I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 318: No Buddha God, Mu Rufeng can switch identities freely [10,000 words]

"Little girl, this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who is here to look for Miss Yanran and His Royal Highness the Seventh Princess. I wonder if they are inside?" The guard said in a calm tone.

Yanran is the future Crown Princess, and as a member of Lingyan Pavilion, this little girl must be treated politely.

"This servant greets His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. The Seventh Princess and Miss Yanran are inside. I will go tell them right away."

The maid exclaimed, and then ran away, leaving everyone staring at each other.

"This little girl just ran away like this." Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head, and then walked into Lingyan Pavilion.

There were only two guards following Mu Rufeng, and the rest of the people were waiting outside.

As soon as Mu Rufeng entered the cabinet, he saw a middle-aged man hurried over.

"I am Tang Xiaodong, the head of Lingyan Pavilion in Zhenmo City, and I meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." The middle-aged man bowed to Mu Rufeng.

This person's cultivation is not high, just at the peak of soul refining, and his aura is much weaker than Mu Rufeng.

"Hello, Pavilion Master. I wonder if Miss Yanran and my seventh sister are here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, yes." Tang Xiaodong nodded.

"Ninth brother, why are you here?" At this time, Mu Wuxia's voice came from a distance.

Soon, he saw Mu Wuxia and Zhao Yanran coming together in the distance.

"I am worried about you two, so I came to see you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Worried about us? I think you are worried about Yanran, right?" Mu Wuxia joked.

"Seventh sister, if you say so, then I have nothing to say." Mu Rufeng shrugged.

"I heard from this little girl that this place is going to be moved, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, Your Highness, many people have already evacuated. I am still here because I have to wait for Miss Yanran to come before I can take away everything in the treasure house." Tang Xiaodong said.

"Well, I'm going to the county city with the Pavilion Master to escort the things there." Zhao Yanran said.

This should be the purpose of Zhao Yanran's coming here.

"When I came, there were many carriages outside the temple. Are they going to be transported by carriage?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, there are a lot of things, but not so many storage bags." Zhao Yanran nodded.

"In that case, I'll send an army to take you there." Mu Rufeng said.

The Demon-Suppressing City is more than 300 kilometers away from the county city of Qinzhou, and it will take a lot of time.

"No need, we have our own people, after all, the ghost cave is also extremely dangerous." Zhao Yanran shook her head and refused.

"It's settled, I'll go back and send someone over, Seventh Sister, why don't you go with Yanran, it's just right to go to the county city to have fun." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Mu Wuxia nodded quickly.

She originally followed Mu Rufeng here to kill the enemy, but seeing this situation, it seemed that she couldn't play at all.

It would be nice to go to Qinzhou County City for a visit.

She stayed in the palace all year round and rarely came out.

Tang Xiaodong, who was standing by, was delighted when he heard this, but he still didn't say anything.

He was really happy in his heart. Although he sent someone, he felt that it was not safe enough. There was also a god, but he hadn't come yet, which was a bit unreliable.

If there were 10,000 soldiers from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to protect him, there would always be more deterrence and security.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Zhao Yanran said softly.

"No need to be polite." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Why are you two still being so polite? We are all family, right, Yanran." Mu Wuxia stretched out his hand and took Zhao Yanran's arm and said with a smile.

"You should call Sun Chong, right? Go, take my token, transfer 10,000 new troops, let Jiang Caiwei lead the team, and also have a military formation map." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Sun Chong took the token respectfully, and then immediately left Lingyan Pavilion.

He was also extremely excited. He didn't expect that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince actually remembered his name. He was really excited and excited.

"By the way, Ninth Brother, I saw the Seventh Ancestor and his men go to the City Lord's Mansion before. I heard from people outside that they seemed to have caught undead creatures."

"Did you find out anything?" Mu Wuxia asked.

"The Seventh Ancestor and his men used the Yaoyang Pearl to cut off the entrance to the Ghost Cave. Three undead creatures in the God Realm did not escape into the Ghost Cave and were caught by several ancestors."

"But I didn't find out anything. They were all given soul restrictions. There is no way to say that they are all dead now." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's such a pity. These undead creatures are really hateful. They don't stay at home, but come to our world." Mu Wuxia hates these undead creatures.

Or, all living people hate the Ghost Cave and undead creatures.

As time went by, half an hour passed.

Sun Chong came back, and 10,000 new troops also gathered outside the Demon Suppression City.

"When will the god who is escorting you arrive?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, he should have arrived this morning, but for some reason he hasn't been seen yet." Tang Xiaodong replied.

"Master Tang, which god is coming to escort you?" Zhao Yanran asked.

"It's Fairy Meng Ling." Tang Xiaodong answered quickly.

"Fairy Meng Ling? Why did you ask her to come?" Zhao Yanran frowned.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with her?" Mu Rufeng saw that Zhao Yanran was a little dissatisfied with him, and asked immediately.

"When Fairy Meng Ling was young, her child was killed by her enemies. She drank every day to relieve her sorrow. Now she must be drunk somewhere and forget the time." Zhao Yanran said.

"I heard that Fairy Meng Ling asked for it herself." Tang Xiaodong said.

"Forget it, never mind, let's go directly." Zhao Yanran said.

She was guarded by a powerful god, and the seventh princess Mu Wuxia was also guarded by a powerful god.

Adding up, there were two. One more Fairy Meng Ling was not much, and one less Fairy Meng Ling was not much.

Zhao Yanran and others did not continue to wait, and directly loaded the car and started transporting to Qinzhou County City.

Mu Rufeng stood outside the Demon-Suppressing City and watched Zhao Yanran leave.

Then, he went directly to the new army camp.


At ten o'clock the next morning.

The Yaoyang Pearl hanging in the sky became a little dim, and then slowly fell.

As the light became weaker and weaker, a terrifying air wave suddenly appeared out of thin air, directly clearing the clouds within a radius of 100 miles.

The sun shone down, suppressing the restless ghost energy again.

The Yaoyang Pearl disappeared, taken away by the Seventh Ancestor.

Then the army of more than two million surrounded the outer layer in a circle.

They waited quietly, waiting for the spread of ghost energy.

Once the ghost energy and the undead creatures arrived, it was time for them to attack.

Without the suppression of the Yaoyang Pearl, the sun's light was somewhat unsustainable.

A large amount of ghost energy gushed out, far exceeding the speed of the sun's disappearance.

The ghost energy began to spread rapidly in all directions.

As the ghost energy expanded, a large number of undead creatures emerged from the ghost cave, each with a hideous face and a grotesque body, which made people shudder.

Fortunately, no one could see it because of the ghost energy, but the terrifying screams and howls were frightening.

Nearly two million troops did not move, and they all stood quietly in place waiting.

There are too few evil ghosts, so they have to wait until there are enough evil ghosts before they start.

Otherwise, if they start now, it will be like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill a mosquito.

The military formation diagram is still being refined. As long as the blood and qi are sufficient, each of their armies can use it almost continuously for more than a month.

This is the horror of the Dali Dynasty. The military formation diagram is about to be mass-produced in another way.

In the new army camp.

"Minister Ye, when we attack later, I'll trouble you to organize it. I want to go to the ghost cave to explore." Mu Rufeng said.

"Go to the ghost cave? How do you go? And do you have any way to hide it from your protector?" Ye Lin said in a low voice.

"I took a magical bead from the palace treasury. Although it has no attack ability, it can create a physical clone."

"This clone has no independent ability, and at the same time it can have all my breath, so it can be completely deceived."

"I will go to the ghost cave for a short time, so you have to help me keep an eye on it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Wouldn't it be too risky for you to go in? If you are discovered, you will have no choice but to return." Ye Lin said.

"Don't worry, I have my own way." Mu Rufeng said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a bead emitting a purple halo.

Mu Rufeng activated the Magic God Bead, and a wisp of his own energy was absorbed by the Magic God Bead. Then he saw Mu Rufeng throw the Magic God Bead to the main seat in the tent.

When the Magic God Bead fell, it directly changed into another Mu Rufeng.

This Mu Rufeng's clothes, expression, appearance and breath are exactly the same as Mu Rufeng's, and there is no difference at all.

This changed Mu Rufeng leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to sleep. You can still see his breath surging and his chest rising and falling slightly.

At first glance, he really is sleeping.

"I'm going." Mu Rufeng's voice fell, and his body directly entered the virtual state, and at the same time, he immediately put the things on his body into the item column.

Even the storage ring that stored things was also put into the item column.

It's just that, according to the weight, it also occupies a lot of space.

Then Mu Rufeng immediately floated out to the outside and headed forward.

The next moment, Ye Lin came out of the tent and opened the formation at the same time.

"Watch it, His Royal Highness is a little tired, take a rest inside." Ye Lin said to the guards.

"Yes, General Ye." The guards nodded in response.

Just as Ye Lin left, a shadow appeared in the tent.

This is Chu Lin, Mu Rufeng's protector.

He glanced at Mu Rufeng in the shadow and found that his breath was stable and there was no change. He seemed to be sleeping very sweetly.

"Strange, I just found two breaths of His Royal Highness. Did His Royal Highness practice secrets, or did I feel it wrong?"

Chu Lin frowned and muttered to himself, then slowly disappeared.


Mu Rufeng passed through the military camp, and the soldiers around him did not notice Mu Rufeng's existence.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng entered the range of the death aura.

The evil ghosts were completely unable to sense Mu Rufeng's existence, and just kept standing at the edge of the death aura and yelling at the soldiers outside.

Mu Rufeng also untied the restrictions of the ghost aura, and all of a sudden, the ghost power in his body was released, and then filled his whole body.

If an ordinary warrior has ghost power in his body, it will definitely pollute the blood and qi in his body and his body instantly.

But Mu Rufeng was not affected at all. The ghost power and blood power were completely distinct, and there was no pollution to his body.

On the contrary, it can be said that he was strengthening his body, although not much.

His ghost power level has reached the level of the eighth-level ghost king.

Being in this rich ghost energy, Mu Rufeng felt as if he had entered a place with rich spiritual energy, and felt extremely comfortable.

In Mu Rufeng's current state, he can practice whether in the ghost cave or in the Tiandao Continent.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng immediately used the skills of [Life and Death] and [Potential Explosion].

His power surged again, and he felt that he seemed to have entered a whole new world.

[Strength]: 24034.8

[Spirit]: 24000

[Constitution]: 24034.8

Broken, broken, his spirit broke 20,000, reaching the realm of the ninth level of the divine realm.

As for strength and constitution, [Life and Death] did not play any role at all, only the potential explosion increased the attribute by 20%.

But this still made Mu Rufeng very excited. At this moment, he was terribly strong!

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the entrance of the ghost cave.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate too much and directly immersed himself in it.

When Mu Rufeng entered, he immediately felt that the density of the ghost energy had increased by more than ten times.

The entrance of the ghost cave is a cave about three meters high and two meters wide.

And inside, it is a slope with some rugged potholes facing downwards.

Whether it is the ground or the rock wall, it is extremely dark and extremely hard.

When he entered, the space inside also became slightly larger.

Mu Rufeng floated on the top and saw a large number of evil ghosts, just like the zombies in "World War Z", piled up and poured out of the ghost cave.

This scene was really shocking. If Mu Rufeng was not in a virtual state now, he would have been squeezed out of the ghost cave by these evil ghosts.

Mu Rufeng continued to go down.

He went down about 500 meters, and his vision and space suddenly became extremely wide.

This was a huge underground space with a radius of ten miles.

The ground to the top of the cave was also a hundred meters high.

And at the top of the cave, which was a hundred meters high, there was an ultra-large black vortex, covering an area of ​​about five miles.

Countless evil ghosts were falling from the black vortex, and those evil ghosts immediately ran towards the exit of the cave after falling.

One by one, the evil ghosts squeezed into the long passage like zombies out of a cage.

At the edge of this huge underground space, Mu Rufeng saw twelve figures standing there.

These people were none other than the twelve ghost emperors who had fled back when the Seventh Ancestor sealed the ghost cave with the Yaoyang Pearl.

Nearby, there was a group of eighth-level ghost kings, all standing there, and they should be the subordinates of the twelve ghost emperors.

"Do you want to go out or not? Give me a word." A ghost emperor shrouded in black fog spoke.

"How to go out? There are three emperors outside, and that powerful pearl. If we go out, we will die."

"Yes, didn't you see that Liu Nan and the other three didn't come back? I think they must be dead."

"It's only been a few years, how can the armies of the Dali Dynasty be so powerful? I heard that it seems to be called a military formation, and all our attacks can be stopped."

"It's okay to stop them, didn't you see that they attacked us, and they would be seriously injured if they were hit, and they would kill a large area of ​​those evil ghosts with one sweep."

A group of ghost emperors scolded, anyway, they all meant the same thing, they didn't want to go out.

Going out really means death.

"The pearl is gone, and the ghost energy is expanding rapidly. We will be fine if we go out now." The ghost emperor said again.

"You said it's okay? Didn't you see the Emperor outside? The blood and qi contained in their punches can kill us."

"Those Emperors don't care about ghosts or not, they can blow them away with one punch. If you let us go out, wouldn't that be courting death?"

Niu Ben said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Brother Niu is right."

"You are so powerful, then go out by yourself."

Everyone agreed.

The Ghost Emperor heard this and glanced at everyone with a gloomy face.

"Since you are all unwilling, then let the evil ghosts of the Ghost Emperor level go out." Sun Shi said slowly.

"That's it, why are you still hesitating."

"That's right, it should have been released a long time ago, don't take chicken feathers as an opportunity, no one will spoil you."

A group of Ghost Emperors were not afraid of the Ghost Emperor Sun Shi who seemed to be very stylish.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, if the people in other areas transform the outside world first, then you will become the food of those adults obediently." Sun Shi snorted coldly.

The Ghost Emperors surprisingly did not refute after hearing this.

"Boss Niu, I'm here. Stay calm and don't react. Only you can hear me. Just reply to me in your heart."

At this time, Mu Rufeng came behind Boss Niu and used his telepathic communication ability to communicate with him.

Niu Ben did not react on the surface, but he was shocked in his heart. He could not have thought that Mu Rufeng would come in.

And no one could find out. This young man Mu was really amazing.

"Young man Mu? How did you get in? You are so brave, aren't you?" Niu Ben's tone was full of surprise.

"It's just a little trick. I heard you say you want to transform. What do you want to transform it into?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Don't ask, don't ask. I have been given a soul restriction. I can't reveal the news to the humans in Tiandao Continent. If I reveal it, I will die." Niu Ben shook his head hurriedly.

"Then I will hide here. You guide others to say it. I heard it, right?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"No, there will be a warning before the exit. In this way, they will know that someone is lurking in the dark." Niu Ben replied.

"Is that so? Let me think about it." Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought.

If this is really the case, then Mu Rufeng's coming here is useless, just chatting with Boss Niu?

At this time, Sun Shi had already made some preparations, and then he looked at everyone: "Everyone, let's start."

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

Afterwards, everyone immediately cut their palms, and blood immediately flowed out.

The blood of these people was very strange. There were maggots twisting in the blood of the Ghost Emperor, and the blood of the Ghost Emperor was dark green.

The blood of the Ghost Emperor was completely black, and the blood of the Ghost Emperor was colorless, like corpse water, emitting a foul smell.

When these bloods came out, the evil ghosts around them rushed towards them like crazy.

Sun Shi waved his hand, and saw that these evil ghosts were blocked in front by an invisible force, and they couldn't come at all.

One second, ten seconds, and thirty seconds passed.

I saw that in the vortex, huge figures suddenly fell.

There were beasts, people, and various strange shapes. Without exception, these were evil ghosts, evil ghosts at the level of Ghost Emperor.

Sun Shi should have contacted the other side of the strange world and asked them to guide these ghost emperors here.

And they bled here to attract those evil ghosts.

"Here they are, hurry up, we will lead them out of the ghost cave immediately, we must transform the outside world as quickly as possible, only in this way can the adults come."

"Only when the adults come, they can attract the emperor and evil ghosts, and finally transform the outside world, so that the Buddhaless God can come to the Tiandao Continent." Sun Shi shouted and rushed into the passage first.

The others followed closely after seeing this.

"Buddhaless God? Above the Emperor?" Mu Rufeng was shocked, but he also said directly to Niu Ben.

"Strange, why can Sun Shi say the name of the God without any warning?"

"Brother Mu, did you use any means again?" Niu Ben said this while he had already entered the passage.

Mu Rufeng naturally followed Niu Ben and heard what Niu Ben said.

"I don't know. I didn't use any tricks. Could this Buddhaless God have said it?"

"But that's not right. We caught Liu Nan and Wang Ben and asked them if they were above the Emperor. Their souls were wiped out before they could answer." Mu Rufeng was also puzzled.

"Brother Mu, let's study it later. I'll finish the task first. Damn, coming here is really not a human thing."

"I wouldn't have come if I had known. I would have stayed in the weird world and been a comfortable boss. I was high up, eating and drinking, and my girls changed every day."

"I came to this broken place, being ordered around every day, and I have to worry about being eaten by the Emperor. I really don't want to stay here." Niu Ben complained and quickly came to the exit of the ghost cave.

"Brother Mu, I think you should go back and report quickly. These ghost emperors and evil ghosts don't care about ghost spirits. There are at least hundreds or even thousands of them." Niu Ben said again.

Mu Rufeng did not reply, because at this moment, he had already returned to his new army's camp quickly.

After returning to the tent, he put away the magic beads and transformed himself again.

Then he left the tent, flew into the air, and shouted to the soldiers: "I am the prince of Dali, Mu Rufeng. All the troops, quickly open the Four Symbols Formation to fight the enemy."

A loud shout spread directly to the two million troops around.

The generals who had been waiting for a long time heard that it was the order of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and they immediately opened the Four Symbols Formation without any hesitation.

In an instant, the surroundings changed, and many terrifying beasts appeared above the army.

Countless divine lights immediately began to frantically shoot at the evil ghosts in the ghost energy.

"Feng'er, why do you want to do it now?" Three Taoists suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's tent.

It was the old ancestor Ma, the seventh ancestor and the old ancestor Chun.

Ancestor Chun returned to the Dali Dynasty yesterday. After conveying the news, he brought a batch of supplies and returned to the Demon Suppression City on the same day.

Although more than a thousand kilometers is far, it is not far for people of their realm.

"Please ask the Seventh Ancestor to immediately launch the Yaoyang Pearl into the air. There will be at least a thousand God Realm evil ghosts attacking us later." Mu Rufeng said immediately.

"What? Thousands? Are you serious?" The Seventh Ancestor was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Thousands of God Realm strongmen, or undead creatures, and even more irrational and crazy evil ghosts.

Yes, the three of them are very powerful in the realm of the Emperor. Killing the Ghost Emperor and the evil ghost is like killing a dog.

But even with the two million troops blocking them, they can't handle the large number.

These evil ghosts will definitely scatter and devour the creatures around them crazily. This will really be troublesome.

The Seventh Ancestor didn't have time to consider where Mu Rufeng's news came from, and he directly activated the Yaoyang Pearl and took off.

The terrifying sunlight shone down, and a large amount of ghost energy began to disappear, including those evil ghosts.

At this time, terrifying roars rang out from the ghost cave.


The earth was shaking.

A large number of ghost emperor evil ghosts gushed out of the ghost cave, and the evil ghosts on the ground along the way were directly torn apart or even swallowed into their mouths.

When these level nine evil ghosts appeared in the outside world, they all rushed towards some broken arms, broken palms and other flesh and blood on the ground in front of them.

Those were the flesh and blood that Niu Ben, Sun Shi and other ghost emperors cut off and threw out, just to attract these evil ghosts out.

In just a few seconds, the flesh and blood were devoured by multiple level nine evil ghosts.

Then, their eyes were attracted by the soldiers in the distance.

These soldiers were unusual. Most of them were warriors with extremely strong blood and qi.

In addition, the Four Symbols Formation was used. Such a large amount of blood and qi gathered together, just like a flame in the dark night, so eye-catching.


All the level nine evil ghosts roared excitedly, and then rushed forward frantically.

They were very fast, and they would instinctively dodge when facing the divine light that was sweeping in.

Even if they did not dodge in time, as long as they were not annihilated on the spot, they would still rush forward frantically even if they were seriously injured.

Countless divine lights swept in succession, almost blocking the range of ghost energy.

But even so, there were still level nine evil ghosts who broke through the blockade and approached the military formation.

However, the military formation was also covered by the Black Tortoise, and these level nine evil ghosts could not break the defense at all.

However, it was precisely because of this that these military formations immediately contracted their attacks and focused on clearing out the evil ghosts that attacked them.

This also led to fewer and fewer blockade lines, and later a large number of evil ghosts began to escape the blockade.

Even some low-level evil ghosts were affected, and they rushed out of the range of the ghost energy and launched a crazy attack on these military formations.

All of a sudden, the pressure on these two million troops became very great.

This is still because the Yaoyang Pearl suppressed them in the sky, causing these evil ghosts to suffer huge damage at all times.

Otherwise, they would be under even greater pressure.

"Please take action quickly, ancestor." Mu Rufeng immediately said.

Ancestor Chun and Ancestor Ma did not stand idly by, and immediately went on the field and began to kill those evil ghosts.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng remembered something again. In conjunction with the transformation mentioned by Niu Ben, he immediately shouted: "The flesh and blood of the evil ghosts after death will transform our human environment."

"Once the transformation is completed, this area will completely become a suitable area for undead creatures. It is best not to keep their flesh and blood after killing them, and beat them to ashes."

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers who were still fighting to kill the evil ghosts were shocked, and the next moment, they began to carry out precise strikes.

That is, they no longer fight against multiple level nine evil ghosts together, but want to find one to fight, kill it first, and beat it to ashes.

Although the consumption of Xuanwu's defense is a bit large, they have endless blood recovery pills on them.

The three emperors and ancestors naturally heard it, so they acted more fiercely.

The seven ancestors floated in the air, stirring their own blood and then poured it into the Yaoyang Pearl, making the sunlight of the Yaoyang Pearl stronger.

The scene was once found back by them.

However, the level nine evil ghosts were still endless, gushing out from the ghost cave, and then attacking frantically, fearless of death, without any fear.

All of a sudden, he froze.

To determine the winner, it depends on whether their blood and qi are exhausted first, or whether these evil ghosts die first.

Mu Rufeng returned to the tent, took out the magic bead again, and then he immediately became virtual, then rose to the sky, and went straight to the ghost cave.

After thinking about it, he circled around and went to the Seventh Ancestor first.

"Seventh Ancestor, can you hear me?" Mu Rufeng didn't get too close, for fear that he would be killed by the Seventh Ancestor if he didn't pay attention.

"Who? Is it Feng'er?" Hearing the Seventh Ancestor's name, he guessed it was Mu Rufeng.

"Yes, it's me, Seventh Ancestor, can you find my existence?" Mu Rufeng asked again, and then approached the Seventh Ancestor.

"Aren't you in the new army's tent? How can you talk to me?" The Seventh Ancestor asked.

"Seventh Ancestor, the one in the tent is fake. I have used a secret method and entered a state of virtualization. I want Seventh Ancestor to see if he can find me."

"If you can't find me, I will go to the ghost cave again." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? You are nearby? Wait, you said you are going to the ghost cave again? So, you have already been to the ghost cave once?"

"Could it be that you know that those evil ghosts in the divine realm are going to come out because you entered the ghost cave?" Seventh Ancestor was extremely shocked at this moment.

He stretched his perception to the limit and wanted to detect Mu Rufeng's existence.

But he found that no matter how he checked, he did not find anyone near him, and Mu Rufeng's breath only existed in the tent.

"Yes, Seventh Ancestor, don't worry, now even you can't find it, then I must have no safety problems." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, it's too dangerous. Besides, there is a Supreme Emperor over there. You can't go there. Also, what's the matter with you in the tent?" The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Seventh Ancestor, that's the Magic God Pearl. I got it from the Imperial Palace Treasury." Mu Rufeng said.

"So it's the Magic God Pearl. That's fine. I played with it when I was young." The Seventh Ancestor nodded slightly.

"Seventh Ancestor, don't worry. I have obtained some information. Under the cave is a huge underground space with a huge vortex of dead air."

"Those evil ghosts came out of the vortex. Moreover, the Supreme Emperor seems unable to come. The one who controls the entrance to this ghost cave is a weird one named No Buddha God." Mu Rufeng said.

"No Buddha God? Supreme Emperor?" The Seventh Ancestor was shocked. Sure enough, there is really a Supreme Emperor in the ghost cave.

"Seventh Ancestor, I'll go there. I will find out more about the news inside." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he went to the ghost cave.

"Feng'er, Feng'er, come back, it's too dangerous. You can't take risks with your identity, Feng'er?" The Seventh Ancestor called out several times, but there was no response.

The Seventh Ancestor sighed, but was somewhat relieved. Then, he sent a stream of blood and energy into the Yaoyang Pearl, and then appeared in the tent in a flash.

He went forward and checked the Mu Rufeng transformed by the Phantom Pearl.

"It is really the Phantom Pearl. Feng'er's secret method is really powerful. Even I can't detect his existence." A smile appeared on the face of the Seventh Ancestor.

The Dali Dynasty has such a prince, and it really has successors.

It's a pity that the times are not right. If Mu Rufeng was born a few decades earlier, he must have reached the level of Emperor Venerable now.

But this is also uncertain. Judging from the current situation of the invasion of the ghost cave, this is a great era.

At this critical moment, as if it was destined, a large number of geniuses will inevitably emerge in the world.

This is a golden age, an era of brilliant geniuses, and also the moment of the greatest crisis in the world.

This is the self-rescue of the Heavenly Dao, this is the return of the world to normal.

Mu Rufeng came to the entrance of the ghost cave.

After the experiment of the Seventh Ancestor, even the Emperor could not detect his existence at a close distance.

It must be said that this ability of virtualization is really too powerful.

Mu Rufeng directly ignored the evil ghosts that gushed out from the well and entered the ghost cave directly.

Niu Ben and others have completed the attraction and expulsion, so they don’t need to take action anymore. These fallen evil ghosts will follow the flow to the passage.

Even those level nine evil ghosts are still the same.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the underground space again.

Niu Ben and the other twelve ghost emperors were recuperating in the corner.

They all lost some flesh and blood, and they still need to recover.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to Niu Ben’s side.

“Boss Niu, I’m here.” Mu Rufeng said.

“Brother Mu is here again? What’s the situation outside?” Boss Niu asked hurriedly.

"The situation outside is under control for the time being. Just to ask, how many evil ghosts of the ghost emperor level do you have? One thousand?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"In theory, I should not be able to answer your question, but the strange thing is that there is no warning." Niu Ben did not answer immediately, but expressed his doubts.

"Before, that guy mentioned the name of Wufo Shenzun, and there was nothing wrong. Maybe it was because I have ghost energy in my body, so I was counted as a weird party?" Mu Rufeng guessed.

"Really? Don't fool me?" Niu Ben also showed a shocked look.

If this is really the case, it means that there are no secrets at all.

Because the soul restriction is aimed at people in the Tiandao Continent, and secrets cannot be told to them.

As for their own people, that is, weird, there is no restriction.

Based on some things that just happened, Mu Rufeng's guess must be almost right.

In this way, among all the contractors participating in this copy, he should be the only one who can do this.

Contractors like Ye Lin, whose ghost energy was directly transformed into blood power, completely turned into people of Tiandao Continent.

As for him, because of his identity certificate and the upgrade, he had greater authority, which resulted in the ghost energy in his body not being blocked and transformed at all.

In this way, he could switch back and forth between the weird and human aspects.

"The ghost emperor has said the name of the god, can't it be proved? You can also try it yourself, and see if there is any warning if you want to say it out loud." Mu Rufeng said.

Niu Ben heard that it was indeed possible, and he immediately tried to say to Mu Rufeng: "Next, there will be as many as tens of thousands of level nine evil ghosts to invade the world of Tiandao Continent."

Niu Ben spoke very slowly, almost word by word.

But when he said everything, he understood that Mu Rufeng was telling the truth.

There was no warning, obviously, Mu Rufeng was considered to be on the weird side.

"Really, Brother Mu, I think you should just join our strange world, since your Tiandao Continent is bound to lose anyway." Niu Ben said.

"Definitely lose? How do you mean?" Mu Rufeng immediately parasitized on Niu Ben and asked.

After becoming virtual, Mu Rufeng can parasitize on an object, whether it is a dead object or a living object, and it is difficult for the host to find it.

"Although I don't know the number of strong men in Tiandao Continent, I think they can't fight against the strange world."

"The strange world here took a long time to attract a large number of evil ghosts..."

Without the restraint of the soul restriction, Niu Ben had no burden and began to talk to Mu Rufeng about the situation in the strange world.

First of all, there are only five strong men above the emperor.

Each god controls a ghost cave passage, which is the place connecting the strange world and Tiandao Continent.

And the one who controls the ghost cave in the middle area is Wufo God.

There are more than 2,000 emperors under Wufo God, and as for the gods, there are tens of thousands.

Wufo God and the other four gods have joined forces and spent hundreds of years to finally attract all the evil ghosts in the strange world to the entrance of the five ghost caves.

In order to prevent these evil ghosts from killing each other, a large number of formations were arranged around them, and it took supreme power to achieve it.

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