I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 335 Final Mission: Destroy this World [Ask for guaranteed monthly tickets at the beginning o

"If you give me your power, I won't torture you. Otherwise, I don't mind letting you taste the torture I suffered in the past, and then devour your power." Sun Yan said slowly.

If he wasn't afraid of the noise caused by fighting him, he would have taken action long ago, and he wouldn't have spoken so kindly.

"Forget it, forget it, but how about you let me finish these first? At least I can be a full ghost." The old duke seemed to have let it go, pointing to the remaining five head Gu and said.

"Of course there is no problem." Sun Yan said with a smile.

The old duke also smiled when he heard it, and then took a head Gu and ate it slowly.

It took only ten minutes, and all the head Gu were eaten.

The old duke raised his head, looked at Sun Yan, and said, "Come on."

Sun Yan smiled indifferently, then stepped forward and put his hand on the old duke's head.

The next moment, a large amount of magic power emerged, and then was continuously absorbed by Sun Yan.

In just a dozen breaths, the power of the five heroes in the old duke's body was completely absorbed by Sun Yan.

No, that's not right. Not all of it was absorbed. There was about one ten-thousandth of the power left.

Seeing this, the old duke's face changed all of a sudden.

"Sure enough, you still won't let me go." The old duke said coldly.

"Let you go? Haha, it's you who made me a demon king and tortured me for so long. Do you think I will forget it?"

"Don't worry, I will torture you well and let you taste the sufferings of the world. Calculating the time, this power should be able to keep you going for ten days."

"Enjoy these last ten days." Sun Yan said with a big laugh.

The next moment, Sun Yan disappeared from the spot.

On the other hand, the old duke's body began to stiffen at this moment.

The old duke's face became a little ugly, and he immediately wanted to take action and end himself.

However, the next second, the whole person's body was out of control, and then he fell directly to the ground, and a severe pain came.

It was as if all the flesh and bones in the body were being gnawed.

At this moment, he lost control of his body and became a vegetable.

But he could still feel the pain his body was enduring.

Sun Yan left him one ten-thousandth of his power, allowing him to survive for ten days, and at the same time left some small things in his body.

These small things are a kind of magic insect, which is unique to the devil. They will not be discovered and will slowly gnaw the flesh and bones of the host.

At the same time, this magic insect also has the power of healing, which will heal the gnawed area and then grow it again.

After being parasitized by this magic insect, you will hardly die, but you have to enjoy the pain of gnawing all the time.

Of course, if it is unbearable, it is reasonable to commit suicide or die of pain.

"Alas!" The old duke sighed and silently endured this pain.

It is difficult to commit suicide. I want to speak, but I can't. At this moment, I am really waiting to die in pain.

The old devil recalled his life. For some reason, he remembered how wonderful and happy it was when he just became a hero.

Now he really hopes that it would be great if he had not become a hero back then.

Mu Rufeng returned to the capital of the Saint Dis Empire.

This time, he did not hide his figure, but flew over the palace.

Because of his high speed, no one noticed him at all. Only when he appeared above the palace did he become known by the magic circle.

Before the guards could shout, Mu Rufeng disappeared again.

Seeing this, the guards rubbed their eyes, thinking that they were dazzled.

But thinking that the magic circle had just been triggered, they must have seen it right.

They immediately sounded the alarm and took action.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng had already appeared in the king's bedroom.

At this moment, Sun Yan was still fighting hand-to-hand with many beauties.

The battlefield was fierce, and it was actually one against many. This was actually not important. What was important was that this guy's object was divided into four.

It did not become four, but the main root was directly split, and then four branches were separated.

And the four women were already dying, and they should have been hopeless.

There was no spirit in his eyes, only numbness and dead heart.

Mu Rufeng was disgusted when he saw this scene.

"I say, King, please stop being so disgusting, okay?" Mu Rufeng looked at the king and said.

"Wait a minute, wait until I'm done." The king didn't even look at Mu Rufeng and continued the hand-to-hand fight.

"You are a pig! You are..."

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, stretched out his hand and directly used the rule skill [You are a pig] on the four women.

In an instant, the four people turned into four big fat pigs.

The king who was sprinting saw this scene and was shocked, but because of inertia, he sprinted a few more times before stopping.

It can be seen that his thing instantly shrunk.

"I admire you. I didn't expect that His Majesty the King has such a hobby." Mu Rufeng couldn't hide his smile.

"You are looking for death!" Sun Yan said almost with gritted teeth.

Although he was the previous Demon King, he was also a hero and a normal human being before he became the Demon King.

Even though he became the Demon King and his personality was distorted, his aesthetics were still normal human aesthetics.

Now the beauties who were sprinting turned into four fat pigs, which made him suffer a critical hit of 10,000 points in his heart.

A terrifying momentum burst out.

Sun Yan wanted to kill the four fat pigs, but at some point, the four fat pigs had been moved to a distance.

Mu Rufeng's figure also appeared there, and he tried to help them with treatment.

But they said: "Kill, kill us."

"Please kill us."

"Kill us."

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng couldn't help but feel a little angry.

It is hard to imagine how many people this king Sun Yan has cruelly killed in these fifty years.

Think about the old duke again, how many innocent babies have he killed in these hundred years?

"You will have a good dream, and after waking up, you will forget everything and start again." Mu Rufeng said softly.

The dreaming technique was activated, and the four people fell into a deep sleep, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Mu Rufeng casually cast a few healing spells.

Although the healing ability is not as strong as that of the Healing Warrior, it is still no problem to save them.

"You know, I am a person who hates evil, so, how are you going to die?" Mu Rufeng looked at the king coldly.

"Haha, you want to kill me? Do you think you can do it?"

As soon as the king finished speaking, a large number of titles and his level appeared above his head.

His level of LV110 was simply difficult to look at.

Then, above the level, there are a large number of titles.

[Hero of Magic] [Hero of War] [Hero of Healing] [Hero of Sword] [Hero of Arrow], these are the five great titles of heroes.

There are also [Great Demon King] [King of Saint Dis Empire] [Top of the World] [Hero Hunter] [Demon Devourer] [Breaker of Limits] [Ten Thousand People Slaughter] [Ten Thousand People Devour]

Counting carefully, there are thirteen titles.

When these titles appeared, the king's body also rose to become a three-meter demon king, and his strength increased again.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was a little moved.

The king, who originally had the aura of the peak of the God Realm, actually reached the realm of the Emperor at this moment.

Emperor, this is a level that Mu Rufeng has not yet reached. Although he slaughtered the peak of the God Realm like slaughtering dogs, he could not win the direct battle when the Emperor came.

"Emperor!" Mu Rufeng stared at the king with a very solemn face.

However, he was not afraid, because he had many means, not to mention that he could create rules.

"Emperor? What is that? Isn't it strange that my strength has increased so much?"

"In this world, there is a rule that as long as you show more than three of your titles, each title will increase your strength by 10%."

"More than five, each title will increase your strength by 20%, and more than ten, each title will increase your strength by 30%." Sun Yan said with a grim smile.

"Huh? Showing a title will increase your strength? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng looked at Sun Yan in surprise.

Originally, Mu Rufeng was ready to use the rules of heaven, but after hearing what Sun Yan said, he didn't need to.

He seems to have more titles than Sun Yan, right?

"Why? Do you have many titles too? Oh, that's right, you have the title of the Brave Warrior of Magic, and you killed the Flame Dragon and the Deep Sea Whale."

"But so what? Even if you have ten titles, as long as you don't have as many titles as me, you will be suppressed by me." Sun Yan did not take action, but looked at Mu Rufeng with interest.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength, and he is the pinnacle of this world.

So, he likes to watch the struggle of the enemy before death.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then showed all his titles.

[Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Gambling Fortune] [Parasite Nemesis] [Demon Suppression Marquis] [Abyss Gazer] [Nian Beast Conqueror] [God Slayer] [World Peak] [Dragon Slayer] [Hero of Magic] [Demon Nemesis]

There are fourteen titles, especially the title of [God Slayer], which is the most conspicuous and makes people feel fearful.

(I don't know if there are any omissions. If you find any omissions, please comment here and I will make up for it.)

In this world, the title is king.

When you fight with others, even if the strength is not equal, as long as you show your title, if you have more titles than others, then the opponent's increased combat power will be suppressed.

In this state of increase and decrease, you can naturally defeat your opponent.

"Your Majesty, unfortunately, I seem to have one more title than you." Mu Rufeng felt the surge in his own strength.

You know, when he was about to arrive at the capital, he had already used [Life and Death] and potential burst.

So he became stronger in the peak state.

Soon, Mu Rufeng felt that he seemed to have entered a new realm.

The three-dimensional attribute actually only reached 100,000 points and did not increase anymore.

What increased was the power of the law, and the power of the law was all integrated into his body. At this moment, he had the power of the emperor.

"Impossible, how is this possible." The king on the side changed his face and was full of disbelief.

He guessed that Mu Rufeng would have many titles, and he even guessed that Mu Rufeng had ten titles.

But Sun Yan never expected that Mu Rufeng actually had fourteen titles.

Almost instantly, Sun Yan's breath weakened.

His title was lower than Mu Rufeng's, so the effect of each title was slightly discounted.

"Humph, so what? I can kill you even if I have fewer titles than you!" Sun Yan shouted and attacked Mu Rufeng directly.

It was the power of the Sword Warrior, mixed with the power of the Demon King.

Dozens of terrifying black sword qi attacked, almost covering the surroundings.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng swung the long sword in his hand, and with just one sword, he shattered all the sword qi.

"Dang!" A crisp sound.

Then the long sword in the king's hand broke directly.

The king saw this scene, his eyes condensed slightly, and just as he was about to take action, he saw Mu Rufeng directly soar into the air and flew away.

This is the capital of the king, where millions of residents live. Mu Rufeng felt that he still couldn't fight here, otherwise he would definitely be killed by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Mu Rufeng also wanted to have a good fight with Sun Yan and feel the power of the emperor.

Seeing Mu Rufeng leave, Sun Yan naturally would not give up and immediately followed him.

At the same time, his current identity is the king of the Saint Dis Empire.

Sun Yan did not want to destroy the empire. After all, being a king is really cool.

Soon, Mu Rufeng stopped in a forest a hundred kilometers away.

Sun Yan also arrived immediately.

"This will be your grave, what do you think?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Grave? It seems that you are too confident in yourself, then let me show you the power of the fusion of the devil and the brave."

"Forbidden spell: Meteor shower!"

Sun Yan directly waved the scepter in his hand, and the originally bright sky instantly turned orange-red.

Mu Rufeng looked up and found that the sky was densely packed with meteorites burning with black flames falling down.

At the same time, a breath of energy locked Mu Rufeng.

This scene was like the end of the world, but Mu Rufeng had seen this scene many times.

It was more exaggerated than the meteorite falling from the sky that Mu Rufeng performed.

Mu Rufeng took out the Qilin magic wand, which was just right here.

"Forbidden spell: Gravity collapse!"

Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand and said softly.

A huge magic circle emerged from under his feet, and then the gravity around him collapsed instantly, reaching hundreds of times the gravity.

The trees around him were instantly crushed into pancakes, even the fire meteorites in the sky.

Looking at Sun Yan on the opposite side, his body was also hit hard instantly, but this kind of heavy blow was not a big problem in Sun Yan's view.

Hundreds of times of gravity, for these substances, are extremely destructive, but for a strong man like Sun Yan, it is just like tickling.

"Blessing of speed!"

"Blessing of strength!"

"Blessing of agility!"

"Blessing of magic!"


Suddenly, I saw Sun Yan directly add a large string of BUFFs to himself, and all the BUFF blessings of the five heroes were applied to him.

At this moment, Sun Yan's strength soared again.

At the same time, he also imposed many debuffs on Mu Rufeng.

Similar to the slow spell, the weakness spell, etc.

These were simply unavoidable, and almost at the moment of casting, they directly crossed the space and acted on Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng could clearly feel that his strength had decreased, but the decrease was not much, only about 10%.

"Forbidden spell: Devil Binding!"

"Forbidden spell: Angel Binding!"

"Forbidden spell: Thunder of Heaven!"

"Forbidden spell: Space Collapse!"

"Forbidden spell..."

"Blade Storm...Devil King Death Ray Cannon!"

Almost in an instant, countless forbidden spells were seen overwhelming, as well as the signature moves of the heroes and the ultimate killing moves of the devil.

The terrifying atmosphere spread to the entire continent, and all the strong men knew at this moment that there was a god fighting.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was embraced by an angel and a devil. Although they were both extremely beautiful, these were forbidden spells, binding forbidden spells.

Even with Mu Rufeng's current strength, it would be difficult to break free with brute force alone.

However, he is a brave warrior of magic, so there is naturally a way to get rid of it.

But he looked at this overwhelming world-destroying attack and had some insights.

His heaven-defying external plug-in for understanding was uninstalled, and this kind of understanding was too rare.

He was unwilling to give up this understanding, so Mu Rufeng used absolute defense without hesitation.

Countless attacks covered Mu Rufeng's body and the surrounding space.

The whole world was colorless, making it impossible to open your eyes.

After a long time, all the attacks gradually subsided.

The originally huge and lush forest, Hu Bo and the mountains and rivers disappeared, leaving only huge pits that stretched for dozens of miles.

In the middle of the huge pit, two people stood there confronting each other.

Sun Yan looked at Mu Rufeng with an incredible look on his face. He just used his most terrifying moves and used all his strength.

Even he himself might die under this attack.

However, Mu Rufeng on the opposite side was completely unscathed, and there seemed to be no scratch on his armor.

"Who the hell are you? There is no way that someone with your power exists in this world." Sun Yan shouted sternly.

Eighteen seconds of invincibility passed, and Mu Rufeng closed his absolute defense and suddenly opened his eyes.

[Your comprehension is beyond belief. Watch the world-destroying attack and comprehend the magic skill: World-destroying Storm]

"Who am I? You can call me God!"

"So, are you ready to face death?"

Mu Rufeng shouted loudly, and a breath that made him throbbing spread out from his body.

"You are still a little naive to kill me." The king sneered, and the next moment, he saw a title appear above his head again.

It was a title called [Demon Terminator].

This title was obtained after he activated the magic worm left in the old duke's body and completely devoured and killed it.

In an instant, Sun Yan's breath surged again, and now he is at least 50% stronger than before.

"Let's end it as soon as possible. I don't want to waste time here."

The doomsday storm--

Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand and used the magic skill he had just comprehended.

In an instant, a storm appeared out of thin air.


Lightning flashed, thunder roared, and was accompanied by terrifying flames and cold waves.

All visible attributes were integrated into this terrifying storm.

A huge world-destroying tornado slowly appeared between heaven and earth.

A terrifying suction force locked onto Sun Yan, who was also shocked by this terrifying momentum.

He wanted to escape, but found that a suction force that he could not resist acted on him.

Mu Rufeng glanced at his magic power, which was already at its limit at this moment, and he used all his magic power to cast this magic.

But soon, he saw his magic power soar directly to 999999+.

Mu Rufeng poured in magic power again without saying a word.

He knew that it was because of the magic power brought by his true spiritual attributes.

When such a huge amount of magic power was poured in, the power of the world-destroying storm increased instantly.

The terrifying suction force also increased instantly, and Sun Yan in the distance could no longer resist and flew towards the world-destroying storm.

It can be seen that Sun Yan's face was extremely solemn at this moment, and even a little panic.

Countless attacks burst out from his hands, trying to smash the world-destroying storm.

Unfortunately, no matter what kind of attack, it will be absorbed by the World-Destroying Storm and turned into its own power, making the World-Destroying Storm even more powerful.

"It should be solved." Mu Rufeng murmured when he saw Sun Yan being sucked into it.

Since he comprehended the moves of the Other Shore of the Sword, another magic skill of the same level has appeared.

The power of the two can be said to have their own merits and are at the same level.

However, compared with the two, he actually prefers to use the Other Shore of the Sword.

The reason why he used the World-Destroying Storm is also normal. After all, he just comprehended it and he wanted to try it himself.

Mu Rufeng stood quietly in place, watching the Doomsday Storm constantly crushing Sun Yan inside.

To be honest, the Doomsday Storm is far beyond the Other Shore of the Sword in terms of destructive power and lethality.

The former should be regarded as a range-growing attack, while the latter is an attack that kills both the mind and the body.

The Doomsday Storm can sweep across the entire continent at an extremely terrifying speed.

At the same time, it can absorb various powers to strengthen itself. Even if no one stops it, the Doomsday Storm can even absorb the power of nature to destroy all existence on the continent.

Like now, Mu Rufeng restricted it to where it is and did not let it leave.

If Mu Rufeng cast the Doomsday Storm and then ignored it and let it grow, it would definitely bring huge consequences.

In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, because he had not received the prompt sound of successfully killing the demon king.

This surprised Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng sensed it and soon found the problem.

This guy is already powerful, and his body is also strong, and he has a super self-healing ability.

Moreover, he himself has the power of the Healing Brave, and the power of this Healing Brave is far more than Yu Lili several times, or even higher.

He constantly heals himself and weakens the damage of attacks. Even though he looks extremely miserable with scars all over his body, he is not even seriously injured.

It's not that the attack power is not strong enough, but his healing ability is too abnormal.

I'm afraid that the people who just died can be saved.

Mu Rufeng didn't care. After all, he had a lot of time and he could wait slowly.

It just so happened that Mu Rufeng was a little hungry after this battle.

He immediately fell to the ground, and then took out the table and chairs, and then took out the dragon soup, eating while waiting quietly.


Five minutes passed.

Mu Rufeng was getting a little impatient.

This guy is an indestructible cockroach. His blood recovery is too abnormal. If you want to kill him, you must kill him with one blow.

So, Mu Rufeng slowly took out the Xiuchun serrated knife.

"The flowers on the other shore are blooming, the other shore of the knife!"

With a soft hum, a sky-high divine sword slowly emerged, accompanied by the flowers on the other shore all over the sky.

The divine sword crossed the world-destroying storm.

The world-destroying storm disappeared in an instant, as well as the body of Sun Yan.

Sun Yan was shocked and immediately cast the forbidden spell of the Healing Warrior: Divine Light Guardian.

However, even the Divine Light Guardian could not resist Mu Rufeng's attack.

Mu Rufeng's attack from the other side of the sword exceeded the upper limit of the Divine Light Guardian.

[Triggering success, killing Sun Yan, all attributes +1, ghost power +1%, rule fragment is *0.1]

[Successfully killed the King of the Saint Dis Empire, completed the fifth stage mission, and obtained 500% clearance completion]

[The final stage mission is open, please destroy this world. ]

Mu Rufeng's mind was filled with prompts.

Everything was fine before, but when Mu Rufeng heard the final stage mission, his mouth opened slightly, and the whole person was in shock.

"Destroy this world? What a joke, why is the final mission this?" Mu Rufeng found it hard to accept.

He is a man who can distinguish between good and evil. He really can't destroy this world and destroy billions of lives.

These are all living lives. The population of the Saint Dis Empire alone is no less than 800 million.

"Why, why is it this mission? Am I going to commit suicide this time?" Mu Rufeng felt a little anxious.

However, no one answered him, and the system would not answer him.

"What should I do, commit suicide to return?" Mu Rufeng felt a little uncomfortable.

He had completed the five stages of the mission, and it was too hard for him to accept just leaving like this.

But if he really did it according to the final mission, he would also not accept it.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Mu Rufeng cursed three times in a row.


Mu Rufeng punched the ground.

Suddenly, the terrifying power spread out, and the earth shook, as if a dragon turned over.

At this moment, a person flew over.

Mu Rufeng didn't know him, but he sensed the sword's power. If he guessed correctly, this person should be the Sword Saint Ludisi, the most powerful person in the Saint Dis Empire.

"Meet the brave man." After the Sword Saint came over, he saluted respectfully. He didn't know Mu Rufeng, but after seeing Mu Rufeng's dazzling title, he finally chose to call him by this title.

"Sword Saint of the Saint Dis Empire? What are you doing here?" Mu Rufeng looked up at Ludisi.

"Brave man, um, I wonder if the person fighting you is the Demon King?" The Sword Saint said cautiously.

"Don't bother me. By the way, your king is dead. See if there are any suitable princes and princesses to let them succeed to the throne." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and said.

"Hmm? Sir Brave, the king is dead?" The Sword Saint looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

"You want to know? Okay, I'll tell you." Mu Rufeng said, and with a flick of his finger, he used the method of mental transmission to pass the relevant information to the Sword Saint.

After accepting it, Rudith immediately stood in place and began to digest this memory.

When he finished digesting it, the whole person fell into a huge shock.

"The Demon King is the Brave, the Brave is the Demon King, the King is the Brave, and the Demon King, this this this" Rudith was a little slurred at this moment.

"I think you should also know what the King and the Old Duke have done over the years. Think about it yourself, would humans be like this?"

"You can say that they have special hobbies, but how many special hobbies are there? How many do you know?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Hearing this, Rudith couldn't help but think of the so-called special hobbies that he knew about the Old Duke and the King.

At first, a large number of babies disappeared in the capital, and no one could see them alive or dead.

Later, there were too many people, so the whole king began to strictly investigate, and finally stopped all investigations when they found a certain place.

Finally, a human trafficker organization was pulled out and all the people were beheaded.

Ludisi was one of the investigators at the time. He also knew that it was the old duke, but the old duke was powerful and powerful, so he could only do so.

Later, when he became stronger, he knew how powerful the old duke was, so he could only let it go and he was powerless.

Because he went to the old duke and was beaten like a dog.

Later, he realized that the king was constantly plundering beauties, whether they were ladies from wealthy families or ordinary people, or even married young women.

As long as you enter the palace, you have to look at the king's mood. If you are in a good mood, you can live a little longer.

Those who are in a bad mood will be killed on the same day.

He knew it, and he was the first to meet the king and preach righteously, and then he was beaten like a dog again.

He is the first person in the Saint Dis Empire, and only he knows how humiliating it is for him to be beaten like a dog.

So, when the Frost Dragon attacked, he pretended to be defeated and injured himself severely, just because he didn't want to work for the empire anymore, and he lay down for many years.

It's boring, really boring.

It's just that now the king is dead, but there is still an old duke.

"Well, my brave man, there is also an old demon king, Duke Yuris, I wonder if you can kill him." Although Rudith felt it was very impolite, he still spoke.

"Old demon king? Duke Yuris? No need, he is dead, he should be swallowed by Sun Yan." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said.

Before, Sun Yan suddenly had another title, plus his previous title of [Demon Devourer], Mu Rufeng should think so.

After all, if you want to devour the demon king, naturally you can only be the previous generation.

"Really? That's great." Rudith immediately showed joy.

In this way, there will be no obstacles in the country.

He is the first person in the open, without the old duke and the king, the rest are not enough for him to fight.

Ludis clasped his fists in thanks, then quickly headed towards the Saint Dis Empire.

After the Sword Saint Ludis left, some more strong men arrived. However, when they saw such a terrifying battlefield, they were trembling all over.

Especially the man in the center of the battlefield, the breath he exuded made them feel terrified.

Some strong men thought about it and wanted to come over, but Mu Rufeng ignored them and disappeared on the spot.

Mu Rufeng came to a snowy mountain, sat in the snow, and kept thinking.

Destroy this world, when did the tasks below begin to erase humanity like this.

Will there be tasks that make the contractors kill each other in the future?

To be honest, if this world is weird, Mu Rufeng will destroy it and there will be no feeling.

But really, there are billions of humans and various intelligent creatures, and there are really few contractors who would do this.

"Fuck, it's really fucked." Mu Rufeng was a little irritated and burst out a swear word again.

Mu Rufeng began to think about why he was given the task of destroying this world.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this world, except for the demon king and the hero.

But now both the new demon king and the old demon king have been killed by him.

It can be said that there is no threat to the Bright Continent now, of course, except for Mu Rufeng.

"Wait, hero, is there still a problem with the hero?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something.

"If I kill those heroes, will the mission change? Or will there be some changes in the world?" Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought again.

Mu Rufeng thought it seemed unlikely.

"No, there is also a holy monument." Mu Rufeng remembered it all of a sudden.

There are five holy monuments in the Bright Continent, and each holy monument corresponds to a hero.

All the holy monuments are occupied by major forces.

For example, the holy monument of the warrior of war was obtained by the Warrior Guild, and the holy monument of the warrior of magic was obtained by the Magician Guild.

The holy monument of the warrior of arrows was obtained by the Bauhinia family, that is, Tian Mary's family.

The Holy Monument of the Healing Brave was acquired by Duke Yuris, and the Holy Monument of the Sword Brave was owned by the royal family.

Except for the Muta Village, which was not owned by other families, the rest of the holy monuments were located in the resident areas of the families that acquired the holy monuments.

It was also because of this that these people were able to make their descendants become heroes.

It was only the Hero of Magic that was difficult to do.

However, the Magician Guild had also sent people to slowly erode it, and the method of erosion was also very simple, that is, to directly let the people of the Magician Guild marry the women of Muta Village, and then give birth to children and stay in Muta Village.

Unfortunately, this time they were destroyed by Mu Rufeng, causing their plan to fail.

Where these holy monuments came from, why they have the power to give ordinary people the power of bravery, and why there is a monster in the holy monument that Mu Rufeng broke, this is somewhat intriguing.

He did not know the location of the holy monument, but the Sword Saint Ludis should definitely know.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng quickly headed towards the Saint Dis Empire.

Whether he chooses to destroy this world or to return by activating the landing bracelet, Mu Rufeng must first clarify the matter of the hero and the demon king.

As for whether he can destroy this world?

It doesn't take much, just release seven or eight world-destroying storms and let them grow. It won't take long for this world to be destroyed.

Not to mention, he still has nuclear bombs in his hands.

Nuclear bombs may not kill the strongest, but there is no problem in using them to destroy the Bright Continent.

After Rudis returned to the capital, he immediately found the eldest prince Sun Yiyan.

In terms of strength, Sun Yiyan is undoubtedly stronger than the princess Sun Mumu, but this is because the strength of the two of them is one level lower.

In terms of potential, the potential of the warrior Sun Mumu is naturally higher.

Logically, Sun Mumu should be chosen.

But Rudis thinks that the princess Sun Mumu is not suitable to be Her Majesty the Queen.

Whether it is temper, personality, or politics, Sun Yiyan is far superior to his sister Sun Mumu.

Moreover, his talent is not bad, and his strength is not weak compared to others. The most important thing is that Sun Yiyan is his disciple, a direct disciple.

"Master, are you saying that my father is dead? You want me to inherit the throne?" Sun Yiyan looked at the Sword Saint Ludis in surprise.

He knew how powerful his father was, so how could his father die?

"I know it's hard for you to believe, but I'm telling the truth. You should have sensed the battle over there. I just came from there."

"The people fighting were your father Sun Yan and the brave warrior Mu Rufeng. The battle was fierce, and the earth was broken. Your father was defeated and his body was gone."

"I won't say more, you can see for yourself." Ludis said, and also used the secret method to pass the message from Mu Rufeng into Sun Yiyan's mind.

Soon, after Sun Yiyan digested the news, he fell into shock.

"Master, is my father really the last Demon King and the last hero? And the old Duke."

"I don't believe it either, but you should also know the ridiculous things that the old Duke and your father do every day, right?"

"Although you are also quite domineering, would you kill and eat people at will?" Ludisi looked at Sun Yiyan and said.

Sun Yiyan heard it and thought about it, it seemed to be true.

Although he has a bad temper and is very arrogant, he really won't kill people randomly.

The people he kills either offend him or do something wrong.

Even sometimes, when he wants to kill someone, he will only ask people to bring out serious criminals to play games with them.

Compared with his sister, he thinks he is relatively good.

"Master, what should we do now?" Sun Yiyan asked.

"Over the years, your father has not been in charge of affairs. Government affairs are handled by you and some ministers. Call those ministers out now, and then use your father's seal to make a letter of abdication."

"Leave the rest to me." Sword Saint Ludisi said.

"Master, what about my sister? She is also a strong contender for the throne, and she is also a brave warrior." Sun Yiyan asked.

"Don't worry about it. Your sister is now clearing the demon army with the brave team. She won't be back for ten days or half a month."

"By the time your sister comes back, you will have already ascended the throne of king." Rudith said.

"Yes, Master." Rudith was secretly happy, then nodded and went to work immediately.

After Rudith explained some things, he asked his eldest disciple, the commander of the palace guards, to guard the palace tightly.

Then Rudith went to the old duke's manor.

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