I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 343 The descendants of the Buddha God [ask for monthly votes! ]

"What is he doing here? Isn't it because of him that I am like this? Wouldn't it be better for me to die here?"

The so-called Lord Lan didn't care about the Lord God mentioned by Doctor Ayun.

You can even see that Lord Lan is emitting cold air all over his body, his eyes are numb, and he is filled with indifference.

"No Buddha God???"

When these four words entered Mu Rufeng's ears, Mu Rufeng's breathing became a little rapid.

A huge wave suddenly rose in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he really didn't expect that he would hear the name of No Buddha God here.

Mu Rufeng immediately held his breath and listened to their words attentively.

"Lord Lan, you are the heir of Lord God, and Lord God still cares about you very much." Ayun didn't dare to answer, so he could only say so.

"Care about me? Haha, you care about whether I'm dead or not, right? I was poisoned by the Nether Flower. How long has it been? I forgot, it should be more than 20,000 years? My strength has dropped from the peak of the Emperor to the first level."

"First level, I can't beat any weird, I want to die a long time ago, if my father cares about me, why let me suffer here?"

When Lord Lan said this, his emotions suddenly became extremely excited.

Hearing this, Ayun didn't dare to answer. This was Lord Shenzun's family affair. If he dared to answer, he really didn't know how to die.

"Lord Lan, Lord Shenzun has never given up on you and has always wanted to remove the poison from your body."

"Lord Lan, I have prepared the medicine. After you take it, you can go into the coffin." Ayun said respectfully.

Lord Lan stared at Ayun. She wanted to commit suicide, but she knew that she couldn't commit suicide, and even if she committed suicide, she couldn't die.

Finally, she took the medicine, swallowed it, and came directly to a coffin made of ice placed in the corner.

She lay down directly in it, and then saw the cold air rising up, instantly freezing Lord Lan.

Then Ayun took back a prop from Lord Lan, and then slowly closed the coffin lid, and then retreated respectfully.

It was this prop that allowed Lord Lan to wake up from the coffin.

She can wake up once every hundred years, and she can take medicine once when she wakes up, and each time she takes the medicine, she can live for a hundred years.

However, Wufo God wanted to come to see her tonight, so he woke her up almost eighty years in advance, but still let her take the medicine.

The whole room has fallen into silence, leaving only Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng stood there, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

This person turned out to be the offspring of Wufo God.

And from their conversation, we learned that this Lord Lan was actually a peak emperor before, but now, he has become a first-level weird.

The lowest existence in a weird world.

Let alone the current Mu Rufeng, even a stronger strong man with a first-level prop, I am afraid he can kill this Lord Lan.

At the same time, the reason why Lord Lan is like this is because he was poisoned by the Nether Flower.

And seeing that he was frozen, it is likely true.

Because as long as the cold air is enough, it can slow down the spread of the Nether Flower poison, and it should also delay the passing of his life.

He thought of the time when he was in the third forbidden land, when he possessed the dragon and fought against the Buddhaless God.

The Buddhaless God seemed to say that he had been poisoned before, but he solved it himself.

As for how he solved it, Mu Rufeng didn't know. Now it seems that the Buddhaless God transferred it to his offspring in a special way?

He didn't see this Lord Lan at that time, so he must have been poisoned at that time, so he was not at the front line of the ghost cave.

Now that he had truly heard the name of the Buddhaless God in the strange world, Mu Rufeng was still somewhat shocked.

After all, this was a God. Mu Rufeng couldn't beat an Emperor now. Even if he tried his best, he might not be able to beat the Emperor.

Not to mention, this was a God. In the third forbidden land, he was the most powerful Buddhaless God among the five Gods.

According to the reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao Continent eighteen times, that is, eighteen thousand years.

After eighteen thousand years, the Buddhaless God must have become even more powerful.

Mu Rufeng almost wanted to run away, but he thought that the Buddhaless God would not come until the evening, and he also wanted to get some information from this Lord Lan.

Wake her up and ask directly? That's impossible, it's no different from seeking death.

However, don't forget that Mu Rufeng still has the power of nightmare.

This person is only at the first level. Even if his soul is stronger, it can never be stronger than Mu Rufeng.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng immediately came to the coffin and directly used the power of nightmare.

As for being afraid of being discovered, or something else, it was not important to Mu Rufeng.

Even if he gave up this mission, as long as he could get some secrets from this Lord Lan, then everything would be worth it.

Here was an endless ice field, with a blizzard in the sky and only white all around.

Cold, very cold.

This was how Wu Lan felt in the past 20,000 years.

Cold to the bone.

At this moment, Wu Lan was shivering and curled up in an ice cave.

Although this was an ice cave, the cold wind outside was howling, making her tremble unconsciously.

Wu Lan is a woman who seems to be only about twenty years old.

But at this moment, she was curled up in a corner, wearing thin clothes and shaking all over.

No matter who it is, as long as they see this scene, they can definitely empathize.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside the ice cave.

Wu Lan did not move, and did not even notice the sound outside.

When the person was standing behind her, Wu Lan still did not move, because she could not sense it.

She had been here for many years and had been frozen for many years.

Her soul power was very strong. Even if her body was frozen, her consciousness would not fall asleep. Instead, she would fall into a dream, fall into this icy dream, and endure the cold.

However, because it had been unknown for many years, even if her soul power was strong, it had been worn out to a certain extent.

Suddenly, Wu Lan felt a warm breath spreading out from behind her.

For many years, this was a warm feeling she had never had before.

Her numb soul finally got a little better, and then she slowly turned her head to look.

But she found a man who was wrapped in thick clothes and holding a torch standing behind her.

"Are you cold? Wait a minute, it won't be cold when the fire is lit."

Mu Rufeng finished speaking and took out a lot of firewood and charcoal from behind.

Mu Rufeng piled them in front of him, made a hole, and then stuffed the only torch into the hole.

The flame of the torch ignited the charcoal, and then ignited the firewood.

The orange-yellow flames spread out, and the warm air also enveloped the ice cave.

At this moment, Wu Lan, who had been cold for who knows how many years, finally felt the warm breath.

The heat dispelled the cold, so that Wu Lan no longer felt the cold.

Her numb body finally got some improvement, and then she turned around tremblingly, approached the fire, and even stretched out her hands to roast, with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

"Too close, stay away, or you will get burned. It's so cold, and you're still wearing single clothes. Wear my military coat." Mu Rufeng said softly, and at the same time took off his military coat and put it on Wu Lan.

Wu Lan immediately grabbed the sides of the military coat and wrapped it tightly. The warmth made her feel at ease and comfortable.

"Thank you, it's so warm." Wu Lan said softly.

"You're welcome. By the way, my name is Mu Rufeng. What's your name?" Mu Rufeng sat next to Wu Lan and then spoke.

"My name is Wu Lan. How did you appear in the endless ice field? I have been here for more than 20,000 years and have never seen anyone else." Wu Lan said.

"I don't know either. After I fell asleep, I suddenly appeared here. It seems that this is a dream."

"It seems that our dreams are connected together." Mu Rufeng said.

"Dream? Connected together? But why can you take out these things?"

"Firewood, charcoal, torches, even the clothes on your body, no matter what I do, I can't find anything else except ice and snow." Wu Lan seemed to have been lonely for too long, and she believed Mu Rufeng's words directly.

In other words, whether she believed it or not, she felt warm and no longer lonely.

Even if someone wanted to harm her, she would accept it happily, because she had wanted to die for a long time, so she also hoped that Mu Rufeng was a bad guy and would end her.

"This, I used soul power to visualize it, why? Can't you do it?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

As he said, Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and another bowl of warm soup appeared.

"Here, this is the dragon meat soup I cooked outside before, and it can also be visualized here." Mu Rufeng handed the dragon meat soup to Wu Lan.

"It smells so good." Wu Lan sniffed the fragrance, and his expression changed slightly.

Then, she took a sip and her eyes lit up immediately.

Then, she immediately drank all the dragon meat soup, chewed the big piece of fat meat twice and swallowed it.

"Delicious, very delicious." Wu Lan was still a little reluctant.

"It tastes good, right? I killed a giant fire dragon and cooked it." Mu Rufeng smiled.

"It tastes good, and it warms my body. It's so comfortable. Mu Rufeng, is there any more? I want to drink more." Wu Lan's originally numb eyes have faded at this moment.

For more than 20,000 years, she was too lonely and too cold. If she had stayed in a warm place with no worries about food and drink for more than 20,000 years, she would not be like this.

"Of course." Mu Rufeng said, and concretized a huge iron rack.

The iron rack just covered the fire, and there was also a big pot on the iron rack.

A full pot of dragon meat soup, with many ingredients and spiritual objects in it.

The fragrance instantly filled the entire ice cave, and at the same time, the temperature inside the ice cave became higher.

Even the cold wind blowing from outside turned into warm wind.

In this environment, there was delicious food, which really made Wu Lan, who had not experienced it for more than 20,000 years, feel so comfortable.

"Here, scoop it yourself if you want to eat it." Mu Rufeng said, handing over a large spoon.

Wu Lan nodded repeatedly, and then immediately scooped soup into the empty bowl in his hand.

Mu Rufeng also scooped a bowl and sat aside to eat slowly.

Wu Lan gobbled it up and ate ten bowls in a row.

When the eleventh bowl was served, Wu Lan did not gobble it up, but followed Mu Rufeng to eat slowly.

"Are you full?" Mu Rufeng asked with a smile.

"No, I don't feel full, and I'm not hungry. But I'm not cold at all now, it's so warm." Wu Lan squinted his eyes slightly, his face full of enjoyment.

"By the way, I see your soul breath, you seem to be human, right? Why are you here?" At this time, Wu Lan suddenly looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Well, I am a human. I have entered the copy of the Quiet Mental Hospital and became a doctor on the eighth floor. I was resting after the rounds, and I don't know why I appeared here." Mu Rufeng said.

"Human? The copy of the Quiet Mental Hospital? The eighth floor? Doctor? I know the doctor, what else is it? I don't understand." Wu Lan looked at Mu Rufeng in confusion.

Hearing Wu Lan's words, Mu Rufeng knew that this Wu Lan didn't even know that he was still in the mental hospital.

Then, she should not wake up every day to take medicine, but sleep for a long time. Mu Rufeng didn't know how long it was, but he could ask.

"Wu Lan, don't you know? Have you been here for a long time?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"I was frozen in the ice coffin because of poisoning, and I only wake up once every hundred years." Wu Lan said.

"So that's how it is. No wonder you don't know anything."

"Five years ago, the weird world descended into the real world. We humans can descend into the weird world as players and enter some places. We call them dungeons..."

Mu Rufeng briefly talked about the recent situation of the real world and the weird world.

"I didn't expect the changes to be so big now. Unfortunately, I can't go out and can only wait to die here." Wu Lan sighed and said.

"You just said you were poisoned. Why were you poisoned? And you said you have been here for more than 20,000 years. Have you been frozen for more than 20,000 years?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"This is a secret, and my status is not low. If you know it, you may die. Are you sure you want to know it?" Wu Lan thought for a while, and then said.

"Wu Lan, have you forgotten that I have a login bracelet? I can't die. I will be directly teleported back to the real world." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Then aren't you afraid that the weird world will completely merge with your world, so that your login bracelet will be useless." Wu Lan said again.

"Hehe, as far as I know, the weird world cannot be integrated with the real world for at least a few years." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Okay, since you want to know, I will naturally not hide it from you." Wu Lan smiled slightly.

"Do you know that my strength before was very strong, at the peak of the Emperor, do you know the Emperor? Above the Ghost Emperor is the Emperor."

"Above the Emperor is the God, and my father is the Buddhaless God, one of the five great Gods in the entire weird world, and the strongest existence."

"Now you can see that my strength has fallen to the bottom, the bottom, do you know? Level one, level one."

Wu Lan laughed a little when he said this.

Yes. It's just level one, a person who has fallen from the top of the Emperor to the current level one.

And he has to be frozen in the ice coffin every day, enduring the endless cold.

God knows how she survived all these years.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, listening carefully, and Wu Lan continued to speak.

"Back then, I was a descendant of the God of No Buddha, powerful and commanding an army, but later we discovered a new world."

"I led the army to conquer and encountered strong resistance, and there was even an emperor there."

"My father, the God of No Buddha, fought with him and eventually killed him at a great cost."

"But my father was poisoned because of it, but even so, we have no problem sweeping across that world."

"But before the God of No Buddha died, he actually used the rules of that world and set up a shocking formation with the lifespan of people in the world."

"This formation is not obvious, elusive, or searchable. We only know that it restricts the existence of the emperor and above from entering their world."

"In this way, our advantage is gone. No matter how many ghost emperors we go, it will be useless. In the end, they sealed the ghost cave with the power of the emperor."

Speaking of this, Wu Lan seemed a little excited.

"My father was poisoned, and I was in charge of everything. But one day, he called me over, and then used a secret method to connect the blood of both parties, and then transferred the poison he was poisoned with to me."

"Since then, the poison in my body has always existed. This poison consumes the strength in my body every day. In just over a hundred years, my cultivation has dropped to the eighth-level ghost king."

"Later, my father wanted to study the toxins in my body, so he froze me. In this way, more than 20,000 years have passed, and my strength has only been level one."

"Sometimes, I really want to die, but I can't die. Can you kill me?" Wu Lan looked at Mu Rufeng, his eyes filled with unspeakable emotions.

"So that's the case. I know. I'm sorry for you."

"However, don't say the words of killing you in the future. After all, as long as you are alive, there is hope."

"Your father has never given up on you." Mu Rufeng said.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's heart also set off a huge wave.

He finally knew why the life spans of the warriors, spiritual practitioners, and demons in the Tiandao Continent were so short.

It turned out that their life spans were used to restrict the entry of the Emperor and the God.

"Didn't give up on me? Haha, she was afraid that she would be poisoned again in the future, so that the poison in his body could be transferred to me again."

"My father only has me as his descendant. I was born when he was weak. After he became stronger, he was reluctant to give birth to a child."

"Because the stronger he is, the more talented he will be to give birth to a child, but it will consume his strength, so he dare not give birth to a child." Wu Lan said slowly.

"Why not? The strange world is peaceful now. Even if the strength is weakened, nothing should happen, right?"

"Moreover, one more child is equivalent to one more talented junior and confidant." Mu Rufeng said doubtfully.

"Haha, your imagination is too beautiful. Have you only seen our strange world conquering other worlds?"

"Let me tell you, our strange world is also being watched by other worlds, worlds that are more powerful than our strange world."

"Once my father's power is weakened, that world will not just watch it like this." Wu Lan said.

Mu Rufeng was shocked when he heard this.

He didn't expect that there were other worlds spying on the strange world!

This is simply too shocking.

Today he really came to the right place and learned so many secrets.

He used to think that the strange world was an extremely powerful world that was constantly invading other worlds.

Over the years, I'm afraid I don't know how many worlds have been swallowed and merged by it, and that's why the strange world has become so vast.

And this is just talking about the cities that have been built, as well as some forbidden places and the sea.

If the wilderness area is counted, the strange world is really too big, too big.

And it is shocking that this powerful world is being spied on by another world.

Mu Rufeng immediately asked, "Your father is the Lord God. After so many years, hasn't he figured out the detoxification method for the Nether Flower poison?"

"No, the Nether Flower poison is an extremely secret and powerful toxin. It is difficult to detect after being poisoned. Even your soul will be poisoned."

"The attack of the Lord God who was killed by my father was with this toxin. It is hard to imagine how the Lord God controlled this difficult-to-break toxin." Wu Lan sighed and said.

It can be seen that Wu Lan still wants to detoxify. After all, who doesn't want to live if they can live?

Mu Rufeng didn't speak, but fell into deep thought.

In fact, he was also poisoned by the Nether Flower poison, but he detoxified it.

The cold spring that he went to detoxify it did have extraordinary power.

Otherwise, with the power of the Buddhaless Lord, it would be absolutely no problem to transform that kind of extremely cold air and then freeze and expel the Nether Flower poison in the body.

But it just couldn't be done, so it must be that the cold spring has a more magical power, which can freeze the poison of the netherworld flower.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng was considering whether to tell Wu Lan how to remove the poison of the netherworld flower.

Although in the third forbidden land, Mu Rufeng killed Wu Fo Shenzun and other gods.

However, that was a copy of reincarnation, it was fake, and the real five gods were probably still alive in this weird world.

And they didn't have any anxiety, so naturally there was no talk of enemies, and now an opportunity was in front of Mu Rufeng.

If she said it, she could make friends with Wu Lan, and even let her owe her a favor.

As long as the poison was removed, the other party's strength would definitely recover. Besides, her identity was the daughter of Wu Fo Shenzun, which was simply a huge favor.

Of course, the most important thing was that her poison had to be removed.

In this regard, Mu Rufeng actually had some methods.

First of all, the cold spring was in Tiandao Continent, although Tiandao Continent had now become the third forbidden land.

However, don't forget that because of this, the Tiandao Continent is equivalent to being in a strange world.

Although no one knows the exact location,

the cold spring is also in another space, that is, the Netherworld.

Mu Rufeng still has the water of the Netherworld Cold Spring in his hand, which can guide the location of the cold spring.

As long as the location of the third forbidden land is found, then, with the power of the Buddhaless God, it should be possible to forcefully enter the third forbidden land.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the third forbidden land will continue to open after a thousand years.

In this way, just wait another thousand years.

A thousand years is not a long time for the Buddhaless God and Wu Lan.

After considering for a while, Mu Rufeng finally decided to speak out.

In any case, the fusion of the real world and the strange world is a matter of time.

If you don't get a favor now, it will be really difficult to move forward when the fusion is complete in the future.

Don't look at the current prosperity of the real world, everything is developing in a good direction.

However, once the two worlds are completely merged, the huge power of the strange world can easily destroy the existing power of the earth.

Even Mu Rufeng would find it difficult to stop it, unless he can cultivate to the level of a god before the two worlds merge.

However, this is really too difficult. Even if Mu Rufeng's understanding is incredible and there is no cultivation bottleneck, it will still take a long time to reach the god.

"Wu Lan, after being poisoned by Netherworld Flower, will this mark appear in the soul?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

At the same time, a flower appeared in his palm. This flower was none other than the Netherworld Flower.

"Huh? How did you know?" Wulan was shocked.

Afterwards, Wulan immediately wiped her forehead, and then, the same mark as the Nether Flower that appeared in Mu Rufeng's palm appeared on her forehead.

"Let me tell you this, actually, I have been poisoned by Nether Flower Poison before." Mu Rufeng said.

"Impossible, how could you have been poisoned by Netherworld Flower Poison? Netherworld Flower Poison only exists in that Tiandao Continent and only in that divine dragon."

"Moreover, that world was destroyed more than 20,000 years ago. How did you get poisoned? Who are you? What is the purpose of approaching me?"

At this time, Wulan's face became a little gloomy and his tone became extremely cold.

If she hadn't been too weak, she might have taken action against Mu Rufeng now.

A first-level person, how to deal with Mu Rufeng, a ninth-level person?

Call someone? Please, others are still frozen, who can I call?

However, when the name Tiandao Continent appeared, Mu Rufeng was slightly shocked.

You must know that this is a term in the third taboo place, and it should not be said to the outside world.

But this Wulan could just say it. Why?

"Tiandao Continent, I know, I have been there too, and I also know the name of Shenlong. Is it called Ao Zhi?" Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said the words Tiandao Continent.

To Mu Rufeng's expectation, he was able to say it.

"Ao Zhi!!! Who are you? Not even the other four gods know this name, only my father and I know it." Wulan was shocked again.

"Could it be that you are my brother? My father gave birth to another child? No, your soul aura is obviously human."

"Did you use any special method to turn your breath into a human being?" Wulan said.

When Mu Rufeng heard Wulan's words, she immediately smiled.

He really didn't expect that Wu Lan would actually think that he was her younger brother, the newly born child of Lord Wu Buddha.

"Wu Lan, what you said, if I had a godly father, I would laugh to death. I am indeed a human being. Also, do you know the recent changes in the strange world? Especially the changes five years ago?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Wulan immediately looked at Mu Rufeng with a speechless look.

"You have told me before, but what does this have to do with what you said?" Wulan said.

"Of course it does matter. You are in a mental hospital now, and this mental hospital appears in the form of a copy, and I participated in this copy as a player."

"That Tiandao Continent, I also entered it as a player a few days ago and participated in this copy."

"It was in this copy that I was poisoned by the Nether Flower Poison, and then the poison was removed." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is it the third forbidden place? My father told me that he also sent people to enter it, but those who enter will lose the memory of what my father told me."

"As a human, can you enter it?" Wulan still didn't quite believe it.

"Wu Lan, just because I am a human being, the people your father sent to enter are all weird, right? They all belong to the weird side."

"And I am a human being. I naturally belong to the Tiandao Continent. My mission is to help the Tiandao Continent resist the invasion of the strange world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Are you telling the truth?" Wulan immediately felt that Mu Rufeng was not lying.

"Of course it's true." Mu Rufeng smiled calmly.

Afterwards, he briefly talked about what happened on Tiandao Continent.

Of course, he hid the fact that he controlled the dragon and killed the five great gods.

I will focus on what I saw and heard in the canyon in the Netherworld.

When talking about the canyon, Mu Rufeng also used the power of her soul to conjure up the scene in that canyon.

It includes the Netherworld Flower, the Netherworld Cold Spring, and the scene of Mu Rufeng expelling toxins from the body.

After Wu Lan listened to Mu Rufeng's words and saw the scenes demonstrated by Mu Rufeng, he fell into a state of extreme excitement and excitement.

"The Land of the Netherworld, the Flower of the Netherworld, the Cold Spring of the Netherworld, my poison, my poison. I finally found a way to detoxify it." Wulan was trembling all over. This time, he was not cold, but excited.

"Mu Rufeng, thank you, thank you." Wulan grabbed Mu Rufeng's hands with excitement on her face.

"It doesn't have to be like this. You have been frozen for more than 20,000 years. If you can detoxify and regain your life, I will be very happy." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

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