I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 327 Return and the Mu Wuxia Murder Case [10,000 words]

"Yanran, you. I." Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Yanran, wanting to speak, but not knowing how to start.

"You are His Highness, and you are also Mu Rufeng. How do you think I should address you?" Zhao Yanran had a smile on her face.

"Ahem, you should still call me Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng said with two dry coughs.

"No, I still like to call you His Highness." Zhao Yanran smiled, stunningly beautiful.

"Okay, okay, now that everyone knows, can we start and go to the new world?" Tuoba Zhan stepped forward and said.

He was the first to come out and the first to know about the new world, and he couldn't wait to go back.

"Yes, time is running out, start, but everyone, after going to the real world, still have to go to the capital to gather."

"If you don't know the place, just find a passerby to ask."

"At that time, we will arrange a new identity for you, so that you can live in the new world." Mu Rufeng said.

"The capital, right? OK." Tuoba Zhan nodded repeatedly.

"Huaxia, headquarters of relevant departments in Beijing. When you arrive, tell them my name and I will tell them when I come over."

"Also, the landing bracelet will devour one of your arms, but it doesn't matter. I will use other methods to restore you. There will be no difference."

Although these Tianjiao did not mention the punishment for losing this arm, Mu Rufeng still felt that it was necessary to explain it.

"Can the arm be restored? That's great."

"Yes, I'm ready to really lose an arm."

"This is the best way to do it." Everyone was relieved.

"Huaxia, headquarters of relevant departments in Beijing, okay, I remember." Jian Yifeng nodded, then looked at Mu Wuxia: "Xia'er, I will find you as soon as possible."

"Why are you looking for me? Just go to the place Xiaojiu said to gather." Mu Wuxia said.

"I'm worried, I want to find you. If you go to the new world, stay where you are and don't leave. I will come to find you." Jian Yifeng said.

"Yeah." Mu Wuxia responded softly.

"Seventh sister, it seems that you and Brother Jian are really married." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"You should call me brother-in-law. I have been married to your brother-in-law for eighteen times." Mu Wuxia said with a smile.

"Brother Tuoba, did you propose to Seventh sister eighteen times?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something and looked at Tuoba Zhan.

Tuoba Zhan's face darkened when he heard this, and then he said with a painful face: "Let's not talk about this topic, okay? I have been beaten by Brother Jian eighteen times."


A group of Tianjiao laughed suddenly, and the treasure house suddenly became full of laughter.

"Then I will beat you again." Jian Yi said, and the long sword in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath.

A sword light flashed, and a light appeared on Tuoba Zhan's body.

It was the landing bracelet that worked. This sword can be said to have killed Tuoba Zhan.

"Brother Jian is still so vengeful!!!" Tuoba Zhan only had time to say this sentence before he disappeared from the spot.

"Brother Jian, please take me for a ride!"

The group of Tianjiao also bowed to Jian Yifeng at this time.

Jian Yifeng did not refuse, but just nodded slightly, and then drew his sword again.

This time it was still a sword light, but this sword light directly passed through all the Tianjiao.

The landing bracelets on these Tianjiao were also triggered at the same time, and then went to the real world.

However, there were still a few people who were not killed, that is, the Sixth Prince, Mu Wuxia and Zhao Yanran.

"Then I'll trouble Brother Mu." Jian Yifeng looked at Mu Rufeng and bowed.

"Xiao Jiu, do it." Mu Wuxia on the side also said.

Mu Rufeng nodded, drew out the Xiuchun serrated knife, and was about to chop someone, but Jian Yifeng hurriedly said: "Brother Mu, chop my neck. The clothes on my body are magic weapons. It is difficult to repair them if they are damaged."

"Oh, okay, eh, by the way, these resources should also be taken away, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something and pointed to the cultivation resources around him.

"Yes, I almost forgot that these resources should be taken away." Mu Wuyu also said.

Afterwards, several people discussed it and decided that the three of them would take them all away. They wanted to give them to Mu Rufeng, but Mu Rufeng refused because he really didn't lack resources.

As for Zhao Yanran, she was the deputy pavilion master of Lingyan Pavilion. When she was teleported to the Pure Land by the Heavenly Dao Continent, she also had a batch of resources in her hands.

In other words, all the Tianjiao had already received the warning of the Heavenly Dao rules, and when they entered the Pure Land, they had already stored a batch of resources.

For example, most of the resources in the palace treasury were consumed to provide spiritual energy for them when they were sleeping.

However, even if it took 18,000 years, the remaining resources were still very much, and even enough for the soul refiners present to cultivate to the divine realm.

Then, Mu Rufeng sent Jian Feng and Mu Wuxia back to the real world.

Mu Rufeng looked at Mu Wuyu again.

The latter refused: "You don't have to do it, I'll do it myself."

Mu Wuyu finished speaking, stretched out his right hand and punched himself on the head.

The light bloomed instantly, and then wrapped Mu Wuyu and left the Pure Land.

"Yanran, why did you take off the login bracelet?" When Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Yanran, he found that he had actually taken off the login bracelet on his right hand.

Zhao Yanran didn't say anything, slowly put the login bracelet on her left hand, and then took out a bracelet and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

"Your Highness, can you help me put it on?" Zhao Yanran's eyes fell on Mu Rufeng's face.

Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Yanran, and his heart moved. Then he reached out to take the bracelet and put it on Zhao Yanran.

He didn't expect that this Tiancui bracelet was real.

"It's really beautiful. Thank you for the gift. I like it very much. Send me to your world." Zhao Yanran carefully stroked the Tiancui bracelet on her right hand.

"Take this. When you go to the real world, this phone rings, just press and hold the green icon and slide up." Mu Rufeng said, handing his mobile phone to Zhao Yanran.

"Okay." Zhao Yanran didn't ask, and nodded after taking the phone.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took action, very gently, but the damage was not reduced.

The light flashed, and Zhao Yanran's figure disappeared here.

When Zhao Yanran disappeared, a prompt sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Congratulations to the player for completing the special hidden task: Mu Chengqian's wish]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

Mu Rufeng looked around, and the treasure house was already empty. This only pure land will eventually dissipate.

"Return immediately!" Mu Rufeng muttered silently, and his body disappeared in an instant.

And when Mu Rufeng disappeared, the array patterns in the treasure house suddenly became invalid, and then a large amount of ghost energy filled the air and occupied the entire treasure house in an instant.


When Mu Rufeng came to his senses, he found himself back in his home in Wancheng District, Changsha.

"Finally I'm back, it's been almost five months." Mu Rufeng glanced around and felt more relaxed at home.

Mu Rufeng didn't see how much time had passed, let alone settle the reward, because there was no time at all now.

He immediately went to his bedroom and took out his old mobile phone, Mi 6.

Although he changed to a new phone, Mu Rufeng kept this old phone.

At the same time, there was a secondary card in it, which could be used to make calls.

It was just that Mi 6 had not been used for a long time and had run out of power.

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to wait for charging, so he stretched out his finger and pointed it at the charging port. Then he saw a flash of light, and Mi 6 was fully charged in an instant.

Although the charging speed was very fast, the battery was about to be scrapped, but it was enough for Mu Rufeng to make a call.

Mu Rufeng opened the phone book and dialed his number immediately.

The number rang about two or three times, and then it was connected.

"Yanran? Yanran, can you hear it? It's me, I'm Mu Rufeng."

"Listen, I can hear it, what is this, why can it make your voice?" Zhao Yanran was very surprised.

The information that Mu Rufeng sent to them about the real world was only relatively basic, and it was briefly introduced.

Like some electrical appliances, technological products, that's not available.

"This thing is called a mobile phone, it can be contacted in real time within 10,000 miles, let's not talk about that for now, where are you now? I'll come to find you." Mu Rufeng said.


Somewhere in a modern city square.

Zhao Yanran was wearing an ancient costume, and she also put on a veil on her face again. Her extraordinary temperament and tall figure made everyone who passed by take a look.

There were even many people who took out their mobile phones to take pictures of Zhao Yanran.

However, no one came forward to chat with her, not for anything else, but because Zhao Yanran's temperament was too good, those people didn't dare to come forward to chat with her.

"Well, I don't know where this place is. There are so many tall buildings around, and many people are looking at me." Zhao Yanran put the phone to her ear and said softly.

In order to prevent herself from becoming strange, Zhao Yanran used the power of qi and blood to transform an arm so that she would not be so strange.

"Are there any special buildings, or names and road names? Do you know simplified Chinese characters? I use traditional Chinese characters in Guantiandao Continent." Mu Rufeng's voice came from the phone.

"Although it is a little different, it should be correct. There is a building in front of me with Wanda Plaza and Shencheng Longgang written on it?" Zhao Yanran said.

"I know where it is. Wait, I'll be there soon... Bang!"

Before Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he saw that the battery of his mobile phone exploded directly.

There was no way. He had charged too violently before. It was a blessing to be able to make such a long call.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng disappeared from the spot.

Then he appeared in the outside world, soaring into the sky, and clouds formed under his feet in an instant, and then he flew towards Shencheng.

Changsha is only about 800 kilometers away from Shencheng Longgang. At his speed, he can arrive soon.


Zhao Yanran saw that the mobile phone screen was gone and there was no sound of Mu Rufeng, so she prepared to put the phone away.

But soon, the phone rang again.

Zhao Yanran looked at the name on the caller ID and was a little stunned.

"Ye Lin? Is that the Ye Lin who is the commander of the new army?" Zhao Yanran swiped the green icon upwards as Mu Rufeng taught her.

The call was connected.

"My Minister Mu, you finally answered the phone. There are a lot of people here, all of them are from the dungeon. Do you know what's going on?"

"They came over and directly reported your name. You should come over quickly." As soon as the call was connected, Ye Lin's slightly anxious voice came out.

"Commander Wang? I am Zhao Yanran. His Highness is not here." After hearing Ye Lin's voice, Zhao Yanran immediately confirmed that Ye Lin was the commander of the new army.

"Ah? You are... You are Miss Yanran?" Ye Lin's voice suddenly rose by eighteen degrees.

Zhao Yanran pursed her lips slightly and smiled softly: "It's me. His Highness will be here soon. I will tell him what you said. Do you have anything else to do?"

"No, no, you can ask Minister Mu to come as soon as possible." Ye Lin originally wanted to ask about the matter, but he didn't want to ask anymore.

He still wanted to arrange these people from Tiandao Continent and wait for Mu Rufeng to come by himself.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yanran put away the things.

"Miss, you are so beautiful, can we take a photo?"

At this time, two young ladies in ancient costumes came over and looked at Zhao Yanran expectantly.

Although Zhao Yanran didn't understand what taking photos meant, she didn't feel any ill will from the two, so she smiled and nodded.

Immediately, the two girls stood beside Zhao Yanran, and later took several selfies.

Before leaving, they also gave Zhao Yanran an unopened cup of milk tea and an ice cream.

Zhao Yanran couldn't refuse, so she took it.

Zhao Yanran didn't know how to eat it, but she saw that many of the people watching her were holding milk tea and eating ice cream.

She followed suit, inserted the straw into the cup, and then opened her cherry mouth and sucked gently, and the milk tea instantly entered her mouth, accompanied by the chewy pudding and coconut.

Zhao Yanran's eyes lit up immediately, and she drank a large cup of milk tea in one breath.

Then she opened the package of the ice cream and took a small bite. She was also shocked by the taste of the ice cream, and soon ate the ice cream.

"My God, this young lady is not only beautiful, but also has a big appetite."

"Yeah, a big cup of milk tea, she drank it all in one breath, what kind of appetite is this."

"I am a 1.85 meter tall man from Northeast China, and it takes two breaths to drink a big cup of milk tea."

The people around whispered.

Zhao Yanran suddenly walked forward, and then came to the trash can, and then threw the trash in.

It must be said that Zhao Yanran's adaptability is still very strong.

Although she was in an unfamiliar environment and was watched by many people, she did not feel uncomfortable at all.

After all, this scene, in fact, in Zhao Yanran's view, was really just a small scene that could not be smaller.

At this time, Zhao Yanran sensed something and looked up at the sky.

Immediately, a figure suddenly appeared from the clouds, and then fell straight down at a very fast speed.

When it was about to land, it disappeared in an instant, and when it appeared again, it appeared in front of Zhao Yanran.

"Yanran, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long." Mu Rufeng said apologetically.

"Not long." Zhao Yanran smiled and said, "By the way, Your Highness, Commander Wang talked to me through the phone you gave me before, and he asked you to go back."

Zhao Yanran returned the phone to Mu Rufeng.

"Commander Ye? Oh, you mean Minister Wang Ye Lin, right?" Mu Rufeng took it and reacted.

"Then let's go."

As Mu Rufeng finished speaking, clouds rose from the feet of the two, and then quickly rose into the air and disappeared.

The people around them widened their eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

"Fuck, what the hell?"

"Who is this person? So handsome, suddenly appeared, and can also ride the cloud?"

"Damn, this is definitely a contractor, I said, how can this woman be so beautiful."

"Ah, I remember, the man is Mu Rufeng, the deputy director of the relevant department!!!"

"Yes, it's Mu Rufeng, changed into ancient clothes and hairstyle, I almost made a mistake."


On the way.

Mu Rufeng said: "How is it, are you still adapting? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"No, although the spiritual energy here is not abundant, there is nothing uncomfortable, and this world is so prosperous, so magical, and the food is delicious."

Zhao Yanran recalled the milk tea and ice cream just now, she felt a little unsatisfied.

After all, she hadn't eaten for 18,000 years, not to mention how huge the lethality of milk tea and ice cream was to ancient people.

"Did you eat just now?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Well, two very cute girls said they wanted to take a photo with me, and then they gave me a drink, and a white and black, cold pastry, which was delicious." Zhao Yanran still wanted to eat, but she felt that she had to be more reserved, and it seemed not good to ask Mu Rufeng directly.

"You are talking about milk tea and ice cream, right? I like them too, but few people eat ice cream in winter now."

"I have some here, give it to you, and by the way, there are also skewers. It will take us some time to get to Beijing, so you eat first."

Mu Rufeng said, and took out some food from Xiaoying's inventory space.

"Okay." Zhao Yanran couldn't resist these foods, and after taking them, she ate them in small bites.

The explosion of taste buds made Zhao Yanran very happy and enjoyable, especially with someone accompanying him.

Five minutes later, Mu Rufeng took him to the sky above the Beijing headquarters.

"Have we arrived yet?" Zhao Yanran saw Mu Rufeng stop and asked hurriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry, eat slowly." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Eat later, His Highness's business is the most important." Zhao Yanran put the unfinished milk tea, ice cream and skewers directly into her storage ring.

After packing up, Zhao Yanran also performed a small trick to remove the oil stains on her mouth.

Soon Mu Rufeng took Zhao Yanran to find Ye Lin.

"Brother Mu, my brother Mu, you are finally back, what is going on?"

"I asked them, they didn't say anything, just waited here, saying they would wait for you to come back."

"There are 28 of these people, they are all very strong, all from the copy world." Ye Lin first glanced at Zhao Yanran, and then shouted to Mu Rufeng.

The third forbidden land is a place that cannot be said. Ye Lin cannot talk about the Tiandao Continent, so he can only say that they are all from the copy world.

"Where are they now? I'll go find them." Mu Rufeng said.

"I arranged them in the conference room."

"Well, let's go. By the way, remember, there are a total of 100 people. You use the power of the official to find powerful people in ancient costumes all over the world." Mu Rufeng said.

"One hundred?" Ye Lin thought there were only 30 or 40 people, but he didn't expect there were actually 100.

"These people are the only humans in the Pure Land. I used the landing bracelet to teleport them all to the real world."

"I asked them to gather at the headquarters in Beijing. You arrange someone to pick them up, and then arrange their food and accommodation, and then arrange their identities." Mu Rufeng said.

"This, this, this" Ye Lin was shocked again.

What Mu Rufeng said really shocked him.

"You can arrange it yourself. The matter is a bit big. I have to report it to the higher-ups." Ye Lin said.

"Okay, go ahead." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Soon Mu Rufeng brought Zhao Yanran to the conference room.

At this moment, there were quite a few people in the conference room, all wearing ancient costumes. People who didn't know the situation thought they were doing ancient costume COS.

"Hello, Your Highness." Everyone saluted to Mu Rufeng.

"No need to be polite. You should know my identity, and we don't have so many rules here." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"You're used to it. Your Highness should not mind us calling you Your Highness, right?" A Tianjiao said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng knew that this person was a disciple of a certain family who served in the new army.

"No, of course not. I believe everyone should have some understanding of the real world. Next, there will be someone to explain some things to you."

"They will guide you on how to live in this world. Some people have not arrived yet. They must have been teleported to all parts of the world."

"I have to run around a lot to find them all." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Everyone saluted again.

Although there are not so many rules here, these people can't change this habit for a while.

"By the way, I will help you recover the arm you lost due to the login bracelet." Mu Rufeng said, taking out the flesh and blood growth device.

"I thought your highness had forgotten it." A Tianjiao joked.

"You know what, it's really inconvenient to lose an arm."

"Yes, it feels weird."

The Tianjiao shook the broken arm and said.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to repair the broken arms for others.

As for Zhao Yanran, Mu Rufeng had already helped her recover when they were on the road.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, all the broken arms of everyone were restored by Mu Rufeng.

Then Mu Rufeng took out another login bracelet and handed it to them.

"You are now considered players. Every seven days, you have to enter the strange world to participate in the dungeon game."

"After level three, enter the dungeon every month. After level five, you can enter the dungeon once every three months." Mu Rufeng briefly explained the rules of the dungeon.

"Strange world, humph, I will kill people after I enter." A Tianjiao said murderously.

"Each copy has its own rules. Although you are powerful, it is better not to mess around."

"And for future considerations, I think it is best for you to contract strangeness. This will allow you to cultivate ghost power and exert your maximum combat power in the strange world." Mu Rufeng said.

Everyone fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Mu Rufeng did not disturb them. After all, it was a bit difficult to change their thoughts all at once.

Soon, a group of people came in.

These people included contractors and clerks. They were the people arranged by Ye Lin before.

"Now that they are here, you should follow them to understand this world." Mu Rufeng did not disturb them again, but left the meeting room with Zhao Yanran.

"Yanran, don't you want to study together?" Looking at Zhao Yanran who followed him out, Mu Rufeng asked.

"I want His Highness to teach me, is that okay?" Zhao Yanran looked up at Mu Rufeng.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng smiled. He would not refuse.

"How about I take you to visit our world?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Okay, I want to visit the new world too." Zhao Yanran smiled happily.

"Then we won't ride the clouds, let Xiaolong take us to play."

Mu Rufeng said, and summoned Xiaolong directly.

"Huh? This creature is so magical, it's a dragon, but it doesn't look like one. It seems to be a bit like the tribal totem of the barbarians."

"Also, how did you make it?" Zhao Yanran seemed a little surprised by the appearance of Xiaolong.

"Haha, this is my contracted ghost. It usually stays in my contract slot space and can come out after summoning."

Mu Rufeng explained, and then jumped directly on the back of Xiaolong.

After that, Mu Rufeng took out the bandage and immediately fixed two chairs on the back of Xiaolong.

"Come on, Yanran."


Soon, the two of them flew up to the sky on Xiaolong.


Somewhere in the island country.

Mu Wuxia was confused by the tall buildings and the busy traffic in front of her.

She learned some modern information from Mu Rufeng's spiritual transmission, but when she really appeared in front of him, she was still extremely shocked.

The only bad thing is that this place doesn't seem to be China.

Because Mu Rufeng said that the language of China is not much different from theirs, and they can understand it almost at once.

But the language here is like bird language, chattering, and it is impossible to understand.

And this language seems to be called the Japanese by the island country that was destroyed by the previous dynasty in the Tiandao Continent.

"Why hasn't my husband come yet?" Mu Wuxia glanced at the Heart Jade and walked around here.

Through the Heart Jade, the two can determine their respective locations.

Just now, Jian Yifeng has spoken to him and asked her to wait where she is and she will be there soon.

But now five minutes have passed, and there is no figure, but it can be found that Jian Yifeng is getting closer and closer to her.

Mu Wuxia is very beautiful and tall. She is wearing a gorgeous palace dress. Standing in the short crowd, she is simply a crane standing out among chickens.

Most men in the island country are not as tall as Mu Wuxia.

Therefore, wherever Mu Wuxia passes, she directly attracts everyone's attention.

Even the driver on the road got into a car accident just to see Mu Wuxia more.

The crowd also took out their mobile phones to take pictures of Mu Wuxia, and kept exclaiming.

"Beauty, are you lonely walking on the road alone? Do you want to go to the bar with us?"

"Our boss is a level 5 contractor, very powerful."

"Beauty, my boss likes you."

At this time, three figures squeezed through the crowd, caught up with Mu Wuxia, and stopped her.

Mu Wuxia frowned as she looked at the three people who suddenly appeared.

She didn't understand Japanese, but from their faces and expressions, they must have said something bad.

"Get out of the way." Mu Wuxia said in a cold voice without changing her expression.

"Eh? Boss, she seems to be speaking Chinese, and it sounds pretty nice."

"Yes, yes, the voice is really nice, and she is so beautiful and tall, Boss, you are so lucky."

The two younger brothers exclaimed, their saliva almost flowing out, but they did not dare to move, just flattering their boss.

"Hehe, it seems that I have to learn from the martyrs today and QQ a flower girl. Oh, no, it looks like this dress COS should be a princess." Miyake Fumio showed a lewd and greedy smile on his face.

Mu Wuxia frowned, she wanted to kill the Japanese in front of her, but thinking of what her ninth brother said, don't commit crimes and kill innocent people, she could only give up.

Immediately, Mu Wuxia turned around and walked to the back.

Since they blocked the way in front of her, she would just walk to the other side.

However, the two younger brothers suddenly came forward and stopped her again.

"Young lady, don't run away, play with me." This sentence was said by Miyake Fumio in poor Chinese.

While speaking, he also reached out to grab Mu Wuxia's important parts. This guy really couldn't help it, even on the street, even in public.

There was no way, who made him a contractor, contractors in the island country can almost be exempted from any crime.

Mu Wuxia's face turned cold, and just the next second, a sword light came.

In an instant, the arms of the three people were directly cut off.

Then, a man came from behind with a sword, and Jian Yifeng jumped off the sword and landed beside Mu Wuxia.

The sword in the air automatically returned to the scabbard hanging on Jian Yifeng's waist.

"Husband, you are here." The originally cold Mu Wuxia looked up at Jian Yifeng, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah." Jian Yifeng smiled slightly, and then looked at the three people whose arms were cut off with cold eyes.

If it weren't for Mu Rufeng's previous warning, the heads of these three people would have flown off now.


The three people realized it later and finally felt the severe pain from the wound, and screamed immediately.

"Boss, boss, kill them, he dared to cut our hands."

"My hand, boss, hurry up, kill him, you are the contractor."

The two younger brothers immediately shouted at the contractor.

"Baga, you are looking for death." The contractor was also angry.

He didn't suffer such a big injury in the copy. In this real world, he is a superior person, but he still had his hand cut off?

The next moment, a strange hand grew out of the broken arm of the contractor. The strange hand was blue skin, covered with pustules, and a foul smell came.

"Weird?" Jian Yifeng's face was instantly filled with murderous intent.

"Weird, die!"

Mu Wuxia took action, and she punched out of thin air, and then the body of the contractor exploded directly, deader than dead.

"My wife, have you forgotten that this person is the contractor that Brother Mu mentioned, and he made a contract with Weiyi to gain their abilities." Jian Yifeng said.

"Sorry, husband, I was so angry when I saw Weiyi that I even forgot what my ninth brother said."

"What should I do now? My ninth brother won't blame me, right?" After Mu Wuxia killed someone, she regretted it for a while.

She had just arrived in the new world, and she valued Mu Rufeng's instructions very much, but, but why couldn't she hold back.

"Forget it, just say that I killed him. If Brother Mu wants to punish him, then punish him. Let's go to the capital quickly."

The long sword was unsheathed, and Jian Yifeng immediately pulled Mu Wuxia onto the flying sword, and then quickly disappeared into the night sky.

Both of them lost their left arms, leaving only their right arms, but to be honest, standing was not a big problem.

Soon, the two of them crossed the island and came to the sea.

Jian Yifeng was holding a mobile phone at the moment, and there was a map on the phone.

This was after Jian Yifeng appeared, he was pulled by several girls to take pictures, and then Jian Yifeng humbly asked for advice.

The last little girl generously gave Jian Yifeng her newly bought mobile phone, and also helped Jian Yifeng download the world offline map, taught him how to read the map, etc.

With Jian Yifeng's comprehension, it was not difficult to learn, and that was why Jian Yifeng came a little late.

Suddenly, Jian Yifeng stopped, and then kept turning around with his mobile phone.

"Husband, what's wrong?" Mu Wuxia was a little confused as to why Jian Yifeng stopped.

"This direction is confused, it seems that we ran too fast, let me see if we are going the wrong way." Jian Yifeng explained.

"Oh." Mu Wuxia responded, and then looked at Jian Yifeng quietly.

As she watched, Mu Wuxia became a little crazy. No matter how she looked at him, she thought her husband was really good-looking.

"Hmm? Husband, someone is here. It seems to be a more powerful contractor from the Japanese." Mu Wuxia said.

"No problem, it should be the Japanese official. It's just right. I'll explain it to them." Jian Yifeng said.

Soon, three figures appeared not far away.

As soon as the three appeared, their eyes were attracted by Mu Wuxia.

Mu Rufeng's beauty amazed them.

But soon, their faces changed drastically.

"Mu Mu Wuxia, the seventh princess of the Dali Dynasty?" Mei Chuan Neiku was shocked.

"The seventh princess, and Jian Yifeng, this... how is this possible, aren't you natives in the copy? Why, why did you appear in the real world."

"Impossible, how is this possible!!!"

The other two level seven contractors were also shocked.

"It's you, you are Meichuan Neiku from Huoye Village? Oh, you should be a contractor from this world."

"Sorry, just now your people tried to molest my wife, I couldn't help it and killed that person, I'm really sorry!" Jian Yifeng apologized.

"Jian Yifeng, what realm are you in now?" Meichuan Neiku asked.

He is now an eighth-level contractor. At the beginning, he thought he could beat Jian Yifeng in the Soul Refining Realm, but who would have thought that he was defeated by a sword.

At that time, he could still feel Jian Yifeng's breath, but now, he can't even sense Jian Yifeng's breath, so he asked this question.

"God Realm." Jian Yifeng said lightly.

Meichuan Neiku's heart tightened, and then he hurriedly said: "Mr. Jian, I'm really sorry, that guy deserved it and should be killed."

"Mr. Jian, from what you said before, you also know that you are from the copy world. I don't know why you and Her Royal Highness the Princess appear in the real world."

Jian Yifeng heard this and said: "Your Highness used the landing bracelet to teleport us to the real world. We still need to rush to the headquarters in Beijing."

As soon as the voice fell, Jian Yifeng took Mu Wuxia away from here.

Meichuan Neiku wanted to stop him, but he was powerless.

Don't say that Jian Yifeng is in the God Realm, even if Jian Yifeng is in the Soul Refining Realm, he has no confidence that he can stop Jian Yifeng.

"Minister Meichuan, this... This is too unbelievable, right?"

"Natives, they are natives, how can they appear in the real world."

The two level seven contractors were also shocked.

"I don't know. You two go back quickly and pass the news to the contractors from all over the world. I'm going to the capital of China." Meichuan Kuzi said, and disappeared directly on the spot.

No matter what, this Jedi is a major event. He also has the right to know and he also wants to participate.


It's noon.

Mu Rufeng took Zhao Yanran to a state banquet hall to enjoy lunch.

At this moment, Zhao Yanran's ancient costume has been changed into a not so exaggerated Hanfu skirt.

I have to say that even if she changed her clothes, she is still so beautiful.

Moon-white skin, eyes like stars twinkling. She is wearing Hanfu, and her cloud-like hair dances with the wind. She is so beautiful that people will be intoxicated by her stunning beauty at a glance.

Those who are eating around them also frequently look at their booths.

There are men and women, all of whom are attracted by the appearance of Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran.

"How is it? How does it taste? Does it suit your taste?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Well, it's delicious. I really didn't expect that the food in this world is so rich."

"And these ingredients are the most common ingredients. If spiritual materials are used, the taste must be more delicious." Zhao Yanran is extremely obsessed with the food in the real world.

It can be said that all along the way, it was just eating and eating, and she never stopped at all.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Zhao Yanran's stomach. She had eaten so much, but it was still so flat, without the slightest bulge.

"Spiritual materials are very common in the weird world. I still have a lot of finished food here." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Don't give it to me first. I want to eat all the food in this world and then eat the food in the weird world." Zhao Yanran hurriedly stopped him.

Mu Rufeng smiled and didn't speak.

Just then, Mu Rufeng's phone rang.

Mu Rufeng took it out and saw that it was Ye Lin calling.

"Mu Rufeng, everyone is here. Jian Fengfeng and Mu Wuxia are here. Do you want to come?"

"Also, the foreign contractors have sent people to inquire about relevant information." Ye Lin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

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