I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 342: No Buddha God!!! [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

Then he found Tang Zonghu, and originally wanted him to join the partnership, and the two of them worked together to build it.

However, Tang Zonghu was not optimistic about this mental hospital and did not want to join. In the end, he signed a contract based on the friendship between the two for many years and lent 100 billion.

At the same time, this 100 billion was the money that Tang Zonghu took out by mortgaging some of his shares and assets.

The mortgaged money also needs to pay interest, but the contract states that the interest will be paid by Li Ru, and the interest will be paid to Tang Zonghu every year.

100 billion is definitely not a small amount. This is a strange world, and friendship is not that important.

However, the most important point is that Li Ru saved Tang Zonghu's life when he was young.

In addition, both of them became emperors, so this friendship is naturally unusual.

After the construction of the Quiet Mental Hospital, it made a lot of money every day. Those who could enter here were at least big shots or ninth-level ghost emperors.

It took a high-end route, so there was no worry about not making money. It was only 100 billion, and it could be earned back within ten years.

However, Li Ru owed a debt again for some special reasons.

This amount of money is not small, and at the same time, that amount of money needs to be repaid first.

Therefore, Tang Zonghu could only drag it out and used a special prop to extend the repayment period of the rule contract to thirty years.

In other words, there are still four years, no matter what Li Ru does, the money must be repaid.

However, things are not that simple. As mentioned before, a lot of Tang Zonghu's money is also mortgaged by his own assets.

Because only when Li Ru pays back the money can he pay it back and then get back the things he mortgaged.

However, the ten-year deadline has long passed, and he has tried hard to pay back the money but has not collected the money. It can be said that he has lost everything now.

There is only this contract left, plus 10 billion in interest every year.

Tang Zonghu asked Li Ru to mortgage the shares of the mental hospital to him, but the shares of the mental hospital had already been mortgaged.

Tang Zonghu was so angry that he wanted to fight Li Ru, but the strength of the mental hospital was not as good as Li Ru.

Li Ru hardly went out, so Tang Zonghu could only live here all year round.

Just wait for four years until the contract expires.

As soon as the contract expires, Li Ru will have to return the 100 billion to him even if he has no money.

Otherwise, he will have to pay an unbearable price.

Take the 100 billion, and then redeem some of his previous assets.

After all, he is also an emperor, and he still has some face. Although he can't redeem all, it should be no problem to redeem part of it.

Li Ru also knew that what he did was really unkind, and he had no face to see Tang Zonghu, so he didn't dare to appear in front of Tang Zonghu.

"Mr. Tang, have you never thought about selling this contract?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Yes, this contract can be sold.

Selling it for 100 billion, it must be impossible to sell it, and it must be sold at a discount.

"Of course I have considered it, but the highest price is only 80 billion, it's not worth it." Tang Zonghu shook his head and said.

80 billion is bound to be a huge loss, and this price is not easy to negotiate.

Because the shorter the deadline, the less he needs to sell, and the longer the deadline, the lower the price will be.

Not to mention, he is an emperor.

"How about this, I will buy this contract for 100 billion, how about that?" Mu Rufeng said.

"You? Spend 100 billion to buy a contract? Are you kidding me?"

"You are just a human contractor, can you come up with 100 billion?" Tang Zonghu did not hide his disbelief in Mu Rufeng.

100 billion, let alone a human, most ghost emperors do not have this asset, and it takes some time for the emperor to come up with it.

Not to mention, it is a human contractor like him.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but took out a contract directly from the inventory, and then with a thought, he saw the terms that Mu Rufeng wanted on it.

Then Mu Rufeng signed his name on it and pressed his handprint.

Then Mu Rufeng handed the contract to Tang Zonghu.

Tang Zonghu took it with some suspicion, and then read the regulations carefully.

"As long as you sign it, I will transfer 100 billion to you immediately." Mu Rufeng said, and took out his Tiandi Bank black gold card.

The aura did not spread out, but was restrained by Mu Rufeng, but with Tang Zonghu's identity, he could easily find that this black gold card was real.

However, he didn't care much, because Mu Rufeng was at least a ninth-level god, and a black gold card could be obtained with only 10 billion funds.

What he wanted was 100 billion.

"Do you really have 100 billion?" Tang Zonghu still looked at Mu Rufeng with suspicion.

He really didn't think Mu Rufeng could take out 100 billion.

There are actually quite a few ninth-level ghost emperors who can own 100 billion assets.

But most of them are real estate.

If the cash flow is 100 billion, there are almost no ninth-level ghost emperors who can take it out.

Even if the leaders of the Level Nine Group you saw took out 100 billion in cash, it was estimated that it was embezzled funds from the group.

So, he really didn't think Mu Rufeng could take out 100 billion in cash.

"Mr. Tang, whether you believe it or not, as long as you sign this contract, I will transfer it to you immediately."

"The rules and contracts are here, how could they be fake? Besides, I'm here too. If I cheat you, you can just do it to me." Mu Rufeng said.

He was naturally not stupid enough to transfer 100 billion to Tang Zonghu directly.

Otherwise, if this guy directly cheated him of 100 billion, Mu Rufeng would have no place to cry.

He was not familiar with this guy, and only the contract could restrict him.

"Okay, I'll sign it." Tang Zonghu thought it was indeed the case, so he signed the contract directly.

And when the contract was signed, it quickly turned into two copies, and Mu Rufeng also held one in his hand.

"Then please tell me your bank card number, Mr. Tang." Mu Rufeng said.

Tang Zonghu took out his bank card immediately.

Mu Rufeng took a look and found that it didn't seem to be a bank card of Tiandi Bank, but a small bank.

Tang Zonghu seemed to have noticed Mu Rufeng's doubts, and immediately explained: "This is the Bank of All Living Things. Although it is not as large as the Bank of Heaven and Earth, it is not small either. The first inter-bank transfer requires a card."

There is one more thing Tang Zonghu did not say, that is, the interest rate of deposits in the Bank of All Living Things is very high, especially for large deposits made by an emperor like him.

He did not invest the interest he received over the years, but directly deposited it in this bank, with an annual return of eight points.

He also wanted to invest, but unfortunately, he lost billions in the past few years and was somewhat reluctant to invest.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then Mu Rufeng reached out and swiped his bank card on the card slot of his bank card.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng directly transferred 100 billion soul notes.

It took only three or five seconds for the money to arrive.

Tang Zonghu was shocked, and he heard the prompt sound, 100 billion, arrived!!!

"Mr. Tang, you should have received the money, then I will accept this contract." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"You actually have 100 billion, good, good, haha!" Tang Zonghu laughed out loud.

The principal of 100 billion is finally back, finally back.

Even if he got 26 billion in interest, he was really too excited when the principal of 100 billion came back.

Because it was really not easy.

"Doctor Mu, you should not be short of money, so I won't give you the commission. In this way, I owe you a favor. This is my business card. If you have anything, call me."

Tang Zonghu took out a business card and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he took a look. It was pure gold, with a phone number and Tang Zonghu's name written on it.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his cell phone and called Tang Zonghu: "Mr. Tang, this is my number, you can save it."

"If you need anything, you can find me. I still have some connections in the weird world, and I have a lot of money."

Tang Zonghu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Okay, maybe one day I can really ask you for help, haha."

Tang Zonghu didn't treat Mu Rufeng as an ant at all at this moment, but gave Mu Rufeng respect.

It's not easy for a human to reach the ninth level of the divine realm, not to mention that he casually spent 100 billion to buy this IOU.

"Li Dazui, where are the people? Come out quickly, I want to be discharged from the hospital." Tang Zonghu shouted directly to the outside.

Just at this time, several black figures appeared in the corridor.

Li Xuejing, who was still standing in the corridor, was startled and immediately entered the room.

And the three black shadows followed closely behind.

However, before he could make any move, Tang Zonghu opened his mouth and sucked, and the black air on the three black shadows dissipated.

These were three strange-looking monsters, which roared silently and were swallowed by Tang Zonghu.

This is why we have to keep quiet. Once the decibel exceeds a certain level, monsters will appear.

The monsters are all level nine ghost emperors, and their strength is extremely powerful.

Unfortunately, in front of Emperor Tang Zonghu, they are just the end of food.

"If you want to leave the hospital, leave. I have never stopped you. As for the money, I will find a way to pay you back in four years." Li Ru's voice sounded, but he did not show up.

"Li Dazui, the IOU has been bought by Dr. Mu, the doctor you hired. You bastard, we are even today."

"I tell you, don't come to me again in the future, otherwise, I will beat you up every time I see you." Tang Zonghu shouted.

The relationship between the two can be said to be gone, really gone.

"Hmm? The IOU was bought?" Li Ru said in confusion.

The next second, Li Ru appeared at the door.

"You finally showed up, Damn, if this wasn't your territory, I would definitely beat you to death."

Tang Zonghu scolded fiercely, but still didn't do anything.

"Oh, calm down, calm down, there's nothing we can do." Li Ru didn't dare to refute, after all, he was really wrong first.

Finally, he looked at Mu Rufeng: "Did you really buy the IOU? This is 100 billion?"

"Of course it's true." Mu Rufeng said, raising the contract in his hand.

Li Ru took a look and found that it was true, and his eyes looked at Mu Rufeng a little different.

"Remember, don't come to me in the future." Tang Zonghu left a cruel word and left the ward directly, and then disappeared.

It looks like he left the mental hospital.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully treating the second patient, treatment progress (2/5)]

The second patient has been cured, plus that Mu Qingze, that is to say, Mu Rufeng only needs to discharge two patients.

"Dean, there are still four years left, and the deadline is up, so remember to pay back the money." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, no problem, it should be about the same in four years." Li Ru had a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, his heart was already a little excited.

An emperor was holding his IOU, so he must pay it back.

However, the one holding his IOU now is a ninth-level ghost emperor, no, a human contractor.

Then, he can consider how to get the IOU back.

Let's not talk about getting it back, the best way is to kill Mu Rufeng.

But soon he thought that the other party was a contractor, with a login bracelet in his hand, and would return directly to the real world after death.

In this way, his plan would not work.

"It seems that I have to think about it carefully." Li Ru muttered to himself.

Then he raised his head and looked at Mu Rufeng: "Doctor Mu, you continue to make rounds. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

As soon as Li Ru finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot, leaving only Mu Rufeng and Li Xuejing in the ward.

"Doctor Mu, it seems that you are really a super big shot."

"There is a rumor recently that there is a human contractor in the third forbidden land... That person is also surnamed Mu, could it be you?" Li Xuejing said cautiously.

"Did you also go to the third forbidden land?" Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked at Li Xuejing and asked with a smile.

"No, I was on duty at the time." Li Xuejing shook her head and said.

She still wanted to go, but unfortunately, she was scheduled to be on duty those days, so she missed it.

"That's a pity, okay, let's continue the rounds." Mu Rufeng closed the medical record book and then continued the rounds.

Time passed in a flash, and two hours passed.

It is now half past four, and Mu Rufeng has already stood in front of Room 50.

The more than 20 patients in front of him also took up a lot of time and energy for Mu Rufeng.

He has also determined that there are five patients that he is confident of treating. The time may be long or short, but the longest will not exceed ten days.

Now, he is standing in front of the last room, and at the same time, he is the only remaining Emperor patient on this floor.

Mu Rufeng also asked Li Xuejing, but Li Xuejing still didn't say much, just kept reminding Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng was a little annoyed about this, but he still pushed the door and entered.

After entering, Mu Rufeng's eyes were instantly attracted.

There was nothing in this room, only a huge meat ball.

When they pushed the door in, the huge meat ball moved.

Then, a big mouth and a pair of eyes slowly emerged from the meat ball.

At the same time, you can see that on both sides of the meat ball and below, there are also thick limbs.

"Hungry, I want to eat, give me something to eat." Meatball looked at the two greedily.

His saliva was flowing down, as if he was very greedy for Mu Rufeng and Li Xueqing.

But for some reason, Meatball did not suppress his desire and did not come forward to eat them.

"Senior, hello, I am the new doctor Mu Rufeng, can I take a look at the case first?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Hungry, so hungry, I want to eat." Meatball ignored Mu Rufeng, just kept swallowing his saliva and looked straight at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately opened the medical record.

[Name]: Mr. Meat

[Level]: 10

[Symptoms]: He suffered a severe mental injury and suffered from the starving ghost syndrome. He was hungry, extremely hungry. Even if he was full, he would still feel extremely hungry and just wanted to eat, but the more he ate, the stronger the hunger.

[Mild treatment]: L-7W type inhibitor can be prescribed, three pills per day.

[Physical treatment]: You can cut off your own flesh and let it devour it. It can only be cured when it eats until it doesn't want to eat anymore.

Note: When your own flesh becomes less, you will not be able to suppress the evil in your body. Once the evil is released, it will cause huge losses to the mental hospital.

[Discharge requirements]: Cure the hungry ghost disease, and you can be discharged after the treatment is completed.


Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Mr. Meat actually had the hungry ghost disease?

This disease was the first time that Mu Rufeng heard of it.

However, when he saw the physical treatment, Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up slightly.

It seemed that he could cure this Mr. Meat.

As for suppressing his own evil, then it was also very simple. Just don't let his flesh decrease.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng directly took out the flesh and blood grower.

This is a good thing. As long as there is enough money, even the emperor's body can be restored.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng's treatment method is also very simple.

Direct physical treatment will do, let him devour his own flesh, and then use the flesh and blood grower to restore his body.

In this way, he can eat his own flesh endlessly, and because the flesh-growth device is restoring his body, his flesh will not be reduced.

In this way, he will not release his malice.

Mu Rufeng immediately marked the flesh and blood growth device, and then looked at Mr. Rou: "Mr. Rou, I have a way to make you full and cure the disease at the same time."

"However, I still need your cooperation, is that okay?"

"Are you telling the truth?" Mr. Rou said slowly.

"Of course it's true, but you have to sign this contract first." Mu Rufeng said, taking out a contract, thinking out the regulations on it, and then threw it to Mr. Rou.

The regulations in the contract are all about the return of the flesh and blood growth device for borrowing and healing, as well as the price of soul money paid after use, etc.

Who knows how much this guy will eat and how long it will take, and Mr. Meat is still an emperor, so the price of using the flesh and blood growth device must be extremely expensive.

In this way, Mu Rufeng no longer wanted to spend money on his own. The purpose of signing the contract was to let Mr. Meat spend money on his own.

Mr. Rou still had his own consciousness. After reading the contract, he looked up at Mu Rufeng.

"Show me that prop. I want to see if it's real." Mr. Rou said eagerly.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while and threw the prop first.

Mr. Rou's hand caught the prop, and after reading it, he understood it clearly.

"There is no need to sign this contract. Sell this prop to me for 10 million. Tell me the card number." Mr. Rou said slowly.

Mr. Rou is not a fool. He naturally knows how powerful this item is. Although it costs soul money, it is still very powerful.

After all, this is a tool that can restore a person's body. He also sensed that even the Emperor can use it.

Moreover, the amount of soul money he had to pay was something he could bear.

"Sorry, Mr. Rou, I won't sell this prop." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, with a thought, the flesh and blood growth device disappeared directly from Mr. Rou's hand, and then appeared in Mu Rufeng's hand.

The mark card is a good thing. Even if it is in Emperor Zun's hands, it still cannot be stopped. Mu Rufeng can get it back if she wants.

It was precisely because of this that Mu Rufeng dared to give the flesh and blood growth device to Mr. Rou, the emperor's boss.

"It's interesting." Mr. Rou saw the prop in his hand disappear and was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.

"Give it to me. The rules can't restrain me here, and your dean won't care about it either." Mr. Rou said slowly.

At the same time, a ghost spread quietly and sealed the room.

Mu Rufeng put the flesh and blood growth device into the inventory, and then showed the login bracelet in her hand.

He said: "This is a login bracelet. Mr. Rou must know about it. I can activate it at any time and return to the real world."

"The price is just an arm. I have a flesh and blood growth device and can recover easily. So, I think Mr. Flesh should sign the contract. What do you think? Mr. Flesh?"

Li Xuejing was behind Mu Rufeng, not daring to take a breath.

Bold, so bold. This was the first time she had seen such a bold human contractor.

Facing an emperor, he was so unyielding.

If it were her, she would probably have to obediently send the flesh and blood growth device up.

"Okay, that's great. I've underestimated you human contractors. I signed this contract."

Mr. Rou finally signed the contract.

He had to sign because he also wanted to cure his starving ghost disease.

When Mu Rufeng held a contract signed by Mr. Rou, Mu Rufeng immediately took out the flesh and blood growth device and threw it to Mr. Rou.

"Mr. Rou, you can enjoy it slowly, and I will leave first." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Go away." Mr. Rou waved his hand and said.

Mu Rufeng immediately left the room with Li Xuejing.

In this way, the house inspection is now considered completed.

"Dr. Mu, now that the ward rounds are over, I'll leave first. I'll be here when you do the ward rounds tomorrow morning." Li Xuejing said.

"What about me? It seems like it's not time to get off work yet, right? What should I do now?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Dr. Mu, you are responsible for the patients on this floor. After the ward rounds, you can go to your room to rest."

"And the director said before that you should go to the outpatient department for treatment at night, and there should be a notice issued to you by then."

"But you must remember that you must not leave the floor you are responsible for now." After Li Xuejing finished speaking, she walked directly upstairs along the stairwell.

At this time, Mu Rufeng discovered that there was a stairwell here.

You know, it didn't exist before.

In the next second, the stairwell disappeared again and turned into a wall again.

Good guy, really a good guy.

This probably means that doctors are restricted from leaving the floor they are responsible for.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was only four forty.

There is quite enough time.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while and returned to her room first.

After locking the door, Mu Rufeng put away all the props on her body, and then directly entered the virtual state.

With such a good opportunity, how could Mu Rufeng not go and inquire about this mental hospital.

When he was in the Third Forbidden Land, even Emperor Zun couldn't detect his existence. In the real world, he naturally couldn't find him in the virtual state.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng flew directly towards the wall.

However, surprisingly, Mu Rufeng hit his head on the wall.

This made Mu Rufeng's mouth twitch slightly.

He felt that the wall contained the power of rules, which could effectively block him.

However, Mu Rufeng could still pass through the wall, but it would take some time.

In the end, Mu Rufeng spent about half a minute and successfully passed through the wall.

Half a minute, this time is not long, but it is definitely not short.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng immediately used [Potential Explosion] and [Life and Death].

His strength instantly reached the peak state.

Mu Rufeng tried again, and at the same time, he also called on a lot of soul power this time. This time it was much faster, and it took only five seconds to penetrate the wall and return to the room.

Five seconds, that can really be said to be very fast.

Then, Mu Rufeng went out of the door again, this time it was faster, only two seconds.

Mu Rufeng knew that compared with the wall, the power of the rules of the door was weaker.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came directly to the sealed window next to him.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng passed through the wooden boards and came directly outside.

When he came outside, a sense of depression emerged from the bottom of his heart.

But it soon disappeared without a trace. He could ignore the rules now.

Mu Rufeng looked around, the sky was gray and bright.

It can be seen that this is a hospital with a large area.

But what is surprising is that Mu Rufeng actually saw three buildings.

One outpatient building and two inpatient buildings.

If he remembered correctly, the seventh item on the precautions of the Quiet Psychiatric Hospital stated that the hospital only had one inpatient building and an outpatient building.

If you find a third building, just ignore it.

Mu Rufeng looked up and down at the three buildings and found that the layout was almost the same, and even the floors were the same height. Only the signs at the door were different.

Mu Rufeng is now on the eighth floor, and this first inpatient building has a total of eighteen floors.

Mu Rufeng looked further out of the mental hospital and found that it was a dark fog outside, and it was impossible to see clearly.

However, Mu Rufeng could feel the breath of the fog, which could be said to be the breath of the wilderness fog.

"Is the mental hospital built in the wilderness area?" Mu Rufeng murmured in his heart.

Then Mu Rufeng ignored the extra building and flew up.

Soon, he arrived at the upper floor.

The same windows were also sealed, or in other words, the windows on all floors were sealed.

Mu Rufeng flew into the window and entered the ninth floor.

The layout of the ninth floor was the same as that of the eighth floor, with the same fifty rooms, plus a ward No. 0 and a doctor's dormitory (office).

Coincidentally, Mu Rufeng saw a doctor and a nurse making rounds.

Mu Rufeng didn't know the doctor, and he didn't know the nurse either.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and flew over quickly.

Not to mention, this doctor's rounds were almost exactly the same as Mu Rufeng's, entering the ward, then checking the case, and finally prescribing medicine.

The only difference from Mu Rufeng is that this doctor is more humble, because his strength is only level eight.

And his patients are almost all level nine, even the lower level ones are all some big shots or relatives of big shots.

It is precisely because of this that this doctor is naturally inferior to others, so he has to be more humble.

Mu Rufeng also took a sneak peek at the medical record book and found that it was exactly the same as his.

Name: Liu Yan

Level: 9

Symptoms: Incomplete cognition, always thinks that he is a human being, extremely shy, except for doctors and nurses, he will kill other weird things indiscriminately to prevent himself from being scared.

Mild treatment: L-11A type psychotropic drugs can be prescribed, three pills per day.

Physical therapy: None

Discharge requirements: Let him recover his self-cognition and he can be discharged.

From this point of view, the duties of doctors should be the same.

Mu Rufeng followed a few more, and then Mu Rufeng left and went to other floors for a walk.

He found that the lowest of these doctors was level eight, and most of them were level nine. There was even an emperor doctor on the eighteenth floor, the highest floor.

And looking at the nameplate on his chest, his title was actually chief physician.

You know, on the nameplates of these doctors, those at level nine were attending physicians, and those at level eight were resident physicians.

At the same time, there were not many wards on the eighteenth floor, only ten.

Each one was full of people.

Mu Rufeng was bold and took a look. Among them, there were two emperor patients, and the remaining eight ranged from level five to level nine, and there was even a level one weirdo.

Moreover, this only level one patient, judging from his status, should be extremely noble.

Because Mu Rufeng happened to see that this emperor doctor was extremely respectful when facing this level one patient.

There was only one reason why an emperor could be so respectful to a level one weirdo, and that was the patient's status.

Mu Rufeng was in this ward at the moment.

"Lord Lan, Lord Wufo Shenzun contacted me just now. He said that he will come to see you in the evening." Doctor Ayun said respectfully.

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