I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 340 The Dean’s Wife Who Only Wants to Have an Affair [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

Mu Rufeng has now made him pregnant directly, so the symptoms no longer exist, and naturally he is not a mental patient.

So, as long as he rests for a few more days, he can pass the mental illness test and be discharged from the hospital.

"I am a doctor, you are a nurse, so don't question my professionalism, understand?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, I understand, Doctor Mu." Li Xuejing's eyes flashed with a light, and then nodded.

Then, Mu Rufeng came to the second ward.

But before Mu Rufeng entered, Li Xuejing said: "Doctor Mu, this patient is... that, you must not provoke him, you also need to be more tolerant."

"Volume? Why do you need to be tolerant?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

"This patient is the wife of the dean." Li Xuejing said in a low voice.

"Huh? The wife of the dean? Why is she detained here?" Mu Rufeng felt that the dean was a little perverted.

Li Xuejing shook her head and was unwilling to say.

Mu Rufeng shrugged his shoulders and then opened the door directly.

The lights in this room were on. Compared with Room 1, this room was extremely luxurious.

All kinds of furniture and luxury appliances were available.

Mu Rufeng even saw a dressing table, which was filled with expensive cosmetics and perfumes.

In front of the dressing table, there was a very tall young woman with red hair.

Even though she was wearing a white and blue hospital gown, it still couldn't hide her proud figure.

"New doctor Xiao Mu? Please prescribe some medicine for me. After that, you can take a shower. Xiao Mu is really more handsome. Although his strength is weak, his body is very strong." The woman looked up at Mu Rufeng, licked her tongue, and nodded with satisfaction.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but took out the medical record.

However, the medical record still showed the relevant information of Mu Qingze.

Mu Rufeng immediately turned a page, and suddenly, he saw the blank page slowly emerging with the woman's information.

[Name]: Mei Rong

[Level]: 9

[Symptoms]: As long as she sees a man, she will think he is her lover and will have an intimate relationship with him. She has multiple schizophrenia and is a queen today.

[Mild treatment]: L-11E type psychiatric drugs can be prescribed, and one pill can be taken daily.

[Physical therapy]: According to the patient's description, if she has an intimate relationship with him, she can be completely cured as long as she has been with him for a year.

[Discharge requirements]: She does not have any lovers, she only likes the dean, and will not have an intimate relationship with anyone except the dean of the mental hospital, Li Ru.

"Doctor Mu, this must be treated with gentle treatment. If you use physical therapy, the dean will kill you." The nurse said in a low voice.

"Nurse Li, don't worry, I have my own treatment method, you just do your own thing." Mu Rufeng glanced at Li Xuejing and said slowly.

"Yes, Doctor Mu." Li Xuejing didn't seem to have anything on the surface, but her heart was not as calm as on the surface.

"Dean's wife, do you want to be discharged?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mei Rong and said with a smile.

"Discharge? Of course I want to be discharged. There is no point in being here, but the director won't let me out."

"That guy clearly promised me that as long as I married him, he would accept my lovers, but I didn't expect that he would directly lock me up in a mental hospital."

"I was wrong after all." Mei Rong sighed, and then she changed the subject and said, "But at least I will get a new doctor every once in a while. You are the most handsome among these doctors. I am very satisfied."

"Prescribe medicine for me first, and then you can take a shower. I will wait for you in bed."

After Mei Rong finished speaking, she stood up and lay on the bed with a graceful figure.

At the same time, she unbuttoned her clothes to show off her proud figure.

At this time, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's head.

[Get a secret, please check it]

These days, one secret spy plug-in can be obtained every day, but they are all small secrets and have no great effect.

Mu Rufeng checked it immediately.

[Why does my wife have to have such symptoms? If I hadn't forced her, she would have been cuckolded. Unfortunately, it would have been better if my wife had cheated on a woman]

[Secret Belonger: Li Ru, Director of the Quiet Mental Hospital]

"Director Li Ru? The cheating object is a woman?" Mu Rufeng chuckled.

He had already thought of how to treat her.

And it was very simple. At the same time, he also knew that the director of this mental hospital must be secretly observing him.

Or, he was secretly observing his wife to prevent her from cheating.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng activated the ability of the illusion heart and began to change her cognition.

When Mu Rufeng made a move, Mei Rong instantly noticed it, and the momentum in her body burst out instantly, staring at Mu Rufeng.

"You dare to attack me?" Mei Rong said coldly.

"Madam Director, I'm just helping you with the treatment." Mu Rufeng said without changing his face.

He was a little surprised that Mu Rufeng would notice it just after he started. You know, the ability to change cognition is difficult for others to detect.

But the dean's wife Mei Rong discovered it.

"Treatment? What a joke. What's wrong with me? It's just that damn dean who wants to possess me alone."

"If you attack me again, don't blame me for being rude." Mei Rong said coldly.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly when he heard it, and ignored it and continued to use his ability.

The next moment, Mei Rong stretched out his hand and the terrifying ghost hand instantly covered Mu Rufeng's neck.

However, before the ghost hand could make the next move, it was instantly shattered.

"Madam dean, you'd better accept the treatment obediently." Mu Rufeng also exuded a terrifying aura.

"Such a powerful blood and qi power, are you a warrior?" Mei Rong felt the blood and qi power on Mu Rufeng's body and was immediately shocked.

Li Xuejing, a nurse on the side, was also extremely surprised to see this scene.

Warrior, that is such an old term, I don't know how long it has not appeared.

But now there is another warrior, and at the same time, he is a warrior who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the ghost emperor.

"I didn't expect the dean's wife to have some knowledge. Yes, I am a warrior." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Although he was using the ability of the Phantom Ghost King, for some reason, it didn't work at all. It seemed that Mei Rong had some props that made her immune to this ability.

Soon Mu Rufeng focused his attention on the necklace on Mei Rong's neck.

This necklace was emitting a bright halo, and once Mu Rufeng withdrew his ability, the light would disappear.

Mei Rong licked her tongue and looked at Mu Rufeng with a charming face: "I didn't expect that Dr. Mu was actually a warrior. It was beyond my expectation."

"That's right, otherwise how could you, a level five, come here to be a doctor."

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, his figure flashed, and then he appeared beside Mei Rong, reaching out to grab the necklace on her chest.

However, unexpectedly, Mei Rong reacted very quickly and pinched Mu Rufeng's arm.

"So impatient? Forget it, forget it, then I won't take a shower, Xiao Li, you go out and stand outside." Mei Rong said to Li Xuejing.

Before Li Xuejing could speak, she saw a dazzling lightning flash on Mu Rufeng's arm.

After a burst of crackling sounds, Mei Rong let go of Mu Rufeng's hand.

She couldn't stop trembling all over.

Although her strength was strong, she still had some difficulty in resisting Mu Rufeng's thunder power.

However, that was all, an ordinary thunder could not make it lose resistance.

Every ghost emperor is not a simple existence.

"Thunder, you actually have the power of thunder." At this moment, Mei Rong looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. When he wanted to take action, he saw Mei Rong instantly turned into a black gas, and then sank into Mu Rufeng's body.

Then, Mu Rufeng felt a soft body wrapped around him.

He sensed it and suddenly shuddered all over.

Mei Rong turned into a beautiful snake, her whole body stretched out very long, all wrapped around Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng has always been averse to snakes.

At the same time, he also felt a strong suppression effect. Mei Rong was wrapped around him not just for fun, but also as a means of attack.

Mu Rufeng's whole body suddenly burst out with terrifying thunder power again.

However, what made people dumbfounded was that Mei Rong's whole body was extremely smooth, and the lightning that hit it was directly slid away, and it could not hurt her at all.

"Xiao Mu, it seems that your thunder and lightning are useless." Mei Rong whispered in Mu Rufeng's ear.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, and then his whole body shook, bursting out with terrifying power to try to shake Mei Rong away.

However, it was also useless, because when the power burst out, Mei Rong's body stretched out extremely elastic, perfectly dissolving all of Mu Rufeng's power.

"The power is so strong, I like it, only such a man is qualified to get on my bed." Mei Rong's heart was even more hot and unbearable.

"Then I wonder if fire will work?" As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, a terrifying flame suddenly emerged from his body.

Mei Rong could handle the flames at first, but as time went on, she found that the temperature of the flames was extremely high and her skin was a little unbearable.

She kept emitting ghost energy from her body, trying to extinguish the flames, but the flames only became more and more vigorous.

"Madam Dean, stop playing and get down quickly, otherwise I will be serious." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

The dean was a powerful guy, so he had to be cautious when dealing with Mei Rong and not force him.

Mei Rong didn't say anything after hearing this, and still hung on Mu Rufeng.

It was just that when the temperature got higher and higher, she couldn't stand it after all, so she got down from Mu Rufeng.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was holding a necklace in her hand, which was the necklace hanging on Mei Rong's neck.

[Silent Chain]: This is a necklace that contains someone's deep love.

Effect: Level 9 item, immune to any mental attacks of Ghost Emperor and below.

Very brief information, but extremely extraordinary.

He is immune to all mental attacks from Ghost Emperor and below.

This means that even Mu Rufeng's Sword Beyond is immune.

Of course, his Sword Beyond can attack both the body and the soul, so it can only be immune to attacks from the soul and cannot resist attacks from the body.

"My necklace, when did you take it away?" Mei Rong was shocked when he saw this scene.

"Oh, I just took it. I was wondering why you are immune. It turns out it's because of this necklace." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Give it back to me." Mei Rong's face darkened and he said.

"Then please ask the dean's wife to accept the treatment obediently. I can not only return the necklace to you, but also treat you to a meal of dragon meat. How about that?"

As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, a bowl the size of a washbasin appeared in his hand.

The bowl contained a large piece of dragon meat and a full of broth, and many spiritual objects were floating on the broth.

When the dragon meat soup came out, a tempting fragrance directly enveloped the entire ward.


The two people swallowed their saliva at the same time.

Whether it was Mei Rong or Li Xuejing, they both stared at the dragon meat soup in Mu Rufeng's hand.

This extreme temptation was definitely more fragrant and delicious than human flesh, and they could not resist it at all.

If they didn't know that Mu Rufeng was powerful, they would have directly robbed it.

"What kind of meat is this? It smells so good." Mei Rong sniffed the air greedily and asked.

"I just said it, this is dragon meat soup, the meat soup of the flame dragon, how about it, do you want to drink it?"

"If you want to drink it, then accept my treatment obediently, how about it?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

He believed that no weirdness could resist the dragon meat soup of the flame dragon.

This thing is a good thing.

"Then you have to give me a taste first, and then I will consider whether to agree to you." Mei Rong swallowed and said.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng immediately took out a palm-sized bowl, scooped a bowl of soup, plus a piece of meat and handed it to Mei Rong.

Mei Rong couldn't wait to drink the meat and soup in one gulp.

When the dragon meat soup entered his mouth, Mei Rong's eyes lit up.

It was delicious, really delicious. This was a taste that had never appeared before, meat that had never been eaten before, extremely delicious, making people's mouths fragrant and unforgettable.

Mu Rufeng heard someone swallowing saliva behind him, and glanced at it and found that it was nurse Li Xuejing.

She was staring at Mei Rong, and then looked at the big pot of dragon meat soup in Mu Rufeng's hand.

Too greedy, I don't know why, this fragrance really seduced her greed.

You know, she is a ninth-level ghost emperor, what delicious food has she not eaten? But she was attracted by this dragon meat soup.

"Well, Doctor Mu, can you, can you give me some, I will buy it with money." Li Xuejing said.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Li Xuejing and didn't say anything, but took out a small bowl again, scooped a bowl of soup and a piece of meat and handed it to Li Xuejing.

He is not short of money, and at the same time, this dragon meat soup is also very much.

He cooked a super big pot of dragon meat soup, he and Xiaolong ate so much that they didn't even finish one-third, and the rest is still in the inventory.

And this is only half of the head, the remaining half of the fresh meat is still in Mu Rufeng's inventory.

Giving Li Xuejing a bowl is harmless, and it can also gain this guy's favor, which is beneficial to Mu Rufeng's actions in the dungeon.

"I'll give it to you. No need for money or anything." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you, Doctor Mu." Li Xuejing's face lit up, and after thanking him, she immediately took it and ate it all in one gulp.

It's delicious, really delicious, and Li Xuejing was also deeply conquered by the taste of this dragon meat soup.

"Madam Dean, how are you now? Are you receiving treatment?" Mu Rufeng said.

Although he asked whether the person was receiving treatment, when Mu Rufeng took the necklace, he had already quietly begun to change his cognition.

Although the other party was also a ninth-level ghost emperor, facing Mu Rufeng's high mental power, the ability of the Phantom Heart Ghost King can be said to be brought to the extreme by him.

It doesn't take long, maybe just a few minutes, to completely change her cognition.

In order to prevent her from finding something wrong, Mu Rufeng immediately placed a large pot of meat on the dining table next to him.

"Madam Dean, please, these are all yours." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Okay, okay." Mei Rong immediately went forward and sat at the table, and began to eat, not realizing that Mu Rufeng was changing her cognition.

Li Xuejing on the side swallowed her saliva, and the small bowl she had just eaten did not satisfy her appetite at all.

Mu Rufeng stood there and waited quietly. When Mei Rong finished the bowl of dragon meat soup, Mu Rufeng opened the medical record.

As expected by Mu Rufeng, the symptoms on it changed.

[Name]: Mei Rong

[Level]: 9

[Symptoms]: Whenever he sees a woman, he will think she is his lover and will have an intimate relationship with her. He has schizophrenia and is a queen today.

[Mild treatment]: L-11P type psychiatric drug can be prescribed, and one pill can be taken daily.

[Physical therapy]: According to the patient's description, let the woman have an intimate relationship with him. As long as he has a year of continuous relationship with her, he can be completely cured.

[Discharge Request]: She has no lover, only likes the dean, and will not have an intimate relationship with anyone except the dean of the mental hospital, Li Ru.

"It's delicious, Doctor Mu, thank you." Mei Rong took a silk scarf, wiped her mouth, and thanked her.

Then, she looked at Li Xuejing: "Nurse Li, go take a shower quickly, eat and drink enough, and then play. Doctor Mu, please leave."

"Ah?" Li Xuejing didn't react for a moment.

"Huh? Didn't you hear what I said?" Mei Rong said lightly.

"It seems that my treatment has worked." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Doctor Mu, what's going on? Madam Dean, why do you want me to take a shower?" Li Xuejing was puzzled at the moment.

"Li Xuejing, don't worry about this. Do you have a way to contact the dean? I think the dean's wife has recovered and can be discharged." Mu Rufeng turned his head to look at Li Xuejing and said.

"Ah?" Li Xuejing opened her mouth, looking confused.

"Huh? Doctor Mu, are you saying that I have recovered and can be discharged?" Mei Rong's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course, Madam Dean, so I want to contact the dean, but I don't have the dean's contact information." Mu Rufeng said.

"No need to contact him, just give me a psychiatric test, but you have to return the necklace to me first." Mei Rong said.

Just when Mu Rufeng wanted to say something, a figure appeared outside the door.

Mu Rufeng turned around and saw a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, a big quilt and a white coat.

The man was tall and handsome, and Mu Rufeng's eyes moved to his chest.

There was a nameplate there, which read, Dean: Li Ru: 10

This is the dean, and at the same time, the Arabic number 10 also means that the dean of the mental hospital is actually an emperor! ! !

"Madam, I'm here to see you."

"Doctor Mu, you just said that my wife can be discharged from the hospital. What does this mean?" The dean looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Husband." Mei Rong glanced at her husband, feeling a little happy, but her face soon sank.

She snorted and said, "Husband, my attending doctor said I can be discharged from the hospital, I really don't want to stay here."

"I didn't ask you a question, Doctor Mu, answer me." Li Ru said in a deep voice.

"Hmph." Mei Rong snorted again, but still did not continue to speak.

"Dean, I wonder if we can talk alone?" Mu Rufeng looked at the dean Li Ru.

Li Ru nodded slightly, and then a ghost cave suddenly expanded under his feet, instantly covering the two of them, isolating Mei Rong and Li Xuejing from the outside.

"You can talk now." Li Ru said lightly.

"Dean, I have contracted a weirdness that has the ability to change other people's cognition. I took off the necklace of your wife and let my ability change the wife's cognition."

"Although the disease is indeed not cured, I have changed the aspect that the wife will think that a man is her lover when she sees him, and she will think that a woman is her lover as long as she sees her."

"Dean, I don't know if you can accept it. If you can't accept it, then I can only use a mild treatment method and forcibly avoid men from meeting her." Mu Rufeng told everything one by one.

After hearing this, Li Ru was shocked, and then he saw two hot breaths coming out of his nostrils, and even his pale face suddenly turned red.

"Are you telling the truth?" Li Ru was still as indifferent as before. If it weren't for the burning breath and red face, no one would have noticed anything unusual.

"Dean, if you don't believe it, you can try it yourself, and the medical record can't be faked."

Mu Rufeng said, handing the medical record in his hand to Li Ru.

Li Ru quickly took the medical record, opened his mouth, and stared at the symptom. Suddenly, his face became even redder.

But the tone of his voice did not change at all: "Well, you are very good, my wife can indeed be discharged from the hospital."

Mu Rufeng took the medical record and glanced at the information on it. Don't say, it has changed again.

[Name]: Mei Rong

[Level]: 9

[Symptoms]: None

[Discharge requirements]: Recovered, can be discharged from the hospital

Obviously, there were symptoms, treatment methods and discharge requirements before, but now, the symptoms are gone, the treatment methods are gone, and the discharge requirements are gone, so they can be discharged directly.

In this way, Mu Rufeng knew that whether these patients were sick and what the discharge requirements were could be decided by the dean Li Ru.

Li Ru removed the ghost and looked at Mei Rong.

At this moment, Mei Rong actually grabbed Li Xuejing's hands, as if teasing Li Xuejing.

When Li Ru saw this scene, he was even more excited, but he was naturally rational.

He said, "Madam, you can be discharged. Mu Rufeng has cured your illness. Now you can be discharged with me."

"Really? Husband?" Mei Rong immediately let go of Li Xuejing's little hand, and then came to Li Ru's side with excitement, and stretched out his hand to hold his arm.

"Of course it's true. Doctor Mu's medical skills are really superb. He treated a patient on his first day at work. I'm optimistic about you. Work hard." Li Ru patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, Dean." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

"I'll give you permission now. You can go to the outpatient department for evening shifts." Li Ru said.

Just when Li Ru gave the order, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining outpatient doctor privileges. Please treat as many patients as possible during your stay in the outpatient department. The more you see, the more rewards you will get without penalty]

"Thank you, Dean." Mu Rufeng felt happy after hearing the prompt in her mind, and then quickly thanked Li Ru.

It seemed that Mu Rufeng had been given more tasks, which increased his own danger.

But for Mu Rufeng, this is definitely not a dangerous thing. Instead, it increases the reward for Mu Rufeng.

"You can continue with the ward rounds. I'll handle the discharge procedures for my wife." After Li Ru finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Master Dean, this is Madam's necklace. However, you cannot wear this necklace, otherwise my ability will be ineffective." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? What you mean is that your abilities may also fail in the future?" Li Ru's eyes fell on Mu Rufeng.

"Master Dean, because this item is too powerful, and my ability, as long as it lasts for about a year, will completely change Madam's perception." Mu Rufeng said.

"What knowledge? What are you talking about? Also, give me back my necklace." Mei Rong was a little confused, but still reached for the necklace.

Li Ru took the necklace first, nodded to Mu Rufeng, and disappeared with Mei Rong.

"Dr. Mu, how did you do that? Why did Madam act so weird just now, and the Dean agreed that Madam should be discharged from the hospital." Li Xuejing was puzzled, so she could only ask Mu Rufeng.

"Nurse Li, as the dean also said just now, it's because of my superb medical skills!" Mu Rufeng walked out of Ward 2 with a smile.

At the same time, the notification sound appeared in his mind again.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully treating a patient, treatment progress (1/5)]

Li Xuejing still wanted to ask questions, but Mu Rufeng didn't explain at all and let her guess on her own.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the door of room three.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to open the door and enter, Li Xuejing quickly stopped Mu Rufeng: "Doctor Mu, you don't need to go in this ward, there are no patients in it."

"There are no patients? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

He knew that during ward rounds, the order must not be disrupted.

"Dr. Mu, didn't you see the number on this room number? The red one means there are patients, and the white one means it is vacant." Li Xuejing said.

"Is this so? But I'm still worried." Mu Rufeng immediately entered room three.

True to what Li Xuejing said, there were indeed no patients in ward No. 3. It was empty and there was nothing else except an old hospital bed.

"Yeah, Doctor Mu, I didn't lie to you." Li Xuejing said.

"Well, let's go to the next room." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then came to the door of Room 4 opposite.

"Doctor Mu, you should be careful in this ward. This patient is extremely polluted, extremely aggressive, and very powerful."

"You must not provoke him or provoke him. Otherwise, once we take action, neither you nor I will be his match."

"Also, you are a human being, and you have human aura on your body. It is best for you to restrain your aura and use ghost power to cover your whole body." Li Xuejing warned.

"Polluted? Is it polluted by the ghost energy of the wilderness?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Not bad." Li Xuejing nodded after hearing this.

Mental hospitals not only have ordinary mental patients, but also such polluted and weird existences.

Mu Rufeng touched her chin, thought for a moment, and finally agreed to Li Xuejing's reminder.

Immediately, he restrained all his aura, and then released ghosts and ghost energy to cover his whole body.

In this way, outsiders can't see what Mu Rufeng looks like, they will only see the thick ghost aura shrouding him, and they will know that he is a ghost emperor because of the aura around Mu Rufeng.

Then Mu Rufeng pushed open the door and entered.

There is nothing in this room, only a thick fog of wilderness.

It's just that because the room is too small, even if it has a strong ghost aura, it can be seen clearly in their eyes.

In the corner on the left, there is a man standing with his back.

His head was pressed against the wall, and his whole body was covered with disgusting pustules, and some pustules continued to burst, and an extreme stench was emanating from inside.

The entry of Mu Rufeng and Li Xuejing did not attract the man's attention.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but opened the medical record.

【Name】: Gu Zhong

[Level]: 9

[Disease]: Ninety percent polluted by the breath of the wilderness, extremely irritable, capricious, unable to receive the slightest stimulation, otherwise extremely aggressive.

[Mild treatment]: L-10C type psychotropic medicine can be prescribed. Taking ten pills daily can suppress the progress of pollution.

[Physical therapy]: None

[Discharge Requirements]: Please let the patient's contamination level drop to 0 before being discharged.

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