I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 320: The dragon corpse suppresses the ghost cave! [10,000 words]

The two ancestors were also shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that there was a real dragon in their Tiandao Continent. Although it was just a dragon corpse, it was still a real dragon.

It was even a god-level existence.

So, is there still a strong man at the god-level hidden in their continent?

"But, Feng'er, that dragon corpse is a god-level, and we can't move it at all." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Seventh Ancestor, don't worry, I have a way. The biggest problem now is the Jiao clan, or the monster clan." Mu Rufeng said.

"The Jiao clan is not a concern, and the monster clan is not a concern either." The Seventh Ancestor said lightly.

"Okay, without further ado, we will go there immediately." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Chun, Old Ma, you two take Feng'er to the imperial city, call more people in the imperial city, and I will control the Yaoyang Pearl to guard the ghost cave." The Seventh Ancestor said.

"Yes, Seventh Ancestor." Mu Rufeng clasped his fists in response.

"Yes, Prince Feng!" Both Old Ancestor Ma and Old Ancestor Chun nodded in response.

Immediately, Patriarch Chun mentioned Mu Rufeng and disappeared on the spot.

When Mu Rufeng returned to the imperial city, it was already half an hour later.

Yes, half an hour, this is the speed of the Emperor.

Patriarch Chun met with the Great Ancestor as soon as possible and told him the news.

The Great Ancestor looked at Mu Rufeng and asked, "Feng'er, are you sure you can take the dragon corpse away?"

"I'm sure, Great Ancestor." Mu Rufeng nodded solemnly.

"Okay." The Great Ancestor nodded.

Then, the Great Ancestor began to summon all the Emperors in the imperial city.

Even those who were in seclusion were called by the Great Ancestor.

Now, there are thirteen Emperors gathered here.

The eunuch Emperor has to stay by Mu Chengqian's side and not go, and then the Sixth Ancestor will stay in the palace and will not go, and Patriarch Lu will stay in the imperial city and will not go.

The remaining ten, all have to follow.

The Great Ancestor, the Third Ancestor, the Eighth Ancestor, the Old Ancestor Chun, the Old Ancestor Ma, and the other five old ancestors in the Imperial City, a total of ten.

Then the Great Ancestor took out a palm-sized cloud and pressed it to the ground. Suddenly, a large amount of clouds rose under everyone's feet.

Soon, a huge auspicious cloud emerged, lifted everyone up, and quickly rose into the air, and then headed towards the Netherworld, the territory of the Western Region Jiao Clan.

This auspicious cloud is the Great Ancestor's ninth-level magic weapon, which is similar to the Seventh Ancestor's Flowing Light Shuttle, but the former is a shuttle and the latter is an auspicious cloud.

In terms of speed, it is not slower than the shuttle.


In a blink of an eye, time came to ten o'clock in the morning of the next day.

"We're here, the Netherworld is below." The Great Ancestor controlled the auspicious cloud to slowly fall.

The speed of the auspicious cloud is a little faster than the Flowing Light Shuttle, but it is much slower than the last time.

The reason is naturally because of the delay on the road.

Why was it delayed? Naturally, it was because all the county towns they passed by would enter it.

Then the Great Ancestor brought the Emperors who were in charge of the county towns to come with him.

He even took a detour and brought some secluded Emperors.

The Great Ancestor's face was not to be covered, and everyone had to give him face.


At the entrance of the Netherworld, there were not only a large number of demon trees protecting it, but also a large number of demon soldiers stationed around it.

There were even several powerful gods, plus an Emperor of the Jiao Clan.

The last time Mu Rufeng and his men came to the Netherworld, they also awakened the dragon corpse, which made them hateful.

They were afraid that they had some conspiracy, so they sent people here. It has been almost two months, and they still haven't withdrawn.

"Huh? What is that?" Suddenly, a demon emperor looked up at the sky.

"Cloud? That's a cloud, why did it fall down?"

"Wait, aren't there people from the Dali Dynasty coming again?"

Several demon emperors glanced at each other and immediately launched an attack, but they were eliminated before they approached the cloud.

"Not good, hurry up, notify the ancestor." A demon emperor shouted immediately.

There was no need to notify them, as they had already awakened the Jiao clan demon god when they attacked.

He also came to the entrance of the Netherworld as soon as possible.

When he saw the auspicious cloud descending from above, his face changed drastically.

"Damn it, this is Baidiyun, the great ancestor of the Dali Dynasty." Jiao Li cursed in his heart.

"Roar! The great ancestor of the Dali Dynasty has come, I am sorry for not welcoming you!"

Jiao Li immediately let out a cry, on the one hand to deter the great ancestor, and on the other hand to notify the other two demon gods of the Jiao clan.

I thought the great ancestor would stop falling, but I didn't expect that the auspicious cloud directly ignored Jiao Li's cry and fell directly to the ground.

Then, the auspicious cloud dissipated, revealing sixteen figures.

Jiao Li was originally fierce, but when he saw these sixteen figures, his heart skipped a beat and he swallowed unconsciously.

His momentum quickly withdrew.

Sixteen figures, fifteen of them were powerful emperors.

Fifteen emperors, his entire Jiao clan only had three emperors, and the entire demon clan only had twenty.

This scared him silly.

"How dare you, you broke into the Netherworld last time, and you dare to come again this time, so what, Great Ancestor, today I want you... um?"

In the distance, two terrifying auras rose up, turned into streams of light, and came quickly, accompanied by angry roars.

However, before he finished speaking, the roar stopped abruptly.

The terrifying aura also subsided instantly.

"You, you, you, fellow Taoists from the Dali Dynasty, what are you doing here?"

Jiao Yi and Jiao Yu fell from midair and came to Jiao Li's side, and then asked respectfully.

You can see that his hands behind his back are still shaking a little.

With this lineup, it is really easy to destroy their Jiao clan, and it will only take a few minutes.

Run? You can't run away, you can't run away at all.

"Get out!" The Great Ancestor raised his hand and pointed to the distance, spitting out a word.

"Get out, get out, we'll get out now!"

The three Jiao clan demon gods did not dare to refute anything, even if they were scolded to get out, they had to smile and get out.

Jiao Li and others turned into streams of light and left without saying a word, and didn't care about the demon soldiers stationed here.

"Retreat, everyone retreat!" Jiaolong King shouted at the demon soldiers.

Yes, the one leading the troops here is none other than the Jiaolong King who came to attend the Queen Mother's banquet some time ago.

Mu Rufeng also saw Jiaoze, who was eunuched by him.

The Jiaolong King was also terrified and was about to leave with his men.

These fifteen emperors were really too scary. Didn't you see that even their three ancestors were scared and ran away?

"Grand Ancestor, can you kill all these demon soldiers and demon emperors? My grandson led an army of 50,000 a few months ago and was killed by these people." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, the demon soldiers around were shocked.

Especially the Jiaolong King and Jiaoze, they were also greatly shocked.

What does this mean? Are they going to kill them?

The next second, the six demon emperors here took off into the air and fled quickly.

The Jiaolong King didn't even care about his own son. After all, his life was not as important as his own.

"It's just right. This king hasn't eaten dragon meat for a long time." The Great Ancestor finished speaking and raised his hand to grab it.

Immediately, the demons who were fleeing in all directions quickly flew back.

The Great Ancestor waved his hand again, and his sleeves fluttered wildly, expanding rapidly, covering the sky and the sun, and then rolled up all the monsters.

When the sleeves were retracted, there was no monster in the vicinity, and only the sound of the leaves of the monster trees being blown and rubbed by the wind was left.

"Let's go, we're going in." The Great Ancestor said, and he was about to carry Mu Rufeng into the netherworld.

"Great Ancestor, wait a minute, you guys stay up there, I'll go down alone, otherwise there might be accidents with so many emperors going down." Mu Rufeng said.

"You go down alone? No, it's too dangerous." The Great Ancestor quickly refused.

"Great Ancestor, don't worry, I won't be in danger. I was able to escape from the Dragon Soul last time, and he can't catch me this time." Mu Rufeng said.

The Great Ancestor frowned, but finally nodded.

Then Mu Rufeng entered the netherworld alone.

When Mu Rufeng came down, the surrounding environment here was exactly the same as before, and there was no change.

As soon as he got down, Mu Rufeng quickly fled forward.

He had the Nether Flower on him, which would definitely attract the Dragon Soul.

He only ran a short distance, but he didn't see the Dragon Soul chasing him.

Mu Rufeng paused and thought for a while, it should be that the dragon corpse fell into a deep sleep again.

The sleeping dragon corpse would not react to the Nether Flower.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng swung his fist and smashed it hard on the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The terrifying ground force directly caused the earth to crack, and it was moving rapidly forward.

After a while, the ground where the dragon corpse was buried directly cracked, revealing the body of the dragon corpse.

In an instant, a dragon roar sounded, and then the dragon soul flew out instantly, locked onto Mu Rufeng at the first time, and attacked madly.

Mu Rufeng ran quickly and soon came to the limit of the dragon soul.

Mu Rufeng walked another hundred meters and stood there looking at the dragon soul behind him.

Soon the dragon soul caught up, but it could not move forward when it was a hundred meters away from Mu Rufeng. It could only roar at Mu Rufeng from a distance.

Facing the mental attack of the dragon soul, it had no effect on Mu Rufeng.

"Dragon soul, can you hear me?" Mu Rufeng used the ability of telepathy.

He had not thought of this before, but later he thought that as long as the dragon soul also had its own consciousness, then Mu Rufeng's telepathy would work.

"Die, die, die, netherworld flower, netherworld flower!!! Eat, eat it for me!"

The dragon soul had intermittent thoughts, but it did not form a complete sentence.

"Dragon soul? Can you hear me? Do you want to eat netherworld flowers? Or do you need to replenish soul power?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Netherworld flower eat, soul power, eat, eat, eat!" The dragon soul responded to Mu Rufeng in a mumbling voice.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, took out some netherworld flowers and threw them over.

When the Nether Flower was thrown over, the dragon soul quickly opened its mouth and sucked the Nether Flower into its mouth.

"Fuck!" Mu Rufeng was suddenly startled, and then quickly retreated.

But he saw that the dragon soul actually opened its mouth and sprayed out a demonic aura with a strong Nether Flower toxin.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng ran fast, otherwise, if he had touched the demonic aura, he would have been infected with the Nether Flower toxin.

"So, the dragon corpse ate the Nether Flower not to commit suicide, nor was it poisoned by others, but he wanted to eat it himself, just to fight the enemy?" Mu Rufeng guessed.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out the soul-sucking gourd again.

The dragon soul is the soul of the dragon corpse. Although it has some of the power of the God, it is not much, and some fast emperors can escape.

Maybe this dragon soul is just a remnant soul. The remnant soul has consciousness, but not much. The remnant soul only has a part of the power, which is reasonable.

Mu Rufeng released the ghost den and the soul-sucking ghost den, and the two quickly combined together.

Then the ghost den began to expand, and in the blink of an eye it enveloped the dragon soul.

The dragon soul seemed to have discovered the ghost den, and immediately wanted to use its power to shatter the ghost den.

But Mu Rufeng was faster than him, and quickly controlled the soul power in the soul-sucking gourd to pour into the dragon soul.

When the soul power entered the body, the dragon soul stopped the idea of ​​attacking.

"Soul, eat, eat, soul power~~!"

A large amount of soul power was absorbed by the dragon soul, and the dragon soul actually showed a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Is the soul power delicious? Can you hear me?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Delicious, delicious." Dragon Soul responded to Mu Rufeng's words, but did not reply completely.

"Do you like it? If you like it, I'll give you more." Mu Rufeng said again, and at the same time increased the infusion of soul power.

"I like it, I like it, you are so nice." Dragon Soul's voice was clearer.

But Mu Rufeng listened, but it was a bit weird. This dragon seemed to be a female?

"Can I come to you? Don't attack me, I'll give you soul power." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Come here, I won't hit you, I want to eat soul power." Dragon Soul spoke more clearly, and the expression on his face became more humane.

It was completely different from the crazy attack and irrational appearance before.

Mu Rufeng immediately approached Dragon Soul carefully and slowly, and was always ready to run away.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came close to Dragon Soul, and at the same time he increased the infusion of soul power.

Dragon Soul really did not continue to attack Mu Rufeng, but began to rotate around Mu Rufeng.

"You have your own consciousness now. Do you remember who you are?" Mu Rufeng saw that the time was almost right, so he asked.

"Who am I? Who am I? I am the Dragon Girl, I am Ao Zhi, yes, I am Ao Zhi, who are you, why did you feed me soul power."

The Dragon Girl Ao Zhi hovered, her head looked at Mu Rufeng, her face full of questions.

"My name is Mu Rufeng, the prince of the Dali Dynasty. I saw that you were in a daze here, so I gave you food and wanted to get to know you." Mu Rufeng was delighted, and then he spoke.

"Mu Rufeng? I don't know, but you feed me soul power, you are my friend, thank you." Ao Zhi thanked him.

"Do you still have the previous memory?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"I don't know, I don't remember, I only remember that my name is Ao Zhi, I am the Dragon Girl, and I seem to be dead." Ao Zhi said.

"Yes, you are dead, I saw your body over there, can you control your body?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, my body is over there. I'm dead. It's so strange. How did I die?" Ao Zhi's face was full of doubts.

"See if you can find your memory in your body." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I'll try. Come with me." Ao Zhi immediately went to the dragon corpse.

Mu Rufeng also followed her immediately.

I have to say that this ability of mind communication is really useful.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the dragon corpse.

The dragon soul drilled directly into the dragon corpse. The next moment, the dragon corpse shook and its eyelids slowly opened.

But soon, the voice of the dragon soul came: "No, no, no, no strength, so tired, can't move, soul power, Mu Rufeng, come here quickly, give me soul power."

Mu Rufeng heard the words and was about to speak, but saw a suction force coming from below.

Before Mu Rufeng even reacted, he fell on the dragon head, that is, in the middle of the two dragon horns.

"Mu Rufeng, hurry up, I'm running out of strength." Ao Zhi urged.

Mu Rufeng was ready to run away, and when he found that he was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then directly drew 10 million soul units into the dragon soul body.

When such a huge soul unit entered the body, Ao Zhi was immediately full of power, and in an instant he completely controlled the body of the real dragon.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The soil layer around the real dragon exploded directly.


A dragon roar resounded.

Then a huge real dragon of thousands of feet flew out from the ground, and a terrifying momentum emanated, shocking the world.

"It's still much better to have a body. I feel so powerful, Mu Rufeng, am I very powerful?" Ao Zhi floated in the air and shouted excitedly to Mu Rufeng.

"Powerful, powerful." Mu Rufeng replied.

"By the way, Ao Zhi, do you remember anything?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, oh, no, I remember, I seem to have become super powerful, I know a lot of powerful spells." Ao Zhi shook her head first, then nodded repeatedly.

"Ao Zhi, if you don't have soul power, tell me, I will give you food again, but can you do me a favor?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, no problem, you are my friend, and you give me food, I will listen to you." Ao Zhi said quickly.

"That's a deal, then let's go, go up from there." Mu Rufeng pointed to the exit above and said.

"Hmm." Ao Zhi responded, and then swung his huge body upward.


At the entrance to the Netherworld.

Fifteen emperors were guarding here, and the atmosphere was rather dull.

"It's been two quarters of an hour, why is there no response yet?" said Ma Laozu.

"I'll go down and take a look." said Chun Laozu.

The Great Ancestor nodded when he heard this.

When Chun Laozu went in, he saw that the vortex below suddenly surged, and a large amount of demonic energy gushed out.

Then, two strange horns emerged, followed by a huge dragon head, full of majesty and domineering.

The breath of the God emanated, which directly shocked the faces of the emperors around.

They froze in place, not daring to move at all, for fear that a movement would attract the attention of the dragon head that suddenly appeared.

At their level, they could more clearly perceive the horror of a higher level.

The fear that emerged in their hearts filled their hearts, and there was no emotion of resistance.

This is the realm of the God above the Emperor.

If the five Gods really descended on the Tiandao Continent, there would be no resistance.

"It's out, it's out, it's so comfortable here, much more comfortable than down there." Ao Zhi said loudly.

"Like it, don't fly, go down first, I'll talk to my elders." Mu Rufeng watched Ao Zhi rush up to a height of thousands of meters and shouted hurriedly.

"Oh, I see." Ao Zhi hurriedly stopped flying and then fell directly.

Soon Ao Zhi landed on the ground, but because of her huge size, she crushed countless tree monsters to death.

"Well, Ao Zhi, can you shrink your body a little bit?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I'll try, oh, it doesn't seem to work." Ao Zhi replied, saying that she couldn't do it.

"Okay, forget it, you wait here for a while, I'll go talk." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared directly on the dragon head.

When he appeared again, he was standing beside the fifteen emperors.

"Great Ancestor, it's done. Miss Ao Zhi said she would help me. Let's go back to Qinzhou now." Mu Rufeng said.

"This Feng'er, is that the dragon corpse?" The Great Ancestor was still quite shocked, and he still hadn't come back to his senses.

"God, is this the breath of God? It's so scary."

"The corpse of a real dragon, it's just a dragon corpse that makes it difficult for me to resist. How powerful was the real dragon when it was alive?"

"Above the Emperor is the God, is the God like this?"

The eyes of the emperors were still on the dragon corpse in the distance, and everyone was shocked.

"Feng'er, how did you convince it?" The Great Ancestor moved his eyes away from the dragon head and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Great Ancestor, the dragon soul Ao Zhi is controlling the dragon corpse now. There is no time to lose. We should set off as soon as possible. I will tell you about the rest when we go back." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, let's go back." The Great Ancestor finally nodded.

"Great Ancestor, you can go back by yourself, I'll let Ao Zhi take me away." Mu Rufeng said, and then teleported back to the dragon head again.

"Ao Zhi, let's go, fly east, and stop when I tell you to." Mu Rufeng gave the order.

"Yes." Ao Zhi responded, and then his huge body began to take off.

There were clouds and mists rising under his feet, riding on the clouds and mists, even if it was just a dragon corpse, he could still ride on the clouds and mists.

Ao Zhi's speed was extremely fast, very fast, several times faster than the speed of the Great Ancestor's auspicious cloud magic weapon.

This was just because Ao Zhi was still a little unskilled in controlling the dragon corpse. If the real dragon was alive, the speed would probably increase dramatically.

"It's so comfortable, it's really comfortable here, I don't want to go back down there, it's not fun and uncomfortable there, it's fun and comfortable here."

Ao Zhi felt the comfort of the outside world and didn't want to go back to the netherworld at all.

"I'll find you a good place. By the way, do you have any impression of this breath?" Mu Rufeng said, releasing a trace of ghost energy.

At the moment when the ghost energy was released, a terrifying killing intent instantly locked onto Mu Rufeng.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Ao Zhi's voice suddenly changed, becoming extremely low and a little hoarse, as if suppressing the anger and killing intent in his heart.

"Ah, this is ghost energy, I remember, Mu Rufeng, why do you have ghost energy on you, I hate this breath, but I also like to eat this." Ao Zhi suddenly became very normal again.

"You know it? You hate it, but you like to eat it? That's perfect, I'll find you a good place, there are countless ghost energy for you to eat." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really? That's great, Mu Rufeng, thank you, you are so good to me." Ao Zhi was immediately very moved.

Mu Rufeng wiped the sweat from his forehead. The terrifying killing intent just now really scared him.

He thought he was going to die, but fortunately, Ao Zhi returned to normal in an instant.

Mu Rufeng couldn't help but sigh when he heard Ao Zhi's words. Ao Zhi who lost her memory was like a simple little girl who didn't care about the world.

And Ao Zhi who recovered her memory was like a strong man with terrifying murderous intent.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng was a little stunned.

Because Ao Zhi's speed was too fast, it took only half a quarter of an hour to reach Qinzhou.

You should know that the Seventh Ancestor used the Flowing Light Flying Shuttle to travel, and it took him about four hours to get there.

And Ao Zhi arrived in half an hour.

Because Mu Rufeng was afraid that Ao Zhi's huge body would scare the people of the Dali Dynasty, Mu Rufeng let him fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Although it was very high and the road could not be seen, with Mu Rufeng's current strength, there was no problem in calculating the direction.

"Okay, we're here, let's land here, there are a lot of food below." Mu Rufeng said.

"Are we there? That's great, I haven't eaten for a long time, I can feel that my body is so hungry." Ao Zhi responded, and then fell from the sky.

Mu Rufeng stood at the front of the dragon head and could also see the scene below.

When he left, the ghost energy was blocked in the ghost cave and could not come out.

But after a day, the Yaoyang Pearl still exuded a scorching breath.

But below, the ghost energy had already spread to the area of ​​100 miles in radius.

The Demon-Suppressing City has been covered by ghost energy.

There are continuous divine lights sweeping in, and each sweep can kill a group of evil ghosts, including level nine evil ghosts.

However, there is no reduction at all, because there are too many.

Of course, there are still no casualties in the army, because the evil ghosts cannot break the defense of the Four Symbols Formation.

"Ao Zhi, see, you can eat all the ghost energy below, but don't hurt those humans." Mu Rufeng said.

"Wow, there are so many things to eat, so many things to eat, um, I know."

"Mu Rufeng, look, there are still many dragons, but their breath is a bit strange." Ao Zhi exclaimed.

"Those are evolved from the blood and qi of the army formation. You float in the air first, and I will let them retreat first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Ao Zhi was very obedient and immediately floated a thousand meters high.

Although a thousand meters is also very high, because the clouds around were blown away and the sun was falling, Ao Zhi's thousand-foot body can be said to cover the sky.

The Seventh Ancestor who controlled the Yaoyang Pearl also sensed something and looked up at the sky.

This look almost frightened him to the point of falling from mid-air.

"Dragon? How could there be a dragon? Such a familiar and powerful breath, is this the dragon corpse?" The Seventh Ancestor had a crazy thought in his mind.

Just at this moment, a familiar voice sounded from the sky.

"I am the Prince of Dali, Mu Rufeng. Everyone listen to my orders. Retreat quickly. The real dragon has come to the world to wipe out the evil spirits!" Mu Rufeng shouted loudly.

The soldiers who were still fighting below were stunned for a moment, then looked up at the sky, and were immediately shocked.

"I am the Prince of Dali. Everyone listen to my orders. Retreat quickly!" Mu Rufeng shouted loudly again.

This finally made them react, and then they quickly began to retreat. Of course, they did not forget to attack the evil ghosts while retreating.

However, because they were all retreating, some level nine evil ghosts ran out of the ghost energy.

Mu Rufeng saw this scene and felt that it was almost time, so he asked Ao Zhi to go down.

"Ao Zhi, you can go down to eat." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Ao Zhi responded, but did not go down, but opened the dragon's mouth directly.

A terrifying suction force burst out instantly, like a black hole, and the ghost energy below was continuously sucked into the dragon's mouth.

In addition, there were also those evil ghosts, including the level nine evil ghosts, who were sucked in without any resistance.

On the other hand, the retreating soldiers were not affected by this attraction at all, and even the dust and sand on the ground were not affected.

This kind of control is really amazing.

"What a pity! If I had killed them all, how much would their three-dimensional attributes have increased?" Mu Rufeng looked at the endless evil ghosts being swallowed by Ao Zhi below, and felt a little bit sorry.

Three minutes later, the ghost energy in the area of ​​100 miles disappeared without a trace, including the evil ghosts, which were all swallowed up by Ao Zhi.

And even the ground was scraped off a layer, which was also because some of the flesh and blood of the evil ghosts fell on the ground and were not spared by Ao Zhi.

"No, I'm still hungry." Ao Zhi said.

"Do you see that hole? Isn't it still emitting ghost energy? You can just eat there." Mu Rufeng pointed to the ghost cave below and said.

"Really." Ao Zhi quickly fell down.

"If you feel tired, just lie on the ground and rest for a while." Mu Rufeng said.

"It seems a little tired." Ao Zhi said, and lay directly on the ground, and the head of the dragon head was better in front of the ghost cave.

There are still a lot of ghost energy and evil ghosts in the ghost cave, and Ao Zhi keeps opening and closing his mouth to swallow them.

But after a long time, Ao Zhi felt that this was a bit tiring, so she simply opened her mouth and bit the ghost cave in her mouth.

The ghost cave is a hole standing on the flat ground, three meters high and two meters wide. This is considered high in the eyes of humans, but it is really small for Ao Zhi.

Although Ao Zhi couldn't bite the ghost cave, she didn't care and directly held the ghost cave in her mouth.

Then, the evil ghosts and ghost energy that gushed out went directly into Ao Zhi's mouth, and then went down her throat directly into her stomach.

It must be said that this kind of self-service buffet really made Ao Zhi very satisfied.

"Thank you, Mu Rufeng. This is really a good place. I can't finish the food here. It's all in my stomach." Ao Zhi was very happy and thanked Mu Rufeng again.

"As long as you like it, this place will belong to you alone in the future. How about that? All these ghosts and evil spirits are your food." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really? Thank you, thank you so much, Mu Rufeng, you are so good to me, woo woo woo." Ao Zhi, this silly child, was almost moved to tears.

"Yawn~~! I'm so tired. I want to rest. You can come to me if you have something. I want to sleep." Ao Zhi yawned and said.

"Alright, then you rest. If you want to eat soul power, tell me and I'll give it to you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Ao Zhi responded, and then there was no sound.

It was obvious that she was really tired and went to sleep.

As for the dragon corpse, those evil spirits and ghost energy still went into its stomach. It didn't even need human control. Its body would absorb and digest those evil spirits and ghost energy instinctively.

Although the dragon corpse didn't deliberately emit a terrifying aura, it still made people feel terrified.

This was the body of a true dragon god. Even if it was dead, its power was still there. I'm afraid those emperors couldn't even hurt its scales.

Mu Rufeng flew down from the dragon head and then headed towards the army formation gathered in the distance.

But before he got far, he was stopped by someone.

"Feng'er, what's the matter with this dragon corpse? How did you get it here? You stepped on its head?" The Seventh Ancestor asked with a surprised look after stopping Mu Rufeng.

What he saw and heard today really puzzled him.

Although Mu Rufeng said there was a way before, he was still extremely shocked when he really saw this scene now.

Especially, now the dragon corpse has bitten the ghost cave and held it in its mouth. It looks like the ghost energy and evil ghosts are its food.

In this way, doesn't it mean that the ghost cave of their Dali Dynasty has been solved?

"I got in touch with the dragon soul and had a friendly communication with her. I said I would find her a place with endless food, and she came." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's that simple?" The Seventh Ancestor said with some disbelief.

"It's that simple. The dragon soul doesn't have too many memories. She only remembers her name. Her name is Ao Zhi, and she is a relatively simple girl." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ao Zhi? A simple girl?" The Seventh Ancestor heard this and looked at Mu Rufeng with a dull face.

"So, those ghost energy and evil ghosts are the food of Ao Zhi?"

"Yes, and Ao Zhi will also eat the netherworld flower. After eating the netherworld flower, it will release poisonous attacks, which are quite powerful." Mu Rufeng said again.

"In other words, now that we have Ao Zhi in the ghost cave in Qinzhou, can we say that it is completely solved? Will she be unable to eat, or will she leave after eating?" said the Seventh Ancestor.

"I'm not sure about this. She is a little tired now and is sleeping. I'll ask her when she wakes up." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's better to ask clearly." The Seventh Ancestor nodded.

"By the way, where are the Great Ancestor and the others? Why are you the only one who came back with this Miss Long Ao Zhi?" said the Seventh Ancestor.

"Seventh Ancestor, they are slower, so we came back first." Mu Rufeng said.

"How long did it take you to come back from the Netherworld?" the Seventh Ancestor asked.

"If you calculate it, it's about half an hour." Mu Rufeng thought for a while, and then answered.

"Half an hour, wow, the power of the God is indeed beyond our understanding." The Seventh Ancestor was amazed.

You know, Qinzhou is 4,500 kilometers away from the Netherworld where the Jiao clan's territory is located.

Half an hour, this speed is unimaginable. Even if he uses the shuttle to fly at full speed, the taillights of the car can't be seen.

"Seventh Ancestor, you stay here first to prevent any problems. I will go to the ghost cave to explore again." Mu Rufeng said.

"Go to the ghost cave again? Aren't you bitten? How can you get in? Will it eat you directly? This is the God." Seventh Ancestor said with some worry.

"It's okay, Seventh Ancestor, Ao Zhi listens to me now, she won't attack me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, then you can take care of it yourself. By the way, you can take this Yaoyang Pearl and use it to fight against the enemy when you encounter danger."

"Even if you meet the God, detonate the yang energy contained in this treasure, and you will definitely be able to repel it." Seventh Ancestor said, handing the Yaoyang Pearl to Mu Rufeng.

When Mu Rufeng entered the ghost cave before, he wanted to give the Yaoyang Pearl to Mu Rufeng for self-defense.

But there are still threats from ghosts and evil spirits, which need to be suppressed with Yaoyang Pearl, so they are not given. Now that there is a dragon corpse, it doesn't matter.

Mu Rufeng heard this and waved his hand and said, "No need, Seventh Ancestor, you'd better take it. It's useless for me to take it. If the God can enter, he would have come in long ago, and the Emperor can't find me."

Seeing this, the Seventh Ancestor did not insist.

Then Mu Rufeng turned into a virtual being and quickly went to the ghost cave.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the front of the dragon's mouth.

"Ao Zhi, are you awake? I want to enter the ghost cave, you must not eat me." Mu Rufeng called out tentatively.

Ao Zhi did not respond, obviously still asleep.

Fortunately, although Ao Zhi's mouth was closed, there was still a gap.

Mu Rufeng directly entered from the gap.

I have to say that when I came in, I still felt a little strange.

Dragon, this is a real dragon, it is really amazing.

He is a Chinese, and Chinese people really have a special feeling about dragons.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the ghost cave.

There were also relatively large ghost forces and evil ghosts swarming out of the ghost cave, and then directly into the belly of the real dragon, continuously, as if there was no end.

Mu Rufeng immediately entered the ghost cave.

Walking along the passage, it was full of evil ghosts, and they were all pushing towards the outside.

The big mouth of the real dragon outside seemed to have no deterrent power.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the underground space at the beginning.

The huge vortex was still dropping dumplings, and there were evil ghosts of all levels.

At this moment, the twelve ghost emperors including Niu Ben were gathering in a corner.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a powerful god in the Tiandao Continent." A ghost emperor said with some horror.

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