I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 349 I'm just going through the motions [asking for monthly votes! ]

Mu Rufeng stepped into it, and it was extremely noisy inside, because there were many guests and staff inside.

Mu Rufeng looked around, and it seemed that there was not much difference from the bank in the real world.

The only difference might be that it was too luxurious and too big.

Oh no, there should be those weird guests with strange shapes.

Mu Rufeng looked around, and without saying a word, he walked directly to the VIP counter.

VIP counters are also divided into multiple levels, from the lowest level platinum card, and then to the gold card counter.

Yes, even the lowest level platinum card (100,000 deposits) has a special VIP counter.

Of course, in the bank, the most counters are ordinary counters, followed by platinum cards.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that Mu Rufeng did not see the platinum card counter and the black gold card counter.

Mu Rufeng looked around and finally locked on a bank staff member.

The staff member happened to see Mu Rufeng and immediately walked over quickly.

"Dear sir, what kind of business do you need to handle?" This is a female ghost in work clothes. When she came forward, she was extremely respectful.

This person is a seventh-level ghost general, who can clearly detect Mu Rufeng's strength.

"I need to handle some business, but I don't see the black gold card VIP counter." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hello, sir, the VIP box for black gold card users is on the second floor, please!"

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the second floor under the guidance of the staff.

The second floor was extremely quiet, completely isolated from the noise on the first floor.

One room after another stood in front, in a row, and there were many people in them. Sure enough, the head office was still very busy.

"Sir, please!" At the door of the box, an eighth-level ghost king stood there.

Looking at the nameplate on his chest, his name is Xiong Chao, a manager.

The door was closed, Mu Rufeng sat on the sofa, and Xiong Chao sat opposite him.

There were also some refreshments on the table.

"Hello, sir, my name is Xiong Chao, may I know your name? What kind of business do you need to handle?" Xiong Chao said.

"Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng said, and then took out an old bill and placed it on the table.

"I need to transfer the deposit in the bill to the new bank card." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, hello, what is this bill?" Xiong Chao looked at the old bill, a little confused.

"This is a deposit slip from Tiandi Bank more than 20,000 years ago." Mu Rufeng said.

"Deposit slip from Tiandi Bank? Mr. Mu, I wonder if I can take a look."

"Of course, please."

Xiong Chao immediately took the deposit slip in his hand.

[Deposit slip of Tiandi Bank]: A deposit slip from Tiandi Bank more than 20,000 years ago. After the baptism of time, the handwriting is a little blurred, and the deposit amount needs to be carefully identified.

"This, Mr. Mu, we are Tiandi Bank, not Tiandi Bank, so this..." Xiong Chao pushed the deposit slip back directly.

"As far as I know, Tiandi Bank was renamed from Tiandi Bank, and the two are one. What? Do you want to deny it?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Mr. Mu, you also know that these are deposit slips from more than 20,000 years ago. After so many years, the information is long gone." Xiong Chao said.

"Information? Haha, although I don't know any way to know the amount in it, but I believe that your Tiandi Bank will always have a way." Mu Rufeng said.

"Sorry, Mr. Mu, this bill has been too long and is no longer valid." Xiong Chao apologized and then said.

"In that case, let the person who can make the decision come out." Mu Rufeng leaned on the sofa and said lightly.

"Sorry, Mr. Mu, our lobby manager is out and will not be back until tomorrow." Xiong Chao said apologetically.

"Then what about your president?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Well, sir, with my level, I can't contact President Zhao."

"Then contact whoever you can contact and contact him all the way."

"Well." Xiong Chao's face was a little embarrassed.

"Forget it, I'll contact myself." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and took out his black gold card directly.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng dispersed all the aura of the black gold card and no longer concealed it.

In an instant, a terrifying aura spread out.

Only three seconds later, a figure appeared in the box.

"Mr. Mu, you actually came to our head office without notifying us in advance." Zhao Huanyu stepped forward and grabbed Mu Rufeng's hands.

"President Zhao?" Mu Rufeng looked at the handsome middle-aged man in front of him wearing a black suit.

"It's me, I'm the president of Tiandi Bank. I've been looking forward to you for a long time, and finally you're here." Zhao Huanyu's attitude towards Mu Rufeng can be said to be very good.

Zhao Huanyu can be said to be dealing with Mu Rufeng with an equal attitude.

Whether it is Mu Rufeng's strength or Mu Rufeng's strong funds, they are qualified to make Zhao Huanyu do so.

"I have always wanted to come here, but President Zhao, you know that I am a human being and I don't often come to strange worlds."

"Even if I come, I need to stay in the dungeon and it is difficult to go out."

"This time I just found an opportunity and came here." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Mu, what kind of business do you want to handle? Or do you just want to come here?" Zhao Huanyu asked.

"I'm here to handle business." Mu Rufeng said.

"Handle business? What kind of business?" Zhao Huanyu looked at Xiong Chao.

"President, it's like this..." Xiong Chao said briefly, then picked up the bill on the table and handed it to Zhao Huanyu.

Zhao Huanyu took the deposit slip in his hand and looked at Mu Rufeng with a little surprise.

"Mr. Mu, where did you get this bill? This is a deposit slip from more than 20,000 years ago."

"Our system has been upgraded countless times, and this deposit slip is no longer valid." Zhao Huanyu's words were the same as Xiong Chao's.

Mu Rufeng heard this and was about to speak, but Wu Lan suddenly appeared beside Mu Rufeng.

"This is my deposit from more than 20,000 years ago, with 1 billion soul silver deposited. If you can't make the decision, go find Liu Da." Wu Lan said.

"Hmm? Mr. Mu, who is this?" Zhao Huanyu looked at Wu Lan and finally looked at Mu Rufeng.

In Zhao Huanyu's opinion, Wu Lan was just a level 6 weird.

Although his temperament was very special, in his eyes, level 6 was really like an ant.

"This is my contracted weird, with a special identity. You can find Liu Da." Mu Rufeng said.

"Who is Liu Da?" Zhao Huanyu asked in confusion.

"Uh, Wu Lan, who is Liu Da?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wu Lan and asked.

"Hmm?" Wu Lan frowned and said, "Liu Da is the founder of Tiandi Bank. I think he should not be dead yet?"

"Liu Da!!! Founder!!!" At this moment, Zhao Huanyu remembered that the founder of Tiandi Bank, the predecessor of their Tiandi Bank, seemed to be called Liu Da.

Liu Da, indeed, was not dead, and was still the great elder in the Elder Council, an existence at the peak of the Emperor.

He had already stopped caring about the Tiandi Bank, but as long as he wanted, he could still take back the control of the Tiandi Bank in an instant.

"Mr. Mu, that is the great elder of our Tiandi Bank. I can hardly see him, let alone you." Zhao Huanyu's face became a little serious.

"You are the general manager of Tiandi Bank, you should be able to contact Liu Da." Mu Rufeng said.

"You tell Liu Da the word 'Wu Lan', and he will come." Wu Lan said lightly.

"This... If there is no important matter, you can't contact the great elder." Zhao Huanyu said in embarrassment.

"In this case, then handle the business for me. I want to transfer all the money in the card to the Zhongsheng Bank card." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, you want to transfer the money?" Zhao Huanyu was shocked when he heard it.

Mu Rufeng's bank card still has more than 10 trillion soul notes.

This is a very large amount, although for their Tiandi Bank, it can be easily taken out and transferred.

However, if the more than 10 trillion yuan was really transferred, it would be a huge loss for their Tiandi Bank.

The most important thing is that if it was transferred in his hands, then...

"Naturally, if I asked you to contact someone but you didn't, then I naturally don't want to deposit money in your bank." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, Mr. Mu, I will contact the elder right away, but I..."

"Don't be sad, just tell me the name Wu Lan." Wu Lan said.

Zhao Huanyu finally nodded after hearing this, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Beep beep beep!"

The sound lasted for forty seconds before the call was connected.

"What's the matter." After the call was connected, a hoarse voice came from the other side.

"Great elder, sorry to bother you, it's like this, an important black gold card user of our bank came here with a deposit slip from Tiandi Bank, judging from the style, it seems to be more than 20,000 years ago."

"It doesn't count, don't come to me for such a small matter in the future." Liu Da said slowly.

"Yes, it's the elder." Zhao Huanyu felt as if his back was soaked, and cold sweat ran down his body.

He could sense the breath of death from the elder's tone.

"Wu Lan!" Mu Rufeng frowned when he saw that he didn't get to the point, and then spoke.

Zhao Huanyu also heard it, but he didn't plan to speak again, because he didn't want to annoy the elder again.

Just when Zhao Huanyu was about to hang up the phone, he heard Liu Da's slightly hurried voice: "Wu Lan? Who is it? Who is talking?"

"The elder, it's the guest." Zhao Huanyu said.

"Give me the phone, I'll talk to him." Wu Lan said.

Zhao Huanyu saw this, but he didn't move.

However, the elder's hoarse voice sounded: "Give her the phone."

Zhao Huanyu was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded, and then handed the phone to Wu Lan.

"Liu Da, my deposit slip, are you not going to recognize it?" Wu Lan took the phone and said in a very calm tone.

"You are Lord Wu Lan?" Liu Da's voice trembled.

"Can't you recognize my voice?" Wu Lan said again.

"Lord Wu Lan, you are not frozen..."

"I'm waiting for you at Tiandi Bank. I want to see you within three minutes." Wu Lan said, hung up the phone, and then threw it directly to Zhao Huanyu.

After doing all this, Wu Lan sat on the sofa, took the cake and started eating.

"Go, prepare some barbecue for me." Wu Lan said without raising her head.

Zhao Huanyu finally came to his senses. Although he was confused and shocked, he finally did it.

"Xiong Chao, why are you still standing there? Go and prepare it." Zhao Huanyu scolded Xiong Chao who was in a daze.

"Yes, yes, President." Xiong Chao finally reacted and quickly left the room.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng had already sat down next to Wu Lan, drinking tea in small sips.

"Madam, I don't know who you are." Zhao Huanyu asked Wu Lan carefully.

"President Zhao, it's better for you not to know this." Mu Rufeng took a sip of tea and spoke slowly.

Zhao Huanyu wanted to say something after hearing this, but he didn't say anything in the end. He sat on the sofa and waited quietly.

He didn't know where the elder was, but with the elder's strength and ability, he could definitely get here in three minutes.

"Knock, knock, knock!" At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mu Rufeng said.

The next moment, a gray-haired old man walked in from outside.

"Grand Elder!" Zhao Huanyu was very surprised when he saw Liu Da coming in, and then he immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

"You came quite quickly. My food hasn't come up yet." Wu Lan glanced at Liu Da and said.

Liu Da also saw Wu Lan at a glance, and was shocked all over. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Zhao Huanyu on the side.

He immediately waved to Zhao Huanyu and said, "You should leave. Don't let anyone disturb you."

"Yes, Grand Elder!" Zhao Huanyu responded, and then retreated respectfully.

When Zhao Huanyu left the room, he did not forget to close the door.

But he did not leave, but stood outside the door waiting.

He really didn't expect that a sixth-level weirdness and a phone call would make their Grand Elder come within a minute.

The woman named Wu Lan has a very eye-catching temperament, so her identity is definitely different.

"Mr. President, the barbecue is here." At this time, Xiong Chao came over with a large plate of barbecue.

"Wait here."


"Liu Da greets Lord Wu Lan!" Liu Da knelt on one knee without saying a word, his face extremely respectful.

"Get up, take a look at this bill." Wu Lan said lightly.

Although Liu Da's identity is extremely noble and his strength is extremely powerful, he can only kneel down in front of Wu Lan.

Wu Lan's own strength is the most powerful existence under the God, not to mention that her identity is the only heir of the God of No Buddha.

"Yes, Lord Wu Lan." Liu Da was extremely surprised that Wu Lan was here, but he did not ask.

He really had to deal with the things here first.

Soon, Liu Da picked up the bill, then carefully checked it and said, "Lord Wu Lan, the deposit slip is a little damaged because it is too old."

"But it doesn't matter. As long as the deposit slip is transferred to the bank's system, it should be able to be reproduced soon."

After Liu Da finished speaking, he immediately took out a small machine and began to operate it.

"Lord Wu Lan, please wait a moment. It will take about half an hour to reproduce and restore it." Liu Da said.

"Well, by the way, I smell the smell of barbecue. Let the people outside bring the barbecue in."

Liu Da was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then immediately shouted outside: "Bring in the barbecue."

Soon, the door of the box was pushed open, and Zhao Huanyu came in with the barbecue, and then respectfully placed it on the table.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Huanyu quickly retreated and closed the door.

Wu Lan immediately started to eat.

It seems that Wu Lan has been in the ice coffin for too long. After coming out, he almost ate and ate everything, as long as it was edible.

It doesn't matter if you eat it, but Mu Rufeng's stock is almost gone.

However, when there was only one-third of the dragon meat soup of the flame dragon behind, Mu Rufeng didn't give it to her.

He wanted to keep it for himself, and even Mu Rufeng didn't tell Wu Lan about the half of the flame dragon's body.

"Lord Wu Lan, as far as I know, you should be sealed in the ice coffin because of poisoning. Has the poison in your body been eliminated?"

"Also, what's the matter with this human?"

Liu Da suddenly raised his head, looked at Wu Lan, and asked.

"He is my contractor. I contracted with him to detoxify." Wu Lan seemed to be indifferent and answered directly.

"Contractor? He is just a level 5 contractor. Although his strength is at the level of Ghost Emperor, his identity is like an ant..." Liu Da didn't continue talking here.

Wu Lan heard this, but said: "I said, I contracted with him to detoxify."

"Does Lord God know about it?" Liu Da said again.

"Of course I know. My father doesn't agree, but I threatened him with death, so he had to agree."

"What? Do you want to see my father? Do you want me to contact him for you?" Wu Lan said.

"No, no need. You must not disturb the Lord God." Liu Da hurriedly stopped him after hearing this.

You must be kidding. What kind of person is the Lord God? There are only five Lord Gods in the whole weird world.

Even though he is at the peak of the Emperor, he seems to be one step away from the Lord God.

But he will never take this step.


Half an hour flies by.

"Okay, Lord Wulan, the deposit slip has been repaired and connected to the database."

"Your account is also open"

"Master Wulan, you also know that at that time, our bank deposits required management fees every year. Because of your special status, we waived it."

"From now on, starting from 10,000 yuan ago, the bank will not charge management fees, but will start paying interest. However, because it is a demand deposit, you will not get any interest."

"However, our Tiandi Bank officially changed its name to Tiandi Bank a hundred years ago, and demand deposits also have interest."

"No matter how much it is, I make the decision. How about giving you three billion taels of soul silver directly?" Liu Da said.

"Okay." Wulan didn't care and nodded.

"Okay, Lord Wulan, one tael of soul silver can be exchanged for one thousand soul coins, and three billion taels of soul silver is three trillion."

"This is your bank card. All the three trillion soul banknotes are in it." Liu Da respectfully took out a black gold card and handed it to Wu Lan.

"Yeah." Wulan didn't have any objections, so he took the bank card directly and put it away.

Money actually doesn't matter to her, as long as it's enough. After all, her identity really doesn't lack these.

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's go." Wulan just finished eating at this moment.

As soon as he finished speaking, he returned directly to the contract slot. Mu Rufeng and Liu Da were the only two people left in the box.

"Senior, I'm sorry to bother you, so I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng stood up and said politely.

"Mr. Mu, I'll see you off." For Wulan's sake, Liu Da had to treat Mu Rufeng seriously.

Although he doesn't care about worldly affairs, he knows everything that needs to be known.

He is very clear about the relationship between the contractor and the contract conspirator.

Soon, Liu Da sent Mu Rufeng downstairs.

"By the way, Mr. Mu, I don't know where you are going? Do you need our bank's special car to take you there?" Zhao Huanyu, who was following behind, suddenly said.

"I want to go to the Imperial Capital First People's Hospital." Mu Rufeng said.

"The First People's Hospital of Imperial City is half an hour's drive from here. I will arrange a vehicle right away." Zhao Huanyu immediately contacted the special car.

Soon, a luxurious vehicle was seen driving in front of Mu Rufeng.

During this period, Mu Rufeng also exchanged contact information with Liu Da.

It wasn't Mu Rufeng who asked, but Liu Da took the initiative to ask.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Mu Rufeng took a vehicle and headed towards the Imperial Capital First People's Hospital.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng got off the bus at the Imperial Capital First People's Hospital.

This is also an extremely huge hospital with extremely high security standards and very high rules and regulations.

As soon as you enter, you can see a sign next to it, which contains more than a dozen basic rules.

When Mu Rufeng came to the hospital lobby, there were a lot of weird things inside, even more than the headquarters of Tiandi Bank.

Almost all of these people come to see a doctor, injured, poisoned, suppressed consciousness or malicious, etc.

Mu Rufeng looked around and finally found the service desk.

"Sir, I wonder what service you need?" The nurse's attitude was very good.

I don't know if it's because of Mu Rufeng's aura or because it's the rules of their hospital.

"I am here to participate in this academic exchange meeting on behalf of Jingjing Mental Hospital." Mu Rufeng said.

"Sir, the academic exchange meeting started the day before yesterday. You just came now. Do you know if you have an invitation letter?" the nurse asked quickly.

"Of course." Mu Rufeng immediately took out the invitation and handed it to the nurse.

After flipping through it, the nurse lady quickly said: "Sir, the academic exchange lasts for a week. Today is the third day. You can still participate."

"The academic exchange meeting is on the top floor of another building. I will take you there."

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she nodded slightly: "Lead the way."

He just wanted to complete a foreign assignment.

academic conference? He didn't understand anything, so he just went through the motions and then returned to Quiet Mental Hospital.

After returning to the mental hospital, Mu Rufeng will directly submit the task and return.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng was brought to a building.

"Sir, it's on the top floor of this building. Just go up with the invitation letter." said the nurse.

"Okay, thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked her and walked inside.

The first floor of the building was deserted, as if it was not open to the public.

Mu Rufeng took the elevator directly to the top floor.

As soon as you get out of the elevator, the whole place is blocked.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out the invitation, and immediately, the black mist slowly dispersed.

Mu Rufeng walked in immediately.

It is an ordinary corridor, but at the end of the corridor is a huge double door.

There are also some billboards or notes for academic exchange conferences on the side.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked to the end, then pushed the door open and entered.

As soon as he opened the door, the smell of blood inside hit his face, making Mu Rufeng frown slightly.

As far as the eye can see, there are hundreds of doctors in white coats.

Of course, these doctors are also all kinds of strange. They can be seen in human form, animal form, strange form, and so on.

At this moment, they were gathered in front of an operating table, seemingly undergoing surgery.

When Mu Rufeng's door opened, their eyes were attracted in unison.

The operation also stopped at this moment.

"Human? Why is there a human?"

"Hey, what a strong aura, this human being is actually a ghost emperor."

"Ghost Emperor? The ghost energy seems to be relatively weak, but the energy and blood in the body are very strong."

"That's great. Our experiments are in need of such physically powerful humans."

"Yes, these ordinary humans will die immediately. Even if they die, it will directly trigger the return of the login bracelet."

"Let's control him first. As long as we don't kill him, the login bracelet will not be triggered."

"Dean, did you find this person?"

All the doctors spoke up.

"No, I didn't find him. A human shouldn't be able to come in here, even if he has the strength of a ghost emperor." The middle-aged man called the dean looked at Mu Rufeng in confusion.

But at this moment, many ghosts and monsters were deployed, blocking Mu Rufeng's escape route.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Forget it, it doesn't matter how you got in. It just so happens that you are the experimental subject." The dean said.

"Well, can I eat this dead Ghost Emperor?" Suddenly, a fat doctor pointed at the corpse on the operating table and said.

Ghost Emperor, that corpse on the operating table could actually be a Ghost Emperor.

It's unimaginable that these guys actually used the Ghost Emperor for experiments.

Most of these doctors are ghost emperors, and some are eighth-level ghost kings.

It can be said that they are a group of extremely powerful existences.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't panic at all and slowly took out the invitation letter.

"I'm here to attend the academic exchange meeting on behalf of Jingjing Psychiatric Hospital. What's wrong? Is this how you treat the doctors who come to participate?" Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"Quiet Mental Hospital?" The dean's expression condensed slightly, then he stretched out his hand to take the invitation letter from Mu Rufeng's hand.

Mu Rufeng did not stop this.

"Quiet Mental Hospital? Impossible. Who would actually send someone here?"

"That person will never attend our academic exchange meetings, and he won't even send anyone here."

"Yes, we actually sent someone here this time, and it's also a human being. It's really strange."

A group of weird and unusual surprises.

However, they still did not remove Guixi because they thought the invitation might be fake.

The invitation letter was sent by the dean himself, so he naturally knew whether it was true or false.

After a long time, the dean said slowly: "Welcome, sir, to attend the academic exchange meeting. What should I call you?"

"My surname is Mu." Mu Rufeng reached out and saw the invitation fly back to Mu Rufeng's hand, and then it was put into the inventory.

At this moment, a notification sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Complete the additional tasks, successfully participated in the academic exchange meeting, and obtained a clearance completion rate of 1,000%]

"Everyone, continue on, I'm just here to go through the motions." Mu Rufeng said, then turned and left.

Now that the task was completed, Mu Rufeng was about to leave.

The door was still shrouded in ghosts, and Mu Rufeng also released his ghosts.

The terrifying aura escaped, and his ghosts actually tore apart several ghosts with ease, then opened the door and walked out.

This scene shocked the ghost emperors and ghost kings.

The ghost that can easily tear apart many ghost emperors is definitely extremely powerful.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng entered the elevator and went directly downstairs.

After leaving the hospital, Mu Rufeng wanted to summon the Bloody Train, but after thinking about it, it seemed like she had just left, so it wouldn't be a good idea to summon it now.

Mu Rufeng took out the Gluttony Cruise's black gold card.

At this moment, I saw a plane flying across the sky.

Mu Rufeng looked up and saw that the plane was flying very high, almost invisible to the ground, but Mu Rufeng could still sense it.

"Plane, just right, I've never been on a plane before, and planes seem to be faster than Gluttony Cruise Ship and Bloody Train, right?" Mu Rufeng murmured in her heart.

You know, even if they are both level nine vehicles, there is a huge difference in speed between vehicles of different types.

Just like a plane that is a level nine vehicle, it will be faster than the Gluttony Cruise Ship and the Bloody Train, which are also level nine vehicles.

Immediately, Mu Rufengjiu took a taxi and went straight to the airport.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the airport, she went straight to the center of the counter and looked for the staff to ask.

Soon, Mu Rufeng had a clear understanding of these aircraft vehicles.

The airline manages this airport, and a large part of the aircraft vehicles are built by themselves. Most of them are Class 6 to Class 7, suitable for ordinary passengers.

Naturally, there are also level eight vehicles and level nine vehicles, some of which are owned by our own company.

Part of it is due to the arrival of external flying vehicles.

At the same time, you can apply for a VIP black gold card at the airline and enjoy the highest standards of treatment on all aircraft.

If it is on an affiliated vehicle, you will only enjoy the treatment of platinum users.

But it doesn't matter, because here you can also apply for the black gold cards on the attached vehicles.

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