I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 326 Weird Mu Chengqian, the last piece of pure land [10,000 words]

Mu Rufeng went directly into the ghost cave, and also swallowed all the ghost energy and ghost cave in one gulp.

After completing the mission in the South Region, Mu Rufeng appeared, shouted and went to the next ghost cave.

When Mu Rufeng came to the West Region, he could see that the ghost cave was directly covered by a golden flame.

The area within a radius of ten miles was covered by the sea of ​​fire.

Further away, there were many troops stationed, which were soldiers of the Dali Dynasty.

At this moment, they were bored because they had no room to play.

The golden flame directly blocked the ghost cave, and the undead creatures and ghost energy were burned as soon as they came out.

For example, if it was a level nine evil ghost, it would be burned to death within five miles.

Then after death, the corpse was used as fuel to make the flames even hotter.

Mu Rufeng solved the ghost cave in the West Region in a few moves, and told them the matter after appearing. Without waiting for them to react, he left here directly.

Now, there is only one last ghost cave left, the ghost cave in the North Region.

When Mu Rufeng arrived in the North Territory, he saw many familiar faces.

The Great Ancestor, the Seventh Ancestor and other very familiar ancestors.

There was also Jian Feng, his Seventh Sister, and the new army led by Ye Lin and others.

The battle here was also fierce, but because there were more emperor ancestors, the range of the ghost energy was also compressed to a very small extent.

However, they gradually stopped taking action, and only let the Yaoyang Pearl and the Nanming Lihuo released by the military formation burn the ghost energy.

Because there was only infinite ghost energy spreading, but no evil ghosts appeared.

This surprised them a little, and they didn't know why no evil ghosts came out.

This was good, and they could also take a break.

When Mu Rufeng appeared, he was directly sensed by the Great Ancestor, and then appeared beside him.

Mu Rufeng had just released the fusion state and put the dragon corpse into the inventory, and he saw the Great Ancestor who appeared in front of him, and Mu Rufeng hurriedly saluted.

"Feng'er, why are you here? And your breath, how..." The Great Ancestor said puzzledly.

"Grand Ancestor, I'll talk to you later. I'll solve the threat of the ghost cave first."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he entered the virtual state directly, and then sank into the ghost cave.

When the Grand Ancestor saw this scene, he shouted twice but saw no response, so he could only shake his head.

It was only more than ten breaths, and the ghost cave that was originally bursting with terrifying ghost energy suddenly stagnated.

It was gone, no ghost energy spread out.

Then, Mu Rufeng's figure reappeared.

"Grand Ancestor." Mu Rufeng bowed to the Grand Ancestor.

"Feng'er, why is the death energy gone? Did you do something?" The Grand Ancestor didn't know what Mu Rufeng had done.

However, Mu Chengqian also told him that Mu Rufeng wanted to completely solve the ghost cave, but he didn't know how to solve it.

"Grand Ancestor, the ghost cave has been completely solved by me now. From now on, there will be no invasion of undead creatures and death energy in the ghost cave." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? Are you serious?" The Grand Ancestor was stunned, and then asked hurriedly.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then briefly told the Great Ancestor what he had done.

When the Great Ancestor heard it, he was shocked.

He really couldn't imagine that Mu Rufeng could do such a big thing with his cultivation in the God Realm.

He actually went to the strange world in a tricky way, and killed the five great gods with the help of the dragon corpse. It was amazing.

"Great Ancestor, I'm going back to the Imperial City. You can handle the things here. I also need to inform my father as soon as possible." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry, tell me more details." The Great Ancestor directly pulled Mu Rufeng's arm.

He really wanted to hear Mu Rufeng's details.

"Great Ancestor, this is not important. I will tell you everything when you come back to the Imperial City." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay." The Great Ancestor nodded, and then immediately went to deal with things.

Mu Rufeng took out the dragon corpse again, merged it, announced the news to the bottom, and went directly to the Imperial City.

“Only one day left.” Mu Rufeng sighed on the way.

Yes, he only has one day left. After one day, he should return.

Mu Rufeng recalled the prompt sound after completing the North Territory stage mission.

[Congratulations to the player for completing the eighth stage mission, successfully solving the threat of the North Territory Ghost Cave, and obtaining 100% clearance completion]

[Final mission open: Please destroy the vortex teleportation array in the Central Territory Ghost Cave within 24 hours]

Only the last final mission is left. If it is completed, he will return.

If there is no time limit, Mu Rufeng will definitely stay in this world for hundreds of years.

With the help of his supernatural external plug-in and the realm without bottlenecks, he will definitely rush to the God within hundreds of years.

Unfortunately, the copy does not give him time.

Only one day, this time is very short.

I am afraid that I can’t marry Miss Yanran, and I can’t ascend the throne to become an emperor.

“After all, it’s all illusory. Whether it’s successful or not is fake.” Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived at the imperial city.

Mu Rufeng met Mu Chengqian and told him everything in detail.

Mu Chengqian was shocked when he heard it. After confirming with Mu Rufeng again and again, he finally believed it and his face was full of excitement.

The ghost cave has been threatening the Tiandao Continent for countless years, and now, it has finally been put to an end in his generation.

"Okay, okay, haha, the whole country can celebrate together. Three days later, you will ascend the throne and become emperor, and seven days later, you will marry your fiancée Zhao Yanran." Mu Chengqian said with a big laugh.

Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded. Ascending the throne and getting married were all out of the question, because he only had one day.

"Father, I'll go see Miss Yanran." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, go ahead. You still have to coax your wife more. By the way, take this. You still have to apologize for postponing the wedding, so give it to her as a gift." Mu Chengqian said, taking an exquisite bracelet and throwing it to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he was slightly stunned. This thing is really a good thing.

[Tiancui Bracelet]: A bracelet forged with Tiancui, a wonder of heaven and earth.

Effect: Ninth-level props, after wearing, can improve comprehension, concentration and cultivation speed, and can prevent inner demons.

Once you are infected with props that increase comprehension and cultivation speed, you will really cherish them.

"Thank you, father." Mu Rufeng put it away and thanked him.

Then Mu Rufeng left.

A quarter of an hour later, Mu Rufeng appeared in Lingyan Pavilion.

"Yanran, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still so beautiful." Mu Rufeng looked at the lovely girl in front of him and couldn't help but praise her.

"Your Highness, your aura has become stronger. Have you broken through the divine realm?" Zhao Yanran looked at Mu Rufeng's handsome face and wanted to praise him, but was surprised by Mu Rufeng's aura.

"Not bad, I broke through after two months of retreat. Sorry, Yanran, our wedding has been postponed. This is for you as an apology."

Mu Rufeng said, and directly gave the Tiancui bracelet away.

Although it is very good, Mu Rufeng still thinks he should give it to Zhao Yanran.

He didn't want to leave any regrets.

"This is... huh?" After Zhao Yanran took the bracelet, she could instantly feel the effect of the bracelet.

"It's too expensive. This is the best for Your Highness." Zhao Yanran returned it to Mu Rufeng.

"Yanran, take it. Have you forgotten that I have eaten Bodhi fruit?" Mu Rufeng said.

Zhao Yanran was stunned, then nodded, and happily put away the Tiancui bracelet.

But she was also pulled by Mu Rufeng: "Let me put it on for you."


Mu Rufeng put the bracelet on Zhao Yanran's hand.

"How about we go to the sea of ​​flowers?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, it's the end of September now, and the flowers in the canyon have withered a lot." Zhao Yanran said.

"Haha, that's just in the canyon, the outside of the canyon is still competing for beauty." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng accompanied Zhao Yanran for a long time, and only after dinner did Mu Rufeng send Zhao Yanran back.

Then Mu Rufeng headed towards the North Region.

Before leaving, he still had to go see his Seventh Sister.

After all, the soul power of Seventh Sister and Jian Yifeng had already stopped participating, so he had to go see her before leaving.

A few hours later, Mu Rufeng arrived at the Ghost Cave in the Central Region.

He met the people and went to the palace to fill up his inventory and storage rings.

Now, it was time to complete the mission and return.

After entering the Ghost Cave, Mu Rufeng took the dragon corpse out of the inventory.

Mu Rufeng looked at the hundreds of empty grids and wondered whether he should go back to the palace to get some treasures, but when he saw that his hands were already full of dozens of rings and his neck was full of storage rings, he thought about it and gave up.

There was no need to waste time, he had taken enough, so much that Mu Rufeng was a little numb.

The resources he took were enough for ten of him to cultivate to the peak of the Emperor.

After possessing the dragon corpse, Mu Rufeng destroyed the teleportation vortex with one strike.

[Congratulations to the player, the final mission is completed, the teleportation vortex of the Central Domain Ghost Cave is successfully destroyed, the clearance mission is completed, and the invasion mission of the strange world of the entire Tiandao Continent is successfully solved]

In an instant, Mu Rufeng's body shape changed and he was no longer in the ghost cave.

It was pitch black all around, and Mu Rufeng could not see, hear, or even sense any existence.

Even Mu Rufeng couldn't even touch his arms, body, and even his various powers.

It seemed that he only had his own thoughts left.

In front of him, a light suddenly flashed, and Mu Rufeng wanted to move forward. He didn't know if he moved, but he could find that the light was closer.

However, before he walked far, the light in front disappeared again.

Mu Rufeng stopped because he was afraid that he would lose his way.

Then the light appeared again.

Mu Rufeng immediately stepped forward, and this time the light did not disappear, and Mu Rufeng successfully arrived there.

When Mu Rufeng touched the light, the world instantly became bright.

In a trance, Mu Rufeng found himself in a palace.

Mu Rufeng looked carefully and found that this palace looked a bit like the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

However, the Hall of Supreme Harmony was very dilapidated, as if a fierce battle had taken place here.

At the same time, on the dragon throne, Mu Rufeng also saw a skeleton wearing a dragon robe.

Mu Rufeng was about to step forward, but saw that the skeleton moved.

Mu Rufeng was slightly startled and quickly stepped back.

He felt that his strength had recovered.

"Don't be afraid, Feng'er, it's me." A familiar voice sounded.

Mu Rufeng's face condensed. This voice was Mu Chengqian's voice.

"Feng'er, thank you, thank you for completing my last wish, and the last wish of billions of people in Tiandao Continent." Mu Chengqian thanked him.

"You are. Father?" Mu Rufeng said tentatively.

"It's me. Isn't it strange that you completed the task and did not return, but appeared here instead." Mu Chengqian stood up from the dragon chair and slowly walked down the stairs.

Mu Rufeng's eyes never moved away from Mu Chengqian. He said: "Father, is this the Hall of Supreme Harmony? And why are you now..."

"You should know that this world is just the third taboo place in the weird world. I think you should know it very well." Mu Chengqian came to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly. If he guessed correctly, the current Mu Chengqian was the real Mu Chengqian.

It was Mu Chengqian who died after the invasion of the weird world.

However, Mu Chengqian now exudes a strong ghost aura, and is completely a weird emperor.

"Faced with the invasion of the weird world, my Tiandao Continent has finally failed, and I also died in the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

"The entire Tiandao Continent is shrouded in ghost aura, a large number of creatures have been devoured, and all the remaining creatures have been transformed into weird." Mu Chengqian's tone was a little lonely.

After a moment of silence, Mu Rufeng said, "Father, why did this world become the third forbidden land?"

"The strange world invades, the strange wants to devour living beings, transform living beings into strangeness, and the world rules also want to devour the world rules."

"The rules of my Tiandao Continent have tried their best to turn Tiandao Continent into a forbidden land, preserving the last spark for my Tiandao Continent."

"Every thousand years, a group of people will come. Those people are all strange, and they end up failing every time."

"This time is different. There are actually humans entering, and you have accomplished a feat that we cannot achieve."

"On behalf of the billions of living beings on Tiandao Continent, I thank you." Mu Chengqian thanked you again, and this time, he bowed to Mu Rufeng.

"No need to do this, no need to do this." Mu Rufeng hurriedly stopped him.

"Although you are not the real Feng'er, you are luckier than him. My Feng'er died suddenly after eating the snow lotus."

"You call me father, and I also regard you as my son. Some of the things you took away are already false. I have kept all the valuable ones." Mu Chengqian pointed to the storage ring on Mu Rufeng's hand.

In an instant, the storage rings on Mu Rufeng's hand and neck were instantly turned into powder.

Only one storage ring remained on the index finger.

Mu Rufeng immediately looked at his inventory and found that many treasures in the inventory had also disappeared.

"Father, will the things I ate and my cultivation be gone? And the skills and martial arts I practiced?" Mu Rufeng asked hurriedly.

"The things you ate are real, your cultivation will not change, and the skills and martial arts you practiced are still there." Mu Chengqian said slowly.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng was relieved.

Although he had collected many treasures in the royal treasury, they were all external things. If they were gone, they would be gone. At most, he would feel heartbroken.

If his cultivation, martial arts and skills, as well as the secrets he had learned were all gone, he would cry to death.

Mu Rufeng suddenly said, "Father, can you tell me everything?"

"You want to know what happened in the end? Things are very cruel. Do you really want to know?" Mu Chengqian did not tell him immediately, but asked Mu Rufeng instead.

"Yes." Although Mu Rufeng knew that the result would inevitably be a tragedy, he wanted to know more in this situation.

"If you want to know, then I will tell you." Mu Chengqian raised his hand and lightly tapped, and a stream of light sank into Mu Rufeng's mind.

A large amount of information and memories instantly emerged in Mu Rufeng's mind, all of which were what Mu Chengqian had experienced.

The time of the ghost cave riot was exactly the same as the riot in the dungeon that Mu Rufeng participated in.

It can be said that in terms of time, everything is exactly the same.

Only when Mu Rufeng replaced the Ninth Prince who was supposed to die, everything became different.

Zhao Yanran did not find him, but wanted to support and marry him.

The prince did not fall into his hands in the end, but into the hands of the Sixth Prince who was hiding very deeply.

The ghost cave rioted, and everything developed normally.

A large number of evil ghosts rushed out, and evil ghosts continued to die, and the soldiers of the Dali Dynasty suffered heavy casualties.

All warriors and spiritual practitioners on the continent began to move out.

All the emperors of the Dali Dynasty also began to move out.

The expansion of ghost energy was barely stopped.

This situation lasted for three years.

Within three years, the dead evil ghosts finally completed the transformation of the surrounding environment, and the first evil ghost emperor appeared.

Then the second, third, and fourth.

Fortunately, there is a cooling time for the emperor evil ghost to come.

It seems that the weirdos have also discovered that one by one, the evil ghost emperors will be killed by the emperors of the Tiandao Continent.

Therefore, they began to send the Emperors to come, and when a certain number of them gathered, they began to release the evil ghost Emperors.

Every time one appeared, they would be controlled by the Emperors, and when there were enough, they would be released all at once.

In this way, the Emperors of the Tiandao Continent finally began to suffer casualties.

However, after all, the Tiandao Continent has strong sunlight and treasures such as Yaoyang Pearl.

Even if many emperors and evil ghosts came out, they were all killed.

As more and more emperors and evil ghosts died, the upper limit that could be accommodated began to slowly increase.

Finally, the reinforcement of the transmission vortex was completed and became more stable, and because the upper limit was increased, the emperor began to come without limit.

A large number of emperors and evil ghosts rushed out of the ghost cave and launched a tragic massacre.

The soldiers guarding the front line were slaughtered in an instant, and only the emperor ancestors ran away when they saw the situation was not good.

Because this is the human world and there is sunlight, the emperors and evil ghosts can't hold on for a few days.

But they are emperors and evil ghosts, and they devoured the billions of lives in Tiandao Dali inhumanely.

In the end, these emperors and evil ghosts were not killed by the sun, nor were they killed by the emperor ancestors of the Tiandao Road.

Instead, they were killed by those emperors.

Finally, when a certain number of evil ghost emperors died, the two worlds were completely connected.

The five great gods descended on the Tiandao Continent at the same time.

The five great gods did not attack the human territory, but jointly laid a monstrous formation to allow the ghost energy of the weird world to flow into the Tiandao Continent to a greater extent.

All the proud sons of heaven went on the field to fight against the evil ghosts and the weird, but the final result was already determined.

Under the step-by-step erosion of the ghost energy, the Tiandao Continent disappeared and turned into a piece of territory in the weird world.

The rules of the Tiandao Continent were also swallowed up by the weird world.

However, at the last moment of being swallowed, the Tiandao Continent used its own power to protect the only remaining piece of pure land in the Tiandao Continent, and it has been preserved to this day.

At the same time, this piece of pure land also sealed the proud sons of heaven who had not died in the Tiandao Continent at that time, which was regarded as the last fire of the Tiandao Continent.

"Father, are there still living people in the Tiandao Continent?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Chengqian in shock.

"Yes, they have been sleeping for 18,000 years. It's sad and lamentable that they reincarnate every thousand years, and I don't know when it will end."

"It would be great if they could go to your world." Mu Chengqian sighed.

Mu Rufeng caught the point in Mu Chengqian's words and hurriedly said: "Reincarnate every thousand years? What does this mean?"

"I can't enter the Pure Land, and I don't know who is in the Pure Land, but I know that they will follow me in the event that the Tiandao Continent is invaded by the weird world."

"They will play their own roles. Every time they enter, they will have no other memories, and their memories will only be restored when the copy ends."

"Every thousand years, they will suffer the destruction of the world. The moment their memories are restored will be unbearable. At the same time, because the resources of the Pure Land are limited, they can only fall into a deep sleep."

"I don't know how long they can hold on. Their final fate can only be to become weird." Mu Chengqian's tone was full of loneliness.

"Father, do you have to endure this pain every thousand years?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Chengqian.

"My memory is engraved in my heart, and I dare not forget it. Unfortunately, I can't go out, otherwise, I will kill all the weird ones!" Mu Chengqian said viciously.

"Father, I have a way that may allow the humans in the Pure Land to go to my world." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Hmm? Are you sure?" Mu Chengqian came forward and grabbed Mu Rufeng's hands.

Mu Rufeng opened Mu Chengqian's hands and then took out a login bracelet.

"Father, I wonder if you can see the properties of this bracelet." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course you can, I also know some things about the weird world now." Mu Chengqian took the login bracelet.

After reading the properties, he was shocked and said, "Is this property true? You mean, let them wear the bracelet, and then kill them, they will be protected by the bracelet and teleported back to your world?"

"Yes, they are human beings, no matter whether it is the human world I am in or not, as long as they wear the login bracelet, it will definitely be triggered." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, okay!" Mu Chengqian said yes three times in a row.

"Feng'er, I'll leave this to you. I can't enter the Pure Land, so you have to go." Mu Chengqian grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm again.

"Leave it to me." Mu Rufeng patted his chest and said.

The fire that can be saved by the rules of the Heavenly Dao Continent is definitely the pride of heaven, and most of them must be level eight soul refiners.

It is definitely a great help to let them go to the real world. I believe they will not resist joining their China, right?

Moreover, Mu Rufeng thought of what Mu Chengqian said, those people in the Pure Land will also play their own identities and reincarnate once.

In other words, Mu Rufeng can definitely see acquaintances, and those acquaintances will also have memories of this time.

"Will Zhao Yanran be in there?" Mu Rufeng's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and a different emotion filled his heart.

"Without further delay, I will send you there now. Your mission has been completed. I can only keep you for half an hour at most." Mu Chengqian said.

"It's enough, half an hour is enough." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Then, Mu Rufeng felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then, Mu Rufeng appeared in a familiar place.

"You have been here before, this is the Tianzi Treasure House, and it is precisely because there are enough resources in the treasure house that the rules make this place a pure land." Mu Chengqian said.

Wow, this pure land is actually in the Tianzi Treasure House of the Imperial Palace.

Without waiting for Mu Rufeng to reply, Mu Chengqian directly pinched the seal.

The array pattern lit up, but the door did not open. Then a suction force came instantly, and then Mu Rufeng sank directly into the treasure house.

The inside of the Tianzi treasure house was very different from when Mu Rufeng entered before.

When he entered at that time, the sky was full of stars, and each starlight was placed in a treasure.

But now the stars have dimmed and there are few left.

The ground was originally covered with cultivation resources, but now only the floor is left.

The originally rich spiritual energy is now very few here.

However, in front, there is a place with richer spiritual energy.

There are many white eggs there, and many resources are placed around, piled up into a small hill.

It seems that these are the last resources in the treasure house.

And those white eggs, as expected, are those sleeping geniuses.

Mu Rufeng stepped forward, and suddenly, a message emerged in his mind.

[Rules of the Imperial Palace's Tianzi Treasure House]

1. Only living humans can enter the treasure house.

2. All humans who enter it must fall into a deep sleep within one hour.

3. The lifespan of humans who fall into a deep sleep in the treasure house will stagnate.

4. When resources are exhausted, humans will not be able to fall asleep.

5. To wake up sleeping humans, please destroy the spiritual energy warehouse.

These rules let Mu Rufeng know why these people fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also knew that the rules of the Tiandao Continent could actually evolve like the rules of the weird world.

Mu Rufeng came to the first egg and then reached out to touch it.

It was very soft and sticky, just like jelly, and it felt like he could poke it with one poke.

Time was tight, he only had one hour, and he looked at the number of eggs here, which was not many, only one hundred.

Mu Rufeng immediately poked the egg, and the egg dissolved instantly, and then turned into spiritual energy.

An ugly man sitting cross-legged appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

His tightly closed eyes trembled for a moment, and then opened instantly.

"Where is this?" The ugly man was a little confused for a moment after waking up.

But when he saw Mu Rufeng, his eyes suddenly fixed, and then his memory instantly recovered: "Are you the Ninth Prince?"

"No, no, you are not the Ninth Prince, you are Mu Rufeng, yes, you are Mu Rufeng, how did you appear here?"

"Hello, Tuoba Zhan, it seems that you still have memories. This is the last piece of pure land in Tiandao Continent. You should know it, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

This ugly man is Tuoba Zhan, the eldest disciple of Lianshen Sect, and he is also the one who proposed to the Seventh Princess Mu Wuxia at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet.

"Yes, this is the Pure Land. The Tiandao Continent has been destroyed. They are dead, all dead. Everyone is dead."

"We can't leave here either. How many times has this happened? Seventeen or eighteen times? We can only wait here to die, and finally become weird."

Tuoba Zhan's expression collapsed instantly, and his spirit and energy were gone.

"Tuoba Zhan, don't be discouraged, put this on." Mu Rufeng took a login bracelet and stuffed it into Tuoba Zhan's hand.

"What is this?" Tuoba Zhan was stunned, and the attributes of the login bracelet appeared in front of Tuoba Zhan.

Although this is the Pure Land, it also belongs to the weird world. Tuoba Zhan is here, although he is not a player yet, but he can also check the attributes of items.

"I don't quite understand, this is" Although he saw the attributes clearly, Tuoba Zhan did not understand what it meant.

"You should know my identity. I am a human from another world that is about to be invaded by the strange world."

"I can't tell you a lot of information at once. Time is tight. I only have half an hour. You just need to know that after wearing this bracelet, when you encounter fatal danger, it will protect you and send you to my world." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Really? This bracelet can let me go to your world? The human world?" Tuoba Zhan's spirit and energy came back all of a sudden.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded in response.

"Wait, you just said that your world was also invaded by the strange world? How many strong people are there in your world? How many emperors are there? Are there gods?" Tuoba Zhan asked hurriedly.

"This. There are no gods in our world, no emperors, and even no gods." Mu Rufeng said.

"How is this possible? There is no god realm. How can you resist the invasion of the strange world? Wait for death. What if I go? It's just waiting to die." Tuoba Zhan said self-deprecatingly.

"You, okay, you can see for yourself."

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and just flicked his fingers, and the information about the invasion of the real world and the strange world and the copy world was immersed in his mind.

When Tuoba Zhan finished digesting it, he was in shock.

"You don't even have warriors, it's a completely ordinary world, but, but why is the strange world invading your world like this."

"Also, you can actually cultivate ghost energy and not be eroded? In this way, even if the strange world invades, you can survive in the strange world!!!"

Tuoba Zhan was shocked, and then his face showed ecstasy.

In this way, they can forget about Mu Rufeng's world and enter the strange world as players, and then start to become stronger.

"Can you stop talking nonsense now? These are for you. We will wake up everyone as soon as possible and give them this login bracelet."

Mu Rufeng directly stuffed a hundred login bracelets to him, and then quickly woke up the remaining white eggs.

Every time Mu Rufeng broke a white egg, Mu Rufeng didn't wait for them to wake up, and directly took a login bracelet and put it on their hands.

Tuoba Zhan over there was also acting quickly. Seeing how Mu Rufeng did, he followed suit.

Soon, all ninety-nine white eggs were broken, and those people woke up, leaving only the last one in front of Mu Rufeng.

Among the people who were awakened in front, Mu Rufeng did see a lot of familiar faces, Jian Yifeng, Mu Wuxia, and even the Sixth Prince!

But, he never saw Zhao Yanran.

Mu Rufeng stood in front of the last white egg, his expression was extremely solemn, and his heart was extremely nervous.

Finally, Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and poked the remaining white egg.

The white eggshell turned into spiritual energy and scattered, and a strange fragrance came to his face.

A peerless beauty appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng smiled, and this person was Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran's beautiful eyes slowly opened, and what came into view was Mu Rufeng's face.

"Your Highness? No, that's not right, you are Mu Rufeng, you are not the Ninth Prince."

Zhao Yanran blurted out "Your Highness" after seeing Mu Rufeng, but soon reacted and knew that Mu Rufeng was not the Ninth Prince.

Although they entered the dungeon world in the state of souls to play their own roles, once they woke up, they would also have memories of this aspect.

"It's me, I thought I would never see you again." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Zhao Yanran was silent, she didn't know how to speak.

After a long time, she spoke.

"Thank you, thank you for saving the Tiandao Continent, thank you for waking me up." Zhao Yanran also smiled and thanked him.

"Brother Mu, what's going on? We don't understand what Tuoba Zhan said." At this time, Jian Feng came to Mu Rufeng and looked at him.

"Xiaojiu. Mu Rufeng." The seventh princess Mu Wuxia also came over.

Mu Wuxia is very different from before. She used to be lively and jumpy, but now she is very calm and mature, and even has a vicissitude in her eyes.

Or, everyone has such an emotion in their eyes.

There is no hope for the future. After eighteen reincarnations, the Tiandao Continent has been destroyed eighteen times.

Only the hundred of them are left, waiting to die in this last pure land, their hearts are full of confusion, despair and numbness, and there is no light in their eyes.

It was just that when they saw Mu Rufeng appearing here, they were slightly shocked.

Mu Rufeng also helped them to successfully defeat the Tiandao Continent, which made their hearts active again.

But that was all, because they still couldn't leave here, they could only wait to die here.

I don't know whether they will perish in the 19th or 30th world.

"You can look at the bracelet on your hand. With it, you will be able to go to my world."

"Too many things, I can't explain them clearly for a while. I will tell you with the method of spiritual transmission, and you will understand."

Mu Rufeng finished speaking, flicked his finger, and several rays of light sank into the foreheads of Zhao Yanran and others.

Then Mu Rufeng's hands launched a series of shots, and soon, more than a hundred people received Mu Rufeng's spiritual transmission.

When everyone digested this information, they looked down at the landing bracelet on their right hand, their eyes full of hope.

A chance for them to leave here and live again, or even continue to become stronger, and survive in a strange world.

"Little Mu Rufeng, are the information you gave true?" Mu Wuxia said tremblingly.

"Seventh sister, the information is true." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Xiaojiu." Mu Wuxia heard Mu Rufeng still calling him the seventh sister, and there was a touch of special affection in his eyes again.

"You will always be my seventh sister, and I have all the memories of His Highness the Ninth." Mu Rufeng said.

"Xiaojiu, thank you, thank you." Mu Wuxia's eyes were filled with tears.

"Actually, I just met the emperor, and he sent me in." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Father? Is he not dead yet?" Mu Wuxia got excited and quickly stepped forward to grab Mu Rufeng's shoulders.

"How should I put it? The state of the emperor at this moment is just like those weird ones. He has his own consciousness, but because of the rules, he can only stay in the forbidden land." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is that so?" Mu Wuxia didn't know how to express his emotions for a moment.

"Everyone should know from the information that the world I live in is an ordinary world, there are no warriors, no spiritual practitioners, and no demons."

"There are only ordinary people, and I am from the official department of China, so I hope you can start a new life in China."

"But don't commit crimes. We will have special people to lead you to adapt to the new life. If there is someone, I will do it myself."

Mu Rufeng said at the end, emphasizing his tone, and the breath in his body also emanated.

The cultivation of the divine realm made everyone tremble.

Most of these people are level eight soul refiners, and only two of them are in the God Realm.

One is Jian Feng, who is in the early stage of the God Realm, and the other is the Sixth Prince, who is his nominal sixth brother Mu Wuyu.

These two are indeed contemporary geniuses, and they have broken through to the God Realm in just a few years since the invasion of the strange world.

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry, if anyone commits a crime, I will never let him go." Mu Wuyu looked around and said.

"I will also keep an eye on them, Brother Mu, don't worry." Jian Feng said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, we will definitely not."

"Your Highness, we are not that kind of people, and we will supervise each other."

"Now that Your Highness's world has not been invaded, we have failed to protect the Tiandao Continent, so we naturally have to protect Your Highness's world."

Everyone shouted loudly, and everyone's face was full of energy and spirit at this moment, without the previous confusion, despair and numbness.

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