I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 341 The Emperor who refused to leave was strange [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

The ghost emperor polluted by the wilderness.

And the degree of pollution has reached 90%, which can be said to be in an extremely dangerous situation.

If he had not been in the mental hospital and taking drugs to suppress it, he might have been completely transformed into an evil ghost after leaving the mental hospital.

Mu Rufeng had seen the polluted weirdness before, that is, the firefighter weirdness Zhang Xiaojie who died in the real world.

At the beginning, he should have been polluted quite seriously, and then ran to the Xuetong Hotel to suppress the pollution in his body.

It’s just that it was just an ordinary ward at that time, and the suppression effect was not great, so he lost control.

In the end, Mu Rufeng took him to the VIP room that had not yet been opened, and then Mu Rufeng used a special method to wake him up, and finally used some spiritual objects to completely remove his pollution.

It seems that the pollution level of this Gu Zhong is lower than that of Zhang Xiaojie.

However, this needs to take into account the difference in strength between the two sides.

At that time, Zhang Xiaojie was only a level 6 weirdness, with enough things, plus the effect of the VIP room, so he could be saved.

And this Gu Zhong is a ninth-level ghost emperor, where can he get such precious spiritual objects to help him get rid of the pollution in his body.

Moreover, it seems that this guy has been here for many years.

Mu Rufeng asked Li Xuejing: "How many years has this patient been here?"

"Doctor Mu, Mr. Gu has been hospitalized here for more than ten years." Li Xuejing whispered.

"Medicine, give me medicine." At this time, Gu Zhong, who was standing in the corner, turned around and looked at Mu Rufeng, growling.

"Prescribe him 10 L-0P pills." Mu Rufeng looked at Li Xuejing.

Li Xuejing nodded repeatedly, and then fumbled in his storage space for a while and took out ten black pills.

Li Xuejing was in charge of all the medicines needed by the patients on this floor. The doctor could not get the medicine and could only prescribe it.

The next moment, a black wind blew over, and then the medicine in Li Xuejing's hand was swept over, and then directly sank into Gu Zhong's mouth.

He chewed a few times, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

When the medicine entered his mouth, the pustules on his body that were still bursting and oozing pus stopped instantly.

At the same time, some pustules also slowly disappeared.

This medicine is really magical. It actually worked immediately after taking it.

"Come early tomorrow." A hoarse voice sounded, and Gu Zhong glanced at Mu Rufeng and said slowly.

"Okay, Mr. Gu." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, then turned around and left the ward with Li Xuejing.

Mu Rufeng had no way to treat Gu Zhong's condition, so he just treated it according to the case.

Mu Rufeng had no idea about the treatment plan for this patient.

Of course, Mu Rufeng didn't really care about it. After all, there were fifty rooms and so many patients.

And he had already cured the dean's wife and the first man who wanted to get pregnant, which was equivalent to having cured two people.

In other words, Mu Rufeng only needed to treat three more patients. Mu Rufeng didn't believe it. Among dozens of patients, couldn't he find three patients who could be cured?

"By the way, Nurse Li, is there no one doing ward rounds in the morning?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Well, no, because you just started working in the morning, and the dean asked you to start working in the afternoon." Li Xuejing replied.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly when he heard this. No wonder Gu Zhong asked him to come early every day.

Generally, the medicines needed by the patients should be prescribed in the morning ward rounds.

Then the ward rounds in the afternoon and evening are much easier. Basically, you just need to go in and look at the medical records to know the situation.

Unlike Mu Rufeng now, I am afraid that these fifty rooms will take a long time to work.

Then Mu Rufeng came to Ward No. 5.

Mu Rufeng looked at it and saw that the door number was red, which means there was a patient.

"Doctor Mu, the patient here is a child with a dual personality. His father is a big shot. You have to be more responsible. Don't make her cry. You have to be more accommodating."

Li Xuejing reminded again.

"Oh? OK, I know. By the way, what are the characteristics of dual personality?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Doctor Mu, I only know roughly that one is easy to talk to and the other is very difficult to talk to. For details, you can read the medical records yourself when the time comes." Li Xuejing said.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly and then opened the door.

The decoration inside is relatively warm, pink, and there are many dolls.

But it is strange that this room is divided into two styles.

The left side is warm pink style, while the right side is black weird horror style.

The left side is the normal cute dolls, and the right side is all kinds of weird dolls and scary dolls.

It seems to look like human bones?

At this moment, a seven-year-old girl in pink Lolita is sitting in front of a desk on the left, leaning on it, drawing with crayons, and her feet are constantly swinging because they can't reach the ground.

When the little girl saw Mu Rufeng and Li Xuejing coming in, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Aunt Xue, you are here. Is this uncle the new doctor? He is so handsome." The little girl jumped down from the chair and trotted over.

"Yes, my little one is so cute today." When Li Xuejing saw the little girl, she breathed a sigh of relief, then squatted down and pinched the little girl's face.

"Xiao Ke, I am the new doctor Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng greeted with a smile.

"Xiao Ke knows, it's written on the nameplate on your body, but you are so weak. You are only at level five, and Xiao Ke is already at level six." Xiao Ke said, proudly puffing up her chest.

"Awesome, uncle is indeed too weak." Mu Rufeng smiled and then said: "Xiao Ke is a genius, but uncle is far behind. Because I just came here, I don't know Xiao Ke's situation. Uncle, I Let’s take a look at the medical records first.”

"Uncle doctor, don't be discouraged. I'm a genius. You don't need to compare with me." Xiao Ke comforted him like a little adult.

Mu Rufeng smiled when she saw this scene, and then opened the medical record in her hand.

【Name】: Luo Ke

[Level]: 6

[Symptom]: Has dual personality. The first personality is a human little girl. She is extremely innocent and kind, with a little arrogance. She likes to get along with others. She is the older sister and occupies a dominant position.

The second personality is a bloodthirsty, murderous, cold-blooded, and violent dark girl. She is super aggressive towards everyone who is cuter than her. She rejects and hates beings with lower talents than her. Her sister can control her body at any time. power, but will not take the initiative to control, but will ask her sister's opinion.

[Mild treatment]: L-11P type psychotropic medicine can be prescribed, just take two pills a day.

[Physical Therapy]: Use powerful mental power to forcibly erase the dark personality, or forcibly erase the personality of a human little girl. Please note that two sisters with extremely good personalities will cause the other to die once one of them dies. Unpredictable changes in direction.

[Discharge Requirements]: Only allow the patient to retain one personality before he can be discharged.

After reading the medical records, Mu Rufeng's heart sank.

I have to say that Xiao Ke’s dual personality is really difficult to deal with.

A strange person actually possesses a human personality.

Logically speaking, it should be a dark personality, and it seems that the human personality is the older sister, taking the lead.

Both personalities are aware of their respective existences, and they are very good sisters. If one dies, the other will definitely change in a bad way.

It was precisely because of this that he was sent to a mental hospital for treatment instead of forcibly erasing one of his personalities.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Xiao Ke's father will directly erase the human girl's character.

After all, it is more reasonable for a weird character to have a dark character no matter what.

"By the way, I'm going to the amusement park with my sister today. Uncle Doctor and Aunt Xue, can you go with us?" Xiao Ke suddenly said.

Li Xuejing was shocked when she heard this, and then said quickly: "Xiao Ke, uncle and I still have work to do, and you are still sick and can't go out."

"My sister and I both said we are not sick, but my father insisted on hospitalizing us and locking us here. Today is my sister's birthday, and I want to take her to the amusement park."

"If you don't let me, then I will contact my father and say that you are bullying me and my sister." Xiao Ke seemed a little angry when he spoke.

"Doctor Mu." Li Xuejing was at a loss and looked at Mu Rufeng.

After all, she is just a nurse, and the patient's problems must still be solved by the doctor.

"Today is actually sister Xiaoke's birthday. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't even know. So, let me give my sister a gift."

Mu Rufeng said and took out a black Lolita costume directly from the inventory.

This set of clothes actually belongs to Xiaoying. Of course, this set is not the one Mu Rufeng bought from the conductor of the bloody train and gave it to Xiaoying.

Instead, Mu Rufeng bought one of the many sets of clothes from Baibaolou, but even so, this set was still a level nine prop.

It can be said to be extremely precious.

However, to Mu Rufeng, it is really just a series of numbers.

"This is for your sister. I don't know if she likes it." Mu Rufeng handed the clothes to Xiao Ke.

When Xiao Ke saw the clothes, he immediately exclaimed: "Wow, it looks good. It's a level nine prop. Xiao Ai must like it very much."

"Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai, come out quickly. The doctor's uncle has given you a gift. See if you like it." Xiao Ke called out several times quickly.

The next second, Xiao Ke's originally cheerful face turned cold.

At the same time, his cute pink Lolita instantly turned dark, and an aura that was different from Xiao Ke's came out.

Mu Rufeng could feel that this aura was full of malice.

"I'm very satisfied with this gift. I didn't expect that your little level five trick could actually give you a level nine prop?"

"Tell me, did my father ask you to send it here?" Xiao Ai said coldly.

"Miss Xiao Ai, you are wrong. This is given to you by me, not by your father." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"Huh, do you think I'm an idiot? You're a level 5 weirdo, how can you have level 9 props? Ask her, she probably doesn't have many level 9 props on her," Xiao Ai said.

When Li Xuejing heard the topic brought up to her, she muttered in her heart: "Hey, hey, hey, I have quite a few, three in total."

Of course, I only dared to say it in my heart, but did not dare to say it in person.

"Miss Xiao Ai, how do you know that I am a level five weirdo?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"You are indeed an idiot. Is the number five behind the nameplate on your chest fake?"

"Miss Xiao Ai, to tell you the truth, I am actually a level 5 contractor, so the level of this nameplate is 5."

"But you overlooked a fact, that is, I am also a warrior, comparable to the Ghost Emperor or, far superior to most Ghost Emperors, a God Realm warrior!"

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he immediately released his breath.

After Xiao Ai felt Mu Rufeng's breath, her face changed slightly.

"Are you a human contractor? Or a God Realm warrior? Impossible, how could there be warriors in the weird world? Even the real world of the contractor is just an ordinary technological world." Xiao Ai couldn't believe that Mu Rufeng was actually a God Realm warrior.

And from what Xiao Ai said, she actually knew the existence of warriors and knew that the God Realm was a realm that could be comparable to the Ghost Emperor.

So it seems that Xiao Ai's father is definitely not a simple person, otherwise Xiao Ai would not know so many things.

"There are many things you don't know about this world. Miss Xiao Ai should be very satisfied with this gift, right?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Of course I am satisfied, but you have to give my sister another set that is no worse than mine." Xiao Ai said.

"It's okay to give it to your sister, but you have to stay in the ward, not go to the amusement park, and take medicine on time, how about that?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Then you have to give us those delicious food and drinks, birthday things." Xiao Ai added more chips.

"Miss Xiao Ai, let's make a pink promise. In this month, you have to be obedient." Mu Rufeng stretched out her hand and said.

"Okay." Xiao Ai immediately stretched out her hand and made a pink promise with Mu Rufeng.

Then Mu Rufeng took out another set of pink Lolita, which was also a level nine prop.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng took out a lot of food, milk tea, fruit, and a cake-like dessert.

"Nurse Li, take out two L-11P type psychiatric drugs." Mu Rufeng said.

Li Xuejing responded, and then quickly took out two psychiatric drugs.

Mu Rufeng took it and handed it to Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai didn't say anything. She took the medicine and swallowed it directly.

She even took the milk tea and sipped it directly, and then drank it down with the milk tea.

It can be seen that Xiao Ai's originally cold face changed slightly after drinking the milk tea, but it soon recovered.

"Miss Xiao Ai, happy birthday, then I won't disturb you to celebrate your birthday. Nurse Li and I have to go to the ward for rounds and come to see you tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Xiao Ai didn't say anything. She just drank milk tea while looking at Mu Rufeng and watched the two leave.

When the door was closed, Xiao Ai immediately said: "Sister, sister, look, the doctor also gave you a set of clothes and a lot of food."

"Yeah, this set is also very beautiful, I like it very much, the doctor uncle is just right for us."

When Xiao Ai's voice fell for a while, Xiao Ke's voice came out.

It seems that the two can talk directly to themselves, which is quite surprising.

"Sister, do you think my father forgot my birthday? He didn't give me any gifts or come to see me." Xiao Ai suddenly said in a depressed mood.

"No, my father must remember Xiao Ai's birthday, but you know that my father is very busy at work, and he can't come out during the day, only at night."

"Maybe at night, my father will come." Xiao Ke comforted.

"Yes, my father can't come out during the day, but he will definitely come back at night. Sister, I'm hungry, I want to eat cake."

"Yeah, eat cake, so much food, enough for us to eat, hehe."


Mu Rufeng and Li Xuejing left the room.

Li Xuejing hurriedly asked: "Doctor Mu, you actually have two sets of Lolita for children? And they are level 9 props!!!"

Li Xuejing was already surprised when Mu Rufeng could take out a set of level 9 props, and when he took out the second set, he was even more shocked.

He doubted whether Mu Rufeng knew that there were two patients, Xiao Ke and Xiao Ai, and prepared them specially.

He even knew the identity of Xiaoke's father, so he came to curry favor with her.

Mu Rufeng heard this and smiled, "I have a contracted ghost. She is about the same age as Xiaoke. She also likes these clothes, so I bought a few more sets."

"She is still sleeping now. She will definitely trouble me when she wakes up. I will have to coax her then." Mu Rufeng smiled bitterly.

Li Xuejing heard this and showed a strange look.

It seems that Mu Rufeng actually contracted a child's ghost.

Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that he actually bought two sets of level nine props for a ghost! ! !

The most important thing is that it seems that Mu Rufeng is very rich, very, very rich?

Then, Mu Rufeng came to Ward No. 6.

"What about this patient?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the red room number and asked.

"This patient is a bit strange. Every time we can't see him, we just need to put the medicine at the door. By the way, we must remember to block the door and be careful that he escapes." Li Xuejing said.

Mu Rufeng nodded after hearing this, and then released his ghost, and immediately pushed open the door.

Inside, it was also pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly. Mu Rufeng's ability to see in the dark was useless.

It seemed that the room was shrouded by a black force, sensing their sight.

Mu Rufeng listened carefully, but did not find any movement inside, as if there was no patient in it at all.

Mu Rufeng immediately opened the medical record in his hand.

[Name]: He Chongshan

[Level]: 9

[Symptoms]: He has persecution delusion. He thinks that everyone he sees is coming to kill him, so he never appears in front of others.

Once someone sees or discovers his existence, he will do his best to kill the other party.

[Mild treatment]: L-11A type psychiatric drug can be prescribed, one pill per day.

[Physical therapy]: None

[Discharge requirements]: Cure his persecution delusion, can appear in front of others safely, and then pass the mental test before discharge.

"Persecution delusion, another difficult guy." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

It is really unbelievable that a ninth-level ghost emperor would have such symptoms.

"Have you never seen him?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, I haven't even heard his voice." Li Xuejing nodded.

"Take out a L-11A type psychiatric drug." Mu Rufeng said.

Li Xuejing responded, then took out a pill and threw it directly into the darkness.

Mu Rufeng could actually dispel the darkness in the room and use his ability to find the patient.

But there is no need to do so. If he finds the patient, he will probably have a fierce battle.

Oh, it can't be said to be a fierce battle, because Mu Rufeng can definitely suppress him easily.

There is no need to fight with the patient.

So, Mu Rufeng and Li Xuejing left the room directly and locked the door.

"Nurse Li, I wonder how many patients are there in these fifty wards?" Mu Rufeng asked.

If there are too many people, it would be too much trouble for him to see them one by one.

"Um~~! There are a total of 26 patients." Li Xuejing replied.

"Is there an emperor?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Emperor. Yes, there are two on our floor, in wards 10 and 50 respectively." Li Xuejing did not hide it.

Because there was no need to hide it, this would be known after checking the room once.

Then, Mu Rufeng continued to check the room.

However, unexpectedly, there were no patients in wards 7, 8, and 9.

Finally, Mu Rufeng stood in front of room 10.

In this ward, there was an emperor.

Mu Rufeng asked Li Xueqing about the situation of this emperor, but Li Xueqing did not answer, but repeatedly told Mu Rufeng to treat him carefully and politely.

Because only after entering the ward and opening the medical record book will the patient's information be displayed, so Mu Rufeng did not quite understand why Li Xueqing did not tell the news.

Finally, under Li Xueqing's repeated instructions, Mu Rufeng pushed open the door.

The layout was similar, but everything inside was complete, but it looked a bit old.

In front of the desk, sat an old man in a vest, with his legs crossed and flip-flops between his legs.

He had a newspaper in his hand, a pair of reading glasses on his face, and a cigarette in his mouth.

This scene was exactly like a retired old man.

The old man raised his head, glanced at Mu Rufeng, and said in a hoarse voice: "I didn't expect that the hospital would recruit humans to be doctors."

"Hello, Mr. Tang, it's our first meeting. Do you mind if I look at the medical records?" Mu Rufeng asked politely.

This is not one of those ghost emperors, but a real emperor.

If it were an ordinary ghost emperor, Mu Rufeng would not bother to talk to them and would just open the medical records.

But this is an emperor, and the cause of the disease is also their privacy. If you look at it, you still have to ask, otherwise it would be too rude.

If you are rude, you will offend an emperor, which is still very bad.

"You are a doctor, of course you can look at it, why are you asking me, an old man?" Old man Tang said, lowered his head, and continued to look at the newspaper in his hand.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, just opened the medical record in his hand.

[Name]: Tang Zonghu

[Level]: 10

[Disease]: None

[Mild Treatment]: None

[Physical Therapy]: None

[Discharge Requirements]: As long as the dean pays back the 100 billion soul notes he owes, he can be discharged.

"." When Mu Rufeng finished reading the information in the medical record, he was a little surprised.

He immediately looked at Li Xuejing, who gave Mu Rufeng an awkward smile.

Obviously, Li Xuejing also knew about it, but she didn't say it, or she didn't dare to say it at the door.

Guess, can this emperor hear it?

And looking at the appearance of this emperor, it is likely that he can enter and leave the mental hospital at will.

After all, the other person is not sick, he just came to collect the debt, 100 billion.

Guess that the dean Li Ru has no money to pay, and Tang Zonghu can't do anything to Li Ru, so he can only stay here.

"Have you finished reading? Go out after you finish reading. By the way, Xiao Li, remember to bring some cigarettes later. I'm almost out of cigarettes." Tang Zonghu said without raising his head.

"Yes, Mr. Tang." Li Xuejing responded respectfully.

Then Li Xuejing walked out of the room, but he found that Mu Rufeng was standing there motionless.

"Doctor Mu, I'm leaving." Li Xuejing called out softly.

Mu Rufeng ignored Li Xuejing and said to Tang Zonghu: "Mr. Tang, I saw in the medical record that you don't have any symptoms."

"And the requirement for discharge is that the dean pays back the 100 billion owed to you, right?"

Li Xuejing's face changed instantly when she heard this. She wanted to come in and pull Mu Rufeng in, but after thinking about it, she immediately stood there without moving.

She never thought that Mu Rufeng would be so bold and dare to ask.

"Boy, what do you mean? Do you want me to be discharged?" Tang Zonghu put down the newspaper in his hand, and took off his reading glasses and looked at Mu Rufeng.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng felt an extremely terrifying breath, an irresistible breath.

Mu Rufeng said calmly: "Yes, my job is to cure more patients, and Mr. Tang, you don't have any symptoms, I think you can be discharged."

"Haha, I didn't expect humans to be so bold. Do you think you are a warrior in the God Realm and dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

Tang Zonghu, who was sitting on the chair, stood up slowly.

And Mu Rufeng also felt a pressure on him.

But fortunately, his body is strong and can withstand this pressure.

If it were an ordinary ghost emperor, he would have been pressed to the ground long ago.

"Mr. Tang, I'm here to solve your problem, you don't have to do this." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

It's just 100 billion, is it a lot?

For Mu Rufeng, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Mu Rufeng can even give 100 billion directly to Tang Zonghu, and then help the dean pay off his debts.

In this way, he can not only gain Tang Zonghu's friendship, but also get a favor from the dean.

These are two emperors.

It's just that Mu Rufeng still has to consider the follow-up matters, so he can't give the money so easily.

"Oh? Help me solve the problem? Okay, then tell me, how can you help me solve the problem?" Tang Zonghu did not restrain his breath, but he did not continue to strengthen it.

At this moment, he was a little interested in Mu Rufeng.

He has been here for more than ten years. Although he has never been out, he still knows a little about the outside world.

Especially the matter of humans in the real world going to the weird world.

He even plans to go out recently.

"Mr. Tang, I wonder if the dean signed a contract when he borrowed money from you?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Hmph, of course it was signed, but that guy has a prop that can extend the contract."

"Originally, we agreed to borrow money for ten years, but now it's been twenty-six years, and I'm only paid a little interest every year."

"You say you have a way? Come on, tell me, how do you want the dean to pay me back? As long as he really pays me back, I'll owe you a favor, and I can even give you a commission."

"But if you're kidding me, then you'll be my snack today." Tang Zonghu said slowly.

100 billion, for the Emperor, is actually a considerable fortune.

Don't look at the bosses of those group forces, who hold shares and are so rich.

But ask them, who would sell their shares for money.

And their cash flow is generally not too much, and being able to hold 100 billion is definitely a big shot.

Even the Emperor attaches great importance to 100 billion, otherwise, it would be impossible to live in this mental hospital for so many years.

What Mu Rufeng didn't expect was that the dean actually had a tool that could extend the repayment period of the rule contract.

"I wonder if you can show me the contract." Mu Rufeng said.

"Look at my contract, yes." Tang Zonghu thought for a moment, and then took out a contract and gave it to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng flipped through it.

It was indeed a loan contract, with a total amount of 100 billion, which was used for Li Ru to build this mental hospital.

Yes, that's right, it cost 100 billion. Of course, 100 billion is not enough to build such a mental hospital.

It must be that Li Ru used some rules or some other special tools to build it.

The loan period is ten years. For ten years, 1% interest will be paid to Tang Zonghu every year, which is 1 billion.

Twenty-six years have passed, which means that Tang Zonghu has received 26 billion soul notes, but this is all interest.

It seems to be quite worthwhile, but this is 100 billion.

Even if it is deposited in a bank, the interest rate can be at least three points.

It can be said that the difference is not known, and the most important thing is that if the 100 billion capital is there, he can make more money with this money.

They were very good friends, but for some reason, Li Ru did not have enough money because he used his money to buy other things.

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