I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 352 The Immortal Emperor returns, reborn in the end times, a strange world [ask for monthly

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, just laid on the yoga mat and fell asleep with a blanket.

Yan Zhicheng didn't say anything, just lay on the bed and fell asleep.

After a long time, Yan Zhicheng's snoring sounded in the room.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it, because he was already asleep.

Yan Zhicheng came to the Internet cafe to play because of the power outage yesterday, and because of Mu Rufeng, he played all night.

At the same time, at the Internet cafe.

Several detectives entered to search.

The leader came to the cashier and asked the yellow-haired girl: "Hello, ma'am, have there been any suspicious people surfing the Internet these two days? Or living here?"

"Suspicious people? No." Liu Nan thought about it, and she found that she didn't seem to have any suspicious people in her impression.

"Are you sure? Think about it carefully."

"Really? If you don't believe it, check the surveillance yourself. There are surveillance anyway." Liu Nan said.

"Are there any people who are more immature, or shouting that they are time travelers, or the return of the Immortal Emperor, or the rebirth of the Demon King?" the inspector asked again.

"No, why do you ask that? Anyway, if you don't believe it, just check the surveillance yourself." Liu Nan thought about it again, shook his head, and looked at them with a strange look.

The inspector heard it, smiled, and didn't continue to ask.

Not long after, the detectives came and shook their heads at the inspector.

"Sorry, I'm bothering you. If you see anyone suspicious, please call the police." After the inspector finished speaking, he led the team away and continued to search other places.

"It's really strange, is there another wanted criminal? Besides, how can there be such an immature person? I'm afraid he's a psychopath." In their Internet cafe, detectives don't come once every few years.

If they come, it's someone from another department, and they usually come to ask for benefits.

The last time a detective came was last year, and it was because of a fight here.

"But why didn't that handsome guy reply to my message?" Liu Nan looked at the chat window where he had replied to many messages, and murmured unhappily.


Time flew by and it was half past five in the afternoon.

Mu Rufeng went to bed at half past nine in the morning, which means he slept for almost eight hours.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Yan Zhicheng, who was still sleeping like a dead pig.

Mu Rufeng came to the computer desk and turned on the computer.

Then, Mu Rufeng was ready to learn hacking technology, so he searched for relevant videos and materials.

In just one hour, Mu Rufeng's hacking technology had reached a certain level.

This is the horror of Mu Rufeng.

All aspects are at the peak level of human beings. As long as Mu Rufeng goes to study, no matter which industry or technology, it can be called the world's top.

I wanted to learn last night, but in order to get some Internet fees and dinner, I played games with Yan Zhicheng all night.

At his current level, it is no problem to hack into some databases.

For example, the database of the police station.

What Mu Rufeng needs most now is to get himself a legal identity first.

His level is not top-notch, but it is no problem to create an identity in the household registration system of the police station.

However, it is possible to create, but once it is created, it will be discovered almost immediately.

Mu Rufeng is not in a hurry now, because if he is given a little more time, his technology will be more powerful, and he can successfully create it by hiding it from all systems.

One night of study time should be enough.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Yan Zhicheng, thought about it, walked forward, stretched out his hand to pinch the back of his neck, pinched the specific acupuncture points and gently applied force.

Yan Zhicheng, who was originally snoring, stopped sleeping instantly, and then his head tilted and he fainted.

It should be no problem to be in a coma for a day. After waking up, the neck will be sore at most, and there will be no sequelae.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to study IT technology frantically on this small computer.

In the era of science and technology, IT technology is extremely important. First of all, it can help Mu Rufeng solve the legal identity problem, and it can also hack into the surrounding surveillance and keep an eye on the surrounding situation.

It can also dig out some hidden events and truths in this world.


In the blink of an eye, time came to five o'clock in the morning of the next day.

"Finally done!" Mu Rufeng rubbed his sore neck, and his face was a little excited.

At this moment, he has perfectly added his identity to the household registration system.

And it is directly registered under the name of an inconspicuous orphanage. For the ID card, it can be delivered to the same city in about two days.

And the address chosen by Mu Rufeng is this rental house.

"However, this world is really not simple." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's hacking skills have reached the world's top.

Such powerful technology naturally also unearthed some unknown secrets of Longguo.

Most importantly, Mu Rufeng found a special organization called Dragon Group on the Internet.

He spent several hours to successfully hack into the internal system and found that this Dragon Group really possessed supernatural powers.

However, most of these people with supernatural powers were time travelers, reborn people, etc.

There are peerless demon kings, peerless heroes, saviors, destroyers, reborn business tycoons, returning demon emperors, reborn immortal emperors, and so on.

It seems very second-rate and fake, but in fact, these are all true.

These people were originally from Dragon Country, but without exception, they all traveled through time, and they all wore clothes. Finally, after all kinds of experiences, they stood at the top, and then suddenly traveled back to Dragon Country.

Some travelers died and returned with intact bodies.

Some travelers were ecstatic and wanted to lead Dragon Country to the top of the world. Some travelers wanted to destroy the world, or conquer Dragon Country and even the whole world, and become the master of the world.

But unfortunately, after these people returned, their strength was almost one in ten thousand, or even less.

At most, they were stronger, similar to superhumans, and there were no spells or magic.

The strongest one seemed to be the immortal emperor who returned ten years ago, who could lift a car relatively easily.

Now, this immortal emperor is the leader of the Dragon Group and controls the entire Dragon Group.

These returning time travelers are all unstable factors, so as long as they appear, they will be arrested as soon as possible.

No matter whether they are good or bad, they will be arrested first, and then slowly examined and guided. In the end, whether they are released or locked up, there will be strict examination.

In addition, the Dragon Group has also developed a special instrument that can query the fluctuations generated during the time travel and query the time and place of the time travelers' return.

When seeing this, Mu Rufeng was a little frightened, and he immediately hacked into the monitoring system and checked the monitoring around the Internet cafe.

There was also the monitoring when Mu Rufeng came, which was not bad. Mu Rufeng's place was a blind spot for monitoring, and the flow of people was not small, so it didn't matter.

At the same time, from the calls or chat records of some detectives, they also knew that they had not caught Mu Rufeng, the newly returned "time traveler".

At this moment, the computer screen was filled with some monitoring screens around, just to check if there was anything wrong.


Changsha Mansion, Dragon Group Headquarters

"No, absolutely not. I was reborn in 2034. There was no so-called rule at all, and there was no such thing as a clock in the sky."

"Yes, I was reborn ten years later, and there was no such thing."

"But this rule is true, and my power has weakened."

"Yes, my special ability has also disappeared."

"This rule must be true."

In the conference room, a group of people shouted loudly.

"Stop arguing, don't worry about this rule and clock, because this is true, many people have seen and heard it, and even filmed videos and saw it."

"Moreover, we have lost all our supernatural powers now, and even my current power has been reduced. After strict calculation, it is the peak level of human beings." A middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

When this person spoke, everyone shut up.

This person was none other than Luo, the supreme immortal emperor who returned ten years ago, and also the most powerful and powerful existence among humans before the rule came.

He is not from Changsha, but the headquarters of the Dragon Group of Dragon Country is not in Kyoto, but in Changsha.

Why do you say that? Naturally, it is because most of the time travelers return here.

According to their analysis, Changsha is special, so most of the time travelers will only return here.

"The rules come once a week. What rules will come next week? Will there be danger? What kind of existence can be like this?" Wang Luo said slowly.

"I don't know. We can only wait." A man in a suit said.

"The detector fluctuated yesterday. I don't know if it is related to the time traveler." Another person said.

"Zhou Zhengfang, has the time traveler not been caught yet?" Wang Luo looked at a middle-aged man.

"Team leader, the time traveler should not have any unusual behavior and perfectly integrated into the crowd. We checked many places and even retrieved surveillance but did not find any suspicious people." Zhou Zhengfang said.

"Our information should be well blocked and not known to ordinary people. It shouldn't be like this. At the very least, they will cry and be excited." One person said.

"Now the time travelers have also experienced big scenes. Although most of them are like this, there will also be a small number of people who are silent. However, they are all wearing clothes, so it is still easy to find them." Another person said.

"Well, the facial recognition system has just been developed. You can install it on our Skynet system now and compare the people in the system to see if there are any missing people." Wang Luo said.

"Team leader? Has the facial recognition system been developed? That's great."

"Yes, with the facial recognition system, and in conjunction with Skynet, those time travelers will definitely have nowhere to hide."

"Now the most important thing for us is to find the time traveler. We need to figure out whether the rules of the advent have anything to do with him."

"What are the rules for next week?" Wang Luo said in a deep voice.

"Yes, team leader!"

Everyone responded immediately.


At this moment, Mu Rufeng had no idea about the situation in the meeting.

He had already learned some information and his identity had been resolved. Now he would just quietly live out the remaining six days and wait for the advent of the plug-in.

Then, Mu Rufeng turned off the computer and lay back on the yoga mat.

Six more hours passed, and the sun shone through the simple curtains to illuminate the room.

"Hmm~~" Suddenly, Yan Zhicheng groaned, and then rubbed his neck and got up.

"Why is my neck so sore? But I slept so comfortably this time." Yan Zhicheng moved his body, and then took the phone next to him.

"Huh? Eleven o'clock? Wait, eleven o'clock in the morning? What the hell? I slept for a whole day?"

Yan Zhicheng was shocked when he saw the large number of message pop-ups and voice pop-ups on TT.

At this time, Mu Rufeng also woke up, rubbing his eyes and said, "What happened?"

"It's over, it's over, we slept for a whole day, and I made an appointment with the team members for 1V1 last night, and I didn't update yesterday, it's over."

Yan Zhicheng got up immediately, then turned on the computer, and opened TT on his mobile phone, constantly replying to some people's messages.

"Oh, by the way, you said yesterday that you are an online writer. Don't you have any manuscripts saved? At least save a few days." Mu Rufeng said.

"Save manuscripts? It's impossible to save manuscripts. The limit of human beings is 4,000 words. Fortunately, I have a leave note, otherwise I will lose my full attendance."

"However, I didn't send a leave note yesterday. I guess readers will greet me kindly." Yan Zhicheng said with a sad face.

"It's okay, it's okay. You also said that you are a failure. There may not be many readers who follow you." Mu Rufeng comforted.

"Brother, you know how to comfort people." Yan Zhicheng said painfully.

When playing games yesterday, Mu Rufeng learned that Yan Zhicheng is an online writer, and his monthly manuscript fee is about 6,000 or 7,000.

This manuscript fee is not much, nor is it little. I believe that if I don't update for a day, there will still be readers commenting.

"But, Brother Feng, did you also sleep for a day?" Yan Zhicheng waited for the computer to start, and then suddenly asked Mu Rufeng.

"I woke up once in the middle, used the computer for a while, and then fell asleep again. I was also very sleepy." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh, so that's it. It seems that both of us can really sleep."

At this time, the computer was also turned on.

"Sure enough, there are still people. Look, four or five readers said that I didn't update." Yan Zhicheng laughed.

Soon, Yan Zhicheng wrote a single chapter, sent it out, and then stood up.

"Let's go, brother, let's eat. I'm starving. I feel like I've lost a few pounds after sleeping for a day." Yan Zhicheng said, and his stomach growled.

"Wait, I'll go to the bathroom first. By the way, do you want to go to the bathroom?" Yan Zhicheng suddenly said.

"No, I went to the bathroom once this morning." Mu Rufeng said.

Ten minutes later, Yan Zhicheng came out. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to have washed his face and brushed his teeth.

"Brother, let's go, let's eat. After eating, I'll take you to the bathhouse for a bath." Yan Zhicheng said.

"Scrub the body? That" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, and then he was about to speak.

But Yan Zhicheng interrupted him directly: "Why are you shy? I was shy before, but I went there once and got covered in mud. I felt so comfortable."

"We are all grown men, why are you shy?"

"We'll talk about this later." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

Mu Rufeng still couldn't accept going to the bathhouse to scrub the body. People in the north can accept it, regardless of whether they are men or women.

But as a southerner, Mu Rufeng would feel very strange even if he was soaking in a hot water pool, let alone scrubbing the body.

However, at this moment, there was a hurried knock on the door.

"Yan Zhicheng, Yan Zhicheng, open the door." A voice came from outside the door.

"Huh?" Yan Zhicheng was stunned for a moment, and he recognized that the voice was a friend of his, his college roommate Wang Ke.

He was a good friend, and he rented a house upstairs from him.

The two of them often get together, and even lent Wang Ke 5,000 yuan, but then Wang Ke suddenly disappeared, and it has been almost half a year now. I heard from others that he went back home to develop.

But Yan Zhicheng still felt a little strange. It was normal to go back home to develop, but why didn't he tell him, why didn't he leave without eating a meal, and even he couldn't contact him at all later.

Is it because he didn't want to pay back the 5,000 yuan? There is no need for this, is this the case with 5,000 yuan?

"Lao Wang? Where have you been for the past six months?" Yan Zhicheng immediately opened the door.

However, what greeted Yan Zhicheng was a powerful and heavy foot.

Yan Zhicheng was very tall, 1.8 meters, a little fat, tall and big, and weighed 100 kilograms.

This foot kicked Yan Zhicheng's stomach hard.

Yan Zhicheng's face instantly became extremely painful, and the whole person was kicked out directly.

But he didn't fly far, only one or two meters away, and then fell heavily on the ground with his buttocks, and his back hit the edge of the bed.

"Fuck, what are you doing?" Yan Zhicheng cursed in pain, holding his stomach, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Damn, Yan Zhicheng, you stole my woman a few years ago and broke my limbs. Now I am reborn and I will kill you today."

"The end of the world is coming in two days. Don't worry, after I kill you, I will kill your whole family. I know where your family is. I want revenge. I will kill your whole family!!! And that woman's whole family." Wang Ke stared at Yan Zhicheng with red eyes.

"You're blocked, I stole your woman? And killed you? Fuck, fuck, ugh!" Yan Zhicheng cursed twice, and then couldn't help but vomit.

The kick just now was too heavy, but because there was no food in his stomach, he only vomited some bitter water.

Wang Ke was obviously just a small man of 1.6 meters, but he could exert such great power with one kick.

Mu Rufeng also looked at Wang Ke with a serious expression.

Crossing, rebirth, the end of the world, all these keywords, aren't they the secret information that Mu Rufeng got from the Dragon Group.

"Not good, this guy is a returnee from the end of the world, he must have been detected by the instrument, and the people from the Dragon Group will be here soon." Mu Rufeng's heart suddenly jumped.

"There are others? No matter, kill them all the same, anyway, there are not many good people playing with Yan Zhicheng." Wang Ke glanced at Mu Rufeng, and seemed to be jealous of Mu Rufeng's appearance and height, so he sentenced Mu Rufeng to death directly.

"Shorty, you are so confident that you can kill two of us grown men? Aren't you afraid of the detectives?" Mu Rufeng said.

"What a joke, I would be afraid? Anyway, the end of the world is still two days away. Although my strength has weakened, it is more than enough to deal with you two ordinary people."

"If I kill you, I can easily hold on until the end of the world with my ability. Once the end of the world comes, can the detectives still control me?" Wang Ke said with a big laugh.

"You are crazy, you are really crazy." Yan Zhicheng got up from the ground, his stomach still hurt, but it still didn't make him lose his ability to move.

"I said, I want to kill your whole family, that is to kill your whole family." Wang Ke shouted.

Mu Rufeng saw Wang Ke's actions and his heart moved slightly.

This guy seemed to be shouting deliberately. Maybe after killing Yan Zhicheng, he would not kill Yan Zhicheng's family at all.

In this way, the direction of the detective can be disturbed. This guy is likely to kill the "betrayed" woman.

Kill the woman and hide, waiting for the end of the world to come.

Let's not talk about whether what this guy said is true or not. Even if it is true, Wang Ke wants to kill Mu Rufeng without asking any questions.

There is a high probability that something is wrong. After these two days of getting along, Mu Rufeng still thinks Yan Zhicheng is a very good person.

Of course, it is also possible that the end of the world has come, and Yan Zhicheng's experience has changed, so it is possible that his temperament has changed drastically.

"Are you ready to die?" Wang Ke looked at Yan Zhicheng with a grim smile, and took out a kitchen knife from his waist.

"Wang Ke, you are really crazy, and you still use a knife? What's wrong with you?" Yan Zhicheng's face changed wildly. He really didn't expect that his familiar college roommate would become so strange.

Mu Rufeng moved his feet slightly, and his body muscles were tense. He was ready to take action.

This person is indeed very strong, surpassing most ordinary people, but he has not reached the peak of humanity.

Maybe he has some skills, but if facing Mu Rufeng, the latter can definitely crush him.

He is the peak of humanity in all aspects.

When learning IT technology yesterday, I also watched a lot of fighting skills. Although I haven't used them yet, Mu Rufeng feels that his current fighting level is definitely at the master level.

Just when Wang Ke was about to take action, suddenly, an anesthetic needle shot in from outside the door and nailed Wang Ke's shoulder.

Once the anesthetic needle is nailed into the skin, it will be injected into the body immediately.

Wang Ke was stunned for a moment, and then reached out to take the anesthetic needle down.

"What?" Wang Ke immediately turned his head to look outside, but found that there was a man in a white coat standing outside the corridor with an anesthetic gun in his hand.

There were also many people farther away, also wearing white coats, and the words Changxiong Mental Hospital were written on the coats.

"What..." Wang Ke just said two words, and he felt dizzy, and then fell to the ground and fainted.

"Quick, catch him immediately."

"Hua La La!" A lot of people ran over, lifted Wang Ke up at the first time and left.

"What's the situation?" Yan Zhicheng came to the door and asked, holding his stomach.

"Yes, what happened to him? Is he mentally ill?" Mu Rufeng also approached the door and asked.

"Sorry to bother you. We are from Changxiong Mental Hospital. He ran away secretly from the hospital and kept shouting that the end of the world is coming and he wants to kill the whole family." The man in the white coat said apologetically.

"Mental hospital? Wang Ke is my college roommate. How could he suddenly become mentally ill?" Yan Zhicheng said in disbelief.

"Then we don't know. Maybe he had an attack and his parents sent him here." The man in the white coat said, and then left directly.

Mu Rufeng looked at the people who left. He guessed that these people were definitely members of the Dragon Group and were not staff members of the mental hospital at all.

"It's really unlucky. I vomited stomach acid with one kick. When did that guy become so strong? Can mental illness really make people stronger?" Yan Zhicheng rubbed his stomach and looked painful.

"It's weird. I guess he is really a psychopath. Fortunately, those people came in time, otherwise we would be miserable." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah, Wang Ke actually pulled out a knife. It looks like he's really going to kill me. Fuck, I used to treat him so well. I would always lend him money whenever he asked me to borrow money."

Yan Zhicheng was originally scared, but then he cursed angrily.

"Just think of it as being kicked by a psychopath. It doesn't matter if you don't have this friend. Let's go eat first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, yes, eat. I'm starving. I was kicked and now I'm even hungrier. Damn, it's bruised. That guy was too heavy."

Yan Zhicheng picked up his shirt and the place where he was kicked was already bruised.

"Also, I guess he won't get back the 5,000 yuan he owes me." Yan Zhicheng said with a sad face.

"It's really heavy, only 5,000 yuan. Let's go, eat first, and then go to the clinic to see the doctor and massage you. Maybe the nurse will massage you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That makes sense, haha!" Yan Zhicheng laughed, and then went out with Mu Rufeng.

Ten minutes later, they appeared in a small restaurant, ordered the dishes, and were waiting for the food to be served.

"Brother Feng, can you do me a favor tonight?" Yan Zhicheng suddenly said.

"What favor?"

"It was the day before yesterday when I was in the Internet cafe. I made an appointment with the team members to play a game. In a game, we will see the number of deaths. Ten yuan will be deducted from each other."

"I missed the appointment yesterday because I slept all day. Then I just made an appointment with him tonight. How about you help me play?"

"We will split the winnings 50-50." Yan Zhicheng said.

"Yes, I have no objection, but if the opponent knows that it is not you who is playing, won't he cheat?"

"Even, he may even say that I am cheating." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's okay, I will live broadcast in the group at that time, and we can invite foreign aid. As long as you are good, you can invite a professional player."

"That guy can't beat me, and this time I also invited foreign aid." Yan Zhicheng said.

"Okay, that's no problem." Mu Rufeng nodded.

It's just right, I can earn some pocket money.

"Ring ring ring~~!" Suddenly, Yan Zhicheng's mobile phone rang.

"Hmm? Ah? What, express delivery? I don't think I bought anything?"

"Mu Rufeng? Wait a minute." Yan Zhicheng immediately looked at Mu Rufeng: "Brother Feng, your express delivery?"

"Yes, mine, I filled in your address and your phone number." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Yan Zhicheng nodded, and then said: "I'm at the Good Luck Restaurant, the second store on the left of the community gate, you can help me deliver it."

Yan Zhicheng hung up the phone, and then asked Mu Rufeng: "Brother Feng, did you buy something? But how did you know my number? And why didn't you fill in your own number?"

"Well, I got some things, as for my cell phone, I didn't bring my cell phone with me, and I saw your number on your desktop, so I entered your number." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh, so that's it, but you didn't bring your cell phone with you, it seems that you really made your girlfriend angry, but is it really okay for you not to go home?" Yan Zhicheng said.

"It's not my girlfriend, it's my mom. My mom urged me to get married. I didn't go, and she smashed my phone, so I came out." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother Feng, you are only 25, why are you urging me so much? She even smashed your phone?" Yan Zhicheng said in surprise.

"Haha, she has been urging me since I graduated from college, for several years. You were not allowed to date when you were studying, and you were asked to get married right after graduation." Mu Rufeng sighed and said.

"Then you are really in a difficult situation." Yan Zhicheng patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and said.

Just at this time, a courier boy came in with a package the size of a file bag.

"Here, here." Mu Rufeng immediately raised his hand and waved it.

"What is this? A document?" Yan Zhicheng asked, looking at the courier package of the file bag.

"No, it's my ID card. I didn't bring my ID card with me, so I directly applied for a new one online. It arrived in one day." Mu Rufeng opened it and took out an ID card from it.

"Let me see, Brother Feng, you are also from Xingsha, and I am also from Xingsha." Yan Zhicheng exclaimed.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

Yan Zhicheng is a local.

Mu Rufeng also gave himself the identity of a local, and as for accents, dialects, etc., it was not a problem at all.

After all, when Mu Rufeng and Yan Zhicheng talked, they spoke the local dialect of Changsha.

As he has lived in Changsha for so many years, coupled with his strong learning ability, he has long learned the local dialect.

"It just so happens that I still have an old mobile phone at home. Although it is a bit stuck, it is still no problem to use it to make calls and read novels." Yan Zhicheng said again.

"Okay, thank you, let's eat, the food is here." Mu Rufeng thanked him.


At the same time, the people of the Dragon Group have already caught the unconscious Wang Ke and came to the base of the Dragon Group.

This seems to be an interrogation room. There is a table in the interrogation room, and two people are sitting at the table.

In front, it is Wang Ke.

At this moment, Wang Ke was locked on an iron chair, with his neck, hands, feet and waist all tightly bound by fine steel.

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