I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 350 Return and Settlement Rewards [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

As long as it is processed, even if you are not at the airport, you can directly summon it back, of course, unless you are sending another black gold card user on a trip.

Otherwise, even platinum card users will also give priority to black gold card users.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng decided that no matter whether it was an airline or those affiliated aircraft, he would apply for a black gold card for all of them.

Anyway, he has a lot of money, many black gold cards, and he also has face, and it will be more convenient in the future.

If you want to take a plane, take a plane, if you want to take a boat, take a boat.

"Sir, what did you say?" The staff looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

"I said, I want to apply for a black gold card for the airline, and a black gold card for all the vehicles affiliated with you." Mu Rufeng said.

"This, this sir, are you sure?" The staff confirmed again.

"Of course it's true." Mu Rufeng said lightly, and at the same time exuded his own breath.

"Sir, please wait, I can't make the decision, let the manager come over." The staff quickly contacted his boss.

In just a minute, a woman in a business suit came over.

"Sir, I'm the manager of the airport, Nie Ru, what should I call you?" Manager Nie Ru seemed to have learned about Mu Rufeng's needs from the staff.

But he didn't say it right away, but introduced himself and asked Mu Rufeng's name.

"Mu Rufeng."

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I already know your request, how about we move to the box?" Nie Ru said with a smile.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Soon, Nie Ru took Mu Rufeng to a box.

"Mr. Mu, I already know your request. You want to apply for the black gold card of our airline, as well as the black gold cards of all other affiliated aircraft, right?" Nie Ru asked slowly.

"Yes, you should be able to handle it here, right?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Of course, but as far as I know, you seem to be a contractor. It is difficult for you to go out in the strange world. Most of the time you are in the dungeon."

"Are you sure you want to apply for it? I calculated for you. The black gold card of our airline needs to store and recharge 1 billion soul coins."

"And the other affiliated flying vehicles, there are 25 level 8 vehicles and 8 level 9 vehicles."

"They all need to store and recharge 100 million soul coins to apply for black gold cards, so a total of 4.3 billion soul coins are needed. Are you sure you want to apply for all of them?" Nie Ru calculated and confirmed with Mu Rufeng again.

"I confirm, swipe the card." Mu Rufeng took out the black gold card.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, if you are sure, then I will apply for it for you." Nie Ru was happy in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface, and then took out a machine similar to a POS machine.

"By the way, I want to ask, can these vehicles go to the real world, or in other words, can I summon these flying vehicles in the real world." Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"Mr. Mu, if we want to meet your conditions, our airline has two planes that can meet them."

"The first is the ninth-level vehicle Supreme of our aviation group, and the second is the ninth-level vehicle under our airline: Boeing 737."

"Only these two planes can meet your requirements." Nie Ru said.

"Boeing 737? This seems to be a plane in the real world, right?" Mu Rufeng said in confusion.

"Yes, this is a plane that crashed in the real world 32 years ago, and now it is a ninth-level vehicle." Nie Ru said.

"Is that so? Then wait a moment." Mu Rufeng said, and directly called out all the contract ghosts in the contract slot.

At the same time, it also included the Nian Beast.

In an instant, the box was almost full, because Xiaolong and Nian Beast were really big.

"Apply a Boeing 737 and a black gold card user for each of my contract ghosts." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, are you sure?" At this moment, Nie Ru was shocked.

If Mu Rufeng had handled it himself, Nie Ru would have been only slightly surprised.

After all, a human contractor with the power of a ghost emperor, with a few billion, spending a few billion, it's not bad, maybe it takes the whole country to collect it.

But now Mu Rufeng wants all his contracted ghosts to apply for black gold card users.

If they are just affiliated, it's okay, one can apply for a black gold card with only 100 million soul notes.

But their airline company needs 1 billion soul notes to handle it.

This means more than 10 billion is gone, this is more than 10 billion soul notes, not more than 10 billion ghost money.

"Of course, calculate how much money, and then swipe the card, by the way, for money, double it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Double it?" Nie Ru swallowed unconsciously at this moment, she felt that today was really a little unrealistic.

But soon, she reacted, and then she was overjoyed.

The recharged money cannot be refunded. With such a large amount of money, she can get a lot of commissions. She also made a lot of money by recharging more than 10 billion.

And now it has doubled to more than 20 billion, making even more money.

Nie Ru finished the calculation quickly and then said: "Mr. Mu, you have 8.4 billion, and your contract is 2.2 billion per person, multiplied by 6 is 13.2 billion, a total of 21.6 billion."

When Nie Ru said 21.6 billion, she could feel her heart beating faster.

This was an extremely huge amount of money, which she would never see or own in her life.

"Swipe the card!" Mu Rufeng inserted the card into the machine without hesitation.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." Nie Ru calmed down and then operated the machine.

"Mr. Mu, the deduction is complete. Congratulations to Mr. Mu and all the guests for successfully becoming the most distinguished black gold card users of our airline!"

Nie Ru stood up, bowed deeply, and handed the bank card and several black gold cards that appeared in her hands at some point to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he saw that those black gold cards were distributed to Bai Jingwei and others.

As for the Nian Beast and Xiaolong, Mu Rufeng kept them for them.

"Arrange it. I need a plane to take me to the Quiet Mental Hospital." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, please wait a moment, I will arrange it for you right away." Nie Ru responded and quickly left the box.

It took only ten minutes for Nie Ru to arrive, and then asked Mu Rufeng to board the plane.

This is a private plane, and the vehicle is not very large, it is an eighth-level vehicle.

"Mr. Mu, don't look at this plane as an eighth-level vehicle, but it has a special propulsion device installed, which is only a few points slower than the ninth-level flying vehicle."

"Its speed is even faster than some ninth-level vehicles. It is specially designed for black gold card users." Nie Ru said respectfully.

"Well, not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then boarded the private plane.

The interior of the private plane is extremely luxurious, and the flight attendants inside are also fully equipped.

Then there are food, drinks, etc., which are also available.

"Mr. Mu, if you have any instructions, you can directly press the service bell on the table, and we will come as soon as possible."

Three strange stewardesses with white skin, beautiful faces and long legs stood in front of Mu Rufeng, very respectful.

"Please ask the captain how long it will take to reach the destination." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, sir, I'll ask for you right away." A stewardess replied.

Then the three spaces left the cabin immediately.

In just one minute, the stewardess came back.

"Mr. Mu, our flight this time is about twenty hours." The stewardess replied.

"Twenty hours? It's quite fast, even faster than the bloody train. Okay, you can get off." Mu Rufeng waved to the stewardess and said.

Soon, the stewardess left here and closed the sliding door of the cabin at the same time.

Twenty hours is four hours faster than the bloody train.

This is already very good. After all, the bloody train is a level nine vehicle, and this private plane is a level eight vehicle.

Mu Rufeng looked through the window and saw that there were three thrusters installed under the outer wing.

Looking at the right side, there are also three thrusters.

It is estimated that there are more behind.

That is why the speed of this level 8 vehicle is faster than some level 9 vehicles.

Three minutes later, the plane took off at the captain's prompt.

Mu Rufeng knocked down the seat and lay on it comfortably.


In a blink of an eye, twenty hours passed.

Mu Rufeng successfully got off the plane near the Quiet Mental Hospital.

When the plane landed and took off, it was still silent, as if it knew the taboos of the Quiet Mental Hospital.

Mu Rufeng also entered the hospital very smoothly. Similarly, before entering the inpatient building, his eyes blurred and he appeared in Li Ru's office.

"Mr. Mu, you are back? How is the matter handled?" Li Ru said with a smile.

"It's all done. I'm ready to return." Mu Rufeng said, and directly submitted the main task.

[The main quest has been submitted. Congratulations to the player Mu Rufeng for successfully curing ten patients and completing the clearance quest]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately]

After a series of submissions, Mu Rufeng is about to return.

"Mr. Mu, I have already raised the 100 billion. Give me a month." As if sensing that Mu Rufeng was about to return, Li Ru immediately spoke.

"Dean Li, don't be in a hurry. Just follow the contract. You can get it together in four years. See you next time, Dean Li." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Then Mu Rufeng chose to return directly without waiting for Li Ru to reply.

When Mu Rufeng disappeared, Li Ru was the only one left in the entire office.

"This human is interesting." Li Ru chuckled.


Mu Rufeng woke up slowly in his room.

He took out his mobile phone and took a look. It was February 25th, 9:13 in the morning.

"Settlement reward." Mu Rufeng muttered silently.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for clearing the special single-player dungeon: Quiet Mental Hospital]

[Your level has been upgraded to LV6, inventory weight +50 tons, contract slot +1]

[Player successfully treated ten patients and obtained 5,000% clearance, player successfully completed the targeted task and obtained 1,000% clearance, player successfully completed the additional task and obtained 1,000% clearance]

[The total level of clearance is 7,000%. Obtained rule props: Silence. Obtained rule skills: Silence. Obtained title: Medical Master. Obtained 7,000 soul coins.]

[It is detected that the host has cleared the copy and the plug-in uninstallation is completed. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy attributes: ignoring the rules]

[Speechless]: Silence is the best choice.

Effect: A regular prop. When activated, a special ghost with a diameter of 100 meters can be formed. Within the special ghost, once a sound is made, it will be suppressed, and the owner is not affected by this prop.

[Silence]: A rule-based skill that allows the target to block an ability. The sealing time is equal to the strength of both parties. It can forcibly silence the target for one second.

[Medical Master]: Your medical skills are so amazing that you have been able to treat ten mental patients in a short period of time and have been recognized by the rules.

Effect: When wearing this title, the healing skills or medicines used, or your own healing ability will be doubled.

[Ignore Rules]: You can ignore a rule.

The regular skills and regular props obtained this time are pretty good. Although they are not attack skills, they can definitely have a great impact on the battle.

As for the title, it's not bad. It can double the treatment effect and a series of methods. From now on, Mu Rufeng can be called a little daddy.

Looking at the legacy of this plug-in, Mu Ru was most satisfied.

Ignoring the rules, no matter where you are, you are an extremely powerful existence.

If you do the math, Mu Rufeng can now create a rule or offset a world-class rule, and then have the ability to ignore a rule and suppress the rule.

There is also a rule suppression, which can suppress the rules

Moreover, he also has the Seal of Rules, which can temporarily create a rule, and he can even create a permanent rule at the cost of the Seal of Rules.

Mu Rufeng checked his attribute panel.

【Name】: Mu Rufeng


[Level]: LV6 (0/7)

[The previous number of copies was wrong. After a query by a reader, it was found that the number of times in the Golden City was missed twice. Because the chapter was locked, there was no way to modify it. Therefore, I directly added it to the settlement of this mission return. I hope you gentlemen will forgive me! ! ! 】(There is no charge for this paragraph. If it is less than 200 words, 8117 words, it will be charged according to 8000 words)

【Power】: 46399


[Physique]: 46810

[Contract slot]: LV6 Wei Ying (Mu Guiying)/LV5 (Bai Jingwei)/LV6 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV6 (Huan Xin)/LV7 (Wu Lan)

[Mount]: Nian Beast (Divine Realm)

[Ghost Power]: Level 9

[Realm]: Divine Realm

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Prosperous Gambling Luck] [Demon Lord] [Crazy Worker] [Parasite Disaster] [ Divine Hunter】【Medical Hand】

[Skill]: [Life or death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Explosion]... [God rewards those who work hard] [Soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist] [Lord of the Dragon Corpse]

[Lucky value]: 212

Props: [Scarlet Preferred Share Contract]...

Soul power: 100 million

Soul Bank: 150,800 billion

Bound soul money: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

Soul unit: 300710550

It is unimaginable that Mu Rufeng has just broken through to LV6, and Wulan's strength has directly reached LV7.

Like Xiaoying, Xiaolong, and Huanxin, I'm afraid they all have to sleep for a while before they can break through.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that his ghost power also directly reached the ninth level. In other words, Mu Rufeng was now a genuine ninth-level ghost emperor.

However, his contract level is only level six.

Mu Rufeng's various attributes have also increased by more than 3,000. This is due to his continuous refining of soul power and the power of Qi and blood.

It seems like a lot, but compared to Mu Rufeng's current three-dimensional attributes, it's still not very impressive.

Mu Rufeng opened the door and walked out.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng smelled the aroma of barbecue.

Mu Rufeng looked towards the sofa and found Zhao Yanran sitting cross-legged on the sofa, grabbing a lot of barbecue skewers in one hand and holding a cup of tea in the other. She was looking happy and her mouth was full of oil.

When he saw Mu Rufeng coming out, he immediately wiped away the oil stains on his mouth.

"Your Highness, are you back? Are you hungry? Would you like to have something to eat?" Zhao Yanran said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng smiled calmly, walked forward, then sat aside, grabbed the barbecue and started eating.

"When did you come out?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Returned yesterday."

"How was the harvest this time?" Mu Rufeng asked with a smile.

"Compared to my contract level, the harvest is huge, but when it comes to my own strength, it is dispensable."

Zhao Yanran is currently at Level 3, but her strength has reached Level 8 Soul Refining Realm. She also has many powerful martial arts and Level 9 props.

The rewards obtained from the dungeon can indeed be said to be dispensable, unless they are given some rule-based props or rule-based skills.

"By the way, is it weird for you to have a contract?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"No." Zhao Yanran shook her head and continued, "Those weirds are too weak, and their abilities are too poor. I will only consider signing a contract with them if they are at least high-level or have special abilities."

"That's right. Now your strength is not worse than those weirds, and it is even stronger. You really need to think about it carefully." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly after hearing this.

For ordinary players like them, when they enter a dungeon, they will be very happy if a weird makes a contract with them, and they don't consider whether their abilities are strong or not.

Because there was no good thing like a login bracelet before, if they died, they would really die.

Being able to contract a weird also means an extra ability to resist weirdness.

If they want to worry about whether the weird's ability is strong or not, that is not something they can consider, unless the contractor is at a high level, then they will start to consider it.

For geniuses like Zhao Yanran who are at the eighth level of soul refining and the ninth level of the divine realm, they must consider it carefully.

"You can look for contract weirdness according to your own shortcomings, so that you can make up for your shortcomings and make you stronger."

"In other words, what kind of weirdness do you need? I still have some connections in the dungeon world and can help you find it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Not for now, at least wait until my contract level is high." Zhao Yanran shook her head and said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to continue the next topic, Mu Rufeng's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Mu Rufeng picked it up and found that it was Li Yaocun's call.

After the call was connected, Li Yaocun's anxious voice came: "Brother Feng, Brother Feng, something big happened, help, come and help."

"Huh? What happened? Brother Cun, speak slowly, don't worry." Mu Rufeng's face instantly became a little solemn.

"My wife, my wife is going to enter the dungeon, help, help." Li Yaocun's tone was extremely anxious.

"What? Sister-in-law is going to enter the dungeon? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

If an ordinary person enters the dungeon, then he will enter, after all, now almost everyone has one.

However, Li Yaocun's wife Long Meijuan is a pregnant woman.

When Mu Rufeng just entered the dungeon in July, Long Meijuan was pregnant, but she didn't know it at the time.

At the end of July, Mu Rufeng had a dinner with them, and everyone knew that Long Meijuan was pregnant.

The due date is probably in early March of this year, around the 1st.

Now, it is February 25th, and there are 29 days in February this year, so there are still five days to give birth.

Even now, Long Meijuan has already lived in the maternity and child hospital, waiting for delivery.

However, it just so happens that Long Meijuan is going to enter the dungeon at this time.

A pregnant woman with a big belly who is about to reach the due date enters the dungeon world? What's the difference between this and seeking death?

Although Long Meijuan has a login bracelet and can return to the real world safely, what about the baby in her belly?

Is the baby in her belly considered a player or not a life?

What will happen after encountering danger in the dungeon? The adults are back, what will happen to the baby in the belly?

Long Meijuan also wore a login bracelet, and that's why the dungeon information came ten minutes in advance.

This is a random dungeon, so Li Yaocun was at a loss, so he called Mu Rufeng, the deputy director of the headquarters of the relevant department, as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, where are you now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I'm at Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital."

"Wait, I'll be there soon." Mu Rufeng said, and hung up the phone directly.

"Your Highness, what happened?" Zhao Yanran asked hurriedly.

"A friend of mine is in trouble. She is due to give birth in a few days, but the dungeon selected her and she is going to enter the dungeon. I have to rush over now." Mu Rufeng said.

"I'll go with you." Zhao Yanran also stood up immediately.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and did not refuse, and then directly pulled Zhao Yanran out of the balcony window.

In less than a minute, Mu Rufeng appeared precisely in the ward of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

This is a luxurious single-person hospital. Li Yaocun is now a contractor and the captain of the second action team of the relevant department branch.

He is not short of money and has a lot of power, so he will naturally let his wife live in the best ward.

"Brother Feng, you are finally here." Li Yaocun also saw Mu Rufeng, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Brother Feng." Long Meijuan, who was lying on the bed, also greeted Mu Rufeng.

Li Yaocun also saw Zhao Yanran. He was first amazed by Zhao Yanran's appearance, but did not ask, but pulled Mu Rufeng and said:

"Brother Feng, you must help me, help my wife, and the baby in my belly."

"Don't worry, I will, sister-in-law, which copy are you going to later?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Li Yaocun was originally a good friend of Mu Rufeng, and because they were all in Changsha, they often had dinner together, and naturally met Long Meijuan many times.

It can be said that they are also good friends.

Now, no matter what, Mu Rufeng must help.

"Brother Feng, it is a copy called Mountaineer. I searched it with my authority and did not find any information about this copy." Li Yaocun said quickly.

"Climber? Wait a minute. I'll check. By the way, tell me how long it will take to enter the dungeon." Mu Rufeng asked while taking out her mobile phone to check.

"Brother Feng, I rushed over as soon as I got the news, and then contacted you. There should be seven minutes left." Li Yaocun looked at Long Meijuan.

Long Meijuan nodded and said: "There are still seven minutes and eighteen seconds left in the countdown."

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then started to inquire.

However, there is still no such copy of the mountaineer's copy. You must know that he can query the information of all recorded copies in the world.

"It seems that this climber is a brand new copy."

"Don't panic. There is a high probability that you will be climbing a mountain and there will be some dangers, but it won't be a big problem." Mu Rufeng said and made a phone call.

Soon, the call came through: "Master, is something wrong?" It was Ma Qiu's voice.

"Now, immediately, immediately, come to room XX, building XX, inpatient department, building XX, Changsha Maternal and Child Health Hospital." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice,

"Okay, Master, please open the window. I'll be there in thirty seconds!" Ma Qiu responded immediately.

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng hung up the phone, glanced at the open window, and then said: "It's a new dungeon, and it's a new player, so the dungeon is usually not too difficult, and everything will be fine."

"Also, take this." Mu Rufeng said, taking out a lot of props, spiritual objects, etc.

He even took out the Seal of Rules and handed it to Long Meijuan.

"This is the seal of rules. You can create a rule, and it can also bring you great help." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's too valuable, I can't accept it." Long Meijuan looked at so many props and was afraid to accept them.

"Just think of it as loaned to you. When you come out, return it to me. The baby is the most important thing now." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, yes, my wife and baby are the most important." Li Yaocun nodded repeatedly.

At the same time, his mouth watered when he looked at these props. Really, these props were so attractive to him.

Although most of them are level six or seven props, they all seem to be extremely useful.

Soon, the sesame ball flew in from the window.

"Master, what are your orders?" Ma Qiu said.

"I temporarily authorize you to own the copy to Ms. Long Meijuan. This time, you have to follow her and be sure to protect her and the child in her belly. Do you understand?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"The order has been confirmed, and the mission is guaranteed to be completed!" Ma Qiu immediately responded seriously.

"The peak of Ma Qiu can reach an eighth-level vehicle. Even the eighth-level ghost king cannot catch up with it. If it really encounters danger, Ma Qiu can also deal with it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Feng." Li Yaocun knew the power of Ma Qiu, which was in the mecha mode.

"Ma Qiu, activate mecha mode immediately and attach." Mu Rufeng gave the order again.

Without saying anything, Ma Qiu immediately changed into the mecha mode, and then directly put it on Long Meijuan.

"Those props and spiritual objects are placed in Ma Qiu's storage space. When in danger, just leave them to Ma Qiu," Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Brother Feng." Long Meijuan was also extremely moved, and then thanked her.

"Great, Brother Feng, you are really my brother, no, no, no, you are my father!!!" Li Yaocun finally felt relieved at this time.

"No, my wife doesn't even ask for it, and I don't have a son as old as you." Mu Ru waved her hands in disgust.

"Ah, I almost forgot, this beauty is my sister-in-law, right? So beautiful." At this time, Li Yaocun finally had time to talk about Zhao Yanran.

"My name is Zhao Yanran." Zhao Yanran introduced herself with a slight smile.

"So beautiful, a hundred times more beautiful than my wife." Li Yaocun said stupidly.

Although Long Meijuan was also surprised by Zhao Yanran's appearance, she was still a little unhappy when she heard her husband's words.

Asking for a beating, really asking for a beating.

"Your wife is here, so don't talk nonsense. Sister Juan is also very beautiful." Zhao Yanran said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, beat him." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"He's just like that, too lazy to pay attention to him." Long Meijuan rolled her eyes at Li Yaocun.

Then several people chatted for a while, and time gradually passed, with only the last ten seconds left.

Li Yaocun squatted beside the bed, grabbed Long Meijuan's hand, and kept urging her.

In particular, he kept telling Ma Qiu that he would take care of her.

When the ten minutes were up, Long Meijuan, with a big belly and wearing a mecha, disappeared from the spot.

Li Yaocun looked at Long Meijuan who disappeared and said nothing for a long time.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Ma Qiu is also very strong." Mu Rufeng patted Li Yaocun on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Feng, thank you." Li Yaocun stood up and thanked Mu Rufeng again.

"We are all brothers. How can I say thank you?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Brother Feng, go and do your work. The relevant departments still have things to do, and I have to make a trip." Li Yaocun said.

"Okay, pay attention to yourself." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Then he took Zhao Yanran and left here.

Three days later.

Mu Rufeng, who was having breakfast with Zhao Yanran, received a call from Ye Lin.

"Minister Ye, why did you call so early? Is there something wrong?" Mu Rufeng asked after answering the call.

"problem occurs."

"An accident? What happened again?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

"Do you know about the Magic City Disneyland?"

"Of course I know. Something happened in that amusement park?"

"Yes, Disneyland is completely covered by black fog. I can't leave here. Please go there. Many people are sucked in."

"No problem, I'll go there. By the way, if it's an amusement park, aren't there a lot of children in it?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, those children were teleported out by the black fog. It seems that those under the age of 18 will not enter the dungeon." Ye Lin said.

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