I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 325: The cheat is against the sky, the four great gods are destroyed [10,000 words]

"Haha. It seems that you are not afraid that I will kill you one by one. You are really stupid for not saving your comrades."

Mu Rufeng laughed, and then spoke sarcastically.

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, the eyes of four people were attracted.

"So what if you are stronger than Wu Fo? The two of us can defeat Wu Fo if we join forces. If the four of us join forces, can't we kill you, a little dragon corpse?" Feng couldn't chuckle lightly, not letting Mu Rufeng go at all. In the eyes.

The other three gods did not speak, but the contempt and disdain in their eyes were clearly seen by Mu Rufeng.

"Very good, I like the look in your eyes." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

These people are really stupid. They are fighting among themselves and want Mu Rufeng to kill Wufo God and reap the benefits.

Although they didn't know what method Mu Rufeng used to swallow the Wufo God into his belly, they just thought it would be better not to be swallowed by Mu Rufeng.

Presumably all his skills may be there.

Four against one, the advantage lies with them.

Moreover, they also thought that the deity Wufo was swallowed probably because he used the golden body of the Buddha statue.

The defensive power of his move was extremely strong, even if they were allowed to attack, they wouldn't be able to take advantage.

But there is a disadvantage, that is, after casting the Buddha Statue Gold, he cannot move, and if he cannot move, then he will be swallowed.

Time passed minute by minute.

Mu Rufeng's stomach had stabilized, but the pleading voice of the Buddha-Lord could still be heard in his stomach.

Yes, all that was left was pleading, pleading with the four gods to save him quickly. As long as he was saved, he was willing to respect the four as masters.

However, still no one paid attention.

Mu Rufeng's belly seemed to be very special. There was no Buddha in it, as if there were some trump cards that he couldn't use.

When Lord Wufo's voice completely disappeared, they still did not move, because not speaking did not mean that Lord Wufo was dead.

They can also feel that the aura of Wufo God is still there, which also means that they are not completely dead yet.

A quarter of an hour later, a notification sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Triggered successfully, killed the Buddhaless God, all attributes +100, ghost power +10%, rule fragment *1]

Mu Rufeng condensed slightly, but she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that all attributes had been increased and she was a hundred taller. The most important thing was that there was a rule fragment.

But now is not the time to look at the rule fragments.

Mu Rufeng rubbed her belly, looked at the four great gods, and said, "You can do it now, I've finished digesting it."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, the four great gods took action at the same moment.

"hold head high!"

With a dragon roar, Mu Rufeng's body suddenly transformed into a huge green dragon measuring several thousand feet.

For group battles, the dragon body is naturally the most suitable.

The dragon swung its tail——

Mu Rufeng directly used her innate magical power.

A huge tail attacked the four people.

The four people's attacks came instantly, but were directly defeated by the dragon's tail, and then continued to attack them.

The expressions of the four people changed slightly, but they did not dodge or evade, and each launched another attack.

After all, they were four gods. Together, their strength should not be underestimated, and they were able to stop Mu Rufeng's tail.

Just the next moment, eight black thunderbolts fell from the sky.

The first four are because they attacked Mu Rufeng, and the last four are the effects of Mu Rufeng's attack on them.

Now that there is no rule about no Buddha or deity, divine punishment is naturally effective again.

The four of them looked frightened and wanted to dodge, but they couldn't avoid the thunder because of their speed, so they could only defend with all their strength.

The first bolt of thunder shattered their body-protecting ghost energy, and the second bolt directly hit their bodies.

Even the Buddhaless God had to stiffen up, and these four weaker gods were no exception.

Mu Rufeng spurted out poisonous gas and instantly enveloped the four great gods.

In an instant, they recovered, dispersed the poisonous gas with one move, and then attacked Mu Rufeng again.

The terrifying attack came instantly and hit Mu Rufeng's body.

Mu Rufeng's attack also hit a god.

Four against one, there is no way, it is impossible to avoid all attacks.

A few more scales fell off the body, which was harmless.

But the god who was hit by him opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then his body instantly smashed through the earth and submerged into it.

"The true form of the demon!"

An angry shout came from the ground, and a huge figure broke through the ground.

But a demon with three heads and six arms appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

And this person is also extremely tall, more than two thousand feet tall, extremely huge.

"The true form of the idol!"

"The true form of the god!"

"The world god comes to the world!"

The other three great gods also used their own innate magical powers, and their bodies instantly grew larger.

I saw Wu Mo coming forward and hugging Mu Rufeng's dragon head directly. There were four hands on the back that grabbed the two dragon claws on the front abdomen.

Wu Tian and Wu Shi flew over and grabbed the other two dragon claws beneath them.

In the end, he could not directly grab Mu Rufeng's dragon tail.

All of a sudden, the four great gods controlled Mu Rufeng.

The four of them exerted force suddenly, looking at their appearance, were they preparing to tear Mu Rufeng apart directly?

Mu Rufeng smiled when she saw this scene.

"God's punishment comes to the world!"

In an instant, a sea of ​​thunder fell from the sky.

"Wutian, you go!" Wuji shouted.

"In the name of heaven, thunder disperses!" Wuji shouted to the sky.

A strange force spread out and swept across the sky in an instant.

The thunder in the air dissipated in an instant.

"Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?"

Mu Rufeng sneered, opened his mouth and spit out, and the terrifying poisonous gas emerged again, instantly covering the surroundings.

Not only covered Mu Rufeng's body, but also the four great gods.

Then Mu Rufeng suddenly burst out with a terrifying force.

First, Wuji at the tail could not hold on, and the huge force directly opened Wuji and even smashed it into the ground.

"Hu!" Mu Rufeng spit out a breath of dragon again.

The dragon breath containing the power of the five elements instantly penetrated Wumo's body, but Wumo was not afraid at all, and the other two heads even bit Mu Rufeng's cheeks directly.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was shocked, and the terrifying force came in an instant.

However, Wu Tian, ​​Wu Mo and Wu Shi, the three great gods, could not hold Mu Rufeng and were directly broken free by him.

In fact, it was not that Mu Rufeng's power increased, but that their power weakened.

After all, his Nether Flower poison is not vegetarian.

Even the gods have no solution. If you want to detoxify, you can only soak in the Nether Cold Spring, or cut off the poisoned area before the poison spreads throughout the body.

At this time, the four also found that they were poisoned.

"What's going on? Why is my strength suppressed a little?"

"Damn, it's the Nether Flower poison. Wu Fo said that he had been poisoned before."

"How to detoxify this? How to detoxify? My strength is suppressed a little."

"Poisoned? Why didn't I notice that there was poison in my body?"

The four great gods gathered together, their faces extremely ugly.

"I don't know, Wu Fo didn't say it, no matter, go all out, and kill him first." Wu Mo shouted loudly.

The other three heard it and nodded.

Now the poison is not too deep, and the strength is not damaged very much. As long as Mu Rufeng is killed quickly, they will have enough time to detoxify.

"Haha, you want to kill me? Now it's my turn."

Calling the wind and rain——

Divine punishment descends——

The five elements burst——

In an instant, terrifying forces descended and filled the surroundings.

The strong wind raged, the thunder fell from the sky, and accompanied by the power of the five-colored elements, it swept towards the gods in an instant.


The earth cracked, the surrounding space began to distort, and the void collapsed rapidly.

The attacks of the four gods were also released at this moment.

The attacks of both sides collided with each other.

The sky was filled with white light, without any color, and there was no sound around.

It seemed that at this moment, the world stopped.


A dragon roar sounded, breaking the silence.

A green dragon soared in the sky, and the huge dragon head looked down below.

The white light had dissipated, and the huge bodies of the four great gods had disappeared.

You can see that there are four small bodies below.

The four people attacked together, but not only did they fail to repel Mu Rufeng, but they were broken by Mu Rufeng's move, and their transformed true bodies were also broken.

Looking at Mu Rufeng's side, a layer of scales was scraped off his green dragon tail. Although his flesh and blood were also injured, it was not a big deal and would heal quickly.

It must be said that the strength of his dragon scales is really abnormal.

The four great gods looked at each other. They knew that they had to fight desperately now. No matter what, they must kill Mu Rufeng on the spot.

Otherwise, when the poison becomes more and more serious, they can only die.

Then, the four great gods directly reached out and stabbed into their chests, and then they actually took out their hearts directly.

"With my heart, the rules evolve: those who come from the Heavenly Dao Continent, their bodies will rot!"

"With my heart, the rules evolve: those who come from the Heavenly Dao Continent, their qi and blood will collapse!"

"With my heart, the rules evolve: those who come from the Heavenly Dao Continent, their five senses will weaken!"

"With my heart, the rules evolve: those who come from the Heavenly Dao Continent will be rejected by the world!"

The hearts in the hands of the four great gods instantly turned into dots of black light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The breath of the four of them instantly became weak, and their faces became even paler.

Obviously, this trick of rule evolution has a huge price.

Four terrifying rule forces descended in an instant.

Mu Rufeng could feel that his body began to rot, his qi and blood began to collapse, his five senses began to weaken, and there was a strong repulsive force acting on him, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"Hmph, you can only be able to stump me, can't you? Rule suppression!" Mu Rufeng performed rule suppression without hesitation.

In an instant, these four forces were directly weakened.

But even so, it was only weakened, not completely eliminated.

His rule suppression was still much weaker than theirs, but it was enough. Originally, Mu Rufeng could hold on for three to five hours, but now he can hold on for one or two days without any problem.

One or two days is enough for Mu Rufeng to do something.

"Ao Zhi, I'm sorry, your dragon corpse may be damaged. After the matter is over, I will give you more soul power." Mu Rufeng said to Ao Zhi in the soul space.

The latter turned over and continued to sleep.

"Very powerful, but you will all die today." Mu Rufeng looked at the four people and scolded them coldly.

Then, a breath of dragon was spurted out.

The four people saw this and their faces changed drastically. They never thought that Mu Rufeng would still have the strength to fight with them under the four rules.

The four gods quickly dispersed and then attacked Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng did not defend against the attacks of the other three gods at all, and only chased Wu Mo.

There was no other reason, Wu Mo's aura was the weakest among the four.

He knew that he could not kill the four gods today, so he decided to keep an eye on Wu Mo, at least to kill Wu Mo before they escaped.

Because there was no need for a group battle, Mu Rufeng directly turned into a human form, and teleported directly to Wu Mo's side.

Yes, in human form, he could even use his abilities.

"Angry Sky!"

Mu Rufeng held the Xiuchun serrated knife in his hand, and then swung it.

The Raging Sky Madness is the eighth move in the Kaitian Jue, and it is very powerful.

Wu Mo was shocked, and he also took out a long knife in his hand, and slashed fiercely with Mu Rufeng's serrated knife.

However, Wu Mo's face changed again, because his trick weapon was directly cut off by a knife, and then his body was cut in half by Mu Rufeng's knife, directly cut off at the waist.

At the same time, the attacks of the other three gods also arrived, and Mu Rufeng did not resist hard, because he had a plug-in.

At the moment when their attacks were about to come, Mu Rufeng directly turned on [Absolute Defense].

[Absolute Defense]: After turning on absolute defense, ignore all attacks, even the rule of obliteration. It can only be turned on for ten seconds x2 per day, and can be turned on or off at any time.

Originally, it could only last for ten seconds, but because Mu Rufeng obtained the talent of [Defense Extension] in the Golden City, the time of absolute defense was doubled to twenty seconds.

As the attack approached, a golden light appeared around Mu Rufeng, and all the attacks were eliminated, and then the golden light dissipated.

One second, it only took him one second to close, and there were still nineteen seconds left.

"Impossible!" Everyone was shocked. They couldn't understand why their attacks had no effect at all.

You know, they had hurt Mu Rufeng before.

"Rule modification: God will be rejected by the world!" Mu Rufeng suddenly modified one of the rules.

[Modify the rules]: You can modify a rule in the copy, and the cooldown time is one month.

In an instant, the heaven and earth once again sent down four powerful forces to act on the four gods.

"Impossible, why, why did the rules change?" Wu Mo was shocked.

He was originally cut in half, and he was stitched again in the distance, but the next second he felt a repulsive force coming.

This is the world rejecting him. This feeling of rejection is not only uncomfortable, but also suppresses and weakens his strength.

"You can evolve the rules, I can modify the rules, this is normal, isn't it?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wu Mo with a grim smile.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng once again used the cheat [bad luck] on the four people.

Bad luck can reduce the target's luck value by five times. When the luck value is reduced to a certain level, Mu Rufeng will be able to kill them better.

When their luck value dropped significantly, the faces of the four gods changed instantly.

At their level, they can detect any slight changes, even the mysterious existence of luck value.

The four people all wanted to retreat at the same time.

They were poisoned. Although it would not be good for them to drag it on, who knows if they can find a way to detoxify?

And Mu Rufeng also had four rules suppressing his body, which would cause his physical body and blood to collapse, and his five senses to weaken. The longer the time, the faster his strength would naturally weaken.

As long as Mu Rufeng's strength weakens, they don't even need to take action, and let their subordinates, the emperor, deal with Mu Rufeng.

"What? Do you want to run away?" Mu Rufeng sneered.

Before, Mu Rufeng was not sure whether he could use the power of the legacy plug-in, so he felt that he could not keep the four people.

But now he can use it, including his own ability, so Mu Rufeng has some confidence to keep them.

"The other shore flower blooms, the other shore of the knife!"

Mu Rufeng spoke softly.

In an instant, the surrounding world changed, and the whole world was covered by the other shore flower.

In the distance, a huge other shore flower bloomed, revealing a knife inside, a Tongtian Divine Sword.

At first glance, it can be seen that the knife is exactly the same as Mu Rufeng's Xiuchun serrated knife.

The four great gods changed their faces, and they felt a threat of death.

Mu Rufeng's tall figure stood in front, his right hand had already grasped the Tongtian Divine Sword, and then he gently swung it and slashed at the four people.

"How can it be so strong? Why is it so strong?"

"Are we going to die?"

"No, we must not die here."

"Quick, fight with all your strength, fight with all your strength, we must be able to block it, we must block this knife."

The four great gods wanted to escape from here, but they found that they were locked by the aura and had no way to escape. They couldn't even leave the space of the red spider lily.

So, they could only fight with all their strength, and they had to block this knife with all their strength.

However, everything was false.

The four tried their best and paid a huge price to burst out the strongest power, but it was in vain under Mu Rufeng's knife.

This knife cut their attacks without any hindrance and then cut through their bodies.

The powerful knife force directly destroyed them.

When the space on the other side dissipated, the bodies of the four great gods were falling downwards.

With this knife, Mu Rufeng did not cut off their flesh, but their souls in the space on the other side.

When the souls disappeared, they naturally died.

[Triggering successfully, killing Wumo God, all attributes +100, ghost power +10%, rule fragment *1]


[Triggering successfully, killing Wutian God, all attributes +100, ghost power +10%, rule fragment *1]

The killing prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

With a crash, a piece of Mu Rufeng's flesh and blood rotted and then fell from a high altitude.

The rules were still forcibly acting on him. Although the suppression of the rules and the immortal body also had an effect, they only alleviated it.

If Mu Rufeng didn't want the dragon corpse to rot here, he couldn't stay here any longer.

Mu Rufeng opened his mouth and sucked in the bodies of the four great gods, and then swallowed them into his stomach.

Then, Mu Rufeng disappeared from the spot.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared above Zhentian City.

"The five great gods are dead. Those who dare to invade the Tiandao Continent will die!"

As Mu Rufeng's voice fell, a powerful force descended from the sky, directly destroying the huge Zhentian City.

[Triggered successfully, killed the Weird Emperor, all attributes +1, ghost power +1%, rule fragments +0.1]

[Triggered successfully, killed the Weird Emperor, all attributes +1, ghost power +1%, rule fragments +0.1]

[Triggered successfully, killed the Ghost Emperor, strength +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

[Triggered successfully, killed the Ghost Emperor, physique +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

The prompt sound kept ringing, and it was counted carefully, up to thousands of times.

Among them, the Emperor died a total of 38 times. Obviously, there were 38 Emperors in Zhentian City.

As for the Ghost Emperor, there were also thousands.

Counting that Mu Rufeng killed those evil ghosts, ghost emperors and Emperors when he fought with the Buddhaless God, there were also many Emperor Weird and Ghost Emperors.

In this wave, his various attributes increased a lot.

Of course, because the base number is too large, it is not very noticeable when added together.

"Then, there are only four ghost caves left." Mu Rufeng showed a faint smile on his face.

In front of the four ghost caves, there were still many emperors and ghost emperors gathered.

Let's not talk about whether those weird emperors and ghost emperors received the news and ran away, but those evil ghosts would not run away under the control of the formation.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't know where the other four ghost caves were. After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng decided to find someone to lead the way.

Soon he sensed that there was an emperor fleeing in the distance.

He immediately flashed and easily caught up with the emperor. With just a light touch, the latter quickly froze in place and was freely controlled by Mu Rufeng.

"Spare my life, senior, spare my life." The emperor was shocked and begged for mercy with a horrified face.

The five great gods were killed by the man in front of him, and the Zhentian City was destroyed by a slap in front of him.

If he hadn't just left the city and was about to go to another ghost cave, he might have died in the city.

"Tell me the location of the other four ghost caves that invaded the Tiandao Continent. I'll let you go if I tell you." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, thank you, senior. I'll take you there!" The emperor was overjoyed when he heard this and immediately showed Mu Rufeng the way.

Soon, under their guidance, Mu Rufeng quickly arrived in front of the nearest ghost cave.

This ghost cave is connected to the ghost cave in the northern region. There is also a huge formation below, which controls all the evil ghosts inside.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that he did not see any emperors or weirdos inside, and there were not many even level nine ghost emperors.

"Why are there only evil ghosts inside, and why are there so few weirdos?" Mu Rufeng pointed to the bottom and asked.

"Senior, it should be that the emperor who escaped from our side sent a message to their friends, and then one passed it to ten, and ten passed it to a hundred." The emperor said carefully.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but slapped it directly, and all the evil ghosts wrapped in the formation were destroyed.

Listening to the constant reminder sound in his ears, Mu Rufeng continued to move to the next ghost cave.

Although he failed to kill those weird things, killing the emperor evil ghost was also good, which could also make Mu Rufeng gain blood.

In just half an hour, Mu Rufeng cleared all the formations and evil ghosts in the five ghost caves.

At this moment, his flesh and blood had been corroded a lot.

Even bones could be seen in some places.

He still underestimated the role of these four rules. The strength of the rules was not constant, but the longer Mu Rufeng stayed here, the greater the suppression of the rules on him, and the greater the damage.

Originally, Mu Rufeng thought he could hold on for one or two days, but now it seems that it is difficult to hold on for an hour.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to chase and kill those emperors, but now there is no way.

"Senior, now that the formations in the ghost caves have been cleared, can I leave?" The emperor said in a low voice.

"No hurry." Mu Rufeng did not let the emperor leave.

When the emperor heard this, he suddenly showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Mu Rufeng was standing in front of the ghost cave in the middle territory.

The teleportation vortex is still there, but Mu Rufeng has not destroyed it.

As for the teleportation whirlpools in the other four domains, they had been destroyed by Mu Rufeng.

"Brother Mu, we are here." At this moment, someone shouted from below.

Mu Rufeng looked down and found that Niu Ben and others were coming.

Mu Rufeng immediately fell from the sky.

"Brother Mu, you are so powerful. You actually killed the five great gods." Niu Ben looked at Mu Rufeng with eyes full of respect and fanaticism.

"Awesome, Brother Mu, you are really awesome." Heiwu also respected him very much.

"Master, you are so amazing." Lilith rushed up and hugged Mu Rufeng.

But Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand to stop him: "Take it easy, I'm afraid that if you hug me, you will give me a piece of flesh and blood."

"What's wrong, Master, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Lilith discovered that some of Mu Rufeng's exposed skin was already riddled with holes, and bones could be seen on the back of her neck.

"The four great gods have evolved the rules before. Did you hear it? I can't stay here any longer." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, we heard it."

"I didn't expect that the rules could evolve like this."

"Emperor, God, I don't know if I can reach this realm in my lifetime."

"By the way, Brother Mu, why did you ask us to come here?" Xu He asked.

"I have already destroyed the evil ghost formations and teleportation vortexes in the other four ghost caves. As long as this ghost cave is destroyed, the mission will be completed." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just destroy it." Niu Ben said quickly.

"I still need some time to deal with the follow-up matters of Tiandao Continent." Mu Rufeng said.

"So, what does Brother Mu want us to do?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"You said before that you would control the formation of the teleportation vortex and reverse the formation. I want to leave." Mu Rufeng said towards the emperor.

"Yes, senior, I'll go right away." After hearing this, Emperor Zun immediately came to a place on the side of the whirlpool and began to control the formation.

"I will destroy this transmission channel from there in a month. During this month, you can search for some resources in the strange world."

"Although I don't know if I can take it back, I still have to give it a try."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out four emperors.

This was caught by Mu Rufeng when he destroyed those big ghost caves.

"Senior, the formation has been completed in reverse." At this time, the emperor flew over and said.

"Sir, Lord God, please spare my life!"

"Lord God, we were wrong. We should not have invaded Tiandao Continent. Those five guys forced us."

"Yes, they forced me to do it."

Those four gods, lords and ghost emperors begged for mercy as humbly as they wanted.

Mu Rufeng opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of Nether Flower Poison, which then enveloped the five emperors.

All of a sudden, a ghost flower appeared on their foreheads.

"This is the netherworld flower poison. Only I can detoxify it. I will come back in a month to detoxify you."

"Of course, you can also detoxify yourself and see if you can remove it."

"During this month, the five of you have followed Lilith's orders. Do you have any objections?" Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"It's all up to you, sir." The five emperors were stunned for a moment, and then immediately responded.

No matter what, he won't die for the time being. As for whether he will die in a month, we will tell then.

I will definitely keep it up this month.

"Lilith, search more, but remember to do what you can, lest you fail to search and be sent back to your hometown by those weird emperors." Mu Rufeng warned.

"Yes, Master, Lilith will definitely act with caution." Lilith also responded repeatedly.

"Without further ado, let's go." Mu Rufeng waved her hands towards everyone.

Everyone immediately said goodbye to Mu Rufeng and left here.

Seeing that there was no one around, Mu Rufeng immediately released the Azure Dragon Transformation, and then shrank her body to a hundred feet.

After removing the owner of the dragon corpse, Mu Rufeng directly became invisible, and then put the dragon corpse into the inventory.

After doing all this, Mu Rufeng immediately entered the ghost cave.

In the underground space, there are more than ten emperors here.

The poisonous gas is gone, and the emperors are killing the evil ghosts at this moment, and then continue to use their flesh and blood to create formations.

Although the dragon corpse outside was gone, they all felt that it was a conspiracy. Although they could not contact Lord Wufo, the formation still had to be cast.

Mu Rufeng glanced at these people, immediately took out the dragon corpse, and then used the talent of the Dragon Corpse Lord again.

Before those emperors could react, they all were killed in an instant.

[Triggered successfully, killed the strange emperor, all attributes +1, ghost power +1%, rule fragments +0.1]

The ghost cave suddenly became much quieter.

It was at this time that his mission changed again.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully solving the threat of the Ghost Cave in the Central Region. The fourth phase of the task is completed and the level of clearance completion is 1,000%.]

[The fifth stage of the mission is launched: solve the threat of the ghost cave in the East Region within 24 hours]

"Hmm? There is a fifth stage? Solve the ghost cave in the East Region within 24 hours?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

You know, of the five ghost caves, except for the central region, the rest of the teleportation vortexes were destroyed by him. Logically, there should be no threat, right?

Moreover, he did not destroy the teleportation vortex of the ghost cave in the central region. He just killed the emperor in the ghost cave and completed the fourth stage of the mission.

Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought.

After a while, Mu Rufeng figured it out. Because the five great gods had been killed by Mu Rufeng, the weird world would no longer be a threat.

And there are many emperors and ghost emperors in the ghost cave. These are all from before. These weird things are regarded as threats to the ghost cave.

So it is for this reason that there is this fifth stage of the mission.

"Will it take a day?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

He thought about it and wanted to finish the work, otherwise it would be troublesome if something happened to the dragon corpse.

After all, the Emperor could not enter the ghost cave, and could only rely on the dragon corpse to kill the Emperor in the ghost cave.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the dragon corpse, and the dragon corpse had already left the strange world, and those rules were no longer useful.

The injuries of the dragon body and corpse mountain began to heal.

The body, which was originally bumpy and with bones clearly visible, soon grew flesh and blood, and then healed.

The dragon corpse swallowed five gods, so it was only a matter of recovering from the injuries.

Then Mu Rufeng merged with the dragon corpse again, and then controlled the dragon corpse to go to the East Region.

In just three or five minutes, Mu Rufeng arrived at the location of the ghost cave in the East Region.

It was not that the distance was too close, but that the speed of the dragon corpse was too fast.

In front of the ghost cave, a large number of troops, warriors, spiritual practitioners, and even the Emperor’s ancestors were fighting.

Fighting with those evil ghosts and clearing those ghost spirits.

The troops were all sent by the Dali Dynasty to support the army. The efficiency of clearing the evil ghosts and ghost energy with the army formation map was still very high.

There were also several emperors and ancestors sent by the Dali Dynasty.

However, even so, the range of ghost energy still expanded to a radius of 100 miles.

It was originally expanded to 300 miles, but later, because of the support of the Dali Dynasty, the 300-mile area was compressed to 50 miles.

But for some reason, half an hour ago, the ghost energy in the ghost cave suddenly increased, and in this time, it directly expanded to 100 miles.

There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun was shining down, eliminating a lot of ghost energy.

Just at this time, a huge cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sun, so that only the brilliance of Yaoyangzhu was left.

Although it was still very bright, without the sun, the expansion speed of ghost energy suddenly accelerated.

"I'll go and disperse the cloud." An emperor said.

When his voice fell, he was about to take action.

However, a huge dragon head appeared in the clouds.

The dragon head opened its mouth and sucked, and countless evil ghosts and ghost energy flew up to the sky without any resistance.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and the attacks stopped unconsciously.

"It's a real dragon, the real dragon is coming." An emperor ancestor shouted.

This ancestor had seen the dragon corpse and Mu Rufeng, and he was the ancestor of the Dali Dynasty.

"Everyone retreat." Another ancestor shouted loudly.

All the troops and warriors heard it, and then began to retreat in an orderly manner.

After a while, all the evil ghosts and ghost energy within a hundred miles were swallowed up by Mu Rufeng.

A large amount of ghost energy gushed out again, but surprisingly, no evil ghosts came out.

This also surprised some emperors who saw this scene.

Mu Rufeng's body fell, then slowly became smaller, and finally directly lifted the change, and immediately put the dragon corpse into the inventory.

Then Mu Rufeng plunged into the ghost cave.

The moment he entered, he took out the dragon corpse again, and then merged it with the body.

After arriving at the underground space, there were still a large number of ghost emperors and many emperors.

The evil ghosts were gone, and they had all run away long before, but because of the ghost energy, they were not discovered by the people of Tiandao Continent.

In the underground space, the teleportation vortex had disappeared.

Because Mu Rufeng destroyed it, the vortex here collapsed directly and turned into endless ghost energy in this ghost cave.

It was because of this that the ghost energy in the ghost cave surged a lot before.

After Mu Rufeng appeared, he opened his mouth and sucked all the weirdness and ghost energy inside.

A series of killing prompt sounds and task completion prompt sounds came to my ears again.

[Congratulations to the player for completing the fifth stage of the mission, successfully solving the threat of the Eastern Ghost Cave, and obtaining 100% clearance completion]

[The sixth stage of the mission is open: Please solve the threat of the Southern Ghost Cave within 24 hours]

As Mu Rufeng guessed, if the ghost energy and weirdness in the ghost cave are solved, then the problem of the ghost cave will be solved.

So, there will be the Western Region and the Northern Region later.

Then Mu Rufeng left the ghost cave.

After he appeared in the sky, he shouted loudly: "The ghost cave has been destroyed. From now on, there will be no more undead creatures and dead air in the ghost cave."

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Rufeng left.

When Mu Rufeng left, the people below fell into silence.

After a long time, someone noticed that there were indeed no evil ghosts and death in the ghost cave, and they all cheered.

Whether it was the disciples of the sects in the East Region or the soldiers of the Dali Dynasty who came to support, they all seemed extremely excited and excited.

"That's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, that's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the dragon destroyed the ghost cave."

"Haha, great, great, long live His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

The soldiers recognized that the person in the sky was the Crown Prince, and cheered again.


Then Mu Rufeng went to the South Region, where the ghost cave was guarded by the Vajra Sect.

Moreover, most of the sects in the South Region were built by monks, and more than 50% of the sect forces were Buddhist sects.

It can be said that the South Region is the gathering place of Buddhist sects.

When one side is in trouble, all sides support it. The ghost cave rioted, and the Vajra Sect, as the largest force in the South Region, sent people to suppress it at the first time.

Later, because the ghost cave continued to have undead creatures and deathly aura gushing out, all the Buddhist sects in the southern region came to support.

Some other sects also sent people to support.

This side was compressed the most, with only a ten-mile radius of land left.

But this ten-mile radius could not be eliminated no matter what they did.

Because once it was eliminated, it would be filled up again the next moment.

You know, there is no Yaoyang Pearl here. It must be said that the strength of the Buddhist sect is still very strong, and the restraint on the undead creatures is too great.

Of course, after Mu Rufeng destroyed the teleportation vortex, the ghost energy here also increased a lot.

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