I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 328 Settlement Rewards [10,000 words]

"Well, I'll be there soon." Mu Rufeng responded and hung up the phone.

"Eat quickly, everyone is here."

"Well." Zhao Yanran nodded slightly.

Soon, the two finished their meal, and after Mu Rufeng paid, he immediately took Zhao Yanran to Beijing.

Mu Rufeng met all the people in a stepped conference room.

Many of them were still in the state of broken arms.

At this moment, someone in the conference room was explaining some common sense to these geniuses.

Whether it was identity accommodation, mobile phone payment, etc., everything was available.

Each of them had a computer and a mobile phone in front of them, and even the ID cards had been made.

"You are finally here, here, this is Miss Yanran's ID card, mobile phone and computer." Ye Lin took all the items and handed them to Zhao Yanran.

"Thank you, but I already have a mobile phone." Zhao Yanran thanked him and returned the mobile phone.

"Okay." Ye Lin nodded, and then said: "Mu Rufeng, you go in and meet them, and restore their broken arms by the way, I will deal with those foreign contractors."

"Just drive those foreign contractors out, don't say anything to them." Mu Rufeng didn't care about those foreign contractors.

After the reward is settled, his level will be upgraded to level 5. Although level 5 is very weak, his martial arts cultivation is the God Realm, the ninth level of the God Realm.

Now he is not afraid of nuclear bombs.

"I was going to do this." Ye Lin smiled and left.

Then Mu Rufeng entered the meeting room.

Those people immediately noticed Mu Rufeng, and they stood up and shouted respectfully.

"Meet His Highness!"

"No need to be polite, no need to be polite." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and asked them to sit down.

"Well, pause for a moment, the people with broken arms come over, I will restore them first." Mu Rufeng took out the flesh and blood growth device and said.

Those people immediately stood up from their seats and then came down.

Including the Sixth Prince, Tuoba Zhan, Jian Fengfeng and Mu Wuxia and other familiar people.

After more than half an hour, everyone's arms were fully recovered.

These people are powerful, with strong blood and strong physical bodies. Naturally, the recovery of an arm is not as fast as that of ordinary people. At the same time, more soul notes are consumed.

But now soul notes are really just a number for Mu Rufeng.

"By the way, Xiaojiu, I appeared in Japan before and killed a contractor who wanted to molest me. This should be okay, right?" Mu Wuxia suddenly said.

"Japan? Island country? Molest you? Humph, that really deserves to be killed." Mu Rufeng snorted coldly.

"What? Someone dared to molest the seventh sister? Who is it? I will kill his whole family!" The Sixth Prince said murderously.

"Sixth brother, there is no need. It's okay if the person is dead. We don't like to destroy the family here." Mu Rufeng said hurriedly.

"By the way, do you all know how to use mobile phones now?" Mu Rufeng asked.


"This is very simple, I learned it in a moment."

"Yes, yes, I learned it in a moment, mobile phones are really magical, there are so many fun things."

"Yes, yes, I also created a WeChat account."

The group of Tianjiao said quickly.

"Then everyone should create a WeChat account, I will create a group for everyone, and we can talk directly in the group if we have anything in the future."

"If you don't know how to use it, you can teach me." Mu Rufeng shouted.

Then, everyone took their phones and started to create WeChat accounts.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Mu Rufeng created a group for everyone.

Mu Rufeng glanced at their avatars, all of which were their own selfies.

It must be said that except for some ugly people like Tuoba Zhan, everyone can be said to be handsome and beautiful.

And they are all wearing ancient costumes. At first glance, this avatar is really handsome and good-looking.

When the group was established, the messages inside were instantly refreshed on the screen. At first, the typing was very slow, followed by voice, and then pictures and various emoticons.

I have to say that these people learn really fast.

"Let me say a few more words. If you want to join our official department, you can do so."

"If you don't want to join, you can do whatever you want. As for where to live, we will arrange a place for you."

"Of course, you can also find a place to live by yourself. We have deposited 100 million RMB into your new bank card, and you can eat, drink and have fun."

"The only thing is that you must abide by the law. Is there any problem? Everyone? If you have any questions, you can raise them now." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's all, that's all."

"No problem, we all understand."

"Yes, Your Highness, we will definitely abide by the law."

A group of Tianjiao responded one after another.

"Then everyone will continue to study. I have something to deal with." Mu Rufeng said goodbye to everyone and left the meeting room.

Zhao Yanran still followed Mu Rufeng.

"Ding Dong!"

At this time, Mu Rufeng's WeChat notification sounded.

And it rang several times in succession.

Mu Rufeng took out his phone and found that it was a request to add WeChat. Wow, there was no end at all. I guess everyone was adding him as a friend.

Mu Rufeng naturally accepted them one by one and sent them a message at the same time.

The Seventh Princess of the Dali Dynasty: "Xiaojiu, Yanran seems to be really in love with you. You let her down in XXXX and didn't marry her. Here, you must not let her down."

Mu Rufeng replied: "Okay!"

The Seventh Princess of the Dali Dynasty: "Comparison of Hearts.JPG"

Well, I know how to use animated pictures and emoticons, I’m really a quick learner.

"Yanran, are you living in a place arranged by the official department, or are you looking for a place to live on your own?" Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Yanran and asked.

Zhao Yanran frowned slightly, as if she mustered up the courage, her face was slightly red, and she asked: "Does your Highness still have a place to stay?"

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she was shocked, and then said: "There is an extra room where I am."

"Then please trouble Your Highness more." Zhao Yanran's voice became a little softer, but Mu Rufeng could hear it clearly.

Then Mu Rufeng went to Ye Lin.

It just means that Ye Lin also happened to send away those foreign contractor forces.

They were just a bunch of scumbags, but now it's not like before. They didn't dare to say harsh words at all, so they could only leave in despair.

Seeing that nothing happened here, Mu Rufeng said hello to Ye Lin and left the capital with Zhao Yanran.

It didn't take long to arrive at the community in Changsha Wancheng District.

Mu Rufeng returned home and tidied up a room.

"We don't have new bed sheets at home. You can take a shower at home. I'll go out and buy some new sheets and quilt covers for you. By the way, you don't seem to know how to use a shower yet. Let me teach you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Zhao Yanran smiled slightly.

After Mu Rufeng taught Zhao Yanran, Mu Rufeng went directly to the nearest shopping mall.

When Mu Rufeng came back from buying a lot of things, it was already an hour later.

After coming back, I happened to see Zhao Yanran sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

"This TV is really magical. Just like you said, you can see little people moving inside, just like the real thing." Zhao Yanran pointed at the TV and said.

"Just watch if you like. By the way, are you hungry? I bought you some food." Mu Rufeng said and placed a lot of things on the small tea table.

"I'm hungry, I like to eat," Zhao Yanran smiled, quickly took a cup of milk tea, plopped it in, and then took a sip.

"I'll help you make the bed." Mu Rufeng smiled and walked into the next room.

After making the bed, Mu Rufeng walked out.

Zhao Yanran was still watching TV and eating snacks. Her long legs were placed on the sofa. Although she was wearing trousers, she still looked so attractive.

"Yanran, the bed is made for you. I still have some things to deal with. If you are tired, go to the room and rest." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah, okay." Yanran nodded.

Then Mu Rufeng immediately returned to her room.

With a wave of his hand, he rolled up all the dust in the room, then opened the window and rolled the dust out.

Mu Rufeng sat on the bed and took out her mobile phone.

It's January 22nd now, and he entered the copy on January 20th.

After spending five months in the dungeon, that is one hundred and fifty days. Calculated at a speed of one to one hundred per hour, it should only be a day and a half.

Calculating the time, it's almost the same. It came out on the morning of the 22nd.

Mu Rufeng immediately called her mother.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, have you released a copy?" Liu Meizhu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, Mom, I'll go back tomorrow." Mu Rufeng responded.

"About what time will you arrive tomorrow?"

"Before lunch." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and then said, "By the way, I'm also bringing a friend home."

"Friend? Girlfriend?" Liu Meizhu suddenly became energetic after hearing this.

"Well, you can put it that way." Mu Rufeng hesitated for a moment but nodded.

"Okay, okay, great. You have finally found a girlfriend. I'll hang up now. What's your girlfriend's name?"

"How tall are you? How old are you? You must have gone to college, right? Who else is there in your family? Your parents..."

"Mom, are you checking your household registration? Are you asking so many questions?" Mu Rufeng said in pain.

"Okay, okay, mom won't ask, so I'll hang up first. I have to clean up the house and buy more delicious food. By the way, does your girlfriend have any taboos?" Liu Meizhu asked again.

"There are no taboos. She prefers spicy food and sweet food." Mu Rufeng said.

After knowing the answer, Liu Meizhu hung up the phone happily.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng started the copy settlement.

Because he had something to do today and Zhao Yanran was with him, he never had time to settle the accounts. He was still looking forward to the settlement this time.

"Settlement reward!" Mu Rufeng thought silently in her heart.

The next moment, a large number of notification sounds sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for clearing the special multiplayer copy: The Third Forbidden Land]

[Your level is increased to LV5, the weight of the inventory is increased by fifty tons, the contract slot is +1, and the dungeon time is changed from once a month to once every three months]

[Player Mu Rufeng successfully completed the first phase of the mission and obtained a thousand percent clearance completion rate. Successfully completed the second phase mission and obtained a thousand percent clearance completion rate... Player Mu Rufeng successfully completed the final phase. Task】

[The total clearance level is 10,000% (the upper limit has been reached), obtain special rules: Rules of Heaven, obtain special rules props: Jade Seal of the Legend, obtain copy key: Tiandao Continent, obtain title: Divine Slayer, obtain 10,000 soul coins piece】

[It is detected that the host has cleared the dungeon, and the plug-in has been uninstalled. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: the enlightenment is against the sky]

[Heavenly Rule]: A rule force condensed by the last rule of the Heavenly Continent. The owner can offset any world-level rule in any world, and can also create a rule that conforms to the current dungeon world.

[Imperial Seal]: This is the imperial seal of the Dali Dynasty, the strongest force in the Heavenly Continent.

Effect: Special rule props. With this seal, you can write a volume of imperial edicts in each dungeon.

Note: Ordered by heaven, longevity and prosperity!

[Dungeon Key: Heavenly Continent]: The third forbidden land: The key to the dungeon world of the Heavenly Continent. You can go there at any time with the key. Please note that this dungeon is a special dungeon. You enter a real place and it will not increase the number of dungeons.

[God Slayer]: You are a crazy existence. You killed five gods in a weak posture, achieved an act against the sky, and obtained the recognition of the rules.

Effect: When wearing this title, you can ignore the pressure of all beings below the God, and can also greatly enhance the deterrence you have on others.

[Understanding the Heaven]: It can double your understanding.

When Mu Rufeng saw all the rewards he received, he was silent for a long time.

This time's copy reward is definitely the most luxurious one in history.

He actually got a rule, a rule that can offset a world-class rule and create a rule that conforms to the current copy.

What does world-class mean? It must be the highest standard rule.

At the same time, there is no time limit and cooling time, so it should be available at any time.

For example, after offsetting a rule, you can cancel it at any time, and then offset another rule, and create a rule. It is likely that you can create it at any time and then cancel it.

However, this is also Mu Rufeng's guess. The real usage will only be known after it is used.

There is also a rule prop, the Imperial Seal, which seems useless, but you can write an imperial edict in each copy.

What is an imperial edict? Naturally, it was the emperor's golden words, which could not be changed. Mu Rufeng did not know what the effect of this imperial decree was, and he still needed to test it himself.

But it was definitely not simple at first glance.

As for the copy key, Mu Rufeng thought for a long time and decided to give the key to Mu Wuxia or Mu Wuyu.

Since the number of times would not be increased, there would be no effect to go there, and it was still in the real copy.

Then after entering, you must be able to see the weird Mu Chengqian, who Mu Rufeng had seen before. I guess Mu Chengqian wanted to see Mu Wuxia or Mu Wuyu more.

As for who would go, Mu Rufeng could only let them decide.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that the [God Hunter] did not have any substantial enhancement.

However, Mu Rufeng did not think this was useless. You know, deterrence is an extremely mysterious existence.

Those with strong strength may not take action, and can overwhelm the opponent with just momentum.

After Mu Rufeng obtained this title, he could ignore this kind of pressure from the aura, and even use it to pressure others. No matter what, this is definitely a skill to show off.

The last remaining plug-in: his comprehension is against the sky. There is nothing much to say. After he ate the Bodhi fruit to increase his comprehension tenfold, his comprehension doubled again.

Although it is not as powerful as in the Tiandao Continent where he can comprehend martial arts by just looking at something, it is definitely abnormally powerful.

Mu Rufeng opened his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV5 (0/6)

[Strength]: 43199

[Spirit]: 37560

[Constitution]: 43710

[Contract Slot]: LV6 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV5 (Bai Jingwei)/LV6 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV6 (Huanxin)

[Ghost Power]: Level 8

[Realm]: Divine Realm

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Good Gambling] [Demon Suppression] [Crazy Worker] [Parasite Disaster] [Godly Hunter]

[Skills]: [Life and Death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Burst]... [God Rewards Hard Work] [Flying on the Clouds] [Lord of the Dragon Corpse]

[Luck Value]: 112

Items: [Scarlet Preferred Share Contract]...

Soul Power: 100 million

Soul Notes: 1520 billion

Bound Soul Notes: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

Soul Units: 350710550

Rule Fragments: 735.6 (Synthesizable)

Let alone, Mu Rufeng's three-dimensional attributes have skyrocketed to a terrifying level.

Strength and physique both broke 40,000, and spirit reached 37,000.

Even so, Mu Rufeng still didn't feel that he had reached the peak of the God Realm.

It seems that the blood and qi of the God Realm are as if there is no upper limit. If he wants to go further, he can only control the rules to reach the level of the Emperor.

All the contracted ghosts in the contract slot were also upgraded by one level, and even Xiaolong was upgraded by two levels, reaching level 6.

Among them, Bai Jingwei was the weakest, only level 5.

Among them, except Xiaolong, the other contracted ghosts were still sleeping.

Presumably, the upgrade this time was too big, and it still needed to digest the power.

As for Xiaolong, he should have a strong physique, and it is more likely that he started to become stronger when he was in the dungeon because he swallowed the true dragon essence blood from Mu Rufeng.

So he was the first to wake up after returning.

As for the rule fragment at the end, Mu Rufeng was a little concerned.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng directly chose to merge.

[Rule fragment fusion successful]

The next moment, Mu Rufeng felt that all these rule fragments were actually integrated into his body.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt that his strength had increased again.

His attributes did not improve, but his strength was really improved. These rules were directly integrated into his body.

Just like the dragon corpse, all the rules were integrated into the body, and every move contained the power of the rules.

Mu Rufeng also had a sense of enlightenment in his heart. It seemed that he still had to collect a thousand rule fragments to break through to the Emperor Realm.

If there were enough Emperors for him to kill, he only needed to kill another three thousand Emperors.

If it was a God, only three hundred would be enough.

Well, Mu Rufeng gave up the path of killing and breaking through.

What he needed was really too abnormal, it seemed that he could only comprehend it by himself.

Mu Rufeng guessed that other gods might only need one hundred, or even less, but he needed one thousand.

Mu Rufeng picked up his phone and found that an hour had passed.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Mu Rufeng listened quietly and found that there was still the sound of the TV and the sound of chewing outside. Obviously Zhao Yanran was still eating and watching TV outside.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng walked out.

"Your Highness, have you finished your business?" Zhao Yanran saw Mu Rufeng coming out, his eyes lit up.

"Well, I've finished it. Hey, why are you watching ads? Didn't you change the channel to watch other programs?"

Mu Rufeng noticed that the TV was playing the kind of smelly and long health care product ads.

This kind of advertisement is simply deceptive, but it can be shown on major TV stations openly.

Mu Rufeng had known about this before, because the TV stations are in a recession now, and too much market share has been taken away by computers, the Internet and mobile phones.

This has also led to the TV stations having no income, and even the TV stations cannot pay salaries, so as long as there are advertisements, they can go on the air for money!

They don't care whether it's a scam or not, as long as it's not the kind that will kill people, they will go on the air for money.

"That... the program is over, and the TV has been playing this, and Your Highness didn't teach me how to change channels."

"Your Highness, teach me how to change channels, I want to watch the program." Zhao Yanran said.

"Sorry, sorry, I neglected it, I will teach you now."

Mu Rufeng immediately took the remote control to teach Zhao Yanran how to play TV, how to change channels, etc.

"By the way, do you want to watch a movie?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Okay, I want to watch a movie." Zhao Yanran nodded gently, and was full of expectations for the movie that Mu Rufeng mentioned.

"Well, do you like to watch ancient costumes or modern ones?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Modernized, I want to watch modernized things."

Zhao Yanran lived in ancient times, and now she has come to the new world, so she naturally wants to get in touch with some things in the new world.

"Modernized? Okay, then I'll show you The Wandering Earth. It's about science and technology." Mu Rufeng immediately searched on TV and played it directly.

He has been a TV member for decades, so he can basically watch most movies and TV series.

"The milk tea is gone, I still have some here, let's have some barbecue."

Mu Rufeng said, and took out a few more cups of milk tea.

"It's cold now, do you want to drink iced or hot?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Well, I'd rather drink hot."

The two girls who took pictures before gave her iced milk tea, and now she wants to try the hot taste.

"Hot, then these cups of milk tea won't work, these are only suitable for iced, wait a minute, I'll order takeout." Mu Rufeng said, took out his mobile phone and clicked on Meituan.

"Takeout? What is that?" Yanran looked at Mu Rufeng's mobile phone curiously.

"Takeout means you can order food at home, and then they will deliver it to you." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Really? Your Highness, teach me, I want to order takeout." Yanran's eyes lit up and she immediately took out her mobile phone.

Mu Rufeng naturally did not refuse and taught Zhao Yanran how to order takeout.

He also helped her bind her bank card, and there was a balance of 100 million yuan in her card.

Zhao Yanran learned it quickly and ordered a lot of things directly on it.

"This one takes 40 minutes, that one takes 20 minutes, and this one takes an hour. Why are the times faster and slower?" Zhao Yanran asked curiously.

"Their stores are located in different locations, and some stores have better business, so there will be a time difference when the riders go to pick up the goods." Mu Rufeng explained.

"The movie has started."

The two began to watch the movie.


The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran watched a movie all night, eating and watching.

Both of them were still energetic.

The table and the ground were full of garbage.

They ate it all night.

"By the way, Yanran, the New Year is coming soon. My parents are in Yongcheng. Do you want to go back with me to celebrate the New Year?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Your Highness, do you want me to go back with you?" Zhao Yanran did not answer, but asked with a smile.

"I have already told my mother that I will take you back."

"Your Highness, when will we leave?"

Mu Rufeng smiled when he heard this: "Please pack up first and change clothes. I still have to go to see my seventh sister and sixth brother."

"Okay." Zhao Yanran responded with a smile.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and all the garbage was rolled up, then went out through the window, and finally fell into the garbage station on the first floor.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng created a small group for Mu Wuyu and Mu Wuxia, and then told them about the copy key.

Mu Wuxia and Mu Wuyu discussed it, and finally decided that Mu Wuyu would go to Tiandao Continent.

After asking for the address, Mu Rufeng went there as quickly as possible, handed the things to him, and then returned home.

Zhao Yanran also packed up and changed her clothes at this moment.

Mu Rufeng immediately took her out of the door, and then when they came downstairs, Mu Rufeng took out Ma Qiu directly.

"Master, Master!!!" Ma Qiu felt that he had slept for a long time, and he was very excited when he saw Mu Rufeng again.

"This is... a motorcycle? How can it talk?" Yanran was slightly surprised.

"Yanran, this is a vehicle in the weird world, called Ma Qiu, it has its own consciousness, Ma Qiu, this is Miss Yanran." Mu Rufeng introduced each other.

"Oh, it's the mistress, Miss Yanran." Ma Qiu understood instantly.

Yanran smiled, she thought Ma Qiu was really interesting.

Mu Rufeng sat on it, and then patted the back seat: "Come on."

Zhao Yanran nodded slightly, and then sat on it.

Although Zhao Yanran has adapted to modern life, she still can't accept things like wearing stockings and miniskirts.

Zhao Yanran still prefers to wear ancient costumes. She is wearing a white winter Hanfu, which is very beautiful.

This was bought by Mu Rufeng for Zhao Yanran, and Zhao Yanran also likes it very much.

In order to match Zhao Yanran, Mu Rufeng also wore an ancient costume, which was more like a swordsman. His hair was directly controlled to be longer, and then tied into an ancient style.

It must be said that Mu Rufeng's dress is also very eye-catching, and it matches Zhao Yanran very well.

When the two rode the motorcycle out of the parking lot, they attracted the attention of pedestrians and residents around.

Handsome men and beautiful women are always eye-catching no matter where they are.

"Fuck, so handsome."

"He is indeed handsome, and there is a fairy in the back seat."

"Smells so good, what kind of perfume is this?"

"By the way, aren't they cold? It's almost the end of January, and it's below zero today."

"Awesome, I admire you, you dare to drive a motorcycle in this weather!!!"


"Your Highness, listen, those people say we are stupid, driving a motorcycle in such a cold weather and blowing cold wind." Zhao Yanran hugged Mu Rufeng's waist, put her mouth close to Mu Rufeng's ear and said softly.

"It's okay, just say it, and, do you feel cold?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Don't say whether they are afraid of the cold, Ma Qiu is now a chariot of fire, which can automatically turn the cold wind into normal temperature, so that they will not feel cold, and can even reduce the wind speed.

"Not cold, not cold at all."

"Let's go! Go home."

The next moment, a fierce flame broke out from Ma Qiu's body, and then the vehicle flew directly into the sky, leaving a series of flame tire marks wherever it passed.

Of course, before leaving, Mu Rufeng went to Changsha headquarters and handed the flesh and blood growth device to Zhou Wen.

When Mu Rufeng returned to Yongcheng, it was already eleven o'clock in the afternoon.

It shouldn't have been so slow, but Mu Rufeng took Zhao Yanran around and took a walk.

When the mahjong ball stopped downstairs of his house, pairs of eyes in those storefronts looked over.

Mu Rufeng was also a little confused. Shouldn't his own storefront be where his grandparents live? How did it suddenly become a mahjong hall?

Moreover, this mahjong hall directly occupied three storefronts, all of which were connected and then all installed with transparent glass.

That's why the people inside all looked over.

After Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran got off the car, they didn't put away the mahjong ball, but let it play outside by itself, as long as it didn't make too much noise.

Soon, several people came out of the mahjong hall.

Mu Rufeng knew them, and they were almost acquaintances, neighbors.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that Uncle Zheng and Uncle Long, who had moved away long ago, were also playing mahjong here.

"Xiaofeng, are you back? Is this your girlfriend? She's so beautiful, like a fairy."

"Yes, this little girl really looks like a fairy, and Xiaofeng is so handsome."

"She looks good, and she wears good clothes, and she's better looking than those stars on TV."

The uncles and aunts gathered at the door praised her like they were free.

"Hello, uncles and aunts." Zhao Yanran actually greeted everyone politely.

"So polite, Xiaofeng is a lucky child."

"Yes, yes, this little girl is so nice, really nice."

Mu Rufeng smiled and said, "Uncle Long, Uncle Zheng, didn't you two move away? Why are you still here?"

"Can't you come back to play cards after moving away?" Uncle Zheng said.

"That's right, there's nothing to do over there, so why not come back? It's not far anyway." Uncle Long said with a smile.

"You guys play, I'll go upstairs." Mu Rufeng looked around and didn't see his parents in the mahjong hall, so he immediately pulled Zhao Yanran upstairs.

Just as he arrived at the door, the door was opened.

It was Liu Meizhu who opened the door.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, you're almost unrecognizable in this outfit, so handsome, where's my daughter-in-law? Where is she?"

"Hello, auntie." Zhao Yanran walked out from behind Mu Rufeng and called out gently.

"Oh, you must be Yanran, you really look like a fairy, how can you be so beautiful, my Xiaofeng is so lucky."

"Hurry, hurry up, come in, it's cold outside."

Liu Meizhu hurriedly took Zhao Yanran's hand and went into the house.

The house was warm, the air conditioner was on.

The house was packed with people, including his parents, his grandparents, his uncle's family, and his aunt's family.

Including Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran, there were thirteen people in total, and the whole family was there.

Mu Rufeng immediately introduced the people in the family to Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran also called out one by one.

"So beautiful, so beautiful."

"This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful girl."

Grandparents were also amazed when they saw Zhao Yanran's face.

Or rather, everyone was amazed when they saw Zhao Yanran.

If it was before, they might think that Mu Rufeng couldn't handle such a beautiful girl.

But now it's different. They all know Mu Rufeng's current identity and ability, and they think the two are very compatible.

"My cousin's wife is so beautiful, I want to wear such beautiful clothes as my cousin's wife." Baoer suddenly jumped over and hugged Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran squatted down, smiled and said, "Cousin will buy it for you, and you can wear it beautifully."

"Thank you, cousin." Baoer was very happy.

"Cousin, I want it too." Zhang Xi was also fascinated by Zhao Yanran at first sight.

"Buy, buy, buy, buy, all for you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother, it's a deal." Zhang Xi said with a smile.

"Don't stand, sit down quickly, Mu Shan, go prepare lunch, I can't handle it alone." Liu Meizhu pulled the two to sit down, and then pulled Mu Shan up.

"You sit down, chat, eat some snacks, your mother and I will cook." Mu Shan greeted, and then went into the kitchen.

Then he saw his aunt and uncle also went into the kitchen to help.

As for the third uncle, the third uncle can't do anything, and the third aunt is the same. She is the only daughter of the family, and she is also a highly educated double doctor of a famous university.

When they were in Shanghai, they didn't cook for themselves. They either ate directly at the relevant departments or had the nanny cook for them.

Cousin Zhang Xi, sister-in-law, and Baoer pulled Zhao Yanran to chat.

Uncle San came over and said, "Xiaofeng, there is a big copy this time. I heard from the minister that you also participated. What kind of copy is this?"

When Uncle San asked, Zhao Yanran subconsciously looked over, but soon turned back.

"If I could tell, I would definitely tell you, but this is a copy that cannot be told." Mu Rufeng shrugged.

"A copy that cannot be told? Okay, then what good things did you get this time? Let your uncle open his eyes?" Mu Ze said with a smile.

"Open your eyes." Mu Rufeng said, and took out the imperial seal.

"Wow, imperial seal? Write an imperial edict? What's the use of this imperial edict? It looks very powerful at first glance." Mu Ze was shocked after reading the properties of the imperial seal.

"I haven't tried it yet, but it must be quite magical." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"By the way, I also got a lot of martial arts and techniques. Do you want to practice?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Practice, of course you have to practice. It seems that the dungeon you went to this time is an ancient dungeon, high martial arts? Warrior type?" Through these things, Mu Ze also guessed a little.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng immediately stretched out his hand and tapped Mu Ze's forehead directly.

Suddenly, a lot of techniques and martial arts were transmitted into Mu Ze's mind.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to pass on "Kai Tian Jue", but there was a warning in his heart.

He understood all of a sudden that this technique was limited and could not be passed on to others.

Then Mu Rufeng explained it to Mu Ze.

Time passed so quickly that it soon came to half past twelve.

A large table of food was ready, all of which were big dishes, and Mu Rufeng swallowed his saliva when he saw it.

It was only half an hour before lunch was over.

There was a large table of dishes, and not even a bit of minced meat was left. They were all eaten up.

The crowd was still a little unsatisfied.

It was not because they cooked too little, but because there were too many food lovers.

"It seems that everyone is not full yet, so let's have another meal. I still have a lot of food here."

Mu Rufeng said, and took out his own food.

These foods tasted better than those cooked by his parents, but, after all, he still preferred to eat the dishes cooked by his parents.

Another half an hour passed, and the crowd finally finished eating.


Time passed, and it was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Yanran has lived in their home for eighteen days, and now it is already February.

Outside, it is snowing heavily. Today is a snowy year.

On New Year's Eve, the family reunited to eat delicious food, and it was snowing outside the window. How can this taste be described with just one word "wonderful".

During this period, Zhao Yanran has entered two dungeons.

Mu Rufeng asked Zhao Yanran what dungeon it was, and Zhao Yanran smiled and shook her head, not telling him.

This also made Mu Rufeng a little itchy, wanting to know what dungeon it was, but she didn't say it, and Mu Rufeng couldn't force her to say it.

The whole family sat happily at home on the second floor, eating the New Year's Eve dinner.

To be honest, my aunt's family should actually go back to my uncle's parents to celebrate the festival.

However, my uncle's parents divorced when he was in junior high school, and then both sides got married and had children.

In this way, my uncle became a homeless child, raised by his grandmother.

But grandma had passed away long ago, and every year the New Year was spent by my aunt and uncle alone. They were too lazy to visit his divorced parents.

As for this year, because they moved back to Yongcheng and lived on the third floor, they naturally had a New Year's Eve dinner together.

Mu Rufeng's grandparents did not live in the first floor, but on the second floor, which was the opposite of their original home.

Before, because grandparents were in poor health, they didn't want to climb the stairs, even on the second floor, but now they have eaten the attribute fruit and various spiritual objects given by Mu Rufeng.

Now they are in good health, their hair has turned from white to black, and living on the second floor is still stable.

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