I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 345 Divine Power, Reentering the Heavenly Dao Continent [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]


Instantly, the whole bar was in high spirits again.

On a VIP booth on the second floor of the bar, Mu Wuyu, wearing sunglasses, was wearing an expensive custom-made shirt.

He had a cigar of an internationally renowned brand in his mouth, and a valuable watch worth millions on his right hand.

At this moment, he was surrounded by women, and a beauty stood behind him to massage his shoulders.

There were two beauties squatting at his feet, massaging his thighs.

On the table in the booth, half was piled with cash, and the other half was filled with drinks.

The beauties around Mu Wuyu looked at the cash from time to time.

So much cash was too much of a shock.

"Mr. Mu, you are so great. You actually paid for the whole place. I wonder if you can give me a little money." A pure beauty leaning on Mu Wuyu's arms said softly.

"What? You want money? No problem, drink a bottle of beer and I will give you 10,000." Mu Wuyu said comfortably.

The pure beauty's eyes lit up when she heard it.

In the bar, a bottle of beer is 270 ml. For a veteran like her, she can easily buy dozens of bottles.

Hundreds of thousands, that's it. I have to say that this handsome guy is really powerful and generous.

Just as the girl was about to take the beer on the side, a man appeared opposite the booth.

A very handsome and familiar man.

Soon, she recognized him.

"Sixth brother, you are quite cool." Mu Rufeng glanced at Mu Wuyu and said with a smile.

The booth is a U-shaped one, and the two can be said to be sitting face to face.

"Haha, ninth brother is here at the right time, let's drink together, come on, go to my ninth brother's place." Mu Wuyu was surprised to see Mu Rufeng coming, and immediately called a few people to go.

"No need, I have something else to do, I can't delay, I gave you the copy key, you haven't used it yet, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

As soon as these words came out, the beauties instantly quieted down.

They all knew the limit and stopped making noise.

"No, I said last time that I would go after my father's birthday party. What? Is there something wrong?" Mu Wuyu's feet suddenly rose up, and then enveloped the two of them.

"Well, I encountered something in this copy, and I need to enter the Tiandao Continent." Mu Rufeng said.

Upon hearing this, Mu Wuyu took out the copy key directly and threw it to Mu Rufeng.

"I'm sorry, I prevented you from seeing my father." Mu Rufeng put away the key and said apologetically.

"What's the matter? It's yours, and it doesn't matter whether you see it or not. It's just a thought."

"Also, did you forget your phone? I remember your phone is a prop, right? Here, take a video of me, and show it to my father after you enter, how about it?" Mu Wuyu said with a smile.

"That's what I meant, but do you want to take a video of you like this?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, even if I'm like this, I want my father to see how comfortable I am now." Mu Wuyu said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

Then he saw Mu Wuyu remove the ghost den, and Mu Rufeng naturally took his mobile phone to shoot.

After the shooting, Mu Rufeng asked Mu Wuxia to shoot a video and send it to him, so that he could also show it to Mu Chengqian.

"Sixth brother, I'll leave first, and I'll treat you to dinner next time." Mu Rufeng said hello and left here directly.

It must be said that Mu Wuyu still knows how to play. It is estimated that he was pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger back then, which may be his own heart.

He also likes to eat, drink, play, and seek flowers and ask willows.

Now that there is no pressure, he naturally returns to this state of eating, drinking and playing.

Soon, Mu Rufeng returned to the gluttony cruise.

However, Mu Rufeng did not rush to board the ship, but called Zhao Yanran again.

It is still not in the service area, that is to say, Zhao Yanran has not come out of the copy.

"It seems that this copy will take a long time." Mu Rufeng hung up the phone and quickly boarded the Gluttony Cruise.

Then the Gluttony Cruise began to sail towards the strange world.

"Mr. Tang, what's wrong? Can't get off the ship?" Mu Rufeng found Tang Zonghu on the deck of the top play area.

"Well, I can't get off the ship. There is a very powerful rule power, and I can't resist it. Have you finished your business?" Tang Zonghu said.

"Well, I have to go back to the mental hospital. What about you? Do you want to get off the ship at any place, or go back with me?" Mu Rufeng nodded and said.

"I just came out and don't want to go back. This Gluttony Cruise is very good. I want to sit and take a good look at the beautiful rivers and mountains of the strange world."

Tang Zonghu is now debt-free and ready to have a good time.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly when he heard this, and then started chatting with him again.

Tang Zonghu is also an emperor after all, and the first strange emperor Mu Rufeng has seen.

He also knew many secrets of the strange world. In any case, Mu Rufeng could learn a lot of information during the conversation.

To be honest, Tang Zonghu was not the first emperor Mu Rufeng had seen in the strange world.

Strictly speaking, the first emperor he had seen was the Crab Demon, one of the three overlords of the Dead Sea.

At that time, he came to the Crab Demon Island in order to kill Zhu Shixuan and seize the Gluttony Cruise.

Finally, because of their fight, the Crab Demon was awakened from his slumber. Neither the Gluttony Cruise nor the Blood Train could escape the Crab Demon's clutches.

In the end, it was only with the help of Lu Chengfeng that the General Building was summoned to suppress it.

Later, in the parasite copy, the Devouring Demon Whale and the Eagle Demon, two of the three overlords of the Dead Sea, were seen.

As for the Emperors and Gods in the third forbidden land, they were all false. They also saw the weird Mu Chengqian, who also reached the level of Emperor.

Time passed slowly.

The Gluttony Cruise stopped near the Quiet Mental Hospital.

Mu Rufeng got off the cruise ship and watched the Gluttony Cruise leave.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came to the gate.

He knocked on the door, and in just three seconds, the door opened directly, and then the security guards respectfully welcomed Mu Rufeng in.

"Doctor Mu, you're back." The security guards greeted respectfully.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

When Mu Rufeng appeared on the 18th floor of the inpatient department again, Li Ru, who was waiting outside the ward in the distance, immediately appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Boy, why are you here again?" Li Ru asked in a low voice.

"Oh, it was ordered by the Lord God." Mu Rufeng said, and then passed Li Ru and continued to move forward.

Li Ru was shocked when he heard it, but he didn't dare to ask again. He immediately followed Mu Rufeng, and didn't even dare to surpass Mu Rufeng.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the ward. Just when Mu Rufeng wanted to open the door, he saw Li Ru opened the door for Mu Rufeng first.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything when he saw this scene, but went in directly.

Inside the door, it was pitch black, and no scene could be seen clearly.

Li Ru also followed in.

However, in the next second, a force emerged and pushed Li Ru out of the door directly, and then the door of the ward was closed directly.

Li Ru stood in front of the door, his face a little embarrassed, but he recovered immediately and stood by the door waiting.

Mu Rufeng came in and saw the darkness in the room dissipate.

The God of No Buddha was standing in front of the ice coffin, and Wu Lan had already sat up from the ice coffin, but his lower body was still frozen.

Wu Lan was eating hot roast suckling pig, eating very sweetly.

"Lord God, this is the copy key." Mu Rufeng handed the copy key over respectfully.

The God of No Buddha did not speak, stretched out his hand to take the copy key in his hand, and after checking it, he slowly said: "Can this key be entered infinitely?"

The attributes of the copy key did not specify the number of times it could be entered, so the God of No Buddha asked this question.

Mu Rufeng immediately said: "Lord God, this key can only be used once. After entering and coming out, the copy key will disappear."

"Once? Disappear? Why is there no explanation in the attribute?" The God of No Buddha said.

"You will know this after you use it. There will be a hint on it." Mu Rufeng explained.

After a long time, Wufo God threw the key to Mu Rufeng, along with a contract: "This is the contract, you sign it with Lan'er."

Mu Rufeng was shocked when he heard this, but he was happy in his heart.

He agreed. Wufo God actually agreed. In this way, Mu Rufeng's goal was achieved.

Without waiting for Mu Rufeng to speak, Wufo God disappeared directly on the spot, and he left just like that.

"Hurry up, sign it, I want to detoxify." Wu Lan ate the rest of the food in one bite, and then urged Mu Rufeng.

"Wu Lan, did your father really agree?" Mu Rufeng still felt a little unreal now.

"He has to agree even if he doesn't agree. I don't want to endure this torture anymore." Wu Lan punched the ice coffin.

However, a sound of bone fracture was heard.

Wu Lan's hand was broken.

But she didn't say a word, as if it wasn't her hand that was broken.

Mu Rufeng looked at the clauses on the contract, which were almost the same as the contract.

There were just some more restrictive clauses, all of which were beneficial to Wu Lan.

Mu Rufeng checked them one by one, but didn't find anything that was harmful to him, so this contract could be signed.

At the same time, Wu Lan had already signed this contract.

However, Mu Rufeng noticed one clause, which was that Mu Rufeng was not allowed to tell Wu Lan's identity and secrets.

This was nothing, after all, as the heir of Wu Fo Shenzun, once Wu Lan's identity was leaked, it would really cause chaos.

Mu Rufeng immediately added another clause to the contract, and then he looked at Wu Lan: "Wu Lan, I added a new clause, take a look, if there is no problem, you sign it again."

After Mu Rufeng added a new clause, Wu Lan's name and handprint disappeared.

"Let me take a look." Wu Lan took the contract, took a look, and signed it without hesitation.

The rules added by Mu Rufeng were not difficult to accept. They just prevented Wu Lan from telling anyone about Mu Rufeng.

After all, Mu Rufeng had many secrets.

After Wu Lan signed the contract, Mu Rufeng immediately pressed his handprint and signed his name.

Suddenly, the contract disappeared.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also found that he had some kind of connection with Wu Lan.

As long as Mu Rufeng wanted, Mu Rufeng could let Wu Lan return to the contract slot at any time.

Most importantly, Mu Rufeng also felt that he had gained an extra ability.

[Divinity]: This is the special power possessed by the descendants of God, which can bless oneself and enhance one's own rule power.

It was a very simple introduction, but it brought a great shock to Mu Rufeng.

Divinity, it was actually the power of divinity. It seems that Mu Rufeng signed a contract with Wu Lan, which will also increase his strength.

Most importantly, Wu Lan is only level one. After her nether flower poison is removed, her strength will begin to increase, then Mu Rufeng will gain more abilities.

"Is this the feeling of a contract? It's really too mysterious. There is actually a small room. Are the people in the other rooms your other contracted ghosts?" Wu Lan asked.

"Well, they are still sleeping." Mu Rufeng nodded and said.

Only Xiaolong and Nian Beast are awake now.

The rest, whether it is the Phantom Ghost King, Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei, are still in a deep sleep.

However, their current strength has also reached the sixth level of weirdness.

Even Bai Jingwei, who has a poor talent, has also reached the sixth level of weirdness.

Of course, she has just entered the sixth level, while other contracted weirds have already reached the peak of the sixth level.

As long as Mu Rufeng breaks through the sixth level, Xiaoying and the others can break through the seventh level.

"I can't wait any longer. Hurry up, help me put the ice coffin into my contract slot, and then you go to the third forbidden land to help me detoxify." Wu Lan said hurriedly.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Not long after, Wu Lan and the ice coffin entered the contract slot directly.

"Mu Rufeng, I want to eat, you bring me some delicious food, and I want to see the news of the weird world in recent times." Wu Lan said.

Wu Lan's poison has penetrated into her bones, and it can be said that it is difficult to leave the ice coffin. Once every hundred years, she can't leave for too long with the props.

Therefore, as long as the poison has not been detoxified, Wu Lan has to stay in the ice coffin, but she doesn't want to fall into a deep sleep.

So only the body was frozen, and the head was exposed to pay attention to the outside world.

She had been locked up for more than 20,000 years and had a great interest in the outside world.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng responded, and then took a lot of food and put it in Wu Lan's room.

Mu Rufeng did not enter the copy directly, but pushed the door and walked out directly.

"Mr. Mu, you are out. Did Lord God have any instructions?" Li Ru immediately stepped forward and took a look in the room.

You don't know until you see it. You were shocked when you saw it. The ice coffin was gone.

"Lord God didn't give any instructions, but I did. Wu Lan needs some information about the strange world in recent years. Can you get some?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Does Lord Wu Lan need it? Of course there is no problem, but Lord Wu Lan and the ice coffin are gone, Lord God..." Li Ru asked.

"Lord God has left. I signed a contract with Wu Lan, and she has become my contracted ghost." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah?" Li Ru was immediately in great shock.

"Li Ru, stop talking nonsense. Just do what I ask you to do. I don't want to stay here for a moment." Wu Lan's voice suddenly sounded.

"Yes, Lord Wu Lan, I will go right away." Li Ru was shocked, and then his figure flashed and disappeared directly on the spot.

"I am your subordinate? Did Li Ru used to be under your command?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when he heard Li Ru's self-proclaimed name, and asked immediately.

"Yes, he used to be under my command." Wu Lan responded.

"The emperor's lifespan is still long. It has been more than 20,000 years." Mu Rufeng sighed.

"Hehe, the emperor has a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, not to mention that he can go to the Golden City to exchange for life." Wu Lan said in a deep voice.

"Golden City? Why can we say Golden City when we are in the outside world?"

Mu Rufeng knew about going to the Golden City to exchange for life. He was surprised that Wu Lan could say the three words Golden City.

Just like before, when he talked about the Heavenly Dao Continent, Mu Rufeng couldn't help asking.

"This kind of taboo is only restricted to Ghost Emperors and below. There is no restriction on Emperors like us. Although I am only level one now, I have divinity in my body and can be exempted." Wu Lan said.

"So that's the case. However, I have made a contract with you and I also have divinity. Then can I also tell others about those taboos?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Yes, you can say it, and others can listen, but those people can't say it or speak after listening." Wu Lan said.

"So that's it, thank you for clearing up my confusion." Mu Rufeng smiled and thanked him.

"This contract is really magical. It can actually allow you to have my divine power." Wu Lan was also full of emotion.

After being locked up for so long, the world has changed so much.

"I didn't expect to continue the contract with you." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Before he talked with Wu Lan for long, Li Ru came with a thick stack of newspapers.

"Master Wu Lan, Mr. Mu, this is a newspaper from the past thirty years, with many major events."

"Because time is tight, I also thought about using my mobile phone to download the information, but it is slow. You can use your mobile phone to check the detailed news when the time comes."

Li Ru also handed over a brand new mobile phone.

"Yes." Wu Lan responded, and then put the mobile phone and newspaper into the contract slot.

"By the way, Dean Li, please help Wu Lan with the discharge procedures. Also, please take care of my patients." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, of course no problem." Li Ru responded quickly.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully treating a patient, treatment progress (3/5)]

The discharge procedures have been completed.

"I'll trouble you with my patients, Dean. I have treated three patients now, and I still need two more." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mu, just go and do your work. I will take care of the patients myself." Li Ru was very humble.

There was no way, because Mu Rufeng and Lord Wu Lan, the descendant of Lord Shenzun, were the contract signers.

Moreover, he had not forgotten that Mu Rufeng still had a 100 billion IOU in his hand.

In this case, he had to raise money as soon as possible and then pay back the 100 billion.

After the matter here was resolved, Mu Rufeng did not stay here any longer, but left the hospital directly and disappeared into the mist.

His side quests are still there, and there is a time limit, which means that he can stay outside for a month.

After a month, the dungeon time ends, and no matter whether the quest is completed or not, he has to return.

Mu Rufeng took the dungeon key in his hand, and then used it directly.

The next moment, the dungeon key burst into a dazzling light, then enveloped Mu Rufeng, and then disappeared from the spot.

When Mu Rufeng appeared again, he had already appeared in a desolate city.

There were corpses everywhere around, and the city was also bumpy and broken.

Mu Rufeng could recognize at a glance that this was the imperial city of the Dali Dynasty in the Tiandao Continent.

Mu Rufeng squeezed the key in his hand and found that the key had not disappeared.

However, there was also a countdown written on the attribute, and this countdown was ten days.

After ten days, Mu Rufeng will be sent back and the key will disappear.

In other words, Mu Rufeng has another ten days to find the netherworld.

"Is this the Tiandao Continent? It seems to have become completely weird." Wu Lan's voice sounded.

"This place has been occupied by the weird world for more than 18,000 years, so it naturally became like this."

"I'm going to meet Mu Chengqian. You'd better talk to me in your heart, don't talk to outsiders. They hate the weirdness of the weird world." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"Well, I know, you go quickly, and go find the netherworld cold spring after meeting." Wu Lan was still a little excited at this moment.

After all, her netherworld flower poison will be lifted soon.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to leave, she found that the corpses around her suddenly began to move.

All the corpses stood up one after another, or half-sat up.

All of them looked straight at Mu Rufeng.

These corpses were either left with only bones, or missing arms and legs, or were gnawed.

Everyone became weird.

Although they should have died long ago after so many years, weirdness also has a lifespan limit.

But there are special rules here that prevent them from dying. Every thousand years, they will start reincarnation and live as humans for a period of time, and then die again, and repeat this process.

If they were in the cooling period of a thousand years, they would all fall to the ground numbly and lose their self-consciousness.

However, when Mu Rufeng appeared, their consciousness was magically restored.

"Human, that is the breath of human."

"Who is it? Why can it appear here?"

A hoarse voice sounded, and they slowly approached Mu Rufeng.

"Ninth Prince, he is His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince."

"No, it's the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, he defeated the weird and stopped the invasion."

"No, no, he is the contractor Mu Rufeng, we are in the world of reincarnation, no, no, he is His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, no, it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

"We failed, we failed to resist."

The memories of these people are still a little confused.

Just when Mu Rufeng wanted to speak, he saw a terrifying force coming, wrapped Mu Rufeng and disappeared on the spot.

When Mu Rufeng disappeared, the strange things lost their self-awareness again, and then fell to the ground and turned into corpses again.

"Feng'er, why are you back again? Or, why can you appear here?"

In the desolate palace, the skeleton Mu Chengqian sitting on the dragon throne looked at Mu Rufeng below, slightly surprised and a little surprised.

"Father, after completing this copy, I got a key and can enter here once."

"Originally, I wanted to let my sixth brother or seventh sister come in, but my sixth brother planned to come in and celebrate your birthday in December, on your birthday."

"But I need to enter here now and go to the netherworld to find the netherworld cold spring, so I can only come by myself." Mu Rufeng said.

"Xiao Liu and Xiao Jiu, are you okay?" Mu Chengqian's voice was trembling.

"They are fine. Although they can't come to see you, they took a video."

Mu Rufeng said, taking out his mobile phone.

Then he dimmed the light around him, and then used the projection function of the mobile phone to project it in front of him.

A very clear picture appeared in front of Mu Chengqian.

"Father, I am living a good life now. I am surrounded by my beloved ones and feel very comfortable..."

Well, the video was taken by Mu Wuyu in the bar, and it was quite wild.

"Xiao Liu, this guy. Good, great." Mu Chengqian was very pleased to see this scene.

It was because of seeing him like this that Mu Chengqian believed that Mu Wuyu was living a good life, because he had restored his previous mentality of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

After Mu Wuyu's video was played, Mu Rufeng played Mu Wuxia's video again.

Mu Wuxia's video was much more normal, with some daily life, shopping, eating, and of course, Jian Yifeng accompanied him throughout the whole process.

"Xia'er is also very good. I can see that he and Jian Yifeng are both very good. I am relieved now, Feng'er, thank you, thank you." Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng with a look of gratitude.

During the cooling-off period of a thousand years, he could only stay here and could not leave the palace. He had no one to talk to, no one to accompany him, and sat alone and coldly on the dragon throne.

It is conceivable that Mu Chengqian also suffered from extreme loneliness.

Mu Rufeng then handed the mobile phone in his hand to Mu Chengqian.

"Father, I have saved these two videos. You can watch them when you are bored." Mu Rufeng said.

"How do I do this?" Mu Chengqian took the phone and asked tremblingly.

"I'll teach you." Mu Rufeng immediately began to teach Mu Chengqian how to operate it.

Mu Chengqian learned it quickly, and then knew how to play videos and so on.

"Father, if the phone is out of power, you can use ghost power to charge it. I downloaded hundreds of T of novels in it. If you are bored, you can also read it." Mu Rufeng said.

After Mu Rufeng summoned the Gluttony Cruise, he took a prop mobile phone in the warehouse.

Then after returning to the real world, he started to download novels to this mobile phone, downloading hundreds of T.

So many, almost all the books on the Internet were downloaded, I am afraid it is enough for him to read for a thousand years.

As for downloading those TV series, movies and the like, forget it. The download speed is too slow, time is tight, and there is no time.

"Okay, okay." Mu Chengqian nodded repeatedly.

No matter what, it's good to kill time.

"By the way, what did you say you came here for this time? Let me see if I can help you." Mu Chengqian put away his phone and then said.

"Father, I'm going to find the Netherworld Cold Spring in the Netherworld."

"The Netherworld should still be in the original place, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Netherworld Cold Spring? What are you looking for the Netherworld Cold Spring for?" Mu Chengqian said with some surprise.

"I have a contracted ghost who was poisoned by the Netherworld Flower. I'm going to find the Netherworld Cold Spring to detoxify." Mu Rufeng said.

This is true, and I didn't lie to Mu Chengqian. After all, Wu Lan is indeed his contracted ghost.

"Netherworld Flower Poison? Is there also Netherworld Flower Poison in the outside world?" Mu Chengqian was slightly surprised.

"The copy of the Tiandao Continent has just ended. Some people have received rewards, so there is naturally Netherworld Flower Poison." Mu Rufeng said.

"So that's how it is. To cure the poison of the Nether Flower, you really need the Nether Cold Spring. I can't leave the palace, so you need to go there by yourself."

"The entrance to the Netherworld should still be in the Jiao Clan's territory, but the strange world has come, and I don't know if there has been any changes."

"Take this token, it will keep you away from those strange invasions." Mu Chengqian took out a golden token and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

"Thank you, father." Mu Rufeng took it and immediately thanked him.

[Emperor's Order]: Seeing the order is like seeing me, you all, kneel to welcome it!

Effect: Special rule props, representing the emperor Mu Chengqian of the Dali Dynasty, with extremely heavy power, which can make all creatures on the Tiandao Continent who are not as good as Mu Chengqian kneel to welcome it and cannot resist.

Note: This item only exists in the Tiandao Continent and cannot be taken out.

After bidding farewell to Mu Chengqian, Mu Rufeng immediately drove the cloud towards the Jiao Clan's territory.

At a glance, it was all dark and barren land.

The land here has hardly changed, except that there is no sign of life.

There are only a lot of weird things, but all of them are dead.

When Mu Rufeng flew over, they all woke up, but when Mu Rufeng flew away, they fell asleep again.

"It's a great place, but it's a pity that we can't get in." Wu Lan said with a little regret.

Mu Rufeng heard this and said calmly: "This was originally a good world, a thriving world, but because of your invasion, trillions of lives died tragically and the earth became barren."

"Of course you can come in, but you just need to pay the price."

Wu Lan heard this and smiled and said: "The world is the law of the jungle, and the weak are the original sin. If they are stronger than us, then our strange world should be occupied by them."

"Do you know the law of the dark forest?"

"A civilization cannot judge whether another civilization is a good civilization or an evil civilization;

A civilization cannot judge whether another civilization thinks it is a good civilization or an evil civilization;

A civilization cannot judge whether another civilization will attack itself;

A civilization cannot judge whether another civilization is kind or malicious to itself;

A civilization cannot judge whether another civilization thinks it is kind or malicious;

A civilization cannot judge whether another civilization judges itself to be kind or malicious to it."

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