I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 319 Stage 4: Faction Selection? I want to challenge the high difficulty! [10,000 words]

The time has come, and they are ready to invade the Tiandao Continent.

First expand slowly, attract some strong people from the Tiandao Continent, and then release tens of thousands of ghost emperors and evil ghosts to consume those strong people.

At the same time, after they die, their flesh and blood will transform the external environment and become a place like a strange world.

In this way, they can ignore the burning sun in the sky.

Those evil ghosts are also the cancer of the strange world. They spent hundreds of years attracting them and let them attack the Tiandao world first.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, no, it is killing three birds with one stone.

Ten thousand level nine evil ghosts are about one-fifth of the number in the area of ​​Wufo Shenzun.

Even Wufo Shenzun hates these evil ghosts very much. What he worries most is that among these huge numbers of evil ghosts, there will be a God-level existence.

Among these evil ghosts, there are more than two thousand emperors.

They were going to send the 10,000 level 9 evil ghosts to the Tiandao Continent to die first, and then another 10,000 on the second day, another 10,000 on the third day, and 10,000 on the fourth and fifth days.

There would also be countless level 8 and below evil ghosts mixed in.

After a period of time, when enough evil ghosts died in the outside world, the rules would slowly relax the restrictions, and the Emperor Evil Ghosts could be allowed to go out.

When all the Emperor Evil Ghosts went out, the Buddhaless God would send his subordinates, the Emperors, out, and then use the means prepared by the Buddhaless God to kill all those evil ghost emperors.

When the number of Emperor Evil Ghosts dead was enough and the ghost energy was strong enough, the Buddhaless God could descend on the Tiandao Continent.

"Brother Mu, follow me. You have the ability, strength, and brains. You will definitely be appreciated by the Buddhaless God."

"After occupying the Tiandao Continent, we can also get a lot of rewards." Niu Ben said.

[The fourth stage of the task is open, camp selection: Please choose whether you want to join the camp of the strange world. Once you join, a new main task will be opened. If you do not choose, the main task of the next stage will appear.]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

He did not expect that because of Niu Ben's words, he had two choices for the main task.

If he chose to join the strange side, then he should have released tasks related to the strange side. This task must be to invade the Tiandao Continent.

With such a strong strength of the strange world, the task of invasion is undoubtedly the easiest and simplest.

If he, the prince of the Dali Dynasty, the strongest force in the Tiandao Continent, is added as an insider, it will be even easier.

If you do not choose to join and firmly resist the strange invasion, it will undoubtedly be extremely difficult.

Because history has proved that the Tiandao Continent has failed, otherwise it would not have become the third taboo place in the strange world.

So, Mu Rufeng chose to refuse to join.

[The fourth stage of the task is open: please solve the threat of the ghost cave in the Central Region]

"Solve the threat of the ghost cave in the Central Region?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

"Brother Mu? Brother Mu? Did you hear me? Why are you silent? Did you leave?" Niu Ben's voice sounded again.

"I'm here, I haven't left."

"Brother Mu, how about joining us?" Niu Ben said.

"No, if I join you, it will be too easy to invade the Tiandao Continent. Even without me, you can almost say that you can win."

"I always like to challenge high difficulty. Boss Niu, how about following me? If I win, I can also get a bigger reward."

"You ghost emperors should also have tasks, right? If you follow me and win, you will get more rewards."

"Besides, I will pay you a salary separately. The ghost emperor's joining fee is 1 billion. You can also go to other ghost emperors. If it is a ghost king, you can also pull it in. The joining fee is 100 million." Mu Rufeng said.

Money is what he lacks the most. He has 15 trillion and more than 400 million soul units, and he can exchange 40 trillion here.

Even if he spends it all this time, it doesn't matter. The people in those countries in the real world are crying for him to suck souls.

"How much more?" For a moment, Boss Niu was a little confused, and then asked in disbelief.

"The admission fee for the Ghost Emperor is 100 million, and the admission fee for the Ghost King is 100 million. It seems that there are also ghost generals, right? Then give 30 million admission fees. However, you just help to bring in acquaintances, and forget about those who are not losing." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, no problem, I agree." Boss Niu agreed without any hesitation.

The rewards in the third forbidden land are indeed very good, but compared with 10 billion, what's the ball?

Oh, no, some special things may indeed be more expensive than 10 billion, but that is all random, and it can almost be said to be impossible.

"I say, Brother Mu, do you have any way to solve the invasion of the weird world?" Niu Ben asked.

If Mu Rufeng was not sure, how could he directly reject his proposal, but instead try to persuade him to join the human camp.

At this moment, Boss Niu also received a task prompt, which was to choose a camp, but he said that he had not yet confirmed it.

"No, don't we have you?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"This. Brother Mu, I am just a small leader, I don't know too much, and I don't have much say."

"Those ordinary ghost emperors without ID are just small leaders and can't help much."

"Besides, Brother Mu, the reason why I joined you is because I have a good relationship with you, and I trust you and think you can handle it, so I took a gamble and joined you."

"If the invasion mission fails, it will be a complete death. Now you say there is no way to resist, then I dare not join."

"Although one billion is a lot, I want it very much, but I don't want to fail the mission and die here because of this one billion."

"I guess I can only win over Mr. Xu at most." Niu Ben said.

"Is Mr. Xu also in this area?"

"Yes, his status is higher than mine. He is a big leader with many people under him. He is also my boss."

"Mr. Xu told me that he is superior because of his ID. In addition, ID also has a privilege, just like your login bracelet. Even if you die after failing the mission, you can be directly teleported back to the strange world." Niu Ben said.

"ID also has this function?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised. He really didn't expect it.

He didn't seem to get any hints, did he?

Just when Mu Rufeng was thinking this, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Your identity certificate is a special identity. After death or mission failure, you can be perfectly teleported back to the weird or real world]

Mu Rufeng understood. It should be that the prompt sound appeared when he was in a coma after entering the dungeon that day, but he was seriously injured and in a coma, so he didn't hear it.

"Boss Niu, I just have a little idea, but it won't work if I say it out loud. Also, Boss Niu, do you also have tasks issued by the system when you enter this third forbidden land?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, there is. It feels like you go to the dungeon. It's really strange. I don't think I've heard that entering the forbidden land is like this before." Boss Niu said.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out a login bracelet and quietly stuffed it into Boss Niu's hand.

The login bracelet was not banned because it looked like a bracelet, and it looked similar to the bracelets in this world, only a little smaller at most.

"What is this? A login bracelet?" Boss Niu looked at Mu Rufeng with some doubt.

"Boss Niu, since this is equivalent to going to a dungeon, then, is the login bracelet also useful to you?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmm? What you said is really possible, but I don't think the attributes above have changed." Niu Ben looked at the information that seemed to be only available to the contractor, and was a little unconvinced.

"Whether it is or not, you will know if you find an eighth-level ghost king to try it. Put the bracelet on him, and then kill him to see if the bracelet will be triggered."

"There should be people from the modern weird world among the group of eighth-level ghost kings over there?" Mu Rufeng looked at the group of eighth-level ghost kings in the corner in the distance and said.

"Yes, then I will go and try it." Niu Ben nodded, and then strode towards that side.

Niu Ben's actions also attracted the attention of the ghost kings.

Niu Ben came to the crowd and grabbed a ghost king. Without waiting for him to resist, he pinched it with both hands and made it into a palm-sized meat ball. Then he stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

The ghost kings were shocked when they saw this scene and immediately fled.

But Niu Ben directly released his ghost den and bound them in place.

The gap between the ghost king and the ghost emperor was huge, and they almost had no ability to resist.

"Sir, don't."

"Mercy, spare my life!"

"Please, Lord Sun, save me."

A group of ghost kings begged for mercy, and some even shouted to Sun Shi and other ghost emperors.

However, Sun Shi and others not only had no mercy, but also reached out and grabbed the ghost king, and then ate it directly to restore their own consumed flesh and blood.

In the weird world, the strong are respected, there is no morality and bottom line, interests are above all, and the weak are preyed upon by the strong.

If Mu Rufeng had not given enough benefits, Boss Niu and Boss Xu would not mind eating him alive.

Soon, everyone was full and began to close their eyes and meditate to digest the blood in their stomachs.

Niu Ben caught a ghost king whom he had met once in the modern weird world.

"Boss Niu, Boss Niu, we are together, don't eat me, eat others, please, Boss Niu." The ghost king cried when he saw that he was caught.

He was afraid, really afraid.

If he had known earlier, he would not have come here. This place is too cruel, too brutal, and too dangerous.

In just a few days, I don't know how many companions died, all of whom were eaten by other native weirds.

"Why are you panicking? I'm giving you benefits. Maybe you can return to our original world safely soon." Niu Ben said.

"Ah? Boss Niu, are you telling the truth?" The eighth-level ghost king was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Boss Niu in disbelief.

"Of course it's real, put this on." Niu Ben forced the login bracelet onto the ghost king's hand.

"Ah? Mr. Niu, this is... this is the login bracelet for those contractors, why are you wearing it for me?" The ghost king was confused.

But he reacted quickly, his face full of panic: "Boss Niu, don't, this is only useful for living people and contractors. I put it on, but I can't trigger it, I will die."

"Don't worry, I will let you go home safely. I have already been tested. I think you are smart and I am afraid that you will die here, so I will send you home first."

"When you go back, come to Qingye Farm to report to me and accept you as my younger brother." Niu Ben patted the ghost king's shoulder.

The ghost king was overjoyed when he heard this, and then said: "Boss Niu, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true. I, Niu Ben, will stick to my words." Niu Ben said, patting his chest.

Then, without waiting for the ghost king to reply, Niu Ben punched the ghost king's head.

The expected scene of the head exploding did not appear, because a light appeared and enveloped the ghost king.

"Ah, it's true, Mr. Niu, Mr. Niu, the login bracelet has been triggered, I'm going back, thank you Mr. Niu, thank you Mr. Niu, I will definitely come to you." The ghost king was excited.

Then he was teleported back to the weird world while shouting.

Boss Niu was also excited when he saw this scene, but he didn't show it, but walked silently to the original place.

Then he sat in a place, meditated and rested, and at the same time, the ghost fog spread around his body to cover the surroundings, preventing people from peeping.

"Fuck, it really works, Brother Mu, it really works, in this way, then I don't have to worry about the failure of the mission." Boss Niu shouted wildly in his heart.

Boss Niu has a carefree personality. Even if he became the ghost emperor, as the boss of Qingye Farm, it is difficult to suppress the throbbing in his heart.

This is related to his own life and property. A login bracelet can save his life.

Here, you don't have to worry about dying from mission failure. What you have to worry about is how not to be eaten by the native weirdness that is more powerful than you.

"Calm down, calm down. I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to work." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng took out another login bracelet. At this time, the properties of the login bracelet changed a little.

[Login bracelet]: The Weird Bureau has spent five years and worked hard to develop it. It is the greatest scientific research achievement in the history of the Weird Bureau.

Effect: Special props. After wearing this bracelet, you can know the relevant information of the next copy ten minutes in advance. In the copy, you can forcefully return to the real world. Once you return, the bracelet will be damaged and cannot be used.

Note 1: If you forcefully return to the real world and fail to pass the copy, you will be punished by the copy. An arm will be randomly erased. If there is no arm, the thigh will be erased. If there is no thigh, it will be directly erased.

Note 2: Ordinary people wearing a login bracelet can have the qualification to enter the strange world.

Note 3: When the strange wears the login bracelet to enter certain special places, after death, it will be teleported back to a safe place at the cost of an arm.

The previous effect is almost the same, but there is an additional option [Note 3]

It seems that the login bracelet is also effective against these weirdnesses, but in order to take effect, it is necessary to enter a special copy like the third forbidden land.

As for whether other forbidden lands can be like this, Mu Rufeng does not know.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out a box of login bracelets and handed it to Niu Ben.

"Boss Niu, now it depends on you, help me recruit people, the ninth-level ghost emperor joining fee is 100 million, the ghost king joining fee is 100 million, the ghost general joining fee is 30 million, plus the login bracelet."

"These are all to be written into the contract." Mu Rufeng said, and took out hundreds of rule contracts.

He had prepared a lot of blank rule contracts before, and kept them in the inventory. Anyway, according to the weight calculation, it only occupies one grid.

Moreover, the contract here has directly become a rule contract book, which is probably because it has to conform to this ancient world, so it has become like this.

Mu Rufeng immediately wrote down many very strict rules in these rule contracts.

Anyway, the main purpose is to help Mu Rufeng resist the invasion of the weird world with all your heart and soul.

Then Mu Rufeng signed his name on these contracts and pressed his fingerprints to confirm the legality of the rules contract.

If Mu Rufeng did not have the financial resources to pay, he would not be able to sign and seal this contract.

And Mu Rufeng has signed all of them now, which proves that Mu Rufeng has the funds needed to sign these hundreds of contracts.

Niu Ben was also secretly amazed. He still underestimated Mu Rufeng's financial resources.

Niu Ben took a contract at the first time, glanced at it, and signed the contract directly.

"Brother Mu, just give it to me, and I will arrange it clearly for you." Niu Ben patted his chest and said.

"Boss Niu, you also know that many modern props are banned here, and Tiandi Bank cards cannot be used."

"So, I can only give you money after I return." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course there is no problem. After all, I have signed the contract, so you have to give it even if you don't want to, haha." Niu Ben laughed and said.

"Remember to attract more people."

"Don't worry, I didn't have confidence before, but with this login bracelet, if I want, I can attract those two guys from Wang Xi Youxuan." Niu Ben said with a smile.

"Don't pull them, it's best to let them die here." Mu Rufeng said.

"Haha, don't worry, how could I call them." Niu Ben wanted those guys to die in there, how could he call them.

"Okay, then you go ahead, I'll go inside and take a look." Mu Rufeng said, and prepared to leave.

"Brother Mu? Are you crazy? The Buddhaless God is over there, are you sure he can't find you?" Niu Ben hurriedly stopped Mu Rufeng.

"The Buddhaless God is over there? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised, and then hurriedly said.

"Of course he is there, he needs to preside over the formation to prevent those evil ghosts from killing each other. We can't find you, and the Emperor should not be able to find you either."

"But I think the God should be able to find your existence." Niu Ben said.

"In that case, forget it, by the way, Boss Niu, do you know how to close this vortex channel, or destroy it?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know much about it, but don't worry, I will find out for you. You can come here at this time every day."

"If there is any change, I will find a way to inform you. You just need to have someone keep an eye on the ghost cave." Niu Ben said.

"Okay, no problem." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Then the two talked for a few more words and left the ghost cave.

After leaving the ghost cave, Mu Rufeng went directly back to his own tent, then put away the magic beads and revealed his figure.

Originally, Mu Rufeng was going to tell the three ancestors what he knew, but the timing was not right.

With so many undead creatures in the divine realm emerging, the three ancestors could not be idle.

Now it is not very useful to tell this information, so wait until these undead creatures in the divine realm are dealt with first.

Mu Rufeng walked out of the tent and headed towards the new army ten miles away.

When he arrived, the new army was using the Four Symbols Formation to kill the undead creatures in all directions.

Because the new army had too few people, each divine beast army formation had less than 50,000 people.

A total of 190,000 troops, with Ye Lin as the center, formed the Four Symbols Formation.

Ye Lin's cultivation was still too low, only the eighth level of soul refining, so he could only reach the peak level of the divine realm.

The speed of killing those evil ghosts was a little slow.

"Ye Lin, quickly repel the evil ghosts around, and I will form the formation." Mu Rufeng opened the Four Symbols Formation inscription on his body, and entered the new army formation without any hindrance.

Mu Rufeng found that he seemed to be able to perfectly connect this Four Symbols Formation, and immediately shouted to Ye Lin.

Seeing this, Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, and suddenly burst out a terrifying attack, directly shaking away the evil ghosts surrounding him.

Taking advantage of this time, Mu Rufeng immediately took over the Four Symbols Formation with the Four Symbols Formation inscription on his body.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt that his strength had reached the peak of the God Realm, and was still rising.

Finally, he reached the critical value of the peak of the God Realm.

Just when Mu Rufeng thought he would stop here, his strength actually went one step further.

Similarly, between the God Realm and the Emperor, he can be called a half-step Emperor.

The most important thing is that he cannot control the rules, but his strength is far beyond the critical value of the peak of the God Realm.


There were many terrifying roars from a distance.

Many evil ghosts from the God Realm came in an instant and attacked the Four Symbols Formation fiercely.


Mu Rufeng suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar that shook the earth.

Roaring Sky Collapse——

The fifth level of the sound wave martial arts of Kaitian Jue.

A visible sound wave stirred the space, and then spread forward.

Wherever the sound waves passed, the ground cracked, and those evil ghosts exploded instantly. Before their flesh and blood fell to the ground, they were shattered by the sound waves, and then turned into powder and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The ghost energy in the distance was scattered by this terrifying roar, and all the evil ghosts in this area died, even the ninth-level evil ghosts.

The martial arts of Kaitian Jue are really powerful.

[Your comprehension is against the sky, your cultivation has been improved, and you have comprehended the ninth martial arts of Kaitian Jue: Ten Thousand Heavenly Thunder]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

The clan-suppressing magic of the Dali Dynasty: Kaitian Jue, is divided into nine levels, and each level can comprehend a martial arts, and the first eight levels are fixed.

The ninth level is different. The ninth level comprehends what the practitioner comprehends, and it is almost different.

Just like the seventh ancestor, the ninth martial arts he comprehended is the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.

However, Mu Rufeng had comprehended this martial art called [Ten Thousand Heavenly Thunder].

When Mu Rufeng sensed the effect of this martial art, he showed a look of shock on his face, and then the smile on his face gradually became ferocious.

Yes, he almost forgot that for these weird things, it is not only the Yang attribute that has great lethality, but the lethality of thunder is not at all that of the sun, and it is even stronger.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the lethality to weird things is the best in the world.

"Ten Thousand Heavenly Thunder!"

Mu Rufeng shouted, and his body suddenly burst into dazzling lightning, and infinite light shone out, which was even more dazzling than the sun and the Yaoyang Pearl in the sky.


The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the sunlight was directly covered at this moment.

However, the sky did not darken, because the lightning emitted by the Yaoyang Pearl and Mu Rufeng's body made the surroundings as bright as day.

A mighty power came from the sky, and the evil ghosts below were all stagnant, and then they all looked up at the sky, their faces full of fear.

Even though these evil ghosts had no reason at all, they instinctively felt fear when facing the mighty power.

However, this fear was soon attracted by the soldiers around them who were emitting vigorous blood and energy, and they rushed away again.

"Three ancestors, quickly withdraw from the dead air." Mu Rufeng shouted.

In fact, Mu Rufeng didn't need to say anything. The three ancestors left the battlefield when they saw the lightning flash on Mu Rufeng's body and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Even the seven ancestors moved the Yaoyang Pearl to the earth.


The violent roar resounded from the sky, and countless thunders fell from the sky, accompanied by the vast mighty power of heaven.

At this moment, the sky had no other colors, only the dazzling white light, which made people unable to see clearly.

The place covered by the ghost energy was roughly centered on the ghost cave, with a radius of fifty miles.

Within this range, every inch of land was covered by the lightning.

This situation lasted for more than ten breaths, and the thunder gradually dissipated, and the lightning also dispersed.

The dark clouds in the sky were also blown away by the strong wind, and the sun fell again.

When everyone looked at the battlefield, everyone was stunned.

Within a radius of fifty miles, the earth had already turned into a magma land, and the earth was burned by high temperatures, with extremely high temperatures.

There was no trace of ghost energy at all, and as for the evil ghosts, none was seen.

Just one blow, it actually directly destroyed all the evil ghosts in this batch, and there was nothing left.

In this situation where the thunder came to the world, let alone the evil ghosts' flesh and blood to transform the environment, even the ghost energy could not come out.

Once it came out, it was directly burned by the remaining thunder power and high temperature nearby, and the more it came out, the more it was eliminated.

The terrifying residual power of the thunder also made the evil ghosts at the entrance of the ghost cave terrified and afraid to come out again.

"The prince is mighty!"

"The prince is mighty!"

"The prince is mighty!"

In an instant, the soldiers of the new army began to shout loudly, with great momentum.

And the shouting here also woke up the other soldiers from their shock.

They also shouted loudly.

The enthusiastic shouts directly broke through the clouds, making people's blood boil.

"Hu!" There was thunder flashing around Mu Rufeng. This attack really consumed almost all of his blood and energy.

Similarly, it also included the blood and energy of these soldiers.

Of course, none of this is important. What is important is that this was killed by Mu Rufeng, and the evil ghosts he killed will trigger [Killing monsters will make you stronger].

At this moment, prompt sounds kept ringing in his mind.

[Triggering success, killing level 8 evil ghost, physique +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

[Triggering success, killing level 9 evil ghost, physique +0.2, ghost power +0.2%]

[Triggering success, killing level 9 evil ghost, strength +0.2, ghost power +0.2%]

Now he is in the Soul Refining Realm, so the killing effect is only for level 8 and level 9 evil ghosts.

Mu Rufeng roughly calculated that the total three-dimensional attributes increased by about 1,600 points.

This wave directly made Mu Rufeng feel great.

It will take another month or two to cultivate to the God Realm? NO, NO, NO, as long as Mu Rufeng kills enough evil ghosts and spreads them to the spirit, he can break the critical value with a few more times.

"Everyone, swallow the blood recovery pill to restore the blood and energy." Mu Rufeng immediately issued an order.

Upon hearing this, these soldiers immediately began to swallow the blood-activating pill.

"Everyone, take a break. With the residual power of thunder, plus the suppression of sunlight and Yaoyang Pearl, the dead air and undead creatures will not come out for the time being."

Mu Rufeng shouted to the soldiers around him again.

Although the distance was far, with Mu Rufeng's strength, there was no problem for his shout to spread to all the troops.

When those people heard that it was the order of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, they immediately withdrew their troops and then rested on the spot to recover their blood.

At this time, three figures appeared beside Mu Rufeng.

"Feng'er, I didn't expect you to be able to perform thunder-related moves?" The Seventh Ancestor looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"Thunder symbolizes the power of heaven and heavenly punishment, and has the greatest lethality to this kind of undead creatures." said the old ancestor Chun.

"Incredible, incredible, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is really incredible." said the old ancestor Ma with emotion.

"This martial art is Wan Tian Lei, which is the ninth martial art of Kai Tian Jue that I just comprehended." Mu Rufeng said.

"The ninth style? You are only at the Soul Refining Realm now, but you have already cultivated to the ninth level? And you have also comprehended martial arts related to thunder?" The Seventh Ancestor was even more surprised.

"No, Seventh Ancestor, I am still at the eighth level, but I was blessed by the Four Symbols Formation and my cultivation reached the peak of the Divine Realm, so I comprehended this martial art." Mu Rufeng explained.

"I see, but even so, it proves that your talent is extremely powerful, and the power of thunder is the nemesis of evil spirits."

"The remaining power of the heavenly thunder now also makes the evil spirits in the ghost cave dare not come out, and the death energy is directly eliminated as soon as it comes out." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Well, but this can't last too long. According to my estimate, it will dissipate in about two hours." Mu Rufeng said.

"Two hours is long enough." Ma Laozu said.

"By the way, three ancestors, please enter the camp first. I have some news to tell you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? Is there any news? What news?" Ma Laozu asked.

"Is this the news you just got from entering the ghost cave?" The Seventh Ancestor looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Into a ghost cave? What enters a ghost cave?"

"His Royal Highness went to the ghost cave before???"

Ancestor Ma and Chun both looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

"Then let's go to the camp first. Don't disturb the soldiers' rest." The Seventh Ancestor waved his hand and took Mu Rufeng directly to the camp.

Then the two ancestors also appeared in the camp together.

"Your Highness, that is a ghost cave. It is extremely dangerous for a strong person in the divine realm to enter, not to mention that it is filled with endless evil ghosts. How did you get in?" The ancestor of the Ma family asked again.

Ma Laozu has been in charge of the ghost cave for hundreds of years. It is not that he has never sent people to go in. Without exception, they all died miserably in it.

That's why I know how powerful and terrifying the ghost cave is.

Mu Rufeng immediately said: "I have learned a rather special secret method that allows me to enter a special state without being noticed by others."

"A special secret method? Entering a special state?" Patriarch Chun murmured.

"Can't be discovered? Can't the Emperor be discovered?" Ma Laozu said doubtfully.

"Well, I can't find it." The Seventh Ancestor nodded.

Mu Rufeng's whole body immediately emitted a halo, and then Mu Rufeng directly entered the virtual state, and then directly put clothes and other items into the inventory.

"Ancestors, I have entered a virtual state now, can you detect my existence?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh?" Ancestor Chun was suddenly slightly startled.

Ma Laozu also narrowed his eyes slightly, and the two of them immediately maximized their senses and carefully searched the space in the tent.

However, after a full sweep, no trace of Mu Rufeng could be found at all.

"It's really impossible to find out. It's really extremely secretive." The ancestor of the Ma family was really surprised.

It's really amazing that a warrior in the soul refining realm can use a secret technique that even powerful emperors like them can't detect.

"Can others practice this secret technique?" The Seventh Patriarch suddenly asked.

Mu Rufeng did not answer immediately, but put on her clothes and then revealed her figure again.

He said: "This secret method is rather special, and only I can practice it."

"I see, that's such a pity." The Seventh Ancestor shook his head.

"What news did His Royal Highness get in the ghost cave?" Patriarch Chun asked.

"Three Ancestors, according to the information I got, it is called the Weird World, and the five ghost caves are the passages connecting the Weird World."

"In the weird world, there are two kinds of undead creatures. One is the weird that is intelligent and rational, and the other is the evil ghost that is irrational and not afraid of death."

"There are five gods in the weird world, and above the emperor are the gods. Each god controls a ghost cave, which is the five ghost caves in the five domains."

"The controller of the ghost cave where our Dali Dynasty is located is the Buddhaless God. There are more than two thousand powerful emperors sitting here. I don't know the level of the gods, but they should be no less than tens of thousands."

"I want to say here that evil ghosts are not controlled by weirdness. Weirdness is also the food of evil ghosts and a threat to the weird world."

"The five great gods spent hundreds of years attracting most of the evil ghosts to gather in front of the entrance of the ghost cave. Among them, there are more than 3,000 emperor evil ghosts, 50,000 evil ghosts in the divine realm, and more than 50,000 evil ghosts in the divine realm. Down, countless.”

"This is just the number of areas controlled by Wufo Divine Lord. There are so many in each ghost cave. Wufo Divine Lord is prepared to release ten thousand evil ghosts in the god realm first."

"Ten thousand god-level evil ghosts every day for five days, accompanied by infinite low-level evil ghosts. When these evil ghosts die, their flesh and blood will quickly transform the human environment."

"Once the transformation is completed and it can accommodate the evil emperor ghosts, they will release those thousands of evil emperor ghosts to attack, kill and consume my human power and masters."

"Once these thousands of emperors and evil ghosts die, the transformed environment will be able to accommodate the five great deities such as Wufo Deity to enter the Tiandao Continent."

"There is no god in our Tiandao Continent. If we are invaded, it will be difficult for us and other Tiandao Continent forces to resist." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

He told the three ancestors all the news he got.

As for the fact that he bribed Boss Niu, he naturally didn't tell it. After all, it would be difficult to explain if it was revealed.

When the three ancestors heard this, they all fell into silence. They seemed to have difficulty digesting the information for a while.

After a long time, the seventh ancestor's hoarse voice sounded: "So, our Tiandao Continent is unable to resist, just because Tiandao Continent still has restrictions that prevent higher-level weird and evil ghosts from entering."

"Do we still have a chance? Completely seal the ghost cave?" Old Ancestor Chun said.

"No, there's no chance. We can't seal off the ghost cave. Moreover, even if we can defend one ghost cave, there are five ghost caves in Tiandao Continent." The ancestor of the Ma family was hit again.

"There is a chance, there is still a chance, Seventh Ancestor, do you remember the dragon corpse in the Netherworld?" Mu Rufeng looked at the Seventh Ancestor.

"Dragon corpse? Of course you remember, you mean"

"Yes, the dragon corpse in front of it must be a godly cultivator. Although it is dead, it still exudes a terrifying aura."

"The dragon soul also has strength far beyond the emperor. If we move the dragon corpse to the ghost cave, we will definitely be able to suppress a ghost cave." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng's idea is also very simple, just move the dragon corpse to the entrance of the ghost cave.

With the strength of the dragon corpse, no matter how many evil ghosts and weird things come, there is no need to be afraid.

Moreover, it is not afraid of being eroded by ghost energy.

With the strong demonic energy emitted from the dragon corpse, and the terrifying netherworld flower poison in the demonic energy, Mu Rufeng feels that it is difficult for the ghost energy to erode the dragon body.

If it is eroded, it will be even better. It may emit ghost energy containing netherworld flower poison to poison those weird things and evil ghosts and finally die.

Most importantly, Mu Rufeng has the soul-sucking gourd, and he can replenish the power of the dragon soul.

"Dragon corpse? What dragon corpse?"

"God? Where did the God come from? Did you go to the netherworld?"

Both the ancestors Chun and Ma looked at the two with confusion.

Upon hearing this, the Seventh Patriarch explained it immediately.

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