I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 353: Plugin loading, new rules coming [asking for monthly votes! ]

There is a one-way glass on the side of the interrogation room.

"Give him an injection, wake him up, and conduct the interrogation." Wang Luo said.

"Yes, team leader." A person in the interrogation room nodded in response.

Then he turned on the camera, took three needles and walked to the unconscious Wang Ke.

The three needles were injected into Wang Ke's body one by one.

Then, the man walked back, sat in his original position, spread out the notebook, took a pen, and prepared to record.

"Um~~!" Wang Ke woke up.

Then he immediately found his current situation and was shocked: "What are you doing? Why lock me up?"

"Who are you? Who are you? Why do you want to arrest me? What are you going to do?"

No one answered, but another interrogator played a strange music, and then picked up a laptop on the table.

He played a very mysterious dynamic picture and placed it in front of Wang Ke.

"What is this? What are you going to do? Let me go, let me go."

Wang Ke kept struggling.

However, as time went by, Wang Ke gradually stopped struggling and his face became calm.

At this time, the interrogator put the computer back and sat back down.

Interrogator: "Name."

"Wang Ke."

Interrogator: "Age."


Interrogator: "Where are you from? Where did you go to college?"

"I'm from Zhucheng, graduated from Central South University of Forestry and Technology."

Interrogator: "Where have you been in the past six months?"

"Disappeared? I didn't disappear, I didn't go anywhere. I have been killing monsters and zombies."

The interrogator should have been shocked when this was said, but he had no reaction at all.

Interrogator: "Killing monsters and zombies? Why do you encounter these?"

"I don't know, I only know that when the end of the world comes the day after tomorrow, these monsters will appear, zombies, Zerg, monsters."

Interrogator: "The end of the world comes the day after tomorrow? Are you sure?"

"Sure, absolutely sure."

Just when the interrogator wanted to ask, Wang Luo opened the door and walked in.

"Why did you kill that man called Yan Zhicheng?" Wang Luo asked.

"Because he will take my woman away in a year, break my limbs, and let me fend for myself."

Wang Luo: "Why would Yan Zhicheng take your woman away, break your limbs, and let you fend for yourself."

When Wang Ke heard this question, a trace of struggle flashed across his face, but he finally spoke up.

"I like Liu Xiaoyun, but Liu Xiaoyun likes Yan Zhicheng, and finally Liu Xiaoyun and Yan Zhicheng are together."

"I was unwilling to give up. After finding an opportunity, I tried to force Liu Xiaoyun to have sex with me, but was resisted. I accidentally beat Liu Xiaoyun to a disability. When I was about to force sex, Yan Zhicheng arrived."

"In the end, he broke my limbs and threw me outside the base, where I was eaten by monsters and finally died."

The interrogator and the recorder heard this, and their faces changed, looking at Wang Ke with contempt.

Wang Luo, who was standing by, did not change his expression at all, and continued to ask: "What is the exact time of the doomsday?"

"12:00 a.m. on July 4."

Today is 12:45 p.m. on July 2.

That is to say, there is only one and a half days left until this time, strictly speaking, it is 35 hours and 15 minutes.

However, Wang Luo did not care about this at all.

Because, at 12:00 a.m. on July 4, nothing will happen, and the end of the world will not come.

In recent years, there have been many travelers who have returned from the end of the world, and they are all very sure that the end of the world will come on a certain day.

When the first traveler who returned from the end of the world was born, the entire Dragon Kingdom was in a state of panic.

They took action at the first time and completed a lot of difficult things in a limited time.

Stockpiling supplies, planning safe zones, war preparations and mobilization, etc.

However, when that day really came, it was safe and sound, and there was no problem in the whole world, and the end of the world did not come.

The traveler who returned from the end of the world was entrusted with an important task, and was given a very high level of priority and rights.

Who knew that the end of the world did not come.

Afterwards, they conducted repeated hypnosis and questioning on the traverser who returned from the end of the world.

However, they did not find any evidence that the traverser was lying. No matter how they tested and questioned, the traverser did not lie.

The most important point is that the traverser who was reborn from the end of the world has supernatural powers.

His strength, agility, etc. are far superior to humans, and his healing ability is also very strong.

In the end, this matter was left unresolved.

And this person, because of his ability, was still absorbed into the Dragon Group. Now, he is already the leader of the Dragon Group in a provincial capital.

Later, several more such traversers appeared, and they all said different end of the world.

At first, the whole country was mobilized, but it was found that the end of the world had not come. In this way.

Finally, they analyzed that those end of the world should be parallel worlds, and they are the main world. The main world is immovable and will not have a predetermined deviation.

They also obtained these verifications from some traversers who were reborn as business tycoons.

Therefore, facing Wang Ke's statement that the end of the world would come in two days, they did not move.

Because they know that the apocalypse is a parallel world and will not appear in their main world.

"When were you reborn? What month and what time was it after you were reborn?" Wang Luo asked again.

"I was reborn in my rental house at 11 o'clock in the morning on July 2."

"I'll leave it to you. Conduct routine interrogations." Wang Luo looked at the two interrogators in the room and said.

"Yes, team leader."

Wang Luo left the interrogation room and then came to the observation room.

"Liu Keke, immediately increase the investigation. There is still a traverser who has not been found. This time, there are two traversers." Wang Luo said.

"Yes, team leader!" Liu Keke responded immediately and then left in a hurry.

When a traverser appears, it will cause some special fluctuations, and the instruments they made can detect this fluctuation.

The fluctuations can generally last for about three days, and within three days, they usually change from strong to weak.

The first day of the fluctuation is the day when the traverser arrives.

On the second and third days, there will be almost no traversers coming.

Today, the weakening fluctuations have increased again, so Wang Luo guessed that a new time traveler has arrived.

However, he was not sure, so he sent people there to investigate as soon as possible.

Then he successfully found Wang Ke who wanted to kill people.

However, after confirming that Wang Ke had arrived today, Wang Luo guessed right.

The time traveler who returned on June 30 the day before yesterday was still hiding in the dark.

"It seems that this is really an old six. It's a pity that supernatural powers are banned, otherwise it would be easy to find a time traveler." Wang Luo shook his head.

The rules that came the day before yesterday really shocked the Dragon Group.

The rules that came next week also made Wang Luo a little worried. This world is still going in a bad direction after all.

Even if he is a returning immortal emperor, he can't do anything.


And the time traveler that the Dragon Group is thinking about is now hiding in a dilapidated rental house.

"I say, what the hell are you writing?" Mu Rufeng moved a stool and sat next to Yan Zhicheng.

He pointed at the plot of the novel that Yan Zhicheng typed out on the computer screen and mocked him mercilessly.

"Ah? What's wrong? I think I wrote it well, what's wrong?" Yan Zhicheng looked at Mu Rufeng with some confusion.

"Your plot is too old-fashioned, and it's so bloody. How can readers like your plot?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Is that so? Pretending to be cool at a classmate reunion is not old-fashioned. And my readers' comments also want to see the plot of the protagonist pretending to be cool at the classmate reunion." Yan Zhicheng said.

Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then immediately understood.

This world is now 2014, and it is also compared to the real world, so the development of the novel is naturally similar.

In 2014, the plot of pretending to be cool at a classmate reunion does not seem to be old-fashioned.

"That may be because I have seen too many similar plots." Mu Rufeng explained.

"That should be it." Yan Zhicheng nodded.

"However, seeing you like this, Brother Feng, you still read a lot of novels." Yan Zhicheng said with a smile.

"By the way, I see that your book has three million words, why haven't you finished it yet? Wouldn't it be more profitable to write a new book?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I haven't decided what new book to write yet, so I'll just write it first."

"I have an idea, why don't you try it?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Idea? What idea? Brother Feng, tell me."

"Why don't you write a novel about the resurrection of spiritual energy? I think the results will be explosive." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Resurrection of spiritual energy? I know the spiritual energy used for cultivation in fairy tales, and I also know about resurrection, but when combined, what is that?" Yan Zhicheng looked confused.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly. You know, novels about the resurrection of spiritual energy have officially become popular in about 2016.

It's only 2014 now, so naturally there is no one yet.

Mu Rufeng immediately explained the resurrection of spiritual energy.

Hearing this, Yan Zhicheng's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Fuck, brother, your imagination is really good. It's a pity that you don't write novels. There is a way, really a way." Yan Zhicheng said excitedly.

"I prefer to read." Mu Rufeng said with a slight smile.

"No, no, I can't write this book anymore. Damn, anyway, today is the second day, and I have already got it last month."

"I'm going to start writing a new book." Yan Zhicheng made up his mind and hastily wrote a complete plot, and then started to type a new book.

In Yan Zhicheng's words before, the limit of human beings is 4,000 words a day.

But now Yan Zhicheng, in one afternoon, typed out 20,000 words, and in addition to these 20,000 words, there is also a 10,000-word outline.

Of course, he was still not very rigorous, and Mu Rufeng helped him modify some outlines and helped him read texts.

"Awesome, what I wrote is really awesome, I myself really want to see the plot later, Brother Feng, you are really awesome, after revising this outline, I will write according to the outline, it is super smooth." Yan Zhicheng said excitedly.

"Your outline can only support you to write about 2 million words, but according to your writing style and your water writing skills, you should be able to write 3 million."

"3 million, it's only the middle stage, I have time tonight, I will help you sort out the outline and help you complete it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Brother Feng, you are really my brother." Yan Zhicheng said excitedly.

"Write well, and when your grades are great, treat me to a big dinner, haha." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I have a hunch that my grades will definitely explode. I will submit my article to the editor now and publish the book. When my grades explode, I will do whatever you ask me to do, Brother Feng."

Soon, Yan Zhicheng sorted out the outline and the beginning, and submitted the manuscript directly to the editor.

Although it is off duty now, Yan Zhicheng's online editor is very dedicated and went to check the manuscript he submitted as soon as possible.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, you see, the editor is also very optimistic about my book. If I write it well, the results will definitely explode."

After receiving the editor's approval, Yan Zhicheng became even more excited.

"Then what are you waiting for? Send out the book." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, when I publish the book, I will also send a single chapter to my book club and old books to advertise." Yan Zhicheng nodded repeatedly.

When everything was done, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

"Brother Feng, let's go, I'll treat you to a big dinner." Yan Zhicheng took Mu Rufeng and left the rental house.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the time comes to 11:55 noon on July 7, 2014.

It has been seven days since Mu Rufeng entered this copy world.

In five minutes, it's time for the new rules to come.

Many people don't take it seriously, but there are also many people who are waiting quietly.

Mu Rufeng and Yan Zhicheng are one of them.

They finished their lunch early and sat in the rental house waiting.

Yan Zhicheng is an author of online articles and is extremely interested in such events.

Moreover, he believed it, after all, everyone in the world heard this voice.

The huge clock was also seen by countless people and even photographed.

Yan Zhicheng also specifically asked in the book club and author groups, and without exception, they all heard the sound of the coming rules and the clock.

Although Yan Zhicheng did not see the clock in the rental house, it did not prevent him from seeing the same clock taken at various ends, angles and positions on the Internet.

"Brother Feng, tell me, are there really going to be rules coming later?" Yan Zhicheng asked Mu Rufeng at the side.

"I think there will definitely be rules, but I don't know if they will be beneficial to us or not." Mu Rufeng replied.

"The first rule says that this is an ordinary world without any supernatural powers."

"Does that mean there are really supernatural powers in our world?" Yan Zhicheng still has a strong intuition about the first rule of advent.

"I think it should exist." Mu Rufeng nodded in agreement.

There is no doubt about this. After all, Mu Rufeng himself is a supernatural being.

"I hope the next rule will be beneficial. Don't mention the apocalypse or dead people. Otherwise, my new book will be stillborn." Yan Zhicheng prayed.

It has been a week since he published the book, and now it has 30,000 words. It was recommended in the first round at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the results were explosive.

Although the writing style is much worse than that of some other authors, it cannot stand up to the subject matter and its imagination is strong.

Comparing the first round of recommendations for all categories on the entire website during the same period, the average is around two to three hundred.

As for him, it doubled more than ten times, and his collection increased by more than 5,000.

With a total of 30,000 words, it was directly ranked in the top fifty on the new book list. This is an extremely terrifying statistic.

According to the editor, as long as you stay steady and strictly follow the plot of the outline, this book can definitely become a god.

"There are still ten seconds left, we will know soon." Mu Rufeng said.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng and Yan Zhicheng stared at the Beijing time displayed on the computer web page and counted down in their hearts.

"10, 9, 8...1!"

The time came to 12 o'clock at noon.

"Dong dong dong~~!"

A familiar bell sounded in my ears.

It was accompanied by a beep on the side.

[New rule this week: never leave your phone]

[Keep your phone in your hand]: All humans in the world need to keep their mobile phones with them and must not leave them more than one meter away. Those who violate the rules will not be allowed to use electronic products.

Note: This rule will be activated in five minutes and will be offline in one month.

"F*ck!" Yan Zhicheng suddenly cursed.

"It's true, it's true, Ma Dan, where is my cell phone? Where is my cell phone?" Yan Zhicheng immediately began to look for his cell phone.

However, there was no Yan Zhicheng’s mobile phone on the computer table.

"You went to a large hotel room before. Did you leave your phone in the toilet?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah, yes, yes." Yan Zhicheng rushed to the toilet instantly.

When I walked out, I already had a mobile phone in my hand.

"Brother Feng, remember to hold your mobile phone in your hand." Yan Zhicheng did not forget to remind him.

"I can't forget it." Mu Rufeng raised the phone in her hand and said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng bought this mobile phone herself.

A brand called rice.

This is also the person Mu Rufeng helped Yan Zhicheng's PK team this week. He won almost 10,000 yuan, 50-50 between the two, and Mu Rufeng also got 5,000 yuan.

Originally, Yan Zhicheng offered Mu Rufeng a mobile phone as a gift, but Mu Rufeng didn't let him go and bought it himself.

"This rule is too outrageous. If your mobile phone exceeds one meter, it is violated. In this case, if someone takes your mobile phone and throws it away, it is not directly a violation."

"Once you violate the rules, you can't use electronic products. If you really can't use them, it would be more painful than killing us." Yan Zhicheng complained.

"Although it is indeed outrageous, there is no danger to life after all, and most importantly, this rule will only last for a month before it will be offline." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng was actually quite surprised by this rule.

After all, Mu Rufeng really thought that there would be some extremely dangerous rules, and it would be offline after a month.

A rule, Ordinary World, did not say that it would be offline, does it mean that this rule will continue forever?

"Besides, no one dares to do this, because if someone is made to violate the rules by you, then you have to be on guard against that person snatching your phone."

"Unless you don't care whether you use electronic products or not." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's right, Brother Feng is right, but you still have to be safer, it's best to tie your phone to your body." Yan Zhicheng said.

Speaking of which, although everyone knows this rule, there are always accidents in daily life.

Especially when taking a shower, or getting up suddenly to go to the toilet at night, it is a violation if you are not careful.

"It depends on you, but I know that the price of mobile phones is expected to increase." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Indeed." Yan Zhicheng nodded.

In any case, some people will definitely buy a few more mobile phones as a backup, so that there will really be a wave of buying mobile phones.

Five minutes passed quickly.

The world is still very peaceful and has not changed much, but, definitely, some people have been unable to use electronic products within this month.

There will always be people who violate the rules due to various coincidences.

There are also some people who don't care about this rule at all, and even want to try and deliberately violate the rules.

What's more, such as newborn babies or babies of a few years old, those who are undergoing surgery and vegetative patients, etc., this will definitely violate the rules.

"Someone in my author group and book friend group also said the same thing, it's too outrageous."

"Moreover, a book friend happened to go downstairs to throw away the garbage. He was playing with his mobile phone because his son was on the 30th floor. After hearing the rules, he wanted to run home like a madman, and then waited for the elevator for five minutes."

"He said that he was clearly standing next to a person who also had a mobile phone, and was less than one meter away, but he still violated the rules." Yan Zhicheng said.

"It seems that the mobile phone here must be your own mobile phone, and it must be your only one, and cannot be shared with others." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"I'm a little sleepy, take a nap." Mu Rufeng yawned and said.

"Okay, Brother Feng, you go to sleep, I'll chat in the group and read the news." Yan Zhicheng nodded.

Soon, Mu Rufeng lay on the floor again.

After a week, Yan Zhicheng also bought a cool mat plus a quilt, a blanket and a pillow.

Spreading it on the floor, sleeping on it is much more comfortable than a yoga mat.

Of course, Mu Rufeng did not sleep. Instead, his first stage mission was completed and the second stage mission was launched.

At the same time, the plug-in he had been thinking about was finally loaded.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully surviving for seven days, completing the first stage mission, and obtaining a 500% clearance rate]

[Second stage mission is launched: Please find the travelers, absorb the time and space aura in their bodies, and collect at least 100 units]

[Please note that because there is no supernatural power in this world, the instrument for absorbing the time and space aura needs to be made by yourself. Please collect materials according to the following list to build it yourself]

[Instrument list: ...]

Mu Rufeng looked at the long list and was a little overwhelmed.

Damn it, this time the copy system was useless. They only gave him a list and asked him to make it himself. This is too much.

Also, how many units are 100? How many units can a traveler absorb? One unit?

If this is the case, then the second stage mission is a super troublesome thing.

However, it doesn't matter. There is no time limit anyway. Of course, it is easy to find a time traveler. Many staff members in the Dragon Group are time travelers.

Now he is most concerned about the loaded plug-in.

[The host has entered the dungeon and the plug-in has been successfully loaded]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Predicting rules: You can predict the new rules for the next week]

[2. Ignoring rules: You can ignore three rules. Please note: The first rule cannot be ignored]

[3. Extraordinary power: You will have extraordinary power, but it will not exceed the upper limit of the original world]

Mu Rufeng carefully considered these three plug-ins.

They are all very good and practical, but Mu Rufeng has to consider his own tasks in the future.

The first plug-in can almost be ignored, because even if he predicts it in advance, it seems to have no effect, and what is coming will still come.

There is another one, which is the plug-in legacy. This plug-in legacy is most likely a predictive ability.

The weakened one will definitely not be very important. It is estimated that it is to predict his next dungeon world?

The second plug-in allows Mu Rufeng to ignore three newly added rules, but the first one cannot be ignored.

Then, it is possible that the first rule is world-class, or a rule of a level stronger than world-class.

The legacy of the plug-in still ignores the rules, so Mu Rufeng already has it. Will the legacy of the two plug-ins merge into a higher-level rule?

The third plug-in is a bit exciting.

Having extraordinary power in a world without an extraordinary world can definitely give him a huge sense of security.

However, there is an upper limit, which is the upper limit of the extraordinary power of this world.

Mu Rufeng also found some videos and information in the Dragon Group's information. The upper limit of this world is actually not very high.

For example, Wang Luo, the strongest one, can easily lift a car, and even lift it with one hand.

The weight of a standard family car is usually between 1.5 and 2 tons.

In the video, Wang Luo lifted the car easily, which proves that Wang Luo's strength has at least 2 tons of power.

And this is under normal circumstances, without calculating Wang Luo's explosive power.

Relying on skills or something else, there is no problem in exploding several times with one punch.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Wang Luo was very relaxed when he lifted the car, maybe the opponent's strength is stronger.

This means that as long as Mu Rufeng chooses the third plug-in, he will have such a powerful force.

It is indeed very powerful to have such power, but Mu Rufeng has to consider that this is a technological world.

There are guns and cannons. Even if Mu Rufeng has such a powerful force, he is still a flesh and blood body and can be easily killed by guns and cannons.

However, even so, the powerful force can still make Mu Rufeng have extremely strong self-protection ability.

Although he is afraid of guns and cannons, if he has such a strong physical fitness and is equipped with modern thermal weapons, will it be more terrifying?

Even if there is a conflict with the official, as long as the opponent is not a covering and destructive attack, Mu Rufeng is not afraid at all.

Tucker is here, Mu Rufeng can dismantle it with his bare hands.

At this time, Mu Rufeng fell into entanglement.

Should I choose the second cheat or the third cheat?

"Old Yan, let me ask you a question." Mu Rufeng suddenly sat up and said.

"What's the question?" Yan Zhicheng turned his head and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Give you three cheats, namely, predicting rules, ignoring rules and extraordinary power... What would you choose?" Mu Rufeng explained the three cheats and asked.

"Of course it's extraordinary power, do I need to think about it?" Yan Zhicheng didn't hesitate and said immediately.

"Why?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No matter what, the ultimate premise is that you can survive. Predicting rules is useless. Ignoring rules, you just ignore three rules, not all of them."

"If you have extraordinary power, your self-protection ability must be much stronger than ordinary people. Even if some outrageous rules come, you can complete it more easily with extraordinary power." Yan Zhicheng said.

"That makes sense." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly. This guy thought the same as Mu Rufeng.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng directly chose the third plug-in.

When the plug-in was selected, Mu Rufeng instantly felt that the power in his body began to surge.

His body was undergoing drastic changes. Of course, this change can only be said to be unsealed.

After all, Mu Rufeng's true power is much stronger than this.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng reached the upper limit of this world.

Mu Rufeng felt it. If he guessed correctly, his strength was about 10,000 kilograms, or 10 tons.

This is just the power in the normal state. Whether it is boxing or running-up and other various skills, there is absolutely no problem in doubling or tripling the power.

With dozens of tons of punches, it can be said that he is a little superman.

His power is so strong, and his body's defense and recovery are also absolutely strong.

However, Mu Rufeng suddenly found that he is still at the peak in all aspects.

As long as the extraordinary power related to his own power has reached the upper limit of this world.

This is not 1+1=2. He is definitely more powerful. It is for this reason that Mu Rufeng has such a powerful power.

Thirty tons of force? No, no, no, it should be stronger. The specific value still needs to be tested.

Although it is also the upper limit, if Mu Rufeng fights with Wang Luo, he will definitely crush him.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng considered whether he could also practice martial arts and skills?

However, now that Yan Zhicheng is here, he still can't try.

Mu Rufeng didn't sleep, but took out his mobile phone and began to search the materials on the list online.

There are many materials, all kinds of things. Some things are very common. More than half of them can be bought in hardware stores, supermarkets and online stores.

However, there are still many that need to be purchased in specific stores.

There is also a small part that can't be found on the market at all, and can only be bought on the black market.

Ordinary people naturally can't get in touch with it, but Mu Rufeng has top hacking technology, so this small part can still be bought.

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