I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 338: Increased shareholding, Lu Chengfeng returns

He has money, but lacks people. Many of his subordinates may not be qualified enough. Even if they have a lot of money, it is difficult for them to break through to the Ghost Emperor, just like that Zhao Xize.

"No, not so much." Lilith waved her hands when she heard Mu Rufeng say 100 billion.

"Anyway, I just want to say one thing, don't be afraid to spend money. Only when you break through to the Ghost Emperor can you help me better, understand?"

"Besides, didn't you also tell me? You want to get all your clansmen back? You should not be short of money. Have you called them all over?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, the West does not agree, even if I spend money to redeem them."

"But as long as I break through to the Ghost Emperor, I think they will be willing to give me a face." Lilith said.

"Haha, I don't think so. You should not come forward yourself. You should find Baibaolou. Baibaolou is much more important than Scarlet Optimum."

"I have placed such a large order with Baibaolou these days. I think they should give me this face and come forward for you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Mu." Lilith was overjoyed, and then she grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm, very excited.

The succubus clan was really too miserable. Now, she really wanted to save her people.

"If your people come, they can also help me. Why not? Let's do this. I just happen to be going to Baibaolou. Let's go together." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Lilith nodded repeatedly.

Soon the two came to the parking lot.

After Lilith opened the car door, she sat in the driver's seat, and Mu Rufeng sat in the co-pilot.

Mu Rufeng didn't know the brand of this car, but looking at the streamlined body and exquisite appearance, it was definitely a very expensive car.

The speed was also very fast, and it arrived at the door of Baibaolou in more than ten minutes.

After parking the car, Mu Rufeng went directly in.

The staff of Baibaolou also knew Mu Rufeng, and the moment they saw him, they immediately came forward respectfully.

After knowing that Mu Rufeng was coming, he took him directly to the office of the branch building owner.

"Mr. Mu, I haven't seen you for many days. You are still as elegant as ever, and your strength has become stronger." Sun Wu came forward, and he couldn't stop smiling.

Why do you say that? In the past two months, Mu Rufeng has bought more than hundreds of billions of materials here, and he is still buying continuously.

He can now be said to be the branch building owner with the best performance except for the main building.

Originally, with the performance he has achieved, he could have been promoted, but he directly refused.

After all, after the promotion, he would go back to the headquarters directly, and then he would not be able to continue doing business with Mu Rufeng, and the performance would belong to others.

Therefore, he would rather not be promoted but occupy this position. As long as he has a good relationship with Mu Rufeng, the performance will never be interrupted.

He knows that there is a world behind Mu Rufeng. How much does a world need?

Moreover, he has recently been preparing to attack the Ghost Emperor. Once he breaks through the Ghost Emperor, his position as the branch building owner in Qingshan City will be more secure.

If he hadn't been stopped by the head building owner Lu Chengfeng, I don't know how many ghost emperors would have wanted to squeeze him out.

"Head building owner Sun, your strength has also become much stronger. It seems that you are also preparing to attack the ghost emperor?" Mu Rufeng looked Sun Wu up and down, and then said with a smile.

"It seems that I can't hide it from Mr. Mu. The head building has given some treasures these days. I hope it will go smoothly." Sun Wu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to know.

"By the way, Mr. Mu, are you going to buy some supplies this time?"

"That's not the case. I came here this time to settle the payment for the previous batch of supplies." Mu Rufeng said.

"Do you still need to trouble Mr. Mu to come here? Just transfer it directly to the branch building account." Sun Wu felt that Mu Rufeng should be more than just this matter.

"There are other things. You also know that Lilith is the Mei Clan in the West. She is the leader of the Mei Clan, and the people of the clan are still in the West."

"Lilith wants all the clan members to come, but the Western side won't let them go, so she wants Baibao Building to mediate." Mu Rufeng said.

"This is easy. It just so happens that the head of the building came back some time ago, and then went to the West again. I will contact the head of the building now." Sun Wu said hurriedly.

"Oh? The head of the building is back? Has the Lu head of the building solved all his problems?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, you don't know that Lu head of the building rescued his wife, who is also the deputy head of the building."

"We didn't know at all that the deputy head of the building was actually imprisoned in the prison of the Ice Clan, and the head of the building had a fight with the Ice Clan." Sun Wu said.

"Oh? Tell me in detail?" Mu Rufeng immediately became interested.

He was very interested in the fact that Lu Chengfeng went to the Ice Clan to rescue his wife.

"Mr. Mu, I will tell you about this later. How about I inform the head of the building?" Sun Wu thought it would be better to talk about Mu Rufeng's affairs first.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

He did not contact Lu Chengfeng himself, and it was a little better to have an intermediary.

Soon Sun Wu called Lu Chengfeng.

Sun Wu immediately told Lu Chengfeng about Mu Rufeng's request, and he agreed immediately, without even asking Mu Rufeng to pay anything.

When he comes back, he will bring those succubi back with him.

At the same time, he also asked Mu Rufeng to wait in Qingshan City, as Lu Chengfeng wanted to meet Mu Rufeng in person.

Not only Lu Chengfeng, but also Lu Chengfeng's wife and daughter, all wanted to thank Mu Rufeng in person.

"Master Sun, ask the chief master how long it will take for him to come back." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and asked.

If it takes too long, Mu Rufeng will not bother to wait, and it will be the same the next time they meet.

Sun Wu immediately asked Lu Chengfeng on the other end of the phone.

Soon, Sun Wu handed the phone to Mu Rufeng, and it seemed that he wanted to talk to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately took the phone and put it to his ear.

"Master Lu, Master Sun said that this trip to the Ice Clan should be quite smooth." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It's pretty smooth, thanks to Brother Mu. My wife and daughter still want to thank you in person."

"I will bring back the succubus you mentioned. I have something to deal with here. I will be back in about two hours." Lu Chengfeng said.

"Two hours? OK. I'll wait for you in Qingshan City. When you come, call me and I'll come right over." Mu Rufeng said.

The two chatted for a while and then hung up.

Mu Rufeng returned the phone to Sun Wu, and then talked for a while, and then transferred the money for the previous batch of materials.

He transferred a lot, a full 300 billion.

In Mu Rufeng's words, after deducting the material money, the rest is regarded as a prepayment.

The materials of a world, really, Mu Rufeng will definitely continue to buy materials in Baibao Building in the future.

Sun Wu, who received the 300 billion transfer, almost hugged Mu Rufeng and kissed him.

If he was a woman, he would definitely do this.

After saying hello to Sun Wu, Mu Rufeng and Lilith left.

In the car, Mu Rufeng said: "Don't worry now, the general owner Lu Chengfeng said that he would let you bring the person back."

"Thank you, President Mu." Lilith was very happy at this moment.

Because she could finally restore her people's freedom.

Although she was also someone's slave, she could feel Mu Rufeng's kindness when he treated her like this.

"Mr. Mu, where are we going now?"

"Let's just go around." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Mu, I almost forgot that Mr. Xu also wanted to see you for something. He said that it seemed to be about the financing of Xuetong Hotel." Lilith remembered something and spoke quickly.

"Oh? Then I'll call and ask." Mu Rufeng immediately called Xu Yin.

After the call was connected, Mu Rufeng talked to him for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Xu Yin is now in Xuetong Hotel.

"Please take me to Xuetong Hotel. I'll go to the hotel to see Mr. Xu." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu."

About ten minutes later, the vehicle drove into the parking lot of Xuetong Hotel.

"You can go back and do your thing first." Mu Rufeng looked at Lilith.

"Master, I'll accompany you." Lilith wanted to stay with Mu Rufeng.

"No, go and do what you have to do. I see you've hung up a lot of calls." Mu Rufeng said.

"They are all unimportant things."

"Be obedient and go and do your work. I'll go for a walk by myself." Mu Rufeng said and got out of the car.

Lilith heard Mu Rufeng say this and could only drive away helplessly.

Then Mu Rufeng went to the door of the Xuetong Hotel.

But before Mu Rufeng stepped on the steps, he saw a human coming out and greeted Mu Rufeng.

"Welcome to the Xuetong Hotel, please come in." The contractor said very respectfully.

"Player? Haven't you become a contractor yet?" Mu Rufeng looked up and down at the man in a black suit.

"Sir, please come in." The player smiled and invited Mu Rufeng in again.

His temper is quite good. That's right, this is a weird world. People with bad tempers may not survive the dungeon world.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked in.

There were many people in the hall, oh no, there were many weird people.

There were five human employees, and there were about 17 or 18 weird people.

Some people were sitting in the hall chatting and talking about things, some were checking in, and there were even guests sleeping directly on the sofa.

When Mu Rufeng entered, he did not attract much attention.

However, it happened that the hotel manager Han Chun came out of the elevator.

When he saw Mu Rufeng, his eyes lit up, and then he walked over quickly.

"Mr. Mu, you are here." Han Chun said with a flattering face.

Han Chun was severely warned by his immediate boss Xu Yin to treat Mu Rufeng as the Ghost Emperor and be as respectful as possible.

If there was a mistake and he bumped into Mu Rufeng, Xu Yin would come to tear him apart.

Moreover, during the Chinese New Year, Mu Rufeng also gave their hotel employees a big red envelope, so he had to perform well now.

"Well, the hotel's business seems to be pretty good recently." Mu Rufeng glanced at the guests and said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, the VIP rooms of my Xuetong Hotel are almost fully booked every day, and the reservations are booked for a month later."

"Ninety percent of the ordinary rooms are also fully occupied every day." Han Chun immediately told about the business of Xuetong Hotel in recent days.

It must be said that the business is really good, and it can be said to be thriving.

Even, Xu Yin was considering raising funds again and then expanding, but he had not contacted Mu Rufeng, so it was left unfinished.

Although he could talk to Lilith, Lilith could not make the decision on behalf of Mu Rufeng, because the contract was signed by Mu Rufeng and Lilith could not sign on his behalf.

"That's good, I came to find Mr. Xu, where is he?" Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then spoke.

"Mr. Xu is in the office, I will take you there now." Han Chun immediately led Mu Rufeng into the elevator.

And the people around were all a little surprised to see this scene.

Whether it was employees or weird guests, they all knew who Mr. Xu was. He was an eighth-level ghost king, a shareholder of Scarlet Optimum, and a major shareholder of the Blood Boring Hotel.

I didn't expect that a human would go to see him now.

But they soon understood, because the breath that Mu Rufeng inadvertently exuded made them feel fearful.

"Oh my god, is that Mu Rufeng?"

"Mu Rufeng? Ah, yes, yes, it's Mu Rufeng, the deputy director of the headquarters of the relevant department."

"Last time I saw him, he was wearing ancient costumes, this time he was wearing modern clothes, I didn't recognize him at all."

Several players and employees gathered together and exclaimed.

Especially the person who greeted Mu Rufeng earlier, no wonder he said, why did Mu Rufeng look so familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was.

After all, it's impossible to see human guests in a weird world.

Now he has seen it.


"Mr. Xu, I haven't seen you for many days. Your body is stronger and your hair has turned black." Mu Rufeng greeted him immediately after entering the office.

"Mr. Mu is joking. You are much younger than me. Now you are more powerful than the Ghost Emperor."

"I know that you were so powerful in the unspeakable copy last time." Xu Yin said with a smile.

He also entered the third forbidden land before, but his luck was a bit bad and he was not in the Central Domain Ghost Cave.

Instead, he was under the command of the God in the Ghost Cave in the East Region. Fortunately, he was more cautious and knew how to deal with people, so he survived safely.

The Gods behind him ran to fight the dragon together. He might have known that something was wrong, so he ran away immediately.

So, he also survived and returned successfully. It was a pity that the mission failed, so he didn't have any rewards to take.

Fortunately, there was no punishment for mission failure, otherwise he would really cry to death.

Compared with other weirdness, he felt that he was still lucky. After all, this time, too many weirdness really died.

Later, he learned from Xu He that it was Mu Rufeng who controlled the dragon to fight.

He also knew how powerful Mu Rufeng was at this moment.

"Lucky, just lucky." Mu Rufeng laughed.

"The business of Xuetong Hotel has been so prosperous recently that even the ordinary rooms are almost full, not to mention that the VIP swords are booked for a month later."

"If you want to expand, you have to raise funds, and Xuetong Hotel obviously doesn't want more shareholders to appear, so they can only increase our shares."

"After I submitted the plan, Xuetong Hotel also agreed. Now all you need is to sign the contract." Xu Yin said and took out the contract.

"It seems that buying the shares of Xuetong Hotel was a very worthwhile deal." Mu Rufeng took the contract with a smile.

Then he took a look.

The current market value of Xuetong Hotel is about 2 billion.

He and Xu Yin each hold 10% of the shares.

That is, it is worth 200 million.

The contract allows them to double their shares. As long as the money is in place, their shares can double again.

And the soul notes they need to raise funds are five times the market price.

That's right, it's five times. It seems that this time, Xuetong Hotel is going to have a brand new renovation and expansion, and wants to impact the power of the Nine-Level Group.

That's why Xuetong Hotel will mark five times the price and give up 20% of the shares.

Five times, that's 1 billion, 1 billion, absolutely nothing.

But soon, when Mu Rufeng finished reading the amount of shares in this contract, he was a little surprised.

"Mr. Xu, why am I increasing my shareholding by 15% here?" Mu Rufeng looked at Xu Yin in confusion.

"Mr. Mu, you also know that some time ago, Scarlet Optimization also increased its holdings. I own 3% of the shares, with a market value of 12 billion."

"Three times the price, I sold everything I had and borrowed some money from friends to get 24 billion, and I only increased my holdings by 2%."

"Now the Blood Tong Hotel wants five times the price, and I can't even take out 1 billion, so I only increased my holdings by 5%. I borrowed the 500 million from Miss Lilith."

When Xu Yin said this, his face was still a little embarrassed.

"Oh, so that's fine, I'll take the 15% of the shares." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, Mu Rufeng directly signed his name and pressed his handprint.

After that, Mu Rufeng deposited 1.5 billion funds into the account of the Blood Tong Hotel.

Mu Rufeng took out the contract of Xuetong Hotel, and then saw that the two contracts were directly merged into one, which was the contract for Mu Rufeng to hold 25% of the shares of Xuetong Hotel.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng can be said to be the major shareholder of Xuetong Hotel.

"Mr. Mu, you can ask Miss Lilith to send a lobby manager to hand over to Han Chun." Xu Yin said.

"Handover? No need, he's doing a good job, let him continue." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll let Han Chun report directly to Miss Lilith in the future." Xu Yin said with a smile.

"Well, by the way, Mr. Xu, I heard that you, Xu He, also entered that dungeon last time?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Yes, I also went in, but unfortunately, I didn't get the one in the middle area. Fortunately, I ran away when I saw the situation was not good. I survived, but I didn't get any rewards." Xu Yin shook his head and said with regret.

"That's a pity. I heard from Mr. Xu that he got a lot of rewards." Mu Rufeng could only sigh that Xu Yin was unlucky.

If this guy didn't run away at that time, when Mu Rufeng went to destroy those ghost caves, he would have looked to see if there were any familiar weirdos.

If Xu Yin hadn't run away at that time, Mu Rufeng would have definitely found him.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

At the same time, it was a pity that Mu Rufeng told Xu He and the others to search for supplies in the forbidden land.

Unfortunately, the resources that were searched disappeared completely once they left the forbidden land.

Just like the things that Mu Rufeng searched, they all disappeared, all fake.

After signing the contract, Mu Rufeng didn't stay here for long and left the Xuetong Hotel directly.

It would take more than an hour for Lu Chengfeng to come back, and he seemed to have nowhere to go now.

He was considering whether to go to his own industry.

Because he gave Lilith a large sum of money and let him use it freely, if he could acquire some group forces, then he would acquire them, just acquire shares, and be a shareholder.

When driving here before, Lilith also told him that she had spent a lot of money recently and acquired shares of many companies.

All in all, he already owns shares of nearly twenty group forces.

Among them, there are not many that are completely under control, only five, oh, no, we have to add the Blood Boring Hotel and the Gluttony Cruise.

The highest level, in addition to the Gluttony Cruise and the Blood Boring Hotel, is an eighth-level group force, the Chenggang Machinery Group.

Speaking of which, this Chenggang Machinery Group is quite interesting.

He met this boss on the Gluttony Cruise before. The boss knew that Mu Rufeng was powerful and gave him a business card.

In the end, he went directly to the Golden City, and then lost all the group shares to the Golden City in the Golden City.

Mu Rufeng won it again in the Golden City with a share contract, and then Mu Rufeng asked Lilith to come and manage it.

And now this boss is still working in this group, as a vice president, assisting the people sent by Lilith to manage the company.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng remembered a place that he had never been to.

Then Mu Rufeng took a taxi and came directly to a restaurant.

This is the most famous restaurant in Qingshan City, famous for its food.

It is also a chain restaurant, with branches in almost every city.

Mu Rufeng knew about it before, but never had the chance to come. Now he was a little hungry. After dinner, Lu Chengfeng should be back soon.


An hour and ten minutes passed quickly.

He just filled his stomach and walked out of the restaurant contentedly.

Mu Rufeng calculated that the time should be almost up, so he simply went to the Baibao Building Branch to wait.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng had just arrived and had not even walked into the hall, and Lu Chengfeng arrived right after.

At the same time, Lu Chengfeng also brought back all the members of the Succubus clan.

Lu Chengfeng was riding a plane, and the plane actually stopped directly in front of the door of the Baibao Building Feng Branch.

This scene also made Mu Rufeng a little stunned.

To be honest, this was the first time he had seen a plane in the weird world.

Mu Rufeng immediately called Lilith and asked her to come quickly.

"Master Lu, long time no see." Mu Rufeng stood on the steps and greeted Lu Chengfeng.

"Brother Mu, you have been in the limelight these days, but unfortunately I didn't go because I had something to do." Lu Chengfeng said with a little regret.

If it weren't for the reason of saving his wife, Lu Chengfeng would also attend the event in Golden City and the third forbidden place.

"Come on, let me introduce you to you. This is Mu Rufeng who gave me the location where you were imprisoned, Brother Mu."

"Brother Mu, this is my wife, Qingling." Lu Chengfeng had already appeared beside Mu Rufeng with Qingling and his daughter Lu Xueqing.

"Madam, hello." Mu Rufeng greeted her.

Qingling didn't look very old. Not to mention her mother, she looked like a sister to Lu Xueqing and people would believe it.

"Hello, thank you very much, otherwise I don't know how long I would be imprisoned." Qingling smiled and thanked.

"Thank you so much, Mu Rufeng." Lu Xueqing also came forward to thank her.

When she learned that her father had rescued her mother, she was so happy that she almost went crazy.

"You are so polite. Master Lu has helped me a lot." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"By the way, these are the members of the Succubus clan. There are a total of 81 people." Lu Chengfeng pointed at the half-grown children who came down from the plane.

Mu Rufeng had noticed it a long time ago.

Most of them are still little girls, but some of them are already about 14 or 15 years old.

At this moment, they all looked at them timidly, as if they were extremely uneasy.

However, there are a few who have grown up and are now the backbone of these little guys. They are not strong either, and are only level 6.

"Thank you, Master Lu, you have helped me a lot." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Lilith will be here soon." Mu Rufeng comforted them.

Those children did not dare to speak, and even did not dare to look at Mu Rufeng.

Only the two older succubi changed their expressions after hearing Lilith's name.

"You are the master of Lady Lilith, Lady Lilith has told us."

"Thank you, Master Mu, thank you, Master Mu!" These older succubi hurriedly saluted to thank Mu Rufeng.

"No need to do that." Mu Rufeng waved at them.

"Okay, don't stand here outside for now, Xiao Liu, go park the plane, and we will go into the Baibao Building first." Lu Chengfeng said.

Soon, the whole group entered the Baibao Building.

Sun Wu had heard the news long ago, and came down as soon as possible, and then arranged the succubi in the lounge.

As for Lu Chengfeng and the other two, they also came to a lounge with Mu Rufeng.

"Master Lu, I heard that you fought with the Ice Clan this time. Did you let them go after they were defeated?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"If there was no ancestor, I would really want to wipe out the Ice Clan." When Lu Chengfeng said this, his face was extremely cold.

Yes, the Ice Clan locked up other people's wives for so long, how can others not be angry?

"Emperor?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then asked.

"Huh? Brother Mu also knows the ancestor Emperor? Oh, that's right, you went to the third forbidden land, and there has been a lot of news about you recently." Lu Chengfeng nodded slightly.

"Mu Rufeng, I really want to thank you. Otherwise, I don't know when my mother will be back. If you have any problems in the future, just come to me." Lu Xueqing said.

"Yes, I owe you a favor." Qing Ling said.

"Master Lu also helped me. Don't be so polite." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

Then Mu Rufeng asked them why the Ice Clan wanted to imprison Qing Ling and not release him.

Lu Chengfeng did not hide it and immediately told the reason. When he spoke, he was very angry.

It turned out that Qing Ling was attacked by two ghost emperors from the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce and used props to teleport to the territory of the Ice Clan.

However, he was not lucky and appeared directly in the lair of an ice beast.

The two sides fought a big battle and finally killed the ice beast, but she was also seriously injured.

After being seriously injured, she wanted to contact her husband Lu Chengfeng, but at that time there was a natural disaster, an ice storm.

Because of the ice storm, the communication could not be connected.

Finally, she passed out.

Then, because of the battle with the ice beast, the Ice Clan was attracted here. The Ice Clan recognized Qing Ling's identity and immediately rescued him.

Then they contacted Baibaolou directly.

However, for some reason, the person they contacted was a deputy owner, who was at odds with Lu Chengfeng and his wife, and was always spying on Lu Chengfeng's location.

The deputy owner immediately promised the Ice Clan benefits, and then directly asked them to imprison Qing Ling.

Qing Ling's disappearance would make Lu Chengfeng crazy. He couldn't find anyone, so he had to use the Book of Time.

But the Book of Time is not so easy to use. It has been stuck by people. If you want to use it, just abdicate.

Lu Chengfeng knew that he couldn't abdicate, because once he abdicated, there would be even less hope.

In this way, Qing Ling has been imprisoned until now, which is not bad. It's just imprisonment, without torture or abuse.

After all, he is also a ninth-level ghost emperor.

Finally, knowing that Mu Rufeng also had a book of time in the real world, they asked Mu Rufeng to ask about Qing Ling's whereabouts.

When Lu Chengfeng went to the door, the Ice Clan still refused to admit it. Finally, Lu Chengfeng couldn't help it and started fighting.

None of the ghost emperors of the Ice Clan was Lu Chengfeng's opponent.

But the other side also had a similar group of forces, that is, an ancient temple dedicated to gods.

Lu Chengfeng couldn't beat them, so he naturally summoned the main building to come. When the main building came, it was easy to suppress the ancient temple.

Then, the Emperor of the Ancient Temple came out.

After a series of confrontations and discussions, the two sides finally released the people after more than a month.

That's why it was delayed until this time.

They were all internal struggles, very dirty, but they couldn't be stopped.

"Where is the deputy building owner? What are you going to do?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Humph, the ancestor transferred him to the west, and I just went there to cause trouble for him." Lu Chengfeng said with a cold snort.

"I want to kill him too, but there's an ancestor above him, so there's nothing I can do." Lu Chengfeng sighed again when he said this.

"Husband, it's okay, there's plenty of time in the future." Qing Ling patted Lu Chengfeng's hand and comforted him.

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