I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 346 Ao Zhi? The Godly Ghost Dragon! [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"The same is true in our world. We cannot judge whether another world is benevolent or malicious, so we strike first."

Wulan said slowly.

"You actually know the Dark Forest Law? The Dark Forest Law is right, it is true, but this is not the reason for your invasion." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"It was published in the newspaper. I just saw it. As for the reason for the invasion? They invaded as soon as they discovered it. There is no reason at all."

"Our weird world is also being targeted by other worlds. If we are invaded, destroyed, and eventually die, it will be because we are not strong enough." Wu Lan's tone was extremely cold.

"If you want to control your own destiny and the destiny of the world, then work hard to become stronger. I signed a contract with you. You helped me detoxify. I owe you a favor."

"When your world is completely integrated with the weird world, I will help you and won't let your compatriots be destroyed, but that's all."

"In a word, become stronger. Only by becoming stronger can you control your destiny." Wulan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, only by becoming stronger can you control your destiny!" Mu Rufeng murmured.

He has a cheat, and he will become stronger, so strong that even if the god stands in front of him, he will bow down. He believes that there will be such a day.

Half a day later, Mu Rufeng arrived at the territory of the Monster Clan and the Jiao Clan.

There is a strong ghost atmosphere here, and there is no trace of evil spirit at all.

Obviously, the ghost energy has already eroded the demonic energy.

Below, there is an open space, and the ground is made of dark rocks, the material of which cannot be seen.

In the center of the open space, there is a huge crack.

It is hundreds of meters long and dozens of meters wide, with a large amount of black aura emerging from the cracks.

Mu Rufeng felt it and realized that these black auras were also ghost power.

The environment here is no different from when he came before.

There are still many demon trees around.

No, these should not be called demon trees, but strange trees.

However, what is surprising is that there are many strange monsters around this netherworld.

The most eye-catching thing is a huge dragon.

The aura it exudes directly exceeds that of the Ghost Emperor, so it is obvious that this dragon is the Emperor Zun Wei.

Mu Rufeng's appearance awakened all the monsters around him.

Especially the Emperor's dragon, after waking up, stared at Mu Rufeng with a pair of huge eyes.

"Human? Human???" Emperor Jiaolong fell into huge shock after seeing Mu Rufeng.

"Impossible, how can there be humans here? Moreover, your breath is so familiar."

"Wait a minute, you are Mu Rufeng? Ninth Prince? Huh? Contractor copy, yes, you are Mu Rufeng."

Emperor Zun Jiaolong's memory was confused for a while, but he quickly recovered.

"I wonder which ancestor you are?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Jiao Li."

"It turns out it's Ancestor Jiao Li, please be polite. I came here this time for the Netherworld. I need to enter it." Mu Rufeng said with cupped hands.

"Haha, although I am very grateful to you for leading Tiandao Continent to defeat the Weird World in the last round of reincarnation."

"But that's always false. I haven't eaten human flesh in many years. Today is the right day, so I'll make a tooth sacrifice to my ancestor."

Jiao Li looked at Mu Rufeng with a ferocious smile.

For Jiao Li, no matter who he is, he just eats it.

He hasn't tasted meat in so many years, and the fragrance of Mu Rufeng is tempting him all the time, and it's hard for him to resist.

"Why bother." Mu Rufeng sighed, and then took out the Emperor's Order.

When the emperor's order came out, a terrifying emperor's energy burst out.

Below, all the monsters fell to their knees in an instant, unable to do anything else.

Even the Emperor Jiao Li was the same, and he was even the fastest one to lie down.

"Why do you have the Emperor's Order?" Jiao Li was shocked and wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move at all.

"Of course my father gave it to me." Mu Rufeng said.

"What a joke, I already know you are not the Ninth Prince, doesn't Mu Chengqian know that? It would be fine if he stopped eating you, and would he give you the emperor's order?" Jiao Li asked suspiciously.

"Huh? Why, don't you know that there is a pure land in Tiandao Continent, and there are a hundred geniuses in it?" Mu Rufeng looked at Jiao Li in surprise.

"Of course I know, what does this have to do with the emperor's order?"

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she smiled and said, "Of course it does matter, and it matters a lot."

"I have used special props to send those hundred geniuses to my world, where they have started a new life."

"Like me, I became a contractor and entered the strange world as a player to participate in the dungeon game and become stronger."

"Among them, my sixth brother and seventh sister, Mu Wuyu and Mu Wuxia, are also among them. Tell me, why did my father eat me? Why didn't he help me?"

Hearing this, Jiao Li was shocked and his pupils shrank violently.

"You, you... are you telling the truth? Did those hundred geniuses go to your world?" Jiao Li was shocked.

"Of course it is. Oh, there is another prodigy of your Jiao clan, what is his name? Let me see, he has even added me as a friend." Mu Rufeng said, taking out her phone and pretending to look through it.

"Is it Jiao Zhao? Is it Jiao Zhao?" Jiao Li suddenly became a little excited.

"Oh, yes, yes, it's Jiao Zhao, look, this is him." Mu Rufeng said, showing the screen of the phone.

Although the distance is far and the screen is small, Jiao Li is the emperor, so he can see it clearly.

The circle of friends shown on the mobile phone screen, Jiao Zhao seems to be addicted to posting on the circle of friends, almost posting several times a day.

He will show up in every one, sometimes in human form, sometimes in the form of a dragon, with pictures and videos.

Mu Rufeng also projected the video screen not far away.

"It's Zhao'er, it's Zhao'er, so good, so good." Jiao Li's huge demon body began to tremble.

This is excitement.

Jiao Zhao is his descendant. Although many generations have passed, he is definitely his direct bloodline, there is no doubt about it.

Now, seeing his descendants living safely in a new world, how can he not be excited.

After 18,000 years, he finally saw hope.

As long as there are descendants, then his bloodline will not be cut off.

"Ninth Prince, it's my fault. I'm rude. Please don't take it personally." Jiao Li calmed down and thanked Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng nodded slightly and then put away the Emperor's Order.

"Grandmaster Li, can I enter the Netherworld now?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course, please, but you still have to be careful. We emperors still have our own consciousness, but the self-consciousness of the demon emperor is more chaotic, and it will take some time to wake up. During this time, he will attack you."

"If you enter, you will encounter danger. Although you have the Emperor's Order, it is still not safe."

"This is my scale, with my breath. As long as you put it on your body, no demon will dare to attack you."

Jiao Li immediately tore off a piece of scale emitting black light from his abnormally dry body.

Mu Rufeng reached out and took it, and looked at the properties. It was a relatively ordinary scale, with no special function, just emitting Jiao Li's breath.

Then, Jiao Li opened his mouth and spit out a dark and shiny bead: "Ninth Prince, this is my dragon ball. Although it has been corroded by ghost energy, it has also been transformed into another special strange weapon."

"Please give it to Zhao'er. If Zhao'er also becomes a contractor, this dragon ball will also be a great help to him."

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and held the bead in his hand.

[Strange Jiao Li]: The natal Jiao Li of the Emperor Jiao Li, after more than ten thousand years of being polished by ghost energy, has become a powerful strange weapon.

Effect: A ninth-level prop that can enhance the combat power of the Jiaolong clan, with a variety of Jiaolong magical powers, and can also greatly increase its own ghost power.

It is obviously a Jiao Li, but Jiao Li said it is a dragon ball, tut tut tut.

"Well, I will send it to you." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

This is indeed a good treasure, but Mu Rufeng doesn't look down on it. If he says he will send it, then he will send it.

"Did all the demons escape into the netherworld back then?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"Yes, I led a group of demons to cover the rear, but I couldn't stop them at all. I couldn't enter the Netherworld, and I didn't know what was going on inside."

"Your Highness, you should be extremely careful when entering, but you have my scales and the Emperor's Order. Unless it's the dragon corpse, there's no problem at all." Jiao Li said.

"Dragon corpse? What happened to the dragon corpse later?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know, because I'm dead." Jiao Li said.

Mu Rufeng heard it and felt that it made sense.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng sank into the vortex of the ground crack under Jiao Li's gaze.


The Netherworld was still desolate as before.

However, the only difference was that it was filled with ghost energy, and the extremely rich ghost energy was more than ten times richer than the Tiandao Continent outside.

As far as the eye could see, the earth was cracked, and it could be seen that there must have been an extremely tragic battle here.

There were no corpses or weirdness here, nor were there any dragon corpses.

The place where the dragon corpse was buried was directly a huge deep pit. It was unknown whether the dragon corpse came out by itself or was dug away by the God.

"Wu Lan, let me ask, what was the result of the battle that year? Did your father take the dragon corpse away?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know the result. It had been poisoned for thousands of years and had already entered a frozen state. However, the ghost energy here is so strong. It is really a good place. What a pity, what a pity." Wu Lan said with emotion again.

"Forget it, no matter how much, let's find the netherworld cold spring first." Mu Rufeng immediately prepared to take out the cold spring water to lead the way.

The netherworld is also extremely vast. Without the cold spring water, it would be difficult to find it in a month, let alone ten days.


At this time, a thunderous roar came from a distance.

In the distance, the earth began to crack and the mountains began to collapse.

A huge body rose from the ground.

When the earth and rocks on his body were shaken off, a huge dragon floated in the air.

Dragon, dragon corpse, it was Ao Zhi's corpse.

The terrifying aura emanated, making Mu Rufeng feel palpitations.

God, it was the aura of God, not much weaker than the aura of the Buddhaless God.

However, this dragon was much more miserable than when Mu Rufeng saw it.

At that time, it was just a dragon corpse, a corpse, but it can be seen that it was a dragon.

And now this dragon is full of bite marks all over its body, some places are torn flesh and blood, and some places can see the skeleton.

It can be imagined that when it was so weird, this dragon suffered a lot of attacks.

Of course, the emperor must not be able to defeat this dragon, and in the end it should be the god who killed the dragon corpse.

As for why the god did not take the dragon corpse away, it is unknown why.

"The only god in Tiandao Continent, what a pity, what a pity, now it has turned into a weird." Wu Lan sighed again.

"Don't sigh, aren't you afraid that this dragon will go out and cause trouble for your father." Mu Rufeng instantly entered the virtual state, and then flew towards the vortex in the sky.

This dragon corpse is too fierce, Mu Rufeng thinks to go up and consider it first, and see the situation first.

"It's best to get out, anyway, it is a supreme combat power in our weird world." Wu Lan said indifferently.

"Hmm~~! How come I sense my body?" Suddenly, a voice emerged in Mu Rufeng's heart.

"???!!! Ao Zhi???" Mu Rufeng was instantly shocked when he heard this voice.

"It's me. I seem to have slept for a long time, but I slept so comfortably." Ao Zhi responded.

"Ao Zhi, have you been sleeping in my soul space?" Mu Rufeng immediately entered his soul space.

Then, he stared at the dragon Ao Zhi who was emerging from his soul sea in amazement.

"Yes, why do you ask that? Haven't I always been here?"

"Let's not talk about this. I just sensed my body, but why does my body seem to have a problem."

"Inside, there are a lot of ghost power inside." Ao Zhi said.

"Yes, let's not talk about this first. Can you control your body?" Mu Rufeng didn't have time to ask Ao Zhi why he was in his soul space.

Because the dragon used his ghost cave to seal the exit of the ground crack.

Yes, he forgot that the dragon is now a ghost dragon, so it is normal for it to be a ghost.

"It should be possible, but it seems that a consciousness has evolved in my body, but it should not be as powerful as me. Look, I swallow him."

As soon as Ao Zhi finished speaking, he flew out of Mu Rufeng's soul.

Suddenly, a golden dragon came in an instant and then sank into the body of the dragon corpse.

The body of the ghost dragon stiffened instantly, and then fell on the ground with a bang. The ground shook and the roar was endless.

"Mu Rufeng, is that Ao Zhi's soul?" Wu Lan was also shocked and asked Mu Rufeng hurriedly.

"The remnant soul, when in the Tiandao Continent, slept in my soul space, and then returned. Many of them were false, so I thought she was also false."

"But I didn't expect that she was real and stayed in my soul space all the time." Mu Rufeng was also extremely surprised when he spoke.

But after being surprised, he fell into a huge surprise.

If, if Ao Zhi controls the strange dragon, then, will Mu Rufeng be equivalent to having a good friend of the God?

In this way, will he have a stronger voice in the strange world?


In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

"Mu Rufeng, there is no movement yet, go over and take a look." Wu Lan urged.

"Wait a little longer." Mu Rufeng shook his head and was not ready to go.

Now I don't know what the situation is. If I go over rashly, it will really be a death wish.

"I've been waiting for an hour." Wu Lan urged again.

"Don't worry, wait another hour, we have ten days, and we will definitely find the Netherworld Cold Spring, don't worry." Mu Rufeng said.

Hearing Mu Rufeng say this, Wu Lan didn't continue to speak, and also waited quietly.

However, before half an hour, Ao Zhi's voice sounded from a distance.

"Mu Rufeng, Mu Rufeng, hurry up, give me some soul power. Although this guy is worse than me, he was born here, and his consciousness is more comprehensive. It's a bit difficult to deal with. I've consumed a lot of energy." Ao Zhi shouted.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Mu Rufeng responded and quickly teleported over.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng was in a trance and appeared in a soul space.

This is a huge soul sea, one side is black and purple, and the other side is golden.

At the boundary of the two seas, two dragons, one black and one gold, are in a fierce battle.

The black dragon is naturally the consciousness body born from the strange dragon, and the golden dragon is Ao Zhi.

It can be seen that Ao Zhi is now at a disadvantage because she has consumed too much energy.

"Hurry up, pour your soul power into my soul sea." Ao Zhi shouted again.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded, and then quickly poured the soul power in the soul-sucking gourd into it.

With the infusion of soul power, Ao Zhi, who was originally at a disadvantage, immediately rose up and the situation was reversed in an instant.

As Mu Rufeng continued to pour in, the battle between the two sides lasted for a quarter of an hour, and finally, Ao Zhi successfully swallowed the black dragon.

And the entire sea of ​​souls also turned golden.

"Huh! Finally won." Ao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and then came to Mu Rufeng's side.

"Then can you control this strange dragon now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course, but it's still a little bit awkward. I need to digest it, and then I can completely merge with the strange dragon." Ao Zhi said with a smile.

"By the way, Ao Zhi, why have you been in my soul sea all the time? I always thought that you were fake in the copy of Tiandao Continent." Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, I'm real. I swallowed the black dragon and recovered a little bit of memory. I've always been here, but the black dragon's consciousness is also here, and he is slowly swallowing me."

"But after I entered your soul space, I slowly recovered, and then I finally ate it. Thank you, Mu Rufeng." Ao Zhi thanked him again.

"Haha, I'm happy to help you." Mu Rufeng replied with a smile.

"I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep again." Ao Zhi yawned.

"How long are you going to sleep this time? And, can you leave here and go out with me?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I can't leave here. There are restrictions, unless... unless I sign a contract with you to become your contracted ghost, but I can only sign a contract with you if you break through to the Emperor."

"Also, I will probably sleep for a long time. After digesting it, I will wake up. No more, no more, I'm going to sleep."

"Mu Rufeng, you quickly become powerful, and then sign a contract with me, I will send you out." Ao Zhi finished speaking, and sent Mu Rufeng out directly.

Mu Rufeng also felt that he had returned to his body.

And looking at Ao Zhi, he had already controlled to drill into the ground.

The earth churned, and soon it returned to calm. Ao Zhi had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Tsk tsk tsk, a God is actually going to be your contracted ghost, you kid, you've made a lot of money, but how do you have so much soul power?" Wu Lan said in amazement.

"I need the Emperor to sign a contract with him, and I'm only level five now, I'm afraid it won't work in a short time." Mu Rufeng also tried to calm down, and then spoke.

"You kid should be happy. I have also read in the newspaper how fast the contractor upgrades. It only takes a few years to upgrade to level nine."

"However, do you have any contractors of the Emperor among the human race now?" Wu Lan asked.

"No, not even a level nine Ghost Emperor." There is nothing to hide about this news. Anyway, it is estimated that the strange world also knows about it.

"Aren't you a Ghost Emperor?"

"I am a warrior, but I am stronger than the Ghost Emperor. My contractor level is still level five." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is that so? And now that the strange dragon has been solved, do you want to solve my Nether Flower Poison? You have been delayed for almost two hours." Wu Lan said.

"Why are you in a hurry? There is enough time." Mu Rufeng said, and took out a kettle.

Mu Rufeng unscrewed the lid and poured out some of the cold spring water inside.

Immediately, the cold spring water immediately went east.

Mu Rufeng grabbed it immediately and bound it in his palm.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to follow the guidance of the cold spring water and flew towards the cold spring.

When Mu Rufeng came here before, although this place was also desolate, there was no special energy such as ghost energy and spiritual energy.

But now, it is full of ghost energy, and it seems to have been completely transformed by ghost energy. In this way, it can indeed be regarded as a real netherworld.

After walking a long way, you can see some weird monsters of the demon clan here and there.

However, these weird strengths are not very strong, and the most powerful is only the ninth-level ghost emperor.

In this way, Mu Rufeng flew for almost an hour, and the direction of the cold spring water in his palm finally changed.

This time, it was to the south.

Mu Rufeng was still thinking about whether he could meet some demon clan emperors, and then let them give some treasures to their descendants.

It’s a pity that he didn’t see any during this hour’s journey.

Those who can enter this netherworld are probably some powerful demons.

Mu Rufeng still remembered that among the one hundred geniuses, there were quite a few from the demon clan, and it seemed that there were about ten of them.

The White Tiger Clan, the Jiao Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the Vermillion Bird Clan, etc., were all well-known.

Another hour passed, and Mu Rufeng stopped.

Because the direction indicated by the cold spring water changed again.

"Haven't you arrived at the Netherworld Cold Spring yet?" Wu Lan asked.

"The Netherworld Cold Spring will change its position by itself. It's only been two hours. Why are you in such a hurry?" Mu Rufeng said.

"We only have ten days to enter, and now almost a day has passed. How can I not be anxious?" Wu Lan said unhappily.

"There's no use in being anxious. I can only look for it slowly. I haven't rested for a moment." Mu Rufeng said so, but the speed of travel increased again.

In this way, a night passed.

Calculating the time, the time spent on the road has exceeded six hours.

"We're here." Mu Rufeng's face was happy.

A snowfield appeared in front of them, and on top of it, there was a violent blizzard.

"Are we there yet? In that blizzard?" Wu Lan suddenly became alert.

"Yes, the last time I came here, the Netherworld Cold Spring was in the center of that blizzard." Mu Rufeng nodded in response.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go there quickly." If she wasn't too weak now, and if half of her body wasn't frozen, she would definitely have walked out by herself.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng responded, put the cold spring water back into the kettle, and then quickly entered the snowfield.

Cold, extremely cold, colder than the last time Mu Rufeng came.

However, Mu Rufeng is now stronger than before. Although it is very cold, there is no problem to persist.

After walking in the snowfield for a while, suddenly, his steps stopped.

Because he found weird things in the snowfield, and there are quite a few.

Those weird things should have also discovered Mu Rufeng, so they woke up from their sleep.

However, they are no threat to Mu Rufeng.

Because these weird things were frozen into ice sculptures, and only their eyeballs could be seen moving there.

"These are the weird things of the demon race, the white tiger race, the dragon race, and even the phoenix race and some other races." Mu Rufeng carefully checked and found that these ice sculptures were definitely the demon races who entered the netherworld to avoid disaster.

Although I don't know what method I used to find the location of the Netherworld Cold Spring, I still couldn't avoid it and finally turned into something weird here.

In other words, even the Netherworld Cold Spring still couldn't escape the erosion of the ghost energy, and it must have been weirded.

"It seems that the Netherworld Cold Spring has also been weirded by the ghost energy, so can it still help me detoxify?" Wu Lan said hurriedly.

"I don't know, but it should be possible with a high probability." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said.

"Your words don't count. Don't worry about these weirdnesses. Go in and take a look at the cold spring first." Wu Lan urged again.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, ignoring these immobile weirdnesses, and then quickly went deep into the snowfield.

In about a quarter of an hour, Mu Rufeng passed through the snowfield and came to the canyon.

The canyon at this moment can be said to have not changed much from before, but it can be felt that it is full of rich ghost power, which is more dense than the outside world.

The canyon was still full of Netherworld flowers, densely packed.

It seemed that Netherworld flowers could also absorb ghost power to grow, so there was nothing different.

"Netherworld flowers, those are Netherworld flowers." Wu Lan also saw those Netherworld flowers and became more excited.

"Mu Rufeng, look, is the cold spring water you mentioned that one, is that one?" Wu Lan shouted.

Mu Rufeng also looked over, and indeed, the Netherworld Cold Spring was still located here.

Even the cold spring water seemed to have not changed, just that there was more ghost energy in it, and it seemed to have become a little colder.

Mu Rufeng was burning with flames all over his body at this moment, otherwise, he would have been a little difficult to resist.

"This cold spring water has become even colder." Mu Rufeng frowned.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng saw a lot of icicles around.

After a closer look, Mu Rufeng found that there seemed to be familiar people inside.

Phoenix Ancestor, Vermillion Bird Ancestor, and an Ancestor of the Jiao Clan, and many others were found, but none of them were recognized.

But it can be found that each of them is actually an emperor ancestor. If you count carefully, there are thirteen ice pillars.

Apart from these emperor ancestors, no other existence was seen. It is estimated that those ghost emperors were frozen into ice sculptures and died in the snowfield.

Surprisingly, these emperors did not wake up.

"Wait a minute, let me see if this netherworld flower has changed from before." Mu Rufeng did not rush to take Wu Lan to the cold spring.

Instead, he came directly to the place where netherworld flowers were planted on both sides.

Although Wu Lan was also very excited at this moment, he did not refute.

Mu Rufeng squatted down and wanted to reach out to pick one, but he thought of something and directly controlled the blood and qi to pick it.

However, his blood and qi were absorbed by the netherworld flower before he got close.

Yes, it was absorbed.

Mu Rufeng tried to use ghost power again, and was also directly absorbed by the netherworld flower.

Just when Mu Rufeng was considering whether to pick it directly with his hands, a voice appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"Mu Rufeng? Don't touch the Nether Flower. The Nether Flower has absorbed a lot of ghost power and has mutated now. If you reach out to touch it, it will bite your skin and then poison you."

"Who is it?" Mu Rufeng was slightly startled, stood up suddenly, and turned to look at the icicles.

Finally, Mu Rufeng's eyes fell on the icicle that sealed the ancestor of the Suzaku clan.

"Is it you? Suzaku ancestor?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's me. I didn't expect you to come here. Shouldn't this be a taboo place? You are a human from the outside world, how can you come here?" Suzaku ancestor asked.

"This, the matter is more complicated."

"It's okay, just make it short, I have a lot of time." Suzaku ancestor said.

"Okay, then I'll make it short..." Mu Rufeng immediately said it briefly.

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