I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 329 Special National Dungeon: Defeat the Nian Beast [10,000 words]

After eating the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone gathered in the living room to chat and watch the New Year's Gala.

Time passed slowly, and at this moment, it was only ten minutes away from midnight.

Although the time had not yet arrived, the city was also filled with the sound of firecrackers.

Zhang Xi and his brother took Baoer to set off firecrackers or fireworks below, and they were extremely happy.

However, at this time, a reminder sounded in Mu Rufeng's ears.

[Instance information has been generated]

[About to enter a special limited-time instance: Repel the Nian Beast]

[Instance type: Super large multiplayer instance]

[Number of participants: ? ? ? ]

Mu Rufeng was slightly startled, and then looked at Yanran.

Yanran also looked at Mu Rufeng, and it was obvious that she had received it.

Not only the two of them, but also Uncle Mu Ze and his father Mu Shan.

"Nian Beast. This instance sounds very dangerous." Mu Ze said in a deep voice.

"Looking at the situation, it seems that all players will participate?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

If all players participate, this dungeon will definitely be extremely dangerous.

"We can't see the specific information now, wait and see the specific information in ten minutes." Zhao Yanran said.

"What's wrong? Why do you all look different?"

"Yes, what happened?"

Liu Meizhu and others found something wrong and asked immediately.

Mu Shan couldn't hide his words and said them immediately. Suddenly, the family, which was originally full of laughter, fell into silence.

"Will it be dangerous?"

"All four of you have to enter the dungeon now?"

"Why are you doing this during the New Year's Day?"

Liu Meizhu and others' moods also suddenly became bad.

"Mom, grandpa and grandma, aunt and uncle, and third aunt, it's okay, we have a login bracelet, and it's okay if the dungeon fails." Mu Rufeng hurriedly comforted.

"Yes, don't worry, there's nothing dangerous with a login bracelet." Mu Shan also said with a smile.

"Mom and Dad, don't be sad, maybe it's a good thing." Mu Ze looked at the worried grandparents and said immediately.

Several people comforted each other.

Soon, a call came in, it was Ye Lin.

Mu Rufeng quickly answered the call, and Ye Lin's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mu Rufeng, you should have received the news about the Nian Beast dungeon, right?"

"Yes, I received it, did you receive it too?" Mu Rufeng nodded.

"I'll tell you a piece of news. This time the dungeon should be a dungeon for all people, and all players have received the dungeon information." Ye Lin said solemnly.

"All people's dungeon? All players?" Mu Rufeng's face also became a little solemn.

"In any case, wait ten minutes and see the specific dungeon information. If this dungeon is very dangerous, we can only take it one step at a time." Ye Lin said.

"It doesn't matter. Almost everyone has a login bracelet. Even if the dungeon fails, it's just a loss of an arm. I still have a flesh and blood growth device." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Ye Lin nodded, and then hung up the phone.

The others looked at Mu Rufeng in shock. They also heard it.

I didn't expect that all players would participate in this dungeon.


After a short while, ten minutes passed, and the time officially came to midnight.

[Open a special limited-time dungeon: Repel the Nian Beast]

[Dungeon type: Super large multiplayer dungeon]

[Participants: All players]

[On New Year's Eve, the Nian Beast is coming. Please participate in the activity of repelling the Nian Beast. After repelling the Nian Beast, you will receive rich rewards. The time limit is 24 hours]

[Note: All players can choose to participate or not participate in the dungeon. After entering the dungeon, they can exit by themselves. There are three opportunities to enter the dungeon]

When the dungeon information appeared in everyone's mind, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, the dungeon is indeed open to everyone, but you can choose whether to participate.

In this way, a very dangerous dungeon is suddenly turned into a welfare dungeon?

It really made them feel relieved.

"How about it, do you want to go in and take a look?" Mu Ze asked.

"Of course I have to go in and take a look. Anyway, I can quit at any time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, then go in and take a look." Mu Shan nodded.

"Yanran, if there is any danger, just withdraw." Mu Rufeng said to Zhao Yanran.

"Yes." Zhao Yanran nodded.

Then, Mu Rufeng silently said: "Enter!"

The next moment, Mu Rufeng disappeared from the spot, and Zhao Yanran and the other two also disappeared from the spot.


When Mu Rufeng came to his senses, he found himself on the edge of a huge cliff.

All around, there were densely packed people everywhere, and there was no end in sight.

All these people were players.

There were new players, contractors of various levels, and everyone participated.

Looking at the bottom of the cliff, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen at all.

Strictly speaking, this should be an abyss canyon.

Because Mu Rufeng could also see that there was a cliff on the opposite side, and there were also densely packed people standing there.

"Roar!" The next second, a roar came from the sky.

Then, everyone looked up and found that an extremely huge Nian beast fell from the sky and landed in the canyon.

But because the Nian beast is so huge, even if it steps on it, its body is still hundreds of meters higher than the cliffs on both sides.

【Nian Beast Rules】

1. All players cannot attack players.

2. All attacks must hit the Nian beast as long as they exceed the cliff.

3. The ranking list will be opened. The ranking list shows the percentage of damage caused to the Nian beast. The higher the ranking, the higher the reward.

4. The Nian Beast will release an attack every ten minutes, and those killed will be directly transported back to the real world without suffering any harm.

5. Once a player is killed, he can go back again. Each player has three chances. Once he dies three times, he cannot continue to enter.

6. Fifty percent of the total damage to the Nian beast must be caused to repel the Nian beast. Otherwise, if the copy fails, there will be no reward.

These six rules appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

In other words, these six rules appear in everyone's mind.

The entire cliffside suddenly fell into a huge noise.


"Kill! Kill the Nian Beast!"

The next second, countless attacks flew out of the cliff, and then fell on the Nian Beast.

Those attacks were like scratching an itch on the Nian beast, and the Nian beast didn't even react.

Because of the attack, a long blood bar appeared directly on the top of Nian Beast's head.

In an instant, a huge ranking list appeared in the sky on the left.

The names of many people are densely displayed on it.

Starting from the first place, all the way to the 10,000th place.

Yes, only 10,000 people are shown on the ranking list.

As for checking your own location, you only need to say the ranking list silently and it will automatically jump to your location. Of course, only you can see this.

What other players saw was still 10,000.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the first person and found that he was a foreigner and an acquaintance.

That is Jason Morgan, the eighth-level contractor.

Seeing the series of 0's on the damage display, Mu Rufeng was a little shocked.

【Damage Ranking】

1. Jason Morgan, damage value: 0.00000001%

2. Umekawa Neiku, damage value: 0.00000000.8%

10000, Flo·Niu Ma, damage value: 0.000000000.9%

This series of zeros really shocked Mu Rufeng.

The rankings were refreshed almost immediately.

In other words, the rankings are constantly being refreshed because there are too many people attacking and there are many powerful people.

But soon, the first few people began to settle down.

【Damage Ranking】

1. Mu Wuyu, damage value: 0.00000018%

2. A sword, damage value: 0.00000017%

3. Zhao Yanran, damage value: 0.0000001%

4. Mu Wuxia, damage value: 0.00000005%

12. Ye Lin, damage value: 0.00000001%

The ones below are all the surviving warriors, spiritual cultivators and monsters from Tiandao Continent.

Each of these people have practiced powerful martial arts and martial arts.

The damage naturally far exceeds those of ordinary high-level contractors.

"Should we give them a little shock? Or should we wait until they do more damage?" Mu Rufeng rubbed her chin and thought.

Then, Mu Rufeng decided to give them a little shock.

Mu Rufeng used [Life or Death] plus potential burst, and the three-dimensional attributes instantly reached a terrifying level.



[Physique]: 99999

His strength directly reached the critical value, and his spirit also directly reached 90,000.

It's terrifying. It's really terrifying. If other contractors knew about it, it would scare them to death.

[It is detected that the host enters the copy and the plug-in is loaded successfully]

[Please host choose one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Damage bonus: damage caused to the enemy is increased tenfold]

[2. Attack is invalid: the enemy’s attack against you is invalidated]

[3. Unlimited: You have the freedom to enter and exit Nian Beast copies as many times as you want without any restrictions]

"There are actually plug-ins?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

To be honest, he felt that this copy might not have a plug-in. After all, it had not appeared for so long.

I didn’t expect it to come out now.

He looked at these three plug-ins, without thinking about it, and directly chose the first one [Damage Bonus].

This is a full tenfold bonus. Whether it is in the dungeon or a leftover plug-in after leaving, it can enhance Mu Rufeng's own strength.

Then Mu Rufeng thought about what his most powerful move was, and soon Mu Rufeng thought of it.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng took out the Xiuchun serrated knife.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng's whole body emitted fire, thunder, golden aura, and ice aura...

He released all the elemental power he possessed.

"The flowers bloom on the other side, the other side of the sword!"

A soft moan.

The players around seemed to feel that the surrounding scene was gone, and all that was left were the endless flowers of the other side.

That Nian Beast was still in the abyss canyon. At this time, high in the sky, a huge flower from the other side bloomed.

A figure held the Tongtian Sword in the flower.

The Tongtian Sword was also filled with various powerful elemental forces.

Everyone stopped moving at this moment and looked over there.

The next moment, the figure swung the Tongtian Sword, and the terrifying power carried the knife force, and slashed the neck of the Nian Beast.


The Nian Beast howled in pain.

The vision disappeared and returned to its original appearance.

The blood bar above the Nian Beast shortened a little bit. Although it was only a little bit, it was still noticeable for these high-level contractors.

Looking at the first place in the damage ranking, everyone was shocked.

[Damage Ranking]

1. Mu Rufeng, damage value: 1%

2. Mu Wuyu, damage value: 0.0000002%

3. Jian Feng, damage value: 0.00000019%

4. Zhao Yanran, damage value: 0.00000013%

One percent!

What a concept.

Look at how many zeros there are after the decimal point of the second place? Here you can see how big the gap is between the two.




The continuous "Fuck" voices showed the shock of these players.

"It seems that I can release it about nine times in a row."

Mu Rufeng murmured softly after performing the move.

One big move directly consumed 10% of Mu Rufeng's ghost power and blood power.

Although Mu Rufeng can take medicine to recover, he feels it is unnecessary.

Anyway, there are three chances.

"Then let's deal as much damage as possible!"

The flowers of the other shore bloom, the other shore of the sword——

The next moment, countless flowers of the other shore reappeared!

A few minutes later.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the ranking list, dragged his tired body and resolutely left.

[Damage Ranking]

1. Mu Rufeng, damage value: 10%

2. Mu Wuyu, damage value: 0.0009%

3. Jian Feng, damage value: 0.00085%

4. Zhao Yanran, damage value: 0.0005%


10000, Mu Shan, damage value: 0.000000.7%

It can be seen that Mu Wuyu and others are attacking frantically.

This is the horror of the tenfold damage bonus. The series of zeros after the decimal point of others, in Mu Rufeng's case, a direct attack is 1% of the total damage, which is simply outrageous.


After Mu Rufeng left the dungeon, he saw Liu Meizhu.

They were still watching TV, as if they wanted to wait for Mu Rufeng and the others to come back.

"Hmm? Xiaofeng, why are you back? Where's your dad? And where are Yanran and Muze?" Liu Meizhu asked hurriedly.

"Oh, they are still inside, mom, don't worry, there is no danger this time, they can come back if they want to."

"And there is no such thing as being killed, they will come back directly if they fail." Mu Rufeng explained.

"No danger? Really?"

"Of course, this is a welfare copy, there is no danger." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good." Grandpa and grandma were relieved.

"Why did you come out now?" Aunt San asked in confusion.

"Oh, I'm a little tired, I came back to sleep, and I'll go back tomorrow." Mu Rufeng yawned and said.

Speaking of which, he seemed to have not slept for four or five months.

Since entering the Tiandao Continent copy, except for sleeping for a few days when he was poisoned at the beginning, he was practicing, practicing, practicing.

"Okay, your room is ready, you go to sleep." Liu Meizhu nodded.

Mu Rufeng responded and went directly into the room.

Then he set up a formation to block the sound of firecrackers outside, and then took out some pills and swallowed them.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng fell asleep, and the almost exhausted blood and qi in his body were recovering rapidly.


The next morning, Mu Rufeng was woken up by his mother.

Liu Meizhu ordered breakfast, a large bowl of noodles, covered with red oil, beef, sour beans, lettuce, chives and other condiments.

The smell also made Mu Rufeng's appetite move.

After washing up, Mu Rufeng immediately ate it all in a few bites.

"Xiaofeng, why haven't your father, your third uncle and Yanran come out yet? Do you want to go in and take a look?" Liu Meizhu said.

"Well, I'm about to go in, and, mom, don't worry, really, there's no danger at all."

"They didn't come out because they wanted to improve their ranking a little bit." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng immediately told him about the ranking.

"Improve your ranking? Xiaofeng, why don't you improve it? You came out so early." Liu Meizhu said with a look of disappointment.

"It's okay. It's been a night. They probably haven't caught up with me yet." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Then Mu Rufeng entered the Nian Beast dungeon again.

There were still so many people, so dense that it was hard to see clearly.

A large number of attacks were constantly launched by these player contractors, and then fell on the Nian Beast.

Mu Rufeng looked up at the blood volume of the Nian Beast, which was about two-fifths down.

Mu Rufeng looked at the ranking list again.

[Damage Ranking]

1. Mu Rufeng, damage value: 10%

2. Mu Wuyu, damage value: 4.15%

3. Jian Yifeng, damage value: 4%

4. Ye Lin, damage value: 3.3%

5. Zhao Yanran, damage value: 2%

10000, Bonus, damage value: 0.002%

As expected by Mu Rufeng, after a night, Mu Rufeng still had the highest damage value.

The second and third place combined did not exceed Mu Rufeng's damage value.

It was around eight o'clock in the morning, which means they had been fighting for eight hours.

Of course, they certainly did not release attacks for eight hours, and they also consumed energy.

What Mu Rufeng did not expect was that Ye Lin actually rushed to the fourth place.

You know, the top three are all powerful people in the God Realm.

Ye Lin, a soul refining realm, is almost catching up with Jian Yifeng's damage.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng took a look and found that the damage values ​​of many level eight contractors were higher than those soul refining realm geniuses in the Tiandao Continent.

Mu Rufeng soon found out, because almost all the contractors pulled out their contracted ghosts to attack the Nian beast together.

The attacks of those contracted ghosts were also counted as damage to the contractors.

In this way, the damage increased immediately.

However, only the head could break more than 1%, and the rest was basically a decimal point.

Looking at this situation, even if Mu Rufeng did not take action, with a little effort, the blood bar of the Nian beast should be able to be barely knocked down.

But, to be honest, if it weren't for Jian Feng and those people, the Nian beast would definitely not be killed, and it would probably be difficult to knock down the blood bar by 50.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the Xiuchun serrated knife and immediately launched a terrifying attack again.

It was still the other side of the knife. After performing it ten times in a row, the blood bar of the Nian beast was once again knocked down by 10%.

It was also because of Mu Rufeng's sudden attack that all the players were shocked, and then they attacked more vigorously.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, wondering whether to recover and then continue to attack.

At this moment, the Nian beast roared angrily, and suddenly, a large number of players died in front of them.

Those players could not be said to be dead, but they were directly teleported back to the real world because they exceeded the limit of the attack they could withstand.

But if there is still a chance, they can continue to enter the dungeon to attack the Nian beast.

The first time before, Mu Rufeng returned directly before ten minutes.

This time he encountered it, once every ten minutes, and could kill a large number of people at a time.

Looking at the intensity of the attack, it was probably at the early stage of the God Realm.

Those below the Soul Refining Realm would almost die if they were hit, and the eighth-level ghost king or the strong in the Soul Refining Realm might only be seriously injured.

For Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu, they are both strong in the God Realm, and it has almost no effect on them.

"Forget it, it happens that I have nothing to do, so I'd better get more blood." Mu Rufeng pondered for a while, then took out some blood recovery pills and ate them, sat cross-legged, and began to recover his blood and qi.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng recovered and his condition was at its peak again.

During this half hour, the Nian Beast attacked three times, and one of them hit Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't even dodge, and just relied on his own body to bear it.

It was just an attack from the early stage of the God Realm. As a being with a 99999 physique, he couldn't break through the defense at all.

Mu Rufeng stood up and swung his sword again. After ten times, the blood volume of the Nian Beast plummeted by 10% again.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng alone had already taken away 30% of the blood volume of the Nian Beast.

Mu Rufeng still didn't leave, and continued to swallow pills to restore his blood.

He was ready to kill the Nian Beast in one go, because Mu Rufeng's mother said that she would be busy today because many relatives would come to eat.

For example, there were really many relatives on his mother's side, as well as his parents' cousins, cousins, etc.

They hardly interacted with each other before, but Mu Rufeng's identity has been made public. He is the deputy director of the headquarters of the relevant department.

As long as the relatives are nearby, they have to come.

Mu Rufeng was originally resistant, but his grandparents and his mother were very happy, which made Mu Rufeng helpless.

Especially grandparents, the elderly are the most face-saving.

So, Liu Meizhu asked Mu Rufeng to bring them all back as soon as possible, and Mu Rufeng's method was naturally to kill the Nian beast quickly.

In the blink of an eye, more than two hours passed.

"The flowers on the other shore are blooming, and the other shore of the knife!"

A soft hum sounded again.

Tongtian Shendao directly cut through the neck of the Nian beast.

This time was different from the previous time. Originally, the fur of the Nian beast could not be cut. This time, this knife actually cut off the entire head of the Nian beast.

The huge head of the Nian beast slowly slid down from the neck and finally fell into the abyss.

This scene shocked everyone.

The Nian Beast, which seemed invincible in the eyes of those players, was actually beheaded.

[Congratulations to all players. After the unremitting efforts of all players, the Nian Beast was successfully killed! Please settle the rewards after returning, and there will be rich rewards waiting for you! ]

[Congratulations to the player Mu Rufeng for completing the last blow and successfully killing the Nian Beast. Congratulations to him! ]

[Congratulations to the player Mu Rufeng for killing the Nian Beast with a damage value of more than 50%. Congratulations to him! ]

In an instant, three consecutive notification prompts resounded in everyone's mind.

"Awesome, really awesome."

"Yes, this Mu Rufeng is really awesome. I remember he seems to be the deputy director of the headquarters of the relevant department?"

"Yes, it's the deputy director of the headquarters, Mu Rufeng."

"Your Highness is still so awesome. Even His Highness the Crown Prince and Jian Feng are far inferior to him."

"Of course Your Highness is awesome. Otherwise, how could he lead us to repel the strange invasion?"

The players were instantly excited.

[The Nian Beast has been successfully killed. All players can return]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

"Return, return!" Mu Rufeng shouted immediately.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng returned to the living room of his home.

It's just that the house at this moment is already crowded with people and extremely lively.

When Mu Rufeng appeared out of thin air, he was also shocked, but those young people reacted quickly and almost shouted.

Those people also surrounded him at once.

At this time, people appeared one after another around Mu Rufeng, including his third uncle, his father, and Zhao Yanran.

The other two were fine, and their appearance did not attract much attention, but when Zhao Yanran appeared, everyone was amazed.

They were all amazed at Zhao Yanran's appearance and temperament.

Some middle-aged people were stunned, not to mention some young people who did not know the generation and could not call their names.

Mu Rufeng immediately pulled Zhao Yanran and greeted all the relatives.

Anyway, no matter whether they knew each other or not, the older generation would call them uncle or aunt, and the older generation would call them grandpa and grandma.

Mu Rufeng was not stingy with these relatives, whether they knew them or not, and directly took out dozens of sets of 1-3 level attribute fruits for them to eat.

Attribute fruits are cheap anyway, and there is no shortage of them, which is a small benefit for them.

After seeing the attribute fruits, these people were shocked, and then they looked at Mu Rufeng as if they had seen 100,000 tons of gold, and the enthusiastic Mu Rufeng couldn't stand it.

Then he pulled Zhao Yanran and hid in the room.

"There are too many people at home, Yanran, you are scared, right?" Mu Rufeng locked the door and cast the ghost cave to cover the room.

Speaking of which, as long as you become a player, you can practice ghost power, and if you are a warrior, you can directly comprehend the ghost cave when the attribute is reached.

It can be said that every genius in the Tiandao Continent has comprehended the ghost cave.

The ghost cave also greatly improves their combat power.

"It didn't scare me, this kind of liveliness is really good." Yanran's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a sweet smile, making people feel that the world has become beautiful.

Zhao Yanran resisted for several years after the invasion of the weird world. During these days, she has seen too many people being swallowed by the weirdness.

She has seen too many companions and even relatives being swallowed.

Now seeing such a lively and warm scene, she will only feel very happy.

"Let's settle the rewards first. I think the rewards this time should be good." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Well, this time His Highness won first place, and it was the last hit, so the reward must be even richer." Zhao Yanran can be said to have completely integrated into modern society these days.

She not only wears ancient Chinese costumes, but also bought a lot of beautiful dresses for modern women.

[Congratulations to LV5 player Mu Ru for clearing the special large-scale multiplayer dungeon: Repel the Nian Beast]

[The player successfully killed the Nian Beast and won the last blow, and the clearance completion increased by 2,000%]

[The total damage value of the Nian Beast occupied by the player exceeded 50%, and the clearance completion was obtained by 5,000%]

[The player ranked first in the damage ranking and obtained 2,000% clearance completion]

[The total clearance of the player was 10,000%, and the contract was obtained: Nian Beast, the blessing BUFF: continuous good fortune, the rule-based props: magical firecrackers, the title: Nian Beast Conqueror, and the soul banknotes 10,000 x 10]

[It was detected that the host had cleared the dungeon, the plug-in was uninstalled, and congratulations to the host for the plug-in legacy: damage bonus]

[Contract: Nian Beast]: Nian Beast is an evil beast locked on a stone pillar in the heaven.

Cultivation: Peak of the Divine Realm, with a strong physique and unparalleled blood and qi power

Note: Players can make a contract with the Nian Beast. This contract does not occupy a contract quota, and an additional contract slot can be opened.

[Lucky BUFF]: Congratulations on making a fortune, happy new year, peace every year, surplus every year, all wishes come true, everything goes well!

Effect: This BUFF lasts for one year. During this year, when lucky luck continues, the luck value is +100.

[Magical Firecracker]: This is a magical firecracker.

Effect: A rule-based prop. After lighting it, throw it out and it can explode as you wish. It does not cause any harm to anything, but it has a great intimidating effect on non-human beings.

Note: Every time it explodes after being thrown, it will automatically appear in the hands of the holder.

[Nian Beast Conqueror]: Roar! Roar! Roar!

Effect: Wearing this title, all attributes are +100, which has a great deterrent effect on the giant beast.

Note: Conquer! Conquer! Conquer!

[Damage Bonus]: Double the damage caused to the enemy.

After Mu Rufeng finished reading these rewards, he remained silent for a long time. It was not because they were bad, but because they were too generous.

First, the contracted Nian beast, this is a Nian beast of the ninth level of the divine realm, and it was directly contracted to Mu Rufeng, and it did not occupy the contract slot it should have, but opened up a new contract slot.

This is equivalent to Mu Rufeng having another super helper.

There is also a BUFF of continuous good fortune, which is not so fancy, and directly increases the luck value by 100 points.

Although it only lasts for one year, it may still be there next year.

It surprised Mu Rufeng a little. This Nian beast copy was not available last year, and it only started this year.

No, there is also a New Year's Eve exclusive copy, but it is not the kind of copy that repels the Nian beast, nor is it a copy for all people, but the kind that is randomly selected.

The next rule-based prop [Magic Firecracker], although it has no lethality, has a great deterrent effect on the existence of that kind of beast.

Especially the remote-controlled type, and the one that can be used without restrictions, is considered a good thing.

This time, it was given another title [Nian Beast Conqueror].

That directly increased all attributes by 100 points, which made Mu Rufeng extremely satisfied, and it could also have a deterrent effect on the giant beast.

What made Mu Rufeng most satisfied was that this plug-in was left behind, which directly doubled his damage, which was simply outrageous.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng's strength has soared again.

Mu Rufeng flipped through the contract of the Nian beast in his hand, and signed it without saying a word.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng opened up a new contract slot again.

And the Nian beast had already appeared in the contract slot.

This Nian beast was larger, ten feet tall, and it couldn't be reduced, so it might be difficult to walk on the road.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also felt that he had gained a new ability.

A very common, but very practical ability: healing.

Possessing super healing and recovery ability, and this is a passive ability.

At this time, he felt that he was really going to become an indestructible cockroach.

Then Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran also looked over, and it was obvious that she had also completed the reward settlement.

"How is it, what good stuff did you get?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"A contracted Nian beast, a blessing BUFF and a title." Zhao Yanran said.

"Oh? Then your reward is about the same as mine, and I have one more firecracker than you." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

His clearance is definitely much higher than Zhao Yanran, but how could the two sides only differ by one firecracker?

"Huh? Only one more firecracker? What is the attribute?" Zhao Yanran frowned slightly.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the firecracker and handed it to Zhao Yanran.

After Zhao Yanran looked at the attributes, she smiled and said, "This firecracker can only be considered average. In this case, it should be the attributes of our other three things, which should be different."

Mu Rufeng heard it and felt that it seemed to make sense. The things are the same, but it does not mean that the attributes are the same.

Then Mu Rufeng learned about the attributes from Zhao Yanran. Sure enough, they are indeed different, and the attributes are much worse than his.

First of all, the contracted Nian beast is an eighth-level soul refiner and must occupy a contract slot.

Secondly, the blessing BUFF only increases the luck value by 30 points.

The last title, all attributes also only increase by 30 points, and the deterrence is naturally a little less.

Through Zhao Yanran's rewards, Mu Rufeng guessed that the rewards for those on the list should be these, and the attributes are more or less.

As for those below the list, they may only have the blessing BUFF, and then add other rewards.

Mu Rufeng thinks that the Nian beast should only be possessed by those who have a certain ranking on the list.

"Your Highness's strength still shocked me. One attack can reduce 1% of the blood volume." Zhao Yanran knew that Mu Rufeng was very strong.

But today is the real experience.


In a blink of an eye, time came to February 9th.

This day was Zhao Yanran's fourth time to enter the dungeon.

They had already returned to Changsha.

At this moment, the two were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and there was a lot of food on the table.

"Yanran, you should be careful when entering the dungeon. Although you are strong, you cannot ignore the rules, understand?" Mu Rufeng warned.

"Yes, Your Highness, I understand." Zhao Yanran smiled and nodded.

After these days of getting along and living together, Zhao Yanran has completely integrated into modern life, and her speech and self-proclaimed are no longer so ancient.

Soon, the time is almost up, Zhao Yanran mentioned it, and then returned to her room.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, and it has been almost a month since he played, and it is time to enter the dungeon.

He returned to his room and then took out all the dungeon invitations.

Although he is level 5 and only enters the dungeon once every three months, he still has a lot of invitations in his hand.

He now has thirteen invitations left.

Among them, nine are of the same level as the invitation to the Death Castle.

The other four, the lowest level purple invitations, are all going to a certain forbidden place.

He is considering whether to use ordinary invitations or higher level invitations.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out a light green invitation from the ordinary level.

Although he is now stronger, he still feels that the forbidden land is too dangerous.

Just look at the third forbidden land last time, with the help of plug-ins and the ID card upgrade, it is possible to have a god-like start.

Even so, there are still many difficulties. If it weren't for the dragon corpse, it would be difficult for him to handle it.

At least, he has to wait until he has brushed the dungeon times and the level is raised. It is safest to get more plug-ins.

"By the way, today is the 19th, and another month has passed. I still have to go through the dungeon of Golden City first." Mu Rufeng murmured.

He can go to Golden City once a month, but he will not wait for the time being. If he stays in the dungeon for a long time, after February, he will really lose a dungeon time.

These days, Mu Rufeng also took Zhao Yanran around the world, one is to take her to see the world.

Secondly, of course, it is to harvest the soul power of the world.

These people really know that Mu Rufeng is back, because they don't have Mu Rufeng's contact information, so they call Ye Lin one after another.

Then Ye Lin came to urge him to cut leeks.

Mu Rufeng had no choice but to go and work.

Then Mu Rufeng called Minister Zhou Wen again, and after hanging up, he took back the flesh and blood grower.

For nearly a month, the flesh and blood grower was almost used without interruption. You can imagine how many players there are.

However, after these days, another item similar to Mu Rufeng's flesh and blood grower appeared.

Although it is not as perverted as the flesh and blood grower, it can still make the broken arm grow out, that is, there will be a little price.

The price is that the grown arm is sometimes not very flexible, and the strength is not as good as the body. It takes about a month to recover to normal.

Even so, there are still many people who use this item to restore the broken arm, because there are too many people in line.

Some people who are about to enter the dungeon want to use this item to recover.

Then Mu Rufeng entered the Golden City again through the coins of the Golden City.

When Mu Rufeng appeared in the Golden City, Zhao Chen was startled and immediately appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Mu, I have been waiting for you to come. This time, you have been in the limelight in the third forbidden land." As soon as Zhao Chen appeared, he immediately took Mu Rufeng's hand and said with a smile on his face.

"Uh, City Lord Zhao, it seems that the third forbidden land cannot be described in words, how did you know it?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

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