I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 348 Deposit slip from tens of thousands of years ago, go to the headquarters of Tiandi Bank

Fortunately, these ancestors did not lose their consciousness because of the rules of the Tiandao Continent.

Otherwise, a large part of the ancestors would definitely turn evil.

Mu Rufeng went to see Mu Chengqian again. After saying goodbye, Mu Rufeng directly activated the copy key and left the third forbidden land.

When Mu Rufeng came to his senses again, he had already appeared outside the Quiet Mental Hospital.

"Hurry up and hand in the task and return. I want to go to the real world to take a look." Wu Lan shouted.

"Why? Don't you want to go to the weird world to take a look?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I have learned a little bit through newspapers and mobile phones, so I want to go to the real world to take a look." Wu Lan said.

"I don't come to the weird world often, but I have to stay in the real world from time to time. Are you sure you want to go to the real world instead of visiting the weird world?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, I have been in the weird world for many years, I don't want to stay here anymore." Wu Lan said.

"Okay, whatever you want." Mu Rufeng shrugged. He didn't care about it anyway.

After all, he just wanted to complete the task, not to mention that this time, he contracted a seed of the Emperor, who also had divinity and was the offspring of the God.

As long as Mu Rufeng and Wu Lan were tied together, then no matter what happened in the future, there would always be a minimum guarantee.

Mu Rufeng came to the door and knocked on the door.

Soon, two security guards came out of the security booth, ready for battle.

However, after seeing that it was Mu Rufeng through the gap in the iron gate of the fence, they became extremely respectful and quickly opened the small door.

"Doctor Mu, you're back." A security guard greeted in a low voice.

"Well, you've worked hard." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then quickly went to the inpatient department.

Mu Rufeng suddenly found that there were only two buildings left in the hospital.

One inpatient department and one outpatient department. Now it seems that ignoring is really the wisest choice.

Mu Rufeng had just arrived at the entrance of the inpatient department, and before he entered, he felt an irresistible force coming.

When Mu Rufeng came to his senses, he was already in an old office.

"Master Lan, how are you!"

"Mr. Mu, you are back? Is the matter completed?"

Li Ru first greeted Wu Lan respectfully, and then asked Mu Rufeng.

"Completed, by the way, Dean Li, how are the patients? I am ready to return." Mu Rufeng said.

"Among the patients, one can be discharged immediately, and the others need to wait a few days." Li Ru said.

"Only one? Is it Mu Qingze?" Mu Rufeng asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, it is Mu Qingze."

"Is there any way to speed it up? No matter how many or how few, at least get five patients to be discharged." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't waste time, Li Ru, you are an emperor, can't you treat a person?" Wu Lan's voice sounded.

"Yes, Lord Wu Lan, Mr. Mu, please wait here for a while. I'll go and stay for half an hour. Wait for me for half an hour." Li Ru didn't dare to refuse Wu Lan's request.

"Go ahead." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

After getting the answer, Li Ru quickly left the office.

Mu Rufeng sat on the sofa beside him and crossed his legs.

"Mu Rufeng, give me some more food." Wu Lan suddenly said.

"Huh? Didn't I give you a lot of food?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

"Have you finished eating?"

"Have you finished eating? It's only been a few days. Why do you eat so much? Xiaoying, a starving ghost, can't eat more than you." Mu Rufeng said, but still got some food for Wu Lan.

"If you don't want to spend money, then spend my own money. No, I don't seem to have money. Eh, no, I should have money, right?" Wu Lan said with some doubt.

"What's the matter?" Mu Rufeng also asked.

"Before you went to the real world to get the key to the copy, I talked to my father for a long time. He agreed to let me sign a contract with you, and also gave me all my things."

"Inside are some of my props and cultivation resources, but there is no money."

"Isn't Tiandi Bank still open now? I looked in the newspaper. Tiandi Bank used to be called Tiandi Money House. I also deposited a sum of money in Tiandi Money House."

"However, it has been tens of thousands of years. I don't know if the bills I wrote at that time are still valid." Wu Lan said.

"Hehe, Wu Lan, don't forget your identity. As long as there is a connection between the two, then Tiandi Bank will not dare to embezzle your money."

"It's just right, how about we go to the imperial capital?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Imperial capital? That's fine." Wu Lan thought about it and nodded.

In any case, it doesn't matter how much time it takes. Let's get his deposit back first.

As for Mu Rufeng, he really wanted to go to the imperial capital. The general manager of Tiandi Bank has told him several times that he wants him to go.

However, Mu Rufeng was also anxious, so he waited for Li Ru to come over.

After a few minutes, a prompt sound suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully treating a patient, treatment progress (4/5)]

A patient was discharged from the hospital. If nothing unexpected happens, it must be Mu Qingze.

After a few minutes, another prompt sound rang.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully treating a patient, treatment progress (5/5)]

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully treating five patients, you can return at any time, or continue to treat patients]

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully treating a patient, treatment progress (10/5)]

Ten patients.

Just at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Li Ru walked in from outside.

"Mr. Mu, have you received the news? Ten patients have been discharged." Li Ru said.

"Yes, I received it. Thank you, Dean Li. By the way, give me another side quest. I have to go to the imperial capital." Mu Rufeng said.

"Imperial capital? Mr. Mu, aren't you going to return? Why do you suddenly want to go to the imperial capital?" Li Ru said in surprise.

"It's not me who wants to go, but Wu Lan who wants to go. She deposited a sum of money in the Tiandi Bank more than 20,000 years ago. It's been so long, and she has to go and deal with it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Tens of thousands of years ago, this, this, this, it's time to go, it's time to go." Li Ru nodded repeatedly.

More than 20,000 years ago, what a long time ago.

However, Li Ru also thought of one thing in his mind, that is, Tiandi Bank used to charge management fees for depositing money.

Calculating the time, it seems that the management fee has been charged for tens of thousands of years, right?

Later, it began to cooperate with other banks and even foreign banks, and then it began to not charge management fees, but to give interest instead.

Tiandi Bank was also the first among many peers to give interest.

Although the banks later followed suit, the initiative had been taken by Tiandi Bank. One step faster, step by step, and finally Tiandi Bank became the most powerful banking force in the weird world.

Mu Rufeng naturally didn't know about this, but Wu Lan should know, and even she always thought that Tiandi Bank still charged management fees.

In this case, the money is really not small, even if the management fee has been paid for more than 20,000 years, there is still a lot of money.

"Just a few days ago, the First People's Hospital of the Imperial Capital sent me an invitation letter to attend their academic exchange meeting."

"I'm not interested in this, you take the invitation letter." Li Ru said, and took out a white invitation letter from the drawer of the desk.

The invitation letter was stamped with the official seal of the First People's Hospital of the Imperial Capital.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he took a look and saw that it was indeed this. He nodded and said, "Okay, thank you, Dean Li."

It was at the moment when Mu Rufeng agreed that a prompt sound appeared in his mind again.

[Side quest completed, clearance completion rate obtained 1000%]

[Extra task issued, please go to the First People's Hospital of the Imperial Capital with the invitation letter for the academic exchange meeting]

Mu Rufeng smiled in his heart. It seems that the reward for this copy will definitely not be less.

Of course, the most important thing is to sign the contract ghost Wu Lan.

Mu Rufeng left the Quiet Mental Hospital again.

In fact, he didn't know where the imperial capital was, and didn't know how far it was.

But it doesn't matter, someone will take him there.

As for the Glutton Cruise, forget it. I have called it many times in the past two days.

It has been a long time since I summoned the Bloody Train.

As he said that, Mu Rufeng took out the black gold card of the Bloody Train and summoned the Bloody Train directly.

A few minutes later, the land around Mu Rufeng turned into an old platform.

Not long after, a Bloody Train came rushing from the fog.

Surprisingly, the Bloody Train did not make any sound, even the sound of "what's more" could not be heard.

When the train stopped steadily, the position on the driver's cab was opened, and then the conductor came down.

Not to mention, this Bloody Train has also changed. Originally, the locomotive and the carriage were connected, and there was no door.

But now a door has been opened.

"Mr. Mu? Mr. Mu, why are you here?" The conductor hurriedly trotted over and said carefully.

"I was doing a task in this dungeon, and now I have accepted an external task. I have to go to the imperial capital. Please take me there." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Ah? Participate in this dungeon? Mr. Mu, um? Your aura" The train conductor only realized at this time that Mu Rufeng's aura was so strong and deep.

Even some ghost emperors he had seen were not as good as Mu Rufeng.

"Last time I went to the third forbidden land, I occasionally gained something, and my cultivation broke through to the divine realm, which is the realm of martial arts, corresponding to the ninth-level ghost emperor." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ghost ghost emperor? Mr. Mu, congratulations." The train conductor was shocked, and then immediately congratulated respectfully.

Wise, really too wise, what he did before was really wise.

The former big money sponsor, the current big backer!

He also knew the ghost emperor, but none of them had such a good relationship with Mu Rufeng.

"Haha, thank you, train conductor." Mu Rufeng also said with a smile.

"Okay, there is no time to lose, let's get on the train and reminisce." Mu Rufeng patted the train conductor on the shoulder and said.

"Mr. Mu, please."

Soon, Mu Rufeng and the conductor boarded the bloody train.

Afterwards, the bloody train drove into the mist and disappeared.

"The bloody train has changed a lot." Mu Rufeng looked at the rows of luxurious compartments and said.

"The Bloody Train has been upgraded to level nine, so we naturally have to work on this aspect. The number of train carriages has increased to fifteen, of which three have been used as separate private rooms." said the conductor.

The private rooms are actually not big, with eight compartments in one carriage, but they are definitely much better and more comfortable than ordinary hard seats.

Of course, Mu Rufeng's super VIP private room is still reserved for Mu Rufeng, and it is even more luxurious.

Everything inside has been rearranged and is brand new.

"By the way, conductor, let me ask, how long does it take to get to the imperial capital." Mu Rufeng asked.

"From here to the imperial capital, at normal speed, it takes about ten days." said the conductor.

"What about full speed? Don't worry about anything else, I want to get there as quickly as possible." Mu Rufeng asked.

"At full speed, it only takes one day, but this will cost a lot. I almost forgot that Mr. Mu doesn't care about this little money, so I'll increase the speed." said the conductor.

"Well, bring it up, full speed! Money and other things will be deducted from my black gold card." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Soon the two entered the cab, and after the conductor operated for a while, the speed of the bloody train suddenly increased.

"I'll take a walk on the train." Mu Rufeng said, and prepared to walk outside.

"I'll accompany you, Mr. Mu." The conductor immediately stood up.

"You do your thing, I'll take a walk by myself." Unmanned driving is not good.

"Okay, if Mr. Mu has any instructions, please tell me." Seeing that Mu Rufeng was so persistent, the conductor did not force it.

Soon Mu Rufeng left the cab.

"Is this the train? It looks so powerful, and it can even travel through space, which can be comparable to the speed of the emperor." Wu Lan said.

"Of course, otherwise how can it be called a level nine vehicle, just like this conductor, if he controls the bloody train, ordinary emperors are afraid that they can't do anything with the train." Mu Rufeng said.

"Indeed, I can feel that the bloody train contains powerful rules."

"It seems that after more than 20,000 years, the weird world has also undergone tremendous changes." Wu Lan said slowly.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the numbers of these compartments. The ones that lit up were occupied, and the ones that were dim were unoccupied.

In the three compartments, it was probably half and half. It must be said that after breaking through the ninth-level vehicle, the bloody train can go to more places, so there are more and more guests.

After passing the three compartments, Mu Rufeng came to the restaurant.

Mu Rufeng did not hide his breath. The human plus the blood power comparable to the ghost emperor almost instantly alarmed the weirds dining in the restaurant.

It seems to be dining time now. The entire dining car is almost two-thirds weird.

Among them, there are also four humans sitting together. The contractors who can sit in the restaurant are all strong. They are at least level five contractors. The most powerful one is a level six contractor.

"Ah, yes. It's the deputy minister! Hello, deputy minister!" At this time, a contractor stood up and saluted Mu Rufeng.

"Hello." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

He didn't know this person, but it didn't stop him from greeting him.

"Hello, Minister Mu, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Minister Mu..."

The other three contractors also stood up and saluted.

Mu Rufeng nodded to express his response.

"Hello, President Mu, I didn't expect to meet you again." At this time, a weirdo at the next table also stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Who are you?" Mu Rufeng looked up and down at the eighth-level ghost king and asked.

"President Mu is a noble man who forgets things. In the third forbidden land, President Niu gave me a login bracelet, and I also remember President Mu's favor." The ghost king said with a smile.

"Oh, is that so? Haha, it's just a piece of cake." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Mu, thank you anyway. This is my business card. If I need it in the future, please tell me." The Ghost King held the business card in both hands, bowed, and handed it to Mu Rufeng respectfully.

"Well, OK, Mr. Liu, I'll take this business card." Mu Rufeng glanced at the name on the business card and said.

"Mr. Mu, hello."

"Hello, Mr. Mu."

"Mr. Mu, I've heard of you for a long time!"

At this time, some people who knew Mu Rufeng or had heard of Mu Rufeng came forward.

Many of them greeted him flatteringly and handed him business cards.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng put on a professional smile and took all the business cards of everyone.

"Xiao Fei, is Xiao Fei here?" Mu Rufeng shouted.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, I'm here." Xiao Fei, the chief steward, immediately squeezed in from the group of ghosts and came to Mu Rufeng.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all today, but I'm sorry to bother you all. I may have to delay your trip for a day. So, to make amends, I will pay for all the expenses on the train today, or before I get off the train."

"There is no upper limit. You can eat whatever you want and order whatever you want. But there is one thing, that is, don't pack more than you eat, and don't waste it." Mu Rufeng said.

As soon as these words came out, the workshop fell into silence.

Then, several contractors reacted first,

"Thank you, Minister Mu!"

"Minister Mu V587!"

"Minister Mu, you are so handsome!!!"

"Thank you, Minister Mu!"

The four contractors suddenly shouted.

And their shouts instantly woke up all the weird people.

"Mr. Mu is so grand! So grand."

"Mr. Mu, you are too polite. You are too polite."

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, we will not waste it."

A group of weird people also shouted excitedly.

Although high-level weirdos are not very short of money, most of them are weird.

Even those eighth-level ghost kings cannot order and eat whatever they want at the train conductor.

But now, you can order whatever you want, make whatever you want, as long as it’s not wasted, and you can take away as much as you want.

This is simply not so exciting, okay?

"Xiaofei, the inventory should be enough, right?" Mu Rufeng looked at Xiaofei.

"Mr. Mu, our warehouse has been expanded again. We just replenished the warehouse a few days ago. They can eat for three to five months without any problems, let alone one day." Xiao Fei said, patting his chest.

"That's good. By the way, remember to make a announcement and let everyone on the train know that they can order for free." Mu Rufeng said to Xiaofei.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I understand, I'll go right away." Xiao Fei nodded repeatedly.

"Oh, by the way, remember, your staff can also eat, but remember to arrange your work well." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu." Xiao Fei smiled and thanked him.

Then Mu Rufeng appeared in front of the glass door of the restaurant in a flash.

Soon Mu Rufeng entered the next carriage.

When Xiaofei broadcasted, all the passengers were excited, including Weird and players.

Mu Rufeng didn't take long to browse all the carriages.

I found that there were indeed more changes than before, the cabin was slightly larger, and the supporting facilities were relatively complete.

It's more modern and more comfortable.

At the same time, even the carriage for players to stay alone was directly divided into two carriages.

After walking around, Mu Rufeng returned to her VIP room.

It would take a whole day to go to the imperial capital, so Mu Rufeng naturally needed to take a good rest.

Speaking of which, he seemed to have not slept at all in the past few days.

However, the table was now filled with tempting food.

Mu Rufeng asked Xiao Fei to prepare this. Just as he came back from shopping, the food was all ready.

Mu Rufeng released Wulan and Xiaolong, and then let them eat as they pleased.

"You can eat whatever you want. If it's not enough, order more for yourself. I'm a little sleepy, so I'll take a nap first." Mu Rufeng said hello to Wu Lan, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but Mu Rufeng vaguely noticed some laughter in the room.

It is also accompanied by an attractive meat aroma.

Mu Rufeng's stomach growled, and he suddenly woke up.

After sitting up from the bed, he looked at the dining table not far away.

Before I knew it, the room was almost full.

Xiaoying, Bai Jingwei, Huanxin Ghost King, Xiaolong, Wulan, and even a tiger-sized Nian beast lying on his back.

Yes, Nian Beast also came out, and Xiaoying and the others also woke up.

They were happily eating and chatting.

"Papa, you're awake." Xiaoying also noticed that Mu Rufeng had woken up.

"Brother Feng, wake up." Bai Jingwei also said hello.

As for Huan Xin, he glanced at Mu Rufeng and didn't dare to say hello. He was still trembling if he could see it.

However, the object of his trembling was not Mu Rufeng, but Wulan.

Apparently, Huan Xin knows Wu Lan?

"Xiaoying, Bai Jingwei, are you all awake? You have been sleeping for a long time this time." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Seeing that everyone was getting along harmoniously, Mu Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Wulan would show this face and even treat Xiaoying and others as slaves.

"Brother Feng, how long has it been since you contracted a beautiful woman? Your intentions are not pure." Bai Jingwei looked at Mu Rufeng with a malicious look.

"Don't talk nonsense." Mu Rufeng glared at Bai Jingwei fiercely.

This Bai Jingwei is really too courageous, even Wu Lan dares to make a joke.

"Yes, this kid's purpose is not pure." However, Wulan on the side agreed with a smile.

The Huanxin Ghost King on the side trembled again. This guy was afraid that he really knew Wulan's identity.

"You have become stronger, and you have also given me a few more abilities, which are all very good." Mu Rufeng said, then squeezed into the crowd, grabbed the food on the table and started eating.

These people have all been upgraded and become stronger, and they have indeed brought many powerful abilities to Mu Rufeng.

Especially Wulan, after reaching level six, he gave Mu Rufeng five abilities, all of which were very powerful.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng's current strength has skyrocketed again.

The emperor and below are invincible!

As for Emperor Zun, I haven't really fought with my current strength, so I don't know.

Naturally, Mu Rufeng would not tell Bai Jingwei and the others Wu Lan's true identity.

However, Mu Rufeng guessed that Wulan should have informed Wufo Divine Lord about the living god, Ice Dragon Aohan, in Tiandao Continent.

This is not a secret about Mu Rufeng, so it can be told, and it will definitely be told.

In fact, Mu Rufeng still wants to know what Wufo Shenzun feels after knowing this news.

Or, when he killed the dragon corpse, he already knew it, but he was not sure, so he did not do it.

Time passed slowly, and a day passed in a flash.

The bloody train stopped at a brand new platform in the capital.

The imperial capital is different from other cities. It is extremely strict. No matter what kind of vehicle it is, it needs to stop at a specific location.

Even before the bloody train enters the station, it must contact the railway station in the imperial capital, and then allocate the track for it to enter.

The ghost of the bloody train is completely ineffective when it enters here. There is no way, the imperial capital is so awesome.

After the stop, the train door opened, and Mu Rufeng slowly got off the train.

Afterwards, he followed the train conductor.

"Conductor, there is no need to see you off. I have delayed your journey for a day." Mu Rufeng said apologetically.

"No delay, no delay, the sales of this day can be equivalent to several months of my sales." The conductor said with a smile.

"Conductor, you should also think more about what I told you before." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Mr. Mu, don't worry, I will think more about it." The conductor nodded solemnly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng followed the station exit and left here.

What he said to the conductor was naturally very simple, that is, he wanted to buy shares in the bloody train.

And it was a direct premium of five times.

He is not short of money now, and he is extremely arrogant, just wanting to use money to buy shares.

The conductor is naturally unwilling to sell his shares, even if it is a five-fold premium.

Because his shares are his life, Mu Rufeng did not force it, but asked him to write an expansion and share increase plan for the bloody train.

Increase the investment in the bloody train to make it stronger and develop rapidly.

In this way, as long as the bloody train agrees, Mu Rufeng will get the increased shares.


After leaving the station, it is an extremely modern metropolis.

A large number of strange taxis were parked on the road ahead. Whenever a new customer got on the first taxi, the cars behind would slowly move forward.

"The imperial capital is indeed worthy of being the imperial capital. It is completely a modern metropolis." Mu Rufeng couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, this also requires ignoring those strange and bizarre things.

These strange auras are not weak, but they are very quiet in following the order, taking those taxis one by one.

No one cuts in line, and no one makes a big noise, as if there is some restriction.

Mu Rufeng glanced at a huge sign next to him.

There are some rules written on it.

Two of them are that loud noises are prohibited and that order must be followed and queues must not be cut in.

However, there is another one, which says that if the customer in front agrees, then you can cut in line.

Mu Rufeng naturally did not cut in line.

He looked at the long ordinary passage, and Mu Rufeng went directly to the dedicated VIP passage on one side.

Mu Rufeng spread his breath and strode forward.

Only those who reach the eighth level of ghost king and the ninth level of ghost emperor can use the special VIP channel.

When Mu Rufeng's aura spread, the weird people around him looked at him with respect.

The staff in the VIP channel also smiled and let Mu Rufeng enter.

Soon, Mu Rufeng got on a luxurious special car.

"Hello, sir, where do you need to go?" The driver asked respectfully.

"To the headquarters of Tiandi Bank." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, sir, it takes one hour from here to the headquarters of Tiandi Bank." The driver replied, and then quickly started the car and drove out.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, then opened the window and looked at the scenery outside.

I have to say that this imperial capital is really very modern.

Even, it seems to be more modern than the feeling of the earth.

More magnificent, more spectacular.

The tall buildings are towering, staggered, and there should be a space folding formation inside.

At first glance, it seems that the area occupied is only a small amount, but once you go in, it is several times or even dozens of times larger.

An hour later, the car stopped in the parking lot of the Tiandi Bank Head Office.

"Sir, we have arrived. The fare is..."

Before the driver finished speaking, Mu Rufeng dropped a stack of soul notes.

The driver wanted to say something, but Mu Rufeng had already disappeared in the car.

"So many, this ghost emperor contractor is really generous." The driver counted and found that there were more than 30 soul notes, and the whole person was ecstatic.

More than 3,000 soul notes, that can be equivalent to its profit for nearly a week.


After getting off the car, Mu Rufeng came to the gate of the bank.

The Tiandi Bank Head Office is like a huge palace, extremely luxurious and extravagant.

The total height is about 100 meters. The lower floors are open to the public for business and so on.

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