I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 339 New Dungeon: Quiet Mental Hospital

"If Grandpa wasn't in seclusion now, there wouldn't be any problem for those guys." Lu Xueqing also snorted coldly.

Mu Rufeng was amazed when he heard this.

It seems that Lu Chengfeng's ability to become the head of the building must have been due to the contribution of this Emperor.

It must be said that Baibao Building is indeed a big family. Judging from this appearance, the Emperor is probably not small.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Just at this time, someone knocked on the door.

"Mr. Mu, Miss Lilith is here." A voice came from outside the door.

"Excuse me first, I'll go outside to take a look, and I will return to the real world later." Mu Rufeng said apologetically.

"Leaving so early? It seems that there is nothing to thank you for. We all owe you a favor."

"You can come to us if you have anything." Lu Chengfeng said.

"Okay, Lu Building Master." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and said goodbye.

After leaving the office, under the leadership of Sun Wu, Mu Rufeng came to the room where the succubus was placed.

At this moment, a very touching drama was being staged in the room.

The moment Mu Rufeng appeared, he attracted Lilith's attention, including those succubi.

"Lilith, I brought all your people back for you. You can settle them yourself. If you need anything, you can buy it with money." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Mu." Lilith was very moved at this moment.

"Quick, come and thank Mr. Mu."

Lilith hurriedly called everyone to thank Mu Rufeng.

In an instant, soft and timid voices resounded in the room.

After chatting with Mu Rufeng for a while and encouraging everyone, Mu Rufeng left.

Things here were almost dealt with, and Mu Rufeng was ready to go back.

He found a place to summon the Gluttony Cruise.

Then he took the Gluttony Cruise back to the real world.

Then Mu Rufeng took all the things on the Gluttony Cruise and handed them to Ye Lin, asking him to deal with them.

Mu Rufeng went back home directly.

He glanced at the note he left, and then looked at the locked room. It seemed that Zhao Yanran had not returned yet.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng took out another orange invitation.

There were quite a few invitations, so he had to use them as soon as possible and improve his strength.

Then, Mu Rufeng returned to the room, first called Zhou Wen to explain, and then took back the flesh and blood growth device.

As for Ma Qiu, Mu Rufeng thought about it and was too lazy to take it with him. Anyway, Ma Qiu was really a bit dispensable to him now.

Some special copies would basically ban it. If he was in a hurry, Mu Rufeng's speed was faster than Ma Qiu.

Unless Ma Qiu got some high-level vehicle cores, it would be almost the same as upgrading.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng tore up the orange invitation.

The next moment, the teleportation array emerged and enveloped Mu Rufeng, and then Mu Rufeng disappeared on the spot.

When Mu Rufeng woke up, he found himself in a very quiet room.

It was pitch black all around, but Mu Rufeng could still see clearly.

This is an extremely old dormitory.

It is not big, only about 30 square meters, and there are very few things inside, only a single bed and a desk.

Mu Rufeng is sitting in front of the desk at this moment. There is a bookshelf against the wall behind him, on which some documents are placed.

However, it is a bit surprising that there is a toilet of about five square meters in this small room.

The ground under his feet is also soft, as if there is a carpet.

Mu Rufeng did not turn on the light. After all, this is an unfamiliar environment, and he still needs to figure out where this is.

Mu Rufeng looked at the table and found a medical record folder and some information on the table.

However, Mu Rufeng also saw the words [Quiet Mental Hospital] printed on the outside of the medical record folder.

"So, is this a mental hospital? Am I a patient? No, I have my own independent single room, so I should be a doctor?" Mu Rufeng looked around and guessed his identity.

Then a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Enter the dungeon: Quiet Mental Hospital]

[Dungeon type: Special single-player dungeon]

[Number of participants: 1 person]

[Clearance task: You are the invited main doctor. Please successfully cure five patients and let them be discharged successfully. The time limit is one month. Every additional patient you cure will increase the reward]

"It's actually a mental hospital. Am I the invited main doctor?" Mu Rufeng thought slightly in his heart.

When I recalled the dungeon invitation letter at that time, there seemed to be a similar description on it.

"Treatment, mental hospitals are generally full of lunatics, so is it weird that I am asked to treat lunatics?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

As for whether there is relevant information about this dungeon in the information database of the relevant department, of course there is no, after all, this is entered by the dungeon invitation letter.

Finally, Mu Rufeng began to look for something on the desk.

In dungeons such as mental hospitals, it is likely to be a relatively weird rule-based dungeon.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng found a booklet in the bottom drawer on the right.

[Notes on Quiet Mental Hospital]

1. Keep quiet in the mental hospital.

2. You must dress neatly in the mental hospital and wear your doctor's or patient ID card.

3. There are only doctors, nurses and patients in the mental hospital, and nothing else exists.

4. Every five days, the mental hospital will be opened, and patients who have been treated can leave.

5. Once a patient who has not been treated well leaves the hospital, the patient's attending physician will be... (crossed out)

6. Doctors, nurses and patients are all divided into levels. The higher the level, the more powerful they are and the higher privileges they have.

7. The hospital only has one inpatient building and one outpatient building. Once you find the third building, please ignore it.

8. Every ten days, one or more ambulances will transport patients to the mental hospital.

9. The doctor’s working hours are from 8 am to 11 pm, and his rest time is from 11 pm to 8 am.

10. Please stay in your dormitory after get off work hours.

Ten items, a total of ten precautions, Mu Rufeng observed them one by one, and then recorded them.

"The last paragraph of the fifth note has been crossed out. Will he be attacked by the patients who go out? Or will he be punished?" Mu Rufeng pondered.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Rufeng thought of the doctor's working hours and immediately looked at the clock on the wall.

I found that the time on the clock was one thirty in the afternoon.

"Is it early morning or afternoon?" Mu Rufeng took out her phone and looked at it again.

His mobile phone is a prop, and it will automatically adjust the time as soon as he enters the strange world.

The time displayed on the phone is 13:30 pm.

"In other words, it's time to go to work now, but it's also break time at noon." Mu Rufeng stood up immediately, and then went to the floor-standing clothes rack next to her.

He reached out and took out a white doctor's jacket, and then rummaged around in his pocket.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng took out a note from his pocket.

[Doctor’s Notes]

1. During work, please ensure that your patient does not leave the ward. If he does, please arrest him within ten minutes after you discover him.

2. You can attack the patient, but please note that once you attack the patient, you will be punished.

3. Patients cannot attack doctors, but when you attack patients, patients can fight back.

4. Please ensure that the patient will comply with your doctor's instructions for treatment.

5. You can determine whether the patient is normal and then ask him to take a mental test. If he passes the test, he can be discharged.

6. Patients must wear blue and white hospital gowns, doctors must wear white mandarin gowns, and nurses must wear white nurse uniforms.

7. When you encounter a patient wearing a white, blue, or red hospital gown, please arrest him immediately and send him to Ward 0.

8. When you see a nurse wearing red clothes, please don’t believe anything she says.

9. If you find that your clothes have turned red, please ignore it.

10. You are a doctor and you have a two-hour break at noon. No one will disturb you during the break.

11. During work, you need to go to the ward once in the morning, afternoon and evening to check the patient's condition.

12. During ward rounds, please start from Ward No. 1. Do not disrupt the order. Please pay strict attention to the medical record in your hand.

13. When doctors make rounds, a nurse must be present.

14. Doctors can enter any ward in their area of ​​responsibility.

15. You have three mental illness tests every day to check whether the patient has recovered. Please note that once the test fails, you will suffer unknown penalties.

Mu Rufeng read the notes on the note one by one.

He has a two-hour break at noon, and it is now half past one, and he is still in his break time.

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment, then put the white coat on her body and then buttoned it up.

The white coat is almost the same as a doctor's white coat, with the words "Quiet Mental Hospital" written on the back.

There were three pens hanging on the breast pocket and a nameplate with the seven characters "Attending Doctor: Mu Rufeng" written on it.

Mu Rufeng looked at the table again and found that there was also a medical record folder on the table.

After Mu Rufeng picked it up, her eyes suddenly lit up.

[Doctor's medical record]: This is the doctor's medical record, which records the patient's information.

Effect: A rule-based prop. When you enter the ward with the medical record in hand, the patient's basic information and treatment plan will appear in the medical record.

This is indeed a good thing that can keep Mu Rufeng from being confused.

Mu Rufeng did not turn on the light and carefully searched the room for some clues.

But apart from the things at the beginning, I couldn't find any clues.

Then, Mu Rufeng came to the door and looked outside through the peephole at the door.

There was a dark corridor outside, without any light, and Mu Rufeng couldn't see outside.

At this moment, an eye suddenly appeared outside the cat's eye.

An ordinary person would be frightened half to death, but now Mu Rufeng's spirit has been tempered to an extreme, and there is no reaction at all.

The eye couldn't see inside, but it stayed there and made no move to leave.

Mu Rufeng sensed it, but found that her perception could not penetrate the door panel or the wall.

You know, his current strength is comparable to that of the Ghost Emperor, or in other words, far more powerful than most Ghost Emperors.

However, this small door and this wall can actually block his perception.

Mu Rufeng suddenly became a little solemn. It seems that this mental hospital is definitely not an ordinary copy. He has to be more careful.

Mu Rufeng is naturally not stupid enough to open the door. He tried his best not to make any noise and returned to his desk.

He did not do anything else and waited quietly for his working time to come.

Soon, the time came to 13:57 in the afternoon.

"Dongdongdong, Dongdongdong!"

There was a hurried knock on the door outside.

"Doctor Mu, Doctor Mu, the patient in room 35 is ill and you need to go there immediately." A hurried female voice came from outside.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, but ignored it.

"Dongdongdong! Dongdongdong!"

"Doctor Mu, are you in there? Doctor Mu?"

"Please reply quickly? The patient level sequence of room 35 is 8. We have to go there as soon as possible." The woman outside the room urged.

"The level sequence is 8. What does this level sequence mean? And what is my level?" Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought.

Then he began to look for clues on his clothes.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found an Arabic numeral on the nameplate on his chest: 5.

Mu Rufeng had seen this number before, but he subconsciously ignored it. It seems that this is probably the so-called level sequence.

Level 5, the same as his contract level, so this level sequence is his strength level?

However, although Mu Rufeng's contract level is only level 5, his martial arts strength has reached the divine realm, that is, the peak of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

Outside the door, there was still knocking on the door, but Mu Rufeng ignored it.

It's just that at the last minute, the knocking and shouting stopped abruptly.

When the time came to two o'clock, Mu Rufeng's working time was up.

But for the sake of safety, he took out his mobile phone again. Good, it's two o'clock.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng dressed neatly, and then walked out to the door with the medical record folder.

Mu Rufeng unlocked the door, then pushed it open with a gentle push.

Outside, it was no longer pitch black. The lights in the corridor were on. Although it was a little dim, it was clear enough for people to see clearly.

Outside the door was a long corridor with several layers of carpets. Walking on it made no sound at all.

Mu Rufeng looked outside and did not find any human figures.

The nurse who knocked on the door was not seen.

Mu Rufeng touched the wall and found that it was soft. There were some non-lethal things on it. It felt slippery and looked like the skin of some creature.

Mu Rufeng looked at the corridor and found that his room was on the far right of this floor.

There was a window next to it, but it was sealed with wooden boards, so he could not see the situation outside at all.

At this moment, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Host has been detected to have entered the dungeon, and the plug-in has been loaded successfully]

[Host, please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Ignore the rules: You can ignore any rules in this mental hospital]

[2. Eye of Analysis: Focus your eyes on the target for one second to find out how the target's symptoms need to be solved. ]

[3. Enforcement: You can force the patient to enforce your medical advice. ]

The plug-in has arrived.

This time, the plug-in made him somewhat satisfied.

All three plug-ins are pretty good, and now Mu Rufeng is struggling to choose which dungeon to choose.

The first one, Ignore the rules, he can ignore any rules in the mental hospital, which can be said to be a huge advantage.

After all, in some powerful dungeons, your high strength may not be of much use, but ignoring the rules is extremely important.

The second one, Eye of Analysis, can know how to solve the patient's symptoms.

This is also very good, but he considered that the medical record book prop seemed to be able to

And the third one, forcing his medical advice, is also very good, which can make those patients obey his medical advice unconditionally.

Even if it returns later, the plug-in legacy must be good.

Mu Rufeng thought for a long time and finally chose the first option: ignoring the rules.

No matter where it is, it must be the best choice to be linked to the rules.

After Mu Rufeng made his choice, he immediately walked to the left in front.

You can see that there are rooms on both sides of the wall, all of which are marked with numbers.

The largest number is fifty, and the number will get smaller as you go forward.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the end, and the room number at the end was marked as Ward 0.

That is, pay attention to the seventh rule in the manual: 7. When you meet a patient wearing a white, blue, or red hospital gown, please capture him immediately and send him to Ward 0.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Ward 0, and then came to the door of Ward 1, waiting quietly.

To check the wards, a nurse must be present, but Mu Rufeng didn't see any nurses at all.

There were fifty rooms, and Mu Rufeng didn't know if there were any vacant rooms. If there were patients in all of them, then the task would be very difficult.

However, Mu Rufeng thought that he had ignored the rules now, so he prepared to push the door and enter.

"Doctor Mu, you can start the ward rounds." Suddenly, a very small voice came to Mu Rufeng's ears.

Mu Rufeng's face changed slightly, and he immediately turned his head and found that a woman in a white nurse's uniform stood behind him.

She appeared silently. If she hadn't spoken, Mu Rufeng would not have known her existence at all.

Looking at her breath, it was also very dark. Looking at the nameplate on her chest, it read: Nurse: Li Xuejing: 9.

Good guy, this nurse is actually a ghost emperor.

She is very beautiful, and the buttons on her chest are also stretched and cracked. However, her face is extremely pale, but it is matched with a pair of flaming red lips.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, then stepped forward, twisted it gently, and pushed the door open.

It was dark inside, and Mu Rufeng couldn't see clearly, as if the whole room was shrouded in darkness.

Just when Mu Rufeng was trying to turn on the light, he saw the nurse behind him pressing the switch next to him.

Suddenly, bright light shone down and illuminated the room.

This was an extremely simple ward, with only a bed, a table and a semi-separated bathroom, and nothing else.

A woman who exuded a black aura all the time was lying on the bed. She was wearing a white and blue hospital gown and was tied tightly with a strong belt.

The woman had her eyes closed, but when she saw Mu Rufeng and the nurse appear, she opened them instantly.

"Doctor, please check me quickly, I feel like I have a baby in my stomach." The woman urged in a low voice.

She didn't dare to speak loudly, obviously because of the rules of the mental hospital.

Seeing the nurse and the patient, Mu Rufeng also knew that it was necessary to keep quiet in the hospital, but keeping quiet did not mean not being able to speak or make any sound.

Instead, the sound should be controlled to a certain extent.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng felt that the medical record in his hand had changed.

The medical record book, which was originally empty, suddenly appeared with lines of text.

[Name]: Mu Qingze

[Level]: 9

[Symptoms]: He often fantasizes that he has a child in his belly, but because he is a man, he can never get pregnant.

Once someone refutes him, he will become extremely irritable and aggressive.

[Mild treatment]: You can prescribe L-11P type psychotropic drugs, one pill a day.

[Physical therapy]: You can cut open his belly and let him see clearly that there is no child in his belly.

[Discharge requirements]: Please let him recognize the fact that he is a man and cannot get pregnant, and then he can be discharged after passing the psychiatric test.

After reading the information on the medical record book, Mu Rufeng immediately understood that this blank medical record book would display the patient's information in this way.

As long as he appears in the room with the medical record book, the basic information of these patients and the treatment methods will be presented.

I have to say, this is quite convenient.

"Doctor Mu, it's still the old rules. Prescribe medicine for him?" The nurse whispered.

"Don't worry, I want to ask." Mu Rufeng said softly.

Then, he came forward and said to Mu Qingze: "Miss, you are saying that you are pregnant, right?"

"Yes, of course." Mu Qingze nodded repeatedly.

"Then why were you sent to our mental hospital? Shouldn't you go to the maternal and child hospital if you are pregnant?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Yes, I am pregnant, why am I in your mental hospital, I should go to the maternal and child hospital."

"Quick, untie me, I want to go to the hospital for examination." Mu Qingze suddenly said.

Mu Rufeng did not answer him directly, but said again: "Mu Qingze, you should be a man, right? Why can a man get pregnant? Do you have a mental problem?"

When Mu Rufeng's voice fell, before Mu Qingze could speak, the nurse on the side changed his face slightly.

"Doctor Mu, you can't stimulate him." The nurse hurriedly reminded.

Mu Rufeng ignored the nurse, but just looked at Mu Qingze.

"Yes, I'm a man, how can I get pregnant? No, no, I'm a woman, why can't I get pregnant if I'm a woman."

"Are you really a doctor? Why don't you know such an obvious thing? Why, why don't you know?"

Mu Qingze suddenly became irritable, with veins on his forehead bulging, staring at Mu Rufeng.

His body began to shake constantly, as if he wanted to break free from the restraints of the belt.

The terrifying black air emanated, making people shudder.

But even so, Mu Qingze's voice was still very low, and even the constant vibration of the hospital bed made no sound because of the carpet under his feet.

"Who said you're not pregnant? You are obviously pregnant." He stood up, then took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on directly.

The nurse on the side was a little confused, not knowing what Mu Rufeng was doing.

Mu Rufeng sensed it, then nodded slightly, and then stared at Mu Qingze on the bed.

[Glare at someone and they will get pregnant]: Boy, you are so arrogant, be careful or I will make you pregnant for ten months, do you believe it?

Effect: Rule-based props, after wearing these glasses, concentrate and glare at the target fiercely to make them pregnant, regardless of gender or species, whoever you glare at will get pregnant.

Note 1: If you don't want to experience the pain of childbirth, you can try a caesarean section.

Note 2: Please note that the target you choose cannot be higher than three levels of yourself, otherwise it will be ineffective and the effect will be reflected on yourself.

Note 3: Please do not use it more than three times a day. Once exceeded, the user will also bear the effect of the prop once.

Yes, it is this super rule prop that can make a man pregnant.

Although the target selected cannot be higher than three levels of himself, his strength cannot be calculated according to the level of the contractor.

He is now a strong man in the God Realm, benchmarking the ninth-level Ghost Emperor, so he can use [Whoever you glare at will get pregnant].

When Mu Rufeng glared at Mu Qingze fiercely, he felt a strange energy emerging from his stomach.

At the same time, his face changed.

"Ah~~! My my stomach, my stomach..."

He could clearly feel that something was growing in his stomach.

Mu Qingze's face did not show any surprise or fear, but excitement and excitement.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? My belly is growing, there is a baby growing in my belly, I am really pregnant, I didn't lie to you." Mu Qingze was very excited, but still followed the rule of keeping quiet, and shouted softly.

"Yes, you are pregnant, and the due date should be in these few days. You have to take good care of the fetus these days, okay?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah, I know." Mu Qingze nodded repeatedly, completely different from before.

"This, this." Nurse Li Xuejing was stunned when she saw this scene.

"Is it strange? He is really pregnant. I really don't know how the previous doctor handled it. It was really dereliction of duty." Mu Rufeng complained.

"Your glasses. Could your glasses be..." Li Xuejing shuddered when she saw Mu Rufeng looking over.

Then she quickly stood on the other side of Mu Rufeng.

"Oh? It seems that you also know him. Don't worry, I won't let you get pregnant." Mu Rufeng took off his glasses with a smile, and then put them in the inventory.

"Well, Doctor Mu, don't we prescribe medicine for the patient?" Li Xuejing breathed a sigh of relief and then asked.

"He's pregnant, why prescribe medicine? Go, loosen his bandages." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? No, Doctor Mu, if he loses control, it will be very dangerous. Although I am at the same level as him, I am not his opponent." Li Xuejing said hurriedly.

"He is not a mental patient. Now he is a pregnant mother-to-be. How can our hospital tie up a pregnant mother?" Mu Rufeng said righteously.

"Yes, yes, I am not a mental patient. I am in good spirits. I am a pregnant mother now." Mu Qingze nodded repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng looked at the beautiful face, but this guy happened to be a man, which really made people speechless.

Li Xuejing could not refute Mu Rufeng, so she could only go forward to loosen Mu Qingze's bandages.

The moment she was released, Li Xuejing immediately appeared at the door, as if she would run away as soon as Mu Qingze made trouble.

However, what was unexpected was that Mu Qingze did not make trouble after being released. Instead, he sat in front of the bed and reached out to touch his bulging belly.

His eyes were full of loving expression: "Baby, you will be born soon. Mom will take you to the maternity and child hospital for delivery. The environment there is much better than here."

After speaking, Mu Qingze looked up at Mu Rufeng: "Doctor Mu, thank you for letting me get pregnant. I want to be discharged from the hospital. Please help me."

"Discharge, no problem, but you still need to undergo a psychiatric test. Are you willing to take the test?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I am willing to take the test." Mu Qingze nodded.

"Very good, but not now. You need to rest for a few more days. Then you can be tested again. The probability of passing will be greater." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Qingze heard this, thought for a moment, and then nodded slowly: "Thank you, Doctor Mu."

"You're welcome, this is just my duty as a doctor." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then turned and walked out.

Then he saw the nurse Li Xuejing close the door directly.

As long as the door is closed, the patients inside will not be able to escape no matter how strong they are.

"Doctor Mu, you'd better follow the doctor's orders next time." The nurse said softly.

"Doctor's orders? I am following the doctor's orders, if you don't believe me, look." Mu Rufeng said, showing the medical record to Li Xuejing.

It was written on it:

[Name]: Mu Qingze

[Level]: 9

[Symptoms]: The spirit is still a little irritable.

[Treatment]: Rest for a few days and you will recover.

[Discharge requirements]: Pass the psychiatric test and you can be discharged.

Changed, completely different from before.

Li Xuejing was shocked to see this scene.

He really didn't expect that Mu Rufeng could cure a patient with just one move?

Mu Qingze was a man, but he looked like a woman, and he even thought he was a woman with a baby in his belly.

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