I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 344 The fifth contract trick? [Seeking monthly votes]

"Besides, I also have my own selfish motives. After all, the favor of a descendant of a god is still very important to me." Mu Rufeng said.

"I will remember this favor from you." Suddenly, a voice came from the back.

This voice was familiar to Mu Rufeng. He had heard it before and recognized it.

Mu Rufeng's face almost turned pale. He was scared.

The person who came was none other than the God of No Buddha.

"Father? Why are you here?" Wu Lan looked behind Mu Rufeng and was also very surprised.

"Lord God, I, Mu Rufeng, meet you."

Mu Rufeng turned around and saw the God of No Buddha, who was exactly the same as the God of No Buddha that Mu Rufeng saw in the third forbidden land.

Just to say, he seemed to be more amiable than before? More like a monk?

Then Mu Rufeng immediately bowed and saluted with great respect.

"I have heard of you from many people. You also showed your power in the third forbidden land, controlling the dragon and killing all five of our great gods."

"Not bad, I haven't seen such a good seedling for a long time." Wufo God said with a smile, as if he didn't have the airs of a god at all.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

He said hurriedly: "Lord God, I..."

Before Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he was interrupted by the God of No Buddha: "Those are all fake, I don't care, what I care about is that you said you can remove the poison of the Nether Flower."

"You won more than 10,000 years of life in the Golden City, enough for you to live until the next opening of the Heavenly Dao Continent."

"When the third forbidden land is opened next time, you will go in for me, and my Lan'er will go with you. You have to take Lan'er to the Nether Land to remove the poison."

After the God of No Buddha finished speaking, he looked at Wu Lan again: "Lan'er, you have suffered, and your father owes you."

The God of No Buddha is also weird, weird and heartless, but he is heartless to outsiders, but he still has feelings for his own children.

Not to mention, he transferred the poison to Wu Lan, causing her to suffer for more than 20,000 years.

How could he not love his daughter?

Wu Lan glanced at the God of No Buddha, and finally, he didn't say anything.

She hated it, she still hated it very much. Of course, she could feel the fatherly love of the Buddhaless God, but when the poison was transferred to her, it was still too much of a blow to her.

After so many years of torture, her heart had long been numb, and it was not so easy to recover.

"Well, Lord God, the cold spring has a characteristic, that is, as long as there is cold spring water, you can find the location of the cold spring."

"I happen to have a little cold spring water in my hand, I am willing to give it to Lord God, so that there is no need to wait for another thousand years." Mu Rufeng said, and immediately took out a ping-pong ball-sized water ball.

Mu Rufeng still has a whole pot, and this Mu Rufeng still has to keep a little for himself, and such a small ball is enough to lead the way.

When the cold spring water appeared, the cold breath spread out instantly.

Even if this is in a dream, Mu Rufeng can still take out the things in the inventory.

The Buddhaless God stretched out his hand and the cold spring water was caught in his hand.

"It's really magical. There is a special power in this cold spring water, but it's useless."

"I know where the third forbidden land is, but I can't enter it. I still have to wait for a thousand years." Wufo God said.

"Hmm? Lord God, with your power, can't you enter the third forbidden land?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"The third forbidden land is evolved from the rules of the strange world swallowing up the Tiandao Continent."

"Although it has been completely transformed into a part of the strange world some time ago, the rules and strange creatures in it are extremely resistant to our entry."

"If I force my way in, I will also be restricted by the rules. At that time, I am afraid that the emperor will kill me." Wufo God said with a smile.

Wufo God has no airs at all. When he talks about this, it's like chatting with friends.

Mu Rufeng was also a little surprised when he heard it, and then he was relieved.

It seems that even though the third forbidden land was transformed by the strange world, it still has some of its own emotions, so it extremely hates the culprit who destroyed the Tiandao Continent.

Even if it can enter, it will definitely be suppressed by the rules, and its strength should be reduced to the emperor.

In the third forbidden land, the most powerful existence is Mu Chengqian, who has become strange, and there must be many emperors in it.

Maybe he can really kill the suppressed Wufo God.

Moreover, Ao Zhi's dragon corpse may also be transformed into strangeness. If it is transformed, what is its strength? Emperor or God?

Therefore, Wufo God will naturally not take risks.

Mu Rufeng's eyes flickered, and he thought of the copy key he had obtained before.

This copy key can enter the copy of Tiandao Continent once.

However, he had given it to the sixth prince Mu Wuyu some time ago.

He remembered that Mu Wuyu told him that he would enter on the birthday of his father.

Mu Chengqian's birthday is in December, and now there is still a long time.

This also means that Mu Rufeng can still get the copy key back and enter.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have taken out the key to the dungeon." Mu Rufeng sighed in his heart.

This time, he was in trouble for no reason.

But he changed his mind and thought that it would be bad not to say it. However, since they couldn't go in, it should be okay to show a video.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also had a plan in his mind. If this plan succeeded, he should be worry-free in the future.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Wufo God Zun looked at Mu Rufeng and asked immediately.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and still said what he thought in his heart.

Whether the plan can succeed or not depends not on him, but on Wufo God Zun, Wu Lan.

"Lord God Zun, after returning from the third forbidden land, I got a reward called the dungeon key, which allows me to enter and exit the third forbidden land freely once." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? The dungeon key? Can I enter the third forbidden land freely? Are you serious?" Wufo God Zun immediately became interested.

"Of course it's true." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then you use the copy key to go to the copy immediately, and then go find the Netherworld Cold Spring, and bring it back to help me detoxify." Wu Lan said excitedly.

She can wait for a thousand years, but if she can't wait, she never wants to suffer such pain again.

As long as she can go now, no matter what, she can go.

"This. Lord God, the copy key is now in the real world, I don't have it with me, and the cold spring water must be loaded with special props."

"Otherwise, even a level nine prop can't load the spring water." Mu Rufeng said.

"This cold spring water is indeed like this, and its characteristics are extremely mysterious." Wu Fo God heard this and squeezed the cold spring water in his hand and said.

"Then take me in directly." Wu Lan said again.

Mu Rufeng heard this and shook his head and said, "No, the copy key can only be entered by one person, and you can't bring people in."

"Haha, kid, your idea is very dangerous." Wu Fo God suddenly sneered.

A terrifying aura spread out instantly, and Mu Rufeng felt as if he was falling into an ice cave.

He felt that it was difficult for him to breathe, and he felt as if he was going to die.

Just the aura of the God made Mu Rufeng like this, so you can imagine how strong he is.

In other words, Mu Rufeng has experienced it before, and even killed it.

But now it is different. He doesn't have a dragon to control the enemy.

Not to mention that 18,000 years have passed. Who knows if the power of this Buddhaless God has become stronger.

"What's wrong?" Wu Lan didn't know what Mu Rufeng was thinking.

It's probably because she has been trapped for too long and hasn't had much contact with the current world, so she doesn't know.

But as one of the controllers of this world, the Buddhaless God still saw Mu Rufeng's intention at a glance.

"This kid wants to make a contract with you and take you to the third forbidden land. The contractor can bring his own weirdness into it."

"My daughter of Wufo, can you touch her?" Wufo God's tone suddenly became extremely cold.

Mu Rufeng wanted to speak, but the oppression all over his body made him unable to speak at all.

Finally, Mu Rufeng used absolute defense and said:

"Lord God, you can wait for a thousand years, or I will give you the key of the copy, how about you choose someone to enter?"

After saying that, Mu Rufeng immediately withdrew his ability.

"It's interesting." Wufo God immediately sensed Mu Rufeng's change.

"I agree, I will sign a contract with you, I will become your contracted weird, take me in, I want to detoxify, I want to detoxify." Wu Lan shouted.

She almost didn't hesitate at all, because she really didn't want to go on like this, and really didn't want to wait another thousand years.

She was not afraid of death, and even wanted to die, but now there is a way to detoxify immediately, how could she hesitate?

"Wu Lan." Wu Fo Shenzun scolded, his eyes fell on Wu Lan.

"Father, either you kill me or I sign a contract with him for a thousand years. I don't want to wait any longer. I don't want to wait any longer." Wu Lan stared at Wu Fo Shenzun and said fearlessly.

"A thousand years, just wait another thousand years. If you sign a contract with him, you will be controlled by him and have no freedom."

"Even I can't cancel this contract." Wu Fo Shenzun said.

When this sentence came out of Wu Fo Shenzun's mouth, Mu Rufeng also got the answer to a question that he had been puzzled about before.

The contract signed with Wei Yi cannot be canceled. He used to think that some ninth-level group forces would have a way.

Now he knows from Wu Fo Shenzun that even the God Zun can't cancel it, so naturally there must be no other way to cancel it.

"Father, I said, either kill me or I sign a contract with Mu Rufeng."

"Father, you said you love me. How many times have you come to see me in these 20,000 years? You know I'm very cold here, why don't you let me warm up?"

"You can come here, which means you can do it, but you didn't, and Mu Rufeng did it the first time we met."

"Don't say that you have to be cold to stop the poison. During the time when the fire was lit, I didn't feel the flow of poison."

"Now, answer me, do you want to kill me or do I want to make a contract with him." Wu Lan said a little crazy.

Wu Fo Shen Zun did not speak, but looked at Mu Rufeng: "Give me the key to the copy."

"Well, I put the key to the copy in the treasure house of the real world, and I didn't bring it with me." Mu Rufeng said.

"I have investigated your information. You have a way to return to the real world. Now, immediately, return to the real world and bring the key." Wu Fo Shen Zun said coldly.

"My Lord, I can go back, but I am in the copy now. Because of the rules, I can't go out." Mu Rufeng said with a stiff face.

Although he can ignore the rules and go out directly, he can't say it.

Wu Fo Shen Zun did not speak, but stretched out his hand and drew a line in the void, and then, a crack appeared in the space.

Then, Li Ru, the director of the mental hospital, appeared in front of everyone.

This place seems to be in Wu Lan's dream, and also in Mu Rufeng's dream. Wu Fo Shen Zun can make Li Ru appear here at will.

Li Ru still hasn't reacted. He was still flirting with his wife, how come he suddenly appeared here.

Just when he was about to get angry, he suddenly found Wu Fo Shen Zun standing in front of him, and he was shocked all over.

"Greetings to Lord Shen Zun! Greetings to Lord Wu Lan!" Li Ru knelt on his knees without any hesitation.

"Assign him a mission to go out." Wu Fo Shen Zun said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Li Ru raised his head and looked at Mu Rufeng. His pupils shrank slightly. He didn't have time to think about it, and then he agreed.

Soon, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Side quest issued. There are always some shadows wandering outside the mental hospital recently. Please go outside the mental hospital to investigate. There is no time limit and no range limit]

"Lord Shen Zun, I have issued the task." Li Ru still knelt on the ground and didn't dare to get up.

"Did you receive it?" Wufo God looked at Mu Rufeng.

"My Lord God, I received the mission to go out." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Wufo God heard the words, then waved his hand, and saw Li Ru disappeared from the spot, and only the three of them were left here.

"Go, bring the key to the copy." Wufo God waved his hand again, and Mu Rufeng felt a dizzy feeling.

Then, Mu Rufeng felt that he had returned to his body.

Mu Rufeng equipped the props at the first time, and then removed the virtual state.

He glanced at the ice coffin, and then sensed the room again, but found nothing.

"Go!" At this time, a loud voice exploded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

It was very harsh, but it was still good, it should be that his soul power was strong and he could bear it.

"My Lord God, I'm leaving now." Mu Rufeng responded immediately, and then quickly came to the door.

Then he stretched out his hand and opened the door directly.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to go out, he saw Li Ru standing outside the door.

When Li Ru saw Mu Rufeng coming out, his pupils shrank violently.

Mu Rufeng ignored Li Ru and closed the door.

"Mr. Mu Mu, is Lord God inside?" Li Ru asked cautiously.

"Inside, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said, and then quickly walked to the stairs.

Li Ru saw Mu Rufeng leaving in a hurry, and wanted to ask some specifics, but he didn't dare to ask.

He wanted to go in, but he didn't get Lord God's instructions, and he didn't dare to go in.

Helpless Li Ru could only stay at the door and wait here.

He didn't dare to leave, he didn't dare to leave at all. If he left, wouldn't it be a disrespect to Lord God?

Lord God wanted to kill him, and the mental hospital was useless. He could wipe him out along with the mental hospital in a minute.

The power of the group is only useful to the Emperor. Once it is against the existence above the Emperor, sorry, the God is invincible!


Mu Rufeng went down the stairs and went directly to the first floor.

There were many people on the first floor, including patients, nurses, doctors, and some family members.

On this floor, we finally saw the prosperous scene of a hospital.

When Mu Rufeng appeared, the patients and their families did not pay much attention.

But the nurses and doctors looked at Mu Rufeng with strange eyes.

It seemed strange why a strange doctor came down from upstairs.

You know, whether they are doctors or nurses, most of them are stipulated in a certain area.

Only a very small number of people can walk freely in multiple areas.

"Doctor Mu Mu, why are you coming down?" Li Xuejing, who was pushing a wheelchair patient to the elevator, saw Mu Rufeng and said with surprise.

No one knew about the arrival of the God. If it were not for the Buddhaless God who put Li Ru into the dream, he would not know it.

"The dean gave me an assignment, so I have to go out." Mu Rufeng said.

"An assignment? The dean?" Li Xuejing was slightly surprised.

But before she could continue to ask, Mu Rufeng left her side like the wind, and in the blink of an eye he had left the inpatient building.

"How is this possible? It seems that no doctor has ever been on an outpatient duty, only ambulances can be on an outpatient duty." Li Xuejing was puzzled.

After leaving the inpatient building, Mu Rufeng came outside.

There was no one outside, and it looked like a desolate and scary hospital.

If you look closely, you can still see some dark red blood stains on the ground.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng came directly to the gate of the hospital and was stopped by the security guard.

These security guards are extremely powerful ninth-level ghost emperors.

However, when he saw Mu Rufeng, he opened the small iron door above the door with great respect.

It seemed that Li Ru must have greeted them and the security guards.

They even thoughtfully prepared a special driver, an ambulance, for Mu Rufeng.

However, Mu Rufeng directly waved her hand to let him leave.

Then he left the road and came to a place on the edge. Then he jumped out of the wand, waved it, and released a large amount of explosive fire.


The roar was endless, accompanied by fire and smoke rising into the sky.

The movement here aroused the movement of the security guards inside. They wanted to stop them one by one, but they thought of the dean's instructions.

Finally, they informed the dean, and the dean's reply to them was to ignore it. No matter what the other party wanted to do, they would ignore it even if the mental hospital was demolished.

At the same time, they were also asked to activate the expeller to prevent forbidden monsters from coming.

The ground bombarded by the Explosive Flame Technique was melted into a piece of lava.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a black gold card, and then summoned the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

In just two or three minutes, the Gluttony Cruise Ship emerged from the fog and sat on top of the magma.

"Mr. Mu, why are you here?" Zhao Xize came under the boat and said to Mu Rufeng cautiously.

He didn't dare to take a breath.

Even when the Gluttony Cruise came over, it didn't sound its horn.

"Do you know this place?" Mu Rufeng raised her eyebrows and said.

"I know, of course I know, this is the Quiet Mental Hospital, a very scary place." Zhao Xize said softly.

"The dungeon I came to this time has something to do and has to return to the real world." Mu Rufeng said, pulling Zhao Xize onto the Gluttony Cruise.

Soon, Zhao Xize set sail directly and headed towards the real world.

"Mr. Mu, when I knew the location was here, I was almost scared to death. This place is really scary."

"Moreover, I heard that there are people above the Ghost Emperor here, and there are quite a few of them." Zhao Xize said.

"Well, there are quite a few Emperors. I've seen quite a few of them, and even cured an Emperor patient." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Cure the Emperor?" Zhao Xize was slightly surprised. He really didn't expect that Mu Rufeng actually cured the Emperor.

"That's right, Doctor Mu has indeed cured me." A voice suddenly sounded.

At this moment, the Gluttony Cruise Ship's alarm went off like crazy.

Zhao Xize's expression suddenly changed, and then he looked forward.

I saw a figure on the deck who didn't know when he appeared there.

At the same time, he could see that his whole body was filled with ghosts. They were not the ghosts of this man, but the ghosts of the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

Gluttony Cruise is blocking this person's invasion.

Zhao Xize's aura instantly surged to the level of a Ghost Emperor, and at the same time he immediately controlled the power of the Gluttony Cruise Ship and prepared to fight against this man.

"Captain Zhao, let him in, he's an acquaintance." Mu Rufeng immediately grabbed Zhao Xize.

Mu Rufeng looked at Tang Zonghu and said, "Mr. Tang, why are you here? Didn't you leave before?"

Zhao Xize was slightly shocked when he heard this, but he still listened to Mu Rufeng's words. The gluttonous ghost on the cruise ship immediately opened a hole and let Zhao Xize in.

In this way, the alarm sound also disappeared at this moment.

"This is a place where birds don't shit. I have lived here for decades, and I can't recognize the road long ago."

"I just happened to see your cruise ship. I was thinking of taking a ride, but I didn't expect that Dr. Mu was also on board." Tang Zonghu said with a smile.

"But aren't you working as a doctor in there? How can you get out? Will that bitch Li Ru let you out?" Tang Zonghu asked curiously.

"Captain Zhao, open a presidential suite for Mr. Tang. By the way, open a black gold card for Mr. Tang. I'll pay for it," Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Zhao Xize responded quickly, and then took out a machine.

"Black gold card? It's interesting, but I'm not short of money. You just gave me 100 billion, so I can pay for it myself." Tang Zonghu took out his bank card with a smile.

When Zhao Xize heard this, he was slightly shocked, good guy, their boss Mu just gave this guy 100 billion?

Later, under Zhao Xize's operation, he applied for a black gold card.

"Mr. Tang, congratulations on becoming our Black Gold Card user. You can experience the above benefits for yourself."

Zhao Xize handed over the black gold card respectfully.

After Tang Zonghu took the black gold card, he played with it a few times and said with a smile: "It's not bad. It will be much more convenient to travel."

"Doctor Mu, it seems that this cruise ship is also your property?"

"I can't talk about the industry, I'm just a shareholder." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Where are you going?" Tang Zonghu asked.

"I want to go to the real world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Going to the real world? Really or fake? Can this ship get there?" Tang Zonghu was slightly surprised.

"Of course you weird people can't go there, but I'm a human being. With the Black Gold Card, I can travel between reality and the weird world."

"Even if the Gluttony Cruise arrives in the real world, I can get off the ship, but you can't." Mu Rufeng said.

"So that's the case." Tang Zonghu was thoughtful.

Although he had heard about the outside world, he had been in the mental hospital for a long time and was not particularly clear.

"By the way, Mr. Tang, where are you going?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Me? I'm just strolling around. It's just right to go to the real world to take a look. Although I can't get off the ship, I have to take a look, right?" Tang Zonghu said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly. He knew what Tang Zonghu was thinking.

He must want to try whether he really can't get off the ship in the real world.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it at all, because it was inevitable that he couldn't get off the ship.

Mu Rufeng had already let the guests on the ship try it out, and they couldn't leave the ship at all. Only Zhao Xize and some employees could leave the hull, but they couldn't leave more than ten meters away.

"Mr. Mu, and Mr. Tang, it will take another hour to get to the real world. How about we go to the presidential suite to rest?" Zhao Xize said cautiously.

He now knew that Tang Zonghu was definitely the emperor.

Because he had never seen a ghost emperor who could step onto the deck with the ghosts of the gluttonous cruise ship.

"Okay, let's go to the presidential suite to chat." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Tang Zonghu nodded slightly, and then the two came to a presidential suite.

Zhao Xize also prepared a lot of food and drinks, which was quite discerning.

"Your subordinate is quite careful." Tang Zonghu took a spiritual fruit and threw it directly into his mouth.

"If he wasn't careful, he would have died long ago." Mu Rufeng said.

Zhao Xize worked under the previous captain and was beaten and scolded at every turn. If he didn't have a bit of discerning eyes and was not careful, he would have been swallowed long ago.

"That's right, haha." Tang Zonghu laughed.

"Speaking of which, why did that bastard Li Ru let you out? As far as I know, the only ones who can leave the mental hospital are patients, family members, or ambulances."

"Even if the doctor wants to go out, it's impossible. Someone has to take over before he can go." Tang Zonghu asked.

"Don't say it. You may not be able to bear it if you say it." Mu Rufeng said.

"I can't bear it? Haha, are you kidding me?" Tang Zonghu chuckled.

He is the emperor, how could he not bear it.

"About the one on the eighteenth floor, that one level--!" Mu Rufeng was interrupted by Tang Zonghu before he finished speaking: "Don't, don't say it, I know, I really can't bear it."

When Mu Rufeng saw Tang Zonghu's look, it was very clear that Tang Zonghu also knew that Wufo Shenzun's daughter was in the mental hospital.

"I didn't expect Mr. Tang to know it too." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It's strange that I didn't know. I was there at the time. I was almost scared to death. I ran away and hid for a few years."

"I was really short of money later, so I came back." Tang Zonghu said.

The mental hospital has a special effect, which is to recover the trauma of the soul and slowly help.

That's why, when the mental hospital was built, Wufo Shenzun put Wu Lan here for admission.

"Mr. Tang, how many emperors are there in the weird world now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Why are you asking this?" Tang Zonghu frowned when he heard it.

"Curious, asking, as far as I know, there are five, but that was more than 10,000 years ago. Are there any new ones in the past 10,000 years?" Mu Rufeng said.

"You are a human being with good information. You actually know that there are five." Tang Zonghu said with some surprise.

"As for whether there is an increase, don't underestimate the emperors. Let alone 20,000 years, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have a new one in 200,000 years." Tang Zonghu said.

"Haha, eat some meat, this roast suckling pig is delicious." Mu Rufeng smiled.

Then the two of them chatted casually.

Soon an hour passed.

And the real world arrived.

"Mr. Tang, see you later. If you have anything, you can call me." Mu Rufeng stood up.

"Well, see you later. I will also go to the deck to see your real world." Tang Zonghu's voice fell, and the whole person disappeared on the spot.

And Mu Rufeng also got off the boat quickly, without paying any attention to Tang Zonghu's next move.

When Mu Rufeng got off the boat, the Gluttony Cruise did not leave, but waited for Mu Rufeng on the spot.

Mu Rufeng had told Zhao Xize to wait for him, and he would be back soon.


In a lively bar somewhere in Beijing.

"Dong Ci Da Ci, Dong Ci Da Ci..."

The harsh music, the dim and flickering lights, and the screams of men and women.

In addition, there were a large number of beauties showing off their slender waists and swinging their big bodies constantly.

The atmosphere was extremely high.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this handsome guy just got the news that Mr. Mu will pay for tonight's consumption. Let's have fun! Let's have fun! Roar~~!"

At this time, the DJ suddenly shouted.

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