I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 321 Ao Zhi's Gift: True Dragon Blood [10,000 words]

"There's something wrong with that God. We didn't even see his face clearly before we saw the outside of the ghost cave was dark."

"It feels like a corpse, but how can a corpse have such power and swallow so many ghosts and evil spirits?"

"What should we do now? Should we stop the evil ghosts from going out?"

"Yeah, it feels like we're all sending ourselves to death, and we can't transform the outside world."

"Sun Shi, do you want to contact the people above?"

All the ghost emperors looked at Sun Shi.

Sun Shi, who had originally closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes and said, "Of course I have to notify them, but it's too early now. Let's talk about it in half an hour."

"Why wait half an hour?" A ghost emperor asked in confusion.

"Yeah, if you want to notify them, just notify them quickly. What are you trying to do?"

"If it's too late, the adults above will know and won't let us go."

All the ghost emperors disagreed and wanted Sun Shi to contact them immediately.

To be honest, if Sun Shi was the only one who had the means to contact them, they would have definitely contacted them long ago.

"I say, are you all brainless?" Sun Shi said slowly after scanning everyone.

"Sun Shi, you have the guts to say it again."

"Do you believe I will blow your head off?"

Two hot-tempered ghost emperors immediately shouted angrily.

These two people have the highest cultivation, so they naturally don't want to be afraid of Sun Shi.

"Everyone, don't get angry. I have guessed what Sun Shi meant. The dragon corpse appeared too quickly. If we report it now, the adults may think we are lying."

"Let's wait a little longer, and then say that we have gone through a lot of hardships to find out that it was a divine dragon corpse that blocked the cave entrance, so that the adults will believe it more."

"Besides, we can also say that the dragon corpse swallowed a large number of evil ghosts without any reaction, so that we can be less punished." Niu Ben said.

Everyone heard this, thought secretly, and felt that Niu Ben's words made sense.

"No, I think we should notify them immediately. This is a God. Although it is just a dragon corpse, we must notify the higher-ups immediately."

"Otherwise, the higher-ups will say that we knew about it but didn't report it, and what if we were eaten directly?" A ghost emperor disagreed with this statement.

"Yes, those adults above are all cruel masters. I think we should report it earlier." Another ghost emperor said.

"Shut up, the method to contact the higher-ups is here, just listen to me, and we'll talk about it in half an hour." Sun Shi didn't care so much, and directly made a decision.

He also had his own little thoughts.

However, Sun Shi's strength was not the strongest one, so naturally, other ghost emperors would be dissatisfied.

Immediately, the two sides started fighting.

Niu Ben was indifferent to the matter. Anyway, it didn't matter. He was just a spy who was just playing soy sauce.

"Boss Niu, I heard you quarreling, which means that you haven't contacted the weird world yet?" Mu Rufeng suddenly communicated with Niu Ben.

"Brother Mu, next time, should you tell me in advance? I'm a little scared." Boss Niu was still a little surprised when he heard Mu Rufeng's voice.

"How should I remind you? Anyway, I'm not talking to you." Mu Rufeng said.

"It seems so." Boss Niu responded.

"I say, Brother Mu, where did you get this corpse of the God? It's too awesome. It's directly blocking the exit of the ghost cave, making it impossible for us to do anything." Niu Ben said in surprise.

"Oh, I went to the Western Regions and found this dragon corpse there. I used some tricks to get her here." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother Mu, this dragon corpse is the method you said, don't say it, we really have no other way now. Now you see they are still arguing. Let's see whether to report it now or later." Niu Ben said.

"Almost. What will happen if it is reported? After all, didn't you say that the Emperor can't come in? No matter how many Gods come, they will be sent." Mu Rufeng replied.

"Strictly speaking, the emperor can come in, but it costs a certain price, and he can only stay in the ghost cave and cannot leave the ghost cave." Niu Ben said.

"Huh? The emperor can come here at a certain price?" Mu Rufeng's expression became a little solemn.

"Don't worry, brother Mu, even if they come, there won't be too many, because not every emperor can afford that kind of price. The most important point is that there is a cooling period for the vortex to teleport the emperor."

"In total, only one emperor can be teleported in three days. If the second one is teleported by force, the vortex will become unstable and closed, and it will take three days to open." Niu Ben said.

"So that's the case, that's good." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"By the way, I almost forgot to ask you, how many people have you won over now?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I haven't gone back yet. There aren't many people here. I've won over five level eight ghost kings and one ghost emperor. The rest will have to wait until I return to the strange world."

"There are only a few modern weirdos here now." Boss Niu said.

"Is there a modern ghost emperor here? Do you know him? Who is he?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised, and then asked.

"It's the ghost emperor who hasn't spoken all the time. His name is Liu Zixun. He's the boss of a group. We've had dinner together a few times before."

"He didn't have much friendship with the people from Wang Xi Youxuan, so I pulled him over. Don't tell me, when I took out the login bracelet, he agreed directly." Niu Ben said with a smile.

"That's good." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

"You should also speak up and let him notify the higher-ups as soon as possible. I also want to know what you are going to do." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Niu Ben nodded.

Then Niu Ben immediately said: "It's not a good idea to make such a fuss. In fact, I think we should notify them now. If we are really accused of not reporting it, then we will be guilty of a big crime."

"If there is a dispute, then just raise your hands and vote. In the end, according to the number of votes, those who agree to notify should raise their hands. I agree to notify now."

After Niu Ben finished speaking, he raised his palm directly, and at the same time, his eyes also looked at Liu Zixun, then moved away and looked at everyone.

Liu Zixun understood immediately and raised his hand to vote: "I also agree to notify now."

The two ghost emperors who had the most fierce quarrel with Sun Shi also raised their hands immediately.

All of a sudden, there were already four votes.

Soon, another ghost emperor raised his hand, and then the second one, and all of a sudden, the number of votes now reached six.

As long as there is one more vote, it will be a done deal.

Seeing this scene, Sun Shi hurriedly wanted to speak, and then the seventh ghost emperor raised his hand.

"Okay, seven votes, the minority obeys the majority, quickly contact the higher-ups." A ghost emperor said with great joy.

Sun Shi was stunned for a moment, but finally said in a deep voice: "I don't care about you. If you want to contact, then go by yourself. I will contact you in half an hour."

Sun Shi completely ignored them.

"You are looking for death." The ghost emperor suddenly couldn't bear it, and the terrifying momentum burst out instantly.

The seven people who raised their hands also burst out all their momentum at once, and then stared at Sun Shi.

"You don't have to notify, just hand over the communication stone, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." The ghost emperor said coldly.

"I tell you, there is a dragon corpse of a god outside. Even if you die, I believe the adults above will not be surprised." Another ghost emperor said sinisterly.

Seven terrifying auras locked onto Sun Shi tightly, as if as long as Sun Shi refused, they would not hesitate to do it.

"You dare to kill me?" Sun Shi shouted.

"Let's see if we dare." The ghost emperor grinned.

"Hand it over, otherwise, we don't mind feeding you to the evil ghosts." A ghost emperor said coldly.

"Okay, okay, you are really good, okay, I will contact you." Sun Shi finally compromised.

He had to compromise, he also had to think about his own life.

Unfortunately, it would be half an hour before his backer emperor was on duty. Now

Everyone heard the words and slowly restrained their breath.

Intelligent creatures are just mean, they don't cry until they see the coffin.

Sun Shi immediately took out a stone engraved with runes.

Then Sun Shi cut his finger and a drop of blood dripped on it.

In an instant, the stone emitted a black light.

"Speak." A voice mixed with some strangeness came from the stone.

"Lord Gluttony, there is a little situation here, and I need to report it." Sun Shi said respectfully.

"What's the situation."

A crackling sound came from the other side, and this Lord Gluttony seemed to be eating.

"Lord, the ghost cave is blocked by a dragon corpse of the god level. Our ghost energy and evil ghosts are swallowed by the dragon corpse as soon as they go out."

"We are powerless and can only report it immediately." Sun Shi said.

"What? Say it again?" Gluttony did not eat, and suddenly became energetic and asked.

"Lord, the ghost cave is blocked..." Sun Shi said it again.

"Sun Shi, I have a good appetite recently. Are you sure you are talking about a god blocking our ghost cave?" Gluttony said slowly.

"Sir, I'm sure, we're all sure." Sun Shi said.

"God? Dragon corpse? Is the dragon corpse you're talking about the God of Tiandao Continent?" Gluttony's tone also changed a little.

"You can say that it's a corpse, a dragon corpse. It bit the ghost cave in its mouth, and the ghost energy and evil ghosts that came out of the ghost cave were eaten by it." Sun Shi said.

"Wait." Gluttony said, and then there was no sound.

Sun Shi stood there, holding the communication stone, not daring to make any movements, just standing there quietly waiting.

The ghost emperors around didn't dare to speak, and didn't dare to breathe.

They knew very well that Lord Gluttony, as a powerful emperor, was now preparing to report to someone higher up, maybe it was the God of No Buddha.

Three minutes later, another voice was heard from the other end of the communication stone.

"I heard from Gluttony that there is a God of Tiandao Continent blocking the exit of the ghost cave?" A low voice sounded.

Sun Shi was stunned for a moment, then immediately knelt on his knees, and then his head hit the ground heavily, making a muffled bang.

"Greetings to the Lord God!"

Sun Shi will never forget the voice of the Lord God. He knew very well that the person who was speaking to him must be the Lord of No Buddha.

"Greetings to the Lord God!"

The other ghost emperors also reacted, quickly knelt on the ground, and shouted to salute.

The scene here was also discovered by the ghost kings and ghost generals, and they all knelt on the ground immediately.

"Answer my question." Wufo God said slowly.

"My Lord God, that dragon corpse is too powerful. Its aura frightens us. It is much stronger than those emperors."

"When that dragon corpse descended, it would spread the ghost energy to a radius of 100 miles in one breath, and swallowed up all the evil ghosts within the range of the ghost energy."

"We all think that the dragon corpse must be in the realm of God." Sun Shi replied quickly.

"That dragon corpse is golden yellow. Is there a flower on the dragon head?" Wufo God was silent for a while, and then spoke.

"My Lord, I use the ghost mirror technique to observe the situation outside at all times. That dragon corpse is yellow-brown. There is indeed a very evil flower on the forehead of the dragon head."

"By the way, my Lord God, that dragon corpse also exudes a very strong demonic aura, and the demonic aura seems to be mixed with a kind of toxin. I see some evil ghosts being eroded by the demonic aura." Sun Shi said.

"Yellow-brown? Humph, it's Ao Zhi. I didn't expect that she was killed by me more than ten thousand years ago, and she would come to stop me with a dragon corpse ten thousand years later." The Buddhaless God snorted coldly.

The dragon corpse that had been dead for who knows how many years, originally golden, turned yellow-brown, which is normal.

"Lord God, what should we do now? Please give me your instructions!" Sun Shi kowtowed again.

"You all wait, I will let Gluttony take people to the ghost cave, and he will be in charge." After the voice fell, the inscription on the communication stone slowly dimmed.

The communication ended.

"See, see, I said, say it earlier, if it's half an hour later, who knows what will happen."

A ghost emperor stood up and said.

"Yes, I didn't expect to hear Lord God talking, it's really a blessing."

"Lord Gluttony is coming, we must be careful, and we must not anger Lord Gluttony."

The ghost emperors had different expressions.

Sun Shi didn't say anything. After putting away the communication stone, he came to the corner, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and rested.

The rest of the people had nothing to talk about, so they all dispersed and waited for Gluttony to come.

"Who is Gluttony?" Mu Rufeng asked Niu Ben.

"Gluttony is an emperor, and he is also our boss. He is a guy who controls the rules of Gluttony. This guy is very cruel and likes to eat Ghost Emperors the most."

"Some time ago, when I was still in the weird world, a modern Ghost Emperor who was not familiar to me was eaten by Gluttony." At this point, Niu Ben was a little sad.

A Ghost Emperor who should have been high and mighty in the current weird world has become the food of the Emperor. How can Niu Ben not sigh?

"That's really a pity. You should be careful too." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, that Gluttony is the Emperor. Are you sure the Emperor can't find you?" Niu Ben asked.

"Don't worry, the ancestors of Tiandao Continent can't find me, so how can Gluttony find me?" Mu Rufeng was very confident about this.

Just like when Mu Rufeng was in the [Parasite] copy, Mu Rufeng's virtualization could even pass through the body of the Dead Sea Overlord Devouring Demon Whale.

At that time, his strength was not as strong as it is now.

Then, Mu Rufeng and Niu Ben chatted casually.

He would naturally not leave, he would wait for this Gluttony Emperor to come and see what he would do next.

Mu Rufeng didn't wait too long, only two quarters of an hour, and saw that something happened at the entrance of the vortex.

The evil ghosts that were originally like dumplings disappeared all at once, and no new evil ghosts fell from the vortex.

After about a dozen breaths, all the evil ghosts in the underground space ran into the passage and finally left the ghost cave, which was considered to be self-service to the dragon corpse.

Then, a huge figure slowly emerged from the vortex and then fell to the ground.

It was a figure who was five meters tall, bloated, and had a huge mouth on his belly.

Then, another army slowly fell from inside.

Among them, there were hundreds of gods and tens of thousands of ghost kings.

All of them held standard weapons and wore standard clothes.

Although these weird things may be in different forms, they were also forcibly transformed into human form, which was also the requirement of the army.

"Hey, so many familiar faces." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"Hehe, it seems that I can win people over again." Niu Ben smiled in his heart.

"You should take it easy. There is an emperor here, you should be careful." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry, I don't want to die so soon, I still want to follow Brother Mu to eat delicious food and drink spicy food." Niu Ben said with a smile.

"Greetings to the emperor."

A group of ghost emperors and those ghost kings and ghost generals in the distance came forward and saluted respectfully.

"Ahem! Where is the dragon corpse?" Gluttony coughed twice, then grabbed a ghost emperor next to him, tore off half of his body, and chewed it in his mouth.

The ghost emperor was not dead yet, which was also because Gluttony did not kill him. He would not eat his subordinates so easily.

Generally, an arm or a thigh would be torn off, which could be eaten sustainably.

This time, it was probably a heavy price to cross over, so I had to eat some blood and flesh to replenish it.

"Please come this way, sir, the end of the passage is here." Sun Shi hurriedly led the way.

Soon, the group arrived at the exit of the ghost cave.

There was no evil ghost left, all of them were eaten by the dragon corpse.

Although it was pitch black outside the ghost cave, they could see clearly.

Gluttony could see the tongue, sharp teeth, and even the deeper esophagus inside.

There was also a palpitating fear outside the ghost cave.

It was a God, really a God. Even if it was a dragon corpse, it was enough to terrify him. Even if there were no rules, he would not dare to go out.

Gluttony tried to attack, but found that all his attacks could not break the defense of the real dragon, even the flesh wall in the mouth could not break the defense.

Gluttony turned around and walked back, and Sun Shi and others followed immediately.

Soon, the group returned to the underground space again.

"Lord Gluttony, what should we do now?" Sun Shi asked.

"It's just a dragon corpse. It should be controlled by the dragon soul and can't exert too much power."

"Isn't it edible? Then let him eat enough." Gluttony said, took out an object, and threw it into the vortex in the sky.

Then the object turned into a stream of light and sank directly into the vortex.

After ten breaths, the vortex that was originally rotating slowly began to change rapidly.

Then, the evil ghosts fell from the vortex again like dumplings.

Moreover, this time the number was extremely large. It can't be said to be dumplings, but it should be said to be a flood.

The huge evil ghosts fell to the ground, and then rushed towards the passage, accompanied by a more intense ghost aura than before.

"Brother Mu, I think this gluttony should want to let a large number of evil ghosts burst the dragon corpse's stomach. Do you have any way to deal with it?"

"Or, can the dragon corpse eat so much?" Niu Ben asked.

"I don't know, but it's definitely okay for the time being. I'll ask Ao Zhi later."

Mu Rufeng's eyes flickered slightly. It must be said that if you want to use a large number of evil ghosts to burst the dragon corpse's stomach, it might really be possible.

"Wait here, I'm injured and need to recover. If there is any abnormal movement of the dragon corpse, notify me immediately."

After Gluttony finished speaking, a flash of blood flashed, and then hundreds of ghost emperors in the surrounding area had their arms cut off.

The blood vessels wrapped around the hundreds of arms were all swallowed by the bloody mouth of Gluttony's abdomen.

Afterwards, a bloody aura emerged and enveloped it, and finally turned into a bloody egg.

The faces of the hundreds of ghost emperors whose arms were cut off were pale, and they were very angry, but they were powerless.

This is the law of the jungle.

Niu Ben was scared to death by this scene: "I was scared to death, fortunately they didn't cut off my arm."

"This weirdness is too cruel, much more chaotic than the modern weird world." Mu Rufeng also sighed.

"Yes, this is the weird world of ancient times, full of barbarity and cold-bloodedness, or our modern weird world is better." Niu Ben missed the original weird world very much.

"Okay, now you can move, be careful not to be discovered, I will go back first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, go ahead, I will be careful, you should also quickly solve the ghost cave, I am really scared here." Niu Ben nodded.

Mu Rufeng responded, and then quickly went to the outside.

After a while, Mu Rufeng ran out of the ghost cave.

After coming out, Mu Rufeng immediately went out through the small crack.

Then Mu Rufeng tried to wake up the dragon soul.

But he found that no matter how he called the dragon soul Ao Zhi, he did not get a response.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng could only wait.

In any case, it is not so easy for a large number of evil ghosts to burst the belly of the dragon corpse.

The most important thing is that there is no ghost emperor among these evil ghosts, but those of level eight and below.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng returned to the tent.

At this moment, the seventh ancestor was alone in the tent, sitting cross-legged on a carpet with his eyes closed in meditation.

When Mu Rufeng came in, he was not discovered.

Then, Mu Rufeng showed up.

When he appeared, the Seventh Ancestor opened his eyes instantly.

"Feng'er is back? Have you found any useful information?" The Seventh Ancestor asked.

Mu Rufeng heard this and said immediately: "Seventh Ancestor, I got some news. Because of the dragon corpse, some changes have occurred in the ghost cave."

"An emperor named Gluttony came out from there, but he also paid some price and is now recovering."

"Also, they also thought of a way to deal with the dragon corpse."

"What? You said they have a way to deal with the dragon corpse? What is the way? Can we stop it?" The Seventh Ancestor was shocked.

It's okay for an emperor to come, anyway, he can't get out of the ghost cave, but there is a way to deal with the dragon corpse, which makes him a little panicked.

If the dragon corpse cannot be blocked, the place where the ghost energy erodes will definitely get bigger and bigger.

"They want to use a large number of evil ghosts to burst the dragon corpse's belly." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Blast a dragon corpse? This. Wind, it seems like it can really do that. How much can a dragon corpse eat?" The Seventh Ancestor was a little stunned by this method.

He thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this method was really feasible.

After all, a dragon corpse is a dragon corpse, a living creature, and as long as it is a living creature, there is an upper limit.

"I'm not sure either, I have to ask Ao Zhi, but she's still sleeping now, let's wait until she wakes up, there will definitely be no problem in the short term."

"Let's have someone keep an eye on the ghost cave and the dragon corpse, and notify them immediately if there is anything unusual." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, that's the only way." The Seventh Ancestor nodded.

"You can rest in the tent, I'll keep an eye on the ghost cave." The Seventh Ancestor's voice fell, and his figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Mu Rufeng sat cross-legged, he didn't intend to waste time, and prepared to practice the soul secret method, so that he could improve his strength faster.


In a blink of an eye, time came to night.

Mu Rufeng was still practicing, and the whole tent was filled with a strong soul breath.

Mu Rufeng has a huge amount of soul power, which has many wonderful uses. When practicing the soul secret method, it is also of great help.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng sensed something and stopped practicing immediately. Then he opened his mouth and inhaled, and saw the soul breath in the tent.

Then Mu Rufeng walked out of the tent.

Outside, there were many emperors and ancestors standing.

Including the Seventh Ancestor, there were a total of sixteen emperors and ancestors.

The ancestors who followed Mu Rufeng to the Netherworld did not leave, but came together.

One was to see the dragon corpse, and the other was to see the situation in the ghost cave.

They had just seen it and came here, and they were shocked by the horror of the dragon corpse, which actually swallowed the ghost cave directly.

"Hello, all the ancestors." Mu Rufeng immediately bowed.

"Feng'er, what method did you use to get this dragon corpse to come here?" The great ancestor asked curiously.

The other ancestors also looked at Mu Rufeng, they also wanted to know.

"I have comprehended a secret method that can communicate with the dragon soul. I saw that she seemed very hungry, so I said to bring her to eat, and then she came." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is it that simple?" An emperor ancestor said with some disbelief.

"It's that simple, Ao Zhi is just a residual soul, she has no memory, and only remembers her name." Mu Rufeng said.

"No matter what, it's fine as long as we can solve this problem. But Xiaofeng just told me that Weiyi is going to use a large number of evil ghosts to burst the dragon corpse?" The Great Ancestor said again.

"Well, Ao Zhi is still sleeping now. When she wakes up, I will ask her and see how she will deal with it." Mu Rufeng didn't have any good ideas.

This still needs to be asked about Ao Zhi before making the next plan.

"Alas, it's really a chaotic world." The Great Ancestor shook his head and sighed.

"No matter what, the dragon corpse here can always temporarily suppress the ghost cave. I just got the news that the Phoenix Clan in the Ghost Cave in the Western Region can't hold on. We have to go to support it." The Great Ancestor said.

"Great Ancestor, the Phoenix Clan is powerful and has a lot of restraint on the undead creatures in the ghost cave. There are also many emperors in the demon clan. Why do you want to support them? Where are their demon gods?" Mu Rufeng said with some doubts.

"Hmph, those guys in the demon clan are all trying to protect themselves, and they are not moved at all. They want to reap the benefits of the fishermen. They are really short-sighted guys." The great ancestor snorted coldly.

The Phoenix clan has three emperors, which can be ranked in the top three among the many races of the demon clan.

The first is the White Tiger clan, which has five emperors, and the second is the Jiao clan.

The White Tiger clan is ambitious and has always wanted to unify the entire demon clan, and the Jiao clan is the same.

At the same time, the Phoenix clan can be said to be the only ancient beast in the demon clan. Even the White Tiger clan only has a trace of the blood of the mythical beast White Tiger.

Therefore, both the Jiao clan and the White Tiger clan want to weaken the power of the Phoenix clan.

Although the Phoenix clan is gifted, the clan members are rare, so they are ranked third.

It just so happens that the territory of the ghost cave is in the Phoenix clan, which makes other races completely not support it.

Of course, there are also some small races that do not have emperors.

However, there is still an emperor demon god to support them, that is, the Suzaku, which is on good terms with the Phoenix Clan and has even fewer people than the Phoenix Clan.

Suzaku is also an ancient mythical beast. Nowadays, there are only two in the entire Tiandao Continent.

One of them is the Suzaku ancestor of the Emperor Realm, and the other is the descendant of the Suzaku ancestor, who is not very old and is now only a teenage girl.

"The beast is indeed a beast. In this situation, he is still thinking about internal consumption." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Grand Ancestor, why don't you take the Yaoyang Pearl with you? If the Phoenix Clan activates it, it can exert even greater power."

"The fourth Yaoyang Pearl has been refined for decades, and it should be refined in the next few days." The Seventh Ancestor suddenly said.

The Grand Ancestor heard this, thought about it, and then nodded.

Now that the ghost cave in their Central Region has been temporarily controlled, the Yaoyang Pearl will not be of much use.

And the Phoenix Clan can also exert its greatest power.

The most important thing is that the Phoenix Clan is on good terms with their Dali Dynasty.

Although the demon race is also a very large race, there are many races, and there are not a few that attack each other.

For example, the White Tiger Clan has almost no contact with their Dali Dynasty and seems to be very disgusted with humans.

The Phoenix Clan has a great liking for humans.

The Jiao Clan, haha.

Then, the Seventh Ancestor took out the Yaoyang Pearl and handed it to the Great Ancestor.

The Great Ancestor left with ten Emperors, and the Seventh Ancestor and the Ma Family Ancestor stayed in Qinzhou.

The Third and Eighth Ancestors did not follow, nor did they stay in Qinzhou, but returned to the Imperial City.

No matter what, there must be multiple Emperors in the Imperial City.

A few hours later, it was the second half of the night.

Mu Rufeng was called up from his practice.

"What's the matter?" Mu Rufeng sat cross-legged and slowly opened his eyes.

"Your Highness, the dragon corpse has moved. Its eyes are open and the dragon head is moving."

"Good." Mu Rufeng was refreshed after hearing this.

It seems that Ao Zhi has woken up.

Mu Rufeng immediately left the tent and disappeared directly on the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already next to the dragon corpse.

When he even reached the tail of the dragon, a terrifying suction force was instantly transmitted.

Mu Rufeng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and he appeared on the dragon head.

"Ao Zhi, are you awake?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I woke up, I woke up because of hunger. I wasn't hungry before, I don't know why I'm so hungry now." Ao Zhi said.

"Woke up because of hunger?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

Isn't Ao Zhi always eating? It's already five in the morning after eating during the day. Are you awakened by hunger?

What's going on? Are evil spirits and ghost energy not filling?

"Yes, I'm so hungry, and I feel like I'm more familiar with my body." Ao Zhi nodded.

"You've been eating for a day, don't you feel full at all?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, I'm hungrier than before, it seems that these are not enough to eat." Ao Zhi said.

"Then if you eat for ten days or half a month, will you be full?"

"Ten days or half a month? I don't know, these foods are digested as soon as they enter the stomach, they are too not filling."

"I suddenly remembered that a long time ago, I seemed to have eaten for hundreds of years, and I was not full." Ao Zhi suddenly remembered something and said hurriedly.

"Hundreds of years?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

He really didn't expect that Ao Zhi could eat so much?

Eating for hundreds of years before? Did he also eat ghost energy and evil spirits?

"Then do you still want to stay here and continue eating?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course, although I'm still hungry, there's food here. It's not like the previous place, where there was nothing and I could only sleep in a daze. It's much better here." Ao Zhi said with a smile.

"That's fine. This will be your territory from now on, and the ghost cave is also yours. You can eat as much as you want, but there's one thing, don't let the things inside come out, okay?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Really? That's great, Mu Rufeng, you're so good to me. Thank you for taking me to eat delicious food and giving me this cave."

"Friends should help each other. I can't take yours for nothing. This is for you." Ao Zhi said, and a drop of blood emitting golden light suddenly appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"For me?" Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and took the drop of blood in his hand.

[True Dragon Essence Blood]: The True Dragon Essence Blood remaining in the body of the Godly Realm True Dragon Ao Zhi contains infinite power. Taking it can enhance one's own physical strength and blood power, and there is a high probability of comprehending innate magical powers.

"Yeah, this is what I just found in my body. It seems to be merging with the body, so I quickly took out a drop for you. If it's later, I can't take it out." Ao Zhi responded.

Mu Rufeng smiled when he heard this.

This Ao Zhi is really interesting. From what she said, I'm afraid that the stored blood essence has begun to merge with the dragon corpse.

He guessed that this fusion should change in a good direction, and it might allow the dragon soul to merge with the dragon corpse more.

Maybe the dragon corpse will be resurrected directly in the end. Of course, this is just Mu Rufeng's guess, and there is a high probability that it will not happen.

"I'm so sleepy, so sleepy, Mu Rufeng, can you give me some more soul power? I feel like I have to sleep for a long time."

"When I wake up, I seem to be able to change a lot." Ao Zhi suddenly said.

"No problem, how much soul power do you want?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Well, it's about ten times what you gave me last time." Ao Zhi thought for a while and said.

Ten times!

Ten times that is 100 million soul units.

This is a very large amount of wealth, but for Mu Rufeng, there is no pressure.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate at all, took out the soul-sucking gourd, and directly poured 100 million soul units into Ao Zhi's body.

Soon, 100 million soul units were input.

"So many, so many, Mu Rufeng, thank you, you are so kind, thank you." Ao Zhi said very happily.

"You're welcome, we are friends, and you also helped me solve the trouble of this ghost cave." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Is this also a trouble? There are so many delicious foods here." Ao Zhi said puzzledly.

"For me, it is indeed a trouble. By the way, how long will you sleep?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know, anyway, it will take many days." Ao Zhi shook his head and said.

"By the way, when you sleep, don't let the food run out." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"Don't worry, I won't let the food escape, my mouth will be tightly closed. By the way, when I was sleeping, I seemed to see you coming into my mouth, what did you come here for?" Ao Zhi said.

"Can you feel me entering your mouth?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly and then asked.

"Yes, but you seem to be different from now. You also went into that dark hole and then came out again." Ao Zhi said.

Mu Rufeng couldn't help but feel a little scared when he heard it.

If Niu Ben hadn't stopped him, he would have really gone to the strange world with courage.

This time, I'm afraid he would definitely be caught by the Buddhaless Emperor. Fortunately, fortunately, Niu Ben persuaded him.

"By the way, I might go into that ghost cave again when you are sleeping. How can I get in from your mouth?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"Well, I can't leave a gap, otherwise I'm afraid that the food will run out. How about this, you go in from the nostrils of your body, and you can get to your mouth after walking a little bit, and then you go into that hole." Ao Zhi thought for a while, and then said.

"Go in from your nose? Is this too offensive?" Mu Rufeng said a little embarrassedly.

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