I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 336: The fusion of the five holy monuments, the truth, and the destruction of the world [10,

No one in the Duke's mansion could detect Rudith's arrival.

Rudith came to the Duke's room carefully.

When he saw that only a skeleton with holes was left, and saw the clothes worn by the skeleton, he confirmed that the old Duke was really dead.

Then Rudith searched the room without saying a word.

After a while, he found a secret passage, but he couldn't find the mechanism, so he broke the door with a few swords and walked in.

When he saw the things in the secret passage, Rudith gritted his teeth.

When he entered, there were bones all over the floor, a layer of bones, from the passage to the secret room.

The secret room was also covered with a layer of bones, and there were also several skeletons that looked relatively fresh.

These corpses were the same, all without heads, and judging from the size of the body, they were all small.

These were all killed and eaten by Duke Yuris over the years...

In addition to these, there was also a holy monument in the secret room, the holy monument of the healing hero.

Ludis came here first to confirm the life and death of the old duke, and secondly for this holy tablet.

Just as Ludis was about to take the holy tablet away, he suddenly heard some sounds of trampling bones behind him.

"Who!" The sharp sword energy burst out instantly.

"It seems that Duke Yuris died too easily." Mu Rufeng suppressed his anger. He looked at the bones under his feet and felt a surge of blood rushing to his head.

It's a pity that Duke Yuris is already dead.

"Mr. Mu, you are here." The sword master immediately put away his sword when he saw that the person coming was Mu Rufeng, and said respectfully.

"What holy tablet is this?" Mu Rufeng looked at the holy tablet of the healing hero and said.

"Mr. Mu, this is the holy tablet of the healing hero." The sword master replied.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand and took the holy tablet.

Mu Rufeng tried to put it into the inventory, but found that he couldn't put it in at all. This holy tablet is a living thing and can't be put into the inventory.

"Where are the other holy tablets?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Mr. Mu, do you want to collect all the holy tablets?" Ludi asked carefully.

"Well, I think there is something wrong with the holy tablets." Mu Rufeng said.

Upon hearing this, Ludi told Mu Rufeng the whereabouts of the remaining holy tablets.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here for too long and quickly went to other places.

When Mu Rufeng took the other holy tablets, it was also very smooth.

After all, these people were far less powerful than Mu Rufeng, and those magic arrays could not resist him, let alone block his perception.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that the holy tablet of the Magician Guild was obviously shattered by him, but now it appeared intact in the warehouse of the Magician Guild.

This was also discovered when Mu Rufeng released his perception to find the location of the holy tablet.

After Mu Rufeng got the rest of the holy tablets, he came to the Magician Guild.

Looking at the holy tablet in the warehouse, Mu Rufeng thought for a moment and directly brought Vice President Wang Zheng, who was still handling things, to the warehouse.

"How did I get to the warehouse?" Wang Zheng was working in the office before, and suddenly appeared in the warehouse in a flash, extremely shocked.

"Vice President, didn't I break this holy tablet? Why is it now intact in the warehouse of your Magician Guild?" Mu Rufeng asked slowly.

"It's you? The brave warrior Mu Rufeng?" Wang Zheng was suddenly very surprised.

He also figured it out at once that it was Mu Rufeng who pulled him here.

"Answer my question." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

A sense of fear emerged from Wang Zheng's body. At this moment, he felt the threat of death.

"The holy tablet is difficult to destroy, but it can be destroyed by anyone above LV90, but once it is destroyed by someone above LV90."

"The holy tablet will return to the place where it first appeared. I have already made a trip and brought it back." Wang Zheng said.

"Then why don't you let those LV90 strong men smash the holy tablet and then gain the power of the brave, so that those braves don't have to spend so much effort to upgrade." Mu Rufeng asked.

"We thought so too, but even if the LV90 level smashed the holy tablet, it could not gain the power of the brave. At that time, I thought you were also above LV90."

"But you gained the power of the brave, so." Wang Zheng said.

"Have you studied the monster in the holy tablet?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

He still felt very confused about the monster in the holy tablet.

"We have also studied it, and have studied it for many years, but there has been no progress, so we didn't care about it later." Wang Zheng replied.

Mu Rufeng did not believe Wang Zheng's words, but directly stretched out his hand and pressed on his head, and directly explored his memory.

What Wang Zheng said was indeed true, and they did not study this holy tablet clearly.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here for too long. After taking away the holy tablet of the brave of magic, Mu Rufeng left here directly.

Because the holy tablets could not be stored in his inventory, Mu Rufeng directly used his ghost energy to pull the five holy tablets.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived at a high mountain.

There is a relatively flat area on the mountain peak here. After Mu Rufeng landed here, he placed all the holy tablets on the ground.

Just at this time, a loud roar came from a cave not far away.

Then, a wild griffin walked out of it and looked at Mu Rufeng with a cold look.

It seemed that it regarded Mu Rufeng as an intruder.

"Xiaolong, eat it." Mu Rufeng called Xiaolong out directly and pointed at the LV70 griffin.

LV70 is roughly equivalent to level 6 weirdness.

Xiaolong is now at the peak of level 6 weirdness, not to mention that he has eaten the heart of the frost dragon, and his bloodline has become even stronger.

If it weren't for Mu Rufeng's level limit, Xiaolong would definitely have risen to level 7 now.

Another thing is that the frost dragon is a dragon clan, which is considered a top race, and is much stronger than the griffin.

"Roar!" Xiaolong roared and flew directly to the griffin.

When the griffin saw the little dragon appear, its face suddenly became extremely frightened. Without saying a word, it spread its wings and flew high into the sky.

The little dragon can also fly, so it naturally chased the griffin.

Mu Rufeng still came to the holy monument of the brave warrior of magic. He stepped forward and broke the upper part of the holy monument with force.

Suddenly, a pointed monster skull was exposed inside.

Although Mu Rufeng was very careful, he still scraped off a layer of the monster's scalp.

Obviously, this holy monument was completely integrated with the monster's flesh and blood, but fortunately Mu Rufeng did not break too much, so that the monster's head was not fatally injured.

Mu Rufeng reached out and touched it, and he could still feel a warm breath, which was the monster's body temperature.

"Can you hear me?" Mu Rufeng tried to use the ability of telepathy.

However, he did not get any response.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to check the monster's memory.

Mu Rufeng suddenly noticed something, and immediately stepped forward to carefully observe the holy tablet.

A rune was faintly visible. If Mu Rufeng had not broken the holy tablet, he would not have been able to find it.

As a warrior of magic, Mu Rufeng could see that this was a seal array pattern.

And it was not born, but added by someone later.

Mu Rufeng immediately erased the seal array pattern.

However, the holy tablet of the warrior of magic did not change at all, but the broken part began to heal.

On the other hand, the stone that Mu Rufeng broke off was disappearing little by little.

Mu Rufeng did not care about these, but quickly went to other holy tablets. After careful inspection, he also found the seal rune.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and broke the seal runes on all the holy tablets together.

When all the seals were gone, the five holy tablets suddenly bloomed with their own power, and then the five-color light blended.

A magical scene appeared. The five holy tablets actually began to slowly approach each other and finally stuck together. It seemed that they were merging.

In other words, the five holy tablets might have been a complete one before.

But for some unknown reason, they were divided into five and appeared in five places.

Because the distance was too far, they would not attract each other, and it was even possible that 1+1 would not attract each other. Only when the five holy tablets were present at the same time would this happen.

And the seal array pattern was added later, and the seals were different. It should be imposed by the person who obtained the holy tablet.

It is likely to prevent the holy tablet from being peeped.

Soon, the five holy tablets successfully merged into one, a larger holy tablet than the previous one.

It was ten meters high and three meters wide.

When the light dissipated, Mu Rufeng found that there were words on the holy tablet.

However, this question was not in Chinese, nor in any language that Mu Rufeng was familiar with, and he could not understand it at all.

Just when Mu Rufeng was considering whether to reach out and touch it, a roar came from the sky.

He looked up and found that it was Xiaolong who had returned.

Xiaolong's claws were grabbing the neck of the griffin.

The latter was dying, and it seemed that Xiaolong had seriously injured it.

"Master, I caught it back." Xiaolong threw the griffin at Mu Rufeng's feet, and then paused aside.

"Not bad, are you hungry? I'll give you some more dragon meat." Mu Rufeng said, and was about to take out the dragon meat.

"Master, I'm not hungry. I haven't digested the food I ate last time. I've been a little sleepy recently, but I just can't fall asleep." Xiaolong said with some distress.

"It should be that you need to sleep and then evolve, but my level limits you. You just need to be normal and wait for me to upgrade." Mu Rufeng had no other choice but to say so.

"Okay, Master, then I'll go in."

"Wait, I almost forgot to ask you, why can you leave me so far now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know, I just found it suddenly. I can probably stay ten kilometers away from my master now." Xiaolong thought for a while and said.

"Ten kilometers? That's very far." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

As for why it was possible, Mu Rufeng was too lazy to dwell on it. Anyway, it was a good thing.

Then, Xiaolong entered Mu Rufeng's contract slot.

Then Mu Rufeng looked at the griffin and reached out to grab it.

"Human strongman, let me go. I am willing to be your mount." The griffin said with its dying breath.

"Sorry, I don't need it." Mu Rufeng said, and pressed it directly on the holy monument.

The next second, the griffin's originally languid breath instantly recovered to its peak.

The griffin's eyes suddenly widened, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his face was extremely uncomfortable.

"It hurts, my head is going to explode, what is this, God? The brave and the devil are actually like this, no, no~~~!"

The griffin roared in fear a few times, and then its head exploded directly.

Mu Rufeng threw the griffin on the ground, looking at the headless corpse, he had some guesses in his heart.

This holy monument should not be dangerous. The reason why the griffin was killed seemed to be sending him information, but because the news was too huge, the griffin's mental power could not bear it, so the head exploded.

Mu Rufeng immediately stretched out his hand and pressed on the holy monument.

He didn't think he would be in danger. Even if he died directly, it didn't matter. He could just return and give up this mission of destroying the world.

Suddenly, a huge amount of information poured into his mind.

It seems that because Mu Rufeng's mental and spiritual power are extremely strong, there is no adverse reaction when accepting this memory.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng digested the news and fell into a state of confusion.

This world is real, but also false.

At this moment, he also understood why the copy system gave him the task of destroying this world.

Because there is nothing wrong with it at all, this world really shouldn't exist.

After knowing everything, Mu Rufeng naturally didn't have too many concerns, and the task had to be completed.

However, Mu Rufeng did not use the doomsday storm to destroy the continent, but used the rules of heaven.

He did not create rules, and the rules he created were higher than the first level of world-class rules.

He chose to offset a world-class rule.

[Please select the rule you need to offset]

A prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"I choose to cancel the first rule of the Bright Continent: All beings will not die."

[The choice is successful, and the first rule of the Bright Continent has been successfully canceled: All living beings will not die]

When this prompt sounded, there was no change in the surrounding sky.

But the surrounding plants and monsters have undergone drastic changes.

The flowers and trees withered instantly, and the monsters turned directly into skeletons.

Mu Rufeng came to a city.

This city is still bustling with traffic and extremely prosperous.

However, all the people and animals in the city are now in the state of skeletons, but they seem to be unaware and are still doing the same things as before.

Eating, sleeping, working, fighting, practicing, killing and even having sex, as if they are just like normal humans, which makes people a little creepy.

After Mu Rufeng entered the crowd, those people also looked at Mu Rufeng like real humans.

"Master Brave, it's Master Brave of Art!"

"Look, Master Brave has come to our Xiaowu City."

"Master Brave, Master Brave!!!"

Mu Rufeng showed his title of Brave, attracting the attention of the skeletons around him.

Those people gathered around like normal people, and kept shouting.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng said nothing, flew directly into the sky and disappeared in the sky.

Then he went to the next city and found that all living creatures would turn into skeletons, even other races.

Even Mu Rufeng went to the deep sea on purpose and took a look at the mermaids, and they were the same.

They seemed to have no self-awareness of the form of their skeletons, and thought they were still the same as before.

"Alas, they are all poor people." Mu Rufeng sighed.

The news he got from the fused holy monument told a very terrible fact.

In fact, this world has been destroyed long ago, no, it should not be said to be destroyed, but experimented.

An unspeakable existence happened to discover their Bright Continent world.

At that time, their Bright Continent was thriving. Although there were occasional racial frictions, they were minor.

Many races also lived in harmony.

At that time, there were no heroes, no demon kings, and no levels, but there was also a cultivation system.

However, after the appearance of the unspeakable existence, it directly transformed the world.

The world was digitized, and the demon king was also created.

There was also a monster in the fused holy monument, and the monster was originally the only god in this world.

When one was divided into five, the body of the god was also divided into five parts, each evolving into a small clone.

The power of the hero given to ordinary people by the holy monument is actually the power of this god.

The god originally had a human-like form, but when the unspeakable existence appeared, it directly captured him, then wiped his consciousness and transformed him into a monster.

At the last moment, the god engraved his memory on the holy monument, wanting future generations to know the secrets here.

At the same time, the unspeakable existence also directly set many rules in the world of Bright Continent.

It is these rules that make all the creatures in this world unable to die.

Even though this world also has birth, aging, sickness, death, and death from battles and being killed by enemies.

However, those who died actually directly carried their memories and were reborn as newborns, monsters, demon kings in the Demon Realm, and so on.

It sounds like rebirth with memories can be considered eternal life.

However, there is no such good thing.

After these people are reborn, a part of their souls will be divided to become the owner of the new body, and they have no memory, and the main soul cannot interfere with the reborn body and can only watch silently.

What a torment.

If it is just like this, it is nothing. The most important thing is that the number of creatures in this world is fixed.

Since that unspeakable existence transformed this world, the number of creatures has always been constant.

There will be no more, no less, and all bodies will come and go without change.

Because of the rules, there will still be birth, aging, sickness and death, but those who are born and die are the same.

When Mu Rufeng offset this rule, the creatures who have lived for who knows how many years will naturally only have skeletons.

Because the flesh and blood have long been corrupted, but the bones have not hatched because of the rules.

If Mu Rufeng cancels another rule, the bones of these people will directly rot, leaving only a piece of flesh and blood, and still live.

This world is a sad world.

On the surface, everyone is happy and peaceful, and at most, there are demons and holy monuments that devour flesh and blood to produce heroes.

All people, all races and creatures, seem to be living their own lives.

But what is the real situation?

That is, all creatures in this world have a real soul and a real self.

Then they watch where their bodies live year after year and day after day.

And how numb and desperate they are in reality.

"Do you want to destroy this world?" Mu Rufeng asked himself in his heart.

Although this world is full of suffering, they are also alive.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng decided to ask them themselves.

The souls of these creatures are in a state of observation, so his ability to communicate with the souls should also be useful, and he can communicate with these souls.

However, it would be too slow for Mu Rufeng to ask one by one, because he did not forget that he still had the power of nightmare.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng came to the capital of the Saint Dis Empire again.

The population here is the largest city in the entire Saint Dis Empire.

There are more than four million people.

This is the capital. If you ask the people in the capital, you will surely represent the wishes of everyone in the entire Saint Dis Empire.

Mu Rufeng flew directly into the air, then put himself in a peak state, and then activated the power of nightmare.

A darkness emerged from Mu Rufeng's body in an instant, and then rushed in all directions.

Some people were shocked when they saw this scene and wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape at all.

As long as the existence immersed in the darkness, they will fall into a deep sleep instantly, whether they are low-level or high-level.

Some powerful people saw something wrong and wanted to escape directly, and even some great magicians wanted to perform instant teleportation.

Unfortunately, Mu Rufeng had already imprisoned the surrounding space, and they couldn't escape at all.

"Mr. Mu, what are you doing?" On the peak above the palace, Sword Saint Ludith loudly questioned Mu Rufeng.

The nightmare power has not spread to the palace yet.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the Skeleton Sword Saint, and then said: "Don't be afraid, you will know after you enter the dream."

"Enter the dream?" Ludith's face was uncertain, and he wanted to speak, but found that the nightmare power had already expanded.

In an instant, he felt a sense of sleepiness, and then he closed his eyes and lost all consciousness.

Then, Mu Rufeng also went directly into the dream world.

In the dream world, there is a huge square here, and the border of the square is dark.

Millions of residents in the capital are all here at the moment.

They stood there blankly, as if they had temporarily lost consciousness.

Mu Rufeng's figure appeared above them.

Mu Rufeng took a look, and then activated the ability of telepathy.

When he communicated, he suddenly realized that there were actually two souls among these people.

It cannot be said that there are two, but one main soul plus a split soul.

The split soul occupies the body and controls the body, unaware of the existence of the main soul, while the main soul has all the memories but cannot interfere with the body.

Mu Rufeng immediately communicated with the main body in the body of the Sword Saint Ludis.

"Ludis, can you hear me?" Mu Rufeng asked.

However, there was no response. Mu Rufeng tried a few more words, but still no response.

This made Mu Rufeng frown. Could it be that those main souls could not even respond to him?

But soon Mu Rufeng thought of it again and hurriedly said: "I am not talking to your split soul now, I am talking to your main soul."

"You can't interfere with the body of you talking, if you hear it, respond."

Because Mu Rufeng considered that these main souls had been watching for many years, and they might not know that Mu Rufeng was talking to them.

"Are you talking to me?" A voice sounded, it was Ludis's main soul.

"It's me. I'm the one talking to you." Mu Rufeng's face lit up when he heard that, and then he responded quickly.

"Mr. Mu, you can actually talk to me, you can actually hear me, you really can hear me, you really can hear me."

The tone of the main soul of Ludisi was extremely excited and hurried, with a hint of madness.

"I have an ability to communicate with any species. I asked you so many questions before, and I thought you didn't have your own consciousness." Mu Rufeng said.

"So you were talking to me before, too. That's great, that's great. I forgot about it for so many years. I didn't expect that someone could actually hear me talking."

"Haha, haha, woo woo woo~~!" Ludisi suddenly laughed but choked for a while, and his emotions didn't seem to be a problem.

Yes, they were probably tortured to the point of going crazy.

"I know the truth about this world. This world has been transformed, and you are all dead. You should know that, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I know, of course I know. We died a long time ago. These people are just skeletons. I can see it clearly, but these people seem to have not noticed it."

"Can you kill us? Kill us all, crush us to pieces, crush our bones, I don't want to suffer this torture again."

"Kill me, quickly, I know you definitely have the ability, right, right?" Ludisi shouted.

Because of the rules of this world, people here cannot be killed, because the living beings are constant.

However, Mu Rufeng can offset the rules, and he can indeed kill them.

However, Mu Rufeng's eyes sank slightly, and he thought of something.

Among the rules of the Bright Continent, the first one is: All living beings will not die.

The sixth rule: The living beings of the Bright Continent are constant and will never decrease or increase.

No matter which of these two rules Mu Rufeng offsets, the other one will take effect, making it impossible for Mu Rufeng to completely kill the living beings.

"So, you don't want to continue like this, and you want me to kill you, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, kill me, kill me, I don't want to go on like this, I want to die, I want to die so much." Ludisi kept muttering to Mu Rufeng to kill him.

Then Mu Rufeng directly communicated with millions of people present at once.

When these millions of main souls knew that Mu Rufeng could talk to them, they talked to Mu Rufeng crazily.

Wailing, cursing, begging, laughing, etc., are nothing to mention.

When Mu Rufeng asked, he wanted to destroy the world and destroy everyone, they all showed support.

Maybe when these people died for the first time, becoming a bystander would not be a big deal, but would feel very novel.

But as time went by, the second, third, and fourth time, and as time went by, the flesh and blood hatched and turned into bones, and they began to become numb and desperate.

At this time, they didn't know how many times they had died and how many times they had been reborn with memories. Now they only wanted to die.

"This world has rules. I can destroy the Bright Continent, but I may not be able to kill you. I can only say that I want to try." Mu Rufeng said.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Kill me, destroy, destroy this world."

"Try, try quickly, kill, kill, kill."

Everyone responded to Mu Rufeng with kill, kill, kill, destroy, destroy.

Even if they couldn't kill them, destroying the Bright Continent would be fine, because a destroyed world could also add a little fun to their numb and desperate eyes.

Just like, they always hoped that the Demon King's army could destroy the Saint Dis Empire.

Mu Rufeng let them fall asleep again, and let them all fall into a beautiful dream.

Then he left the dream alone.

Mu Rufeng looked at the capital shrouded in darkness, without any hesitation, and directly killed them in his sleep!

Almost instantly, all the creatures in the capital died.

The bones were broken all over the ground, and there was no movement anymore. Mu Rufeng withdrew the power of nightmare.

He didn't leave, but waited quietly. It was only about three minutes, and those bones actually began to move, and finally reassembled one by one, and then turned into bones.

The number of people is not less, not more, and always constant.

He doesn't play by the rules. If Mu Rufeng didn't cancel the first rule, these people would die if he killed them like this, and then their bodies would be born in another place in a special way.

But now they are reassembled directly, which is simply amazing.

When these people woke up, they screamed in fear, and it seemed that they still had previous memories.

A large number of strong men also flew out of the capital.

Unfortunately, they couldn't escape at all with Mu Rufeng's blockade.

"It seems that they really can't be killed, so we can only use another method."

Mu Rufeng took out his soul-sucking gourd from the inventory.

The soul-sucking gourd is a rare item in the forbidden land [Purgatory Abyss]. It also came to the earth with the Book of Time when the weird world descended into the real world.

Mu Rufeng felt that the soul-sucking gourd was definitely a supreme treasure, or a world-class treasure.

I think it is absolutely possible to break the rules of this world, and then use the soul-sucking gourd to absorb all the soul power of these people.

Once the soul power is sucked away, the soul will naturally disappear and die.

However, if you die like this, you will really die.

Mu Rufeng expanded the soul-sucking field, and then covered the entire royal city.

Then he talked to the main souls of millions of people again, asking them if they could accept the possibility of their souls disappearing and dying completely.

Their answer was still to kill them. They didn't care whether they were completely destroyed or not, they only cared whether they could die.

After getting a positive answer, Mu Rufeng directly activated the soul-sucking gourd and began to absorb the soul power of these people.

When the absorption began, Mu Rufeng kept staring at the number of his soul units.

After a minute, his soul units suddenly increased by hundreds of thousands. At this moment, he relaxed.

As long as he could absorb, then he could definitely suck these main souls to death.

Mu Rufeng didn't believe it. Could it be that the rules of this world could force these main souls to recover their soul power?

"Huh?" Suddenly, Mu Rufeng was slightly startled.

He looked at the fusion holy monument behind him.

I saw that the text on the holy monument that originally displayed the rules, one of the rules actually trembled, and then became a little blurred.

Mu Rufeng made a comparison and found that the rule that became blurred was the sixth rule: the number of living beings in the Bright Continent is constant and will never decrease or increase.

As Mu Rufeng absorbed more and more soul power, the rule became more and more blurred.

When Mu Rufeng saw this, he understood that the Soul Absorbing Gourd absorbed the soul power of these main souls, which was actually destroying the rules of the Bright Continent.

Being able to absorb means that the destruction is successful, and once there are truly dead living beings, then this rule will be directly broken.

"Soul Absorbing Gourd, Soul Absorbing Gourd, you are really a good treasure." Mu Rufeng rubbed the Soul Absorbing Gourd carefully, and was extremely satisfied with his decision to join the relevant department.

If he didn't join, this Soul Absorbing Gourd would definitely not be in his hands, and he wouldn't even know that there was a Soul Absorbing Gourd.

Then, Mu Rufeng directly gave up sucking the souls of all people, and only absorbed the soul of a death row prisoner who was about to be beheaded.

Soon, the soul power of the death row prisoner was sucked dry.

When this person really died, he saw the sixth rule directly break.

In this way, Mu Rufeng no longer needs to use the Soul Absorbing Gourd. He only needs to use conventional means, and these people will also perish.

No, that's not right, because Mu Rufeng saw that the skeletons actually fell to the ground in an instant, collapsed, and there was no movement.

Mu Rufeng didn't really take action, but only offset the first rule and shattered the sixth rule.

Without the blessing of these two rules, all the creatures in this world were overwhelmed and died directly.

Then, Mu Rufeng thought of something and immediately looked at the flame dragon meat in his inventory.

When he saw half of the flame dragon's body and the unfinished dragon meat soup still in the inventory, he was relieved.

The reason for this, Mu Rufeng guessed it a little and knew it. It must be because there are rules in the dragon meat. As long as Mu Rufeng doesn't take it out in this world, the dragon meat will always exist.

Even in the weird world or the real world, it will exist.

Mu Rufeng then cast the forbidden spell: World Destruction Storm.

The terrifying storm swept the entire capital, and all the buildings were turned into ashes.

Even the mountains were directly destroyed and the earth collapsed.

After Mu Rufeng released it, he ignored it and let it develop on its own.

Then Mu Rufeng went to other cities, and he found that the other cities were the same, and all the skeletons turned into immobile dry bones.

Mu Rufeng released another world-destroying storm again, and then left quickly.

He began to travel around the continent, and every time he left a short distance, Mu Rufeng would cast a world-destroying storm.

It took him about a day, and Mu Rufeng traveled all over the continent, including the ocean.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, flew high into the sky, and flew to a very high place.

Then, he saw that this world seemed to be like the earth, a sphere.

And at a higher place, there was a more vast universe.

Mu Rufeng came to outer space, but when he wanted to go deeper into the universe, he found that there was a protective shield that tightly blocked it.

Even if Mu Rufeng tried his best to attack, he still couldn't shake it at all.

It seems that Mu Rufeng's intention to explore the universe of this world is impossible.

"Is this world in the same universe as the earth?" Mu Rufeng couldn't help but guess in his heart.

He couldn't know, so he could only leave it for later.

"How about another meteorite?" Mu Rufeng didn't know how long it would take for the world-destroying storm to destroy the Bright Continent.

If it was a meteorite, it would definitely speed up the speed.

Do it as soon as you say it.

However, before taking action, Mu Rufeng thought of something, and immediately took out his mobile phone and started filming.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the Qilin magic wand, and then waved it and cast a forbidden spell.

"Forbidden spell: Meteorite of Destruction."

This forbidden spell is similar to the meteorite falling from the sky and the meteor shower, but compared to the latter, the meteorite of destruction will only drop one meteorite.

But because it is a meteorite, it will be extremely huge.

The larger it is, the stronger the impact will be.

The stronger the magic power, the bigger the meteorite will be.

Mu Rufeng directly drained 95% of his magic power and cast the forbidden spell: Meteorite of Destruction.

A huge meteorite slowly emerged in the sky.

Mu Rufeng roughly estimated that the diameter of the meteorite reached ten kilometers.

When Mu Rufeng released it, he saw the meteorite began to fall slowly, and finally because of its own weight and the gravity of the planet, the speed became faster and faster.

The surface of the meteorite also began to burn, which was the heat generated by the friction between the meteorite and the air.

Then, the huge meteorite hit the ground directly.


A terrifying and earth-shaking sound broke out.

What came faster than the loud noise was the dazzling light, even with Mu Rufeng's eyesight, it felt a little dazzling and unbearable to look directly at.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was in outer space, and he could clearly see a terrifying shock wave sweeping in all directions.

He could even feel that the planet seemed to be shaking.

The place of impact this time was the deep sea. When the meteorite hit, it directly vaporized all the seawater within dozens of kilometers around.

Then it continued to crash into the seabed, billions of tons of material were thrown into the sky, and flames shot up all around.

Then huge waves hundreds of thousands of meters high were set off, sweeping towards the impact site.

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