

Just when the two ghost emperors were about to speak, the two people's faces suddenly changed.

The next moment, the bodies of the two people began to stiffen instantly, and then they fell like sand. Under the breeze, they turned into black and gray and disappeared.

Dead, the two ghost emperors died without any reaction time.

"They triggered some kind of soul secret method and their souls were directly wiped out." The seventh ancestor looked a little ugly.

"There are at least 5,000 emperors, half of whom are irrational evil ghosts. How can we fight them? How can we resist?" The face of the Ma family ancestor was also very ugly.

There are only more than 100 emperors in their Tiandao Continent, and this one is 50 times more than them.

There is no point in fighting, just give up resistance and wait for death.

"Looking at the situation, there are beings above the emperor in the ghost cave. How can we resist? How can we resist?"

"The immortal creatures in the divine realm can last for one hour under the sun, and the emperor for one day? Can those above the emperor be ignored?"

"Five thousand emperor immortal creatures come out of the ghost cave, and one day is enough for them to sweep across the entire Tiandao Continent."

"Beings above the emperor, one person can suppress a region, how can we resist? How can we resist?"

The ancestor of the Ma family was a little absent-minded and slumped in a chair beside him.

Even if there are one or two times more than them, they can still have a little confidence and can fight, because they have a military formation map.

Now there are fifty times more, and there are above the Emperor. There is no Emperor above their Tiandao Continent. What can they use to resist?

Not only the Seventh Ancestor, but also the Old Ancestor Chun was also a little distracted.

"The three ancestors don't need to panic. Although their number is large and far exceeds ours, why don't they just invade and kill us directly?"

"So, they must have some restrictions. Their above the Emperor cannot leave the Ghost Cave."

"Moreover, the Ghost Cave should be a passage and an entrance to their weird world. It is highly likely that their Emperor cannot leave the Ghost Cave." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Feng'er is right. If there are really no restrictions, sending the Emperor's army directly can sweep across our Tiandao Continent."

"The Ghost Cave has existed for who knows how many years, ten thousand years, twenty thousand years, this is already difficult to study. Why didn't it wipe out our Tiandao Continent in such a long time?" The Seventh Ancestor nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it should be right." Old Ancestor Ma calmed down and nodded.

"Should we tell this?" said the old man Chun.

As soon as he said this, everyone fell into silence.

Yes, should we tell this?

If we tell this, will such a terrifying number cause a huge commotion?

Even spawn a group of spies and directly join the weird side?

Although being eroded by the dead air will turn into weird and lose their own sanity, no one knows whether the weird in the ghost cave can keep their sanity.

You know, once you keep your sanity, it's just a change of race, and there will definitely be many people who are willing.

The most important thing is that it is possible that the weird can lead to a higher level, because they are above the emperor.

"Absolutely can't tell, otherwise it will cause unrest." Mu Rufeng said.

But don't underestimate the rebellious heart of some people, it has been like this since ancient times.

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Mu Rufeng is right, absolutely can't tell.

"But we still have to confirm whether what these two weirds said is true or false." Ye Lin said.

"They might be lying, just to make us fall into fear." Mu Rufeng nodded.

This really needs to be figured out. He originally wanted to use his cognitive change ability.

But before he could use it, the two guys died.

"Prince Feng, why don't you take the Yaoyang Pearl, let the death energy spread out, and then see if you can attract a group of immortal creatures in the God Realm." said the old ancestor Chun.

"But, but, we can't be so anxious, just wait until tomorrow, tomorrow I will take the Yaoyang Pearl because of the excessive consumption of blood and qi, so it is reasonable." said the seventh ancestor.

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

"Feng'er, your cultivation has improved rapidly recently, and your foundation is also very solid. If you are given some more time, you will definitely be able to break through the realm of the emperor."

"Unfortunately, it seems that there is no time now." The seventh ancestor sighed and said.

"Seventh ancestor, if there is time, we will definitely be able to resist the invasion of the ghost cave." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then I'll go back to the Imperial City." said Grandmaster Chun.

"Yes." Grandmaster Qi and Grandmaster Ma both nodded.

Mu Rufeng said goodbye to Grandmaster Qi and left the City Lord's Mansion with Ye Lin.

Now the new army has already been stationed ten miles away from the Demon Suppression City.

Mu Rufeng brought Ye Lin to the new army's camp.

"You said Yanran and my seventh sister went to Zhenmo City?" Mu Rufeng looked at Jiang Caiwei, a little surprised.

"Yes, Lingyan Pavilion also has a branch in Zhenmo City. When the seventh princess saw Miss Yanran was going there, she followed her."

"I asked Xu Lian to bring some people to protect them." Jiang Caiwei said.

"I will go to Zhenmo City to find them, you stay here." Mu Rufeng said.

Ye Lin and others nodded.

Then, Mu Rufeng led a hundred guards to Zhenmo City again.

When he came to Lingyan Pavilion, he found that the gate here was closed.

Mu Rufeng gestured to a guard, who immediately understood and went forward to knock on the gate.

Not long after, the gate opened: "This young man, because of the unusual movement of the ghost cave, we have to move to the nearby Qinzhou County City."

A maid came out, glanced at Mu Rufeng, and then spoke.

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