I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 351 The Ordinary World of Rules [Happy Birthday to Myself]

"That's good. Almost everyone has a login bracelet anyway. The worst-case scenario is that they will all be teleported back after their arms are broken." Mu Rufeng said.

"Although everyone has a login bracelet now, the impact is still huge, especially with so many more players now." Ye Lin said.

"This is inevitable. Don't worry too much. Besides, it's already the end of February. The weird dungeons will officially come in September."

"You should consider letting the general public slowly enter the dungeon world." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's already being implemented. Before September, all eligible people will enter in batches. I'll be there in two hours. You go there first to calm the situation."

"Besides, there will be many contractors going. At least, this can increase the number of dungeons." Ye Lin didn't know what was going on. It would take another two hours.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly and then hung up the phone.

"Have you finished eating? I'm going to the Magic City. Are you going too?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, of course." Zhao Yanran nodded in response.

Zhao Yanran also wanted to improve her level as soon as possible. When encountering such a thing, she naturally took the lead.

Zhao Yanran quickly cleaned up the table, and the two prepared to leave.

However, at this time, a prompt sound suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Instance information has been generated]

[About to enter the instance: ? ? ? ]

[Instance type: ? ? ? ]

[Number of participants: ? ? ? ]

[? ? ? ]

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was stunned in an instant.

"What's the situation?"

Zhao Yanran, who was standing by, saw the change in Mu Rufeng's face and asked immediately: "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to enter the instance, and the login bracelet gave me a prompt." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"What? Your Highness wants to enter the instance? Is it the one that prompts you to enter Disneyland?" Zhao Yanran asked.

"It shouldn't be. For this kind of dungeon that appears in the real world, the login bracelet will not prompt, it will only prompt directly after entering."

"And now the login bracelet prompts, it must be another dungeon, and my dungeon is a little bit wrong."

This time, all the information is actually question marks, which has never happened before.

So, this dungeon will definitely not be easy.

"Go to the Magic City for me, you can call my sixth brother and those Tianjiao."

"Anyway, it can increase the number of dungeons." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I will." Zhao Yanran nodded.

Then Zhao Yanran left.

And Mu Rufeng called Ye Lin.

"Ye Lin, I can't go." After the call was connected, Mu Rufeng said directly.

"Why? Or, are you going to enter the dungeon again?" Ye Lin guessed.

"Well, but you don't have to worry. I asked all the geniuses to go there. They will not refuse if they can increase the number of dungeons."

"That's fine. By the way, what's the situation of your dungeon this time?" Ye Lin asked.

"It's a rather strange dungeon. It's full of question marks. I should know the specific situation after I go in." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is that so? Then I wish you a safe journey."

"Well, I'll take your good wishes."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng returned to the room and began to wait quietly.

Ten minutes passed in a flash, and he disappeared directly from the spot.


Mu Rufeng woke up slowly.

When he came to his senses, Mu Rufeng found himself standing on the side of a road.

The sky was sunny, and there were busy cars and tall buildings around. There were also many pedestrians passing by, noisy and very lively.

This scene was very familiar, and it was completely a very modern city.

The same Asian face, the same blue license plate, and the same Chinese language.

"Isn't this a weird dungeon, but another invaded world?" Mu Rufeng guessed.

[Enter the dungeon: Ordinary Rule World]

[Dungeon type: Special single-player dungeon]

[Number of participants: 1 person]

[First stage mission: Survive for seven days]

When the dungeon prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind, his pupils shrank slightly.

It has been a long time since there has been a survival mission. When Mu Rufeng became stronger, there was no such mission.

Now, it has appeared again.

At the same time, look at the name of the dungeon [Ordinary Rule World], this name is very strange and peculiar.

This gave Mu Rufeng a bad premonition.

Mu Rufeng sensed it and found that all his abilities and all his items were not banned.

This also made Mu Rufeng feel relieved.

As long as the ability is there and the strength is not weakened, Mu Rufeng will have a guarantee no matter what.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just at this moment, a huge sound came from the sky.

Mu Rufeng looked up suddenly, only to find that a huge clock had appeared in the sky.

At this moment, the hands pointed to twelve o'clock.

It was broad daylight, which meant that it was twelve o'clock noon.

[Global rule version update completed]

[A rule will be introduced every week]

[New rules this week: Ordinary World]

[Ordinary World]: In this world, there is no supernatural power.

A voice rang in everyone's ears.

Including Mu Rufeng.

At the moment this voice rang, Mu Rufeng found that all his abilities were gone, and all his props had lost their abilities.

Even his title was invalid.

He also felt that his body began to weaken rapidly.

This kind of weakness was not the kind of illness, but his three-dimensional attributes were rapidly declining.

Soon, Mu Rufeng's infinite power had been reduced to the peak of human beings.

Strength, physique, and spirit, all three attributes are the same.

The level nine props he was wearing also turned into an ordinary piece of clothing.

In addition, the trick hand worn by Mu Rufeng turned directly into a dry tattoo, carved on his arm.

And his storage ring, likewise, turned into a tattoo.

What frightened Mu Rufeng the most was that the login bracelet worn on his hand turned into an ordinary bracelet.

You know, once you wear the login bracelet, you can't take it off in any way.

The login bracelet can only be triggered after death, and then bring you back to the real world.

And now, Mu Rufeng was horrified to find that he could take the bracelet off.

Does this mean that the login bracelet is invalid?

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng felt a sense of urgency. If the login bracelet really failed, does it mean that he died here, really dead?

"Hook, I still have a plug-in." Mu Rufeng immediately thought of something.

Then he began to try to use some of his own plug-ins.

However, what shocked Mu Rufeng was that there was still no response.

Offsetting rules, rule suppression, modifying rules, creating rules, ignoring rules, mind communication, etc., all of them were invalid.

"How is it possible, why is my plug-in invalid?" Mu Rufeng admitted that at this moment, he was a little panicked.

"Impossible, I got the ability to offset world-class rules from the third forbidden land, how could it be invalid in this world?"

This is the power of world-class rules, even stronger than Mu Rufeng's plug-in.

"I feel dizzy, was there a clock in the sky just now?"

"A voice came out of my ear, why does it feel weird."

"Fuck, there was a clock in the sky just now, why is it gone now. And, I heard him talking in my ear."

"Ordinary world? What's so weird."

"No supernatural power? It should be true, right? But what's the situation with the clock?"

The pedestrians around Mu Rufeng also stopped and began to talk.

However, the disappearing sound and the disappearing clock made some people not care much, thinking that they were just hallucinations.

Only those official people realized the seriousness and began to set up a special task force urgently to study and investigate this incident.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was extremely uneasy. He couldn't figure out why all his plug-ins were invalid.

Is this descending rule so strong that it overshadows the plug-in?

This world has no supernatural power, which means that this world had supernatural power before?

No, that's not right. It may be because of Mu Rufeng's appearance that this rule appeared?

Then. Can he load the plug-in in this copy?

Or should he wait for a while for the plug-in to sneak in and then load it?

The mission requires him to survive for seven days.

The rule of advent has no effect on other people, but it is a sure kill for people with supernatural power!

Now, there is a very realistic problem in front of Mu Rufeng.

That is, he has no money and no identity, and then he has to survive here for seven days.

He is now an ordinary person with good physical fitness, and he needs to eat, three meals a day.

"I didn't expect that I would have to worry about three meals a day one day." Mu Rufeng sighed.

The most important thing now is to find a place to stay first.

And he also needs to figure out what kind of world this world is.

Just looking at the clothes of the people around him, the electronic products they use, as well as the high-rise buildings and cars, it is probably about ten years behind the real world.

Mu Rufeng found some information in a nearby store. This world is now in 2014 AD.

Smartphones have just become popular this year, and mobile payments seem to have just become popular. Many people still use paper money.

Looking at the paper money again, it is completely different from China's RMB.

Moreover, listening to the conversation of those people, this coin is called Dragon Coin, and this country is called Dragon Country.

Mu Rufeng began to walk along the street.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the people around him were just like nothing happened, just talking about what just happened.

Although some people were extremely excited, shouting and so on, most people were still like nothing happened.

Because everyone is a social animal, as long as it has not affected them, they will not pay too much attention.

Soon, Mu Rufeng stood in front of the door of an Internet cafe.

If you want to understand this world clearly, the best place is naturally an Internet cafe.

The development of this world is similar to the real world. Internet cafes in 2014 are still a major mainstream.

If it weren't for the different names of banknotes and countries, Mu Rufeng would have thought this was the real world.

Mu Rufeng walked directly into the Internet cafe.

As soon as we entered, there was a smoky atmosphere inside, with all kinds of smoke and unpleasant smells.

At this time, Internet cafes should have just begun to develop, and there will still be many such dirty and messy Internet cafes.

For no other reason than because it’s cheap.

Internet cafes charge one or two yuan an hour, and you can get as much free as you can when you become a member. Internet fees can be said to be cut in half again.

The Internet fee for Internet cafes starts at five yuan.

"Handsome guy, do you want to open a card?" At this time, a yellow-haired young lady at the cashier stared directly at Mu Rufeng and said.

The yellow-haired girl wore exaggerated makeup, fluffy hair, and covered half of her eyes.

However, let's not say that even with such ugly makeup and hairstyle, it still did not block the beauty of this yellow-haired girl.

A beautiful non-mainstream girl.

Mu Rufeng couldn't help but sigh, there are actually non-mainstream people in this world.

"Okay, open one for me." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Give me your ID card." The yellow-haired girl stretched out her little hands covered with various nail polishes and said.

"I didn't bring it with me," Mu Rufeng said.

"I didn't bring it with me. Then please report your ID number." The yellow-haired girl said with some disappointment.

It seems like he wants to see Mu Rufeng’s ID card name? age? address?

"Uh, I can't remember. Are you stuck?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Haha, you can't remember your ID number? Me too, forget it, forget it, I'll use my ID card to open a card for you."

As the yellow-haired girl spoke, she took out her ID card and placed it on a machine above.

This ID card is actually similar to the one in the real world.

Mu Rufeng took a look and saw that the yellow-haired girl's name was Liu Nan. The portrait above was relatively normal and beautiful.

"Handsome guy, how much does it cost to open a card?" Liu Nan asked.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the Internet fee price list and said, "Please give me ten yuan."


Soon, the ten-dollar temporary card was opened, and then Liu Nan looked at Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng also looked at Liu Nan.

"Huh? Handsome guy, can you give me some money?" Liu Nan asked.

"Oh oh oh." Mu Rufeng hurriedly fumbled around on her body in a pretentious manner.

"Oops, I forgot to bring it."

"Forgot to bring it? Then pay with your mobile phone."

"Um, I forgot to bring my mobile phone." Mu Rufeng said and dug into his pants pocket.

"Forget it, forget it, handsome guy, let me treat you. What's your name?"

"Mu Rufeng."

"Okay, let's go, I'll turn it on for you." After saying that, Liu Nan immediately pulled Mu Rufeng and walked towards the computer inside.

"Beauty, why are you going? Open a card for me." At this time, a man who had just come in shouted.

"Wait." Liu Nan left a few words and pulled Mu Rufeng away.

Soon, Mu Rufeng opened a machine in the corner.

"Handsome guy, you owe me ten dollars. Remember to pay me back next time. Also, what is your TT number? Let's add your contact information." Liu Nan Banmu Rufeng turned on the phone and logged in to the account, and then said.

"What's your TT number? I'll add you." Mu Rufeng didn't have a TT number.

"Hey, network manager, where is the network manager? Open the card." At this time, a shout came from the door.

"Okay, I'll write to you." Liu Nan ignored the call, immediately opened the notepad, and then entered his TT number.

"Handsome guy, remember to add me. I'm going to do some work first. By the way, do you have a girlfriend?" Liu Nan said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Although Liu Nan was a little disappointed, she didn't care and ran away immediately.

Mu Rufeng looked at this scene, smiled and shook his head, and then immediately opened a software called TT.

Anyway, it’s better to register first.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng clicked the registration button. Fortunately, there was no need to use a mobile phone number to register, you could just register casually.

After the registration was completed, Mu Rufeng added Liu Nan's TT number.

No matter what, someone else opened a card for him, and he still had to add it.

Soon, the friend request was approved.

The other person directly sent me a message: "Handsome guy, it seems like you just registered your TT number, right?"

"Yeah!" Mu Rufeng replied with one word.

Liu Nan: "Oh, I understand, you're afraid that your girlfriend will find out, right? That's fine, hehe."

Liu Nan: "You go ahead and play while I go to work. I'll get off work in two hours, and I'll be surfing the Internet with you then."

When Mu Rufeng saw Liu Nan's words, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, "Forget it, forget it, the most important thing now is to understand the world."

Mu Rufeng closed the chat window, then clicked on the web page, and quickly began to search for the development of the world.

After about half an hour, Mu Rufeng finally understood the world more clearly.

In this world, there are three emperors and five emperors, there is the Qin Dynasty that unified China, there is the Han Dynasty, there is the Tang Dynasty, there is the Song Dynasty, there is the Ming Dynasty and so on.

From ancient times to the end of the Ming Dynasty, the development of this world was exactly the same as the real world.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian also committed suicide on the crooked neck tree in Meishan.

However, in the modern world, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian committed suicide and was then destroyed by the Dashun Kingdom, and finally the Qing Dynasty entered the Pass...

However, in this world, when Zhu Youjian committed suicide, the branches of the crooked neck tree broke.

At the same time, meteors fell from the sky and directly killed all the leaders of the Dashun Kingdom and hundreds of thousands of troops, as if they had recreated the title of the great plane mage of Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu.

But for some reason, Zhu Youjian suddenly became enlightened. After a series of developments, he actually directly saved the Ming Dynasty again.

First, the internal troubles were quelled, and then they began to recruit troops, and many capable ministers that Mu Rufeng was unfamiliar with appeared.

He began to change the decadent Ming Dynasty step by step, even defeated the Jurchens, and successfully included the grassland in his territory.

Of course, this is on the surface. Mu Rufeng cannot find out what the real situation is now.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also checked whether there was any supernatural power in this world.

Well, how should I put it, at least not on the surface. After all, it is just the Internet, and nothing can be found on the Internet.

But at least there is no supernatural power on the surface. Whether there is any secretly is unknown.

"Fuck, you idiot, why are you scolding your father? What's the barking of a dog? Have you changed someone?"

"Damn it, you can't beat the replacement, right? You're so bad-mouthed and scolding me? Damn it, damn it."

At this time, a young man sitting next to Mu Rufeng was wearing headphones and turning on the microphone, and he kept cursing at the other side.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and took a look. This was a gun battle game, similar to CF.

When Mu Rufeng came over and turned on the phone, she saw many people playing this game. Come to think of it, this gunfight game called OF is extremely popular.

"Brother, how about I help you beat him? I guarantee that he will call you daddy after beating him." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Huh? Are you sure? That guy is very skilled, probably at the amateur level." The man took off his headphones and said.

"It's a small problem. Beat him like a dog." Mu Rufeng said confidently.

Although his three-dimensional attributes have dropped, he still maintains a peak human body.

This peak of human beings is not just physical, but also includes stream of consciousness, hand speed, micro-management, reaction ability, etc., all-round.

It can be said that he can reach the peak in every field.

A small gunfight game, a breeze.

"Really or not, brother, okay, I believe you, just wait a minute and I'll talk to that bastard."

After the man finished speaking, he put on the headphones again, then greeted the other party cordially, and finally they agreed to start a one-on-one duel mode.

At the same time, it was also agreed that the loser would call the winner daddy, a hundred times in a row.

Soon, Mu Rufeng sat on the man's seat, put on the headphones, adjusted various controls, etc., and finally, the game started.

Fifteen minutes flew by.

Mu Rufeng took off her headphones and stood up slowly: "Brother, you can come and listen to your son calling you."

"Awesome, so awesome, brother, you killed him eighty-eight times, eighty-eight times."

"If I hadn't been watching from the side, I would have thought you were cheating." The brother was extremely excited at this moment.

He immediately put on his headphones.

However, what greeted him was not calling him daddy, but a frantic greeting, telling him that he was cheating and wanted to report him.

In the end, they fought each other for almost ten minutes, and finally ended with the other party failing and running away.

"Brother, this is such a relief. Haha, network administrator, take two bottles of iced drinks, make two buckets of instant noodles, add a braised egg, grilled sausage and a large chicken drumstick each." The man shouted towards the cashier.

"Okay, wait." Liu Nan responded immediately.

"It's already noon, I'll treat you to instant noodles." The man said to Mu Rufeng.

"Then I won't be polite." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

It just so happened that he was really hungry and had no money to buy food, so he had no choice but to eat.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng would not help him find a place to play games. This was Mu Rufeng's intention.

"Brother, what's your name? My name is Yan Zhicheng." Yan Zhicheng introduced himself.

"Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and said his name.

In fact, this person had only been here for more than 20 minutes. Because there was an air conditioner blowing on his head, he sat next to Mu Rufeng.

"Brother, your skills are really amazing. They are no worse than those professional players, right? By the way, are you a professional player?" Yan Zhicheng asked excitedly.

"No." Mu Rufeng shook her head slightly.

"It's a pity that you don't want to go professional with your skills. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Brother, you should be from Hunan District 1 too, right? Get on board and take me flying!"

"I don't have an account." Mu Rufeng said.

"How is it possible that you don't have an account? You have such great skills, don't lie to me."

"Everything I used to play was other people's, I didn't create it myself."

"Then do you have a TT number?"


"Then hurry up and get your TT number."

Later, Mu Rufeng boarded the TT account she had just created.

Then, use the game account you just created to start flying Yan Zhicheng.

Not long after, Liu Nan came over with two buckets of soaked instant noodles, and two bottles of drinks under the creaking nest.

Mu Rufeng had been hungry for a long time, so she took the instant noodles and started eating them.

I have to say, the ingredients in this dish are really good, including grilled chicken legs, braised eggs, and grilled sausages, which are delicious.

After three times five times two, Mu Rufeng had finished eating, and looking at Yan Zhicheng, he had just finished eating the braised eggs.

"Brother, are you eating so fast? Are you full? Do you want me to get you another bucket?"

"Okay, then give me another bucket."

In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

The next morning, Mu Rufeng and Yan Zhicheng were still sitting at their original seats playing games.

Looking at their tables, they were already full of garbage.

It’s all garbage like barbecue, instant noodles, fast food, snacks and drinks.

The two of them played together all day long, and Yan Zhicheng was very generous. He packed everything.

"Ha~~! I'm so sleepy. I'm going back to sleep. Brother, would you like to have breakfast together?" Yan Zhicheng said with a yawn.

"Okay, I'm very sleepy and hungry too." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Afterwards, the two left the Internet cafe and went to a nearby rice noodle shop.

It was still Yan Zhicheng's treat.

When Mu Rufeng ate the fifth bowl of noodles, Yan Zhicheng was stunned.

"Brother, your appetite is really too big."

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and said nothing.

His current food intake is indeed not small, but his physical fitness and other aspects are at the peak of human beings, so he naturally eats more.

But if you compare his previous food intake, it's like heaven and earth.

After eating, Mu Rufeng and Yan Zhicheng walked out of the pink shop.

Yan Zhicheng asked: "Brother, where do you live?"

"Kicked out, homeless."

"Ah? What happened? You had a fight with your wife and were kicked out? Then where will you stay at night?"

"I'm going to stay in the Internet cafe for a week." Mu Rufeng didn't explain, leaving him to guess.

"No wonder, no wonder you didn't even get off the plane just now. So you were going to go back to the Internet cafe? What should I do? Let's go, let's go to my house."

"The house I rent is nearby. If you don't mind it, go to my place and sleep for a day first." Yan Zhicheng said.

In just one night, Yan Zhicheng was already impressed by Mu Rufeng's gaming skills.

"This is not very good, will it bother you?" Mu Rufeng declined.

"Don't bother, don't bother, what's the point of disturbing." Yan Zhicheng immediately pulled Mu Rufeng and walked away.

Speaking of which, Yan Zhicheng also has his own little thoughts.

Because he made an appointment with the team members on TT. At 8 o'clock tonight, there will be a 1V1 duel. After the end, the number of deaths will be looked at. If you die once, you will get ten yuan, which will be deducted from each other.

According to Mu Rufeng's strength, if he could kill someone dozens of times in one battle, it would cost at least several hundred yuan.

At the same time, their team can also hire foreign aid, even as long as you can get professional players.

Not to mention too much, with Mu Rufeng’s skills, it is not a problem to earn several thousand a day by playing a few games.

Soon, the two came to the rental house.

The first time he came in, Yan Zhicheng turned on the air conditioner.

This is a very simple single room, only about thirty square meters.

A bed, a wardrobe, plus a computer desk and dining table.

There is no kitchen, or in other words, the kitchen was abandoned and turned into a place for storing sundries, and there is a separate bathroom.

Small but complete.

"I have a yoga mat here. I bought it more than half a year ago. I haven't used it much. I can almost sleep on it. I'll make a floor for you."

As he spoke, he took out a cloth bag from a corner, and then took out a rolled large yoga mat and spread it beside the bed.

"Brother, make do with it. I'll get you a quilt cover to use as a blanket. There's no more pillows." With that, he took out another quilt cover from the closet.

"Okay, just have a place to sleep." Mu Rufeng stayed up all night and felt a little sleepy.

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