I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 337 Return and Settlement Rewards [10,000 words]

After the meteorite hit, it caused crustal movement, and strong earthquakes began to occur in most areas.

And because of the huge energy caused by the impact, the crustal movement intensified, which led to a global volcanic eruption.

This is a ten-kilometer meteorite, which is an extremely terrifying size.

If Mu Rufeng stood on the ground and cast this forbidden spell, the impact force would naturally not be so great, because the height was not enough and the speed could not be increased.

But now Mu Rufeng is in outer space. If he had not been stopped by the protective shield, it is estimated that Mu Rufeng would have to go to the moon to have a look.

This height is already extremely high, and the power caused by the ten-kilometer meteorite released at this high speed is absolutely inestimable.

Just like, 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs still dominated the earth.

There was a meteorite with a diameter of ten kilometers that hit the earth at a speed of 70,000 kilometers per hour.

It was this meteorite that caused the destruction of the entire dinosaur era.

According to experts, the energy released by this meteorite is equivalent to the energy generated by the simultaneous explosion of 5 billion atomic bombs.

However, the meteorite Mu Rufeng used was the same size as the one that destroyed the dinosaurs, but it was slower.

The slower speed naturally reduced the power a lot.

Not to mention more, it was definitely half, after all, it was also under Mu Rufeng's blessing.

Half of the power can definitely destroy the Bright Continent.

The main reason is that Mu Rufeng's strength has increased dramatically under the blessing of the title rules and he has the power of the emperor.

Otherwise, it is not necessarily possible to make such a huge meteorite.

Mu Rufeng held the phone and looked down quietly.

After about half an hour, the task prompt sound showed that it was completed.

[Player Mu Rufeng successfully destroyed this world, and the final stage of the task was completed]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

Mu Rufeng silently turned off the mobile phone video and put it away, then looked at the planet that had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and silently said that he had returned.


Mu Rufeng returned to his room.

He didn't rush to settle the reward, but walked out of the room and looked for Zhao Yanran.

But he found that Zhao Yanran was not in the room, but the room was locked, which means that Zhao Yanran had not returned yet.

In this case, Mu Rufeng returned to the room and began to settle the reward.

[Congratulations to LV5 player Mu Rufeng for completing the special single-player copy: The Brave and the Demon King]

[The player successfully passed the first stage, and the completion rate increased by 100%. The player successfully passed the second stage, and the completion rate increased by 300%]

[The player successfully passed the third stage task, and the completion rate increased by 500%. The player successfully cleared the fourth stage task, and the clearance completion increased by 500%]

[The player successfully cleared the fifth stage task, and the clearance completion increased by 500%. The player completed the final clearance task, and the clearance completion increased by 1,000%]

[The player's total clearance was 2,900%, and he obtained the rule prop: the Hero's Medal, obtained a random rule skill card, obtained a special rule prop: a digitized card, and obtained 29,000 soul notes]

[It was detected that the host had cleared the dungeon, and the plug-in was uninstalled. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in's legacy attribute: experience bonus]

[The Hero's Medal]: This is the proof of the brave of the art.

Effect: Rule props, after wearing, you can have the power of the brave of the art.

Note: The current bound character: Mu Rufeng, cannot be untied.

[Random Rule Skill Card]: After use, you can randomly obtain a rule-based skill.

[Digitized Card]: This is a certain existence condensed using rules.

Effect: Special rule props, after use, a copy or world can be digitized.

Note: Datafication will be permanent, please use it as appropriate.

[Experience bonus]: The speed of cultivation is doubled.

"Brave medal?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then smiled.

When he came out just now, he sensed that his brave power was gone, and his magic power was gone. At that time, he felt it was a pity that the brave power would be taken back.

But now he knows that it should be his brave power that turned into this brave medal.

This is good, anyway, there is no harm in wearing it.

Another one is the random rule skill card, which is nothing to say, it depends on luck.

What shocked Mu Rufeng the most was naturally this [digital card].

It can actually make a copy or a world digitized, and the digitization should be the same as the Bright Continent.

Once digitized, it is irreversible, and it is indeed necessary to use it as appropriate.

He really didn't expect that this time the reward actually directly brought the rules condensed by the unspeakable existence.

As for the last plug-in, it was not unexpected by Mu Rufeng.

As for the experience bonus, when converted to the real world, it is naturally a bonus to the speed of cultivation.

It can double the speed of cultivation, which is also a very scary ratio, and it will definitely make Mu Rufeng stronger faster.

This time, he only spent one day, but the harvest made him very satisfied.

Mu Rufeng walked out of the room, and then went to the kitchen, took out the bowls and chopsticks, and then poured the dragon meat soup into it, and then ate it.

At the same time, he also took out some fruits from the refrigerator.

Suddenly he thought of something and immediately took out the hemp ball.

"Master, Master." As soon as the hemp ball came out, he shouted twice in succession.

"Take this and send it to Minister Zhou Wen of Changsha headquarters." Mu Rufeng took out the flesh and blood growth device.

"Okay, Master. Then, Master, can I play outside for a while? Just for a while." The hemp ball responded and then asked.

"Well, just don't make too much noise." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

This guy is now a super Internet celebrity with hundreds of millions of fans.

During the Chinese New Year, because Mu Rufeng did not enter the dungeon, he played very crazy and shot a lot of cool videos.

It did not have its own account, so it used Mu Rufeng's account to post.

Mu Rufeng did not care, let him watch it himself, just don't be too out of place.

After all, Mu Rufeng himself also enjoyed watching it.

Among them, the video with the highest number of likes reached more than 30 million. It was a video of Mu Rufeng in ancient costume and Zhao Yanran in Hanfu watching the moon above the clouds while eating barbecue and milk tea.

This strong contrast was simply popular on the Internet.

After getting Mu Rufeng's consent, Ma Qiu smiled and jumped directly from the balcony window.

After eating, Mu Rufeng sat on the sofa with some boredom.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng left a note for Zhao Yanran and then went out.


More than half an hour later, Mu Rufeng came to the Beijing headquarters.

He came this time to use the Book of Time.

He has a chance to ask questions every two months. Now it is almost the end of February, and there is another chance to use it.

After entering the headquarters, those who saw him greeted Mu Rufeng one after another, and Mu Rufeng responded one by one.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the Book of Time Room.

Then after a series of complex tests, Mu Rufeng entered it.

There was someone inside, it was Ye Lin.

Ye Lin was standing in front of the bookshelf, looking through some materials.

"Are you here? I've reserved one right for you to use it." Ye Lin looked up at Mu Rufeng and said.

Mu Rufeng had called Ye Lin long before he came.

After all, he wasn't sure if there were any more times to use it.

The times the country had used it had naturally been used up, but it still reserved one for Mu Rufeng.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"By the way, does the Bureau of Strange Affairs have any new products that are useful recently?" Mu Rufeng came to the Book of Time and asked.

"Yes, there are, but you probably can't use it. For vehicles, you have a sesame ball, but do you want to give it to your family?" Ye Lin said.

"Then give it to them, give them some of the things they can use." Mu Rufeng said.

These days, the research of the Bureau of Strange Affairs has also made great progress, and it can be said that there are good products in all aspects of real life and dungeons.

At first, Mu Rufeng was quite interested, but later on, these things didn't have any effect on him, so his interest faded and he stopped paying attention.

"Okay, by the way, when you have time, go to the strange world and get some raw materials back." Ye Lin said again.

"Okay, I'll go later." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly. He hadn't been to the strange world for a long time, and the resources acquired by Baibaolou must have accumulated a lot.

Then Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and pressed on the Book of Time, and then asked it a question.

"If I use the digitization card to digitize the earth, will it develop in a good direction or a bad direction? Please explain in detail."

This question was also asked by Mu Rufeng after careful consideration.

In the copy, there is no need to use the digitization card at all, so we can only think about whether to use it on the earth.

[This question requires 1,000 units of soul power. Do you want to pay? ]

A prompt sounded from the Book of Time.

Then, another prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Do you want to pay 1,000 soul units?]

One thousand soul units? This is not a small amount. Obviously, this question should be difficult.

Ye Lin, who was standing by, also came up and asked, "Digital card, what is that?"

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but took out the digital card and handed it to Ye Lin.

After checking the properties, Ye Lin was shocked: "You have all this stuff? Where did you get it?"

"This time, the copy I entered is a special copy, so I came to ask the Book of Time." Mu Rufeng replied.

At the same time, after the Book of Time absorbed the soul power, it was seen that the Book of Time glowed brightly and then slowly opened.

[Payment completed, the answer to the question has been generated, please check it yourself]

At this moment, the Book of Time has been fully unfolded, and lines of text began to slowly emerge on the blank pages.

Both of them looked over immediately.

[Using the data card to digitize the earth will lead to polarization]

[First, it will develop in a positive direction. All humans, animals and plants will be digitized and have the ability to absorb spiritual power, ghost energy and other energies]

[Under such circumstances, all humans will thrive and be able to perfectly connect with the advent of the strange world, and will be able to survive in the dungeon world to a greater extent]

[But when the earth is digitized, it will attract an unspeakable existence. When this existence comes, what will happen? This book cannot answer it because it has exceeded the upper limit]

"The upper limit, it's actually reached." Mu Rufeng's expression became solemn.

"Unspeakable existence? Mu Rufeng, don't use this digitized card." Ye Lin also knew the seriousness of the matter and said hurriedly.

"Of course I know. It seems that this unspeakable person should be the one who transformed the copy." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Transformed the copy? What's the situation." Ye Lin was a little surprised, and then returned the digitized card to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng put it away, and then briefly talked about this copy.

When Ye Lin heard this, he was shocked: "You mean, a normal world, and then it was directly transformed and digitized by this unspeakable person."

"Even later, the rules were set, so that the souls of people in this world are immortal but cannot interfere with the body, and the number of living beings is always constant?"

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"I wonder why I was given the task of destroying this world. I struggled for a long time, and finally I found the clue." Mu Rufeng said.

"Wait, you mean, you destroyed this world? Is that true? Didn't you kill hundreds of millions of lives?"

This is a world, a planet similar to the Earth, but it was destroyed by Mu Rufeng, which made Ye Lin feel a little strange.

"Of course it's true, and those main souls are already extremely tortured. After knowing that I want to destroy the world, they are all crazy and want me to destroy it."

"If they are all normal lives, I would rather activate the landing bracelet to return." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"That's good." Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Mu Rufeng didn't kill billions or even tens of billions of gods in an inhumane way, it would be fine.

"I also took a video, do you want to see it?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Let's see." Ye Lin was still very interested in this.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng sent the video to Ye Lin.

When Ye Lin finished watching it, he could see that he swallowed unconsciously in his throat.

He looked at Mu Rufeng with a look of disbelief: "I say, Mu Rufeng, you have the ability to destroy a planet now?"

"Well, it doesn't count. That's because of the blessing of the rules. My strength has increased dramatically and reached the level of the Emperor, so I cast this forbidden spell and such a large meteorite appeared."

"If I cast it in my normal state, I'm afraid it would be enough for one kilometer." Mu Rufeng said.

"If you run into outer space and release a few more one-kilometer meteorites, the earth will be destroyed by you." Ye Lin smacked his lips.

Now Mu Rufeng is really a human-shaped nuclear bomb.

The number one person in the world is definitely not just talk, but the real number one person in the world, even Jian Yifeng and the Sixth Prince can't compare.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng also said that he has no bottleneck in cultivation. As long as there are enough resources, he can continue to break through.

Once he breaks through the Emperor, his strength is simply unimaginable.

"You make a lot of sense, so don't mess with me in the future, otherwise, I will be afraid of myself when I get ruthless, haha!" Mu Rufeng said with a big laugh.

"Provoke you? Who dares to provoke you now? No, I have to tell the big boss above." Ye Lin thought it would be better to tell Mu Rufeng about the power he now has.

"Then go ahead. I just have nothing to do, so I'll go to the strange world. I haven't been there for more than a month." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah." Ye Lin nodded.

"Oh, by the way, does the country still have soul notes?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"There are still about one trillion, which is enough for a long time." Ye Lin said.

"Only one trillion? Too little, so I'll transfer another ten trillion to the country." Mu Rufeng said and took out the Tiandi Bank card.

"Are you rich again?" Ye Lin would naturally not refuse. Ten trillion is enough for him to do a big job.

Moreover, the country has begun to issue login bracelets to ordinary people, and even advocates that those people can enter the dungeon world independently.

There is no way, so I can only slowly start to divert traffic like this, otherwise, when September comes, the strange world will come completely.

At that time, all people over the age of eighteen will have to enter. If there are too many people, it will definitely cause a huge riot.

If we start from now, we will slowly enter in, and when it comes completely, there will be no riot.

Of course, the premise of this distribution is that you have eaten the attribute fruit and passed the weird copy world information test to get the login bracelet.

That's right, in order to let more people know the information of the copy, the country directly opened the official APP to all citizens.

A special test function was also developed, which tests the relevant information of the copy world.

This also allows more players to get more chances of survival.

According to statistics, one percent of the population in their entire China has entered the copy world and become players.

Among them, most of them do not have contract weirdness.

Because some people look down on low-level weirdness.

Why do you say? Most of these people have practiced the Qi and Blood Method, and their strength is not weak. They want to contract high-level weirdness or weirdness with special abilities after upgrading.

Even if those weirdnesses disagree, it doesn't matter. They have become stronger, and it is okay to force them to sign with tough means.

"No, I went to that unspeakable dungeon a few days ago and exchanged a batch of soul notes."

"I have so much soul money that I can't put it down here. If you give some to the country, it can develop faster." Mu Rufeng said.

He had a lot of soul power and exchanged a lot of soul coins. He even specifically asked Zhao Chen how many soul coins there were in the Golden City.

Don't let him finish changing it by then.

Zhao Chen said that Golden City has more than one hundred billion soul banknotes stored in Tiandi Bank and Angel Bank.

At the same time, there are also more than 100 billion deposited in some smaller banks.

The interest the bank gives him every day is an astronomical figure.

In addition, Golden City also has a loan business. Because it cannot steal the bank's business, the interest rate is relatively high, but the conditions will be relaxed a lot.

The collateral is soul, life span, etc., so there are many people who come for loans.

Doing the math, the amount of soul money loaned out is almost tens of trillions.

In Zhao Chen's words, their Golden City can definitely be regarded as the richest man in the strange world.

Tiandi Bank and Angel Bank in the West do not have as many assets as Golden City.

Although both sides are extremely ancient and huge group forces.

But the status of the Golden City is too special. It can not only trade soul power, but also life span.

When Ye Lin looked at the reminder that he had received 10 trillion yuan, a smile appeared on Ye Lin's face.

"Big boss, God of Wealth, please take care of us if anything good happens in the future." Ye Lin said with a flattering look.

"Minister Ye, I still like your appearance before." Mu Rufeng said with a straight face.

"Minister Mu, work hard and I will give you a promotion and a salary increase next year. I think you are a good prospect." Ye Lin suddenly became serious, and then patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder.

"Okay, okay, your acting skills are too bad. I'll run away first. If you need anything, call me. You should also keep an eye on those friends from Tiandao Continent." Mu Rufeng waved her hand and said.

"Well, don't worry. Those people are very honest. They are all young people. Although their experiences are somewhat different, they are also relatively strong. They have been fascinated by our colorful world."

"Also, don't forget to go to the warehouse and take the materials for making the login bracelet to the strange world." Ye Lin said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Then Mu Rufeng went to the warehouse, filled the inventory directly, and then covered the remaining part with ghosts, and left the capital headquarters directly with the materials.

Mu Rufeng came to an uninhabited lake in the wild.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the Gluttony Cruise's black gold card.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to summon the Gluttony Cruise, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. It was the sound of WeChat. It was very clear.

Mu Rufeng picked it up and took a look and found that it was Feng Qianyu.

Feng Qianyu, the genius of the Feng Clan, is a phoenix. Although his strength is only at the peak of soul refining, that is, the demon king, his strength is definitely the top among this group of geniuses.

Mu Rufeng: "I'm here, is there something wrong?"

Feng Qianyu: "Well, I just want to ask. I have made a breakthrough in strength recently, but I need to absorb a lot of fire attribute aura."

Feng Qianyu: "I have taken a fancy to Mount Fuji in the island country. It contains a lot of energy and can allow me to break through the Demon Emperor. I don't know if it is possible."

Mu Rufeng thought for a while and replied: "What will be the consequences after you absorb the flame energy of Mount Fuji?"

Feng Qianyu: "I made some calculations, and I guess I'll suck all the energy out of Mount Fuji, and then my breath will knock Mount Fuji down."

Feng Qianyu: "But don't worry, Your Highness Ninth, I will never harm the residents of the island country. I have also checked that Mount Fuji can erupt at any time. I have solved a problem for them."

Mu Rufeng: "Well, you are right. This will indeed solve a problem for them. Just wait a moment and I will ask Ye Lin to contact you. He will contact you later."

Feng Qianyu: "Okay, thank you, His Highness Ninth Prince. Lovely.JPG"

Mu Rufeng looked at the emoticon at the back and smiled. It seemed that Feng Qianyu had really adapted.

As for Mount Fuji, what do those island country contractors dare to say?

Besides, although Mount Fuji is an extremely important world-class scenic spot for them, strictly speaking, Feng Qianyu is really just helping them solve the crisis of volcanic eruption.

Mu Rufeng immediately called Ye Lin and explained Feng Qianyu's request.

Ye Lin heard the words and immediately agreed. Now is not the past. Not to mention a small Mount Fuji, even the Yasukuni Sacred Toilet, Ye Lin asked them to demolish it a few days ago.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng immediately used the privileges of the black gold card to summon the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

Not long.


An extremely loud whistle sounded, making people's ears hurt.

The lake was also shrouded in fog, and then a huge cruise ship was seen emerging from the fog and then docked on the shore.

Then he saw the escalator extending down from above and landing in front of Mu Rufeng.

Then Zhao Xize, wearing a suit, came down the escalator.

"Mr. Mu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Mr. Mu has become stronger again."

Zhao Xize could also feel Mu Rufeng's powerful aura.

This aura was stronger and more unfathomable than the last time they met.

"Captain Zhao's strength has also improved, and he is now an eighth-level ghost king." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's because President Mu gave me a big red envelope and resources during the Chinese New Year. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to break through to the eighth-level ghost king so quickly."

Mu Rufeng had promised a long time ago that he would give a big red envelope during the Chinese New Year, and he naturally did not break his promise.

In addition, he is not short of money now, so he gave enough, not only Zhao Xize, but also all the employees of his industry.

"Let's go, take me to the mine." Mu Rufeng said, walking towards the escalator.

Zhao Xize responded, and then followed Mu Rufeng up the escalator.

After getting on the ship, Mu Rufeng could see that some places on the deck had changed.

It became more luxurious.

As if noticing Mu Rufeng's gaze, Zhao Xize quickly explained: "Boss Mu, our recent profits are relatively high, and we have your generous support."

"I took the initiative to renovate the Gluttony Cruise, so that the guests can have a better experience."

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly after hearing this: "That's right. When I first came here, it was tattered, the railings were rusted, the deck was bumpy, and there were bloodstains."

"The entire hull and the interior are rusted, which makes it uncomfortable to look at. Now that it has been renovated, it is much more comfortable to live in."

Zhao Xize smiled when he heard Mu Rufeng's words. Sure enough, their big boss Mu Rufeng likes luxurious ones, not the gloomy and shabby ones.

Yes, Boss Mu is a human after all.

For weird people like them, although they don't care whether they are rusty or not, living in a new place and a shabby place, weird people naturally like new and luxurious places.

After Mu Rufeng learned about the recent situation, he sent Zhao Xize away and called him when he got to the place.

Mu Rufeng was strolling on the cruise ship.

It must be said that after Zhao Xize spent a lot of money to renovate it, it is much better than before.

If it still exudes a gloomy ghostly aura, it can definitely be comparable to modern luxury cruise ships.

Because the industry of Gluttony Cruise has become bigger, it has also led to the recruitment of more weird employees.

When Mu Rufeng was strolling, he saw a lot of weird guests and a lot of weird crew members.

Everyone was extremely respectful to Mu Rufeng.

The weird crew members knew Mu Rufeng, so they were respectful, and those weirds were respectful because Mu Rufeng exuded the aura of his divine realm.

Even if Mu Rufeng is a human being, in a place where strength is respected, these weirds have to be honest.

Of course, this is also for Mu Rufeng to avoid trouble, so that some weirds will not come to trouble him.

Mu Rufeng also saw some contractors who were participating in the dungeon mission.

These people all knew Mu Rufeng, and they ran up to say hello excitedly.

Mu Rufeng naturally responded one by one, and even chatted for a while.

The current Gluttony Cruise can be regarded as a welfare copy.

Although Mu Rufeng did not have strong requirements, because he, a human contractor, is the captain's boss.

Zhao Xize will naturally treat those contractors well.

An hour later, the Gluttony Cruise arrived at its destination.

"Captain Zhao, wait here for a while, I will transfer all the things in the mine to the warehouse." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, President Mu, do you need my help?"

"No." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

It's just transferring some things. Once the ghost cave is opened, it's easy.

After getting off the ship, Mu Rufeng went directly into the mine.

The mine is still brightly lit.

Many weirdos are still stepping up mining.

It is estimated that in another month or two, this mine will be emptied.

"President Mu, you are here." The security captain immediately stepped forward and said flatteringly.

During the Chinese New Year, he was given a big red envelope of 240,000 yuan.

That was 240,000 yuan, which was his salary for two years, and this was because his salary had doubled.

If it was before, it would be enough for four years of salary.

"Well, go and do your thing."

"Okay, Mr. Mu."

Mu Rufeng first came to the factory and put all the things and materials he took into the factory warehouse.

Then he greeted the factory manager and transferred all the boxes of landing bracelets piled up like mountains to the Gluttony Cruise.

Mu Rufeng didn't count how many there were, because there were too many, and he hadn't been here for more than a month.

Finally, he went to the warehouse outside and transferred all the life mines to the warehouse of the Gluttony Cruise.

Mu Rufeng still asked Baibaolou to continue to purchase the life mines.

At the same time, he also continued to purchase cheap and high-yield spiritual fruits such as attribute fruits, plus a large number of props.

There are so many of these things in the strange world, but there are not many in the real world, so they must be continuously acquired.

After everything was done, Mu Rufeng returned to the Gluttony Cruise.

"Captain Zhao, put these things on the ship for the time being. I have something else to do in the strange world, so you go and do it first. I will use the black gold card to summon it again when the time comes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, don't worry." Zhao Xize responded repeatedly.

Then Mu Rufeng got off the ship and watched the Gluttony Cruise leave.

Then, Mu Rufeng went to Scarlet Optimization.

Now that he is powerful, he doesn't have too many concerns even if he walks in the wilderness.

Mu Rufeng flew through the wilderness area and arrived in Qingshan City in just a few minutes.

Mu Rufeng's current flying speed is faster than that of Ma Qiu after transformation.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived at Scarlet Optimization.

When Mu Rufeng appeared at the entrance of the logistics park, the security guards were shocked and greeted Mu Rufeng very respectfully.

Unlike before, when Xu He knew that Mu Rufeng's strength had soared again, he directly issued an order.

He gave a photo of Mu Rufeng to each employee, just to let them know Mu Rufeng, so that they would not bump into Mu Rufeng.

Along the way, he could see all the employees saluted him respectfully.

Mu Rufeng was also a little surprised, and finally guessed it.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng arrived in front of Xu He's office.

Without waiting for him to knock on the door, the door opened automatically.

"Brother Mu, you actually have time to come to the strange world today?" Xu He, who was processing documents inside, looked up at Mu Rufeng and said with a smile.

"Yes, I came here to transport some things back, and I came here to take a look." Mu Rufeng walked in with a smile, and then closed the door.

"How is the business of Scarlet Optimization recently?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Business, of course, is very good. It is still expanding, and our stock price is also rising rapidly." Speaking of this, Xu He smiled very happily.

The stronger Scarlet Optimization is, the stronger his strength will be, the higher his social status will be, and he will go further in the future.

"What about the Dead Xi Optimization?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Although it can't compare with us, the business is not bad. They have the investment of the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce, which can be said to be spending money to buy traffic." Xu He replied.

"From this point of view, they are not a concern. As long as the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce withdraws its investment, the Dead Xi Optimization will only be acquired." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Yes, it's no longer a concern. You've also made the real world a solid block. I've received news that they're constantly increasing their efforts to contact some contractors and open up channels."

"But none of those contractors agreed, even if they were threatened by them." Xu He had to admire Mu Rufeng's methods.

"Hehe, I gave those guys so many benefits. If they still agree, I won't be so easy to talk to them anymore." Mu Rufeng sneered.

"By the way, I forgot to ask before. Do you know if there are any strange emperors in this world?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course there are, but almost no one can be seen. They all hold some positions of retirement but power in some old-fashioned ninth-level groups."

"For a newly promoted ninth-level group like us, there may be some who come to hang their names, but there are very few."

"And I want to find an emperor to hang my name, but unfortunately, I don't have the way." Xu He sighed when he said this.

Mu Rufeng could also feel that the group with the Emperor in charge must be stronger than the group without the Emperor in charge.

"What about the God?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Haha, I knew you would ask, but unfortunately, I don't know either. I have only heard rumors about the God, but I have never seen him."

"Maybe only those old forces know about it. Don't you often go to that gambling copy? City Lord Zhao should know something." Xu He said.

"I asked, but he didn't say anything. It seems that there is some taboo. It seems that it's better not to ask about the God." Mu Rufeng shook his head slightly and said.

"By the way, there is something I still need to tell you." Xu He suddenly said.

"What is it?" Looking at Xu He.

"I have obtained a financing from Scarlet Optimization, which is for the shareholders within our group."

"Probably no one can double the shares in their hands, but the soul notes consumed are three times the market price." Xu He said.

It is precisely because the price will be so much higher that Scarlet Optimization itself will agree to Xu He's move.

"Of course there is no problem. What is the current market value of Scarlet Optimization?" Mu Rufeng has been in the strange world for a long time, so he doesn't know the stock price.

"Our Scarlet Optimization's current stock price is about 400 billion." Xu He replied.

"400 billion? I now have 7% of the shares, which is worth about 28 billion."

"If the shares double, the market price is three times, which means I need to pay 84 billion. Should I transfer this money directly to you, or what?" Mu Rufeng said.

Three times the price, 84 billion, this is an extremely terrifying number.

But for Mu Rufeng, it really doesn't feel that much.

Only some other shareholders think it is too high, but because Scarlet Optimization is now a monopoly business, the stock price is still rising.

Those shareholders sold their pots and irons but couldn't make up the money.

Just like Xu He, it can be said that he put all the money he earned last time and his own old bottom into it.

Because it is really worth it.

"Of course it's not transferred directly to me. Although I am a major shareholder, my account is separate from the Scarlet Optimization account."

"You can just transfer it directly to the Scarlet Optimization account. The contract needs to be re-signed." Xu He said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Then Mu Rufeng and Xu He started to work. After about half an hour, the contract was re-signed and the soul notes were deposited into the Scarlet Preferred account.

His shareholding also increased from 7% to 14%.

After chatting with Xu He for a while, Mu Rufeng left.

However, as soon as he left the office, he saw Lilith outside the door.

It seems that Lilith should have been waiting outside.

"Mr. Mu, you are out." Lilith came up quickly.

"Lilith? How long have you been waiting here?" Mu Rufeng said.

"It wasn't long before I got here."

"Is there anything?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, that is, Mr. Mu, I think I have accumulated enough and can try to impact the Ghost Emperor." Lilith said.

"Great, this is a good thing, are you ready?" Mu Rufeng heard this and said with great joy.

Lilith is extremely loyal to him. If he can break through the Ghost Emperor, it will definitely be a great thing.

"Yes, but it will cost a lot of soul money, so I have to ask you." Lilith said.

"Didn't I tell you? You can spend the money I give you as you like. If you want to break through to the ninth level of Ghost Emperor, you can spend 100 billion." Mu Rufeng said.

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